Whitby Reporter, 18 Jan 1851, p. 3

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MEWýIYRK MARKETS. Ne;ý York, Jan~. 15. ÀmliesL-market té[y-jaleu l0obbls. :,2-4a $5.75 W. ot,; 5.62 forj r--i1arketùr western andIe'4t tiè--Mre doi g for th>4ut tci~ #.~aibusiness Adingi nv ~~ adian. firmn, sales 500 1-2 in -ond; sales 4ores- >4 $4.44 a $4.62 for N.9 ,$4.76& a$".7 torcqmnion t at;$5.00 a $5.15 ->rpure hftour scarce ana nomininel at r domestic; sales. 600 bush. 'white ut 1 08 delivered here--Cenadian held i~1a$.7a*.12 in bond *Corn ri nuad vry quiet; 800bsheIs t ërn'yelo waI 70c. At thé close, ayers lred oniy 68., Some sales of * îte pre made at the latter figure, ~rexporL~ Oats heavy and duli j 47 a. f6rLb souther ; 50. for Jersey. Pruvisions.-Market. for old Pork 8pn ; heavy for n-tesa; sales 1300 bbIs. *Ã"t âtotfi 2.18.a $12.25, but olosed' t14d nominal;- prime, quie, at $9. --m mess firm; sales 104 lIWS. ai r .Ow prime scarre and nomtl.. le better demand and steady.; ,m le 00bblsat $8.25a$0 ; coiatry heuwy ;l -timEi qui6t, at,$4'.75 a, $6. -I. -ý'Wbeat, pr hushe,- lXoar, pet barrai, - - Rye, pet basel, - - Bintey, pel hucha, - Oat, (now) par buahel - Pus, par PahÃŽel -- Pmotieo, par bashel « Pork, pertemt. - *Bef, petrcwt. iHNms, pe lb. - Butter, pet lb. - *cheem,petrIli. - E t, per doe,- Tairlf Ys, Each. - - Duck , peauan ad. a.d. - ý 3 0e 8 -17 6 -g2t O -2, '3,à2 9 *21 3 0 9 a 9.2 O Sa 1t 'i 6 -126n. ilq 0 a 0e . 6 0"'4 a 0 2 2 0e 3 6 1 3 àe 1 6 1 0 6e 1 8 T tcolD Loâr;MEETING. c»f Iis of TWO Sis fCOeah, wiIl lé heM at T. N. Scieture'a Inn, on- MONDAY Evening, 3rd PebJ *ruary, atSE VE Nocock. By Onfer' JOHN HAM PERRY. 'Secretry é2'reamerpr. Whithy, 13th Jan., 1851.. 40-3in. W1JITBY ÈUILDING SOCIE TY. ]X0TICt is bereby givetethat a Gene- rati Meeting of the Stockholers Of thé WHZT- si u iJLDImNO Soc!ETY, viliIlie heidlat T. N. marpr a IXnnok,10 oNA nai ise rprit o rtar'aInn1cc, o nA aide g, îrreb- o incraaung tho preaent numnber of Direetora, and otlior matters apperiaining to the sorking of the * 8ciety. Per order, JOHN RAM.PEIiIY, Becrçtm y4 l2eirer. 'ýWhitby, 131h Jais., 1851. 4--n ,rrWo APPRENTICES, ai th&'Wbitby CnT. LZ Ftory tuloin, 1LACKMTHING. NTf"IEL RAY. wbltby, 15Us Janitary, 1851. tc- DIsmoIOii of Paraorshlp. STi1 tis herebygiven, that the 'Firm Of JoUS BIOUaToûX ýcEVWARD GIL taitE, have DiuolvedoPaitnelsldp hy mutuit coment JOHN IHOUSTON. EDWARD GILLESPIE. Wiai$y, Nov. 1, 1850. 44}3in. TF4IS!1 TFJIS !lTEA/S Il RENIY LMIE, RDCU. Coter q 11 B as ndlyosStreets. .(Nuifa IL <urne. Dnsg Store,) keeps on hand ,;cnica aèe tsejof GrcnS uew Confections- rw ies ttroetoMQ . Ai.. Wooden & Tin ware, 1Soepipes, bc. Wh;itby Village Jan. 11, 1851. 