Whitby Reporter, 1 Feb 1851, p. 4

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the Letre of' COLD)SI COUGI rsl'a'N',<, BRONICUITIii, PLULMi ýONSUXPTf ON, end ail afl'ectiolifi ni ,n 1I4uiçs. lantifactunred-by E. '1ay ter, N. Y., te crly 11te atnd àietîuitae and Manufacturer ouii heCotuiiieuaî 40b.assignment of rigbt froru JANî celebrated remetiy is for sale by W. S )rtggint, Osl(Uut-'a; T>uos. SrTo., 1 a & Co., Jo'auit;R. IiAftuýri rrQAtîn; Lr'sisnî.,.Dnffiru's C'rsek; JAME'S ilbIiiE by,8tNov.'1003. CAUTION.' 'ON. te IES and andà DO herebv caution ileltlli a s utinç a spuu'Îous -article calied Di Lâcock's inopue Wafers, mauifaettureîl by E. 1). (G'reeni, iton. Catntda Wext. as ail the informationî tic rreceived fir manut'acttir.ingç tlese n'alim was t*o montit;. James liyan ise il; a costiter- 'r oi Loock's WVaîeou, iwhiich he catis Iirytans munir Wtiftrs. am prepuret 10 give p s ailtÏr vdtr nict l'eapetalle Physiciarîs atIAens pu- ted for ftue sale, of the ribove oftîio pef'ticious elTi'cîs tley ha,.ebhaid upori ltose Shave lîad te srisoitune Io lise tliem. l4w rafer tIo îlrd pa;e of My parripiîh't for flisgiven iuy lierîry Patiner li.' gio lie 13îh Regimeitn ofLBer Majesty7s 1.1gb; gtry, (P'ort Dover, C. W.) Niui' t'îiut i-idined by E. Taylor, Rochî'ster,.N. Y. JAMES JOW'NSTON, Rocuýcitr,.VY 1 A L EX A N ) .R SI 'IT IgyJExchange Saloon, 3, Liddell's Buildinâgs; C'lsrch sý TORONTO 5-3m NýOTICE. e., r~iC E IS 111 I'13 V C.GIV Ii.'N îli ~plittinio will hbcruade b liteLe4hîu. exssirf'ýr t fi mation of.a riew allitf rident 'iî? out of the< ten easteriiwi f lthe Cotrra7 of York,. andi lor atfaelimne ilt or Catuwritht laying nortit of Lake i"î the town.shlp fMaipt aandlite fourmta- a new townsiip out-of tlioue portionîs ot riit anti Reacli, %whirii compose S.~~ and tit t he said new £owîihîjîbc taie irôposeti new couîîty. tby, Nov. 15, I1850. 3 1ER &.FIN INQSStJRE*o il oiId!in.«,%,-Erock LItrtl Il hilb3 'WALLACE k'gs b iîi'orti ilcers, latrsess M.akeiis, and oblers, tha i'adti aunu l continîue keep a Wei. nek ni' leattïér a<ISeeiae'u Fu ent stockcrn1i.,sf o Soie Leulîer, S anil nd$iasighter. -ppoer Le-ather, Cowild. Rip anrd Calf1 Freaeh ti iiildeiiîCàlf Skins, - oIar Ban aid Leather C&Ptored Mouocco autid Roans of-ail kioda Gomtal tiLamb Skii. hinîdiiigs .%coe Th read, Bont %Webti and Mine, Baot-Trees, Lastiq, Piicerst, Hmuea ln adidition btoise ,ab'rve1ire lias cornmeniept àCOT AND S1101- MAKING iii ahils branichés. uvh"W à particutiuly weil preplaredto cariry Ibj *4Ïbesatiulactioti ni ail %% ho may tavot' liii withi beir order*, having tlhe principai pa,- f l ii Uc manufaciured uslinier bis owiî inspectin, and Cunr of th#- hrst workmen lbe couîntry eau Pro- lace, enal>lirsL* im at once to warrant lsoth quaiity )f mnatpiial arid workerîaiship. 