Whitby Reporter, 1 Feb 1851, p. 3

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man mia Sm tiii City, ontaiainq somvain.7 biggpgpm uan'd moocy. No tidings were elur r reied oncmin th lmpoketbook f«rnoI *lve ed lrnsitA mo1râg, an oldmo a a taponbis daath.bed. Sometbinq oppressed liât bi.t hýOUr4. Ileent (or a friend, and conlosit- ted to bluf a ealed parcel,to beisnmedÎatolY tranti- mue4tIo *fli. Barber. Ti wu sent aecordingly, Mid theold nu dWe. Mr. B3arber, on openin; tlie p&r- wbièdh lie lW lom nmre îb all nineteen years pe viooly. The afair is asingular one; and Yeîthere1 ia no question as to the truth of the facts we have< narrated.-ChrisUian Guardian. Iti i staied that <lie Cbmmittet ni -Safety, durîng thie Frenchi revolution,I jeeing-tht a vouqîantity of viluable animal mnitter wus bat, by throwiirç <lie bodies of tht persôns *tain by sguillotine, pike, m traille, noyatles and fusilldes nto quick lime, - caused thie musdle <o lie converted int adipncere for the candir (f.ctorve and the uiin to b.' dr.'ssed. foi, leatiier. The ilI of lte hall roorn danceid hy the lglit îrnîslîed 'y -the hody of n<gae perhaps as iovely aisth.'rsell nnd tihe exquisite glove wliich #et -off ber dele asrm. was the spnil. not of the kid, 'boit of the victim of aqualitan sd frarniîy. NEWS P>Y TUE A SJA. lIin soidthat TI,,rtl -tfainlcv vill vig- ýOrOUq!y Oppomc next csmîolî a renecwîiI 'ofthle incorne fax. The. IlOli Vîctory" lias now lmin in Portsmnouthl lrhor simme 1812, à perioci mer thurty-eigit yeirx. Mr. 1>odswcrth lin.,resigned iish-lu pfice iii dueeforrn. Orders 1imîve bren imsîcle i relice Illee Cryln Rille lh'grnn to fu it un- drec i einc. 1; is rtîniotirei, Pîtissian bau will lînt ilIte- iibendu"d hoe for £7,300OO1 (rot» Armsg to Bt,4leilacli <vas uc on the Ist 111t. - MïNr. Alexnîîde(-r îiunne.s,i feu illeton- Ù1, on accolunt of -onrIsientricai slwe- 1y,><le Paris.Trilytunnli <4 ('. imerce. 'reMarqiis <f Canî'li iîî< slil ccnmdic-etIbc llerlc'20d roc a'îof hiniself and ayivhdçjfî, UicI)oofiis dit dit-, off uuice"ofu' ia irmias of t*nmffiittecs iiti ti' l îtsse (of Lordst iexi h ,is eisrret-ilv rîustî-litis th~e - rcectrs Of-thf iai tik ofEt' glandicosn-, te"mîlate a fti-ilter srVfj i f'!liii' rate oif diseoiî,îb. Mi'e itulisii (If, tisec ,si ~s<ei »nd h3r;gto-s t:sihîay. rit L1ondomn w- I l r ro1fu.1 on~lsielu.î.t gIlle Y bntî"t rfî-saflefls îD in I ci -a . Ilave r-îl.don reis:îic ( is' IX *<' -scrdetr 1< s!s.eflic tr e %voliiiin ced Iv 'si'< IX. :azais sîosvoral 'rte rîg ti ts-ti iî 1Iirnt !, u It s t;î, "isit a riwîls:tlins Irî ¶1 di-"'v-- s-duistc,ît fi re1iivcs at - (lh ~rt1,.arsiitt..~s crÎgitrsal Ieft,'rs <of Illei kiis (.1<'I rai mie, fi.. nsFranisitue first to i..s aE liesî.- ' ltic R&Iî Ue Dr. I:îdFi. Bi#lîs> ofN<.wfssînlaiulis b ite IranS- 1(letd tg) tlie .is.CfS'ef -rNova Si1ut reilirered Vuennt IbV« tIle d'al(f lte MARRJIED, At Marklsam. on %edn",tlay. 22nd ".Yan., 51. lsy il.' Rc.L'adiclî Kthlss I>',olerri ~ioo baisi placeoie is Allîfgail IMajor, of hirkerin;. ÇA UTI1ON. .4LL Pere<sîs ntre lscrehi f<rhinr. baring or irusrting my wtMargaret .tnn Decker, on- my ace'.uoi. a* i %vilS sot îayariydebîs of btwr conti&sclîtitzs ;afIr itiil atr e,, a%> rint telt sny led and bloatl <s i:thosi 01v ixt ît awor provo- Cation.1DA V 1I1) .