Whitby Reporter, 8 Mar 1851, p. 4

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JS hereby given, thiat tc u tndersigned e 0! . V, ~o~Notes given by lhem 'ýfihëMCOpee 'ion ofthe 1ownmhipuif Ma- riploaa, as they -iindl that the said Jamueg liofit lbas ,no liega1ile Io fthq said Land. The tiugt Note of '4T*IIve PQIIDdSu<, Sl1ingpedue. 'flicse- con;I INote, Paabe 01 he j stitday of Febi uay, t1i851t, pi le t h PIrso yc ~ebur, ,I~h~abl,, ouîthe itot dayo e thmmy, * /hWtpaya»ieon, the, F irt day of 7e bruEîj 18-4, ariunting fwîîy-Je ouis h ,.'hNote, Payùbhtc'ou t ht* 1 le &-dy of oray auo-fnt.lNote, pyul o> hie I'iîaday of lVebrita ly, 1â6, a rîîuîîîîglu 'L'weîîoty-fiv Pol'îîruk Thie Il mhaîd al î Nie,- pya i outim F ilet day of el'uar,18~7,iiioti îîî~ o 'Iwcîîty-fivc Iuiiiiist ( i :iw i PLLENY IWNRY M1LYUNE, UIIDUER. (o tluI eri'Drug Store,) keeps on hand a chiîm a,,r1eest l rceries arid0oîeto. lie$ at fui JOliîo prict's. As odu i u etvepiples,&c ýIM Ll llaz. iit i'jt i13 OHRISTIPIAS -AimD NEW YEAR .18 tiaq si ilNews- V<.>i ,I Xl nhaniiyhave o1) anmi a are' ootIa's f Cakes, ais ilo Fatîcv Poîsi Xsid ', l:Jnî/' hseî %Vlscusited. efiSdai;C a f., -' Xjsîl Bjtîib. j ~ Crarkrs, câ's" and, Ba ( Cak,1dastilieilel lkc- h 9n, reasnnaiîh, 1terril's, sînd oit lli.' is'*~ IVIolesaie anîd Rlail. Ais.., a La~'se !Co JAN. IIA'l'S. P'ort Wh itby, Dm c. mh. IS. 36-tf FItlVD J) OLLII?.S' EiVJ/,J 1?!j $1 riber, Lot NO. 27, f4th titi. Wiiiby Isbrsi - tifrmt Of.-Junë 1ist.t TII'O COL T.t., oie a year. li n, fbor'e' oltk of sît siat', ans ni féî1.1 iglst l t-olor, 'flie oihs'n a Ma r,'. Iwo ts.1ls 'ipansd iblîs rrvmstit,-id lu 'l2sî aisss~rct.'îdwil b çailu swy omt'gis. otho etcnvery ai tise ji cois., R. . i T;'LEU't Buti-n' 'er Perhe. 21st. 182i), 3-t Igllil8 (ie-l -4.> - e> vs- r .es, ktowIl ta ti"" ori4iAu '/"lM T 1 'r, lie'd, u, t'rt.r Vi iilloy, 1>.'-. 7 i' S l. CuiRL. A low COpis's l'ut Novet(l tem,î Oniijti Wlsiihy ida', OI, i, i85 3 -DR. A. La. STRACHÂPJ N'O i (lE. - JNOTjcE 1$ ULWL3YGIVEN that; atapplicaîîoss i ii ýw trade Io thr e îstre ut ts e sessiorn, for th1i t'ormnitiorsi . 1îsew andi indrpéndent Coitittsy nut of thre t'rolrshowi- ship. ofthre Coiin'ty'ô(f York,uai tor attachiug ýhn at art of Cnwrgblaying nrîi ni' Lke Scu- tgIotire îowrsshiip cf aisa isd tise'forma- tion o)f a sew ltstvnl-s isit ut hof e oton i Cu,,rtvrit,'it asst icah sbsl "si1t, .o Isiuriid, ailsI tat ftisid Iio.t OWu'bj;eb 4tcht lu ihee priupassliiw loniy Wbitby, Nov. 15,181). 31 Â9»fUL BOOT &SE STOU4 IJENNY IN~ IN WIIITBY '. 