- De LocCk's PULMOYJIO WAFERS! AEIY CONSUMPTION, inti ail afl'ectionï oi the R4cetr, N. Y., tb. ouly trie anti ireiîlîi pro- puietar and Manrufacturer oùtr he Conrtinent ai' AmersCa, by assigninen: of riglui-fýaîss JAMES JOHN$ToiY%.. :This celebrale, tin'et.v is for sale liv W. SUTr- TwN Drssggîst, Oslsivwt;T Sat , TI'ox. anti DAviosoui & Ca. ucnnrii .l)iLN; rBro n; CrsiiN' > lfiî' ruk; anti JAM»Es H. GEÃŽIKNE -Wlitby, 8th Nov., 1850). 30 CAUTION. 1[DO heiehv caution iî4tlicîrtis JLuting a mpurins article calleti Dr Let-Ock's PUl;n$nC Wafeýrm, rantafectuîreîl by . 1). (Green, Jiau»jlton. CAnada Wes-t, as tl lihe informiatiomn he ever receiveti for manul'acirinz Ihese w. lentý was1 by being iutiaes-Bryaii'q 1) rit t zu'er, Rochc-lu-r, of .~aiLec'sWtrwhich 1wi cals llryaiîîs Fuiwtonic WtsferP. 1 amn preparedto tgive rnt s uat isf-ac tory e%-ideinre iuy nost respectable l>tyiciaîss and i Autit.. ap-. pointed for the ae outhfle abovu'eoîl(rPls.u tire pectattos ell'ecl8tbchiy hat-i baà il u«tn tiss wiso bave bail the mittortune to use Ih4ps. Plea. refer, ta tîIrd Page tif 5lu paphltor eritificatrs given l'y Henury Plmnerlat' S"-,êo'n 01 tire.l3ilrReimnieuît of Item r ttvr ui Iniantu>', (Port X)aser, C. %V.) Nîu t'isr unless siîgned by lý Taylor, Rot'hu'sur. N.'Y. JAMES JOIINSrsTO.,'l N.it',.Y 31-6m ÀLEXANDEIt SMITII, Royal Ex 0agoSaloon N'.3, Liddel's Builiigs, Ch&-r ch 1may, 1850. TORONTO NOT IC E. INOTICE, TS llERtEI3Y GIXT.N ithr application wiiliehémadnti Thte~iliu at ils neKt ssin for the forimticn ni a new ati indepen6taîCouîity ote'auofite n e;asî.erîtown- ships of the Couilnt'Y a ork, anrtibtr attachijn; fluai part of Carlf-twrgî a i tano i'Iake-p agz1Io te tt)%nllhîp aiof l erpaa atito frînî- tian i1 a niew township out o( thoN' ot, il % 'rtwright amti Reaclhit-hcoot. Scuà rro- IiantiandtUat thse saiti ne w îuwishi1u ic attîà c lied ta thseproposet ineiw COU11îy. .WbiUsy. Nov._154 1150. 3 LEATHER 4b FINDIN S STORE. ÇoMmmrtlialBoildings, Irock Strtri, Wliitby JAMES WALLACE Igl o aibtu sbueaakerj 1arness Ma kers, andothéiri, Ithai th as on band, and wiil continue ta keep a mwt'li- wrwd 8tnk of Leather andi%.oetmà ker'.* Fîtti- â#a, mhieh h. wili oeii at Taontlo pricei. l'.is present Stock consijýsaof Soie Leaîfier. Spanias am? Slauîehter. Uppet Leutiser. Cow Iliiîi . Rip anti Calf - Frenuchs and Phiiadelpbia Cait Sktis~, Colored Moro= eand i Ruans of ail kinds Goat ald Lamsb Skili Bindifics Stuc. Thread, jkbot %Wetss anti Linines. Boot Trent, Laà t-a, Ili n cers, HhL&mtnrs, &C. ln a4dilitrn totae b.we bu'as eonmencod XOOT AN» SIIOP A1Gt its'lranches, -wbhie s i particuiarly' well preparedto acarry an! le the satiblaction cet ail who may tavor hlm with tiasir ordes, huving the principal part ai bis stock muacturedti mder bis own ins pectiîon, ana someocf the beat wortmen thre country cau pro- du"~, .nabling lîim at onuce to airant bath qualiîy of material andi wQrkxnaîishir. .1Irz<e Stock of LadissW tîid Gnlm sBoots1 Fari litatenon givra Io. Cusom Work. U oi pidfur 11e, TWic, a"d Caf Skia#.i Wrbitb ",4Nov. $t'o ,R150. 