Whitby Reporter, 8 Mar 1851, p. 1

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WHZBY REPORTER F017 Saturday 1dorming, !t the Office, ianWkstb7j village. .ýLMS.- Tealingsper efannum ýd ine 3 mont/s Twelve shillings ance' at thée close of thne year.ý- WLetters addrassed to this Office Plost-paid. "al Discount al *lowed to pr- oaing Agents fr the Reporter- JS. SPROWLE, Propriet or. t *1 * .'x ,~ J-, y/I -/ ~' WIIZTBY i. TIJEf P a- a-----l --fx oamn nas---w .' .ýJOB qRjNTING 0FFIWTERy-.DF-C]UTIO~ IIE4TLY IhXJhIJTIUhlk ATJIOFFICE-. ON iTIIHLOWFST TEJUIS. rnphhats','Posttng l13illi~, I1-li5 Bil luaiegSteaisi-Ba-tth, Hani, j]ýgw Bhataks, all h othar iinals of Psining tionta Witla dis'. patois, )L. I. 2,-os the Fier af aur Uann. FAREWELL TO- BY M. X. TROXEL. 1 leave tbee, fair one-we have strayed ýiétmany a fragrant bower; - Where the gaudy green of myrtie ahade Rang dira o'er founit and flower. White oft upon the moonlit short, We've watched the silvery deep, And amiled, as t mnay amile no mre- J leave thee-let me weep. IU leave kind natures hallowed cenea, Thegreen-clad bis and plain; Where 1 have dreamed my ighieat dreams, Whiieliening 10 tlay arain. A ttousand thonghta of al thiaigs dear Now o'er my memory aweep; Then wby slould 1 aupprefl a tear i 1 leave the-let me weeei. I leave thee, yet ai ilent eve, When I1alone ahali bel In soe far ditant land astrny, My thoughts wilt tara te ihee. Yes, when the tara in yonder sky Their twinkllng vigils keep, My boson ft wilI heuve a igh- I leave thee-Ief me weep.. Februsary, 1851. Wetmiater, Md.- THE TIN PEDLER. A TRADING SKETCH. BY GE0. CANNING HILL. Igot unconsciotasly to dozing, one aummex're alternjoon, in nîy Capaciotît old armi-chair, and already had begtîi to dream.. I wns junt on the titreshioit of thgt state whceeI coild begitiste hiear thu low-huim cf the Ilyblean bees, aud te smack rny lipe fur a taste of their honiey. Ali at once thare brôke a course ca1 upon my easQ, realing the silence, and Z 0 verythin g élse4 i afact, a Il to pieces ; it was: ' Hello ! Don't ye Nvant tew l'uy nothin' tewday lV n et(o h I quickly let dowu e et rmtn elevation to which they huad teen perçu. ~ç ed, ansd curtereed rtubbiiig my cyes; for, as.yet, 1 wan unaiblo tu eoînprehiend the chasecter or the cause of the dis- turbance.. 'What do yotî waut il t ien.gtia1Ir- ther tartly inqaired of the jîtruder. 'Don't ye want tew trade a ecetle tew day 1) 4Trade-no e' said 1, '1 hat do you suppose I wan t tu bu y?' $Didnt kîîow but what ycoîî bor S things, wonst in a hile,' said the stran- ger, with a look of keen sarcasmn, tuai. a~~pt once correcteti niy huminour. The stranger head a grood, opent coui teance, and I reproaclicd nyseif at *once for having so hnstil y slaown a wil- 1ingnessto set hini off su I nterely ask- ed, in a toue, niuch changcd: 'What have you got tu sel]? 