Whitby Reporter, 8 Mar 1851, p. 2

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Moved by Mr. Wells, seeonded b:y off by ilie" lfirst het"for our Diclator, ANIr. Wtrd, Lafoutaine, is gettiîug irepatient le cm-l 1'iat louve be given to briug in a lx_- bracutise prize. IRoeis r'thr. esiv tition addressed le tise Hotu. S. I.L H>ude h tmr-ofîdgato o rison, on. bosait' of iocating tho Division udrts duus t ninto o Court, taacordisnce with the directions gethering round te isesdoft Iis.col- givea 'at a pubi meeting cihed by thIs lnes. _______ xhunicijiaityiofr tIsat ptfîposée.-Caribcd. iNDSPOITION 0F M1R. PERRY. Moved hy- Mr. Wellsu, sccüeddby W erttltrio edr bsrek, tisaI Mr. Ntxton, V eettifr u edr hSte '1'hat 14'r. William MeGregor h. up- IbthealWtisorot our vorîhy îsud indefatigable repre- poiuteèa one oftise Assessrà for the pre- sentetive, PETER: Pxesur, ESe., M.P.P., irbic sent ear.m.--Çarricd. bs been poorly toc sumne time pasî, give no siglsa Moved by Mr. Wells, secotuded by ut speedy iaipîoa-mest. Hie ttendanre aI tise Mltr. Paxton,.Munibcipal Coutril Irtt Tu":dny, bad thie effret ai TIsatishe Cotncil de uoîv adjoisriî 15n- 'Coisfiuiîîg bim ta bis lieol. liil thse iret Meuday in Aprîi.-,.Qgrr4ed, Thse Ceumuecli udjourned at 8, p.m. News of-the Week. Tire !-.Persons wviso have ugree(tîtu, pay their subscripliens is Wood, ivilh pieuse bring tIsat article itn imed iatly. Blaak Ded.e& =Morils foraute nalibis Office. TIRE REPORTER. WHITBY, SATURDAY, MARcJI 8,181 THE COUNTY PETITION.' A great deal of exer tion is bcbg rmnde by the enemtes ofthtIe Ceuuty Divitsiou petition ssow in the hands of competent~ gentliemen for circtulatiou and signsature,j le iîind thse eyes ofthIe people regard-j ing ils imuportance, anud te throw every~ obstacle binlise a-y f ils general ado p-I t ienî, ' the itihabitanis cf tise .frontI The gond, easy, unsopisticsted citizons et Mon-' Ireal, bavq. reretly heen amst egregierssly bosxed, duped, anrd sui, luy a stran.ger iris, in a sîrage sud loreign dresu, rente 1o thon se ~'anuprelead- ing tèiiitier et tise lalisu tenguage. Inu a shorct tilue, ho ibrewrutf bis ordisary foraeasut extraur- dinary gath., of gold Iaced, bsnided, besarced sud isedbzened surtout snd accoaspanimeals, and repro. seated iaisait au Olirerez de Mendoza, ut Spanish Marquis ot immense revenues, asd e cfugee, avio bath just beau restored te the ibheri tance ai bis pe- lernal esîstes. Thse arstsocrecy outhtie ex-ceitol, avers tiscowu mb o ctanies eit the preseuce et a lire Marqtiin lu heir nidal, andI enty soudera ethIeir scunt etfsgsity in0 sol uiscoveriug tise fart bisoe; but ailh bath been conssirsred tise Isite, tisaeI ta la- isun leaciser iras euai avat ho seaed le be. 'Ilis crerit iecame inlinmitcdl aith Use trMtlsmen aud merbaîssfethtIe cisy et uamercisalrae egs. Ho w!'a caurserl ad fte ' lu Iohssaitisclunns b hls sexes; sud il lu saad tisa i outofettise ity belles bath - artuuatîy cousenleri le beroîne a merchieness, sud Tuvashiiss. We saw, bu a mbt Os/se- Mosic,kbah beau chouan as tise ile of a future wa' Refor-mser, a cotinter petitien, in'lte, elisape cf a cormmuunication, sttck aiaty1 min e sy-corner, as it' ufruid t e cssecîs, pmrvng for tIse forrmatioîs of' t Counrty ouI cf tise frunt Town'ushipsi, crînuhosed cf Oarhtngton, Clark, Manvers, XVjljtb.1 Cartwright and Reuchs,,av-alla thseXCoîuin'- seat ut Oshsawa. 'This hetilien il'as framied, not awith tise muaI reuusole idea rut' ils ev'cr aeing ncted tîpun, or %ilîs as palace 1cr the Canadian Mlendozas. Dîi nies, fus prospectite grandeur et Montreal, tise Crtateatsrcer Espegîse îarished, aruit uo did the M aiquis. n tisa asisaloutsgay îauîy cf the elte, îsiirb te bathin- vites1, ho plearleil nu appoînrnîmît wich hehoath scelî ni.is torgoîlaîs, aîîd derampod auth ivueil flird pockets Ieavissg manyand sanrdy trjting accouaIs, ,.Nlitis,aogc,ust, jeavellersanerd others, uusatisfsod, sud libeiy la reumin as. Mrc. Siserif Caîugac, ofthtie coanty of Peterbo- s'îugb, lbas hraug,-it ulre tise Goueruaient, s plun fot diaepoing oethsie Cruîvn Landsuoethtie Province, iseliet' thînt Oshsawa- wuas even dest itueil îtiste Coonry Coisci!s ofthtisa ousuies avierain or fittcd for a Coîsmî y tewvn-, but wilhh sls andsi may lie,ut a naimisel puice etfsoaiCulr - - - Iota l. peare, lo be psud tocrisy the Courniscie- (tue osrreîv;-miutieruandi ettairuus dt'sl 1s isntu«es beariag inlecost, and tredeemabte bu uirly ut' attractuug lIse pubie attention frcm 1years. 