Whitby Reporter, 8 Mar 1851, p. 3

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Tif w LONG O LÀN1à CfiNAL-It will dr çie intoxeating 4rlksto any Persoa alresdy -, îarn nderth.ieî ce of 1,uor, 80 as tg be intoXiîcýt- ,Èîtrp1'ise many of 0W e4zno o d At astUat ndavern or bnukeeper shahl tht etsurnimer will probab We88 a b. allowed 10 sell or Cive spirituots liquors te any a ~ croOS tovg Ifslandl, frning persotn addicted to drinking, to the injury ofhiý or Bor erfamily, updo1ngnotiidt ht b ,an Capeuo Vincnt Rlr.tilWuith- their frientis; or 10 al¶ow any person 10 play ut onuCup Vicen Rilrad. We n-ninepin,-bagatelle, cards, <ice, dratugbts, skiti les, ~drstand, thftt,u.t the request of severtil. hooing matchies, raffles, or lotteries, or any other gentIeý ~rnn terestcd in furwardingstch mplemfents of gaming, inbis or ler bouse or premi- awork, thre direet.ors of thé Cape Viti- oes.' And each and cver laverni or Innkee r iM thaid Township, shail p lare and Iceep ins me centUoa hae hd sverl o~thî ren-conspicuious pari of bis or bie- bar-roo, cop' of ~rnees etnloyed for ht, l >. tit the aforesaid regulationi, and alo, coyfih11 ,chnel ofthebay atbot sides, whieh titled, é'An Act b prevelit the profantion of the ~chnucIsof 110 4yI~~ ' Lord'@ day, cornmonly called Suniday, in Upper it. lm th1e intention 10 uie l'Y titis ca- (Cýanada ;' and the Gîh,7tlî. Sth, lQîh and l3tb Sec- nal Tha grade iras been ascertaiticd lions cf, the 131h and 14th Vie., thap. 27, entitled, tobe very favourable, and its whoW ,'An Art lu provîde for the mote effectluai suppres.- lenth hardi y oxceeding one mile. sut>O l'Ititempeîrance, 50 as lu aflorulail-persons gh p pitr s nteln xress frequenting his or fber taverfi, a ready and coliveà Tir. prpritorson ho slai exres ruet oporuniY of reading the", and kno' ing thernscles ready to takt.f a large, portion their contents ani. meanipg.e of the stock ; and therc lîtlo d tbt 4h.-Atid b. it enacied l'y the autborily afore- -'td hteeylneel cr who des fot crnfurm bat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t trwokilh dtiktifSStibthe r,'gulations reuntaineil in illîs B-aor as a. charter is obtained. 'J7loscý Çavo- *hall knowingly suifer any.person inri$t or ber - allie btoti cucn4tructioîlcf a Ialud oq, or on hi# or her prernises, Io contravenle or a o.;the Island, tînay ýc ll htîtle alar- -îîi nl a lltay of thie foregoifitt CZIlIfat jlis1, Metlthatili s, mle lirov a atupr n o r sîtVf..r cOuîdue<i irion-.ileiit witli thvir spýirit, sbll medIat itismayî1,r~v . dfîflIC~ 1~férfelit and pay a suitni n i legs thatn Tel) shlililigs", tliat there iS any retaSon for feiriilg techi hefore any Jt,tiiçe.ef the l'eace for tire Couunty up- cationl, I)ý isel on the "oalh of oie credîille wîtness, which paty. a reait Tir cait~ ~1UO~' ~ s~'toiether vithî the uîst ai prosectitiOn, urless 1jaid ditriatir e siuniv nwr îeu'tlk ; and wlîîoî inlirnviat-ly, shait Ireievied ainil coieceted l'y dis. thre Xvstern _Roade tolu"oroiitO, &cr, are tresî and bitie of» gouds and chaules nfiihe party g<o eoinpleted, it wil1 rcqîîirtý huth the Rl irtt