Whitby Reporter, 25 Jan 1851, p. 1

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i- - arC.close 0ime 'Iu el4tremsed to, thia Officel- M&~ hotunt allove.! ta pri 46 ~ Âgdunýfoi~ tisé R#rter. J.S.RrpIetr "J I I ~~, a ~izi,.~4t~k nthii uua idiibratto ~e. sc -Bil Headlg,'-Sè iVBl11 l3ilIs df Lding, Sigi ~i otisar kînda ut, Printiag'done -iwllhâis Palais. , : rj WHIflY OiAI>A WE$T', S.IAT'CRDAY, JANUJARY 25, 1851. - - b~O. 41. J~EMERBay HEAUT. Ife was immediately -Lhrown down, continontl So it is in the United ates. ,e&kt'd is thé largest ever renred by bu- a confused notion% of their Own meàutng, 1T4ýrQt hv mryberand the butcher eut his thront. About 50,0è00 imin iZrants from Ger ma i '1ande;.1 e cntntrae rmi- finee they hv anymeainoat 13~iq~.ll e hav a mery hert, Now eut humup,' said!the defturdar, ny, -and other coûnrtries of" continental edend bid fair to be worîby of tbe ce- all.Prabyhehaeomieb- ' er short we stay; -'nosxypee. Europe, arée arring in tliat couintîy f n. The internai arrangmnsnp etidn fricb. mrhnss~t ~l~om nainery eat, hisw~ doe, hepeole onernd very year.Perbaps they caubflot'spenli 4to lhe inithe, best possbebus n'hv oeon*thhircôstl'y car-: :>4~heor4nyay!inthin t rhe a znn oheslokîg wrdoandis we teyflstlindev big b oss ig- ee mngstwjJIc-alrefpMeéal *4lwigawrdo alsl weft it1 gtat transpiresshwVI- igswaüpa-l il~o1~na iiubaon, but norta idariig -ospeak. 'The on our shores,,butýin tren~ fé,f&ý = =dsagacity. :Saua s regards- fisbbiée s foçminMg iào inonside ,ab ~~Ja~~~ Ik ~ ~snt xnmy iewwh" în t thé enet year they master our langiua'k to sume the spectacle itself and aIl that eau eprtoofhoatase.Buhwc- ~ b4fpye .~jbilsophyof rthe eow were then called forward, extent. Their ehurch sitbuu b n cu mpihdoibnth aIst y e tn;do they -thinkof thé countiesa rich7-z That>. happywîth austraw! one afterauother, u nd eaeh wns made benehes in the cornio-shlswthP r e bave every piedge of success. es which the àea produces iànthe livingý to take piece of' the flesîx of the nnzir, those of the native Americaus, and be- Our fears, if wev bave any. are on ne- tlhing«stiat dwell in itl Take, fbr .illuls- tI it briugs us a iness and to puy for it twu riais, su that une coame, as they gruov up and diffuse tbem- coint of -the vast multitude that wvill. tration, the whale alune. For ten'days Iýht býiM bu, arhbd rhosty, hundred ani tweluty riais were obtained selves amung the rest of the population, probably assemnble ini ibis metropohis, the writer of this wasbeciined in' tbe Wha'sbad t bythoghrihoxe' 17> frotthein. .hey were then disniissed, eumpletely An-lo-Saxonized. and which i1l exist ta rnany other pur- latitude Of the Azures or Western Isies.i With ailtheir heaps of geMd! but the butcber 7remained. The. cadi Thus tbe race, by its wonderful self- poses thon an industrial exhibition.- During the whole of that period, .huge* Thnlauçh halet others aywns asked wbat should be the rewardepnveoerulgaend blood, But even with regard ta tliern v.s feel wbales wereineessantîy 'bluwug'i Whtuerieywil toert;of the butcher, and answered that be is fast oecupyiug udsbdning tu its but sligbt raisgivings ns ta iheirgeea everv 'direction ;oundà the sbip. Asj <WhQ laagha the meut may truiy hbout sul epidu ehdbenpi "ygnius, ail the continents and islands uf bebaviunr., We do nut expeet ibat the rnany ns twenty or tbirty at a' tinte >1.' otIa elt fethhie nazir. Tho defttnrdar, therefure, the earth. The grandson of mauy