'Fie tund-se rreeted to ho sppiiadltis tise peejle's pelilion mailtjthse a'eny list msomsen, and thercby creutiug acdivten- & ien tnavorabie lu lise gro at iýrrjeet su long agitatedeuad se, nenri y accompii- r di. We boec that lise gentlemen le twhem iras intntisted lthe circulation of' 110. great pelitieuu, wli ausibipale titis arfil dudgcetf tIsesleek-fleed and icuti- p ing gentry dom n et, and snot nilow n single opponttuniy te escape et' sucurntg tIse signature ot' every inisaiant, and especiaily of those in the resîr Toawu- ehipe misese interests tune morre surboums- ]y sand direeîiy uflirctel lay lise factiaus sehemes efthIe gentry a] 1 ded tu. TIse façt ahone, counected wilha tise ecmsiter peiitiou, tîsat il mas got up irithotut arsy public naeeiig-athout nskiuug an ex~- piiesileaofthIe puople, er suy ther de- exonstratieus whatever, is sificient te coudenusu it in tis e ye fetuvcry tiik- -iog man, as a base and Ineaciserotîs sonre to deveive tise peopl, and hsad tiscaa cl tise path oft Ieir best bturesis. We oudnet give Ibis ham petitien eNçui the imsportansce et' e natice, wcre îiltrot to cautibonu lIe peuple te bc wehh guar4lud agaiu;t thea duseitftl ktratges o et'nta disvipobited! reen,'îaho lsaaeleft uostoneu întmed te retard eveny issuItl asia progressive suirverecut tisat;iuî a en bc'en set on feol, bu ibis sections, andi mIse aould kick tIse cunutry a qutarter of a century backwardia, if by su tioiisg lhîey could -grntit'y thcir-pettv rua-ange. -We lent il pleesturu thant tIse greait Couusty pettien be napidly lseussg filcai lp-in ai qunitrers, and tisaitlise circula- lois are bath active andi vigilant. -Wc hope they wilsl coantinuies&o, uer allow1 their exertions la relax tlue least, unlil every reideat inhabitantinl the tan .TowIsehij lias bar! an opporttlnity et recording hie Dame, snd claimbng lis juset righ itrom lIse Legiaiature. If ire Lauibihs session in urging te a success- ri fulissmue, tibs great ebjeet,*tIse difficîrh- lies te ha encouatetedi aller tise Saut out' Goverameut le removea se fat oui t of out reasn is li haalmost unsurmouna- hie, and w ilt no deubt -unfortunatly retard for a very long penbor tise greet pibecL jsryosd for sud se mucc needeai. Once the Govermmeut is snsgly and se- ie sneurefgeasoted mithin lise mails of Qtbe, thse intere t' flpper Canada F Will isealsssstforgoleu, ad if a t'oeble E uoqe doesa eve peltale t'rom asa"li .hoeaiîy 'us be es i il li Itr e a ,aateS.tinsuth'e dia and clameour "of Y,.seIIu poitieanmd Frenchs intrigue.. mmA uy rtbeibrre af aelivity la Aise an ili u&gaeam4ijjoa tbêone, &M tIè GUISe IPIeM Wbel eutalishment et s permaneunt Comhmon Seheci Fuus'l. TIsehardt l ch re-soîri b>'tise ceuntios ta artutal tmitlare out, et priras varyisg treai 2s. 6d1. lu 7s. 6d. per acre, srrording te vaue, sud os lime, if tise purcisaseca require t-tise proceeda of sites stles, atas defraying repenses and intoreut on de- isentuces, lo e laidstout ou making roauis tiserein. Tise ada-antages ciaimesl loithis plan are, tise mak- in- geou resets rirusgis tise muet re-nate ow'sipu, lise coasquent selmual settlemeut oattse ountry, and lise creallue ut a permanent scisool l'and, e-itb. omut e repper arlditioul tax on tise people. A MONSTERManîrviNc et the rilizeas cf Te- munte, is toe hiefr on 'ieatueseta> next, aItishe St. Lawrence Hall, for lf.e purpose oflakisg into con- sideration lise remeral outheisoSeat et Gueu saeit Tise requisien lu tise Mayor lu aigued slready by ose Ibosasand e ha sundreut cilizeus. Tise excita- aient increaiss apidly as tise lime drairs near, for tise tinai rameraI of tise tith-riiis ofthtie enfet. pri-siagUpiper Canauhias, ta tise hearis th tse in- Inigueing, isigolod anusunentecpriuing Frencismas. iVe say tfia larenioval. toc it lunol likely wsî salsen b ave e Goernor Generslinla Iis serties et tise Province sgais. Iliis a jce gloria Raxuuisi'cTIO.-We bave luees ssmded, troia Brook"l, a. rettiiitien aignoÀ b>' eigisîeen efthtie laadingamen, le Det. HNEaRve, rorentl>' cetucned tram Caliuitroia, tu, deliver a Lecture on tise ruGeInt Ragions. and tIse discoreriaesaad adrontuces Il et lisat gentlemn in bis lonsg andt daugerous jour- sey. Dr. Hunlet bas acredredtth ieir cequesl; and ave are desire o t ttle, tttisuhie 4ti af MarrIs bu tI4e day fixed xpos, ret 7 o'clocku .s., at Brus/cIi,,. b# av-ene doisut list tise experieure ef Dr. H., ii tisat remate, andi, untitlattely, unissonsu neon, ailI turuiis a rc iteat, and courey a souurl information iregerding Use Newr Eldorado. We leacs by tise Mlantreai Heralm, tist a grand Fanry fizes Bail came aff in tisai rit>', os tise 211h Fats., at Domsegsasu'. Amn; the list et gentle- mon 'v4ms ppeaurd in lise costumes ni tise varions netios, ave laokeinluvais toc the personficalios oh tise «I'Marquis de Mensdoza.'I Spanis stuumes, ire hotiere, are unfasiieablo daiwnlisere juât oa. His Esrcellency the Gavemnor General attendeat the annmai hestival of lise Mechauic'e Inatitrute et JHumilIas. Mis Excelhaney sud Sic Allen McNab lad off tisafiit douce, 'tfu theiir respective part- fiers. Tise sesaon efthtie Amerirsu Congrees has cioseet. A etroug effort su-s marie ta peaelise Canadien Re- ciprecit>' meamathe au et bounu but ilt siled.