-J- Q a the L.doue tof m. eu rad*siça t tlLiieom houim buouallowed t,)- per. ubuu4AÈ«Wt fôr.the à R.epww.. Propretor. CANADA? WEST, SÂT' ÂýY, FEBUU4&RY 1,' 1851.. r. j VÃ"L. L lN o ~ eday 2hsa.] WINTER ASSIZES. Two respectable witneeso, who hava SIDE ALKS BEsOarE £0550I 'CLEANr. kuowa thé girl Van Vlack fur msny, WIPutltha~so~ieaahtheWIkaiThursday, Jan. 23. yerrealdbypinf'suso bos aua aacVAN VLACK ti.ns i. Io te ek as te ber ueifbrm god chaise. ter. Oune cf tise witsses 'én tise laIe ~~p~h<~,~mj <~ Plaintif lu baiiff in tise divii cout l own evec is. et aNWiitby; difeudantin is sfsila on tétâiy ft hli <J" ~tune~7~v~" good ircunisà tanueà atPickeiing. Tihe otee-w iriw ïdwlleýf te . k, action was to reco-ver damagM ofr tise m~tiigtsignrlsaenu Irt lies the stemar hleaven. lom of services occaýsioned i by tise dsc. could not invalidait. tise circumsauti"l Whydmmt tb. popi liku the w io c lantffsdagite.evîdeece tisat isad boe adduised toi rebut Crieeau seout b. luaue; Tise plainthffa dangiter, Mary Aunatise accusation. rpi< uts Van Vlack, was lu tise service cfa per- Pamoa Cnd aiiin o bis yard ortwosonunamed Mihiga, defendant'q step- wbole case, remarking in detail oe ihe Vouesdo lia bao.bea. father, ai Marishasa, 8h. wus lire- eiec rcgtwrsd o h Ita womo ba s la inthe m'd, duced te defendant dning oeeof bis fodnce Tsbsrepe oradfi h e Ifakes a appear poie bety; visite ah Markbam, and on hie second -uisbhents AMs the ladies aboillilh goog, vieit, tise crim inal ineue loo<k yac.tatements cf Ms. Vardon and of otiser Af hydaced tiie polka. This wva laie lu November, IP . l wituesss vcre 1-înited out; anid tise imu- Âaifbey1849 laporance was atteched ho tise absence cf Then let eaac ee ehere'cr lie dwelle, tise followug Jùnnary, ebe discoveied ail nîtempts te showv duit te deéedoa Wiîb illienal bnd sprama Ses; tisa se wos pregnant, aud at once 'en did net commit thse offluice on tlie i8ths, setdt we ail May safey udt, hersiiestion. Siseaplbiied todefendaut 19thor 2OtisNovember. le conclusion, Non stand le (ur cf 4lY.5hes. for iweniy dollars, te enable Ser te leave tbeue 'ti .caleuint yeha petû 'à m reuddon t , tise cuutry, but Se refuued'. ýSl~*e r veëale i e y e e damanges to tise plinîil: if thîywr Boesres nealini.weui ho lier tatiser's, where, lu Augusi, 50oiseuvy ttibel tie ie ee PliscoldSohazd ot dîne 1 write. soe mgae sir of bchinthicS sise ont cf ail lic possessed, îSey would net Tb» at ou eu il tnge.worhden tise eîst cf ser nderoosbu ho mre thaissalsbaseeess merited..w Thstllyoreaz-- atagl. ivt eed cau W iesnueinen wt ad ise livéd in tise ndjoinn zStates,he We pubulihhe above authIe requet of a ge- alntee coaeaiato- -snoeld have been proceedcd aganst es thw« bé lipel. pl incoin dovr te-th isew fsh ng lier ietimacy n-us a crimn;intdofhvgbi ck Prnclial streetof b, thieotlirday.-ED. otisers. Sies nor tui ube b.d been et 'uy oO ia, e vung a poc- lutimate witb noue Lut tise defendant, consigned, fur seveui yenrs te e pi- A MONSTEIL 0F TIIE DEEP. and tisai hercenduci wliile ia Milligau's tenîiaryi -service n-os propen. At fi mtfn,(tetil a cu lu cerne parts cf tise <sceu uere are Tise Cotinsel for defeudant eharacier- ped from1aloti (tisetiliou-h enormons ses animais, caled Sepia, ised tise case as a fout conspiracy gei u pide frm10m lui thesot bni) tise wbihle are .a hind cf polypi. They haveho reie tise chanacter of a ycmîegminuf cf Tugesuedpoips, tise meidein cono- vory