a 61 Vorld'sExhibitioni" wiIl be made the might be sean rolling their 'uawieîdyl There'a beauty in a ineesy linh, odrdiu h edo h ai hudguung maun who reads these lines, will. pretenca uof a worîd's insurrection, or a bodies half ont of the sea, and pnffing A nmoral beauty, to,- bu given hini, and the buteber went probably live ta se the day when thit worid'e ons)iraeyjoranytliingstudiotus- np large fonntains of spray into'tha air. * i.hws hehuri' auery eut, awaýT with Iiis wvurse tban valueless race tvill nuniher 800,000,000 ut human ly and outrageously bad. Stîll there At a ruoderate j3alciation, two hundred U Ehat>a 1*d each manbis due, -burden, thnnking, Go&. that bu beings. Perhnps they rnay comprise a are botter grounds for apprehension thn 'md lifty ,whales were sean froma thet liad ngt-,beeni more, nnfurtuuate, and hundredaationsof distinctgoveraents. the snpau-rstitiuus alarins of' thuse Who deck in thosa tan days. At an eqnally Ae~ lnt sbrufwat>topae, scarcely helieving himself su easily tu Perhaps ihey may beconie a grand think the buiildling a Babel, and expeet moderate caîculation, each whale was Depiu iWide'u~have-eseaped, until lie lad arrived at constellation of Reptiblies, lîervaded by a year of confusion, we wonld rather Worth four hundred pounds. Thair And ntakes the cheek less sorrow speuk, his illage.-!-The money for the flesh of the sanie Iaws, literature and religion.- look un the approachiug assemblage in gron valua was, therefbra, une hundred S The uye weep tewer tears. the nazir was given ta the owvpe. Thieir un itv harmon y, and brotherbood, ils passive tban- in ils active cnpacity. thousand pouads !'-Houaekold Word. The suan may shroud itself in cloud, mH NL-AO AE unst bc delermined b)y the relations bo- We will imagine, a few hundred thon-3 Theiqmpeut wrabegia;- tween Great Britau n tuUitdsn poicilnd oegeru sep -Fmsz-On Sunday rnoriag laut States. lîeir union wiliLe the union without a shepherd, Iostinl the endless a-oUt2 . a rw~enisigro Il adts a spurk to cheer the durk, Britain fliï**iTreg ten tly been denomi- of the twu worids. If they discliarge streetsuand inextricablu labryntbs of this the work sbop of Mr.,MeCrea, waggon - I's unlghtn wthi! nte îL rnteof atins.Wb teveir sduty to eneh other and toaniankincu, luge ruetropolis. Ve wili remember inakers. PrincessS6trîThe shop bexng Thuaiaqgh awuy, let otho-rs say may bu ber ttîe to this alepellation,.Q. îhey must become the nnited heurt of the wiolves reedy tu pray on ibis vast of wood Was quickly, cornàîimed, *sad Whaeertey wii of mirth; thing is more eévident and true thon the the nîighty race they represent, feeding floek,aud ailibe otherdanges ta wbieb were it not for'tha exertionisofîthe sev- s Whonubsthemet aytruy uat fcît li er island bas been the labora- ils m yriad veins with the blood of moral they wilt inevitnbly be exposed. one aral ira aumpanies tha- large woodan M Iie~-'qA q - -th-fIR. h oyo oirmîral aeî hchadpltcilf.Upon the samIe of or lwo of ounrlonteniporaries appuar to buildings adjoinad would have'sbared ---- - nearly allte races that peoplerl Europe, theîr...fellowdhip depends the wulfare of hink ibata couflux of straugers, must tihe saine fate-iàgston Herald. .JU STIE N EGYPT. froin the Roman ta the Norman con- humanity, and tIhe peace and prugress necassarily 1usàd ta soute monstres and,. ir-Fsaz,- Thea Hanse of Ruv. Mr. uts gevrnet, -quest,%vcre com-bined. Alilthat is vigo. of the worid. dauigerousforuxi