Whitby Reporter, 1 Mar 1851, p. 3

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lntxctlg rins 0 aypeuaa iad ï perithat, of the entiro aront of z1v e oc liouov sootsobY ox tapital .1pended on the mîliims o he À, nd a"s, tha Dno avernor Iawkeiper shail wortd, lft-f 6ûpUndàin in ee M n fàiiOwOe d Of r iv, spirituouo lkî4uolstany 1tdd p nkat the injurûyof us or îlred ; and of the capkal to b. ex1 h (amllyupciW o bingoifÙ e te ha ffctb enL r na18upbe êfMtavffctb onthose iin Progrests, sixty-eight, rfrienJs; or «hoe810W any petli o eplay at in every hundred -, are appropria - e'Uw ý ele, , ardit, dace, draughts, kittIes, British railways !-Dulilin UtII,, h a akW raffles, or Ioteries, or any other ~Ngazn. mplètrenUo tf gamirng, in bis urhet bouse or prenii- AÂSaitFTancscanorresponldeof t he aidTows :ihal pace and keep in sorie the . YýJ'ounwdof Cmmere luYs the aforesaicl regohations, and alin, a, copy of the 1 st, that the àIten ion-of the 'cîizenfl e'Cal- 2nd and 3rd Sections Of the Sth Vic., chap. 45 en- ifornia is now turned te agriculture, fitled, 4'Au Act te -prevet ihe protangliOf o? the~ nnd n cnseuenc, iereis a very ex- Lord's day, commoily calIrd Sunday, in Upper <lemnil f4rmn~ li s Canada;,' and the Oh,7th, Sth, 10th and 13th Sec- tensive 1C ni for fe inimpleren î ionit of the l3th and l4th Vie., chap. 27, entified, land sed of cvcry drscriplion. Ploughls .'An Adto roe frhe moie effectuai suppres- seilLat $30 to $70. On ion secd is $15. sien of Jnzemperance, -se as Io afer ail persolis Per Pound. C)îoic& potatocs fromi the .-frequefting his ni ber tavrni, a reaiy and couve- Sauwie Isand ar woth from nient opportunity of reading Ilem and knowin;, d 'eircontents anc. nieaning.' to six cents lier pu ndlt. *$'cvci-.1 facto-- 4h.--Atd be it enacted by the aulbority afore- TiCS have been tectetd for thje mrnufac- said, that every Innicceper wbo docs pot cotiform turc of suil teols ïand instruments Poqto the regulations 'o.tained ini Ibis Dy-Liaw, or are reirc i h onrwîiteshat knowingiy sufer any, prsqn in hiS or ber c(it'rel '1 t'e ctntyt Wt" 1lobouse, or on biis or ber prem;ises, O contia'ene or 't'ew e1 re,îderifx'r it i,îd1ujeil5I<ft of' sha ciitrve any of the foregoing xeglations, foregmi uppis'. in~oted oudsareor suifer conduct inconsisteîit with thear spirit, shall forcit it ,y im î ~1~es~ orlit and poa, -of Pot leilhan Ten Shilling, r ~ f iqam'c ~0 <100t omore ihan Five 1Poincs, ipon convict ion theiecoi, loss o s;îiprs-for its ' Ie 2()1100 efore any Jusfire of the Peace for the County Up- Ilbs criYlicd bSaaf 110t.1%(;'rflhIYe y, olt'on týeoathot one crdihie witnes9,Wihpaly at, îor tin-dir, tclvr ccniis per lb- muess: logether witêa the, cost of proseculifln, uffles reid 1îor, tuiî~ ni<~ svvncii ', i mmediaely, %.hall bc levied and coiiected by di%,- ofoendnplbya foc perî Mer;fgc han anr. eai o ~~Ir by C'JSC.-I'llfT>t1 bceconvie in Jsitce andinj 5C iltiih ite~ te cause ucI cÊ.eneroroo*ldrs Iotbc lrnasite btt nc rall. 