long legs, sud are said sometimes position and nespectability. Sevenal ticgitos, eandor dwellimg sponcn te seize tise coral divers' along the coosi witnesses n-oie called Io austain tise as- etdciies-re eeulor apîiarof Vsan cf Italy. M. Boue elthie followingsg etion. Vliekad bthe enisets tior f Va adveul tre nitlî a crestoire o( tii sort: Mrs. llannuls Vmrdon, a resideut a lcksdtedeedts içes- Whieupon lise Rouie l ds,search-. Pickering, %vns nt Milligan'. bouse regard te contradictions as là , -prcise Jng for shelse on tise rocks wbich isod diring tteasweek in Noveinhor, 1849, Vdaes, bisld havs euo kmotveintisiVn :g ibooms ieft by thse reeeeing lide, 1 and iseà rd frequent compisiets witisre- Vack whcuh ave mie o motii tating wat, much amoiabed ai seeing aIleny gurd ho tise girl Van Vlacks having many correct.i -asas possible lisat sbeiad foei a Most extrusodinnry looking anu- visitors. Wiie niteesu n-as tbere, de- been n;isfaken as tisite laid îývilftilly niai, crn'vling tuwards tise rctreating fondant did net visiltishe bouse. But toîd untruthse. suirf. 1 isud iever .cen one like il ho- Vans Viock ruse about two c'clock one Athl-saitejuyrurMwh fore.-,J Il w-i$sereeplp <amniteimgt !egs, mornîng and wettip cien-bwere the veAit iufopatixlise jury reiîrned teUi nhifrein Ibeir nuit ced flexkible n- servant mac siept. Shfe remained tiscre vritfrpani;£0damm~ ,tore, lient considerubly teder tise ntîl tIsa îime cf risiug. Tisr were -n. fu lUi . Mdon Bell, t t'y iil- weiRit of ils boily, se tisati i nas lilted two ro<'ms Csp stairs, le ona of wlîicis she b 's orPlitif.McJhnBll09tî by tise effrts of ils tencles oely n slepi dîîring part of tise sentier. MiI- , cey, Toroniefo Defendant. amui distance from itise rocks. iga' son n-as tison absent. Early le UNIT ED ST A.TES. it.ppesred n'uchalarnied on seeiega Jantiany, %"an Viacis coMplsined cf iii-- se, and inde cverv effort ho escape, ceas te witeess, le'ving an impresson1 PRESIDENT'S RECEPTON DAY. n-hue J1n-as "fot ihinluthe humctot iai seenasîroguant. le ber cross- Tiis eeîindya iePei endeavor te capture no ugly a custommie, examination witnesmsid sise badlaideThis ms eep.Tongsdarkal tndrai- -wboeoappearauco cxcited a feeling cf datîgiter, about ainetee years of ge ee taely carnage dkafl rie diagutisi, .t unmixed n-us fear. 1, defendant frequeetiv caled et ber Y h iceadsopdi hoeeendeavered te preveot iseos- boise;. but sise deiined te sey n-betlier folront c "tisAthecuie nde oisied i1 cape, by pressieg ou eue cf Ps legs with lie visited lienriauigier. foto tebue Miy foot;i hobt, altisotgis Iused couaider. Josiais Milligan, son cf tise Mr. Mill i- tise bouc designated, largoeumisocf9 ahie force for tise purpose, its strengtis gae narued, asiditepbrtler cf defend- ladies sud gentlemen proceçed tu pusy n-au se great that il several imes qeick cmi, remecsbered tho t on goiug te bed, their respects te tIse Prsideni, te- bis !y liborated ils memnber iu spileocf al 1 one nigist, Van Viock n-es left up n-ith lady sud daugliter, ail cf wlîum Mosti lise efforts I could empicy, linis n-ay, a Mr. flaggerman, a pirsuon cf respecta- courteou sly aud kiesdly rcceived lhier ce n-et lilîpery rocks. 1 cow laid huid( bilily intheui village; ccd on another giîestg. Thme sIcCCSO 1esnted on sîsci ofone of the ,toncdes n-ilS my band and iigiat ires left Wtis McKay, Millitsu ,s un occasion, if il ccmîîd lb. seemi by tise hedilh ily, se tisatishe limb appeisred servant.