iT~iinp, by a Warrant linder tiré hani alli. seal ci rval and Caal t tae c)l*tle fceiIltthe conivictuigi istice m ii cage suutiicie11t drstresis rua' azu Caal l tae oubit 1O~,Mtcannot ha foîînd. t î%hait bc lawfui for snicb.Justice whichlll poir duwn frOni those nih to-cause such ofender or offenders lu lie cumrnhlteul distits; lduc ,ÃŽgving dite cotsidi(er- ta the' gaol of iheCounty, for any period not ex- atioti tothc delay whîcli thetîipeditietit c'oedint, twenty days; and the said penalty su col- ti 00,ri-C ntital-«ttys ore ectei, shah hle paid over ly surir Justice, to the we lîanly tîink tlitIdurîilg iti.-And lhe il enarted l'y vthe authcuu tr 11w siturnlr sasotilthrelijeavier portiont.jsaid, that atty person whp shatl Ie.l any article.oi Orth anotb, 4e1t hecallel11e or [Io valuet, am ie'f luils juclSaniy in. of'hetregl cnnu tc rc ti utt a iftoxicainirîq lunni,6thali ho deemed gtityufsellin! WitiÇlt <t.llY li1t~4 l> tt iii o awithoutl a iie, ~cand upon cuîcoivîetion i hereol, shai, çanat,~Xï11gatQl JVhitr.lie rnnisheidurriîry ih.-.Anîd lie Il J'ttller enir'icd hy tire aiîthoriti TuE ~liE1w lut, or1F 1i»,11i.-- fore.saithat ilsha~i iethedUltty or ît<">' Thuis s ail cyclant1iîlNioi<ty %Vf!vt ir tity days ait e'iheir.cilectmtîn 10 take ad sl U1l cvc'Lry vCftnr l)tcatPrfeilofîen 1',) a>tteiîd(-îd 'r-iLie lu the oaîh of office. as povided iby îhe 1211 wvith rincnous diszirurs, nnid eitadss boa- Ve-c cap. tl1,secîiuim 1*27. S(Corltdly,touvisit an( vv tîpon i le t .'sels 'Ii ()ir lrî-in e :h ntouth 'of FeLbrary,etiy yeur.eaci '-'"y. ' ii. im otdr-le ceîatestîi i ,icTowriship, in nider t1 ascertain i hiar. .as M itihty1 ie eo 11ld<iim1Çthey have îlie accon) nioda i itims îqiîýirei hy titis B> irkt p, and v regret to ndd, tilat Otte Law lfOr lthe mLmiti of Tuîtvertis, mmd lu noie iti- - ve5el--1hC ~lnncatiL>l,' wned bio tol#- i' 1ept by theni lur tli îurliose lihe des r,)wii,,hil), ad in make quarterlv %i'-ts and ex 1rjbî,\Vas eonilîlewOy crnhed <(-)it of aruaumsduugti '~r1.ata hsB-a tieh rbonail ldrifted lehu'itd tIle '-otlli k ýcori" vîh. tiî(diy. Iu trceel toigether 01 puer. '1lite iilitiliitaiits vviilih jraiisC %vof the' li iMoiidnin hoFeirtary, aIt onie ccentral piacfi îîrîwdotit a <'(o %vic retting puhti ioireIillli e miven b, liîy aiacrity~ t ~ iitîî ~ hand!im) tir tiii ii i" oîs' rc if pii<alu for fJ*trnt'oti-y-Ilie wethicn fitie, in >1 t lr my lýîrsuàî và. igg u obtaili a iiCte I hecl e hatiting uter inte port agalîl. Atiotlier a TaXvesil . vessel .belusng tri (apl. Rt;wati vas 4li.-Aeitl he ii ena.îrtedl, Ithleore granting C>Crtitir;m1liti a licptift.t b keoi mm/'t!lfuiJ , the 11, eoITpICtlY sn,çhd, nîdlit urcis liii ..i.cii, hual ieiuik i-t o1'heilfe. cmureai in g but lie r deck rt>~ tiiga tîefiu't lu> eit'.of>ut he . <uosti aljIplViti,;- at1 uil'Il dît tho wviarfL Tre oti vvssei E ih', ipiîr tu a rra~to > 4i tthm-ii, thi t t' rlaihli) C'tat- 1~,00îoodIl t'c!Tl. ~ ; inm s a suber. liittipsi. dilitgett peroaa 4 f accoTtrtotitotu tîquirml, the' nn.IfTitty 01 IlmehIl tairicd no' ld1aae. The hidulte <ocr specsi.