Whitby Reporter, 25 Jan 1851, p. 2

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It evineed a ~flrm i ôt'the Cunstitu. The toechbo1m Vspersînnoîînce ibot Jenn1 Lied -hua sent tu titat City $20. %OP, tg b. distributed amoiîg lte pnor. 'The. iuRge of the -ClîepitPstage Bill gave p.'al satifieicn. 1lie3 centl oinage. ordered by the MIll, Su îipli es th.e WBflt otmaoney solong ÇuL., ~lsuk.sds&Megns!gis for-sal ea:ts(iSjIcc. THE ..REPORTER, WH1TBY, -SATLTRDAY, JàxuIAUT 25, 1851. ON' LOCAL MATTERS. Weonce more ci attention lufIoc niany faise moi malicmioslindersîbat have, from timelo time, boss pýt4brthb ytheeéditoroft fhe OshawaR..forrn. gr, aMd ertain other parties of bis kidney, agaînât the.âinloitants of the western part of Whitby.- Amont r4ber'things equalfit aec, e saîd, potilong ioee, îhagfil'1w.' lof the euEt, 4went là ihe poiling ground, il vas oniy -4t séec the people wbo talie a pride in ridinq over us, #hWs wiîb new shoes mpikect id ithaws." We deoounced tibi wicked lihel et 6 tmaod de manded od lh it1a b rcausni r tiiars, 1go ano a single instance in 'svhicli théi veut part eS tho Township have ever showcd suchi es inclinationî to wards 1the .st 1; md yct, Ibougli mmy 'stiksav e ldpscd, not one'-single lin. lbas *ppuare as a proof of this -faite charge, in the en. jama 0( Our cotcmporary. Hi Wuasdumb au eh tiches ali l alseiers are wheg confronted vida tmutia. lie Standsatrippcd fo public gaze in *Il th. eformity of -(aisbood, jet àmedlsng stirerc top of otifeamd1*11 feeling amoàCoot neigliborii,-and sa a noriow traducer oftbis neigb bor's good name amd character. As a bp,rmaiient résident in ther veut, ire t0k pr in tlàhchallenge, knowing Itll fV weil that ourcotemporary coulid eut point lits fihgern 1sasngle sic*of injustice cniflic weat part, towards i& MIIPLYAL U*1ICLUSi. 'hfallowînt are thlb. sauor <the'Offieers ehOen by Ille eoureil of îLe township of Wbhy, for théecnsuing yer. llwm ISee-P. Perry, Esq. M. P. P. Deuty R«ew-Jwhn -Biack, -uIàusorr-C.- MIDernot. C4kctoe- - Hudson. .dudilort, -J. Hum Petry md Jaaws Dryden., The Treaspzw mend OI«ktaU yet e main the, -«Meeas fast ypar. The ofice oi Auaesor is one of grea: f esponsibil. ity thià year. in ronwquenee of the ew Astos-, ment Law which came jnîo opels:ion on the tirai day cf tis month, wbirk i.mpcbse on that ocuber - the dity ni -valuing eafi farrm. înwn-lot, &c. at iu$ infrmnsie vaitie, relativeiy with less favor#d or lest liighly cultivated, propenties; and it woujd eappear that the framettscf the law anticipated tbe difficul- ty one man would Sl.nd in val'ïing the wbole Pro- petty of a township, Loth real arc! personal. to the satisfaction of ail concermîed, by provi'ding- tbot one or three auessors mav be appointed. The asess- ment of property this year, wili form the basis for future ussessors, mnd settie the asseisment value ci pýopertf or eisny Years b corne; and wcll awarel as we are of the capabîilues of 3Mr. M't>crmot for that office, stili we think that for ibis year, ut leat, fbrec ought to havlé been appointed. Our neigh- borisg townships