'Iv ltv lcn4'%, if their Io the 6gaot of the County, for any perwodPot ex- berO x'Ivcîg'u !ci îteiil o(, cco cd.éedin; îwienty days; and the said penalty S:o tnh. A iztti'î'~' asosi toi'ssh ti-t i' ot ected, shalt lie paid over hy such Jutitce, 1v the to 1,;( or co; m-ý's'rvasi5ureroi îbeJowrnshipt'r"owPsîlîp pi poses. Y~<<~"sei h. b~c~i'îs. lake t' ",îac l~' t,h-And lbe it enacteci by hIle authorty afoie- as px~sL'l." h, îcflc 'i ad riey,"îhî~zmd<, ihat ally person 'who ahait seil any arià-e io '"hat ynima yina' 0oir i pi,~u~iit 1.5 tut 1 1 ~ve1 i prhsraas i i!">~ I..dii. H> ic3~h ~liquors,aball lbe deemedilîityof sellini CUiesteffl'ld havi-, 1j. ý;'0r.,sct hIv f'b tîuivsî ' ~îuîahcesn pncnitiorî thercoif, shall <'t~u 11411 W5 1vi-liv ics.co'î;îati ie1spurishcd acc'ordn'ly. hasuteh tijaz liet, ' POL .u À'1 lîbi ooa i J'h. h.-ArdJei' forthienacted by îhcaiàthoïit' flii hb'i~O'. *forelid, lit il shallhéhthee duîy ni' 1îspectois ci Si 's'oss-,î ih asc ' e" ii'1o t a I et01 .1 Ioti"'; 0f Pu.blic FEîîtertainrnent---FilY, wiihili dié it1t P sitte .t .e " e,' il 1wci v daîys alter îheir election ini take andi sul- il siC, Ju1 tt* «" ' s t '<h i vî,'sit. _ wî Iihi lpe w nalh of office, as pios'ided liv 1ite I 2t J.t """ ' , < chcaip.8'i, section 1127. becouudhy, to visil ind ~4j~ '. <. a '. ' . , s..rrinuile n'îofthol Jebruary,every ycar,etf1cl s '"'. ,.. . l'aesî ite- Townîship, in order 10 ascctaiiil J5 IY4i)'>îý . .'iî'y bave the aeccorliodatintîs îelui r'd hythiiBy. __________- -*1. iw for the reguiation ofT1averntsvafld Io nie Cia hrok -Ir)lie ýep)t by îherm lor tbat purpose, fic des. i i , .ription aand accommodationsof ecdiTavern in-h eOc, Io, . i t 'fg, m fihlip, andin rike jîiarteriy v; iis anrd eX Èfl. .ii;tte sc14conmpliî'd with. Tbirdly, Io:îîcet to-elher oc 1ho lavI 1Moiiay ln Feluruîary,atSsXWeeitri îplace (of which meeting~ public jiolicec sitai be given lu ~> h ihaîibilh) for illit pîlpose oh rere;iin applat&ti0 SuJictsiuy, 4 ' leo<t. j' < om any persoflWl5hifl, teobtaîîî a lîcee Io keel *î1~ ht'21'.mn .,fli a .Idî ~~ r or el(.a 9averti. veiierable N. N. BeiI. jtte, D1).x r Ittat91 O . 7h.-ýArd lie it enaoneî, that heifore grating yod',. certiiate for a icerise Io keep a Tavera.i, he In At huttruwo~î siîr î'oni , o~î.isJxv ie pectors shail etsîqu;re imb î1 heile, character, an, SthFel., . tot'~ùî lîiîîr ,ueii1iappera ama oriyof thern,that lie party appiy ~onut'lIt j~ Ws. .boi'î o', urr~îy O ii; i asolerioest, diligent person. andlisas Ih Kiîî~satuî, ged ~"'~arcommodatsors required. twmaoieinijOibyorf te ~ 5p'dlsîenand iîheressnîwtbteidî nay ;runtl LA \\Ol~ . lU ~. hr or 'ter, a cttificate unde-r ibeir bands, whie *a P n i n cettificate shali enable thc party bt tke Qiat 1 Ji m. M H vUv mi L hi centre on or befoteIfie 'ÏI'welf1h day oh' Marci,( At i aluuî au tl , " î-an y other time the Coucit way direct, then I'e- -ytand * S esting the date of àuch ceiiti cale; and tue sa citer in chlîicory, Cuivettailcor, &c. êît1ilicate shalliec a proller and buIfl'cieflt warrai &t. e & i rl ji' ilîbit .tutiui tu for the Inspector of lleeieuiloissue 1Io the peîsý al! of >cs e't s~ a.