-Deedai t did isoÃ" t n &% tt'ise Repu btidau5-ofîtri igg sgEiioiWtt as if il would bu tom amender by our boutse on or about thie 23d1 Noveober, prodeice a greatisstin No buttai- isited strentgi. I gave il s, poîverfeil (ibtisthle lime fixed by plaintiff, aslthe lions, withb syonesIo protecetishe lives jerk' ilsn t imengage 1h from tise date on, n-licbhich illucit iniercocîrse oce-cf Emperuirs, Kinga, Quees, or uuy po- iocete n-iich il clemnm se forcibîy by curred.) Witness boiieved ho n-as net teetates of tisai stampulir s'armed plice ilis atioers, which il effeelaall y resistcd; fren home dteinag thse ltor "ocf Ne- eîmreîmded lise palaces; n ce isi wis but thse inoent auiaer, tise apparently vember. black rode or whbite rode, stlended as ulirà ged animal lifted ilie iead, wn-hilsis SamaisElfurd n-asnurse lu Miliigan'sa -Csdees e tis omp sud y.,cremoay large eyes projecting front tise middle bouse from, Noeoubon 23 tilt ltse end cf o auoeo c tlieir nulbes, nbout- lhéy1 cof ÃŽlec bodyaud letîiug go ils bold cf tise Decembor, sud dîîing tbat lime mept have cisoseu t e ezcnte, fora whit §Iln, reoku, snddenly praug upon my arm, wihVaVai.Mjrna iiothse Ian-s tlsey have îsaced for tîse gev- whuc I revousi baetuo ny shoisi- bouse in tlis ekli -si f November.- craiment cf ihemselvç4. Amdssi der for lthe purpese cf ihruting il ÃŽnile ti îgl, V"an Vleck told witnoss tisai vaut ahtlise door answered tise bell,ý re-, bobs iunte rocks te discover sheils and on tise nigisi f thtie 22sid Nevember, tise pied te. questions, asimd conductod thic cluog, wihis &Itekerse , 1h-l great isad sal uýp tlti twoo'clqick in tlie morts- ladies sud gentleen te tise rcem accu- powoe,oDtmvorng ho gel ils beèak, ing nils Hagrget!mau. Diringanthbei pied by lise Precidont ndIhie tails. *ikis1coumdeow Se betsveen thserou s ght, w noaelb bab -bels witacms Tisey fi entered tup lIge ZOOM,n-Iere ef biâ ariinu à ,sapuilles te bite. bad n-as irousisiemoteVan Vleck se 50Mrs FillmoresuMisFlm en-e A csamleà ci Sérier ~~~~pervaded my fron Ser lied sud n-euhtiop alaire5, nw s a ee.Hhngpiehureset wIsi.I~sa nliu f té u wme u udMilga' sanuep.te tise ladies, tise gîests wnEt te tIse chiqua nimalfor hi ais' fot aelçed gret freedons boiween mscets ce fisniml, à iltml w o i f 1Ls lgerup uùanY , <ey renrc><neepreseoted wig. Aw semaglistrales, bous ftlil, aVtaon, and rbu m~e1c t ossditace t cre ud~c e u tjsk tsi.yeevsb ecteesifi hi el s so ect li S ickynived, mim d t tng m h e e&Y airs'eH consvrl<ae-Fmots. Bs obisu lîe s Pslemat: the aitise whast, disegvbich tt igf et qpoblu c marcago u Chist.I- u d.bs ansxts iite vus employed ia kcepiag tise b mas uday. 1849, she bcd tbld hint cf h.er mu"aby volt po<uotioied. Etise' eay fres may bond, quicly rieOsed pregunny, and- findissg tia as.bodt is<ful sud lidietual exutm a b e u . ce tu -by destroie mytermontos' n-th otiser'aui«orb. ihde hie pistes- fis ejos uats liés hteélis ad, su" Ibtibout hailte, vssTdisesgagetl 1h by sienmteling ber thâtcthe would nst b ucnis ole i mpe u n-bait "ym à gisu t.lime. Tis sanimail *» hm. Belotetlsis, nitscu bacs ber tutiersmnd alufine .~bis hab à -, à k~ thst eSi of Sa1*isn-iich is called by baag cf orus Vîrse>-(>&erle - ver grey." Tkc. ue grees tb ti *sâtïé i rock qid.3 Tissaie lisesoeansiýnacu -lîcadslMiud say n-ho- 1 1s1I1 êFAU Saii, whff fron hicdlfb ies' bsn-as reil.dh e»oa& escoaae .,es. ng d ot wQkd ad mUtle eà &cwrm 01 ti1loi sud ~witlu tie"lis'paste.A ~IIt<,l$g~ r01>-viuussimsuc.Wsc oa muma- tise mcm plockter. Ref lb.bbcp, nboll &lopuiec 11edb ., i m-_ Là isutattisers s~ baveeitWrtten. wtéoiIahowever, direç " tusui o ssmpntç. 