<lte, andu lp.w sem le.nav ararît1 Ihle Nlîutlanîl i va Ood aldîtg , huit or her, a certuticeu uiidt-r IicirhunsWi - and l>-sevc'ral ohf ils tltitirîrsi. aild %ve sîtîfica+te shaIt onabie the paitv lri take nut a1 luiv lierd tat Ile bridèý 1 uar celu5C on or before ihîe T 'elfthd(av ,of Maicli, lmve head that lte 1'>O ~anyoîlbeut int' il-jeCo uucu4 na yîi CWte' u Mni. J3on',iii i tionlers M il1 W as al:s o elis'mîntu lut te of stch certu 1ficale; andi the sai ittjîre.--IJUOn 4oy/i~m -certificat'- shah hoi a proper and .&mfficient warrai for the' Inspertor of lievetilos bIn sue lu the perr* CoIYAE AT >tILA ELrHI.TitehodImntg stich certîficmbe a Iiiîteti.t,oi reî'CuVlg pu: at forF(-ýl)ttarvment ri the amnotitnt imposet by this By-Law,f C~iagî aIl>hladhîi>t fo Veruîrythe re4uiatioris of Taverus ill'bcth-*ovîçbip W t '4$ 5.,1Ii < Antio nt c4 (YOMdlUf- Whiîhy. lion,,djxsie durng thre sainie tiime 8ti.-And i il eniacted as afuresuuiu,thiat it sh. was îhee mition li>ilrs, ttosl f wh fli c th'dutv of Intuperlors te pîosee'ute aîmy persi or pertus ifor violatiiîtt ht.regulaioimt andi tortu is froin Cîttfonitlion. tommaunîineu in iiitIi13y-I.aî% , and o ti r cîii tire îîetuaities iilfurrupost '>in sucli as Mtîlail cont venttCthe sanie ; andtig in p1 ~rosecite toke INOTICE.far Steii4,, beer or other liqtors roultyttrmy 0hi Il. FRASER. WhîbVitage, 7th Mattfi,71851. 17-1 [NO.36 ti. IL. T;u hAIS',ON, Clerk.__ ___41-litt. 1 JC 11)A iLCO0V)N CIL1 vhîby, wil l m-et ai liie Globe lnt-I. Brook1hut, Ott thme firsiteadini Ntrc exi x, 1851, foîr ue nnrfl; f yt.medujrioe auiv defectr-inh,.andi auterimur rj1() provide -for 1Tîiccsing of Taveros, th 1ehudrîes n*, s~ool uectin ï. whi-re il -,halli anud for re¶oinatinjg the duties of the 1IîispectOnr l e inadê to appealr, th'.at the tame thail b.e require ,(-4' fousea ni - Entertaiimeft. and that ÃŽ,artie,4 îlq'tîing alteratioris. ihali ugie £15-130-it #nacted lY the MuIrîiiPalitY Of thP ai least sixdayes notice iiq thut effict, to-tiie parties ýA Towrsipof Wiitby, that upon and aller the Fiî,Jîiuuecî ddy of M arch 19eil ,every kee 'per cf a House of n- . T. HARRISON, Clrk. tertainînent. Inn etr Tavera, fer which a icense in retail spi rituou.s liquors. -ale, beer anid eider, 10o Extriect fro i te îe dnl>teî of the >][nicipalt lie drunk therein 1 shall he iss'ed in the '1.-wnship' Counucl of :heTowiihip of Whitby. 1tg ol Wlti*by, abail have and constantiy keep, so long Moved by John »lack, seconded by Dr. Alli- ne he or uic is an muC or Taves n-keeper thereisi, soit. for the accommnodationi of his or ber custotr*ers, six That the Township Cierk be iastruted, and he clesn, cortfortable lieds snd beidin, exclusive ci is Ilereby xequred to keep bis office open from six the bpdding used by the fàamily, Jour -bed mooins, o'clock A. !, o six P. M., on eacb 'Srturday lit and one comtortable sitting room, exclusive 'of the every week, for -th e comtmodaion of4he public bar or tap-rooffl, and those requited fur the use of. during the present yfar,.'and tha. the samkg lie ptib-, the ramsl y, and jo0d stabling and provender for not ishelïmi the Wkby ]&porter and Oslia Re Bjur- les. th31> eight boises.; and aise, a ctivenient driv- mer. -Cai ried. ing bouse and shied for the accommodaitiorg of ira- u .uIus~4Cak 2nd.