~luînlrtî.St- luoWu,]ng scb crt fic'ate a licenge, ou .reeiving pal ed ts hini. ment QlIthe amoutit imposed liy thi' Itv-Law,.i the rîg-ulations of* Taveros in iie Towtiiip Heense, and lun ail otlfr Illeuoof'sP.iîug ou v A'Pé -.rq ntrmet u witn c .i-Anyknd oHoîte ithsou idi havinsx <rirons in~d exeutedwîtl des Orici, î idaliso for o dolaig h rgan and c nt aud rnude~Le viz: Bonds, Pc-ousdconauttofd srin g uisipsdctigs he yhsBeL shaîl be hwabloe t hifri j liions Meorias, udcî tu~s.o tAI e penalties aimpoed by tsuhi.asyusaw, an -ieitCeshi1p, ArbtaiN Bond>md erson the aean ise btprovwonste hee - '9rds, trtide- u- - - 1nî__ît, z -I-- -i..ef.)-PETERnP1RR i MONSTER.$STO CK OF CLoTIIING &D'RY, GOO-0,D s CRLBflI TIRAS EVER.t W-ALKEII & IIITCHINSON, WH LE AL -&--- - - W. #,&iL Clot hiers, Outfitters 0and General Dry S G?< 0F TH~ GotnzN Lîow, ?~. J'. ~ .'~. 't 'T I~r, TCO.~TQ, SIGN OF THE GoLDzi; Lio*f 26, RîiG SrTAEET EA4sI, ToAo'nto, J j 1 G to inf rm fdie ,rea -ler .s c, f th t- W /iitt>y lRep ort r, ,yand pulîl haie g ngby they bave s'ompleted their Faîl i mportations ol Staple aindi Fancy Dry 0sW~li aigbe selered iiom the best Stocks la Foreignj Markels, enîd purcliard l'or CASH, wil l e f &BflýPtOfl *- amdriation, unstîrppsàed ii this City, f'ur qîuality, siyle aumi cheapne55. At% Inspection fs Iivite4. READ THE FOLLOWING * lilaek Orleans Cioth (rom ( Coloured -- 44 à O ]tack Cobolît? " " si colatred'.1I11-2yd wide 14 1 Mîtain I)eJ.aites 44 0 l'uniâ Jyd. ;d 'sit> Iloye's ---"l 0 1 yd Gunghams 4(Htavy) #ào Dark Sable Bois id 3 Grey Soirrci'-1 2 Sbone ftiaitîti4"15 'm t i)t. di - 40 (hey $à 1 yd. il 44 American 44 Sheeting *d. striped Shirtiug Bed T1'ck Brown Rolland G;ala Plaids Dark Sable MUSi,- Gr qrel: -Sin ari "wtr ith an eXeient StOCk oh' FaSilionab!e I)RE4S GOO)DS., .(1o, 1,00(1 Jfdinzol .Jio )i nOoo3Tarcn y Broad <7hoiis Cas irne tt, (Plhan & F ii v "weeds p'iot Cloths En'ver ti1Worstedi, frS c>4 1-21, 7 71-2"1 7 71-2"1 0 7 1-2" 3 9. I1 3 40 1) 37 6 Scéaf iShawlbs wo't'hyï! of notice, Lfltred, an< Ciiirpets, Dru gfgits, -&c. -c. of eleM'tLft 1>'attllq4' lu hltir oolicn 1eparimf nt arc 3 fi 1 LinnakÎnI l 1 3 6 olcsar ' IPaid, Sssansdnwn, Hi[ Pluhes. . s r NW G MgSRS~BUIIGESS & i BIE(;- to anunele te the inhabitaflts cdC aDh"'a WW. Stheir NEW GOOD$, consisting Of Clotli, aui er< etilgB. and a generad iwUrtfFiCflt il& the beut Brltisk.M'arkets,_fwr C(à, /iI&ea Of t»Men-at prices mtchlower A*u Wtt. t to t/le Canadian 1't T AM. 1 READT~M DB Ai. Manutlmctured în this City, fromin Oeds imported direct fir'Jnn 1 metre. an Caadmn Cyth, <rom tie betfatonies in» Cnada, serdurabiandyCastyleand ebeaopness De Du DC led ileni Yieu 0, 3,0 Pri Liad Shi Ni *uaiiy stle;andverpes )0 shùoting" on 2oadcloth 1flauuuel shirts, r apir mgary lonnets, u'9s WTe ti e -de -'30't 0 do Moheskifl " de " -- 5O do Etoif " " -- -30 0C> do -Canada Plaid "lé - --- 4 5 ýWhitc ah its, Linen frouil - - - 3 9 Cloth-Caps, - 0 - - > 6 lBoys' 'tal <55 é Shirts, li - 3 9 Go irouseis, ---4 5 do Coats, $ MEN'S PA/RIS SA/ITIN lm1', IC NDDÙB ne.iistu<uf' eVery article neeessary tu complete a lairge and well-tusorted de* of those Goods requîred by TUE PEOPLE. 