- W'. suppose our peaple avili have la taIt back on difféenmai dmsties. The Miuietry are cbenging Ibeir tactiça. Tbeyj are noir cou -ling tisein paiblici oemues, b>' ran- ferrtutg obliees amen; lison; but il won't do, t/es-o s eflsger qalsbA euxaL A ajueciel meeting of lise Seno of Tensperan:-o. wli ho bala i n tise DivisionReoSi. Wisithy, on islusdey Evesing nexi, aI 7 o'chock P. M.. Bu-i ubuefs et iqocance le l e hotrensactei. Fouli tendance nequesteri. We SaOre rqmcsîed lu abats tisai a Farewell Compliouenlary Soirce te EPev. Mr. BureIsard, wil l tke pince on I'uesday Eveniog neit, aitishe Congre- r gationatl Cistrch ia tis village. Ou Monday lasi, ihres abarsoet'thse Whitisy Building Society Svers solde one fosr À43 1-2, mas fut 41,88<1'one for 39 per Ceni, bonus. W. amre eue~eil li * eua m e %ad âwe xm ~,t.a Dtoà eo-&,5.gap. 'w A tomatle patient, nameri Gilhert l -the Asylui lit Toretite, 'cbmmiitd suicide sy tearing ber bed clothing is pioces. aud fssteniag aise end round ber neck, 'sud tise other end round the bath post, laiseit doîvu snd trangied hersoîf. W. L. McKeuzie, we learoilhy the WWugarr a'l is'canunagth e Countyof iHa dimssd, varesît i the diéessofethUe late 1%1r. Thoapueis, with appa- renit saccess. The people of Muntral avraised by subscrip- fiou un mentit sulicieut te psy tise judgmenl atnd coule un the case ai' Gugy, vs. the Editos aitishe Go- zette. FA*cÀr. AcetîFNrT.--We regret lu state lhtiaa yotssg lad, ae oîlsunt 16, a sonof3tY;A. Marîdea, of lise 8sh Con. Wt'hisily, 'vas Lilîrd on Tisursday oeeing lasI, ivîile driving lice 55W lgon,'as sielis. libe steigis canîed, ant the legs aoiled oser on him, kiiling im ia uantly. ThoIi Tavern Keepers of INina-ara have ut ast 'strî,ck" le the Cotîteil. 'T'Iere ture îurv More apltp icauls fin Licensea than tise Laiw Iiws hteIMPOTANT TO ScHooL 'FSVSTEIS AND TRAC tt- Eaug-i hea rtlenliasof thtIe abose parties i s ralcl te te tact, that thbe Ce'usty Board uf Ptsblic In- strutctioni bave appoitu'd Canutllos for te ex- anissalieu oI Teachers, lu mcc iii varions 1placcs durisg the presetît moisIs,tuertIse cunressieuce cil tisos viso may set yet bave received cerlilicale of q'ualificatian. Onie af the Cosîmiîlee, ccisisting- of the Truistees ut the Wbilsy Gramusar Se'ioli, vilIs tisa Local Siperiitîerilcnîssf'Etcalit,îîfor tisa 3rtI Circuit, aili meel t aiDssli&uCracklorilise above.pipose,.on tise 1Itii sîh,atUocoksri As Ibis wiii Ie the last oppitîstily uf the kind for a letglth ai lime, ir is nccosorr Ilual ail Ibssa s o have nul psusad, istsw lenching; inth ie 3rd Circuit, antiwh ai nay be ln'ubistssii), iwusd 10 doiise oibis season, sjsusld mabe arllieaîi.uoronIte 18[h, ior exautionltf. Ap1lieat- m il II 1*areinlu ops- vide thaîriselesa vilis ccstifllestfofssesaicras- les, il Possile. froaintotoe misister aIflise Gospel, anti strIstrous rotrelir Trunstees, or il sol aIi re. senl teachiit_ý. frustn othes ereitable parics.-Copi. For t/se Whitby Reposrter. LET'PI i .1 'iiîi'n'c, February. 185t. Opinion urîlies rîcsy lhin, :abe cuîîsîîîaîcd hcauty, justice, l.muîstcsw srb is the inhala of lIse ss'rld, says Biaise Pas-cal. astd lia:is i igbs, blie tas robed fittiss as lbs' stasttlastl cfl'batît.y loiAtiss- ca-a wasi-lileiv oaii Esasitinasdusle asa nît ci usssîsid flIacs biist l:,ttsg c)r"isn China. Ail shadasaetiis1îssice hvbueelnsi buved tle as iihlin different coutisnis, as the tpesp reeiaiî'alisber- ty ur scteld1-scteissns ansi tise Diviase Risaht. mose tir leïs. Es-ery wbete niesnr tha e liuat- "'" ' "'" bai cf bhappisiesa lu subii'h Ile fliger ohfpubic i es, hioaa'pvsc, see lise malter min a ver opinion pointsa.lier suite cati upiscld tIras sî%suelsdifberant liglît. X'oîs arr litiie lu tir n s moisa unrigisteous, arnd net ui), taIe as'y hi- sainme accutsationt--- yutbaiusg guinsi lia shissîs t i, bar aven make ilhionaarstileatis iii- jrosIe of Port Iloisue, naniel y,-6 T't'iaiil ly. Tisere is ucarrei'y a erimeia is tisedaîb rcle of P, a humit i A'eaiess wisisrisbas ntiset-n usiade loi (auvenaiment carsusever lie so unjîîst s pass for a irlue. in sanie courirîr) us tige, lsy helu1 t le iiwanisoli er CoustînIilitan'isd Ja ait caatrcuing insfluectse. lisuiidirî s liousg-hlj1 tu ire erectisn i Port Ilinîw."