1 lsrg' Stock cf Lcdics' and GenitIeinn'8 Bouts wk cud AOCs cous! rntllij Apt. .Il ttion givru b Uîîstom lvork'à 1 for. fles, Tullowl, ami'Ce-f Skins, Whitby, Nov., 8:h, 1850. 30 JO-I1 N U1.?' CK E I, %otl and 'other bnu e lA!, RuJf Mtt IvnY Coî,utis; k'eaher Dses tlery; Fancy, Cauuî<; perfîî;îtjery- 'nce Ilair Oil, Tuile! Soups; ou, 1*s, 'irt-Mloiiyq, seir Cases, Note Il Puok#. PocAk.i and Memorapnduml el SPeI Peaw, Me1ere ("acuri nand' ut 5r q.,y, Pancy Goods, 4r., 4ir., &t., rell1ingtoin -Buildinîgs, STREET, TORONTO. 24-y EU AND FIJRRIER, TORONTO. ýdies andi Gentlemen of Whit- Ilsat le is now reeeiving bis CTUVRED FUR$, adian Fut. et blis own complIete aad'slenidid reryfashonaW afiche, coeueld.--for'lte eosig d Chilrens'sFur setoy in D.a~'lo Robesi . .lueiàe y a ppofîîfrd Aigeùt, by the Mon- FI'ifcturt:ro, Itîf ttce diispoaa of several riewl pal trn o oes.- >irli %%wcre- patented îhree moinîis ago. and touk thfe pîize ai (lhe laie NIA(;ARA- PAiR. lie h6s on hand a ireneral asorîmeîîl of Tiglit A ir. Pl'an tr.und Cîookiligt~ovei, 1'otath Ketties, t;rid irosîs, I>otr Ironse, I)oor 4Serapers, Patent Ci. 'l*Ie îewjntmited ntove is -tml.' op the' OLD PRINCIPLE OF nJ.KJNG, THE I14-TES VFER Y 'J'IIWC, ati i he fire pinteti are so, con- #itrtîctîil that the irýe colinot injure thein. Thim -stove is the' osi.wk whh. ii tàAelve ulotitit, or a* ,ion as lit Wbecoiws tmrel-ilY known, Farirwill have 1no olher siove. Th' lvi'tnt;oLe il T S~sesof ;akingr lit a louîg ditick 'f ' oud, aind heairtg a iarce and capactiotJs tver, ,' two tiers of' brend panis, amnd heingr nlofetd foi anr exrellent bakince oven, ore fat stipe. rior to aîîv s:hio e lie lias sold ito(re, ant "xmîtingas ite said stove** are oniy le-b. fîutnd tut Bu-vat'» Stove 1ù,nm, tnflfotrihinîu village ni*f'Whîiiîy. wherc gronds of ail sorts 7are fit d.ýî-vs ite lionest priçe->s, uîuud tb suit the uirites. 'IEtîaîl.--AiI Fort$ of 1- 1lure, 1741 catile, lrîm- ber, corlw'ood, W', &c, takeri ini exclîatige. The Shsr litas ali" wsorti ime since l'prurit ilî Moî'e Shopin Prijîre lîheri, .Na t dotîr to Mr Ju,'ds $torr, tvIlere li0 also k-.";s on)italiîd a gi-ieraI asorlm6,tî Of _B00t.for n hidi nais and utL'erii ofuee m l liew take'rîlii paylrueînl. -.'I,, B. I)oli'l pah'oîi sePediars, »de Lwnminur-lt.W. CLARK, MX D. Pamphlets, Blanlu, ami air 'requisite Infrmai, lion mray be lad on appli'ation Io Jolis N JAm Vrtiyp vbIgni er WJ T Y.14 CAMERON &MACDONI'I, Attoranlosud iCouh.1orna(; -SOLtTR-NHN I, x4. C. CAMIERON, il. J. 4fACDONELL, *City cf Tcruisto. WSIq 'itage. CANADA WEST. LJ"otiée in Wliilv ojîposilt thîe resiJence ol Peter P'enuY, Es1. C-A LLETON LYNDE, W1IOLESALE AND RÉT1Al1. DEMLER IN TEINIT0UIVC09 RICE, FAPER M.XNUFACIITRER OFWSLE, UPPER, AND) IARNESSIi LEATIIY.R, &'c. Cas/h ptid for Milew and Skins, Wheeat, Ouite, pots and! Pea-ri l sles. whuiîby Village, 71h Joue, 50 By John Baker, WVest S'ide of Uar-iket Squar, It o IN r-o fort L t(jle eymi ')aY upprofit c'adloost. tNOITI. MEtIANIHOT EL 13. 