1JA'S ben iately ftppoi#ilcd AtieW~, by the 1Machuîoerlàfor the disposai Of several pattern .tovs's, whi'h were patcrited thrtt» nic ago, ai toxok the prize at the late fié has orfin i a a s'eral asportmir, fof--ighb Air, Il.triiusîr. aisi Cok gShssves, 1>obtatih Ketttes, (;.ridtrss, Irons, Poratpes,1ent CL- Th mvw palissîd hove is rrsadt'on the OLD PRfI.N'llIE OF MlJu1i'PLAT'N VERY P1!ICK, ani the lire plates aie su von- itrucîc thte tire catienot is;.Iure ihei. -Tbis smou as teil ewhc, iii twelve. rnîbiis, or as wna tbeýometS gcnterallyk .nown, Tht aIvuî~eil possesses of takin r?,,o alotig .tIick- of wood, and havinq a large antid pces oven, lioidiuz. îwo tIers ci bread paris, and lieing- îl!'d lirais excellent bakitng oven, are far ,p- riur 10 atiy stove lhe bas sold be-retofore, Fniends! h)ot l Iy etsewhero 'without calling- mnd asnîri, r teo said %tový'q are orîly tlw t Iciid at J3lv;i'.s .Siove Rooni, ti ii tut i.rishîîsg, of' Wle i htbv. lNlsnscgss, (AnIaillçort.i4aire put doýwrst :on-cuie pris-vs, and to sut it )wfs~ T:iiî~.-h ~srrsof produres, fi atflelJui- 'f riew usmiths '1'h Sîmscnhlas abus nsolfie tlime m i't.i4 a Sttîvîe Sllfll) in I'ri uî" 1 i I ,In t1ze .14ec/snici JBlock oppuôTzé;te .r is1treBrock-8t.Whtj W aee 011con1bc fittecdfrom the qlaleet'foot, to tVie Iaér,#st Aud f4ok KPl ai sIkir, and liay'boots, LuiivsCuir and O>tsiUa 1ilooUnd 5Iipjefa. 'Chlidjl b ots k tSboes. Geziernen'ga wd Lady's pn tIdi ý4ùw 9 bate lower than TIorolî itoc MiVAIb> Vil lage ii*never behiuidt4 gViîa I (oj r, bo)utts troin Ils 3d tzpward!; al i 'sI rpr tiOiu- As theq subsrib la a c0rupvhlllrt judge VI Leather, & workmanship tlercoit LIQ ph i L'.Ub aàpare ir jbulecting a good article. WQrkmern ai. waysi on band. ÂAli ders willre îoimnmedi- ate attentio /4 As il .a4 Wjrithe boot de- Tiu 4ir ('ad,~a 7iinker,) ahoycifl41(qzd. fi B. -RRKY.V 4fCo.' of.,f!î'rforýj i "l, M ' lrd 's NIt- tA Bt. uswIi'l .sss asdotie îîulîedie for Lt-ey rnnLe you py", i and loss. tB. BIYAIN Wihilby anti Pr iiirn A tbt'rt, U, I l F ts, 1 ' A. S -, Ii l;'T Y VIL LA./IGE. SprIn~;îîîdSutînler îndijols for p:, A I4, 1 N;Gj'éE. !! T'J LV 1ti/7(!Pt 'Ail ordtrsi îins linest j-luiftly cN,.t cubien. XVWhitiîy, Açril l19, l8f)O. THORIAr SABDr 1R~ OLE, Y NI)TItUNK )"'1î sii rbD b4 congstily on hband thse J'abue atlcIe~,i~huc hé wil si eap for cash or ciesxlt.