as far as we cao learu, appointed three, and it might not be amig: for' our couneil to re-conoider the malter, and add two adiditional as- teasrs. It wîi lie dilicult for one man tu value the, rich and populous îvwnship of Whitby, undr the new kaw. THE BOWMANVILLE MEETING. This -meeting was hefd au announred, un tic 21sf. îoat., aI Bo*manvsillé. wlien varioua ro.solu- fions ie favor of a ne%: couny wcrc adopted, -to comprise the townships of Clark, Darhington, Whitby, Resch, Cartwright and 4lanvers. "The Whoie of -thé resolutions and procpedi*gs et this meeting will appearîn lte inexi Reporter,"as hey came toc laile for tbf. nuteber. In tbe nucan lime we would ur<'e in the ment cmphatic manner, those parties hav'iýg liarge of flic generai pet ition, e: Mecafly in the back townships,! 0 ofe cn, lime in procut ing signaturesl. Tlie nlject, of fthc Bow- 1 manvilie movemnent is tu lock up the -back Town-1 the sa( f ibis Township. 'We are wedi aware tario. The nececity fùr energelic steps forces il.j *ha certain ûuppointed parties ini lhe cas, are len self or tb. people, ausd % u- rce, la rousse yoir- the habit of makie; chargea agairuat the people of selcve» before a- wbole flood aet falsc and tnjurious ts veas, but trie thtng 1, in prove tem truc; and pefitions are about yvuir Joors.- Dow, fiae go mach ha been asserted by themn, we may be excutsed for enquting a liit panticulaianI I iItRRAII FOR luxBRIDGE - Jato the malter, ia enter te ascertairs whcre ithe In-I hss i1 unhp asekrgett h jusicehuabec do.. <il ilenlu f tt m r.-îglit way. Below is tin uditreas ol' the Municipal jsrt icubec . l Wepu l m o»n wea isthfibu:ed ,r: ouncil, praytng for a diviiqon of the C'ounty, anit yeurs licîveen the tesaI1und the wesL part cf utie giving gond andt sulstantial reabons for the prayer Township, wiben Mé. Perry was our ("uxeîlor 1 cf tbe petition. Their candid, andt pubulic spirited 1 Certaaty not,. for b. migitI have claumei lte"- Itoule Reeve, Mr. Gouîld, deservses ail praise, ard we share," had he bece au dlupoacit; but thtel'acte, as frilsa the example set by Uxbnidgo, will lie (oiiow-g Utey appear le black and whtite ln the By.Laws of cci by every ailt of the couxncila ef the ten Town-t te eonseil, prove the contrery, -undt theî'e »,y Iships, in îheîi Corporate capacttes:- -Lawsawe tprepereitai anilranich îy itisToTEIOP.SLTULGXATvAai- IEMBLT 0r CANADA fINI>ARLIAMENT Ali- étit-éme Mr. Perry; anc! we Marlesaly tate, #uat_ on .Seenc l- 'tee Iwsilwi*t le 'oud tar The.Municipal Couseil of the Township af Ur- MIr. Ponny volunterily granteit'a ms'b larger &bute bli dgtc mosu humbly kheweth, ihat your petillun- of il. -.e moncys ta lte east tlimatoi the west hallIto b lavinig aken lutte cousîlueraion the culjpes ci of thjs Townshtp, and if any-Sauîlt ljo with -Mn. the Division efthlie Couùty of York, andl IFe efi"îrta Perry or ther, 11 in einqtoc iteri te thu4r ttbave heen nmade uuflart s: Ii ai sstîîo ss.conr,- Perr, o otorsit à i bén to lieraito hri- 1pliéb that ohiect, andt alon, corusidci inir the opposi. western nelitir.4iti ttt cuuoénd