39-3mn DOIVUrIOJt'OF THE DISTRICT. ]R f»M1IWi Taitor,-harTeIiedhis butnes I. ato taihou.Soth ofMr. Titi'.Cabinet 6iaop ,oward tise Bi.y.end ass norft nkesa idifrerence in aitibusineu eda prepared b gve generalsait- 4iaaction b lthe ptbicii. da *ppreniice seestd. x1ghitby Yita,Jumii U851. 39»3m LYFQRM.ETIQ.47 -W.L'TED. 0FDANIEL DAÉRÂG~i of thse Couniy t ,'ntrioeileai,; oemi- getetltothia countty !n884l; He lmed in the veithborhood QI OrD4Otsire.uazs a, xe-u aaStone Catter lhy ti.de. -&An~ lfetttunn ruspoctiq hlm directed tut .s viliage seuib. 4xit.duuj auOve4 lis adoter. *4GiRET'DR101 Whiihy lita.4th, <85. Ja ,medto ikeupaod hy 1 4 1 Mr. Morrawte ItY -AD ree*orka . m àl"fifflaei Mta fud mu &amrted watt lifl . M l t* the etha *Memims, auc __ NOAH RUCKUIM Ve O~VNSTRSTO-CK, 0F CLOTHING & DRY GQODS. CHEAIPERE TRAN EVER. WALKII &HUTCHINSON, WIIOLES.ALE & RET24IL Clothiers, Outpiters and. General Dry :Gôods gMerchants, Score r TUeE GOLDEN LaoN, Sture 0F THE GOLDEN Liane, KING gioSTREET EAaT, ToItoNTt2Au-- KIrNG SRaEETEAST, TOuRNTO, RBEG 10 iîformi the readers of the WAhitby Reporter, and public generalIy, liant teyhave comptetedth ieir Fail importationt ot Steple sot! Facy Dr y G;oats, misics iaviog been selectet! from tise best Stockseia Foreign Markets, andt! cae.dlo A wl efonuo-x IZMIQtin, nsupassd i ths Ctyfor quaity, style and cieapnes. au. Inspeiction Je Invited. READ THE 4FOLLOWING: s. D. Black Orleans Clotis from -Oi8Pr. yd. Colo nred'ci .44 Od 9 Black Coborg id idO010)d Çolaaeet di -2yd mide" 1 9 t Muslin DeLaines di O)10 4 Prinis lyt!. wi!e d" O)5 c Hoye's"id 4 "diO07 c kyd Gangiasma(Hevy>" O 8S8 Dark Sablel'oass 3 6 * Grey Squirrel di e 2 6 Stone Martin"14 di15 0 IMnk 49 id40 9 Witie Cottona fram Grey 1 iyd. 44 American 44 Sheeting 2 It!. Stripeel Shirting Bed Tick . Brown o laot Gala Plaids - Dark Sable Mufs, Grey S . 1el MionekMrti S. D). o 3 pr. yt. 0 4 d 0 41-21, 9, 71-2"- 0 71-2", 0 71-2"1 3 9 il 3 40 0 37 6 Tôgeiisen mithi nexcellent Stock of Fastiionaisîe IRESS eÃ"ODS, Sieka, GloseUaiery, &c., ut1 correponding pices., 4lIso, 1,000--Wool é$cýf Siwls, worthy of notice. Watered, and Damask .Mioreens; C6aipets, Druggits, &-c. 8f c. of elegaut Patterns- hInlir 1IoolenIlepittlmeflt arc Broat! Clatho frons a OIWiitney Coths Cessimeres (Plan & Faocy) Il 3 6I Liakin Doeiakina s 3 6 Mohair Tweeds " " " 2 3 American Satinelis Pilot Clotiso "4 "4 " 4 6 Canadian I Beuver Id 14 "6 " 6 6 id" Clothoa, Mleakinsa44 1 3 Cords VeitingriWootien, IPlaid, Swaoat!ownm, Silk, Worted, IHein lshes. 1r116 t "i29 di30 1 6 Tkey wotld coul particular attention ta t/ir assarimesat of CL0TUHIN G-, Tise whoie of whiicis being made np under theiroman inspection, by tise best of wonkmen, are nlot equmli in Cpnada, fia style of cutting, quaity of workmaship mat! material, and! general suitable- nets ta lise wmnls of tise people. Parties misat ta purchase Goode in this ine esay "lpsy ton dent for tiseir shite I f iisey buy befone iaaking aven W. & H's Stock, among vihicisM-1llc o fundt! Grey Over Conte ru 17 6I Fine Sisaoting Coste" 25 0 Flushing "Il I l 311 3 Fancy Do. Pente 12 6 Pilot if "«18 9 di "Back" "13 9 Beaver 44 4'25 0O Id Satinet "4f 10 O Fine 44 "3601 "Twveed Il " 8 9 Lionakin "" 30 0' Black Satin Vests,,, 7 6 Whistney "frins30 O Fancy 4" i"." 