13s9- >00 yrd$ ta Plaids ns, fast colon", lies' Cloakfi (vwWest styles) 8 9 39- Flanet s, rtdn.b1e Biankets. per pair, LI4nefîsd falhisu&. ou 0 0-4 06 1 3- 126 hot, Checked, Striped and Plain, AIpa=as, Cobôuirgs, and Orleans, DeLainet, Cash iletes, and otFe'r.Fashiiorjable Goods for LadieS' Dresseg, loves, ilosiery,-Fringes, Artificial Flowers, Mugli ng, CoIlzj., V9Ir$I S'hauwlS, IHandkeehiefis, u~ n o BTJiGSS& LEISI1MANt Corneér of riing tt('luctSteij Illug ie Court Housew Troronto, Septemhierj 1850. ,ÇELLIXG OFF J/IT COST!! They truuld call purtiiilar attî'ntion to t/teir a.tsortment f C LOTIIIN (G equalied ln CPuada, lhn stheol iiitg qah1 o . ok uaiihi pand malerîah, asud genera19 iii able- rîeus1 tiste want-s of the 1is.opile. 'Parties abouut io purchase (ionl thiâ lhue nay - pay bon dear f'or their whiste e"il thes' bîy hel'oru houking oser W. & H'S b$tock, arniong wtîlch ii 'btJe fo,înd: Flusing Pilhot I3eaver Fine Lion;il'in Wiiifusey il30 30 9 2,-21 ( ),0 ii Fauscy 1)se h>siw Fa' ' t4' 1 49 8 di< Î. 9 <1 4,~ 6 9 '-'i 3 Boy' Cothng ju ret ~ana't . Luris Nel Vet-fltlui, tM Fr < o(ic aps, &C. &c.. <,J'/f74made to me(Isure antd warranted toit. r'rFarmers and otherà r&dinz ini the enurttty. i«it inz o~anqulditited w'itb ricks pxactisech on stran- gers. by many dralett§. woiald éo wt'and il! 1aï 'ii;~ss~.h~nei as-tbey bave but one straighit for- ss.Uumode oi oig jlSfii.Arrto îti 0Ir&uî"au e he foi COowi ig: NO SIW.lOND PIIICE., A1 Arm l t s. ,srraeniçte si tirtok chr spt th,'tn Tornt. ~vcutcAlh ru" uoirriedottoiîui.'husa lorngîha, exeh ail. T r n o o c iii e , 18 5( . -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P4,E E'R A D E HOU-SE ipon eV(O@ 29 #SI* 2Ji«ltr But~.' mre apon NE ofthe f(rsi, princiîîios of"41Dameautic Eeronmy" is h 0NarkrI, and li universally prag-tiued b>' ald ri omnir4l Houskeep thte pissent day, b>' promolitig wholffome compebtiti, givs to tire Ni e*l "é4Proectiin" mlh tost rigid , Econioit can dste ; but in tire, scec IMART," b: sioulit le borne in mni that ilQUALITY is btse truc test ol -4in purcbamed principali for CASH, lrom ife Masiulaetui'eis bu BRITA lN-'ý -ans inbtent on SYLLI NG ;atthe icOWE.ST RM RAIOPROF w'~->~~"WE 1C Ai A N drr B TL AW -Witby, wiII meet at the Globe Hoctel, BrooI;tn, [No, 3 ]oulthtroit Tuealay in Maich Sxt, 18,31,' for the OfrertIo the Public et Toronto, anîd ibe srroundi.ng en ~ ~rLicnsin ofpurpose of rernedying anyd0f4cU in, and albering j ' N5VEA ND W EL L-A SSOR TED$ JO Pràv idae fr oTsn-f'avcrnrs, the boundaries of Sehool sections, Whbere il, #hal '% TENS ndf o rnie tesanurirendt ln te spectors lie made to appear, thatitùe saue shah i e required lo.B tnee yteMncltyofîi the -n tprtieis req'uîrung aiterations. miait give lsb-13 i eneld b' ireMu ofth ainsI i