rliit tthis Towns.hip bae, fins imt e fat untîruaaditren e 'ews ettînesad, given - the sait project, yosir petitioners aueel' lie eatered, lutteon the irul inîrodtuciin of the ut-ossu htfi.ssd îps:oua h ie md cipa Corpraton Artviz.4hatoueCosmille u sder., i lwustatsce,was p.rfecîly iwarraaîed, cia'Cr » aio d,%: -ba i- u'tile kgî:imaîe, unit jutiriluî;uta;lucoraideuing the ai- should b seuil froma the tait, aud the otiter f rom te1114.14.posiioe!ofte a aitue eftise Cousu:y, whictm the West 1 The east watithe irsItonviolait their 1MaY PaixIuily le summed up as teliows, that la te scinteagneuieî,he ira oportnit tit ccr-say :Tht pesssng by the Legislature of a geruerat t oolmn grement, ,te frs oportnit tataffr-law:tfor the ahoofîi u f,-f ?lai Diviaiauss ut Up-i oui, and yeîtheb,west neyer ne"taiated ss'r even ai-Jpe'r C;nd ot fIn.lýi4povdn 'tt lsmpted te rclure the complimet; boit on tht con. Division of meut at tht ýeC-lnîcts inb two or murt. trany, hae retureoci <octfor evit by îetigiotîsi,1Côunties ; and aleo, the pasirsg efthe îîcw, llus;i- ciîpaI, Aisatmetut, Jsîry. and Regstury laws, tuy ob'eruî hei prI f it a'r.rcnlisltde 1. bich a compiete revoutin as ben efi'ectcd in It is truc, lt.e Wet tbavenoct taloly vôted frA ttGvezeu orce ll aidtioincuai arrange-A paiicuareuriu'es 'sich~.mcuts cf the Counties, which-Fitrsîly-piares Yareeîlor hc j veuy Towtrsbipipmt ilts cwnueeusces lto i al is preeme ta tke 0. onean ud front et, their sfesln, owus internal improvemenfs. Secordye-By the If a&W ive ae sure, nevcr will. vut he beenmes a Asuusmeitt ci ail properu y, accoiiïtigl ils 1ita, î6eomghuy ehanget mue ta priusciîîle. andt layeacisle utoc y na-, tury edvluw ih corrpetîcit uiose lu thi uai 1fuwnahif;,, tripuy a a"debis unwcrtîy spile, andi evit thuzsl.tsu and io# r'ch u1pon artacre of their lun, isit hse inth u i speakiag. As long as thteuew County qisetafîcus is lionf Towlushipi, ailheugi the lniun thle fimutilai onb ti.carpel. anal ht continues .oninusiy arrayedimgh i wmt fu im'asmc.61rti, ~rnatquuaî alli.sbiiîy et ail plersons lteïsve as Jury- in violent opposuuciî fo the 'sell titsserstoi ' is lbameus, whmieh neuonger v ittuaity eulue ucb c and bout totereets of aun ovtrwbtlmng majo-îy etf' Tewnships fi-mequatiy with he trout Townships, fi the people. no% only of' tlis-Townsbip,- but Of the peu taior s; the saitduMy. fouithlv,-Tecm tan Townships prepoidtafoform the - uioty uscttus f egsîy Th tm i we cnno se ho- h rold reu thi te snsuliim.sket it corpulaery ltat ail Judgments, Deecîg ve asut cc by b celitdreai batthtluttti Bond, and Mortzageâ shah be iriirttifety record: iî Vntmp« pptof Whi:by wvoitisaufaË -lorget thein. cd, iniouder au tbei r liUtlawtuithiutgrsppireu)t- el sebutud their beet intertais, as fticset it, or I yimpassible bits tepreseruf Cousut y letrisfry t Io e% dOne, censiuteritig the large ajut ofe pioperiy ltaito stIýbody ctise, te misrqsresent hem on a ituaee jnis cosuitis'îaiy lranifierriutg. dsvtidioig,,anit suubdivid- of sncltVialIimportance; mliter ce nwc ronctive imîgtu gay ioting ci thes<rit ldisitance #bat inassylu how be hontly coutd wish Io nepresent a .T0wà--Ipat Ioof the Couisy, parttculiity t he extiteel. il ahip wth w" b ec culd net go bitant in baud, in part, are Iosm tie prescruf Regoufî-yOffic.. 