0' as fur that, ail sorts an) sizes ol things. Tin ware nostly ; but then I peddie round q littie of Il the other sorts -o' tbings., sieli ns buttons, tape, neadles,--wnrranted nu.t to cnt in tihe eye, and assorted,-pins, by the row or 1aper, or anny way, jest as enny body il1 hev er' ; thinmbles and thread, croc- -- kery, skillats, mnousetraps and ginger- bread, in cookees or keerds ; pa-terfor billets and fools' caps tin kitc!sens, trunks, cookees and mop-handles; s1- ver watchs-pure silver and no tiis- take ; shoas, stockings, and -fish-hooks caps for wocnen, childi-en, andi boys-' 0O, no-n4ol' I exclairned, aîtarly tconfoiffded.-t lais interminable rigna- role. 1'1 don't îhink Il trade to day--- you'va gel 10e extensive an assort- ment.' 1'But I don't cal'late yea'll take the hisil on't; net unlerss yeoti're goin' l ew open soea holal some'ere.' ' Then thaît's it,' said 1. &'Jest se, ex-actly,',said he, looking a5 hontît aw-heever didin i his lifé..1Cuti viont ye buy aomnet/ng i' ', ou'vdtravelled somne Il I nquaret, affeo-tug fot to haed his invitation Ic trade. 11 sholdn't git aloug ver fast af1 dida't,' ha profoundly rapliid. & Huw far ovar the country have you WH HITB Y, hi-y, ns bard ns 1 can, te t-nde witiu yn. ' Ne objection te telling yeoîî a lue- lia,' snid lie, 'anrd neyer ask aie man lu trade svi.ttme agie bhis stiil.' 1'Very sveii, Ihefc, give us tIsaoi-y.' « WVonst I fouîsidimys-elf laluni-us i ii Geargy, rtn.d il t 4a been once lue oflun. Btl ittal ye: liad a claver lot a' lter air lin kitlheis on iband. and tlay n'as a load on mc--did'nit suhi -drug in the miarket; 1 tîsort ns iîaw ef 1 conid on'y gel 'arnput off, I'd ha able te go il. 1'Wall, tisa folks eout tisari-en Geor- gy didn'b knowv liemore svlsal. tuy %vas for-tier air kilcîses-tîten a child jusb botuc, nul a bib ; an' 1 knosv'd tisaI vas-4iernrat fuel, toc. Su, ai-lui- 'd laid ail onu nigite, a trying buw di-enut lieow 1 cotid i-id cf 'ans ut font cust, a cutrons sort cf a crotchut gel iîslo ay bad. Says 1 taw anysaif, Ill'Il sali 'uta for silsuer sida saddles !" Did yeu uver, cabur 1 I cuvai- iserd tisa like ! 1'Asvy I went, jusl ns scun 's I ccîidý sec, tise icxl moi-nias', and begua tlew puddla offniy saddles. '1'wa.s asîusnish- tin'iseowv lisy teck svitia tise vinimus. Yoîî see 1btld onu wemitishosv't Miss So-,an'-so, bar cabas-, had bort aise, ces tisey wns ail the rage iii Georgy, 'îcongst tIse rich and reelly respectable folks, aîsd lise hait bock rigl st-ut oÎf îseoiv I tell yeoit. ' It wusjest in tise midsî, of blisalite lime ip isere le tisa Norths, aîsd tisai tlsev svas iiviîs' in isigîs ciover eauît Southt. Niggcrs n-as a fetiia' twalva and fifluen it lsîadred dollars api-.ece-tia cUsrly iscaded critîcrs-andid îoaey ivnshcd rounud a feiicr's fuetl ike so e nîncis saloi-, anetasoîhin' aise. Tise is plaisleis' stîves, liaey tisait Iisey inust nlîev avei'ytiiig tisat %vas rare ansd ce, i and oi ttie sub)jeel of sida saddles I iti ir 'cai exact, tisereant naienyis' t/net! h 'I1 sold 'uns for fifty, and thiaitv, and ir tsenly doulai-s a1siece, jesl as îlîuy isp- usint-a u save tise assuey hy 'casaslMin Il 1 caii'd. Fiisaiiy 1'd solal ail bhait i aise sinsglecase, and tîtl cas ettca It sontie sosvor oilicrtcs iiek-I coiilc'as maka lier gro. AI hast, ai-ici ail s, ts o' ýycoaxin' ais' bcggvias', 1 offered il test'a %Vouaitar01oas.1 plaisinsicun, a good svay col ul o ' testa, for tl i ity doilais-twaiity iduwn ansdlthe blanîce us bout. Suie ;agreed lew t-rnde. 