a y n otitat e<#cct, to the panties Alcil wicb willic efounsi 1 uli>'equal in uoi liv 10 1 a nnsirast I ti d- or ititky, uj e r-he it itsix addaya noticiet- nyHom n h "'O'owhip of ýytWito nsi ate j.le Friirst-u1 a da f acb151eer>' keeper of a House of En- asI I4 o'dt qî> oiq p' 5ere raO aîî Bue u itn terlaitrneut, Inn, or Tavero, for ýwlric a hcense R. T. HARRISON, Cklr. The present systi'r of éi Pis liiîu; alias L>"g ~br euîtd fIo reail spiituous iquora, ae, beer -andi ider>. to Extruet (rom the Minmtet cf the Municipal the oIt adage, -J loriesty jsltie best Polie>",) have C-ver'Y confidence IAsà lie dnfJbk terein , shal lee lstiae. in be 'Township Conseil of bbeTownship of Whibly. -7>io.wt a> aou hn ihtti arilie heci'ÇÙ<gc ol WhýÀby, sitail it4ve ainaiconstanthy lceepm o" ~ lyJ lc, sed i > r h-bii s for proniotisg- lite best interesiis (the J>o-*0,;)0oh iit Peuple. as fie qu bie io 4n JIur or Tavera-aeper tirerein, mon. XESV 7DCRFLYSLC£)A foi tI4"eaccommuodationt cf bis or beri ttoiS, sixf, TEXTENSIVEowAsh)pCAREFUI4ie" SELEOTJd, anA cîean, coufortable lieds and beitding, exclusve c eci onii lr niae, uJite S TA PL1D 1 NC D ttc eddng seitb>'rit fisil>, fur led aous o'eck A. ai., 1051 keep bis oihscu open (rom sixPL A '1 FANCY' )R- andi one cornloibabie itting îooir, exclusive of lhw eveiywe, 'r pV ,e cc ruieuOf ilite Newehl, Stylpq ounit Manwufàatures, _ywekforttaecomunodatiwî ol'the pbi bar or tap-irocm, ansi bsou.requelueo utus "' duriiugthe p,êmflesry~r,aricitboatie aisie eput>- 0«C~'('las onts M f , . th frnl5 ns ooi tlingaîd proveni r M iihcll ir lWujRporter andOshaaReulor-li -ig ozeanIshd o treaconîdtiu o temr.-C arn cd, R E A 1!) Y lD A 1 E (Ji1.. leue than cigitt boises; and atma, a conveniesit drlv-,ml0 TUE TANDrG CMMi- In every variety of Cas, r0User>, and Vests, of stîj " -eit enaed by te aîrbboriby aforeid, nREPORT or wyTIA NZ JSN CMrIT- tirait tire amouint bo lie pas! b>'. the keeper of eaeh.i TEE ON ZOADS AND> BRIDGÉS. - R&Tsý -Cars. , . bhouse ot Publie E nteïtanrnent, liio, or Tavern, T b ubta osi o ie"w'ii fTogether wtralarge lot cf Ladins'andt (ntlei Nlvhreen apàrittuos iquora, ale, beîr, aaid cli Mwbitby. - te lie soldbyr in suthe Townshtip of- Whiti>y, ieSarigCon7te nRnd ntBigBoofts-and SlOCb OlOVOry de sbail leu as ollows-Trat is te say,minre Village liezleaive to report. rsT r I c i ~c F (~t i1 o f Wiitby, aindIPort Wiritby, wlrrcb# forlte pur- fThat bavifiq taken bte coniiteratton lte aubject T'I' i 1 jRI* ST.'0J .J .f. '. FU G.1R posez cfi ns *By-Liw,sÏbal lu e comsideed ,o el- f ' porps*e t ,isu i nny -tthe * en o ir cs ad c-Lot No. 21, lte uum ofTow.sshp Hevenuear.dieaprbsnnto ieCcu;ih cfdoeî~mund, as be'ng entirel>'fe ri £.C ire Villages cf Brooklîn o iCumbvs.