4 Sô9 Fine Tagga. "di 22 6C i" Toiinett" "di 4 6 1Frock Il di30 O Bleck lash "4"diil a Boys' Clolhing.,in grant variety. Paris Velvct-nap H-aIs, Fuar & Cloth Caps &c. &c. Garments mode to measalre ond warrantid tofet. rzlFarmers and! otisers residing intise country, andi not sequainteti mils tricks plactises.eon stran- gens, by rnsny desions, isouiti do well ta cali et tis establishsment, as tisey base bot one sîragist for- wart! mode of t!oing busineas. Among Iheir raies ere lise folowing : NO SECOND PRICE. Alil Gsmenls tot saiting, excisnget!. Alil Gement. sarmsnteoi net ta shrink or spot mitis nain. Alil piece Gonds, eut in tise unai lengtiss, excisengel. 3- Tornato. November 1, 1850. 3- COME AND SEE THE FREE TRADE BQUSE!1 Ale.2, SeoLawrence Bild4ings, Toronto ONE of tisa first principles of fi Domestic Ëcartnay" is to lsny in the Chepest Merkcet, and is univensally prectiseil by aitIf Ecotiomiael Homasokoe nd eth ie Free Trode of the present day, by promoting whiolesonse compettion, ises btise iillic tise greateat emoant ot & 1Protectiait" tise mast i git! Economist cao desiro bai in tise setention of s Il HOUSEHOLD MARI," i sisulti ho borne in nind that 41QUALITY is tise truc test of CHEAPNESS."1 Having puncbawed princ paly for CASH, gram tise Maiufacturers is BRîTAIN arndth ie UNTED STATES, and! intent on SELLING ttise LOWEST REMUNERATING PROFIT, fair CASH ONLY, ROBER T SARQAVT 4eCO., Offer ta tise PublienaI Torantoaendth ie sanaauading country an EXTENSIVE AND WELLASSORTED STOCK 0F Alil o!fshicis iill hc outid fliy equai n quality t0 tise first London ant! New Ysork Establisments,q and! t a considerably Iovvtr price tisan aasy Honoe bin his Loralty. Tise present sytem afid "Pusfisnelles Lying"' is isere repadiatet!; and! R. S. & Co. (in keeping. ta tise oit! adage, 1- Hanesty itise et Pliey',) haeve every confidence in givitg universel ssîhfacion tean sisos maioly faveur tison ils tiseir Patronage.isoreby givitg g«rester pnilicily taeliseir cape-j bilities for promnotisg lise bot inteneteI (the Foc/cet s) oftie People. Their Stock camprises ai) EXTENSIVE ANDi CAREFIJLLY SELECTED ASSORTMENT 0F STAPLE AND FAN CV DRY GOODS, 0f tise Newmesi Styles and! Manufactures, Ladies' t'ilokà, Bonnets, Mu/fs, -Boas, 8jc., 4-c. R EAD Y-M ADE (3LOT HING, In every *vuriety of Coals, Tuae'rs, and Veste, of stperior etit and make. Togethen wilb alarge WloftsLadies' ast!Gentienseais s B3oots and Shoos'of evory descriaption. THEIR STOCK 0F GROCERIESi Thoy cats Y,-ith confidene rorommont!, as heing entiea!