Whitby Reporter, 1 Mar 1851, p. 2

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'11BE HIGHWAY-MEiN IN A DITCHI. pertinence, he' bathe efli'ontery teoc e into a NEW BOO 0K .litme the nccesSanry~ taX (as it Willo Parliament of 18th and 141h VictoriCper1,h scvrdutlsrn.heusy Court tuoaita verdict for damaiges doni s-felings ' ' inltied, IlAn Act for the transferof hIbe 1%aiage- to hât own tementy, was on bis way, we 1aî~ The iiny cf the 'Rond Job, the and bis character. And how docas e ask for it 1 'WAnrCOIJTI."--By MaêcjorRichard-, ui orse, bc.by a diîrect tax thât the mioney mentof the Inland Posta 10 the Provincial Govern- from tha hbead of the Lake te oc prw -Globe of l]et Satu hytrest aliate;- Wby in terras of ihe toast a vulgaiyri an.dSGOE. W hv t iehave fo îttpupsotnssy 0isu o beFFT ayc AiILieia iisi neseod sarig ntb owas o the u ra ion , hl-'aus e riviege as a t Hoa a Isttrlieceivefu arn nros t it re -té ue n he RItH acf Postepmied fra -sste i eCotaaga migi iTi thee'smassyofand undertbe lo fbs~ w,~ u ao T ro fudhn iseif te titis de- teh e pol flt ilc'ad ~ ~ no btfoteauoacPo-ec. AvsssetbeEgî kmre h . F a th l e. btv a rnd e- . tm wo nlH bathesa- alar.nsltngIb îfs ndPrss czltion whh bs Ntheapreas ilhasn o chii oinci~-ioas eztt~ ~asts amriaeCorr wlithi c- tnlygouand o p r l it by aoirectsem inane onsicuua pacein hairresectve f e y t i di n i l , a n d t t h e 1 t c c f1 1 s aubnut o , i i s i t d n e i u n di e h i e i e n c et i i s k t i an n o o fi e - i s l t h s d - t i r eeeo eh s ngre v i l a g ; a ddI .tIl " Pi o aienleostbeure lmssioltehe ,nnRaestofPosthe Coun eat r ninaacaye ofeuad1balîbrsf criedignant sgafzet rof bu th bok nowitstad' cmenureand thetedStaeslsreate hustes.mas, cf1scpethe t liitepalce, 9 b iip ura tbè Govru entkn w tat e ourer then enî fly stdathh ig n g i ci ddt bouu.thevilgean orofricial wen A SE I- E PO SI E lOe RNiutde r ic ar. h&cbai g &otaien .b c et m n iale , ivbatever Ma erabiette îEod 0cmela 'Ã"i~s tWwrav." g, Osth a o f Irn:te . ttheresat i vi sîe s îe W'lSao Pýosïhî aed re ,l',,hil bi'tboiýv 1f celeanrd àibeut ofpirn t n,ga aprvoue,to buvyedbaflj e t e ~ ~ L t u ' i aw b r e n s e u r e e d t e S h- m e tu * i t e f'a tn c f i l t e p uli c lef ire ( sa e sr< r e t î gt h r n e b r s n e s n a a i taisin 'itepdgrMttnicipal Counci'lshe basty bwortrah O the Mon Ailht deeciarinntt that diaasln i bhristiansfr a eWorméwgundoy.' Iaw irecs. W qttted ite aw: piusep.brin g , ta riein i inusicediaei. a feats, chagins arnd e it ns hctcu lge odidiee er aîî maetofit.tracepesrathatthe aditapp.ainkanta, (o neariy se) extrema' ponts cf l-teeviiottise<gres1îcîîsiblc te lite bs protection, md thttei any ena LaddtIi. hardi be lO esiks ît nîhaa a r, tz~~ >. ~ ~ tt ~ b ecle.n h e upbisotmpetit cf Mr. a es for d1 oc i aae