'I puatbise tweaasy i lolai-s, atsd n fitst rata silver -watchis mb s- îny jsockel, as([ passeal lier ovni- tha sil- t'en side saddle. Site seeeianilgisly i- liekîcld vilis il, andi I gîtossise n'as. 6I'd aiwvays beuts a leltle keerfail ast àtouv gil kort reousîsd stiare I'd peddiad aiay sadles, a second titane, an' ta fun i iahu (tli)-eg seil cîorîgus; bailttis tinte I seant qtsîck iouigis. I wveit ta 1tise cext village nd put ni, over isigist, i- andl nas 'est a guits' to nIai-t off ias lta It moniti', ss'leastisa.%-omans's Iisband stappcd up pooly iveli', I thorl, and i- iinileujaise. Ne%*', Iisuvor had ino ah- .i jckshnste stoppin' n',ed 's lonsg 'n 1 1- didn't kasae.'wlsat lh an'itcd, cf cei-se i- 1 sîopped ;--I only li-avel lu necoramo- dtint the puiblie, aîsd titis gi-ual rc-puîh- lie in 1tertikici-. Di Snys lise, ' Stranger, yen si sida I saddaleen?' >r a Says 1, ' Net edxnclly, I dloî'l.' é, ciButb oint yoîîr naine Siocuns 1" es anys ha. )r '"Yaon'vu lait il," says I. ýy Wall," se luc, I- ycou sold mny o'wife onu c' yeui- sadalles, andl it's aà li- - feet inipursishitin, andti seiin' sisoi-lr. r; I'n good fuir cothire' luncbody. SIte S, can'l gil on lesv a nsulc's b-tek, no - more'n if 't <tact a sadalle." s- '"iBullI can',t bliatisaI," sez 1, lse's i;bort il, and paid for it, an'] I's'u got ne y moreuteîv do ss'ith it, no wav.' [ IlIs that il-?" nez ha. a- "1Yen," riaz I. di Wati, look bai-e, stranguer," nez bie, 1--and iseru'd aiiooty censiadabbla of a crowd gel round h btI im,-suz lha. e 9 11'il lyonuîwitlwu'll do. If yeu'l %v give ru back the valiy uf what my we- in gin ycu for the nadalle, yenî may corne andi talire your snddlu agie, antd as wa wonl Say ne more. Otberwise, we t, shahi go lu work our own way." 9I1s-naît gaundowdar tkma, but I tha- A, I'd kuep cool ; se I jest asked. Lira ef lao .0 xvouidnt take back %ïèsat chu gin Ume Éu-thas.dda- n.tr de.H toppe kt CANADA WEST, S AT ULD A Y, 'MIA R1Cir 8 EI 'What de yen nsk1' sez liae. cd fat,, hiclt lie hsnd iately received 'Fifty dollars,' sex I. fron, ti 1 ',East, i the saune lime takinjg Warrasted I' sez ite. tbhel s down and puffieg witis it 'To bha sure,' nez Il jest as hoînesl ms in bisefce tcln irlta ia vsts I uuîsy ays could. mode «f operation. TIse uld- lady ie-9 "How rne.itdid ay ife gin yoîî ppated te operatitson h erscîf, and fer the sadte Il sez ha. svns soigçigtited N'its tise netv fan, Tiairty dollars,' sez I. tusat site purolnased il fortitwitls and de- Wall, lsere's tweuty back,' sez ho, parled. hianding me a couple ' saw iserses Oi tihe next day aur informsant te 'yettnamy conte and git yoîîr saddla jeat ministar, lsnd.an appointmeîst te 1reacit