>'frec tram uny damagot! or infenior Atclu, at! are of tise puroest Qualifies and bestsBnmad. Aisoa large Assonment af Isstting s large lot et John WisonA diBuTcrrct Kreav'u," of a.saapêor qualsy, ced very low mat! 1R. S . & Ca., hing deteritaiedt l exteedfsglyfiate, rely spa. msking great aefestg Maghpaia s i/hse ,ie . 1 t os ~lnl Etbih elt" snow opn, atnd emsIjfer inspection; andt hey would'> ptemLma&vinvi' tt tisor otry Frionda nate10parchaio els.mv.ere, WAnee gisstng thoni a fair chance rem povspg ie trotis f iier pnetooia Nu Second Price 1 Gersw a dets te I. esra, ine elgeni stye, on fMe. s/areal aoce. Og3'Rm.har the FREE TRADE BOUSE ia No. g, Sr. LàwxzNecE Duaxnteos, two donre wet of Nelon Stieet la the New Stone Block on tise Oit! Market rite, djoiriag ite Arcade. Ca Tomro.,$themS5Oltr. 185. WHITBY GRÂMMÂR SCEOUL. THE fiat WINTEZ SESSYON of Tthe above Semini7 for 1851 wifl comamce en Tuesda 7 h 1hf uaau st. JAMES HODOSON. dî"det.al1urlasBoarderaà bihs wa famey, wto,ýý« psnu zfiG f«p rM-e, tisS daus.=wm"b"nw y7pa»a nNjjNEW HONET,. OWaU&KGAl 3< NOTICE. T h AnualMeeting of the.8to bo hal, aI ihein o9kie onte satiaid tay of eIru- ary Dmex, wtoite purpee e<eppmeitlgDiretonu fo b untag y Wa. xm w Port Whltyý, ia. lot. 1851. s WOOD! .WOOD!! 1WOODf! WrANTÉD 'immedatejy a aali u"qUIyeof aut WOODb-r ukieh CAMH Win bima * Y-heWY a*os=. Whliby, Dwe 876, "5& If borrnase froo tise Soiety - Soven yoars' instatments, - - - Six yeasa intrest, - --- Foca, &c., amy ...... *21 O O -18 0 O £410 5 0 Shawing a gain by brrowing from tise Socei tOf --------- £77 0 Soelesuppose tisai the Society woail tîke eigisI years toran ot,whieb s an extremeassnmp- tian, simiier resis wiliib. obtainoti, bai in diosin- isheti rates; thus- If borrowed in tise suel way, Eigist yeara inlerest on £35 - - - 16 16 0 Prfincipalsl tm,---------------o0 If aaken rom îhe giety, Eisi yerars' intatuaenta, - - - Kigisi yers' intereat, - Thus sowinga çaily borrowing frons tise Sociey, of b>' pnttiig the duration of tise Society geocrs, seiicis, as w. sait! beoe, la ani tosg paiod--seldom reqlaing mare ih yesrs. -True, no miowance is made hsem for t interemt in consequetace of the debi hoinq continua"a Md traquet tamenua m thé end t! h. e e -Th.sowever, ns naonent,when com paed wttttheimen tages of payinçalreutl, nsta tamn sn uea munaer as aot th expiration of tisetanina, w ho#,thse smmù mont nocemasiy h. very large. A regtslarmtàthy aaeaioot t aib watt ha hed wi.atbemaoon band wit d b c' o mta it n, a wb & n al aur&M t Pasui Dite. n »lte yoIwm, [R.alwII4 tahS.85the amy b. ehi1 wth.obmitia"YDiee lâf ee t - ud u,«1 *24 O 0 -24 O O £49 5 0 211 0 «tna~i ,A& PROSPECTUS CF THE WU1TU B 1UMDIÉG SOOIEY, InorpotedudertheAsct of the 9th Vi., o .90. Enirance'Fel--------- i 1per ahane. Moothly Subacriptaon, ---5 O Montisiy MangemenOt Fee - »- O 4 Transfer Fée, ----- 2 6 tipgECTORS FORiT49E ENSUING TEAt. SPEréER PERRY, Ese., Pnesideat. JAMES ROWE, Es Vice-F,-csidèWs. mit. Z. BIJRNRAM. 