of oiganization. Union Nail Seymonrethr with hs un- gi lune, neollecting taxes at ruas in the Cuit, 111"e Saxon, ýthe Sean- ialkes strngth, and it is the union of turu Library and é uthing wàs bnrhed to snitmo ixty rials. The por man in wvlîuî we calthe Anglo-Saxon race, r tirgad ibat buepossesind nuîhimîg but a and whien the coinhination 'vas coin- W/lut is to be dune -i/ /e rwswl For otîr o'vu part,, it is the utter %vant'Of :The fire was suarapid that hirnseifaad i PM titl th crodseh ounion and îhe diffienîty of organisation servap1s baraly eseapud with theirilives. diw4wihbareiy affürded suslenuce: îleted ou te Island of Great ]ritaiiu, ita oosftl ra nutieli tat makus lus feur, nul for the public -Kùsàgston Heraid. lu JuemsoIlÇand fliily. Instead ef pur. a uewv îorld wasdiseovered, ns if il Ex/iisitîon of 1851 ?-- How are t/ley peace and tLe seeuriîy of aur own pur- PlCifofPlcsie~foii, suing theulsual melhud wlieu a fellah were for tLe irresiahiblu expansion of to be fedi.,sons a.uià istitutiions, btî for thebhaiih, fuethbakars of Pàhieseiz'eâ366 bavesf I declares bimseif unable ta puy the tax ltai mighty race. - (kvron the Lonlu,>t Iines, Dix. 21.) tLe safuîy, the purses. and thse noralsuof frn aeso hs'it,36Ia fh demanded of hum, wvich is to give hini As an illustration of onu of ils ph1ysî- orvstr hmev bread, equal ta 798 lbs, being Of ligisi ;a natera bastinading, the nazir ia tItis cal qlualilies,,il isestiniated ulal its potin- There are feu', sitnutioîs taure embar-un sirsteulu. weigit, and distributed the sanie to the ,Moa,'sent an odlicer tu bring the pour lation doubles itseif iii 35 years, while rassing tlian tîtat of piersous vho have Tise préent seuson appears tu bu ex- diffuèrent charitable institûtioné..-iMon- snan's cow, sud desired sanie of the fnl- that of Germaasy, doubles ils'elin u76; uf -eoileeted a large assembllage withotil ceedingly tnufavourable for maritime op- treal Gaz. t 'lalteen tebuyitý Thensaying Ihalthey Hollaîd in f00; of Spain in 106; of adequateplreparations for ils entertain- eraîiouî, jndging fruin the reports in.tLe' An Irish'nn nEeuig nacr ààdýnatmoneY infficiant, le sent forn ayi ;o ranei 38afFr-muintuton rgo Iodr fîlie NevYork papers. ScareelYoueecames tain theatru, camne bafibr an audience, et Ibùthere,,ûndd(esired hum ta kilt thse uw, tu* ad ihn otiigtégali in1238; and thauof Turkuy in 555. spectacle itseif is abortive, or *.le pro- lutaud ibn onann h ost consisîing of thraa persans, su andaeis wl4Ii'?qaone le thon tld hiua tu Wben une or two vchaula ctosaed lte gramme ineonîjlele, or the performiers dismal. accontsof vessl engmtMiefluin nonemut .dividetiatosixty piees. The butcitur océan, and plantîed hure and thure aîong nu'- ai their post, or anylbing else is ahaniluued atsea, wiîb bass of nînsts, c"LadiesadJitei-A Ibr :asked2 fbr 'hiswsv, sud was gîvee îLe tise coal of North Anterienaà fewv germe atnîgta tIse occasion, the mais wbo sails, dtc.,,somu wnierlagged aud aban- are nu ladies sud nubody ulse.hure, 11'th. tehd'ôf thq euw. Thse wner et tise ofthial race, ils mwltole popîulation lu tLe bassauinmoned ltai audience is on tLe doned l intai condîiti, white "SLip- dismiss yealal ; the performancesuf ibis ar -wipl ýât 1 iu u cmlinîgOId World 'did nul exceed six nmillions. edgcof un ubyss frotiwbicltnoihiîîg wreekwilb bmofutlife" appears tu ho night will not bu performed; but theseri ito tie aite Mohamtfmad Day, defttrdar, England, Walcs,nnd