30 Ã"OIÃN T -U C R (Laie of Mintreili) Rai;, Nuit.TuoUitand hbtîruërasies;Skellt,Btuf- il., nomr.amd Ivory Colmbs; Feat*ker Dusiers; .htWory; C!sstrq; Faacy Caje; Perfumrr!- Cý'Euseme, flair 011, Toie Sas:Faf F>yBaêaktiyt, Pt-Moareyç, &gar Cuses, . aB k ilBookt, Poe4keî «fand .ria DO-, 0CU agd SteelPaess. 3Motre Cu4autm nd otiýer -Pipas, Tuys, Faney G&-., C-c. -. 54_9 Wellingtoli Buildinlgs,- * KING STREET, TORONTO. 2- *HATTER .AND FLLLRIER,- VflýTORlA R10W, TORON"O. JNFORMS tire Ladies. andI Gentlemen of Wirit- - yadvliiity, tisat h. la uow receiving bis imýortations of EUROPL&& M*NLTF4CTRED FUJR$, wbiehuaçoether with Canîazn Ftuots own Maimtctu Witt fr a . om eeeand splendid ahbotnt, oeataimog very huotable article, M~1 id: " Me 4ecided novelties fs*rtb corning 'Winter. YOMg LufiesaW Chiirea Fur ses,m çftat vaiisty. LS.. npmnlly soliiw tissupatronage. J AS be-en iatedy appointed jgent, Iiy the 'Man- tfH, tirec , oi te diisposal aof severa newv ago. andi took ithe pi ize at, the late NIAGAItlA FAIR. He ha-'s on land a gencral amortmient of Tigbî Air, Pliur. and- Cookidn, Sove!s, 1ut.isb KettIes. Grid Irons, I)1 roils, L)our '.t alkes, PateLfl CuL- terti Illmps. &V' , &-c The new paIwnýj d sU>ioisicadt onthte (LD PRICI.EOFALKI.'G TUEJ>4'Ii ~EtY "Iliandth'! wlise p.îr aIC fo nî struct. hi it hefliee ipnip i ujwre thvini. Thi> blove iý.îthne e hi i îwevii:onlhs, or Oas tf icicorne g'~r1~ iount Farfr viii hliir 10othcr So Tht' ailvaitta-e it ~se of titkinrziu ;a tn ~tmk u wod.andha ~ ia~eandi capaciol: oYuri, hlj~4ot iers ni bu tad pansý. andi1iî nrn1etilni 1111excellent bakinz' aot'n, are fur suii- rior lu aniy ýS<éVu'he bais OM ýeîeIvfuré', Fiiîends !t li't blny C Iewhere without caliin andi exaîninii-z, as, the saîd iovetws are only liln lottnd at Brya n's.Stouve Boom. mIn hûîîuridii villag~e of %lVtxiî1'-. whele ' 00.rof ail eorts artë Ptit %!r n lu b iprh'es, andt la uii Ille limes. Tztvme.--Ail ot of pîotlut'e. fat catielue îm- iber, cidwoo, ,&ke, &e, taken if) exchange. The- $ubscrIhvr h.îs alsu na e lime Siice Opwned ait $luvc tSlîop in. Prilirç i:c Xext docr tu 3frIair&'s Store, Whtre lhe also keeps î n al etui.ral assurtrmeti of Boots. for Whciîua's anti 1er îîouee v.ili be taken tir îuayniuîit. CAAPIg>L £I5OO0,1OO 1,Bterling. MecIiaZl Exainry,"-R. W. CLARIC, M. l Pamnphlets, Blanks, anti .11 requliw informa- tion may lie hd an alouplatium to JOIhN -HAM PEIUIY, 4etfrIl7)Y.14 LAW OrrioJe, CAMBfON, &MAICDONELLO .&ttorsd.. and Cushos-t~w SOLI( ]SI-lACR il. C. CKEO, il. J. IMAC D0NeLLt cUN uof Turoisi. IF7îlbYillage. CA!%NAD A W'sY. T Pie)liers Wî yopoit uereieicea CA111"TO0N 1,Y NI1)E,, WiIOLi:SALE 'AND R;TAIL DEILR INTEl, TtB~'UU{I, l1UEPAPER MANUFACT7RF:1 O'F SOLE Uî'l'fR, AND) ./ U ARNL:S$LEATIIER, . ýVtijîby Villagei. 7tiu Jue, 80 By John Baker, l e T 0 I l' O N f . r k t . 