1 Mx. JAS. WALL.A(«'. Ma. il. DANIELS. -j Ma.-R. GARTSHORE. Sect'y E4 Tieatser-Mm. JOHN HAM PERET. Sol icio-H. J. MACÇOONELI,, Ee. Bnk- benfo o on- Building Societies hiaviaag he o oln timre establisheosi and in saccesaful operation ia va- riois'amrts of thia country, at hein advrtages bath as affrting means of profitable investinent and as gnanling fatçiitii for t>aê acquisition otReat. Estato leing so o setunderatoot! and! acknow- ledged, it is demet qrite usnocessary. on lsying before the public tise.Prospectas of a BuildingSa- ciety in Ibis acetials ai tise County of York, tu en- ter et any tongth into tise priesciiplos or opiations of sucS Asaociaions. It is noma a considérable uirne since tise projeci of egtablishiog a Building Society in Wbiîby wass first seriously entertsinel; but ise primciples of- snct associtions5 were at that tiaesgo imiperlectiy under- stoot! by tise generality of peolsteboxe, ihat, maisie osany othei places in Lsalrrôuü5ditg country mari- if'estit a spirit eat! real fer bont wiatcaul or migist have been expeceiethtie people of Whitiy aoajtty naotd for tiseir weaiat ianinetigeace,ane jastito1w boginning ta move là tise malter miti an apparent earnestnessp and! fraxp ihein wett knawn energy tat! eoerprise, it jaý conflt!entty expectet! tisai a few mhontha *1Witt 8Aývito prave tiset tley haute only been à ittie tart!y lWthosrmovements in orn.er tise btter tu observe tise iqrkiag of sioslir Sacietita elsemahene, bti-now tisai ihey understant! and eppreciate tisom, tiey aret!etermnjed no langer tlbebchiot! their ,seighbaî,ra in availing iheuaseves ol the reat mat! unquesiionebte.at!vantages auch so- cieties are calculaiedtu t afford both ta lendor sot! horrower injroung att! isinsý places ike Whitby and saurrolinding vittages. Attise lime Builing Societies were finit estib- lithot! in Toronto, tise ballusi on toans Ntas go fear- tully bigis, owing ta the acaciiy ofmoney,aasd la- t!eed ail tise féee and! expenaes îttending tise entire mâanagement of thern, wene, amut! ailî une thsomego rnonstrously extravagant, thît mmay - pensons (amool whom miglthtaeê-istoneëd some n tia pari of thse coantry) lied réatiy, (sot! veryjuiy too) farniet! saosint unfavorable opinion of their mach extattet! uaetlnesa. -Baltisawever serious tise ao-jetion ralset againat the morkings of the final gaoutes formet! io Toronto and! oher jlaces, might have isen, and ailit are, it la futty delermin- 1et! on hy tise Directona mat! Managettof this Socie- 1 y th iîl t tleast, ahal be au frés fron tisena, as it is practicablo t tise fI isopiig that it due counse of nume by selapting and! turauing a sminct and! rigit systesa ai ecanoay an is. management to