[f a ir,mtt ai arory atilastu i'tai-, iie lv u ru l otscinaware tlrey Itîsi osns,.] ThIe Gua-ertu souffler;) Sîtts. tsunt, il' lef lu set, wrsts!r, înu dotbt,des Il bas harts tIhe sai- uIs tisai hriîîuusrimse irpactiaiiv. The iisflisicetird miscel- respacting aviiri1 suivagain tu nIe-l iisereotf cs'serslniossof' iitsresîed hparties fni' isedrîclion. Addlisons tells uslisse et tra, satrvr hera iictin in bis lima, ta r1ualsls' binseif asra gentleman qssin evn ueca steîîu lise fisiorsaisie ioi-l, osto îeeded tlotie a rate; ostr ruilers, wîissîsfiuets, il)i lieir ca-cc iitd Chesterfaild exetîves bis rmen, uitrigutes ut lite day Outs varsaîtiuc, rsslsr.'ss îfinit tire: Court cf France, hy sayin-, tlat ho bah tried te gel %%'oîuidnîang s oIit' la ln- a respectable stanîding le .foie rugagitsg in theai, I ahrtot ot1lp iuf i bot touidlie rsuld Sut. - AndI, uie.rer bouse, 1 am aCihl- CDnia awcso--use asssîsed on soori authority, Uit iii certainî classes tiv-cty tisan tiv r miles. Thsis niausai pro ln u osswn bains, and il maly lie in tise counstry, a cecîl frosu n feeling utof lorv Iaia )outîsthakes lîs llace 55 aunsn lisebturrîtîcîs rsi luit ttitinspinisan, yci sîtdy grasîî'îsî bis conîspausisis, ousiy aflter be bas Iticusu mre or till Iras dissltîue uand depraveri. Pisi.lir opinioin carsVllge cf Newasatle, if saut clisîeliesi,anr tis Isise hesorms ofruteSu desilst-lit ise garland a movoilsnst tasade 10 dejinive lier o ut a gud, and gel mns leboirbiessu ard ursip avIsitlier cetlcralpositionîsJslsaiy erutities 01i~r course,j1'vrultinu, l'or i moment Say, sîsatliresesuts, r osgbcner avilis usvice iSflitesoîlanse tiii1isigîslirste farnirtiuble cia,-;Onise OU t tosr' spsak- any lising fike so grealt ais exîcol. 'l'lanls lid, sa-aers hsave a perfect kiio'farerî'tIse ca- isave noî yeî heconesuedegradeandud-sio. A niai pbihities ofcttis Towntships; îIîey nus( le still respectuble andri c-aived iulear brut sunis- kssoa tîuat t15cm srîpeanbsssdsrrat îrroshsîc rIy. îs'ithouî lieisg s bearîtess Iiierlitie; etnd suis cli avenui is vory gsnera lly a poaifilMI sceunsenslulion nî îslEgraD i oi~tsnuie Ie tai tueur. - Bt is il nostlocisflytie cause, sisal if titi, anti is nu long('ir I rlsîuts t'alus\e' r ae 0pot0tu aitas aie tuigisttua, ii'Oaie ty no i]issu tise aividenssa o f tIlirrpet at'larf mairs s suituoiàs sud stjet au îe shuld habela * , itnet lthe tactîbhat psîlslie opinionis exjiuessed îîîA 1 Leadter,'witta l3ssîi'îîuivilie agrintis luinsly againsl suds crimes-tsat il givra ai lieut, flie rui,' erîtnut be s p isi p aeithusîl an tirerîsia, unt'qsii'cai sosîsd-îtsat by - su hioi naid t' tise Townsili p tf' Cirr 'saun.- suscing nuse cirird ceusrsisoef' t lirai, in-atm1 asseti avisent. Io i out aaisl tc s meauare, excuses snd tsanctuoss hem s t iere ual s laaisy in aur mocals., %iiscîs learea us tiu ho sert i iz5e tIhe speeches uof tise uhf'ilfrt sisoaglu ut leaul areusal, if rasrs:tlita aologiàîs, 'or- genutlemenca iro sygssaiized tlscmscla'es, tise infamies 1 Il is weîll w4rtlsy outconasiesa- Osse aviseacre, a slîrîsp ussîtaîr ut'tise tienturr 1 aaipersuaded îohaie kicatm assarsthuse first msnsitudie, chosse siei haappy and wris avili coud itis ee, iseed 4l)'tu baive lise tact of tbeirabettingsuhesatiîsitiesios pallsiatuisgtisent, oigissai latîgîtuage, thai it -t-isutli du librei 1poirssed out, tri make t11cmntîeul firschlsui-ijustice to liaqs itlminnsst'l ; tise lire- lace. Vrrytravwoud driiberasllyl]end lbaircoss- Illlblc i-srcinbutIle exlnr'e nu an tenante tInatislaIllbut tise bau&uscd tees Io be ru- met/e boyoîî thse spîscre rot' rdinacy is- occule %sikelsess, and tisue If s- ould lbut bart thenslves by lheir-ill-ptaced --Jrapatby. IteiliCts.' Ailtlias bissî said,and I ms't Let me tisas ask-n-.lori sacsey ouawî, as il stsesk tire briasice ;' titis is hegical ren- sisuuld, usIla ceof. risial'-'iîiseeducer i Dosiiagte cod bllsr euaddsd respectable snd virtuous preple 4epsate auy crutsfom ig crueo ut t, ha- avisiedci hed tiection usith is iia ill babas ev i ensîiy cepeted un fo -rieo tre ywih i dut anrd asSoisl ilow la it suis ungzard te là, sliovs tlIsetitvotrabie geograijiicah ad- staning nruoug the maie saddl'vale youtb ufthlie rat. lgea yuss esujey, andCItIhe calcula- rouuiyi ostetserss o ieit D fat nils fturre iishabiiaîats. 