13 R VAN. Whtty ani Pr'iire Allie, t,? - Oc<lo1bier .tt. 1$50. ~- -26 iITII FRA SER, ttWll TiiYVILLAGE. ýprInr , ami îîuinrr Fitmiions fer WNO. -A h-ENX.PVIl N G.1,E. AU IlOrd ei'siii Ii.ï irie prî'îîtrîs 1iet lv c.xcî,ttd. Thle laitu-t 1U8/Uuns olUa-. n hano'. Proi-.;,i1er rd attc:ney. ut Law. BROCK-STREET, WlITlBY. ~u~wa ~&w JILPS' liT Erl C IARItD pi, W OO N, OsIllI, C. IV. Supîeruor accommnodation all'ortileil f Traveller"s. L'aa-cioiis Staiigartd -Sheila rittached deolthe t>u'iawn, Aptil, 1830. DYONALDJMU$ rpitr WîId Land to lease. il Snlrs irais.A -YJCW THOUSAN» .uaeau',Coliingwoudl .4Muripusa, Eldtn,. Felie- Iou, ue Opa. Tht- ins or< these lands are cf thée l'eslt qiîaliby. anid Mill ha lerîsei flrt-a ternsni i fions five tri cemir yiars,dependi-rîg upon.the situation ,ýn lots oflirot 20 to 110 acres ecdi, l tany.Onc who wili chop, clear, anrd fecîce, iii a tgoW d u wonk- rninlike ununner, withirrulre suae I lime, a quattity nît lis$ tian 20 acres on éci l oi. Ali letters, rtosl.paîid, deïirirîg iitfomnation con- icersîiti,-#anîy of.ite particutlar lots in uiititer oi the 'iov Itou vîis _nilte answered n illiout Jeiay. JT.BUSh1. 9'htihy, Juiy, 18.50. -J.. 16 - WIiITBY S-uiEIlRNEMI COLLA89 AN!) TRUNK 111. Stiat~rberas conîîantiy on liand the abiore articles, wvhieli he î s'it Sel lsap for cash or credit. RIRT&AtSOE I %ý1hitly, Juue.7th, 1850.8 R E MO AL q~îESibscrilsers have removed 1Iobhé Corner 1of the NEIV BUILDING IIX FRONT OF TUE, MAqJKET, kriown asubthe Si. Lrxurence LYMAN, KNEJSSHAW & Co. Toronto,-ApFr il129, 1850o. -7 SUR G#0N DENTIST, Hi AS thé hononur ot aunonneing bis1 L.Toronto, witit the intentuioni of es bimsel in tise City as a Suaozor Dzw Dr F. fuels: confildent tiïat revu mai utuidy under sýof*uthte mcmt 'lebrat« 'Dentis in Ertglanil sud Scollaasd, ansd fr sequarut -profersional practice.of t%'#In Jlritain, lie wilfl be able tà&ive iample m tc al m-ha may lionor hims'wilh llqmr coi Dr F. bas, fur the pesoust, reustus-1-il No 40, Kin- Street u,#ydjoiuulng l Wvareiiouse or Meurs. Jac'quM 4' ay will W. found ut al houris or 1he- O? himmef-rxluisively to the several ba Deni Ti PORT HOPE)> C. W. GEN E tA L S T A C; EOF F 1CE. Tý! Irust>' Poiters always in atterîda.ice aite andi tfom the l sflee oi clialîge. P'ort fhope, .Irîy15à. 1-iy WEI1STI3RJPN OTJIL, IVe1hirzton Street, TJoronto- ln. te uit diiate ic utuy of 1h, Baniks, Post. 0111ce, anîd ail the' Seanulinat laniiigg. Tororto,,Aprii , 151). W I L LIAM J EFF BE Y, AGENT FO -C'TITE tua«!0ington Qeouuitn futual Jnronranc'e r-,omparin, ___.C"Çb' WoYl'y SCAR BORt)'. fALEXINDEII TIIIHIPSUN, 1'ropriclor Excellent accorrnmil aiions' lor îi'avellers,. Good $tbiîg lorsues. il F. foicalLaiteratutro. "pilEfollwingMagazineà; anti Periodit'ais nil! 