ns qîick's you're a mind tawv.' -at; a scisool bouse in tise neighboîîring 1 will, sez I'cf course, meanin' coîînty. The cougregatioeinaiîns- jest as quick as I'd e mind tew.. il vns se mied, wviile thue anjiister wns uM ltat tac suaim alseotît tisai-e. ButI I couldii3'î net cf readîîîg tise livyu, vhso slsoid liai îî sinîpin' my bands on nsy breacla- pop il, but the oid wouslal witit lier es poekat. ns I ecared coul, ansd sayan' fle\w'fasiotied tais. anîd htavilg taken ahl lew myscîf-..' Old feller, cf yeotir lier sent, inmediately consuseîîed 1îif- wil do1tîtll yotî whosc wnîcb chat fin- away ini good enaent. 'fiscocea- ws, then l'n off lIse rond, îlsa's ail.' gregaliots knaev net vbat te make of il 'Twns Wl very samne atch lus wife ---sonie smiled anud soea ooked asteat-j had il e ,have fer lait dollars! ishied, hui tIiudicrotilsprevaihed ever 'jIowsomsever, I threw ianii te ide every iiing cisc, aasd te sucs an uxteisi saddle, for I cuver wcnt baek ai-Ii- lIt thuit tIse uinister hiraself n'as elliged yeoa'd better beiave. I gacssed, tho', 10 stop readiisg, ansd te hand tise book as heow't hie didn'l make astîscis enut- oit te uis brother in the dcsk. Afler tise me. What dew yccuî thiîsk, liai' usual preiimiîsary services, lue rose lu I iaugised, as vllI isigll, aitlIse 1reach, but ltera sat ceuîspicusonsty lise fellpw's cocîness, and assured iima tIoid lady wiit the beiiows in froîsit, a 1 lisouglit lie gel eut ef that sci-ape liret- hnnd lsoid of.c-ach Isandle, the nase tutr- ty lsaadsonîeily. lied up towards lier face, aid wilh intîcit 1'Necw,' saîd io, alter lia wns lhrough self-coasplnceîscy, 1uffing tise gantie 1neowveot're agoin' îobtîysoi-etliiîs', breeze iuto hier face.- Wbat te do or ainttycua I' Caesv lu lroceed lie kitev îsol, forlise 1 Vell, let issu sec,' said I, tiiîiking-. could usol cast ]lis cyes over tise cotngre- Ail nI otîce il occîîrrad lu me thal i1 gatioîs wvthout mseetinsg the udd lady. oanight make litIle Alice Greeni a pîsil- At lenglh sustiotiag reseiition, aaiad opeisa present, wlsiclaI 1owed lu lier. lryiasg le feel thc suinuasiiiy f the daîîy Se I asked ii if liseliad Ihimibles. iuujsosed an isiiti, lie 1roceeded. lie Pial on lem.' finiihed Iis discouirse, bol il cost iiss Gociti . nore efforts ltais ai' ybefure orstc-- Pitre as tise gohi îlsat's Inli te New Richmnond pep)er. Jerewsltssi!' said ie. HIe stowveui tie somne ; atnd afler war- A. FEMALE MI1SER. ranigilIlerum, 1 selected otta frora a ra- THEE ULIia rP4SSION STPoNG IN DEATH. spectable ioekiasg ssortcaelii. Au eld lîco"'ar w-anan, by tu.