'here.# -fore, yeur pctiiîonerit, tinJer ai the circu&aan is aeay propreuve mevenient towanits future pros; cons derinsg sic vury t.icteri.ml mtercit poustinn*of ai-.a perity. -W. repeat, the west dii1 ria, ai the îwo I (air», arc of the opitniontiat a puoper Divisioui of in Maééein, oefor Mr. Farewell, tcor 1rhifo CntoYr biset p .aoud nnsiteset I~ ~cnelu 149, ut i bott r i stice andti lt uiY, woutl ratiter be an acivantage asfmie, ]>fr. SOe n14,btn l ià han ethcrwîse; and having neticei thle vuinieni f« d îrbotter Mou -mm iWho vent williuag te -o proreedinga lis the lReute aetAs»eaiv, as wei as dt with tbent on evetý Ieading questîQn of iufeaf __ -a circulanir rem the lBeu. Robert Baldwin, upon ibtes sutsject, thc" have Corte fo the cb"Ccucion that it di The -wtaere at Ocla,, Mi bis disappointet la îthe mntention' of Go'sercment te dliîde tht Coîîety fien&, May attem Pt, as uîuch as i:bey pienue, for of York; and, therelore, y«r Wiuun vui thcr ows seliaihedÏto dtpri ete peuplecf the beg most eanltstly le auggest,,thaýt uîsy County ho ar lic tormeit out of any portion of thi. Easterni part t a vusof te Privilege.-.1Inviitge wb« hicbehytheuî.. itis Couuty, sheulit be s'0fonmed as lc; ivs'-front ne ioivsclaim,eventohelolaiaîof asoemnagree-oi Lake Oittno; maid voulu t'ozedlitlt ment and utidepaning;, but mac inîatieg puib- uîew Coincy 6. compoctit of the Tewnjshîp o lHc yl at Once ie tbrougb h th trick, andi utWyer iy hPceià,Rah.U " ï r ,Sot -éonema nd etiSce sch'Gmurguna, Tho r a,Maru, andi iim, witb the CousA- m5~md<letoneesuh ttenpte, (rom 2 what- uy set t tht ironheof Whitity. The y4«0uli,tbtre. un Pos aIen tley eise. - f~e, cull repeeîfùly requeit yeur honorable boiy And W.may bore continpue f.inquiy, etheo te aile the malter loto your senieus Coaidenuuie il y at dicoiUtalnffmprta th.ecit Sesson of l'arliawet, andi fou-m thc Sc à@ estbav nt, n te sirt o imartal(ai)unets, abëie e nmed Townshtip$ inlpsfich Couuttiy wjii as ti lattseas v$ l as formemIy, Concodedtotiè asî itl, ittlo.,dciay as poille, and Uryeuntititeses*l full aber.,-mo9 only in the repnuenlaf ion) hutintaduty boutsi, aurit ver pray. -n U .verything aise eocaeeîed vith -the Townsihip, JO&GOULD, r W. usay hom. a.mak, that -ia aliudtng le lIte Uxbnidge, t st Jan., 51. tt brepb ofgoud faUh by the #eut oiwpds te vst~, . oaiera ne uufAi thi v. 4.doe vwiéto t. b.undatowl il çliirpng the Teamwt1sthsw~ fctdwe4uiately.. Weksowaasd an hein rtesetly aniargcd mn4 ioeprovid, Shceist. tojtL mum rsy amay hgoabla veptims. We __1 4 d t4 ns- -_ dhig s 11 o, and t e lare îoinî t' tue ci n,- i0g like Yanikee énterprise and tl*rf be fou îtd. Within flic lust few years, inîînpruvcmet ofut'hle tenture soystecm, ýe orgaization of publlic illstrcileton, id wWisr and more hiberal législation general, have given a certain impulse, the durniaist eriergies ot' the Pruvin- 's; butîit