1 Ihinis I told yeti le my lisct4kiGeorge had as'rived mate, and ud -nal u e, al30, cf mny isyieg lb. qusiektibser miachine; but 1 ae b vmtuteu tiY",s Dow, coouequent 1cm of El ite-y'six o e lo f1weetv&tion. At twenty-zeight feet Southi wcýkiUe mpjlOY-edou theun ; but wo ideep a soft cheik 15 lbund mixed with a toé w fin4 by thea New York papera,, tsat thie vas, quantit uf m-hoDis, ud tis bed is herç.. A1 iuxy se muc~h more serions, for, in ad- l-even foot thicLr.. rads thie, vegeta- éays thtt îditi*, to thdead hbodies .reccveéred, blen aie fôund again, wihh lééfos and 16lo tpl i~ri e iteen perne. oundê4, Iwpuobas of*tees asbeo.-ttA& hk 5 cluse of this fearful accident,.*Is goer- all!belevd t-hae ben he ery~; A farmerW&led,à t the bomse cf a of tu Ãgi1a feriorqult of the mortar used ; a ad a lawyer to' conuit- hi prfeiîuaà lly. bc ttti smlreictwas nearly prodticed, in *«"Is't &plieerst. homo " .ho inquaired of the machii another quarter of the cily, by the. sarme the lawyer's lady, who openà edibhe door had $45O, canse,but thé woitkmien fortueately dis- at bis slommons. lHe %,w *auswered VI Sionsa, covered the ilner- time to avoid it. eg-atively. Disappeuntulmit shone in not biiita Since, writiug the above, *e end a his face; but, afler a -momÀent'sonsid- _1ettebut tstatemuent in suother Americn -palier, eration., a thought relieved hilm. wo-.pid ôn that a block cf five acw buete"ebyyu lcng'me te uecez,- $40 bet' walls of whicbhdbeeu carried up on- sary infôrniation'as W-Ol as't Squeer, lisPs more, ly twenty fret là beiglit, fell- iBrook- ensyerhî'i fe."-h hdld eIc lys, but iinfiicted only slight injuries on readily promised to dose idit was in ofiaking-i theworkgnen ber p-wer .and thbetier irocffecded to but hhere state the case, as fIos-"Spoese 3te tummet FIRES. Wra l bt nar n h:i .I a - I~ -e Olens an 11h-he borry ye te gwang ,toi mill, with gilet on ui t wsdr Fran»iW&" news we received ibis mor- ý n&w sol gtnefderQe lc baies ootitsunete, ny than -Stair, ll, when ail ai once, ye lar,t é -bu balsslibismorning-money excced- should. .bock tmp, nid rear. iIl, and jijicisXa milelong thhiegy ite:. Th e thoo destructi ir up, aud keeel down baickwg ardu, and wiserelù iht a vute s ineth1esrcto break ver deurned old ueck, who'd pVy &and, aud of1 beaaknIoaPeyneoic for ye 1 Not .i-deite me if 1 would!' pr yid; and othir buildings, commenced yeeter- The lady smilingly- told hlm,ý as she besides it daymrorning,destroying the St. Charils cloeed thc door, tisat asuho hpd himusoîf way us-a Htie], MedIiodist Churcs, and-IlIotherpasdsneeontecedvcvê,iht buildings, al of whicls are lu ruinai the pwouli sonencey e e.ë a hce er, taotq loui. estimùated atover a million, co- wol __bc _____________ u& iý- - on- siderable of which is insnred; moef the M., nedofigobte-gro do' wu 1 furaiture i tise St. Charle's Hoiel lias ly Sauguine bas proceeded to-eyow Yes' ,ub« beconsumed. onhiti way ti. Z-,' ,i"d, at tiserequeut thmr instsa& CYr- BÂmuxostu, Jqn. 20rn.-Ahout cf Lady Fra"nlin, -toast' inseazebiug «m a," one d oseu Ores lbave ocuftcdin oui city for bhr lbut Sir Jôhu. -Ms'. Kisnndy houstse; n ince Fid cvening, tisçy werg-bew- nomne lime ago proposeid aplaitof sea"t *h' ; a evor, cf p osqec-which it appeurs has been tlnh abig -kDu'inOsUleI)STriANGEIs, ne HAvA- adopted.