- came Whnt is tise prie -J' I asked. otf Elizabeth Mas-dock, iatuiy diud in Five dollars,' haiena id. lte cî ci' orCineinnali, ns every body I paidIimt thiisaacsy, and wislsanLsup1posed ii a sIa of ext reine destitu- tac a good alterusueitlie started off. hu.O tbiigîefereisaih- Towards tuse îîiddlc cf te aext fore- c nii "s1iCedpisasan u asaîs hauhinc~to lsuskcf îy lsittbcsid liser iîc4d, lier idiot daugluler, a fright- agantî, ansd look il over ta thse jwale- ua i iiiuclilieck, beine ~tise uniy attendanit lu iitve Aiice's ititials îsiarkcd tîlionîi. --tsugsahr fts in ie~yi Wh'lat w-as iny iter coniste-rnatiaona oitr beiîsg bold by lise jesuciier tisat il wkiciaas as ireselîl. The ol'h wvntan oui 1sîaag u nedmet ldiser e>'e,%, ansd pcrcciviisg tise bt-i C 'a liiae 'h î >- atîdit. urdercd ilti, Lie b!owa out, Itrving u iiak a utchase 1 i-saviiarsg ise eouid aid afflord il. Wieis self- wlisssold ! 1 Ioelaciseitodrdtseiet -A N O U T S i E R * asiai as, afler dentîs ftiiid lu cuatain \Ve svere a goodeal'ianitiscd afut,s îîigiîîs sitscu, oaa rutuaraîinaaalate hioir frioa lte office, nt lte asoiliquy of an iîsdividuucl svlo swu& Icaaiaîig agaist a post at tIsemsa-et isusa. He a s v s- ideatiy a goti dea -iow-caasse-youi-no,' ald perfeetîv coasiotîs <f ihofact. île Inîketi soaiclsov after tisis fasiios (ie)--- iold uit ycaar lcad, (hic). 1 i-eal- ly beieva I've gel Ibis (iic)--CuIPS. Sîeady, Billh AmInty-cu antsce anst, (uie) lu leave a gaod hsomae, a ilcasaltl fi-e, (lîie) un anîgel n'ife, anal geL mbt (ii) liis condition. Yot's-a naking a hennI (hic), yen, a beast of yourself, Bill yott are, 'Lat me nec, unit a dol---[lie]-7-- ayuna gouetIht's-junI six bits, [hice] fourluen drinks, for yon svunt it al alaise. Bi, youu sliagy raserai, 100 me-ai [hic] to treat,Bai, yuausi.ser.' Titan te ecvy draps cf raie Legan la falu, anal Bill procetded tis: 1'WelI, it's raniig, [hic] anti yuu're leeket outî, Servoal yo ri-ith, yen rs-s cal , 'hic], ne business le geltii-unir. Le".'sese, [hic], Bihlls'bes-arnie yen?1- This is lise Dîcuîsoasal,--bau which anal [hic] cf tLe mai-ket, Lent your '%a-y Bil. Serves yoa riglal, agnin, [ic], youc vagabend ! WeIl, Lus-a goes for the nos-Li, [hic], antInow, Bill, fuir your pretiesl, lu coma il shaeng tisough tuodo [hic] it l c ifeliew.' eVa sw fBilIaying eut a hie fus- a worma fence ap tLe raiddlle cf Faderai street, unlil lue urne-d tise corner cf one ofîhe cross sîreets, anti nas iost lu vaaw. - We have col yutlehai-ced whc- bLçr Lis goti lady lut hira in,or wlsethus- -lied aûl rumajn ahi aight au outsider. »eily Esterpri se. ANECDOTE. Whilc travelling lu Western Virginia happening oeu day le ha je a dry good store situttd in a sm-al] village, aus aId lady firemth ie coauntry came ia. Sisi pai-ohanet neverai articles of the cerk, antiait engthis erving a pair of paint- eti andi varisset belhews laenging by i ýpet, se inqaireul what il vas.. Tise clei-k perceiving tis.t se uas ratiser ig. swrmnt, and beiegsous-stLîg of a wag, - iuim& her tbhd& was a nev&sbio bo laeed aacar laur lied, anssie kelah it wiin retuch.lie sr aris iuri-ig lise st-Isolecf hei-sickusiess. WVieai ltahenils slsuggie 4nnie on,itandishiv stoi- se inusîdie, S'lie flonag isersel i îîoastise cliest, anid clawued il, in fi-cazy cf as'a- rice, îattd she toi-a1tise very naiPn fîcan lier fiîsgoucandsalii'îîlstaus ambraciîsg lier treassre, lier spirit ttsok its flîgîst. Ais elal stov-e an tisei-cons stas fetîna after lier death,tlu otacinas acoasitleruaiue ansotaît of silvranaad coues- cuits cure- fasiiv sttayýed awcy. The moasey anal affects libye bceaî p'aced inlushe sanals ofnu unectiltur apeoitteti by the cour-t. le 1840,whaas sîail change saerce tliiiî waomun eale uIanlsoane suse- ulainîjoibt neiing tiesa unil coins accu- muilaleal y Ihe beggary of li-rsaif asa her iditot daugistur. 