1 lIcie modeat youag saomns sun uI&ri Do violons. yeuugmaea scout huit ?Suppose acîeîîu estai«si- luis iirujagaisugpuai'ers îsssy lie exteuud- edsetuiigsl ual'orauy paîicolatsbeeî,und a Cai d to uone cfîMnr. Perry'a csvssu1s milie loridla otake tIse issîneïuf tesrscetalIe in-%ii-a'lene usure is osuly ciglit ishiabitaiiss thiviaiais o aould atteud-woueilt ie amneof ai a fcav yeurs avil]i make s mniglty dit'- fssrnicato; ho alioîveudIlestand ouille lut as respec- frC table, tecausîe ha bath. peuhape, aesmalitne prulser- feece, stuîth ie cençlsîs shuow - isîs ît, vrbite tise name ofsoaie aiipeor mar isas leesu, lia arsiglît chatnge tIshe is itu rare, r-ltroit' tAnd ,.uld yotsgdis, ivupiie tirent - lîy Icllîng yat I here aee igîstren ita- salves on tîir aideal>', conisent se la -gb ansd chat hIabitants. ail humn fronm tunatural caîti- sautsz tise rtchu and flirt antI toy iitrri t es- or rue. Let eacione -avtelude, ansaverlfoc biaisait ses.' lis fureigluIt eoîuld ensit provide sud baisait. If il ho su,-us fol Ibis a sanîction ut foc ' comuîg - a-nuls,' tise1'condition cf thocerime-is net Ibis a prouft tafpilblie Opinuions Tradth, afld diverrsiots'of labor' is a grand not rigisteously 11cm egainuellit t - . îs Soppose e pic nie mopused, and parties jas-lied aCluiesu Oîiy supse one a-ast Couilty -seu d aur Young mou and Yunsg ladies consenît Tuwnl capable uof csssicr'tratnee une te hava a kairav sedacer as ose of ttir iuustur, Icade mad dividiug our liabotîr by piece and lobe free sud taailiar with biiml Wauidhle, meui I presume tué eedo ltgi if ho bath somne pcoerty, or avare rrene t eet .nelc poîgi tise upper clasa, gai en invitation as reedily as sowsrsg, anda reapîrsg, tIse cry is'1 con- otisors h Or if tisera is ta la. e pucty, is t or s » cen traie,' bring ail yottn esuergies te Dot tise case tises e notoriaus raite, il lirele lsoissft lueur on ibis great qusestion, louk te lIse and, %vay welttdo in tIse vendis as respectl"tlly ai-tt 1wbere snature lias donc ser much,' ed-swloeas mmliJ ade of sy the pa- îuo roula--as mues toiloaed hisyte dagisîrro ansd de. reuumay naturals it conlaine, insiead maie guests, as eny virtursus Yeog man in tise of arnalgamatissg fundries. It weuid coatpany, and perbape musce su, lses dasbiug, spi- lac aviser for hlm te iny tise foîtndation rited falloir-tse popr as'tteb. Dues il maire avy ut'conmo esadc s h rak differeace lunUsaebfreerun et visiisg tisai is alloaod io esadcuelscek sud esrauraged, frons Young mers, isy parensîs, te iîsg acksueyed phlrases ; the inhabitants tkej, tamulios, tritthe visiter lus olsruouly bird 1soet issTownship Must ho censidcrud ln a teir iord-as tise essence ut eli-doas the guhiable in tIse extrema, if îhcy cousld lsdl, liat e yeusg mes bas ruisses a paur, trail avo. mtani, sud deserîtid hec anut huas ihdaild is swaltew tIse haIt' that gentleman bas bnsenesand fie& baecueleI, inan asy harot bus sera-el tmp.fIle avili finci it a liard usat- chazuactpr and sWtandIn, i.f Usai Young mas bava ter te maire tIse peuple ut' Clarke believe moeyo po erty1,if cur e ho ie be r' be lluîrt1it uvoulai puy' tebisng thein wheat ill o ho is cors a irehy a b t isus rth., ded le lite 'wonhd-be .Coit T wn fr lt lie Il ncmra el oo irccsaea 1t Tuu o Le tea r es y boom bis aira knowhedze, a mure sake of1couceatratiein.' Tiseir wriether th.e niremr t Us'uppueid rases, aisd oui-ausarisci is eqlurl, aund aithout auy so tissas picitions, would hl nbar1O ur saaiboasing flcl avautages, ou cein- Msoesity or aanet il -If Use latter, la it toa. - g o lcala Idlwayeilel a isideou crime wihrauses unioid paiseon, wilit4m)e found superber. We roieery toc the ife-tituee t 'lais teimuteo u'sIe w i dcoacur ira tiseadmission that ibis ruove, utl le.lite b. eexcused 1 le il te o isoùl4 ai is a ifauccusful, Mey injure a fcw iîudivid- rosnindatienotite comaueitr t Or seseuey a ial wgt Nwcastle; b cýWas lucretisuan a sieu r ber out-_but lue hbave properyi-N nae ruiy u.eftazu.-r! i ue1laMNzr t slo mam.tleriiai iiLes ber Gee- b«al - in -'e.whltewsleta' ny filtby seicing graphical or central position, of injsuryt bar, M s ta hi&ehie ViU5555, am mke 5im ~P and' iisidt tethée in"hbnnmsaor. the rsaar esl e an,a&Wam a fitmatch air - rMa a a seg uoas iCabis u'e hoîe Coum îy, humvidsag Ithe grand ob- tà ba "n W*Oagnsa- lt u wbaeMoCIIJeet sattained. 1- il1 just uotacei lise Asseesbhy apsiears 10 bri eaery day luccssiîg aider. It is îuow prupoed te orgasu xc a snationait scciuiun tuu relie-ttc lise Presirlet f mra i; etiar- l'ahii ieis. 