-Be it enacted by the autbority aforesaid, REOTEO OFT£AADWG C)i*MT thât the arnouint te lie paîdà by the keeper of ecdEiNROD N -BIGS bouise of Public Zntertainiliellt, Itin, or Tavern, To the Municipal Council ortthe Tê1Wnship of vherein spirituous liquors, aie, bcer, and aider s Wh1i àby to lie iold b, retail in the Township cf .Whitby, The Standing- Committee on. Roadu and Bi4ges gai» le as folIows:-Ihftt is te, say, mtbe Village heg leave to report ti Wiby, and Port Wbitby, whîch, for the pur-, 'rhat.having taken inté cWnsideration theeuhjctý posesci titis 1y-Lawi shali b. considered te ex- of an ap porato fasum - t money fioni theý tend t th West aide -of Lot Ne. 24,' the suffi of Toinshîp ýRvenue ar.d the ýpportionment of the' £10. The,. Villages of Brookiha and Co*lwnhus. saine throught the Townsbip. m hicb, for th.e urpoffs of this ey-Law, shah le They would recaommnend that the-surn cf £3W0. corisidered to extend frein th e front of the. Sixth b. granted for Tend improvemnents,. and that great <Concesion to the tenteê.f the seyentho. n advantagc wuld acîxueto thi*Townshi bybol- the. Village of NewtoWtl 'Whicb, for tbe purposs f ingj ut certain inducements to particulir loalites this )y-Lw, sas»b.cconsidered tW eXtend«1roin1 iiathshpe of grants of money where the parties tw centre c4 the EightIi Concession to#tue centre.- interested in these mprovemento, shali cîther by <y( the Ninth Concession, £8, and in the re- mhoney or laitor subueribedf, .onîribute a suil mainder of the. Township £610.,schsuins 10 wbich shah in a great messuure, frein the amount, include the amount mpo.e» by the Imperia-l'Actinilueu:)e- the Couneitin basistinog stck leoleities; l4th, Geo. 3rd, cbaP. 88, and -ail licenses shah b. WÃŽiuh a grant proportionate to the -umu subucribed. :uloen out on or belore the Twelfthday of Mardi, 1They would ulso recomms!t'f that suh deter- or stick other tipi. os the Coiineil mu y direct t in ination sltall b. publisbe, and a day ipointe Mchmand ¶ery yehandt b e in force for ne yearforprties tebrig wu heir Ssbriptioti lista, a&M from the tantt day ef February in tti.yea in wlUi ha bifilpasaiaocordingly. In addition to £M, .we they are talen ou.t, and shall not le transferable t0 would also roceommirend that iv.e qual premians any nther persn wiith 11wh consentOf a M8jOrltY of £2 eaah, be granted for *e best wor k done in ci th>e 1nspectots of Houm o f Publicen.tin- the road divisions, wW~ck preazmu shah bc paid iet iÏlaad obtained. La road g8i peras taysbete. 