7 / r , A*: B.I)oli'( patroflih'e Ied/arh', - -- -- --- - Jar lkey moke yoit pa'y prot fitîd les.. OT "AEIAN IIOTELI IVbil1bv antI Pîn ce 'AIlberî I'I F RA S EI Spririg and ýýnmtr Fultions for ISIO. WIlihy, Apîrt1, 80 A L E X. 1» I1NG L 1. WviIIITIIY VILL'AGE. Alorders iii lits uniîe rmuyeeecd Tih lé.t9 't F (dio reul-yg on hnt saruister eril Attcz-uey at Law, BROC -'4TREi'T, WHITBY. x T 'y U RtICHlARD WOONe Supenr a ccommodationî affartie toTtar.vellert. Capacious Siabliirg anti Shedis atunciredth e (QMhawa, Apslil, 18,50. DONALDi MlNProprlelor. WidLand to Laeaseu Il, ubcrbFas A YEW THOU$AND ing Towatehipa, Rah xrkrMru iil btrry, B)ruck, 7ora/r. Mara, UOri11ia, Ticy, Taye, Nuts Qsg, Cifg vd,Meipct, Edo», Fente. l'on. and Ops. lie imas!eof thee antis are cf thse best quality. anti wilbc leaseti tor a terrisoai rons five ta aeven year-s-dependiag u tpa tise situation, mn lots aof tram 20 to 100 acres eacb, la any one wbo wiii chop, clear, and fenice, itn a zood and work- manike asainer, wvithia the sua oi<i tira., a qwuîity trot les-z tirai 20 acres on eachi lot. Ail letters, po>t-piaid, teiria; infoarrtîion con- ceraiurg any of tbe 1anicular lots in elher aI lise ,abave i owaiips, wilIl be asrewered witisout delay. JT. BUSrH. WiribyJu , 1. B1y ~AII1E.lIRN~SCOLLER N RN T HE Sulrrr berias conttantly -on bandth ie ' ' '2e articles, wlrids Le Mtitelal clreap for cashor credit. ROBIERT GARTSHORE.-- Whiîlsy, June -,th, v18S0. T î ubserihewrs have remrovedttathe Corner hi b- NE 1 V B UILD ING IN >RONT 0F THE .11)RKET. knewn, as thse 81. Lawrensce Builinie. LYMN. NEEHAW& c SUR GE ON DEN7IST; 1A6 thse soltotiF 01a"in iunîablis arrivaI in 1] Taornt gin,, iez ini t csty as a I.. r F. feelsconfidentî y under sotme of thsel PORTI HOPIE, C.W. ?-3- TIrutsty Potter-s .lways iniaiteailance itthe boats. Passenrî'ri and iheir liu'.rage con veyed Ia anti frons the lifrce ofaicharge. pori Hope, Juiv. 1850.12v WEISTER~N HOT*EL [li!intoir Street, Tornie ln thse inumeliaite virinily *of the. Bnks, Post- Officeuiiia ll he $leanibojat Iafiîus. 31. MIWHY, )rprietar. WIL LIA M J EF FnR1Ey, AGENT F0R TUE 3nontance Coijpant, Excellent, aceomrnadauions for traveilers. G;oWi Siablintu forHliane. il Poriodical Zitoratare. T1lEfa*fllowiag Ma0aziffl anti PWmriodalawill- s-le deiiverod ai P41iisher's Prictts t» Suhacri- bern in Oshawa and ifs viciniiy! by G. litNîs, Esq., Postmasîer. Gatiey1s LaVs Book, -M£0158 per.annum Sarltaîiîsunion .Magazirie, £0.)15 i Umrabam'.s Magazine, - t), 15 Litteil's Lis'iî Age, - 1 10 Harer' Ma~azne. - 0O15 IC International .Magrazirîe 01 B. COISCGRVE, General Book anti erîodical« Age it W hoicsalandtiRutali, WdlingtoMn J3Biijgs, King gS-tted, Torunio. Taronto,-Octoher, 185-o. 27 I L e"NftY WEBBEIt, FA1qJI0NABL1E T1AILOît Oppolrite Aif r. BIette$, Kingr Street, Where lie is preirarcd taexe t orders ini 1iW line on tle shortest notice, aud at moderate, charges. Olshiawa, A pril, 19, 1850. H. W. CIJFFO Dealer ut P1ROD1CE IIOUGHT AN» 'SOL». Befreei Stroud's and PIaWS Tiueri, LEat Ski of lu Marfeti, 70 1 l 4 WR D 2&'Y MR. B.. FREY 3AL.L, Brock'sm Steetct dur Io lkyan' in Siop,, WII TBIY, C. W. MISS M. McGILLIVRAY bea moot r#~ eSpeé1tilý; tý btim t"to the Zà 1ies of '*Jbùby, ai-srundtng nei#tborhood, tbat the tuae commntced busiiness un thre above line, in thre Westiendiofi,%Ir. Y i ostndhvn ctr etia tharougir knowiedgeô<tuètbluiness,à behopes to give satisfaction ta ut. Ladieswho maybonoutr ewiih their tronaCI Wbitty Village, Dec. 6, 1850. 