render il sat only smpiy resumerativ o, théis lender but *prolitaule sot! advaotsgeous tu, the borrower aigu, and! theaetay render fit pular sot! useful, at! cou- aeqaseolly'a mesos of iniproving tise Village and townshi p generaliy, ,weIlt au aindacement for otlser villagesilatise ,slénzg ownships ia emuaste a ur mxaaple. are oaiy450eacis,and a emonthiypayiments con- aequnttynlyfvolinn par here. Tiseevi- dea eft-of thiie,tlisai.ta s encfits may tS fet sot! paticlpateel in hy ltse workiog classes ançl oliseïa of Immitet meatas. To sucis peronsihie mains question uoýdoistediy is-it it aras it not more et!vsntsgeous for us ta raise maney on ont!lnare mortgmge at 6 per cent., ibmn to borrowm mney frou as Building Saieiy I A iew simple ilate- ments mil serve te explain thia. Le% us begin, thon, by aupposisg a building society will un ui io seveo yesrs froni its commencement, mod t!tt a peasot ibas borrowet! qne abare of £50 on lise frai sasie day li 30 pe>r cent bonus, tisas receiving Here ti borroweoos compion motgege ai aix per cent. interest for aeven years, tise paymeoia waald b-, Seven yeara' imtereai at 6 per cent. - £14 14 O Principal la ho pait! at the close, - - 35 t> O 49 14 t> Were this borrowed faom tise Building Society, lise pnient, woult!ho: _Seven yoars iusstm e itfive silings er soutts,---- -- -- 21OO Intereattissme------ ---- 21 O O Ettrarce and! Management Focs, abouat 1 5 O £43 5 O 49 14 0 Tisusawing a gaio by horrowiog froni thseSocietyof1----- ------ £6 .9 O Very fesv persons have isowever an opporiunaty of borrowing money fron tise Society at is coin- mencemnen t-say tisat tiss Share was torrosvet! one y ear aller, tise bociety ciaslnir in tevon years, tise ,or an wi thon ho only for six years. If borrawet! an artinany mrgag- Six yeaat' itterest, -- ---------- 1212 O Prnacipalsans,-- ----- - ---- 35 0 0 Land A/gent, dcc&iWant, -con- vegancer and ý raugatmw.i Surm'eyor of Ronds, for the To*Ïi{hps of Whitby and eh. OFFICE-LOT 21, 7TH, CON., WHeTt. - W iitby O to ser ,,1850. >! Oý' nesonbletermua a HOIJSE and LO aeyoccupies by W. B. Tarvea m a Store,. The Lot fronts the Biock Enôt!, and BIh Con. Wbitby generaiiy known as Butter'.. Cor- ners. It. i. an excellent location for a mechii t any basines.'Jeamediatle popesoaw tt b un the pnemaaes ÂHN~ 1G Wiaitbty, Dec. 27th. Propiewô. 87-8U - 0ç9î 'qîl itaqmu»a j'IqýlUm au azo!In y q il»q i n iuaLîde1030emun TETHI1 TEETI!!!TFETI!f an sevOli IIENRY' SM1ýH,cf tbisViIlage,can UOSlJ1IV4>C. W. tise lest of jZ bis wZ with tbu reaJ Calaf«nna.oraoasse- During the ma 1851, ma. IR WIN n igpidt hy t.hing tter, a oré ois fiends and tse pub- besatihe WIVERLY ROUIE Bwn du of e a ret olfgh ]DoWIMformay qoa- 'on tI0o-final MONDAT a! scçls a«saath, M. I famatl i ~O G .uo 1ALO.mii(Profesalomraa auemW.eh st!egu &0 ahWhobave favsarii "with ti einamor 74 elhma . tho put 7mi, m*Wd ha vilb. alwaya readyio give BRE ÀRD ~ i on tilI is ~ iie bna ta, ail whe may an fveur I a be pcld @ & va7U im<D AR m ý JAM ES JEU 8O , N bop ,to . i iAa RS o ui th wU1* e sp rotie jpaste-Mr. Rayre Tavees, v WmMcN SSou>, alea*"Aasieet Tormo ifPrcca; Deo r,15 . Oo'ea O ma!