ibave etti es .. n t BmkDads MmciLor laaettis<îff y. it- orhise atfaute as d stoa5vtîu itt- rrsthee ite Ex euiedot tacl aup t -e , ha W S Brh nTEManty 0 eui the r d O11týf tirehands f the üni- tm of rytb",nIi peopevin te vndon whoiire evn- 'ha 1r t"Theratte mpsexda-b thforl to .atr, s itsecc i diu rot sciinsncnpictio s delace in g irecte Iii od hnta lc ewe iepic mpted PrhrtitsaleesucfETPosOFaster TGeneral.ceformeithatheiiwsOffces fointoeInforeation1oof theite .ficllausorfra duieî-îuî~ l wîsNo arwelh l h tbey al doi ne-ry; cuidgl on t nSlv.an s tieent- ec Lîry Lsie; MDA AS AR .1f-la a ccinpasiy as ____regret ___1 __1_%____ Noibis at bishaad. It struck bin onnonenaidencJulis llh it.l pt e<utin iateeahy h______ ______ a l athe.lr Stiuby lo rbh orm u i-estso lagsot h wst, Cot -G'tnerai, . , , geChrsi n era s 'lw r unh asvitni u Nma ~ T 0 ~ A î.no Wsde-tlsrada wth ta* or bce ig -e npr t o .te rv Ma fr d Pri P ein.- dand cul cf oenacf are, hevgi i Geverurueut bad noisiîîg lu do ttiisN orîdsis-edtrannwhiteli îe d lite wveaioeladlen idvdu t e r ene alAd l u addition ta plasen amed inteligise c tesgrn emriti le iegsaty fti te csalompti eni y Our eaderewiîî tha n di ~ agn oWtd-c iih, fnddafy, th ee a y autnewaik at eety shoua sJeettr bv nsh use hewcealti, - arvf itenefurt i ven i te ag n sae t a Thst lr.T o psn ' a rar eml,. ,_,Wbapte Qtcobachardcfat-atsedtnentac ,: au dvance uttitesebclite Secondan tCeaiiiiCsione r es~te rindconwaa abint h. e îu t -n oi lm- ._à' ro tie Cty oevrli isnil Ioaasionreleoec, sofucs cth e hllamat armiknti tfIbh alsta nz iliotid btite i n-e au eqtt adsur,.tepbibro airfe.Npp etance faybenexctewhailtteg tio itiatllare ise nreqr ete ut c ihsastn mTnsi ieroe osbeal hand whi c le h , v osld in r ia lelinradef eibl th ae ctd tttsm tl -tet U bnite t Sta tes re spot is ie lu lite aeirtas of te p rince, t d th at haibf v e 'iaw te bcourseaidepMoreover, thittde t pntas-bt, thessnil, a na hv ias ~i 0tiV u pdiag- niordis oectio n .smbThepmuest oge-- fté s Pr oi of 20 ev tar e Cviit liqei laaadpomlsa bog h intasta s dnny O-h ro dil whichhe lla ea ndik more e r sticuarleatîenAtE, Mw-E SPnîîy y At titta ther intsanin, ltàe oa raentauhigi ij dn ukrt op rhs.' "Peýithe Ron fire stain ostio 0th ilt aocf Ualtldsei-r-eesucî eayyisg ainhar o teblsaf cool bitai a fosvd byearss eoc1fr I-Eho a god de%, ad spnsapriaotb hl sIt cidou'tcen Wlliigrgadicrl tie rse-tahrin i s Ry ît's sysMENT.f cîsit le thepoitcaesa-o benpte d bia2lstybe r and ph.T e-utinslw atvrA .ical subssIN le tha tfa Va linitetes. s t ucan s e pne inaufttaire-on resp a n fi lâternô iasie s esa lîi a s it o e as il c d - i e d b s- a d d u h b v l t i h p i e fi e f a l t r u li o se sI . a ll o s t he p inci eia, a b ae s u e ne ffot t e o nf r d ksgar ie ' qu oeo ma a Seayii- as ien ess ccutj'. avn! ~ m ta R ze. ehv eeve iefrt . rn i et e e sariic - e re faste Lepotsffth Qae scc 8nah d lyflteCo p-uîawiicsth Rod Ia tei avoay f "aah g reediu,"&Ct u mitr c ttisPeiolici, utifsare841tcr.