3r.Asdeit t iti tea,that it shanhne 1 *lofwi c i epKiee ubitg Llifl a nvuw bann a lices. for a -, SigaL) W. ÂLLISON. MONSTER STOC CLO0TH1-NG- & DRY' GOO.DS. CHEPERTRIAN -IV ER WALKIER & HUTCHINSON,. WHOLESALE & IRETAIL 0~ Clothiers, Outfitters and General Dry Siex Ã"F Ti£ GotD5iq Ltox, 26. IC,,mN TEES.uvrlÂT. Tat,,e- R SION s Or usa GOLrzrLieN, 126, 1liçtG Stitzzr EAST, Toaoxwo,_ tG itiform the readers of tire W/itby Repor ter -and publie generally, that tIýhey have cornpleted Ibeir Fal importationsoni Stapie and Faincy Dry Goos, wbich baving been salected fron tIhe best Stocks in Foreign Markets, andi purchaed l'or CASII, wiil lie f.und, upon ex- aminalion, unsurpasset in thia City, for qiîaiiy, style andt cheapnes. Au Inspection is Ilnvited. REAI> THE FOLLOWING : Bliack Orleans Ciotb front 0 8 Colouret Il" di" (9 Black Cobourg" dé 0 10 Coioîred" t 11-2yd wide"si 1f9 Muîiilu iDeLaines Id O 10 Pririts lyti. wide di ). . îîoyles"di i id 07 1 yt i Gnghams (Heavy)"Il 08 Park Sable Boau 3 6 Grey squîrrel t2 () Stone Marin ,1.5 M în k " "1 pr. yd. à 1 1 de fi - 14 Grey yd #à il Amercnei' mheeting 2 %d. Stripeti Shiring Bed Tck Browvn Hoiarmd Gala Plaids h)ark Sable Mufis, di (irey Siuirrel di mm Mmnk " m 'rogether with an excellent Stock cf Fasbionabie DRES GOODSs 0 4 4 o 4 "ï - o i 44' o> 4 1-2,1 O 7 1-2 " o 7 1-2"1 0 71-2"1 (;ks Loves, H-osîery, &-c., at .4JIo, 1,000o Wool Scarf Sh l, w orthy of nôt44. Watered, and J3amask Mloreens, C-.arpets, Druggits, 4-c. &- of ele gant Patterns. l n ilîtîr IVoolien Pepaîlment tire llroati Cleths Caseimerts (la l'îlot Cloîhs Iteaver '. 'Noietkins Siik oa h Woole 61 31 6 Amartean Sainette Caradian i il C lotbs, (ordis Phuiti,SwarstoWns, Ilair tlushes. .4 8 6 mi 7 6 id 2 9 di 3 () 44 3 O They would ralfparticula'r attention to tijeir assoriment' of CL0T IlIN G equjaitet in C.ratia. l'or àilyle cf clititng, qualty of workmanship and maierial, and general suitable- ress bu tbe w-anis of utc peuple. Parties ahout lu purchase (;ootts in thia lint-,nma y, psy ton dear fer their '.'hualie " if they buy brfore bjookisi; over W. & H's Stock, arnong whicdm wili be found: lea- ver os FIime i Fine Tactrs d~ ' 9. 18 mm25 22 mdFaficy fIne Panis d id Pitick Id Tweed Black Satin Vastâ, Fancy mIl m 49 T o i lin e !l Black Pluâh 1 't 1 't 12 't 7 t' 4 Boy.s' Clothlin- ini grcat variety. Parim Voivet-nal' llats, Fur k- Clobir Caps, &.c ("armcnts rmade te rneaýsurv and warraêinted to ft. tlmFarniers anti cîbers resmhîng ho the country, andti nt artquainteti with tîicks practiseti on stran- gmrs, by manv dmaers, *Culd dro -weil ta, caîl au ibis esîablimbmenl, ne îhey have but eme struight for- liard mode ai'duinglhnshncss5. Amnong Ibeir riles are the ftîlluwiug! Ail Garments not'sîiting. exehangeil. Alh Garmients warranted nul toe 'h ink or spot with raln. Ail place Gbods, cul in bbe usual lengihe, excbanged. ~ - 'frono.Nnveniier 1, 1850. ý- COMIÉAD, E U FREE TRADE IIOUSc*E! .1'o. 2, SI, LawreÀtCe BMUddnlg, Toronto c ti pu an or the firsb princîplos of 'e Pomtstic Econom Y" is tu buy in.lie Ckeapest MearIcpt, and ish univeraIl prat.tiscd by ail 44 Econosatcat Hluùsekeppers;" and the Fra I'rade et ae pre't day by pitoinoting heesm competition, gives to the Public tire greabest abnî3unt of Prtec îi's the -Most rigid Ecenonist cari desire;- but in the selaction cf a iiHOIJSEHOLD 4ART,V it shouiti be boronie iffmind that iQUALITV la the tnîeë test of CHEAl'NESS.