'be deiivered at P piautrs1rices bSiit ci bers in <shawàa auJ has victnity, by G. Bvatxs, ,odey's Lady'@ Bookfî- £0,15,8 pea am Sartain'is Union Magazine, £0 15 " Grg-ham's,,Magazine, .- 0 15 Litteill' Livingi Ago, - I10 Hau'per's NMagaziiic, - 0 le -International Nazaziý11e .- Olà- B. CoGOE Generai Book and Perioical Age il Wboiesale anîd Rtifl, Welîgon Buirig'r, Kizig Stree, Torante. Toronto, October, 1810. 27 ,Ji ENIEY' W EB B EJR OJq'>oulie .Mr. Jet te8', King'Street, Wlîere hO, is îîrel iacd toe xc ute ùe.rders in hi$ file on thre shortest notice, anid at . rod'ratte,-chbarges. lYue lutest Fasltions regularly' receiv.'d. Oeslawn, April 19, 1850.- H1. W. COU:F]? PIODUCE BOUGIJI AND SOLD, De! uwne Stroud's ami .Platt's Tare~ra., Lad Sidé MR. ÎB. FREY I3ALL, MAS REMOi'ED TO hlroek Street, neit door Io Bryan's Tin Shop, -WHITDY, C. # .1'orkWlmertcan miss M. MCGILL1VRAYT ascomrrenc.,d bui.inemî in the above "e - *- - -'-"s teguve salli ber with te Whutbiy v loea, intu Ir. Y zs hose, ad hline, inu kr amULe8'So bue nbuin IacquitÉ kuioweIoofer laiso ay e opE ~ewext ashionai w-sys 6n itand. IE IN REACH. T -ESuhacrilper ofléis fur Sale, al, reasonabie prices, and upo» modérate ternis, the foiiowing La,îds, in the Tcwnohip of B EAcI*, 1,, la1 in 8ih Concession, 200 Acres. S"131h " 2W) "-22 " 3îh " 200 " "21 "101hb " 20 " 3 "lUth " 200 " On ite iast méntionfd Lot (iying %with iti about 1 o îi,' r' J4rigeViliaire) 60 Î%, eres arteclear- ed,ofwhich 23areffowliwith Palil aSAcres: to imeaiow, arîd 30 Acres piorîi'hedl for Sjîriuîg Crop.- Theré aie aiso, Log DBuildlings- erected on te Lot, and a fine utreani acroiss the sanie. - J. T. BUSH, Wliitby, Nov. 301h, 1850. 33-tf. Wh t bV tadies SoeinarygI OPPOISITE THIE GRAýM MAR' SCHOOIJ DISCOVEBY 0FA SOLO ,MIAEI THE ESR. ARPER BltOTrillRg, 0f Xeu Yorik, havr di*corered fa richtet T il f' fi riît 1Eition of the Fif»:ihNugrrero fteir fit.W Monthliy N1airazinie havirig reat'het tie extracii iîiîysir-utttjn of YQrtY-fIVe Iholiutoil ("q~.and ti i thfli demnand continu"s. whîich r;§n nily be accouirted for iy the flict Of its preseiîti#i9g, in hanuulsnme style, anti ai a dueap-'r rata than any obluer p.'riodicaîl publiiblied ini the woricl. ii ehoiceît portion of' liet vat irttllectwuil weaiîh whit'h olîlains crrretîey ititrougitftle periodit'ai prieçsxai the' ple4eni day. 