îset itt T wusti, b frmite________Ibn t a s baex co mdegrm aJ ai a r e < ereoite it uiscpar Gueni ni o c aYvsathe ntefçbcuintry ins a rsp d inciea. ampTe ot y MC. îîr iod, an t -conit ilageilite i re-lo a ed gteitt. Tsee txteovalcf tis eeat o f tv- aw a e Isor mrci h n , aendt" hireai esati ons, tgite frmaio gpoaasiothe srn munt so, litaI lhdfvisionlcfhc Osiiawa, und ss-ho (oriii ave ou onso le ci erun tavimkelefutse eultraeyila îLe eonitry a o h ope,ser e- efaec Cem anyaeeree 4~ leaw:d lmensa rledfatdcaî md lbtin buiness am-for atmeun-xe intjtire'scos-iser ove t bitgtieCoînilc uc urlto it bieeisesc c lt Ulos oebewy il aoetdesoosthprne, ga i ect ulcns. e ltedpaltfir - o]hY.nace iti h tneIiietsvsa ents, wehare insadutefict t ins wiih ourTowisii etjshl isecveue tund riic eitsProvecsiTsec90tete ro isoerton, ulastid seth oa a ftrnebeathe r' - thGilobe Th isat 5 by d i ityaî arar idrm c A ROswdi-ispiiiofeLefuun cfTnhenle eneft lelitenieri rnd sitoamesr iaiirtteI)otfora-e-sIi- vilcacesqîset uiati htee miratins dalh ion Io it. - n i-hbors have ufféred laiei ie 'ýrard D iv ien eub t ats do drt e ri T Is ei i tldt c n e -îg I orv i tu t i re Eap w ard e C o ina! is a e d .te oia s f rs l tiissffceu- re aD wul e uA t tIO n s4an Cy u, e ath . th eabliwr teoesnda os th I se nc- adimerciyenieiayttretfperns oflse geahaveb ts epi doaes. at ter o o(wtct tee ait ftie ir îlots f dolarys. hte ver gosudr a on s tePslhwoîs- ce loklacbsîiy a thewcrk n lie nto éamlattne, nitd ilîthCt e tapoi.IaIaeta ,t afor Ode B shdae i e te t ài aaîer veîsit he i noth e tru e osh' Wii)îse .- myieure o iee urttp a t he gad coînry, tastterfiowaing ctu .qnealy tse bd cflite WTareu c lit nia on he prt c theRefomerof avc adocat f ' io eoutos' I netfttPotrats font tigisit aper Ceasî Ctt i si sa'as n ruoty lt ga vas ,atdToH E haingd o onteu ii isg eat-ogrne noe eunrac et, nddformerye gansltu diisoniceeina. crcting n3opn sblo o on y eg l id gi et fr ie ro sha ioia nsan E. PfOuRseaehs T Et-f R .oï S ns t c ntie etion h of, n rh- n t s u b eis , & . à ctitishail hCausee in ee Lliteatco tttcî hiances cf titise car.g i ois.orfauduien= thuti. %vasNo Ward--welllhave e l n-i r lt e t sîy ita aratio cint tra tîgeH'B ,S T R A xNARu1 81. N ad- or edr at- htsvty aUflls Ns .