*JICKE B. Jan. 21.,I911. 424Ï1 (A DIET I I ENT.] TOWNSIP I> I.ETLN P.xtrartfrow the Mimites (f the Munfii)olity of the Tuwnahîip of hiftV, Jatulary 21, 1851. Mo1ved lby Dr. Allison, recondesil-y Mr. Burns, TIat 4il. e Re.ofrd.-That <lie (olominc notice of a Publie Meeting of the lnhabiîants of ihe Township, for tht piurpos % iborein rfi forth lie adoçted, ansi that 11w CItrtc d procure thie printing and circutating; of two buadresi copies for that purpose. TO the Municipial Electors fftie Towaskip o. lVjby:. * Wbeteas your Counciitors aret licst willîiicamd auxtoUs, as terni as u lie practicabte and Consistent1 wls.h the. Las andi Institutions under ivhicb we lire, rult»i o 'eponti snd cairry oui your weli knowni wislits ami ftet!,#g on al leading qusesions affect-i iusglte bust intercsts of thie Téownsliip, w'lire tht saMe, after ful snd mature onnleraion, osa> lavee lisen £lerly exph'ssed o« madle kaown ; and wliere- as, il la highty desfrabie and proper inalllCame,~ wbm. your feelings and wishtes bave sot-aîtersoudl cnidrai-been suftlcienîly or legtimattly-ex.. M efi amacloe known, on questiotis ofdes'p and Iaing in~tera o yoor wel(ar. aud hipinos., that the u.a' seps eboid be takea by yow repre.. m 1 entai.certain wbat are your wisabcsin ye-f gaW te uch ajetta, in order <o a righi and proper un&-stadâod uhmatters. TYour Coueiliors, tlierdfore, reoretlliy request that you wiii nwettherniet tea o'clo4ccis. 1 GLoBer iIOTZL, Bi »ÀT5on l.BRUAI 'wlimithe. Oreric aud Fençe Yiewen important business Brookiin, Jan. 22, 1851. v.y, IPUD&U«gJopt, .ponaund other Cierk. 41 MWENT 'Y THOUSAND DOLLARS! SELLJXO OFF.<iT COSTI! ¶111E Proprietorýof the CHIINA TEA STORE, WHIt"UIViLiLA4G, having deter- mined <o close his business in the 3pring, offlin <he above amotint of Gonds at COST PRICE. ilis ,Stock is still v-ery-%vell asxorted, compriuing almost cvery ibm; rcquircdl by Farmers and others, iherefore, if yoiî want the beit articles twenty-livc per cent cheapeî <han can b. arot Îianay orljer es- talili"-hrnett ini the Town, call ai the said Store, and- t he Soibscriber will wariant satisfaction and alao a .ale. By caiiin g tliere, you can Aind Ready-Made Clothinz, Flannels, Fur Caps, MutE. & Boas, 8ati- ni-ils, ricking, Giey & Bleached Cott on, Striped Shirting# Orleans, ?Shadel, Figures! & Plain L#stres, Cotbnîaîgo, Velvets, llitlpons, Flowers, Calicfes, Clotis and Cas-mitres, Moleskin, Linon, White Blankets' Sole Leather, Mill Sawq, (Iil, Glass. <2rockery, Sheff Hardwvare, Nails, 11Iisiîze, Cboeks, Ginç liras4 & l'aienit Pails, &c. &e. &c,, aIl or which b#ë pledges hitrinelf to se!l as above stated. Ili bas some more of <bat TEA, <no, ai 2s. 6d. Call and bc' conrinccd. R. E. PERRY. Wh.îby, 2lst Jan., 1851. 