'Fie MoI'niteus- pebisihes a decre thutai n îsts suait be okeuu et'tise pops- umatioa uf France. h futise n nomus- ces tlata a Britiliuforce lisas bocekaled tise port ut' L'Unsionî on Si. Salv-ador: TUJE LATE DAVID TJINIMPSON Dsg., M. P. P~. MlYSTEIOUS KNOCKINGS IlN CANADA. 1 WVe are buformea tIsaitishe"f Myeteîris otîs Kneckings" have coremeuced i ciglut carnest in a bouse nunr Laavnoee ville, in thie viciuity. in seeme tIse people occtmpvbng tise bouse were Dot disposcelle suiffeèr thue annoyance, and conseqîîenîiy usuoveai out. We suplmecd tisai tiseIu spirits mysterieus" wotsid uot corne to Canada, bhi it souasa lîsey are luere, and i fihey continule te knock we imtedltan ,sout and,,.P...apnfbush Thp. dath uf Davisd Tbumpsou, Eaq., Mcmber betuefit o uoîr readers.-.-.NViagara M,,è. for Haislimaund, ait propriotor ai the I-liton liilîs in Ibis Village, 'vbich toak place ut Indiansa, on KIDNAPPING 1 N )PI4JADgL- Fridusv hast, aun doabt anlicipated by our read- PI-I,4, ors toai tise sarîsing givon iii aur lat. Ho wa so consciots s that bis end ivas aîsprouebiug, that Tise Telegraplui rons Piiiseldis;u,.Dn for several weabube bhad heen arra iging bis affaira. Sutiirdny uiglit, suvs tIsai George S. AI- ltrohbily bis last publie ctar tu t subscribe tise becti was con -victed, cal Friday, in tIse Galt Slock-hsuok toc shares un the Great Wleu!ern hiilîray lu the ameant uft£5. SO. r. Tisompaun Court et' Cnituinai Sessions, tion a charge iras a tisorougi men, of business, eaiculted is er-ut' kidnappuingu a chiid, uamed .Ioel IUça- ery respect teaubae a fortune in Canada. Indît. ry, and laking it te Maryland, wihiere it feont le pemeutel coatert, ail occupation un thb.%vas ohd into, aiavery. TIse seuteuqe field, sud sinlise countiog bouse came elibe vol- comea sudjis intercçiarse avilis prsuns ofai ranb hrescriberi, is lwehve years imprisoli- avas tise sarl\e. H.ýtvaluo'e! poor man oquai ymet-Jr. isitt tise rie iias'aacorned ttIraboa s oapanies ta eiîber. IHis specuîalionu 'vere generally sur' PAINS AND PENALsTIES. ceestial, berause cenceived in fac aigisîedness, ansd bnuavtetlga of those ho bad le deai ilis, sud con- Tiet l - fnt3<n lSt. ducted wvitis great prudenee, aur did ho pesait auy T e eegrapîs rM138c. nSt very serupalaus iastidiousness le interfère with tlbe îrday n ight, maltes the rtithrçj .astospd- acomplirdtîeenl of bis pliritrue. Mostt ilirge ing statemnent, tIsat Robert MJorrisi, a toced ar e aelîbunder hie band, but the possession coloreil awyer, bas beens lrrestra4 fog ut' il, neitiser induced isaugbtsness, nor represedi - bis eorerprise. Ho was lise saime hustling, ceira-. aidsqg bu the escape eof Shadrack iuid latin,, And euccesfuîmass itbhin sa wesisof hie held ta bâil in $3,000. Report of Monies received and erpended by the T1ownskip o Reach,ftw the year of oui' Lord One Thouand Eight Hundred and Mu.ty,04 .,udited by us titis t/he 101k day of February> 1851. £ S. n. MXoucy reccisred fnom tise Ceunt! Trunsurer, 151 1 6 'Fsutvuslip Tax nuone>', 72 12 9 Mlorue>' rceived for Fines, 2 5 0 Wid Land Tax, -5 1iIl Meuey recccis'd fer SsaÎd sol in Township, 0 O0tQ Dec. 31, 1850, To balance rcmaining in Treasurer's bauds, By puid for Statienar>', O 14, 8 14 di Il Coustables faée, 2 18 O ut St Sool Teacluers, 62 1 O01-2 sa "fer work donc on Roads, 18 15 2 ~< "Town Clerk's and Treassrar'e mages, 15 0 O esit Towa Cleris fot goingafter Sciool moncy, 1i-10 0 cg If3ooks for use et' Townshsip, 23 0 O Printîrsg Notices, By-La, dc. 6 10 0 e tGeo. Cernie dîme lim in 1849, as allow- -[ed by Atditasz42 9 0 S Mnr. Powson for Surveying, 7 i O 0 i "Resetof suits,. FAW C aof the Councillors foan19 day's [sFervieesa s. "Balance rssainiag is Trea.mu1, 8 JOiRN -Ï& £231 1 9 836 9 déesire Ileir daughleri 10taho what they think fir ladies, Ihat lhey 'vouili encourage them ta mnar ay ibing la the shape cf-s mars if hcouoly bai mioiey'l Surely it cannot l4a, that sny.Foutd'b ond sobeaîtless,so 'veak-minded,s50l)asse? Ar %%le ta teacb the rising firrsla youth, that autOs love, ýpurity and faithîsulnss are nolbing betavee thc sexes wsitbout mpuey, but shat meney iseover tbinsc even wîithnul thczss? Are 'vo t0 teacb thei that flaIlu bread cloîh, aili malte a boîter bus band than as worthy mas la firstiaul1 Are se t, bave thcm kisa the dlores bot of the flevil becaris if la gilded, but refuse tise baud of the upright br cause itfles ot i Wbsc taun'o hope for in a fev years, ifuli a coruptionuofsocial meais istalt sunictioned.sud lu continue? Viclueislu isefonnda it'u f thegeaIlabrir ot sociaty, antiif thia, lis foaadalion. tue unsoiiid, how much muaI the wholý te éidragered! Otkr,sr>fety lies, were alislu o honotur, ini aaaking ta sissk titas fiititssslatitsd-teei and narrîvly wPittch againur every inaltiseace*tIsa wo.