- eard e tn. Coie; r. tien t, n a qst Lncmoe s cforSatua - lti i veta aidyofsprerîittfr raas1qh eea ac ftra-atin; bt Ltery N ciicriceuti . htsbts, adit lite se ù leruiy f t trltosnV1uins w-tere staite daisel as crd n d i e u- UItic iMira iîycf ista istal irn atwa.' coee'--ta ae fcnita yueflo ad- iut iîsg a l ise t orrui it e i noth- tas eeaedt aI ith-e st, al Cied aIPlie fo roîttu pu l . achu-s e rai cfcfea . Is A chmicrosepie 6t - ie G oe ui d h e cpan e B y s te a F reaad anc ien mas er H maysj " op oa crWiadv dîtai a u b e r e Wiaia il ev- alnit tiat i rso i d hav cfa n e hel isfttac , F L ouo r fas h piry w as al lu 3lnst ane.i 'We e fdcetc sity i-e yte m miasa oaTea cccaiei termnweihavof rsa-cllanituawltaan ,- ci fui!pub e se is jeeafeW nth u nbdharofw tbdtkepl et-y succens.Brookiu; butooseoccaryiostitetirset ofai tiselt-a ,liais ! Iouîtrelutcris Ucns; orpottutestuahalaesem br cf le s otancli bcatno.il e i z esîrnnda-i ppard ooinadt e * ___________dril,_____________ na frm1utenwiaere iit r o ttm o îtî îti cenrait' sraterehabu'rtcasieor-s hdt he qîs a ff a ti e a n elt. adastts tsaI i wsu a bick afair;aad rguss-nusthanusad u dicsssig uhs lope, hve acordasce ailIs lItabcfsNwnYsrk.manreiitaita lofittcelitbleîoelaricle eua e 't i re ea usa- r. Hes ', enllato hornnparodtbaomrciI aodte.-.E Ti0tUsWEKoneotiispice, isIof sout b 0fit liit- jTIs isiselrs av noifed it pîhie Utde lies trhesstitîes tte crs iga ncft s e t soie sete oef t-iHre teace w nsvehaaoiupseer o fesseicarnd ha loe ouina f erpl a sseenHaikcaaa iac e r ie'lri e , htîî tîpoitsl sel-c Ile _Cainet________________ tuthe ceortsen s oftepne, n ht- s est i debalisthe £700te ur t e ?tck laist àr i- - dvew el ot- a-ety iIpoitefallthîn ci i iqsesblan i s o lan be slitev n p re epl pvenuit oses ie odierfiyvadaseblblese o maieguces,. evidaceliein t ha a enng o cagate hprpui-tadh .Ui beia l on0a uiaî rattsirovt ornact e I~ o f DSTu c n sti EtrEncIAt thsae.ow-.-s g 71h-.thc ar otO 0ar es of is -0euo adia u mr lo t cu o" Thser a es a y haprocti neopn i n s' cf maiag ta ie <fai orscmteriisg J r m A met ofise Stacîoidrsli l t hern ahe'eeg, threu au>- eno ua igm n la ies tîces &ioM . ie portsiîs W l t ic pnLaeoîî oWn]exme Wiin, ag tods Sqame, th liy rai ewklu lit, and e t e t en se west a de cf tie i ge ttptrate, w iiMayct] d u t 'tsoses hloîci iou ttseu cvcthi g anat a iiîy t euteuatou i aown by tOis cvmth x enscrowmin madefis h iîha de un- e.d i-Lac bu h OhMrb tite ueu r sites Isappen te b;aiU t oit lIte 111 c rcs tie i.o' Cul. igil. Witi titeirh f aomsuIetîs haI istemarea teaea Cprte;înclimeautntrprtig ai aa suirsst-ee heaaisfe aysplcc e soe ctr il uaislte f oud, itsc-- isibler te isv e taxaisil i thro -- a efl'frrn i g ait beSuefodrte oa onîctd zt bi mt-mat H sysite avnoal fur taire aion, v e u s eudalrentotitof uute lit hio, bas be riI hteir cu netia tisaEn- ha clfeed te gve fuud 10 cifci tise "Varios at-e ste moties sa-bchai Sist induad Itiupcopoea to rala a pecy suterapteon o twee d s e a d t eq e to ast th a d - tave pe rpaoty.iMt e i tata cf fenn eln- oM- e a e re e v d ie f s dd e o n t i e t is ti e n t S cisaic e - t-i i e t e e s r u v