'Tie latter \wss geerily lot-edud îon lher ratuai-ia aig-it liaen she djd ust siaake a gpoil day's tsork, andal asvays slsiîtpud.bt-fora, shu wansei1ultîetisa ensrning. Tisa ci-ian of' the puer ci-catt-e sviae tiadar tLe asisoeflber avaiseons mother, have requnty excied te indignation of Lise ieighbouriuocd. Tisa puor idiot bai-suif wns aftern'nrds nttacked by lIse cisalura, und is îsow iutimbereti witla the. dusuu.--N. Y. Etîeniaug Post. SUPEitSTtTt ONS AMONGST TISE AGRICUL- YU-tRALt5TS OF FRAiÂc.-A Lyons jour- nal i-lules that a fe at'dys ugo, a smnli farmuer iiîg at Moiard, daîsartraunt cf the Sýaune-el-Lore, observed Ihal oee of bis Oxun lantibucuma swtllun, anti Le fanciedti uat it bath baun Le%'vaîc!ed, tiseugla il hsati niy iken tee asuch cloveî', Ha consnlted tLe sorcurer Of the district, and thal grava man bold hies Lis th Lai-n we Le îLe seanho entera tiarduthe e icat. hoserbnp- praeut iahes-lof i acfte, riets-I ba is haras; thèenpon tisa fartuas-, is son danti tish~e s-ere- fantened hure le and beal hlm mont severeiy, lRa weat home le a sâdtiate. A fortnight aiter lie wan se i8 bie t ha as os-deSad te ha seulte Ltise hoepial; butisa died asalawasbe- a ng car-mat up st&is-s.-Lz Prue.e A cuIsOSnv--WO welatelyhon a nqe. c fwa naWwbwich 351. NO. 47. Great lîdustrial Exhibition, and which ThthetnsofhsConljdu daserves especial aîoticu, ussranch fi-cm te tihe presetît Aùdilî ors, for the imeasiia1 ils smnliuess ne frora ils nenînenssof condtict iand busnsses-like mrataner mn, axecuiein. Jt je the Lord's Prayer, en- which the 1,rasent report ofthe 4udit0r5 grnved ou a piece of gold, âo sanll hat are subiiitled.-Cried. a common pin hend covers il. It'eau- Moved by Mr. Paxton,, 1.3conded bY net, of course, bu, rend vith thaesiaked Mr. Wells, eye, but a rsagtaifying glass b ig aît7 u ane 3eahaajottdP tacheti to iLthlere is littie diff icul'ty in iTitr upaec uisi.efrRs reading it.---V'orta British Mail. B]3tNe. 6.-C'arried, The-bill being renad seconid'tsm,~ the 1)OM ES TIC.Cotincil vep nto b Com itte f' h whole, te consider the, sgtao.relative MI'NUTES 0F REACI- TOWNSHIP to InIspectors )f LicencÇ$, &o. ý- COUNCIL. The Coturaitlea ro *seîpnd askad'leava The Cocîscil met on Mouday 0 th bu ait agan îoýmorrow.-Carriéd, . Jan., 1851, ai Mr. Ficet's ~veri ,nd oved ,by Mr. Wand, secofided by wvas sworuil jiit.o office. Mr-. Tcuîax; Abel W. Ewers clected Town Reeve Tisat lenvýe givan te bripg in a bill -Ilai] aim ousiy. to appoint Assessors foi the Vresant Thomas Paxton, Deptt--usiiani- year.-Carraed. mously. Bil1 broughb las and rend first time.