41 -if. I11. .OCONNOR, M.t7PRTEP. of Dry Goods, Groccriçcs, Wine%, Liqquors, Ilardivare. anid Ctokery, WVIITBY VILLAGE. 4-f .LVXO U.Y(!EMEIVT! prepar.uil tripa'..' h.' Sîree t 'Whîtby witb .C.sift)rrîia G<l, in hyetdetermirird t"' isîpply hi> -ifflrnîers with Golmts 1eh Low 11al.s, tbat the-y rî,av ie enabletl ta (n o io il sey wish, throuitc the lra aiiîg effucted lîy hie ;rinrl; andi li oç,,îî ij':re lati 'rrnrocl* tîjel, I isai .ontrary in ic us%iat mOde piartirefs! l ic rrne 'qfrs, lbhe cj(lsly of liiig no)dS will ruf ber hPpTovO ilail orber- wie, at bi§ îanusulfy Loch. Prier ; alid as lie la we<avare that %lf-itilto-lMSt h the ' xso5îp>orftji iaoîie cati wiclil, lie will ryjake it thse îiutercsi 01 UN l b plisrrh.se frorn liin. Ly stipptyiný, thei willi 41t i qualiieç of GoMs. and ai 1Miver ratem tbacs arty Other Eills<natWeet <of Montrea I. V1NS ilt lie fouîèd b ttîaifiltussuî irir higb celcb- 1jýy f li~~'. Iltr< Poi ad fiantire fda- v'îr. Ili. laige and gii-r"rl assoisrtn of icofices. Su« sTulaècos, Y,ui G. Sir a"wtasare,Iliard- the miosi i'ang;uine e p 01 ins4purtcha*ers. 'I'%>ecs.;keepers and! the T~ratl , ujplie!as Love as ttîey cati j'uichàj;c ili)iraa W.13. O'C(>NNOR. illî 1lae, Jan. 2 1, IK>Csi. 41 -1f. NVCW TOREX J>rot'edion Pir~e 4- 'f(lla e In- '..onBaî'dtse, es(tridi,&r,. Flour inscl(hiti îl is aenî -.arsi Niilpïq aaui vr'sels tsi Part, ai [air raies (f eilitm. T. J>NI'S JrenR., ESq., S&rrefary. FI FE it1.1N cES llrsshî. Wabi;s~lo Ilsit orvet:sor or New Voîk -Stâte ; fl1 iot atio C. Scytzunur; 1Erttils Coi nugl:, Prcsideiit City Batik, Albany. A;crzit or Toronto.. (>rc .;YnsSrc,$outlh of Kiiîg-Ssect. '['lE SîIsaerIàerluisu.îv (n flitilî, a 1.sîsttyof isCelebr;lOt lEX TRJC'f-of S.dR&)VIRILqn Quart Battles. Wlsty, Jais. U25;I5. 41 -1f. To bc »îsposcd ofj .A i ASIERYnuwCîrryiîsg oit ails '*xIeiaivr b ti 'VJTay i4LAGE. lusà wtl illes! up t<i:), i ettles, Ilorauqus, &c. ; andi a large %-u.sntity of Atîse.c-à L lyobtaùtd.- Tlsete is, alto, a - 4oap iansd i sule Nalufïsctuty, utahsi .pply <o UEOJWJE WALLACE, %%Iiîl!y Village, or Duke Stieet, lisar Cuai ointe-St., Tronio. Wlîitby, Jan. 25, 1851. 40-1f£ WH!BTY aBLDiNG SOCIETY. 7[1jjf. SCUYD LitAN %EETIYC of îls Ssoehrty, fur lie duspoat,in the usual manrier, of TWO Skates of £bO 4eacb, wiiilibe iJ ut T. IN. &îk-iptuîtc*'sIlstr, on INOXDAY Eveiig, 3,tl 1<1>. By Ortler, JOHN IHAM PERRY. Secrctury 4e Tre'uurer. Wbitby, 13ilî Jan., 1851. 40-3in. WIIITBY IJUILIING SOCIETY* 1VOTICE is liereby given, that a GeUe- 1 'q yl-Meeting ofth<le Siocklotdersof the Wmmr Ds uJLwsoI SociE-Ty, willi heisi dai T. N. &Sripture's Inn, on MNONDAY Eveniisg, 3rd Feli. fuisry, a:- Six O'oioek, lo cotuider the propriet>- ci isicreabitig the preseut tiamber 41 Dwiectorit, andi other mattera appettaining b <lie aoôrking of the Per oider, JOHN- IIAM PERRY, Wtby, 130a Jans,, 1851. 