Scotland,îîunîber- but fortune or coîtaumnntaddress cati kepi as standing leudiug, su many are performances uf this nigbi will bc ru-i 4 My rntetr,' aaid lie, 1 amn appres- ed 1fewer inisabitatits titan New York, deltverhita. To singera wrlîoarelhoarse, flice lamentable incidents oif ibat natuîre peatad to-morruw evening." en -~4wdinsiary I adnuproperty Pantisylvasiasud Olilo donfou'- liard- 1>blostsiwl tlf1,l otd they are obliigudto record. The gales Oid bachelors du nat live a" other wl bptLmncowVia milehicuw, and I and my Iyvo entu ries and alitlf hsave elapaed ibal cannol find, and lu skies tbai will appear ta htave houn mure violent sud men. Thuybave nu une tu mund tiseir st faýnily,-it«d sîpun ler mîlk, sud site silice thal epuci>, nnd noi heru are ai nltLepruPîtutons lu Pic nies, lise Public frequent ibis intur, iLun, bave hoe clatbes and darnihair siockings TLey an VIôîîghéd faf me sud tbreabed'my curui, lette, twventy-five milîlions of thai race eaui be indulgentor rusigncd; but wlhen knuwan for mnny years pait,sud ibere catch eaîd, and thara is nabudy to atake p. gfi4mýy ývlla èstiî.sistéuncu vas durived in Norlt Ausericat and ils adjacent is- nu excuse wbhatever eaibu given, is mueb alarin fuît for tLe safety cf the theni peppermint teùa consequently tliuy ed fiïmg.herretLe nazir bastaken and killed lands, or a numiber exceeding the whsolu vhen îthe inviter bas Lad weeks before A/tlanitic, wb1iih lias nowv complee e drap off. n ber, andcSti lier tipi mb sixty pieçes, and population or Great Britain. hofore Iiint, sud everytliiiig under bis twentiells day ni sua, sud Las net been D . ni tld htCria »smnb e solte'lliecees tg my îîuighbors, taeacl ili 1620,te Angl-Saxourace nuni- controt, and yul allows iiînselftto Le la- spubkets )y any vusselarrivud. Wefind ceiveîsutarp, ttrcardicngual lse maa ste-m n'pieoa frpne rial, su ha liti b hainied ered about 6,000,O00,and was contfincd-kenit y suirprise, for Lins tle-ru la ouiier Ly îhe WÀig ltai t eHall. J. A. Mac- F.er ofe Auttria the King ufBavar, and the ed bat âixty riaIs fur tise ivitue, wvLile lte lu Englaltd, Scotlan, and Wales, anîd patience nor pardon). These refluctious, Donald, sud Mr. Hiarper, ufthtie coin- Presient ut the French Republic vaidelof: îLe 00Wt was une fiundred and lte cnhnlo f ss'ich itla sthe reanîlt svbicli have doubîleas oceîîrred wtth utercial B3ank, are stipposed luaitave ta-w tW4$ ria", osue anupused wvns nultitore lItait hîsif perfecied, for fearfti force lu every une wiio bas eeî- ken j'tiefon nln o or t H ED and ilta' misery,. and a stranger in the neitite Wales tior Scoîland wvas more sigue'd a rcquisitioît kîr a public meetittg, titis vessel.-Patriot. ed place, for I came tram anuiburvillage ; ltaitbaif Saxon ized aitte tnie. Now or invîled filty clîildretu on Twelftlt A curions mnd bas been easting up ar bïlt ~ 'l zr hýad ne jüty un mu. I and it numbers 60,000,00 fb Pîbina ilî,o1n ltrd uOhe 0hof DSDULD&î.