-ý $amre urragirout tire Township, -Artidhti, andtaeo iepr-tQa ~it piis rni.Ae mhitb, or thre purp»fose f-titisB>-Law, ÎWalie They wî'iMeccoasmendititat tire urn of £300.I:£ E ý wDZ M considereit o citera (rmlte front of lite Sltil be grastea for moad improeatxento, and Iliat great 4rKqvr, fa6 Concession Io lteé centre c ieSvnhCnas!'datg el cna etr tnhpb'hli-Jcltuding a large lot ci loibaWiso'à "BUT lELve"c . thre Vila fwea wiktrct or lte purposs 0 g o ut certain iMaueem"auto particular lecatites jans 1.S &C., bebog dtoefed W rl eceedaIfM c> pn tia By-La hl L ojied ho .xtend-Iuomr ini tireshape cf àtrants cf-mue>' where lte parties 1i*p CSfi h'Udhui5 Ile centre of tire Ebghh Corcessioo b tire entre' b,.eretbed bu1tires. rspssemnssaiteitber 1»' 11. S. & (Co'"S iSpleutdid Esfablbaêfl3cft" là 00w «,«end S!4ready loi cf e tino ithr Concession, £8? 3and irn there i'jmu> rhbrm bldi, conîtri n sim paetbcularly invite their counitry EFrends o l nciafteelWbere, ira mainder of te Township £0 105.1 sncb suras10 î rriichr mial i a i-e'at inasre f ein1. anunt,1 o'icvigtretit f ireir pretenedfi.No b&cod rire ineluetire ainut psi ylt MPerialt!i,lueuaelte Ceunebil in assbiing such ioclitieb; Md* i M£$r, usc L&areii "'nt StYle, cii f/e .11 I4th, Geo. 3rd, chtap. 88, anid aîi icevses shbalih It %vilh a grant proportiobrae to thte sain suhsribed. t.tkeus out on or belore tirai Twelftlu day ôf Marc,' ie oul8, eonaei htmc ee- Rene Mbe r! thr,» V'RE E TRADE HOUSE i s No. 21 ST. Laiw or mch cUrer lune aste Counicil îuay direct ni n Ti oau l alzec tishet at ia eteit'wst of Nelson Street, ilattie New Stone £lock eo te OlaiMarket Lits cacittiamI eraer>' yeair, aira, andliedaa force ntfor rntir antd yof t'euuar uurt inreoreafr one yar t pr tiesho briig up ieir &rbsbriptsen-lias, aain CU is<fler ROBER fromh.elaitdyoilebruryinbeymiý% îi aesed accouluii>r. la adittonto £300.we OB R tir>' iretakn ulans sIal1no ir tsoafraie wou ioazeçoumena tiratfive equat premiums I au>' otherýpersour wiîhoiut the cosent of a manui0ty'- of £2 cacir, b rneifrtr etwu oea Teropto, 27t'tI..Scpteoe"u 18. et - trs ethousss of >abti solet- he roai divisions, which prenmium miait lie p-id j HT3 BÂ IÂ C O L O D i aima oblmireL -i ýroaai sciapers.' hu.Aj e lii furiber eutet tit siral 't At 0f wib e spetflly uimitted. A T D rap a cetre n.inarfor 1851 will commence wjIlhe n.i Di,48M boueof publicteat8buiifft witbmthe TowrVohîPî 0551 W LlS'. theII WITE SESIO&o ,fWhitev tobe allowed to sel 0 4e aiwa'at"Y IBrckliv, Feb. hIthr 1851. o usa h % Q7 ur ef -- AMI'.R flfm o lWitbyf' 2 FLe bu"5' b theChap Iic îIbe grentest amount ol to f a ' ý,-HOUSEFIOLI CEAPýl.SS." Havint ut 'dthe UNNIITED STATBe !IT, lfor UASH ONLY, 4untuy ail NewYokstbihin dR. S, & Co. (in. keeinxA .iinr u ,niversal sa.iàfs.Iio I the Shoip law occaedb 4 i l ,[Nuw, elâ i orjn. o000 abovE aron to Gofthe CHCINAIUd 4TE' C-OST PRICE. LIWL Hlm Stock la still very well assorted, cornpriuing _ ~ I almosteveybin requireil by Farmers and others, o thre ore, want the best articles twenty-five ,DIV>IION , O per centcheapet ihaun c&n lie got tin any other e- tablishment in tbe Towtncalt i t e saidystore, and fhe Subscîiber wilt ss'arrant satisfaction and -alun a NJ OBROW, Tailo Sale, B>' calliru; there, YOu ean ind Ready-Made Pte * o that bou$eaSout