40-Bn. AV 17 , ULOTrHUNG&DR 0018 CCAPETR TAN EVILU WALKER &.,HTJUTCHINS ONj, WHIOLESA'LE'& BReTAIL Clot hiers, Ouihiers SION Or TIIE GOL13EN Liiv and General Dry Goo ds .Merèhaiils, SION OF TIrE GoLDYN Lioti, 26, Krnu Sf;tnr.r EA5T, TOo"KTC ________ ', Klîno SITRV.TF EST, Toios'ro, J3 Gto isîforrn the renders or thew/, itby Reporte-r, und pubsilie gu'nvrally, tht lIte> have rarnpleted their Faît importaîion.soa Suaple and Fanîcy Dry G oswhich having ee selertes! fron tise best Stocks in potreigil Markeîs, and! purcha;vd lIjr CASII, ilt be f -.uisd,-hîpon ex- arfnation, upstsrpasjed in this City, ýfo- uhualiîy, style -ansi cbeapneistc. Au Inspection ih Jn'vited. REAfiITHE 'FOLLOWENG: Bltack Qrlears Clotli [romn Coloures!id 6 #l Black Cobourg di d Coloites 1 I -2yJ <ide"d Prints tyd1 -.]iule Hoyle's 4 . 1 yd Gtrsgltaris (Ileavyj" ilarti Sable Boas Grey Sqîuifrel" Stone' Martin " "1 Muink -si . a. s:'. (j S (I 9 c) 10 19 o 1<> (I S 07 us 36 26 15 51 10 9 pr. yd. IVisite Cotions- Gtey "J i 1yd. 14 . Ameoricati Sbeeting 2 pl. ies! Ticti Browrs ilollans! G;ala 1ilits I)ark sable âMîsifs, stonie Martin Mitsk f 4j' 1 pi. p~yl. c) .1 c0 4 0) 71-21, 0I 7 1-21, 0 71-21, 37 6 Together wiîtb an excellent Stock cf Fashiorsable DRESS GOODS, Silks, Gloves. IlosièuY, &c., 8< correspotiding ;trices. .1180, -1,000 WooI Scaif Shawls,-!woî-l&îl of nolice. Jfalered, anzd J)amak .3forceens, (-arpels, Dru ggils, &'c. &ec. of.efeg(it P Iattezrns. In ilirir IVoolico llrparlrurt arc Casmrs(Plais &Farsry) "36Litîn làskîs " "- " 3 6 Mohair d- 76 Tweeds " " " 2 3 Airierican Satinetts' 2 9 P'ilot Cloilis "' " 4 6 Caniadiat 3 0) Beaver " " r < ; " Clothos, "3 O Moiesis -"13Couds "1I6 ~e itr5i - n Pcijlaid,. a ;'iw s SUIk, orsl, Iliait Plusabes. T/c'y lItouldr rail partir ular attention to (henr a&ortm'.nt Of C. 1 () T 1I1IN ..,e Th lw ifie of whc -sira, iirisstitp ander <thir wirsifp-cuious, is>- the lueit Of wîkeare not -equalicul in G(>isas.fir stle o "-f Cslitigi.1qualit>- cf us<rkmanabttip atti! maletial, Pn'enri unhe nets ta tiseWallits cf tî;e ~e P1. ltlied aboutItolapiitcba#e Goodi luntIbis 4îs~r way -îay ton deui for <icir wlistle"Ilif tiiet buy lfore iookiul; o<teiW. & Il'$s Stock, aritongu «hicili 1lm.-fc'siîid Gsepy Over Coats frîînî 17 IFie Sbooiine Coaits- ' 0 Ftshug "il 31I Fanc>- hae l'anIs "12 61 lPilot ilt 4"8 4 '- là Bc tgk"tg 9 Bea;,vo!r ""W- "Stie0"10> 0 Fine3<)0f Tweed "8" 9 Licnsuiin - '>( Black Satin Vesta, " 7 6I Whitney "(s (0 ) < IF.icy di "dé 5 9 Fine. Tgs"22 £6js" Toilbneitî"#1 4 6 sFterkàsi, "3' O fhck)>ubl d il '3 Boy"'I," Iin iigrvat. vnricy. Paril Velvct-italaisy Ftr& Cluthiijs&.c Gtirments-ar modeIo metisure and warranted to ft 13-Fàtrmer's arnd others rtg.Iing in the couistr>-, andI not arquaiuitesi with t ricks piactisedon suran- -ets , lîy rarsy deaiers, woul indo eli ta rail a i tis îllshes, as they bave but omt straight for- wasd raosk' cf siriing iases.Arct ueir rides are the folowing: NO SECOND) PRICEi AlGarments Dot tfing, ezehangesi. Ail Garments srarrassteil r.oi la shrink or @pot wiîh rais>. Ail pi,-ce Gcxods, eut-in <hoeusals letigilis, exchangeit. Trurta.Novenitl.er I 2> COMIE AND ',EE*TIIE FR EE T RA D E, HOU