bas becunie înost>clearly evi-ý ,ut that the reul atd [Jermianéttt inter- s ot' the Canaadas, reqîîire aàoet .)i ete bsolution of-~their Ipretieet-coueefon itb Great Brifait. It 1 sMcertain as ýy future change cas bke5,tibat Ibis es'ent Il msooner or jater (mcur with Lte pro. Ut hI'cnuy 'o lhe, E9dîtorof M/e Wktby Reporter. Sir-, -T'hrough. your respectable col- lus, allow me tu make enqiriy,'what eýconef the promisig Literary& eutitie Club, that was oi'ganizîîd in sVillage minie tîme aga? It wasg-o with the design of answering tf9 changes infinite y divers; o botlà extent andcitifpuitance. The aInm universal la*w ba, been that of progre but, wshile t here are some launds wh bave made ýân advance.-never bef paralleled in tAiehisiury of the. wol there are otiiers whuaie furuWîird mo, ment bapee 0maIastl>sar ln n10 cuuntry bas th e advanee be 2~ rea$ a113linouir Own *-In the p l800,îhe wlîule pupuîiýation'of the Uif Staîca s' vâ,5,300,000; it is. euw 23.50 000. Tfipnitinher ut' States then oui posing the Utjîn vaS 16; and-i» no 31. 0Ofr territory then Wns 1,000,0 square miles; it la nows 3.200,000.à of' our present domaiti west of the 1 ' i "'pi then beluniged-to France a Spaie,and wa çanu tnbrokcn wilderne Florida was owned by,, S' sa, a Georgia wsas the onl> Sîatè <on the Gi of Mexiei.. West of New York, tIti were no States-but Kentticky and Tc nessen., and tiiese bcd spent mosttof tlb ficeble elnergies in hloudy slril'e witl savage fue. Illinois, Indiana, Olbjo, chligali and fhe westerîî 1iaïfo ut'r ov State, w-ere yet but litunting grounti whecre Itîdians rounied tî,nmioled-ed. The- tnt ire poplahtionl of ur state t h wtt» less tiltn that ut' unr .ty and itàburlbsiow. The population ut' 0 ci-ty then was buît t'ur-iil as great ftle present îpopulation of 'St. Lotis.- l'hiladel ph la 'wasnîot thirec-qtnarters Iip)luloîts as IBrooklyn iDow.,I3osu ani laltinmore, bof h eîî et very f, fruit 200 years old, bcd ecciiless lt the prescnt population of Nlilwai kie, or of' San Francisco, the ' 01e wlîîIch citles is aow scarcely tCn; -at lIe ouiier searcely Ilîree years of ag« In every brandi ut' iîî'isîry utir conu [tas made an ad vance corrcspoadingt that ta ils lpplttU on. Agriculture lit muvre than kejut pace with the ilîcrense enlIargceunent ut' unr buunds0ft'ciiil] ;îun ; and we îîuw, not uîly sutly tih warits uf' ur owt teemiag millionzî, bil have an immntse surplus ho »liip t ftreign lainds. In 1800, the total valui À-ai inds of' manuifltîîre, andi prc lîtets of indutry -in, -theUnited Statee hardly exci.ede d u huadr'd, millions c dollars; ;in 1850 the valsw, nas to 1) hoiwti by thte census now hakiîîg, wil Le fît six littndred ilionuxt» 1801 lie doniestic exports antitnled lu $31, 340,000; ini 18-50 tu $136,94.6,912. Tho x,.purfatuof utton alune lias increns Cd frum $5,000,000 nantially to 65 0: O0 mifl ions. Oîîr inland Lake trade lia' îecused t'rom an amotîtît too insiasîif !nt tu héee»tirruated, lu the ellormuli ralue ot' $200,OOu.000 aînually. Oui ~riîîmirn 1 uwIardly inferioi il e X'tent or vsaluîe tu tlîat of Great Bri. ain,und we arc iîîow gaiîîing faster iliac ýver ou tr igatitie rival.. Fifty yeare ýgu, SClretV* une ,uf our preselît fus liutî,tinu uies ut cana:l ex isted, auîd nu lie uti rPresetteigin Uiuîtsaîd nmiles "raiiruad,urouneôrIouirpresettsixteer Lutlis41,11d["iles oft' elegrajuh was ever îlOwi or dreaîned of.'