- Ai'IOE E. 1 0 'Y ~rA L. nfir it -I j bcrm as r'1I1~uscnicrshave re-rnvelsIto iie Corner- NEE X1VW IUîINO I 1"FONT Cl" MIf JiýflIKIT, knoWiusn the Si. L(urcncgo àlicf iii Ttn Muu Uu~inIa- Few Dîty. NAIWL ~AM MD 4FRpLux IOV4 W N'TÉD _Oh! ye Goda 1! and-Laittle Fisheil H LIFE 'fSSR4NCESOCI~TyJERNNY LIND IECLIPSED IM! O. DANIEL DAIRRAGIL of the Wizat next! QD y ý aÂW 0 County oft- Aorim, Irwiapj, wlio cri. Eubscriber han opened an Èi'*tdthfi. ocounr 'n 1841; Re is'ed in:thtieTE 0 O S terling. - n1eighborhoo'nt <tf o s e about ix y 'U rs ago, d I©i O A PIT A L £ 5 0 0~~~~~~ sua d is s#Stone Cutter hy trade. A ny ir im n'ation nI R O R Y lu t e si p fo î e y e c p e fedcal li ami erR. W . CLARK, >1. D# efsPscting him directed tae his village wiii bu e Mr. G eorge Wiia;ce, whcrere lI eal P a m p h le ts , Ila n k s , a n ti a Iirc q u s ite in fo r m ~a . Mgr ate f u li y resreiv e d by b is i î u .n u p y l s fri e d s a nd I b e p u b lic g e e ra lly , w it t fireeelis are 21 kind, fiwaesove ipes 12 Te werane Djnk-, &C &CY, &, ;t rl ..~iîJ'Jfitif. ~~uuîfi, ulvIli;'5 'jocrîeox 4 fu cr "î kiinas inwrStv lps ofetoarL4 CAMERON,& MACDGNFLP Attornies and Counneclorf;at-Law, SuOL [CITfLSR-h\-C hl Xi\GeRY C. CAMERON, Il. J. MACDONELL, City of T urito. IVlîlituj illage. Ouîr L'zclnangptswil plen îco»jy. IN 1BACH., 7J E S îbscril>cr of lrs for a T reasuiaie pri:es, ani upc>î i,dyltiri, thefollowitiig Laîîdis, ini the, Towiudtii, of Usi;Acii, Loi IÇ in Sth Cuisccssiorn, 200 Acrr.f On the Wa4 meritiotîed Lo)t (lyiùîg ihin abouti Iwo miles of 1,1xbric iiiae) tAuiesar' ear- ed, of' whis'h 25 are srn %%, ui!I Xli a 11 î,5SAcres fi) kîow andI M >Acn' Iotii:'.flor Spiing Cý1o ) Tb<here aie uso, ~Ll;siidinre îrcted on thé- Lot, and a fie strcarnacothe sare. il"flflce iu Wl'iliy oî.însste the residersae P r ierr ;-. E S( . c A fIlil l I1 0N f, y ND1)E, 1)E Lf'IP EN ALE A N)(0 81I('IL s r. su o M'iN1'FACTI'IIER (IF SI îLE. i:r'pl.:n, A: CIsh5/ pots//or 1J,'des ians'I S'Iins. lW/ioatý ()(Ils, IP ots' and P er ! . i .4 13y John Baker, e ai OiTIAM11EI(X-XAN IOTE. PORT H!OPfl, C. W. 1 ' 1 IA ~AC-:OFFICI T iir s ' l'o i r s vi ' r i a tteridia ise t ti iii lrom tlie boutfrliet'oih c1angru WMSTERrlîHOTEL; H s//nn r'mfýIjte Bankt, s, 'onto (lie, arîd ait the-N'siba amims Toronto, April, t 855. 1IL LI A M E'PF R E Y, AGENT FOR TU'JE I3as1jiugîton Q7rOnnItv lXtuu1 iiiefraiite" QoinvanLi, ALC XXNDER I tf!'U , Pr pil r Excellent accomrnidaionis flor travellers. Ceont IL lie Poriodical Lîterature. "J" 11 follets'irig aizîî andi Perndicais wili Jbrr lelitoned ut I ibstslr's l'rices lus subseri- bers î lu hatva,,auniits iiwisiy, t.y (i.J3caxs, Ehsq., Posrmijsten. Godey's Lady's iBook, - £0 159 per annunI $.iniaitls ','ln Nn g'azirx* £f)1 à 4 (11i tarniis Ma--azifle, - 1 5. id L ittei's L ivi n g, - 1 p) Bl. COSGROVE, General Book and Per-iodical Ave n wlioi;tlasiand il%'bail,, Wcélli,dcr BuiIuisrs .K;îrg Street, Torunio. Toronto, ,Octo'iser, 1850. 