y u o iui- gis s e s c c a e , l e f ci r e puctae I Thmp i n tto u eised byth e ma a ait h ti d oflde4 onelIbi irlthe cpeyîL £5asmra h aberior Jury as tha s peau Srsofc'. Aîdcie îî aer fvorthcsatraui si sa n maI is ee atiot nrecd *lier G1-old t y ýi ec at se il l orn acVaal of counîOfgcounr, adge ta I a cuate rica o îe ot haerol clenai snsd -ar e d Iisnk i tns, li te ejaea- rm i îîis iemle bfr epbîis Rteveut se o eue dy , Iea s heca iaacaliinwttt heprso WeQee ie, s opatnd paccai, aituan, iethee anrdyei"dr avii a aa cemat tîcu hou al iti rgi n TaTmre n Geergium SldfîtiGary.ntuofmite cf tisetheaîsgersnîy{ tisaI titeme flin end" t b is -COIain -fe l sa n c i n e fo ma iot n ew r un y mlL r , a hs sef at it l ct iv a e y f n h a d t t aised f-fc a nL c f g shut aravi vai g i go n v i i h ive v(lou e , n îi r ecce t isus r ae v r .t se r o e cîl r: d e t t h e coitny ecnisho p~e, nI. coaîaied a elae via r isa e mlaa sdProvinces.yRaort Tifanhaa-e aeilîlier rlif fstornsivkussicge f is dn1os- oaltheippitgtie rel eser atie unssecMa en Eal ad Vit We aite1mentalsa.eytadmittaeyared wautaîdmonbailion, cftlite spispectivee furra. ofinfinetebntîieyt the dorlticnd anti(Itam-rmitiali htg aIrsoiCitapele Loudccntsaioustcitsamggdaannslitron t hct-i a ' e e wy ean y l h a l i n l i a s e d i af n d r e a m e ia n y w ie t t r u i u i n t n d e xs r e s o c f P a r l ae at.u n r - t ads d i e d u c t i e a t - se e t i g 1 v l l a i o t tc t - l e B l i à i o u s î o f- i i a I f a r p i e r tha ecliet in, wt Je ad (ai o Exe- expeopsîl.iîîret1ncmet lua a a pug b e-h irieti-av-l ls c ifpottta . sotci sil ruulEnsaitf adîicraOF as haue caceo ftis re n ofthu n ir uî aienctueipexteno fthe strear, o nine dct-, sd enioxds Addeemgn, and Jhn iovliEsq.c îd nt ae nii qutellion of dollyars.________________ r elisP PR.-tY c £100. s Ttiesilyntoratin fam mbe ilwbe lie dy f rtriut- envonssbiiev-ptassa-ohfi-mîtheseav DaocaîviliaocPtne Eavacl heysn-boL vuccd lanttieurgtecaist-iirtotUc DEAIf F LDY uA V TE AT. Ccno- îedirete hie colaolin.'in av'1A oici %a n rult h n ho vi oewstadlelo caliespa Toonip 'Vi rncpe fprogriRefamoa por e f tite pujiî tua msil t vîhiag tai ivisisnO e d cSa tert,(oLrc is.Cl ut. ucîrdaInsr pna tye of £300. L ,011V oga bi g anly ecnom str t e tr lact s o lssoinbyavbicb-ho bad Wa les-n Ia , aub ent-fqua t h atenuor e. ngleeinttane.1c oursea nu ait aoto ie , vatrSoe, favona e aavtta ct sel.ct of iraCii ns n s tila l iat can lieoat ei.an iot ler si p' sGuýd eu dclîgfrsie wa îeedltIts sootô f calld apubi eet in of p inta forîartels e the g n cc e -i or the w ce S;b t L ie aar e tha i-at-o isCa. h a mecierth oYinE <» eso LE . 'Cisafe ttse- eFdah. Te.airriv-susfî ute fîîiiest o n Stire.