3-f O[ IE Stbseriber offl'rs forSl, at reasunable prices, ant i pon mad't Wlhrs, the foiiawi,îi- Lanids, in tire Te.wnsirip of RK!r v iZ *- 9îlu 131h 131h 101th C.oncession, '4.U.CTU". 44 200 4 di 2()j) di dé 200> di On tht' licA' ineitioiud Lot (lying wilhin about; îwanuiuotti'IT'bri geVila e)-60 .tcres are clerir-1 eti, ni' whieh 'Y'.>are scu>wti wi!h Fa!lI'Wheat,.5 Acres ('top. Thu"uie ealmo, Loir Biitingà erecteti on lut' Lui, aiul a finle streama acruss the xame. J. T. PJU.SI Wh.-tby Ladics' Seitiry, OPl0S~1E ii' GIAMMIL SCHOOL DIS COVERY'0F -A GOLL-MINE! 111 'lLSIt IARPF.R-BROTHIERS, TlE fi, Eiitionof the' Fifth Numhlerof their u,~rartinmvcirilain of a' lrl tofefl.ond ("'Oopin..andîul uhe 11wilenu)itaiitl tiies. which en "Ili1v lie arvnulilti l I llhe faci of its pesenitiig, in ransou'thyle. andtila s-ap"r ate.thrn aiiy othe.r pfmutlic.îl piiilsheti in the mmrId. lte chuienst prolin lni fiat vasi intelli'ctîral nealtb, whirh ol'iains ciîrretcy thîrouglx the periatlical. prs4aIt he presenit dav. Thie puresceî irrh' onanipwýards ai'ofihirty article.-;fron the fasIotrlitf t' he ae ices4o uf -w oîks. Ia Yonthly Record ni ("aIr- ent Et'#rîs. Pue,)i' , aSiiorîs for Autîmfn, ,wilh For salIe ut the BON TOX BOOM1 STORE, Price Is 311. iack nunsbers saîîlieti inanjyquîan- lily. B. COS(;1OVE, Gcrtî? -Booal.1'JdPrriodical ,dgreat, NVIt)LELEE 0.& utETttL. Toronto, Octoluer, 1850. - 26 .1îiîîmoth iot-k of ilioNs 111111 Shom% 13R<)WN & CIJILUS H IAVEFreu'eivcul îht'lr $i'rinr.':ok BootIw .Land l Shoes fio.-niiheir inaaitîuirtlomy rit Ionî- treal. andi will sptl t iheir îa"îial 10%v rate. B. & C. eiriplov six huunulmt'l operrtives. agîlî prodirce frum '51(1lu (M p airs tlailv. Theëir preserut stock has be'n madie t%.ith speciai referemte ta the' w'alit oai' asîa<la Vest';2ant Wittcomperisarte indivittials or lansiîies Ims'ul~~agreatf'istance. B>' sending terequireti l ih, a fit wilil'be ipar- M.Nerchants who lbave flot pitronist;#tl the alave- .'slabtishmnenî ibuati laloe nu rame, mus lhey ean lie f'urnisheîi for on.- halfIle rot of"'colintry produc- tion. J2ny anrruxsýunaLle foUure r,-païrei witllout-i charge..' N. B. BRaWr' & CHILDS, 88,- Km; 'Street, ncarly opposite the EngIis1s Churcis. 1rCASH P.JID FOR LE./THER. ,g 'fouotî, NMay 1,18.. 5 ItR. wO0O0D, Non/A it1e of KÈng Stel etOf Bay Street, _____04-Y . ,FOS TEIB., L-ADIgS NAD CE-NTLE3IEN'8 ,N.4, City )uiblings, Kiuig SBtrect, TORONTO. 24-y c IllA I . B - A KE R, ,,!o. e7, King Sireet 9cst, Toronto. ___ All kiruds cf Slip Flaçs on baud, or made WIJEAdT,, PL4TFORMJ 4r OTIER <.For Sale l'y - WORK3IAN BRIOTIER-S & Co, 4gesls, iYo 36, Kir' Street LEst, T.#ronto. Taranto, T27thrSept, 153. 2- ens~. , Fr lther partictital tqr on tihe premînl. 