_ Lui short, uînder lie inviguraring inifluience uo'f fire lilîti. Wi- ose have grôwîî great and st roitg, ith a rapidjîy wlîiclî ruakes tfurne tiilT a*prh;tty sizeubie tirou sale toheficnl wlîart. B>' andti i, wlierihie cruwd ivas rtishîntîrtîeir Iîaggaae ui board, tile iroa ""fe A.t;vce vesigu p lte w ,planki The 'keeït cyed Éitate,qftlesuiulî..cc ed. thec iumbress preuf y -qijrll ont the P' sîtbject. Olieofut'tliernavered that 1h lm ,!Ã"i)aiied uutlting but cluthies, tit it se, tvuuldi('t du.-Thetenlio c'itclîided that. ga litaself. and sonne fuîtr or five compatii- n miis biad, - akeu- titis -»afIt zeaÉte Lucarry rth humîe their gulil--" uly," as lie -said (in "suan t tree oir futuir thousiand dollars."î Vi Very wl"reîuliec the agent, 'I"yOnî. "; say yen have lourtir îtsaid dujiurs. a 'Ne charge unejier cctiiifur carryilig b gold dusL. The pairser wil take citargreut ot' iL aud give yuîu a receipit for Ititta amotint, 0on the jiayment ut' -10." prf 4. Buty, repjIe lîcieht nîler &-' there znay ire lie a l1111e irelrus there are $5- eý 000 or $6,000--14 Very Weil," respo)ndedto d the agenti, I iwill give yut: rereipi for u $6,O00-..bît retuenîber, if lust, we are oaly respiensibic for fthe amouat ouit Ite reeiP).u, B thi s t..à *u.,. s6 -A-' Whi;by 10 "Itcidéntal carges viz., Régristering, Seal fr Conîaiiiy Buks,du Printing &Cà, &c. 17 "Ca'tînlaTreas;î- reers bantis £15 4. 6 Less ortler ini favoiîr oft'a Kîiiîuru et yc't 1)retecfitedl lu thé Trea- strer fr uey- Men.- £3 8 6-11 .Approved anad opied. at. a aîeetinlg ut' teDirec'ors uiedt tT. N. scrip- titres, XVitby Village, .3rdJtuary, 185 1. JOHN HAM PE,ýRRV, -Whitby,-241h Jas.1 New York, Jan,ý 22. S21il 7il 2 16 0 jNo neya cf the 4l >ti'The Em ber ia mery great. .Thte Steaumship 'Pacie' s ail.for1 tbtâ afleracon wiih 40 paLssnçers, andt speete. She bas undengOne great ales-i aluprovements in lier cabin;-and her car stuvag4e 4,15becsiîcreasieil ;reatly. The Havre paeket.itip1 Zuî*'- ,Wei at night on Cruntutniy lalandii, 20 mile, -andyhook. Paasagngait fi dec in asal 4 M a n i , l a rian ln t- J C '. . . . . L - 5- f 1 ot et' teabove naîmed Society, wil, ere 'htmatity, thatt d'4itizens are -becomnl- tlong, show a disposition te revive il. ing seriously alaitned for 1 hiir personal11 hYoursj &C. sectirity, fot knowving the day or the r J, D. lieue when they ralay be Overwhelmied or th Wh*,ifïleel in hoee rotten fabrîca which are calla.d Fer A. W*bi'I9t' , ouses. There was ne wind-50 sîormi yAN5WZ.R TO TE lit ?O1DICAL 1 PREPMO5T I?. -ohn ecuefl alO hs No, 1-Oitawa; 2-Spamin; 3-Heniope; 4- tinebtt te so e fi fuSIf thoien Appetine; 5-West Poit; 6-.Ais. e bu0-- of the m thea sothe ilsuflce lmcy 5 N o. 7.-Philipine; .