- -e'clec,4a utaCity He, te apress uc ieei,î~ et..netr cry moain bailed, iieon titet ustutariyiainrkeapaa haveour uth unsaiadmaaleansinuh 851.eiet cul> b>' be taauiy and ctteectiuts Luib>' be ,h m oaiyo te alSiatior> s wes. frmrdhteullofc petinds. setl ln *n and B ll t e pr perty tu t e -alie ellecing he rys 0 the ciriift tég gm of ar- eade . ill toîireîanîry l leudnssid tait-eha the Tswn Haflpoore rittire Toron ofert-oiic raiurin tar taliter deniers warecpe e heceh hdhae tei--tiy mn as evazed teaempt f the ltdto ussd slgoli-anesdr e D imi ct ltake a T TOIdbcatiS W fitO AN- GIG i C WHy.1t-e ast %%-isei-nea! T ie sage andc cot- iîîd l 10 ai o iia f lealimoyoatus guasuaîi, sai 1dmlitai-uraghisura edasvorng te rocurea diviiisicflitaevsu tac-i.ithnctlnAbîcatirae driniate phsrytaofîafcfnte lsr4t lidoonamoe.tiseiagi> egardat ttc htîtau cf îL -common Cr bas tuaned a psitesid ha eairageanferyorLef fhlimevisdopo odarcffmnn yhlaetof thelbgltometAd -f ue s t ea cf iGlbq uit tii i a fo t ha e a t -Iy otea renh d nin m sie h rug H ei s f a t, c it44v ty haoitrnh n p oretan oulteie p nsa tio îmas -ef Le c nseict Cb adia Iini3sit'nstancesay sch erne of deception w ith 'th e em - tha. ne occaitù vire haf w rifien n llaeavait-htt at-hant ii m mTorcatWe w iîs 980 lItmariliai-itLwouyshipofEno etefMin>'F LiarqINS ECT IO Nl-F o the ailundiwittlite fercaîleadd cfi raiflw aya,. woml . Wo tire c ad a Liral c Abut ca n in it -- e as e, sto og n df t ite year, a e d î i s a nd ~vth Le ur c n ' a to e aea ou t a cac p- ce oravhira hat-t i e se - aiery m e n eîis t o f f th a lra ie Robai-i n spat-q i o n E q. f Ne s-i s t e aotircf cPoit u ,aln i n ith t itold item grief aadet, s-iha der i jo ma e conlofdae.y - re Vs OFlslac meigs-hll a Tom - m Lrou ndthe e, gi - i rouldb fialîia8v eoc s- > e a-aeaibh saSctsi osreiî c qircl e lamniîlo aara srileica cîîi a -an ea hc. iaalessîtibi iot te ut-.E ne-rT Sher aav tert; haet., cfieGre pblck andthsec ig n ra nt f, udotf ntiw olsaI cytusaîb' asbit h ,, ovehv lSbtr cneso rta T eln fTeerp ew e aftt,#h ilg n i% e oohe rulsàje.t ee la bt cc> isvts'tifs a ctit saii aul is- asii tbait e fIaebs oia iuiell nao usl> Iaa vibi vsrsit-ad pceforiîethepoil d a ll r 4,-butarîn iiui itackhtti~cn ep-aetta, as of ePru- c-ding ,tbtuencahuilensf rsîtiiad the giv and or alaitleil ale a o ntrad ca elbr wSe wa RI t, A IRt ,&eod ifirnî prs fI lb, oa ist a m , t- t e t a a i a t s t c o ti e i i e i t- o s it st a d lo t- b a r r y o u t d i a r al i > ' d v i i o n e m ye ai-w r te a v ia tE i o of T h e a m ria e i a t a l s t e î ,e n" taa t tî t- l e sLi pfil aii ve nd o A tm ee taI h i n fthr a l a 8 2 ; r . Jo h d r n hb eng Udu o8 n t la n uc f lW a y a r b ' li i iîîh maurale .h vens laieti celt ec siwc iiica 4 7 Il tèk o k e ilu i aI i a Grantre xhiitin c Ii s >'re , t. i itm l eaV arît cf Ca n olait E rieRbut Fcarq ur -! W e o p î e e