27 FîAPNIIONARJjEý TAILO<, OPposite Ifr. ete ,KingrrStreet, O-SIAWA. C. WV, WV'bcre hie is preparea toi exe-cuîte orders in luis line on the shortc'st notice,, The latest F~niuknpmrcgu!a-r4s received, Osluawva, April 19,-18.50. PIPLMheONreofCOW plLD! PRDU LJOGIwrAND SOLD. J'O tu--.use e' OLO, OUGHSt BtIuectmStrotnd't:ann4lgP 1avr,Vgs Sd " ..JTILIq, JBONCUTISi>ULOA'-of the' .(ut*et, 1./lily CONi$UZlIIT, anti ailateiouoftr '>( )ïr <,, 6- Bheath and Lunigi. MNarufactuiet by' B.l~'aylor, i-T 0u i ý' Rochester, S. Y., thee only truc Iandt gejnuinepro-. .B ?Rvy 3A . prietor. anut aufacturer on, the Continenît 4)f E1 1- 1 fueiaby assitram'nt Qf right <rom ,JAMES Tlis celebrat cd ê,m rendy isfor sale'by W. SuT- ' lIA 4UMV-ED To TOôN Druggist, Os! aJ ia Tps. -S'TTON, anti IJ roc8te, uext dôor Io~n' i Sr~ DÂDooN'Co, ûIaýté;R. DAnur.x- W IB <.W TO,Dlf Bro4klin; LvtsnDF-r Dunes Creek; andW.I B ,-C.W JALES iH.~ I -Whokaea qgn Whitby, S MÂrov., 850. URGEO DENiry.I H Sthe honuor ol ann»mning lits. arrivai in Toronto, wiItirte int.jeno f estabhwîîuig CA4UTION. bimzself in 1kW Cty. s a* URC#ro.#% PNIO. Y DO0 herev mto fë uli Di .fj__yF.Iel.s confidenit tluat drom a=y A tua -o1 )y Ky Wh: tby Ladies'Seminary DISCOVERY OFA GOLD MIMèE! Of .ieu, York,, have di.'cvered a richer place Mlutiinn CI/it lîforn-ia, T flE firizt Ediion of the Fiff:h Nuruiber of their iiew Montbiy Magazine haviit reaced the, extraorditnîy .'irriln iorn of Forlyj-fitn'e /hou.'co r (4MM' eîsd I tht' dt'sînd r'tîitibrs, w Iii.bCari unily iw accoîsnîed ior hy the lt, e ft ms pt5nli iii haîssi-omcfj style, antI at a cespsrat,, ibau i ;sy niber jwirtidis'.i1 b shaiin t lie tvnî d, t lii- cIor~.Portion ot Ibril v~as îiselit-cîrial wealthb is'h obtains esîrs slwyUaiough the perÃŽidai- prn'ss at the p1csut '!'s'. TIhe pime't 'riî sîsii 'î ortaims is nwar'ls thiirly articies iros ii" otheü r v Ibîuer ofnIb 1 o z. No- tirés uo'fewW'nsk.'. a Slnnthity Record oi <"îr- ret i vorts. l'os':. , Fa.,-Fiotis fur Auburrsu, twith inîgravinsr, àc. 'or sl at thé, BOS TON ÙOÃ"0K STORÉ, tîbB. G'acnrsd RBoic e 'd Pc,'iosi.l ig,eîî WtlOI.LY.