S E! .Vou.9 I,& uLwrence IHdngs, Toronto O NE of Ite firsi îîriuciîslos of Il Dcme*tic iEconmy" is to bs:y il) <he L'heapest M4ark.et, ans! is universa F t> prt#ctibesi Is-al - Jiormnical Housekeepers;" and the Frc Ttade of the presessi dày, l'y îroiotinsr wboiesome cbmpeusiin, gives <o ite Public the greateàt amount of '*Protectivut" tite moi aiigid Lecono.misî cars <k-ire; but: in the selertion of a IIOUSEHOLD iMA lT," it ablogIs! ot s . ii n riais! thasi " QUALITY is the true test of CHIEAPiNE$$." 'llaving purebuses pliiicipi.sl üt)r L i ront ilise Msss.cttesi BIITAIN asîsi the UNITED STATES, andI j.'tenfoti Subi. Gc.ai theL OW1AST IEMC'NERATJKG PROFIT, for CAfill KLY, RR . JEil T SA B(RQANIV 4 Ct>0, Ofl'or tu the Ptîb*ic of 'roronodrand the surrouncling countr>- ai EFXTENSIVE. AN» WElLL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Alot «lih i l tIbar [ostus! fiAy eiî.sl iunqu.slity 1tu tht (irai Londogn and! NeW Yoik Esttbtistsirts, asul at a consdeably luiier priCe < han any Hifume ini ibis Locality. Thep pesent syoîci orf" P'îin; alias LI.yiuu;" ii bere repudiated ; and R. e. bCo>, (in keeping t.> tle ols! ad!age~., ' i1unessFy bs t1 jet>t.sîolicvl',) bave evtrry coniidence ini giving universel satidfauction <o ihose wlio rMay faveur tiien with, ilîcir ,i>atripsiage, theieby gîving grestr pultlicîl>-tw their cape- tilifts for proouliag l the set itltereaus (the 1 oi'tl)o thtePJopt. Their Stock comptissagi l-,XTE.NSiVE AND CAREFIULFL, SELECTE» ASSORTMENT OF ilSTAPLIi AND) FANCY DRY GOO!DS, 0f the Newtýes8t £IyIes andti anufactures, Lad!ies' (.loales, Bonnets, .4tuffs, Boas, &c., &"c. R-E Ai) Y -3lA D E (3 LO0TAI 1N Gl lu. cvcry 't-nielly cf Conts, Truîssrrs, and'V'eàts, of stîperier ecul auJ inake. 'rogober v;illia large lot of Ladh's' anti Boots and Shoos of cvery T I-É1JtlIRSTOCK 0F C Tliey en n il >coaftiesies recommenti, asbeing- entiret>- free rtlsand! are of thie purtst queliuies anti %est Brandos. Incladiitî a large lot of John -wilson'. si uTcsli anti R. S. & Ci,, being determinedtie<oculezceediu. hi gl Pri ces in these d;gging. R. 8, & Co'x " Splendid Establishment" ta iDow PartioularîY invite theais Country- Frientis net tu pu of provirig the truth or Ileir pretensions. Na sac - Gaents vî.sdeto m=aurm, Ifs d< W ~ , 0 3 R e m e m b e r ! t l i t e F R E E 1 R A D E ' 0 T 3 8 I ~'est of Nelsoun Street, in the N'ew »Qtolg »Joek on vu mis. i tfur lhis MES S1 S..BIWS flEG îq annoüncp o he inbhabit-ttts or c Clotks Cassmerel, Vc' ti fd a gencral M Ite hast Brfitisk A.Markc(ý, for Cash of (hem at jirices ,nuck lower, Mfanufaetred b in'tis çi4 C.ty, froîri Godds 'BUi selves, and Cnnruhsftî Coi-14, (rom ,lWe bksI fur durability, tv le, and -tliéRefllss- INen's Eroff: Ovor Cc Do Beaver i Do Shooting"i Do Broadktoîb Red! fanîstl shirts, Fur Cap% Glerigas vBonnets, Merî's %Vove Urîder MNen'. Vesto, nais, fnt -Z 2s 011 s M.