>' l4aving )urabaseti i'clpally for CASH, iror th e Manulaclurers in 131t11AIN ant he UNITED STATES, oui inîcri on SELTING at the LOWES17 IdMU,4ZERATING PROFIT, for CASH ONLY# ROBERT SuR GANT 4e CO., Offer to the Public of Toronto, anti the surrounding country an EXTENSIVE AND WELL-A-SSORTED ST-OCK OP All of wblcb wililibe fcund fuliy equîal ia quaiîy lu the first London anhd New ýYork EÉslabiishmenti,, and at a considerabiy tew er price tItan any House in thîs Locelity. 'le present1 systant of "ýPuffin; alias Lying"l is hare repudiated;ý andi R. S. & Co.fin keeping to thé old àane il lonesty is the hast Policy',) 1 bava euery confidence in giving univeital satisfaction tothose Who niuy favourltent with their Patronage, îhereby giiring greater publicily te their'capa- biîiitis for prômbting thre best interetta (the Poakeis) of the People. Tbeîr Stock comprises an' EXTENSIVE AgD CAREFULLY SELECTED ASSORTME3FT 0F STAPLE AND FANCY D]RY GOODS, L ie3Ctoaks, Bonnets, ,Mt<fs , -.4C REA.D.Y,-M.A DE C LOTIHINQ3 Togetber with a large lot of Ladi,,î êt "teeer s_ Bota-ad shoos of ovcry &oocrtptôi TIIHEIRSTOCK '0F GROCERIE Thhey cati ýîbh confidencp retoffiîend, us besngentîroly free frein an>' damaged or ihterror .f~be~~anti are of the plirest Qualities and Biut1randi. Atso a large Aorimentô Including a large lot of John Wils6h's "iBUTCHEN KruvEs,5 ' cf a gsnpprio quutity, andi very' _»CtI R. S. & c3., ibeinc detemmirtedto bcul exoeedfngly jut, Msy upon makin< great slarghtér am hi gi prices in theu ô<ggins- IR. S.I& Cos 'di$1femdld EstabIisbment"ý is ) oen, andi ieady for inspection ; and thbey 1 W particulàriy invite theirCounity Friends nette pure eimewber,, before piving them -a fairchu 1cf provngtbe ttbof lbÏr pret"ont9s. No SecoulPrùcei mmA i. tAtD. tti .1m',ft e attjifr un tasU WM Wobi& MESSRS B1JIRGW-S &J B1 ËG'to gunounce te the inbabitants of Canada WeO torNEW GOODS e consistfing9 f (JiothissieesighnagleUUotMI intMe bet British/a 1!A,'etàfor Cagh, IDhicA .a of thsem at pric knc lower th4fl £De7 to e . cCaU dia» Public. V Manufaeured lin th .ia City, from Gyoude lspotted direct selves, and Cirnadian Clota,,frorn the best Wbtories in for durability, style, and, cheapnes. Do Red gi Fur Ca Glengal Menle Âmc'., Tu.ronto, September, 18 50.ro it # Cuc tegjilit eC tl m TWENTY THOUSANODOLLARS SEýFLLJXG OFF .1- COSTI! T ZTHEEoreo fteCIA E mined to close his butiness in the Spring, offero the above amount of Goeds at COST PRIGE. Ilis Stock is stili verywlasotd compriing aimost every. thing required by Farmers and others, there fore, If yon want the best articles twenly-five prcent cheapez than can be got in atzy oîher es- taliisbrnt In the Tot=, cati auth$e àaid Store, and the Subscriber wilfl warrant satisfaction and also a Sale.' By caliing there, you tcan fi Ready'.Made Clothinx. Flannels, P'ur Caps, Mois & B5oas, Sai- netts, Tieking, Grey à Bieached Cotton, Sti 'd Shirting, Orleant,Shaded, 13igtred &Plain Lustre>f Cobourgs, Veivets, Ribbon'i, Flo.wers, Clilenes, 'Cioths and ýCao*imeres, Moleskin, Linen, Wbtite Blancets,'Soie teathert MIII Saw., 4oil, 0las,, Crockey, Sheif Hardware, Nuïils, Iliges, Ciordcs, (;Uns, Bras & l'atén tails, &C. &0" &c., ail of wbicbh e pleuges blmseif 10 seasalx*C stated. He has some more of thal TEA, too> ut Ig. de taitutd aconvinced. ýýi Wbitby, 21s.t Jan;i 185- 41 -tf. STAUTLlNG v4XXOÙLXCEMEXT! 