-E a son; 9 -N apl e ,. ý u 1o i t r a s a c h b ec i e t t n r Nil; 11-Yellow. er in whicb Uîey werebuilt. Yet they !d No. 12-.Waynei .13-Hilton; 14-lavwa; --l were tu have brew t nefits n t Helena; 14-Tenssee; 17-Lyon ; 1 -E hiopia. bOvry el g n St onhe f rn tshe d The "OSAW PNN WI5LL Z misf'ort une is,>that these homrses afe net Wan ii4o!aied cs;ail tilîrugh.tht City 0 GEOGRAPIICAL ACIIOSTiC4L'E.NIG.MA. the sain e sort ut' work is beiîig mn tir, I 1 am cnmpoed of Twenty.twvo tetters,- tu> the danger u'ofthe livesut'the work- .MY I. 2,3,17,5,18,isa township inCanada West. men, tht passers byorthie inhtxanets, M y 2. 15, 9, 14, 16, ta a cosinty in Canada. shoti dtîtese strîlertires staiîîd su long. M 3y 4, 7. 0.14. 22. 19e,20, in a ctyi N Americ. '[h-six busildings, whicbl are tht Cuuist d, 3my5,9.15.13,11.isaronnyin C7atada. ofthIe lusa's ru c ,Mih ot humae Jlife, t' My 6, 11.21. ta a kind of Woal. 'svere beieg bilai on what is culliet spe-, M1y 7.9.,14. 22.7. tsa evtllage ini Gonaîla West. _culatioti ; that i.»,thbey were te ho seld or 'e. M y 8.10. 3.13 .20.9 -22. it a rare animal.le s c as oy as , . ..e r - 19. 18, 11, t, a.kind nt Grain. -eeerasso rias .î leted T r tr e~ r Ny Ili, 14.9,1,3,13,2, isa townah;p tiÇasiadaW. sittuated in Twenly-Uiîrd street [.m0uth n My 11, 9,3.16, is a townshipin Canada'West. Sd] between FÃŽIfti ed -Sixti aVen- - Canada, ies. T e prpietrs Mwere Thomas A.. iMy 13,20,9.16. ta a kind of Grain. Ë~rîImctt and Mrs. Pell, Uhe former lie- , M1y14, 19,5,11,9, isan animal. ing9 the oweer uft'hie groiiîid. Thîe, - My 15, 16, 3 19, is a numeriral xpressin, aent was Mr. James 13. LGiétirtlf MIylf, I,12.17,2016. isan em iient.Astrno mner. i o t M :ty 17, 9. 11, 22, 4, isa river in Canada. W i o t a t d w lt e r e S e î e t S My 18 20),15, is a personai pronomn h cuie tbilder and carpenter. r NYlO19 ,b1.96, ia -townahip in Ca- They wýerefote îuaid f'ur by instarnent8 s nada West. nt su niuoch per story, as each s ywas -My 20, 9.,14. is a townshîp in Canada West. tn M y 21,2i 3,10.112,15,9,13,2, is a townsitp' co mjîîll ted, and the la t pa m n h d CandaWst. benjust niade, .The rear and- enda ýMy 22, 3,17,9, 11, til a ÀMineri. Watll»ut' the lange were finisheti, aise r M y yfrle ta the cause of ruch ann oyance t e thaes n i y e î r a y î e OSHWA I'EFOTER$ZY."z. Were layîng Uthe rouf beaits, but thé il Whîby, 2Sîh January, 1851. ft'i twas -itiltleft open, the bruwn stone f.nse ofx cek t whielîil twa3 tolu bwcn»truicted, net J The m n intense excitem ent and aarm exîtas n h i g ar vc ; t d l is b a er w , N ew York regarding ftht fate n the Stea r ..Atlan. 15 re t dc r e, I e-li e cf t e uC- tic now out iwenty-arven days. There isgrealt srpe i idteiothe Uth reason te fear she i. lest wilh ail cri hoaird. 'Jhe jwith the ren, lte walls wuuîld Probably b, .Itl" tic be tngs u the A m e ican M aitl Ï.U ne ot î o a e g v n w y a s e v - t Ne:w York & Liverpool Steamers. dently 'vere. Ths seens lkely rom i' Report of flie Port Whiîhy andl Lakle tY al giviuîg way je front, and lîold- Pl S cuigog, Sim coe, -ced Ihu-ron itetti îeg Iht>1tnt r ar1w i re t e ee i 99It 'tnIe r i which ie elte par-i Cumïp-ffl,-Ir the iirst quarter comnmen-i- surted ly t-lite back 'svali. 