e it t - a v li h a t i g e > ' a t a a e d f 1 m e l s î ti k a p i n h r ada c eli t e p op i xa m ind t h lngt O s on q a r e , T sth e , A Yt o m a s-i l i m p - la nc . T i e l a l a a vh a d t s g i - a s fti i mi a g n S s Sewar t ; i s s J a nh e C l i - Ste art; m c wite% i c h a c pista l o f b o u r g o u 6 7 , 0 0 0 l i t spite ca~uhua vii mddtas e ss rite ud ce thenbatcharde, la Alh ilicîalandnad tnu active o abuone cf M iaîtThetare îte Mat-y, as-hob ; an 1 i lau Co.yg mai-misair eilLieu-jc ~ G - I-odutien f Me.~aidwm's Giterl Divsiontiheeaolu et- nef.Matchitermeten ate ictirasilai-Pîare Couavnt th Wesn oLbyiii i , ga otve, nw i i'petata itexato ns a crhas c me te aI Th l em eisnc .S cf T. Liaataxationai- elae îLiHnotraia Robi- B ocarcoI a. con ent, spakangatd.hWeShke lunsecahmuaHgo isestLtoranateethG tearn[ha bmusiaess.îîtherwb-o-tanensiin ed usI litelines' dtceb h fiRAI W Y R SP C S.otueata Cinitp, uaeuig oemavinfyh ator saasy nyese atii ofce ihceitgil ve-tiigladtae uaofh EctafEgi ns iumdne aieethei rorsa fcEsnu-lia, OnStid> veni u riMe as umfect le Iduta adymnae Isetv es i ic cui t uue > t is To fie it a i pnn u cripîar te____ai a fîaîrganott ftior ro- iier extunt of 7,29 lu esthye e .e anndewYcacopnea >wM-DW¶"j? i ovinc e eeaea iuispsîiofof abut rtRau ave alibi esa îîd ai vho- t it j he, iest, t ry Oc-n£obi ,750, O0. 0ua wan ID bis st a se va aka Tis isinciat ou ch lL eidtwntibisbugeci and Sandwiy fchthaAYndd ine f M ' - e iy vIbl ek, a astip cf T- t h or f i lut. . Sortieeweaitcf au anfertwaaîaeimanlnemein Dan Piy Shii£-5epet-alionalitef populrtion cfeEnro andai - h G l b h 1 em m a ia e y ng t ei a wi nr co uit<hla o a s e t telit i Ib is o f hel t es lt a a er e aC o i u s for ttc led itaI l u t erd îs e a is lit e roqu en a n b os sequao, c liei a t a a d bef rduR e v enlie u d Staua ( e l sa ylt, a difem eat mn ga abuS b. inada iseboma beisg ausai-. aviao ,hutaltii ego lgsne tC na Auo tiep b ciTh a 7 pi-usnt cnuenputedbitaIlutt ha ua benlsaaai mieres waTcwnnalianddhbuenlu liaChmcletyiem litéRoya couraisionotfaiîv hanadmae s- tirs c useort aepr Sdidus G u-c-a.kOhuumeite ipz greu, m eutapniarue . S sen a Illsbasbea j otaofa pando alneai nduîrailxhiitinita cosened riges-e- ha eaele wlbinla 1> rpit-e t ie iccor, hoavl tta, avd hadqurtcefawer, .,s d t- ~« outiltmcn lar rie r h pieo u nrtr illae cu recff. iLs a sad ionT-crrvi l hae p lh eaaiaca c rffi. lifgne o elxa n fie rdu i a vitofa rovne . li fe r la i p al - f t yongî icai si etueauistailo a il noilesc aaig aeite i, at-yd iea close t .be ai -ettanlasquaterin of a gt e s 2 d e e m s e , I a c u r c o a v f h c a m t u a e e - u l la n d t i t s e a t in a gl an d i n a p l a c f be r f o r t e 8 iwr otou l d l u s a o t eeip s - o d , h a p i i ' h o ] e c i l Rn a t n h t anti - extesive milisamiteaattend cfhMmtBiosudfabou a Ons, r es dia w ork la ta ha o m re t ard t wu and e m ole To«an tasu luip u st- m x* tfin4z kcatI t u g i- m e t Ui s ni I r e a vi at f sctîne la o ccîî ya inc e l>' th e nîn eivs e ap l ci it a d n i r a i n s h a u t a iv L it- y ra ro tvia 2 b eaacm pi r isS diho mes, dCnddaesiitths ypchticl avshog o pr..e e. iinformaîdotla(.e t neI covuh ic alaOlerartcls, gelch wît tis110ldrasatio , ndOurhoe ew" MY iein erec c ord et>' teu airay n heil. David o ic lq oanrlit e cu t a ire--------------,- -. -B i-kad y r aa e h ctir, ,fowa v: li sta i i fe ncv. gaisa t tet-tisaw-msifasteclu t rybe muletaletnio ftesiettnnad enxan digon n oh-.el s. f i r cneuntv ere -C n-ap n ly f£1() h nfr ain *tîa Ita peopte out the avet sida f caà Sî-e4Miles tu Tato M 5sjuom 1id &w.,-and if aven o vuage, relative 10 their suvsi sitbn enJýie -q5aS hct rihain e ia su tri-dga vrr~7geahdamto ler lndegi ia'wul eslti itatactreettsnaboit anrefcîscd tlte echhîr8 aittnenaphademei t-cet i ait-ht. luappckoe is I atrun lilt goe, et ecnelcf lovWe et ut pae whariee dia brige L a aea,!, taiafie uroidrte hol trigIT a 00 th liapeoPie 01 Mrlitan, have uaitsmat a cita. a deulaed i t-anc reiaili M *ieseaMc Asl ut location, taea acbeCend %t-les. itos18a iscuelliatosad alili ramaineaf unîistasbe y lisecepnittssiandtawk, ta goodlillc be to se alil ates l aflis, aiirn cd av cmpni d muf hvarip5p5 gm Woabiresrit abyioang h di nae lse>'pat the ri o-itir fda 7.inutco ie uiadtniirbocnilanlti-c-aso i ea¶hfe~ ~ ~ at rettdevyriu toi ite ha lite udeoacamantcf lie cFoainmn Ltzz&~~~~0 invesa m m nlmean nd mS t lue saAi sb ui eretuiler a for endelraavoeeacicf iaoisaita arrat.eu mient potcf tsatlobel- h w.m8Yabatlii - pietom or ÙWMontres) Ga eaindamlage. le lha ai thaugsai în m - ax4eeonomiehnsei optstyapntttvii.aîuPu liepcmaatheColnéal of lij. avasgieat r nIhiedls acumaite pet-snaut ltaofthe glbwhissh in a&i fohwisiuryof eieveu aetusa eoepat cf a i iisao f iis, liat dia pasease, lthiilgfror lteT w iles n slite -5t1àAisrluexî..liva avaitkm uene- uiidt daag eonslu~ùdjo i.aliIîl, 'the-aBignt ' l,,t- -but dia>' leat stîikng. lct in Ibâs histowY. Or Orb a .p titis aectmtd l i a p (aI a faisr'V a laali n) sqh icUld a, aI S xc rai 'vîa O sFInas, l>oia v i s eh r p d l ' m basai a saisad s a ath ot l l e g h of rIa af i n Mr4~rwJawse - ~~~h i> ~ ~ avlicii'buepaity, (avilneit andoaLbledi'ly ansd His Excehhency VGot-et-or GùelW n sitntaasflisanc. Tise culer aI lte itMcf the. twenty-sevea iales In.everYf7 dw PiOciI lât-dm: OMalu" u ma" jiie- ffiâmo6taw. 4Wthaaî«-ea0111g, as titis bond e tends toeveryi is vleee ltoamtdeep andalhefront îLe mo >,ca eC ,in tise villae-e wo ay b t Ftefis »1 «caaedtoeel pdpit fm- a - =-SIted -'

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