à vel B IAJWEWS MAGAZINE ~ ~"~~ .,.P 1<> Subsaibe, uiotthly, rt.14.wbtIM , Nev. îIW4 s.~ #so 7 w4i ý N EW_ GOOP D MESSRS. B3URGESS & LLH4~ UBEG t0 atinounce to the inhaliitants of Canada West that thoe" have rffoha104 N» heir NEW GOODS, consisting9 of Clotisa, Casiueres, Vestings. and e getserel eaortmesat of Dry,,. ý,'purc4a«d in; the bôt iBritish Jisfels,for'Caslt, ivlwckenaesè tA.ms t*o w of then a t prioes seuch lover th" satSr,,-before. ý>? t. the Canadien, Public. 'TAnt R EA TM D E C_ L- OTR e Maafacure mnthi Ciy, rot ~odsimpiorted direct frosa Bsritain, by tjienk- selves, indCituadian Cloths, from tlie best faotories in Canada, 4ety çem~9 for durability, style, and cheapnes:- Men'. Etof Over Coats, troua - - - 259 Ot! leû'a Casinent Troaster, froua - il S Do Beaver 4'.4 , tg -4-.30 O do Moledkitan - 7 * Do Shooting 4«441a.-160 do Etoif '~ - 100 Do BroSdelnth "4'4.44 -30 O do Canada Plaid! 44' -,- 10 & iRed fiannet shirts, - 44 4 5 White shirt.3, Linea fronts, "---4 4, Fur Caps '. 3 9 Cioth Capa, * 2- - a Giengarv Bonnets, 0. -O6 * BoyIs'ts, * - 30 Men'W ove (Inder Shirts, 44 - 3 9 To Troaaers, ô 0-I Men'a Vernis, 4 -- . 45 do Coats, T - 4. -zr ME iSRiS S4TIN ILATS, ELiSC J NP AE Consisiing of evcry article n emrv to eçuspiete a lairge and well-amurtd e110 of those Gsds required 1y THE PEOPLE. 500 Saxony Woot Searf Sisîwls, froua 138s9d Factory Coltlons, * froua sO 30,000 yards agond Bonnet Ribitona O05 White Cotton, 0O4 3,000yards Gala Plaids di O09 Stripet! Shirting. * 0O6 Piints, fast cotonns, 14 O06 Flanneis, net!and white, 124. Ladies' Cloiks, (newest stltes)> 4 8 9 Bianketa,pe pair, "12 Velvet Bonnets, 9 3 9 Linens of rt, kinde. Sliot, Checked, Siripedl and Plain, AIlpacas, Cohourga,: and Orleàsl, DeLY - Cashmeres,.aad other Fashionable Gooda foir Ladios' Dre z$ Gloves, 1Ilosiery, Frig, Artificia.Flowerst uin,ÇlarVlca Shal, Handkerchieflf, Mufs and Eons. Q:f- NO0 S E COND P R 1C B.. BURG;ESS& LE1SIHMA;1 Canner of King ad Chuncie Slret,joittiultMiComaRt ae. [Turonto, September, 1850. ORRISTEAS AND) IVT M i LOST I CO*wP11.FeGPFWsby, about the luit of '~IU Twiéh ta infaina the citizensoif Port Whiby aud July., Two EWES and Four LAM - suarrotinting iviciily, that, as it isnoier Christ- et with a Scaliop à n iè Rigi nais andNew 1X.ear, i wiia cgJ$tnua ve onùTat. A ormitiÃ"hwi, sgaidtî1e ýâ baalroaorreni of Cak s foilows: b. îhýpkfatty receivod m citit Fancy Pound Cakes, Ebenezer Biscuit, .11-. '1» Molasses Pouakles,I Brandy Soaipe, Wbltby, Nov. e~, 1850, Jumbles, Ruck Cakes, Ganger Snaps, *N W Te% .4kes, ISponzo cakeso, NE IIEÂAJ AT TU.