'Tlec Jartv h cing 1lAi Octeber, 18.50, atndi ndieg '%V"115 were built %vitlot m nortar, or at 15th Jantiary, 1851. l<'ast Wl thutîtt iiortar having lime in il, R E C E 1P TISiTh bricks, afier the rail, %vere ab cdean R E C I P TS fae bet'ure tiley wVere prit in into tce bull- To. 6 per centt o Th£0-en" outside ol th rerwîl'se 125 -stock £ 1UZ7 10 O ti i t pur Uy %ith lime andi sand ; but itt "l T o l îs ut' P o rt w h it- v s l k e e ' , f r i e e l e r p r by forn 6tlOct.whîch 'va-s buit of clay crumbled away tu lSUî .jan.' 1851. 296 1 i5- 9 1-2 frum it i." Du Rud do0 1121 71 9 Sixtee pversonïs bave becui dua onit of' "For gravel 5 1-1 1 thUic relus.,ailve, atti ix ded bi es.E Six bodies are stili suîçspused to lie un- £1631 7 7 1 der thc uls D I SB U RS E MF NT ÇALIFORN IA ITEIM S. B v deposit. in Coraunu-'rcil B a tk O s h- - aa£6oo00 O 1V exîractthie folluwiuîg items of I1h "Bills Receivahle 600 o0o0 îtîterest fruit the corrc.slxondcsit uofth'Ofc Expenedt on Rod 341 17 6 1-2 Tribune frorn diffé rt Prs, otCa!itbr- T4~ Gate-keepers ïiclui- nia, by fliclast mai:- d in g se rv ices for, re- GOLD DST 1,- PASSE XGERS' Âço.a lyairing'-Road. 50 O 0 Wh iîe -standing ui Law'irs tliarf, i> l) " T ii e ti e s u t'c o lle t . livl uie fthe sovereion ked his Iirs, nn sIt! that any sovereign onlei nificent a hremn. CCID .,Ç .-biiceolir last îaformed Of a sierions aeciipi)n raiiway,>near the [atm-of %r, Toronto rouit, abolit two asie car;î7he track acrasa the t turece was forreed abolit Whet the labourera vert engra of December 281h, onderm'uj Cure earth for fi Ilg u Ihirg the.-'fop, Pte,ipitatirig lro)Zc tUpon them. Ail e:!capecl unif liebimae, ut tht neme ,, C,> » 4v. 1 wali compietely bDrt when taken out M'as apparten 1ractuej.....tht arch rcf tht ceai $"a"p torr from the face and ba 'tht face dreàdfully mangleit. len. Drs.- Hanter and Quick n attendance, We are happ, 4 nfortunatemean, thoujzh for sel precariou state, 15 eow sElewly dea Warder «______ the mail reVolting, details oif a f] in Iliat counIty. A mac naine, urife are in prison fur alarvin; chilitren, (by bis fermer wîfe,) lie-of thet hîrd. The foroner5m ucxies andi reported tht (acts. rre tbern .haî Ohrnstead il wea Irn wtre kept flied iii an o)tl reather,,wîtbout lire, snd onli bread tu aubsist on. ont or1hg matshe waa preaent when the wme meat andt went loto tht roc Iren were, in fred-tht»,, as cihe Watehed ber, an Itnstea<t of'g'ivil ut it in a vem-hwert lhey cotà ', and sait with an.earh, te. the iad cat it ait up anti lickeitthe Pl as"Uage cf fý liCeap Posi retsatisfaction. Thethi Ige, ordered bly the bih.jj va nt of mn Ony So 1ng fe -TOWNSII xl-ràctfrom th, mi mie 2'uwuskip of 1 Molveul hy Dr. AIR baht i e Reso)lmvut,-T bal b- leetîng of thp inial nI P'urpoat ienein à e- Cierk do procure ftwo hunitreti cojeiei ù the 31unicipl-.î Whereas your Ceai lxio.ss, as fan as May -th tie Laws and 1 ,e. Isuly toe pond au .~.1 ieer seen

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