'fTe pre.seîit uîuuîîlr càntaiîîs upwards of ihirty articlelî frontîlte firsi Cortsibutotu of'lige,'aire, 1No;- ices n N.'w Wozks. a 'ionthly HReCord 01 CUnr. rent Eveit.s. Poetiy, Fashioris fur Auttîmît, ith Erigravinge, &c. For sait'a i te BOSTON É1100K STORER Pt ice la3d. Buck niumbe-ras-upplie-d iii atîytjuan- tity. Ccneral Jook anie ciuia .ret Toronto, October, 18.50. 26 MaMMOlI S tock off 8 ot% îîîîd Shc-. BRINOIN & Cllît4)S HAVE frctivr'd their $pring Siock of Booty and Shoî's (rom Ilicir riarnifitcory. ai Mon- treat, and %wiIlFl adiIthrir uîsiîafi ow îage. B. & C*.- 'rrploy six tiiiiidtrét operatives. andi prodie flrm 506 tb 11>1K>pairs tluîàitv. 'Theiî preseat stock bas lîetîideiî pilrfrec to the vwanl of (3arîada West, autitiwiitl co<mpensate irtdiviuiuais ni' lamilies flhr iendi,r ireat distaInce. Dy sendiuc the î'equired icngt li, a lit willibe guar- anteed. Merchants i'ho have nat patroniscd the above establishment sboîiid lose no time, as they cau , e futriîisheil for one' half lte eoEt of -country plrodur- tion. /Any uurpasonabl faulure repaired without N~B. BRowN, & CzirLns. 88, Kinig Street, neâa1iy opposite the En-gish Chur'h. 1;3- CAS11P.ID FrOR LEI TUER. 4-1 Toronto, Mlay J118r.S- Y - m rt. wV0O1), North SiUc of King Street, W'est of -Ray Street, J. FPO STERL LiDIES'P AND GENTLÉMEN'S, No. 4, City BuildiagsKwMreet, TOROINri) 21ly .AN'o. 37, King Street JW~est, Tqronto. U-2 AUl kinds of Ship Plags onu ha,î#d, or made teorder. 24-Y WHIE.ZT, i>L4TFORM, 4'OTHER WORKMAN BROTHIERS & Co, Agwe,, ANo 36, King Stre'et East, Turonto. Torounto, 27th 4et,'130.23 la the Village of N~ewcaftIe, CLARKE. 3. B. TEN1VELY, FROFIIIETOIR. Auçîux 12, 18". ' kiùdâ, inw &eaDe erns.~e a e %.nt wiî.W. K. FORSYTH. rocerfesi et. il 'ottfectionaty, Whitby V'ilIage,~N'ov. 4th, 1850. 30 * OSHA4WA4, V. W. puring thie year 181.Mit; IRWIN intends beinat heWAVRLYIHOUSE, Bowrnanille, on thle first MONDLAY of each month, and re- mainig agoesin i nentïre week. WhtY, Dec. 27~ 80 37-tf Fo.r sale, A SAW MILL, ith1i 4-Acres co Concession of Piclueting. The Saw Mill i. buili on Duffirs's Creekt, the mits durable strcam iii the courîtry, always having a dsulffcieticy of.water, to drive the Mill night and day. It is murrounded With abundance o<f ine Titber. Also,-5U Acres of LAND, with a large Fri me flouse ,#d Barn,, on Lot No. 9, theefrofit oi the tu Coli. à tesine ownsbîtp. lThe above propprÎy wiil bc soid togelhtr or sefiaraleiy to suit purchas. ers. Far fither particulars àpply to hie proprie- Po o iceerin -e.4,13. Pîckering, Dec. 4,1830. 