&J Witte Bscuit, Sodtitaliers, 'ï commun Crae-kera, Boston Crackers, r lîfth. O, Soft Bread!, Hart! Bread!. rHESbrie hyge4lg.e5è Wet!t!ng Cakes and Bail Cakes made la ordor T i iébuîe, no tue t» on reasnable terntas, aand on ths hortesi notice.- public tisai ho hasopiet!h.ItPQrin5Ii Aiso, a varicty of Catadaen « every description, .n ocoîîaaî1vortoo Whoiesaie and Retail. Aiso, a large tock of Gro- 'a xelnt ,rgi fMÂ'A", asda. ceries. S r 15 Qtfle, JOuffa9 oblà JAS. BATES - Port Whitby, Dec. 101h. 1850. 6-f dlmFsGijêyduip i!f FIVE DOLLBRS REWJRD * on han~ S ryd from the premises of the sl$ mÏd ShipfiiogFans.' scieLtNo. 27,Bth. Con. Whitby, aboait -JACOB BASTEDO, tise firsi of Jane !est, TWO COL TS, que a year..HSo at ir-It.-- lîog horse colt of striit aise, at! of a briýht Be4Y T«orto,,Oct., 1850. * color.' Thse oison a Mare, two yeatrs oltjls prniag, of a t!rk brow n co or, w itisa w hite po te t! O!d i a ! o u A t s W s u ' l rump, and thin ane mot! tait.Oh. e 1 d'lé The aho* reward wilit h paidt t any one giv- JEN LmDE ISD r- ing information ta the aubacrilaer, ihat wili teat! EN llMELPKV-1__ tu tise recovery of tiese aid colts. R. M. BUTLER ml uacie bas opesas_ an Butiers Corners, Dec. 214t. 1820. 36-tf Tj -bu"] inoNTREALBOOT & 51ECSTORE Andi GROCERY, n ihes'hop *ràtfS s*t by Mn. George Wallace,,wisere>a %Aibqwi sappiy hi& <iwýand t t i ubh ,* Fresb tea Cdfib, Htst, kns inware,.,te,' Pps Cnçloi BetTemperataDicï nk ri &cl, cl,t roa- UIEWMUsornable ierana. ---.7"-' "t - .7 - In tAhe.Sfec/ànics Blockc oppo*ite Mr. ych&ofiildt Store, Brode-at. WAit6y. Where eli cana 6e jltiedfross te saLlest foot, to the langeaiit Md Hook. Ties ubcruher'a stock consista, viz: Caarss, Kip, Caîf jakin, est! Boy'. boot, Ladies Caif andi Prunetia Boots andi Slippeas. Ciiltren'a boots & Shaes. Gentlemen's and Lat!y'm patenît Indiù. Ruishora, a uhîdo toiser than Toronto Prices.- lfVhUby Vi//e<e le aever beicd Me Tims! Course Imots frons1 i.13sf as ; aiH otisero in propor- tion. As th isbe tcitor la a coospetent jiidf g. 0 Leatiser. & ss'orkmmtship thrneoi, na pains mil1 Le pae!iseeting a goot! article. Workmen ai- Aily obat.Atortioramai11 receive imusedi- t3r As tise ready made Wark in tise boot de- partinent im coafine't to Cash only, parties itise wsy of tradng wiitiste suiecrilier cecoa have Boots. Booket! anleuasmde tu order on oaisenwise agnat! upors. 7ïn Ware (and, as a 7ïnker,) alicays on hand. B. BR Y./iV 8f Co. Wiiby Pec. 14. 1850. 35-tf IV ver been known to ox Ive r~L ait in a cingle in- Y 4 stancewhoteithas been thoroagisiy C. I. L I 1 triet,iowever se- vore tise case may havre ieen, or of T 4 ' howtosg mtanding. TO Pri ce 50 ceais parlBox. - Wbitby, Dec. 7,1 1850. 43-tf. CALIFOMNIA GOLDI Il A. 7-1

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