-Frons bis expen "iroin Arc-.i a io NA. 'is ditiuusisdsrangers itiat tic jourveying, suXihie vigour0 af ohs 8 novel he.ve licou gueste bcre duriug tise. year biody sud" mid, sud remaikable fioeý Sonie pas0 that bas-just cloSd,are the Rev. Blisop ness of ciaraczer, w. 'thicethtie cheice suadî'hbut wlî otJstuaics, tfeyun optDurbamn coild fotrshe>e been btter moade. May tbÉeçtq il Peer of Baglsend, Loîrd-Mark Kerr, La:-bsaabursb.etepdd lts clou. dy ZSmly tuvýut Woriliy Gen. Villa- K*poi <*L ine~tic 1m clrie palesof u er . Mi.. T. F. M"au»-bO Tippai- s eI Prine Chrlescf wrntuibeg. . atormticoc, hhatMt.-Mea- Evoryhbou »ÃuIWOF oHUGERS, TiiS " BOUTxo hers eoH nd tdoélybrother is'o'ee bouse-gafi SLAVE CÂrcmua.".-WM. Hughes, te cf isËe Noble GtMUarsofPiqç4lors a ii d agent emupluyed by Knîglit ho - îeat diniala Begitnent, and woneocf thse whole towi Craftu, the Futgitive Save, atI Bostori, .3'ochsuo Officers of a lut. occausin iad, wih was killed .1 Macon, lu à recOatre with nOMe, u the blady-guard -utthse, m3St tored*itk t Koigist'e brother, bu oltc. illâstîious Pins lJér.Ma.*~p~ iaas À scco»DM,&nibic- Tattruliopity ister in,-a Nons ia ou* f ée~ in SCOiNDtm MÂrEange- That I mdoaist anient Couvents inEughiid.- lilÈ la um isuoeîme araavthn naction, l 4g he >. pn rovdb ierlt*p aeca$o. ______but Ilid ne on uaige to*Ibttllo Lowiutâou (M À Atruebill fur libel vwa,,.yeotçrmpthe i.other.w Journal, In 1811 Ur. ThuruSnntuf -brouglit.i.nley tise Grand JurvoftW thé oW Powuul marld a yopiig ladyv Of- tisai t e eaow gilu r~'oet ~ place, with whou ho lh-ed Iwr ttfiscé - Mddleîon, pisbliuler cf the Qatkç Ga. .i~ts years and thon left hie wil'e, su a eitý 4I 'is ieartcleviiohaposrd te -tise lritislt provinces, wbere a short is tiat palier of the 27tis ultimo, reII.ach. t- d tine aller, i, wns repiorted tisat ho wuiundgaaiegyupnMs.Csrrie dao iu execcdi~liposUeuWOhO iug-'s cl rtraff ich-liasr.,ehiiaea bou~idthtb titiuber land. Tewirc afler this re- :jmnoetion. W. un dgtsd th~ es; port hmme curont warnled a second niller w-ili not be carridd ay furiher. told >yts i> time with a Ur.. Lovol, *ill" Wbcm ise ee elocey. .1hv lived until bis deatis, wieh Qe gcurred a.mnbaet few yeÃs cico. Sitice tisai limas oli--LETTEZ FBOM Cà A rvlXPOU a. CtOs7 igbas occuised te occasion a doabi of GI-,WOOVALLET, .N«V.10, 1851 ap n -pr th tipiS of thsefrumeurr of the deatis cf Da i.Iuvaaatiepi p q bier huisland-aatil a 15w dsyq eluce a cr *t yf-o ea * mfa»P; î poison oalle<1'spom ir,- *né #te& lb.: popà ber busa huq'eçently dietta Bd- coorr"sPond z4w>b é1 eltiet, for tis e és' i- fw, N1. Ir., heving issen inaud hy a 1 ree oyeé. aheo s iehuhi'a a,,i trou ie iscarrnage sand offiréd 'ler .bvféerieved aiilelino êom t :cwvo^-4 kA r!: Po, 1.80 Èo 1 Yeu s in e M1l6% Ihd Due IA mi~ a -ati ingiod te e, and the rui% I Lsta fortune ocf me $»*1,000, sur teft- -seeigh.cuean»ehilduew by a .ecd »us'mlgs;buta giin"es ifttse là u, n-n iiegul li. ereuiseth kdehqir. OsURkIbuM Or Ta c , E à wra.-AithéA sity Modesà iuItltsîand au hfour râtieu îrcund it, n à oves' t cdng, n-Sew- lien-cksseuarrive ah thé disaaulofl uixîy tiscee est, îsey -couse taü e& f~ eWbaISnhloh lt.h bore n-us suauaugur âwe but deei.tdey tises witlsdia -oubf.it bon oa»seag à s'lemo 4'od. " Uy ilà sextrac"thé ise i W HI T BY, 1-PILI, ti t -e ti, ti