34-il. Il AMOS WAY. r li 18.uî FOR SALE On TO LEMLE For t terni 01 tbree or fus'a yeari, thàt>N1r4Iami commodiaus wel knowm as thse HALF-WAY HoTJ.st,t, on: two acýres of Land on the South Wut corner qi Lot No, 22, 7th Con,., Whiibyr. tbere are eAeelient shedsandI a large barn aMtarbéd to the stand, and two never failing springs ofgo water nuse on the pretnises.V For l'uuther paiticulai s apply' tg>the Subscril6erj, ynis Sre . havejlît received a 1ress UPPIT orPVRZ- IO <y;7LIVER OIL, wbich 1 w 1 l at - JAMES H. GERRIÊ, Drg IiW~by Vfflage. Aug. 24,,18W0. GEO. B. WVY L LIEl GEPO. CLIFF2 BRIT$1IANDFOREIGN DRY uu WhoJelElad .8RtaiL 8, King St. E us!, ./deluide Buildinag, Nexi door ta Scobie & Uafour. Toronto, may, 18.0 JAIMES IL. CEllUlE lins Just recei- ced(-a sippily of ANNUA LS, and ottier BOOI-S mli Eleganit Bitî'tIing, atabie tôi't OIIRST1IAS & NVEWYEARS GIFTÉ, Whitiby Village, Dee. 121h. 1850. -'35-il Advancca 11 ons-gmnn of A.shcs tu "fUE Srtnmier is' prepared to malcî i f'AV-sNClES 1N CASH nII o»lorAND PEAR-L ASIIES cortsigned tu Montreat. ROBER i, 1.LAWDER. Port Whitby, sI Augusi, 18550. 17 OCARRIAGE A»LMORTBUG W'aggon-g, BuggisRot"kuayq. Chariot- teer, ami Fawily Carriaýge.t,. OF DIEFEREINT DESCRIP'1'IONs. Wliiclî lie eau s-cil, Cleapet for, Cashi h)y or strroîîindlit country. For stipe-. rîo.r Style, audDuiritl'ility,.Iiefl- N. B. P.NTINL & aTPdMiil[NG dont to orîlr JtcJMLirili l tls svariotis bralicheks icatlyv excetttel on short notice. NAT[-INJI-,L RAY. Whiitby,April Ï9, 1850., Farmera'_ Protection! OGDENI3L'RiGH, N. Y. MINE ML:OsINSURANCE. (:A1PITA $1Nt,00. Reference*r The Hors. Il. Vaniraniier, - ( gleitçbtrg', N. Y. ' > Vankosghnet, L'oriuwal, C. W. Sidney Smuithi, Eq., C'obuujg. Unison Jolies, EuSq., .Droclcvilte -A. Fare"well, Estj., liarm ceuy. Il. Ienîy, - Witby. BryceMcMurricli & Co., 2hro»tlo. Dr. Aliion, - d fil-:R. Cmî,el ioku Il aiela, Mores Battlett, Dr. F'oote, John SaddIer, --- Picker;*g. -Eliisha Doole, ' C'olumu5x. Jnhit Hi bland, Qshava. - - Lewis,luckl frha %Viil',a M Kissoc k, K. M. SUTHERLAND & O. KING 8'IREET, TOR1Nto. 24-y WhO will PLflhJii for Col? T11 haitof' Lot Nu. 34, & 'Cncssonis 1$ope~n for Lidders, tur a term cf flot lesa than five ycaI.rs. Tlierc are Fufty AÂcres cleared, ,Pitile v hle Puriis plenîifliy \Var'r'd.Go and sec it. Pisest~cnrrven ini good time fo)r Sîi ( pii If ?Y 1pos) te * B. F1iEY BALL, AirdiO itlî-, 1850.Wkb. CASHFOR WHEAT. T "1 ~ $ U B S R 1 B Ejxs iII -p y tireé Ifigke.rt Prires for al il vkraulabte I>rodbrce .ielivc'rcd at their Stcrffl.éIit ât Port Wbitby, or C-randel " C ct'er-, Ths Sai'ries lo Ire; lavte reind their~ Friendis and Otustomers f bat tltey lrnre comnmeneed butsi»ess.ut CruuudelF's Corner, Rencli; and,- by steady aitentittn, lopte fer a @hare of public pation)age. - JOBUN )LiATIN & CO. pourt Whitbjy, 2&îth Dcc., 1849i A. V. ROWN & CO-Y WHOLESALE GROCg'RS find a CHI thle propriflm'. re' Porters ia attenflance at the Steamboatsç. May, 185(f, - l .y N E w FoU and Witer- Dry <*s 1 1 1 1 1 - lý 1 fi 1 go Buffers* Comers, WhilbyJanuary'. TH ! 1!

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