-ilawasclos- the numbur ut humait.birîba aud.deatbs m if aiae hegg.urs, sud have notis- planled tpon ali ltIse isliuds and contuli-lnatan beiitgs, recéîve an extfaordinary cd Tucsday nigli lu eunsqueaeof the sineOur Saviaur, eigbteen bundred ing-ie&- I#ave nsercy on me, and give nentsof tbeeart,niiçliucreusitîgevery- ilportauce on.i e veoutlie greatexhii- deatit of Adule Llisman wba died oni years nâu, hegan his mercey, in the far uif la Jeol yhl aes. br y nes atio uf progressiotn. hiton. Londotnlisautîderfakun ho en- Tusday morning, uf tLe injurie CSofîadfdepsdJe.n du hain cnsd is u- l s ua asoîîîî îe lîggsl rceDu nrain al lte îîafioîs ufdise earitnttr siouud by the sud catasrophe whîieis The average number of biriba perPM zI.b~t~1 bftr iimasadhubarbarons tribus utf men thal oecupied ils everinsling- eanc 1)y ut sinke, and lu Lapîsened the otiser evening. We Lave second, up tu tisis tume hns bue n eight V we ibacow out iumfellah ' lt otanso mreAsia, iLsaevur dingy walls. londua, renuwn- Leard tise muai tretigand afluîctiugan fue.Tiatr esotu ai, aie 4îte ni. nd tise islnnds of lte océan. Se d nuiiterfor bnxury, nor for chuapuess, accouals outhie iteroisus uf this young ducng adprfeen.Thpuion ur -t I ' For mxtv rials.' ts vigorous plantations. If nu great nor for ulegancu, isur for picînru galle- and dtîring tLe long subsequeut sufer-tbîsn dlfymiiostaihv tupk laIs 'ow sud killed it, and muid il 000 ut human hoings in banslhban 150 particularlnrhy suited ta tise wanits afire tram lise laips. Shu iminediaîely 9,000,000,000bavedied t-'Vsral fot. mout'years fram the jîrusent lime-alilspeais. maltitude, bas aked tiseunoiversa ta luaped down ,.-wiîtout uttering a cry, 7,920,000,000 by fam.rine sud pesti-. aha 'Whe lis e butcher tba kiîlaed ih?' îg thesame language, cenîerud lu tha spendenexi season an tise banks of tise wbich sbe Itw %%foùId alarm bise ail- îence. aul 'I~btiaéf.'sanie literatîre sud rlitgtun,aaduexhibih- Tisames.-AII classes are iavited, aad dieuc sd jbby ocepion sanie fatal 5W;,000<y~ by martyrdoni. ii. bîtehaer wau seul for.. ing al ils laberent and inalienabie ebsi- aIl will attend; for as usure Wittlho sanie- confusion. ris curtain was druppad at 580,000,000 by inioxicating drinkrs, lu ,Wby did'yoen kiht.si"man's cow ' raclurislies. tistg (of everyihiag ta bu sean, su tisera once, but ihru'waa nobingat hand t 200000nta o o raIl u utr-h o-iiàienir desired n a,'haaswered Thus tise population ufthîe cartîs is will bu sanie of avery sart ta beiold-- uxîlnuiis îLhe flames bol a carpentur s Wise. tse abaj itJhalid nul doue m, ho woadhave tait hecoming Anglo-Saxonized by Tiseawill bu tise noble, tLe Imaraud, Laize jacket, wbich ie Ltiirew off sud 1 War, Martyrdonsaand Aleohol1 wisat 1 bi"Aeme, and destroyad my bisue; I biaad. But îLe Eiigliab anguage is lise scietitifie, tise fastidious, tLe gay, btse wrapped a*ound hur. Hum, suffering eattiatsyhaeiaeeWaa<~ kHiie& a, and tise nazir gavania tise more expansive sud nggressive tItantise ignorant, tise bsn gry, sud tLe dasporate. were inexpressibla, and shu was mov- tome in- mental euergy, mural power and hai hua.! almy ,rètvar.' blouof tiai race. Whsnacominunily Tisera wil bu man ut rank, men ut lui- ad tise nornîng after te accident ta istr gruwl t iitsauetl 1Whist a sacrifice u) '4%as, said tise defisadr,-' du you bugins ta - spekand ruad bise Engliab turs, amen ut fashiion, mua ut pleaiere, ledgiugs, wbere sha recesved tise muaist rtie-sud muasI CqntiecsI knqçw*epeoçl.swioboughtthe amuai' language, it s hait Saxoiiizud aeu j f and men of avery achool tisai exista la able sorgical attention. But it l Si5- Clc tetseIuU"I toheg drink," Tise butehereplied bisai ha did. not . a.drap ut Anglo-Saxon blood-ruas the civilized w orld. As ta lise audience, availia g.Tise lame, tua anamorud aut acute wrtertoh.dIfs 5og d000,00 f y tc'dfrý isen -sent for lise cadi, l iat veina. Ireîand was neyer colo. tison, tiseraeau n--bu nu danlil. London tisa