îsdusetlle il. To do this su sulficienily as tI qnî'set anxiety, se muîst sectce lte lusîîdced lanle( strergîhansl tha h'tdred eyed vigilutre ot a heuithi public opinsiotn. If the comnmutly ut large agrei ta lift their voiceq againut thse crim e a e suailait urais is plserperalors, anti carry tot their protes lty drlcitlittslise une, aidiv an iîsdi-gnan oallawcy etf the otbar-sbuussing tbcm ut herm andsabiorsd,atîl brasndittg lhrm liy stirersul delesý taItî sud cottrmt-t'ice isilI sîaalaway ashume( andr crsafouiadad, atdat ilIe pluatre be aîuyed. Nei do 1, in the lenst, dorut tisaI il w-ill come te this te. fore long. Thare le tors msîch seuse ef prupriet3 antI toam uncisconscieuce aaonst s sateattifer asý îhing eLso. Tise friet tîsat public opinion cas,asi pases, milke asais e ha iosusibî porlul or onîy vo iait avilI ho fait, and met, 'st pass er from lis suIe of' crime attd inlrsiuy luriW-ge amnug Ibem salve,; in deadly opspositiorn lu them. A seduceý ailI, ere onz esh a s;srckled bird in the eyes of ai aoidetl by eorsy rte sho ivisiseata ho esteeni est respectable un-t'N irîtous. WMen Ibis happ lime bas ramollie frequsent recarrosce of the muni lolîl essu w'ich flaifom aedtction, ivili h, titi' Ily ;reî'entrd, and cbusuiîy retursing lu roig 9,t1r a ahitp tiarosse iu unr midst, cespected nas hosnouresl hy ail, wvili scullel' auottCst us5, 'vitlal 1ciabh bard, tise btessings uf bar uacîcd pîcuantre. G. l'or the TI7itts Reapotrter. Ts the Etitrar of t/ta Bsssaasilla Mrssrýengr- Sxair,-In yotsr ast issttc, you have th( jtroceeditîgsol a 1 sosster tuîeetittg' hel( in Brrwmntville. ftor the puirpose of pa titiOniîîg ýoff six Ttownships te lurini ilew C(.tttl y, aîsd tuskitîg thîtt place t1Io Cttnt y townvthlie nrgîtnetlssnsufui-or0 wh'h rsesens satisf-actolrv and-co eoîlusivi e another of' lus remnrks, and have doue, death, as when ho e sarted into publiec hfe fort.~r ~~~~'~er aâdge.din s,. hveehriy tung politice werïï%ý 'y ton SUii that Sl,1 ave( . asa ant l rter of theprésent àimds e tosupse tht te Reartermighir e rbu kïa'at ina remustrauce te b e Mit an errer in salyiig, that the sentene Governrnu inttIleir larelinees iu accerpmj ,al wns cheered. 'it seems- te havre been ing necessary referai. en the forethoughlt of'ftic Eternai, tuat titis Mr. Thomsobs i ie id, w. tueieve, wilb ave. ry unplace should ,beemae great.' I amrn ot ry considerable fortune. Hie family tooejaof two sons and one daugister, sund te thons he b~ S_ surprise& that it caused emotion, fur 0v- ,efitthe buik cf bisweàlth bt eahe uhkle 1o to en in amixed otiltictude,blasph)Iemy'isap)t hiesîwo brothes's we tsnderetanid eonýiderale Pro. e-to recoit xipon lie utterer--the sentence 'pertv is left. flis executors are.his t'wn brolbere *v in connection with wvhat proeeded slsews Mýr.Colin Ferrme, Mr.ýTeeesan, and il is nisd Mr- e owttt o' mralprici~e. t afutreSteven. These Gentlemeni,-,so pursence et Uie be wnt o mra a"vnier t a tredirections utifthe dÎceared, have ordéfretft ie ,a eidI nuay again îett this sub- business of the Hatton M'ille ehould ho contïntme, ,eject. us hr'retoiore ; that sit th e neceseary and projeet. irA. YEOMAN.. ed repairs sud improrements, eheuld be cezriedr out us originally intended, sud that ne interruption Pr Newcastle, Feb. 1851. should tske place lu the Ballon Mille, eétheruàtae t __________ purchasing of Grain or dieposi of flour. Mr. ~ ~ 'I o tii En opa. s s n as buried ini bis ewn grounds et Indi- A rrivalof theEuropa ana, n enigspot selected by bimseiLf.Hie fu.. ýe ONE WEEK LATER FR031 EUROPE. neral1 was attendert by several of the inhablleule oi id Gaît, a great number of the leeding men of Hams- stilton, tsnd the whole population in tise neîghbour. tThe Europa, With SixtY-05C lc PsSOn- hood in wbich ho resided.-Geit Reporter. gers arrived here at 7 o'elock this even- S_ itug She left Liverpool ut il A. M. RouBEuu.-On the 16th instant, a robboir *s donthe l5th int cossumitted tnder th i llo'wing clrcumstaucee: il on_ A Mlr. Engîti,while drivints t Watertowu, wes 'IENGLAND accosted on the rond by a yoîîng man calling hlm- self Peter' J. Quarkinbush, a Canadien, who re- YDEBÀTE ON THE PAPAL QUJESTION.- quested te ride witlu hlm, wbich requeet weereaa- ît The attention of the E1uglish publie is ily complied with, and they hotls proceeded ou te' chiefly occupied in thse exeiting debate Watertown, 'tvhere they stopped at tisaute inn e gou ai daimreut relative to ths and ati uibuelept intheeaserom. Mr.