ý Moved by Mr. Wells, sceded by Movcd by 1%1r. Wells, seconded: by .,Ir. MWord, Mr. Wtird, TIsaI Mi-. Wrti. Paxton net tas oe of T'hat the ll to appoint Assainoru, be the Auditors for the lsreseasb year.-Car- rend second tinte forlivth.--Ca#-ied. ried. Bill11rend second, lime, and thé GoCun- Mr. John Agu-pew was appointcd Audi- cil wvent. inîto Coeinittee cf tisaewoie; <liter by the Town Ileeve. Mr-. Wells in the Chair. Couti i cae Meved by Mi-. Paxtont,- seconided 1-,yand reporled bill as arnended.. BRe- M~r. Wells, port reccived. Bill read th-ird.titane and TisaI 1%r. David Mitchell be 'esvn pnssedl.'T'ie Cettecil tisen ndjoui-eed at Clerk for the vear 1851.-Carried. iinlf-past 9 o'elacký, p.rn., tll 8 o'ciock Moved by Nkr Piaxton, secceeded by to-mofloiO, a.111. Mr. Wel's, Coatascil mueet on Tlsuîisdnv t.ha hlth TisaI Mr. Dasvid Mitchiell se appin. Juiy, 185 1, ut te ltoiro' 8 o'lock, a.t5 cd 'measurer f'or thse year 1851.-Car- The Reeve je tise Chair. Ngames'eullad ried. aver--menibers nil preseut. Tha mnin- -Moved by Mr. Wells, scconded hy tls of the Yprcecedinigs rend pver.. Mr. Wurd, Moved by V. Paxtoni, seconded l'y bu nt rdthRepîa-cîsan tv c eiascf Tis a prb nLi rltv t npa the iast Statustes for tise use of tlisa muni- bers of aid I% iiticipnlit%,,.- Cnrried, 1 Mos'ed by Mi-. Wai-d, secoasded byi Mi-. Wells, That Jmlias Keer lba appointeti Palla. rxajstai- for Bent No. 6, ie piace cf. Jussia Hall, in the lt& 2îd Concession, foi- the present ycntx-Cnrried. Movcd by Mi-. \Xaid, seousded by ,Mi-. Truunx, Tiaut leave Lu gîven te bring in a bill le regulaaltehe uty of lise Tavarîss, lI- altectors of Licences, and uther dulios connisciedth iereîo).-Cai-ried. Bil ruits in and rend fi-si lime. Moscd *l'y Mi-. Paxton, secondeti by Tisat the Couuslcil do resuls'e ilseif in- lu Cunibltee,lu cîtussidai tise hall rela- tive tote sadaties cf Itispecuors of L-Icen- ces, ands othac idtîtes coaseectedth ieaa- tu.- Carried. Tl'ise Cotinei wcut iaslo Conmisjttec thereon, Mi-. Ttasax iastise Chair. Tise Ceramittue rose, ruperted illii as nnsended, and asketi lea"e lu sit unain - Report raceiveal. Moved by Mi-. Paxton, seeandcd hy Mli-. Wurd, TisaI tiseTownt Clerit ha requirud 10 offerlte misutesor>ftue Cotincil fer pnb- licatiantst tisa Whiîby Reporter, hipon tise conditioats tisai ha iii giva iL puib- I icalion fi-ca of charge fori-tisa u'e of tisa Tfownship, and if receivcd, contianîulIhe sani e aci session of biis Ceincil iisroaighout the presonl year.-Carried. Movud by Mi-. X1ird, _sucoadeal by Mr, Weiln, That the Ceuncal do now adjeatra un- Iii Mondny, 101h Febs-aaiy, ý851-Car- rieul. A* W. EwEas, Totwn Reeve. Town.Clerk, Cocicil i-et oas igud:y, 101h PaL., 1851, at Mr~, Fitche 's tavern, aItishe Iscîts et 10 o'e!ock, A M., Ruave je the Chair. Namnes calleal over.-,Iemnber-s nil pi-uent. Minutes of tLe precuding day rend -cver. Moveti by Mr., Wells, seaionded Ly Mr~. Truax, 'rhat îLe stapdiasg nulçq eft IbsCoece- cii Le s-avisud ,anti eslahhisliet fus- tise pTrenant yeat.