1Ptckeriarg, Dec. 4, 1850. r witb a large Frai» 9l, tire front 01 tise 9t Tire abave prapert) ately to suit purchai apçily ta tire proprie AMOS WÂY. 34-tf. j AMES H. GERIRIE lias just recei- V"d asupply fAli*NUALS, antiotherBOZS Elegant Ilindingts, su itable lor Advnre 01 C;i~gn e s AIWTcS T'l' 'Ocribe sprcparetito «make PEAU ASIlES cnigita Montréal. ROBERT1 H. LAWDER. Part wbitl>y, Isl Athirîlt, l.550. 17 wllonell 10* Lend. 7JlIrc ~ S proôuared to boan severa Iifunilreff Pounds atiniaerest upon Moîage on freehofit Estate, frer of incurmbraife e", in sutas Io suit appliranis. Personai appli- cations only atteniei to None neeti r ppiy ex- cpi those Who cati furnishi the mest unexcep. tinhesecueity. lWis i lso coanrnmssoned to tueil a valuable FARM~ in the Towniship of Picker- ing, un a gooti statè of irnprovement, çontaining aholit lei acrers, ,0 of 'which! art under cultiva- lion. The, price à s tuw andi terîrs easye Also a PARMýto let un a ilease of' 5 vears, adjaillizug the VililaFe of N ood in Pickering at a iaw ent. SEVERAL IIUILDJNGx LOTS% for sale, eheap. ,Tùiâ wuultl lue ,a irst 1rate Place, for a w rToi iakCror Other rnechinies. Ão0bs bsI essa îclinner, the usrber still continues tuatcu a as usuala. Accouants, and Notes of Ilanti roilecîcti a! a low per-ceuilage. L. WliITE , Auctioncer & Cowjîrs. Agent, PourLltb NOV.3. 2 1SMO 3. IIAY! IIY'ilUT! 0Tosof nii :adtwv [hy, <mix- ed moty iît !0ýr,)forSale on the sb seiiber'ç Farm, Lot 1\,. ') ili the 61h. ('onéession PicketÃŽit,, fir (Ca h. ~i~'if equret 6 r 9 "nihths credit will 4* .WHTAu9cr. &. Ccm. Ag~ent. Wiriih~ Nov. 30~lt50 33., :f OARRI&GE AND. LIGHT BUGGY "IE subsonbler lis const'intly ort 11Iîad dcon tinlues tb Man tfiactitre [Vu cgi»zt, JBug- s('ies, Rorkvay s, Chariot- tete, and Family (TCrritige3, OF UIFFEIZENT DE.SCRIPTIONS, W'licie cati seik ,Clî-eajr for,.Cash thi ati nryotiier lsalsî in tWhit- Iîy gr suîrruuiudiîîg cotintry, Frsie rior Style anîd DtîiilIitv. he fecls conldeît f gvin fîil atifacionto jnircîa.sers., X. B. PAINTING L, TRIMING dontcIo ordtr. Repairiiîgin -,ill it,.4 ariotis branches neatly cxéèLcte on Short notice. -NATU 1A'NiEL RAY. Farme rs'Prote<ction! ell !5t. £allwcnrt Crounn1 i Mlntal weillkiuwm as the'H1ALI-WAY. Bouu n twoaiacres of Land on tise %trt corner ai Lot No, 22, 7th Con., lVIitby. aire excellent uhiIsandi a2large barn att thtisstaudi, and' two neyer f1i pitu g e ia water risc on tise prcmifs, - For furlise: Pariulars appjy to the,%] on tise prernises. GEO. ci -Wbitby, Sep. 6, 18-50. Cod LEîiver Oj Thave j'let receiveti a fresh sutppiof .L OD LIVER GIL, which 1 wlSE reasonable rate. JAMES .GERRIE Au ZI2, 1850.Dr4gs, tu GEO. B. WYLLIEý BRITISHI AND) PURE. 'WhoJesaJe à 18, Kin(, 8L East, ,li Toronsto, -May,18. KING S7REET, lo will p L 0I Iidders, for a term of years. Tlherft'are -Fi and tllc whole 'Farti FALL PLOUIY A ppiy (paid if April l9th, 18-t CASH FE OGD. ~S. 11,-y- w- InetJi, May, 1 &W. C(là /i poid for Iliuir -uqand skins, liett, Of "î'York, l&ire discorered a riceri (Juts, Po's nand Per! rl ploace t/ia'n l<ny in &ibà lfornra, T&c ý 1 1