èn<s4Ciou fictWroué$'f rpin 4 à& s là < do Erolff dé id - - - 30 0t) di) Cafi'ataPlaftl i- . - 4 5- White shirts, Linen fronits, - - - - 3 9 Cloth CaP9, -5 Shits," -- 39 do Trousers, 5'-4 5 do Coata, a MEN'P. qRJsS SA TIN RAITS, JIL.CK ANID DR.fB, -DRY G*00Dnef Cotsistiîg <of cvcry article necessarv to eomplctc'a large aind weIl-9 - o se Goods reqiireci l'y TUE PEOP'LE._ 5M1 Saxon>- Wool &Sarf Sba Wla, frai' 3O~04Myardhu s<ond Bonnet'Ribbo-ns "i 3.000 yards Gala Plaids d Prints, fast colours, 44 Ladies' Cloalk6, (newest style,%) î4 Velvet Bonnets, d 13.; 9c1Faetory Cotion&, trot 0 5 White. Coito, 0 9 =tip Shirting, ,j' 0 6 F j;nis, ed andi white, 8 9 Blankeus. per pair, - 3 9 Linons of ait hindi. $hot. C(/'iecked, Stripcd and- Plain.Alpacas, Cuurgs, a Caslîîîres, nd otlher F-ashionahie Goods for Là (;Iuves, IJumiery, Fringes,-Artificial Flotwers, 'Mîslins, Shawls, 1hiandkehie iMfsand B G-N0 8 E C 0ND P ELiC c!orner of king and Churck Siretds,johainglle Cx Turonto, Septinlxr, 18. CHRISTMAS ANDB NEW. YEAR is Twijsh to inform ithe ritszens or Port Whiihy ans! 1. urroui.tisg s'iciiuity-, <bat, as it bs near, Christ, mlaq a'ns!New Year, I Witt consitantl>- have 01n band, a'larfe asoittieni of Cakes,.as foliows: Fancy Pouind Cakesç, Ebenezer Biscuit, ,Ntî,las.ses 1'enud Cakes, Brandy Stsaps, Jstrrbles, Rock cakeit "'in -rSn ' Tea es. L~ pcte Cks Witte ]Biscuit, loa CraýCkors, Coîmn Cusekrs, Boston Cakers, Soli Bread!, iard Brea. Weddirig.Cakýes ans! Bull Cakes ruade to order on reasetbte'termi, ans! on tle sbor#»t ot olice.-, Alan,a varidtyô'$, Candies o! every desetipfbonl" ýWbolesaleatid Re*laiI. AIse, s large stock et Uro'- -certes. JAS. BATES. - Port Wily. Dec. 1lithlm. 36-tf i'OU BontWet SCleuuepdê - DIVISIOX 0 F a . o tîlE bouse se towaril lite Bay, and as in ail businexs lie is pi isiacion 1to tht public. Ëg.Whîtby Village, Jan. PIVE DOLL1BRS REWEIRJ. îr'ayc'd fiorn tiul premies of the Stl seriber, Lot Nàa. 21--; Sîl Cori. Whilby, 2bn the rirsi of Jlune fast TWO COL TS, one a year-. ling 'horse colt of Sm'ail .jiz; alsd of a hright Bs>-g, color. The otîser a. Mare, f wo years olI faut ng Spri "ng, of a daik lirown odir, witb a whitespottec ai rim andi thin mn n ansi bil, ri TLa erewa-rd will -lie paid t0 any ont gir- mng ba(tmatious Io the séiucriher, <liai wilJlfendi teo the recover>- of the saisi colis, R. M. BUTLER Butîtis Corners, Dec. 21 st. 18.2f). 36-tf IIOIUiTREAL iEngT & sHie sTOIIE E In thze <3fechanici Block a $ckiofleldsy Store, Brock-8i Wieeal can, be flUte the, smaIlest foot,to largeet .4M<d Hoc Trhet sb*crililrs stock coon4sts, Kip, Casîf skiii, sai Boy'.î boots, L Prurgella Boots oant Slippeff. Chli $ hcos. , t netuand Laitys Raiolirs, easazle- Iower thin roi WI IIniyFllie î ier bchind thea ln. As <lesubscriluer bisn corn Leather. &-. tt> kme&ssip uhereoi, r sparesi r. .elee a ~egocaclarticle. "Parso bn ÀAlt orders iti rn sic attention. i03 AsNe<le rc-ad>-made Worki partîcrul -jiscotiinimdo Cash ont>- way or trading wilhthei île sbriki. Boots Bookuti unirasa macl ugide 's 'ersqr of Xxii îjlna, -edy -Mof bave E , --2 1 ý .32-Y

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