'rfMuIaTs.from a * Il Broadcloth " " ---30 0 do Canada Plid. 4b *1 Lnnei shirts, " t-* 4. 5 White shirts, Linen fronts, "go a 2 Ps - - 3 -9-- cloth C ps i go - ay Bonnet, ô-.- ]usVetU,a-- Wove Under Shirts, --- 3 9 do Trouseroa Veta " - - 4 5 do Coats, MEN' IVRIS .1TIN lù2'S, BLICIC -410D Rd'.U DRGO-OD9 M of those Goods required1 by TEE PEOPLE.- 500 Sxony ooi S£rf-Stawlanfril 3,000 y ards Gala Plaids di Prinîs, fast aolotsrs, Ladies' Cleaks, (newest styles)- " IroivaCL JJVnIiIILj- -. 139d 06 89 39 6triped'Shirting Flannels, retid 4wbdte Blankets, per pair, Linens cf ail kinds. 1 à 120 Sho, t, Checked, Striped and Plain, Alpacas, Cobolurgs, and Orleans, Delaines Cashmeres, and oth*er Fashionable Goods fur Ladies' Dresses, Glovs, 1osiey, Fing ! Artificial Ftowers, Muglins, Collera, Velvets, SiIk Shawls, 1andkerchiells, Muffis and Boas. BURIGESS &. LElSHMÂX-, WOOD!1 WOOD!!IlWOOI wili b. paid on deliv ery.-Apply sttIbis 01 Wbutby, Dec. 27th, 18W0. WmITBY CGfAMMAIt SOU TEE rtW NTEI SESSU on Tvesday thelth ofTJanuaqtlnelti ditienal puplils asBoardeis Who wil erjoy petuhiar theirstidies. Tarifs ay tien per leler (Ifotberwife. -Wbitby Dec. 30h. 1850. FINE N1ËW Fur 'Yaeby M4a.. T'-" 4Sùmrbealthonigb not exacly~ ~trid cl f = 21od,li yet ,dotemmined te suppiy bis YI5 customners with Goods ai sueb Low Raat, that they rnay lie enableti to4os80if 1IW>< wish.,thoJ the great saving effected by bis mesans; and be DI VISIO0N *ould assure bis numerons f rientis, that cÃ"hitrary le the usual mode preetieed by new corners, the MOI W quatityof bis Goodà wuilrâther inprpve than éther- Utîa o wise, at bis sintiiually Low Prives ; and es he is toadteBy wehI aware that self-irzterest is theMost. powerful inlusliness weapon i-e cunwield, he wiih make ilt the interest isîaettdn te tthe p of-ý ailite puirchase frein hlm, by supptying then wifih better qualities of (3oods, and ut Lower rates thanmnyether Estabishmrent Westofb Meatrwa. Wbltby VItlia Ris Meebratett MesW.A, ïot-NG HîsoN'rant oter TEAS,will be foun$ te maintain their higb celeb-- jv-9 rity for cheapnes, ricirnese, strength arnd linelfla- .~~ vor.Ri large anti general assorttncntef Cofee, paiejaid xj waret Wnesý Liquors, &C. &C. &e.,Wilîl ealiS ise- ui the moit sanguine expectatisetcfpurchasers- . ~ l' taverikeepers and the '1rra4et stppled as Low aluwî9 Pula as tbay-ean purce-iit Oaftdê. H. B. Q'CONNQR. Whithy Village, Jan. 24, 1851. 41-tf.______ 'Protection Fire 4' Marine In-4 L ei surance Company,.1 boring or Subetiercontinues tW issue o ecnrc PlceonBuildings, bMerchandîze, &.,iy, a Fleur and Graiff in Warehouffl and Mills, and liio. VessaIs in port; at (air rates o etnfiui*D. 3 1 851. JOHN STRYIEýERI q.i.~. Tb YONES, Jhux.b Et., setnefs»'g- y ievv- Toronto, *rest of Nel Toronto,, i j fi oiu5 - "2 md 6 Goodg Merchants, 1 1 @#Inn 2- 1 1 0:> N 1-ly 'NIK, 1 1 NO SECOND PRICE& l

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