-Enle1 Papal aggresîon qutestions. Fot rdlring the day tIhe amount etfrnoney>1salbue poszees- r ilfhîtseeostinuetus debate riesnlted in sion, whîch information ivas teken adtentage ofi gaining for Lord John Ittaseil per 1mis- Pt tiuht, white English tvassasleep, and thse mouait siente iutrducehîsbih t' ainsandin bis possession, $120, transferred te tise pocket ýYsint nrdc ibilo panan of the robtier, vilo et once made fiÎe oscepe le Ibis- 1-penalties, by a majority of. 332. side. A coistable vras imnedislely put on bis, ,n FREE TRADE iN DANGER -On a track, whe cjirnunieated the matter tlstbe police id motieon of D'rsraeli, xuvoîvîng tlisepi here, and on Saturday information iras receivedt rs- which led te the appreblension eofRoe uspicieusý cîplesof"Free Trade, tise Governrnent persons in the uieighhourhood of NaPuee., and' oîsly carried tîseir point by a s-njority some $70 answering (o the descriptiotr et the- Ot' 14 in 1 tsait lett1se. Most of' the Irish isoles stolen, f'ound où their pereone. Tbe moner- Membrs ho hve eretfor susai s sow su tbe bande ot the Higis Batlsff. Queckînà- Memer wuo av hretfoe usa'u bush 'vas srrested on Monday 1 leut in Fredricke-. ed tise Min istry deserted thema andl vo- burgh, allersa chase nf about stxteen mniles, by Mr- ted witlh D'lsraeli. Rombeugh. The prieouerwae aocloeey pureuedi n The ~~~that ho r ropped bis rosI, contai'n ai* t i- Th attuiProeceeionists are greatly elated tols anuda dirk, to lighten limseof, and ran into a proscets.well inîended blow et Mr. Resnbough, irbo Il'cki- a TisE BUDGET --TrADE. &c.-. -Tise ly escsped the inflirtios. Ho ;e noWv in cuetody Le ChancelIer of tihe Exclisqîser %rans ex- ut Napauee, *bere hoie weile an exesuination.- of' 1ected te delaver luis btisdge ou) tire Qsarkinbush, it appearsis one ofa gang-of tbieve,. ,e lTtli. The trade and revenute, jt is who iisfeqt be upper part oh Ibisdistrict. Il bee' sisce sppeared tisaIanother ebarce bas heen pre- r-sasd, are even more satist'aetery thun ferred azuinst bine fer stlealing s herse from the 'Y iseretofeore reported, and d is expectcd Prince Edward. District, wilb which hoe decamped' e tIsaI usan y obsuexions taxes ivili bc re- tae t slaes, and eold the animal et Syracuse iho' :ePac.Attention is biig daily more was there arresred h1 tise aurborilies ounsipicion,. pealed.but n,) evidee being fcrîhcoming, h. vas die- le andl more attracteil te lise Western charged.-Chroniwle 4r Noire: .s Coast ot' lrcatid ns n place for a trans- il atanutie Packel Sîtiosi. Tise Gevern- A gang of thieves, usbering five, .s mient are strosîgly solicited tipon thec have been arrested about Napanee. We i-pont. Other Jrisl sscws is nul wortls are net yet in correat nu.rmation of' il reporting. tîseir (le1redaliens or kow they were- A nanliae ugmed Gatil, wvas brotuglt arrested.--Kinng.tass HeraldL tîp nt the Leondon Police Office on Fr-i. D-AcctnIENT AT LAKr ScuGoo.-4-e Wed- t' day, chanrged iî _raenrgt iss nesday the 2fth inst., witie returning troae Prince'- Y sinate Lord Johin Rtîsscil. Albert, a persan by tise name cf Patrick Ieuuny, drove biis herses Ie sua opeuîng of the ice end' was, y CON'VERItsONrS IN Hti iua,~I is Cou ldrnwned. The horses were guI ooît by seme ifndi.- fidenîly stated that the Duclurss of'Keîut siduals !iving er the place. 0ths- Qteen's motliter and tile Duchess of W,7' 'sîderstssnd tbe decessed biasit ft e ilie, but - rbcildreu. Ho vusa native of Ir.-land.and lived Suthserlandtid'te Qtseen's lady in wait- in tbe T1ownsbip ot ops.-Bow. Messeuger. ing, the rîchest beirerssiiaEiglaud, are Ts TÂTc-h rkEasse a h oi s lseeotbc igmesirsu'ts folowing Paerr gaph lu relation te lb. Atlani:- ifCatholie Chtircls. Prîseyism and Stale" We regret that the machinery et thie vessel ist sReligion are doing lIse pope's %vork. sot likely te hoe rectihled in Ibis part. It le undfer- Il stoori that aelle ili lielue'ed round 10 Liverpool, F Z A N Ç a. nd ber machinery sent to Birmingham, la hoe te- paired by the same parties iwbo repulred tho sens. -Tisa, PRIrSIDEîT GETS Nao MONEY.--- r.easel irben -lie "Vs disabled on aeformer ore. 'FlueTe (uoatiaun has been lost in i lie Frenchis nia. The accident resulted from e flaw in th. B Asenibi vI)ya maoriy (iron. wbicb could not haro been foreseen, and thal Asscsblvby t unjoriy Lf 102. 'fle miglit bare bappeord lu emoots seWall 4e iu -breacîs b)etwvt-tu Lotiùi Nu1uleon ansd ougIs avatar."1 L r- rý 1 ic- ie Il-

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