Clothing, Fhauuuels, Fur Caps, Muff» & Boas, Sati- îowaril the Bay', and as nette, Tijcking, Grey' & B3leacheil Cotton, Suîiped in ail busirjem hie is lu ShirLing, Orleans, Sb5del, Figured & Plain Lustres. jalaction to bhc publie. Cobourg$, Velvets, Riblions, Flowers, Caàficoca, - AnAmf4 Chof hsand Cas, imeies,1 Moleskin, Linen, White Whitby Viiate. Jans Blauukets. Sole Leather, Mili Saws, Oil, Glass, Crocke-ry, Shelf Hardware, N'ailla, Itigeoe Clocks.- BARBER & 1 C.ans, Brasa & Patent Pails, &c. &r. &e., ail of whlch hi- piecges himoeif In sell as above stated». He lias sorne more of that TEA, tui, at 2s. 6d. onebIaiehi Coll asd be cnicd oppo4ite Mi. Ray'& To R.E. FERRY. sohicits lte patronage Whitby, 21st Jan., 1851. -41 -f. S11II oo'Nc; done $TAR&TL-ING x(9"U<"Gâ rrsE Sibseriber, al t1iotgh net exafely ;Wbliitby Der. 21,. JL rea to: paye the Straiel s ut Whitby wiîtb California Gold, is yet deterniined te stipjly bis ciustqegrâ with C»oMs at such- Low Rate. that '~U~11~2 tbe y able enabled lo dosno if' 1te>'wiuh, thiongh paiejad aeq 1î!.U tht çeat savinc -eiTected b>' bis meanns and he unosy u8Aamâ <1% W:Ud amuret115 Xiumerous i rienids, thal conti-ri> saZam ljuwt!l w'1nLa, ,Io, the usual mode pracbiceil hy nII4,corners, tbce ptit aluj *quaityofhbis-Goods wili rather impiourethatit other- wise', at bi lusrsauy Low Prices ; and a s he is twell awe.re tiet geif-îrteiest is the moât powerful 1I 4 weapon hi- cari wielit, he wilt make it the interest 4ofait ato ,purchaus from him, b>' supelying Chn AI witil bbttejr.9ulitie§ of Goonds, and ait Lowcr rates titan an>' stter Estsbishrnent West of Montreai. LL Versons1 5 Hiseéebrated MoQ4,L-,YOtfliG Hriîou's andother t -bsing. or tr-usti )t TEASrwiIlie ( ouud b nainlaiîî their bigh ceili- Derker, en w>' accou iity for cheapness, richness, streîîglh ansI fine-fia-' of her eorltractbifla vor. -lits large-ansilgeneral assotmniet of Cotises, myý lied and ourd wî -Sugrs,TobtCcoff,pFiit$, Spici-a, Gtauswate iHard- cation. ware, Wiiti, Liquore, &C.&&. w1i cueJn2.8 tbe moat £Asguine expectations of purchaseii. Tasrrkeepers and thed Traite, ouppi ied us LOWNEW C E as ltey. cati purchaite in Cp'nadà.,N W C E H. B. O'CONNOR. ,g W hit4 'Villag'e, Jan. 24 1851. 41 -11f. NE~W (ORKXH ulebr 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý in the ie . Mrnel p blh:t e» teteFi'p-s re Compary. n-pbiota h m Twua Stock couipirkci an HIE Subwenber ORTMENT OF T porgcies on Bauid Y GO DS, Four und Grain inW y GO DSe Vieeo'ia Fort, ait fair s' 4"c., 'C. ,.ONES, JuNE., IE >T H H 1 G, Zonble. Washingtoni perior cul andi make. -.York stàte; Bon. lier ( omuing, Esq.,y Presbieg ieg., &cretau RV.NI'tus: )r iaqpetio;a efcre giving lire ai uros'e lu all boere- rin1ce, thef'é . virl< tn (ex - sold Il ot ce. iand gre- atieri ý 1 ÀA ode L ti-xu-Ods Merchants, 7-- 1 ' Pr: 4 yd. à m âà n Sjlkjiý. Hosiery, &C., a J'ci ýljmelý "romr 1 1 ..:-l Company- IESI W H 0 L F, S A L RETAI.L M 1 T«Onto,

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