gracu tisai rivalied its 0%-a mb er-viima how MaY.M mu nsi it bave aa.!id t»hsm, Héëreisa'man oppres- nized troni En glaud, like Nots Ameni- Wit bu a gruat ibuairu, and tIsera ia nesbadl folded lier in a fatal embruice.1 belig~ètishe modarate drinker wibl lay bs or edh h -ftal ehs b»talm is cow ca or Australia; bu¶ nearlyithe wbolèo ery promise eon ïoverfluWiug bouseAdule Lubman was> we theasoîsoîereiepedafebmySp i anjgt j.4td 1&1Éleh Ibr sixty uts seven or eigbi millions alruady pas iboxes, and gallerius, all full. U lesa 23 yearsof tige, sud'mueS bulo0-ved!frpa iit aae a~a gt~ *. _Yjpa 1adgfr pw hmaeny f nçns ao?'n ITtésùo aples t t Ltteratfroe XNaplan t tl.G t te iha sa nt moetit aa-G tise kramen.t at u a dom uisuo kaoinguthta ce uer th rigu emimuim.-m red iakingom. ear iveaatefrn i M iat".* ý..va t ake plae, ouc isif aciiviiy e 1. . te intpe tuai aez atte tio. Lapiastd aneIj atethia.1 s proeatd n xaime. TUREY. Coatantinopbe dates am to t. Tihe iewstfrom AJeppp la ry Tisaiebels have bi. e Emir, who isaende.vownug ce referais ecemary forithe il province. 'Dates anrdOthe 17t*iiu1t. tt ratom n ith bme emm lii tait. -- I If -------------- wosid it($653,00Ã"ci0yîÉirIlel .&RRIVAL 0F THE STEAM SHW "ASIAP" 1e J ia K~arrive.! laieIpab Tise "Atlantic" la stiout.,, .Se heh» 27,passeugers-un board, amnong,!-thiem ,&bbo;Lîîwrence-u., msofite.Mjam ter tu England. The. curyof tbe -làtrmay a ti ç p V1iW States Mair Steamer 411aut.iç1 West, eft tie lMerèy n $atu.ry! tie sa ial mail, Slsa w 4s tLe eveuang oUi3aii5"ettqy,Wby ,4umfAle A wruçskèd vessai qht in two,y~a~ su'd oiffUaîifisx, supqo4 - t doue by collision with à sieaiaeeg. IuâïêIigenàe la tobise 4th imntL -'Noé. tisingut importsinceé - - -' -;e A supply oftmediciues withalma guons Lad bes-sent te ýJamaiaajsait&e'_ý lte chcieraha.! s ubside.! bier., - , .ý Thu Engliais Medilermsaaatfleim ter a long absence, h",t- rtumeai, ýt Malta. -- LIVERP'OOL CORaN NAltXUT t- Market remains withant hi l pes. Tise 'imports o ur,- ,,d 1- sions araeàmall. Hàma ratheh' Park siigistly hédvanted. - Public eeniiaibigÀ is stili advaaciug. gny enicats stocks-in d-àd>deM .Tise Çqpqtit jexiçLtc g 19 article wt4 aus Bu Preident uo tlîîè ë sçn bLy . - 0ie arSIs ttua th ç mip niça bave noui te aii, iqutuon.oi ru* ipjs By ndvicasfreni Frakfe# and, Ca" ao tLe 27tis ultimw, wa learwa ta&the Eletor retumne.!- lu Camé] l an -thîat Ilay gis isausebol.! trouips ttended ,iIm.The, Xser. lrSoeeredhiîra. dI0uapaný ise.!d tuisa-a ia mis~ ~ ~ o fnaiiaia.tth. oCrse&cof the, .le- dilguttitie ,bçt*eçilb.Pi thm nd Ausitrjînicunminsi6apzO. Tit&* riancoiniissoaara~ sel l'b"tla isJîed ! tr )ocîpItatiça l'b ýateniqg_&s otforcemartia1liJw agpiuq>n ~o> ,ebo shail crupte a dstnrIa in~ treets. Mlliaesisas ç oos, uda publiclisolei must le èlusd..t ' . R]Fetrâsctor% anizs are'sbet ýd te corpomeali ibI~ment. A,,péia- cnt court rmartiia e stabliusaed. CeuintiLeinitîgen, thee ldéraI. coin-. nilruer iiiesse Cassel,hba s s3pexd- ýd îLe V-ermaneit cominstie. oftkIè [essian Dlet. Dates tram Vianna ara te tise- 2M lt.-A commissianer bamb appint-, dl te Hlîstein. nie border bltis- ,r on a marcis Lame trcttn Boliaifl. DENiSÂEK AND ' 1E UCES Tise Free Press outhetisa stapqý îîder. date ot26ii, at,says ih'at on th revious day a sirmuis tooht place àç Vaesaldu Itis averredthbistth.oDsae% iougli ibeir force'ivas veny "mPen",î ue injvîiullad b tie with. eçss14r_ bIe l088.

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