--Cns-ried. The Cousasil went jute Conaunullea tc cansider the iii relative le Inspeclors et' Ltcenses, anti cîher duties cousaectec Comasille rose-aketi leave te ait again te-day. Mevati by Ms-. XViels, eoedy Ms-. Piaxton, -scneib That tisa Msditr', report ina resneiv,, atL-Carried; - j Relies-t secoivad anat adopteti by- tht Conecil. Tise Ceswacul reselveti iself unIe Cein- mittee, -on tise bill relative to Inspe- tors, &C.. Tisa Ctamite. rose, repaort. ed bill as arnseadd, anti asked. leave ta L it again te day.-Carried. 1-Moyed by Mr~. Wells, sonded by Mr.Paxton,- îi-s oèf Licences, Les uset iraivedj, but tiat n select Coîssnitîcu bu apieiaedt ais-ange îLe.biii and report t,,a sgna 10 thm Cattncil. Tifla. Commattue opoist-- uti ut' Messrs. WeihsW-ýàdp Tfrnaï and Paxtouî .--Cnrriud. The select Coin iittea rouie-tii un.- port rcoived, -- ' Ij TeCticlwenl ito Coûnsmttee of thie wioe-M Trua x -I - tha Chair. Tise Cons militeu rose and asked leave, te sit agnin oui the arna.--CÇartjed~. The Cuincililien adjourneti; pfter a sisort aijoutrri aut the Cotncili mt--e- seiveal isehf jute Comnmillee conlider lte bilîrelativeatIotas-c i-elaspecters,&ti. Tisa Consittee ruse--ieportedi, tbp bill anametidcd---raîttî)rt receivasd, h3iiread Ihird lise anti îassed. -*. uIoveti hy Mi-. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Ti-nax,$ Tisat tua Toswnshsip Clans ha 'ôorëd te gel flfly notices printeti anti sluck up iii diffleretît paris of tLe Townshié, fo" tisa pariiose ctf tnnifying îheîinhabitaflis lu appoinit thsei- Patlinsastars,,&Od., Thle Cou îeii -tisaudjoirîsed ah six o'oluck, p.. tiI tcn,n.m., to-morow. Cou.lcil met Wednesday, I2th Pais. fleuve jne oCliiri---Nifnica caltd- Mertbers ail pi-usant, Mi uflep of tisa preceediîsg day rend i er. Mitved by Mir,.Wells, saeniid by Mi-. Ti-nax, for icavu te Li-in, j a biii for tise i-eguiittitticf tavarr ktiýer.---Çi-iied.. Bilbrousgbî jas atrii-ca4i lrsttimne. * Movedt by Mr, Paxton,.seoalded by Mi-. Fritir; Tisat tisabli fer laveankeepals rugnirations Lc rend a second time forth- wiis-.-Cai-ried. Thte Couneil resolveti itself isalo a Comm iltcea uozisidar Iha bill relive te laveankeepers' reguietions-"-Mi-. Wando in tisa Ciaur. The Comaiiltia rose andi raporte th ie 'bill as amundud, and asked eave tob ut again on lisanme report reeeved. i The Council adjourned for a short é ima. cil mut--fleuve je tLe Chair. The Ceuisl ras'olved jute o a)1mittee et îLec îsohe, to censider the tlnvera i-a-ý gitlalions-.-Mr. Ward in the ÇChair.-- Consmittea roua, repos-ted >1but send- ual. Report raceivad on th q 4plioin for pasing lthe ypas anti nr' e 'te tk- en, on-sexpungsng tisa wor44 .Mreuse" bafore Ilneçesity." Yep-as lffs. Paxton and Troax. NM5'*-w»UUm. Wells anti Warcf. TheFse vdéJeMed a'-n fayor of tisa 1èàs, Billzop- tise. this- tim ianad paaed. Moveti by Mr. Wells, semode-ii- Ms-. Ward, -j .That tise inspectorssof LkitO cbe wan'unted torusalifY ta thse 00 m moet S r 662 m am a maz4 and th"

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