& aETAnL. i1aînîîîu1 k' StOrk Of ,ils nd S:hues. [TAVE rect'is'td thym irSi)ritize,"i:îcliof ?,ootk Il ti Siot truti srau 1iau try at M. Iront1, anid .il! sou tthieir Sîsoalt -10; ' ary 13, & C. eni1)oy sixc huîsnd loprrativeqs, aur jînodîsce frotti1500site100'X) piýrq dshîily, Ttici to thp - watîou' Canatda W<'st, and w'itl cnttspeïssat instiidtuîais or ftrriiliesio srsirgt'reat dîstarice, 13y soridiiig lthe i'esuircd Iugî,a lit vwîli ho guar- Merrhauts who have net palronised the. alove establishment shouîd Jtse, no îitre, as ihey cars be l'irrished for onc haif ise cosi of eousmtry produe- N. 13. Jluow, & CIEiLDS, 88, King Street, rîeariy oppo>sitie the Eu1,'lis.h Clsîrch. Lr>"C.iSHI MD FOiR LEAHIEJI. I. WOODe J. Zro44 &ee (?King treet, Wal cf JBaysteel, ~ 2-y LDE A;NP GENTL .)tEy'S Nro. 4, City iildlinsgs, Kiltg s' e TORONTO- 24-y. C lA PtRLL ýS 13A K E R, .S7, KingStreet îWe.st,7Toronto. e3- AUl kinsds of Ship< Flag on -hasti, or mude lu ordQr. e -y WORk.MAN. PROTHERS &Ce, dgerts, T éo oî 2 7 11i S& p14 ,1850 ., 2 - British <Janadifan tu the vinlage ýof ewcastle, Picke znencý W. K. FORSYTII. Whitby -îilaàge, Nov. 4tbi, 1850. 3() - L IV»EVTST oio 2 fAýC. . Dîigt'le y ar 1851,-Mil. IRWJN iuteuds belii!,at the WX lL JO ýSiowrnaiiie, os, tic ir8t MONDAY of each rnorlth,--isud re-. inaîîug Prîcsiorsiy)an entire v¶Lek. Whitby, flcç. 27, 18-51).- 37-tf For Sale i A SAWT MILL, «%itîli 14- Aëcrs of Lanid, on bb rear of Lot ÃŽNo. 8, ini the 8rli Çonccssii-o f' pickci 'ng. 'lflie jtw INMLis bouIt on Distîttini' Creek, thse m ofit durable strearn iin the couitry, aiways'haivirîg uiiiîy-ça erto diîve tihe Msilliiuight and day, Ih is surroiînded ,wilh abuildasîce of puntI'iffiber, Ais,-5) n:rs o0iANJ), itbl a lirge Frame flouse anîd harts, n-Lot No. iltç <ot t ftise 911i wîl'i hs' soid toglý,ticr or s'inîi to -siit pur cias- r. Fo r' 1' u'ttîe r p a r ti ai s a p p ly to th e p ro r i - 1 loto iske rn'rîi) , ,JA~ ~ ~~a ME l GTE list sireel~- CF, RJSTIAS & lVEWÃœYEAPS GIF TS, W bîby îim~e l>C. 2bli. 185o. -t PEAR{L AI1~cnsged to Montreal RO1I'îr IL LAWDJn. Port Whîbby, ltAse1 . 0 17 QGARRIAGE AIND LI6MT- BUGGY iad îdcofIljrîe'.tc taîitcir Wr' ~.q, rzeç-, Rc"'sways, Ùwit tees, and FtrniilyLsnrge- Whiçlî'] lie cari seit Cheaper !Loir Casis1 dhaîî îny otiter lsaishîE ~ inWî by or surrouuidinig country. For sipe.. rior 'Style and Dtira)iiity, hie eL con fldcut of givîng, fuil 'i ' tox o purcliaser', WThit~y, pr hort9, notice. NATIIANEL RAY. bevqti 1850. fi vetev W 1,11t1jy - Ap il 1 , 1850 , lots of'freî net leus ti Farmers' Protection' UeI1ttej If~n, îcta Wbiitby, CAPTA $OQOOj.WHOL The Mort. H. ýVa nruansi ler, (Jgdeansburgli, M a. V kolu,,hnet, Curit-il, (-. W T~e' 'Sidney Smith, F.s, '0obuw!. Our on ous, Esq lrckile fitaCli A.Fareweiýj, rq, Jarnn. bt P. Perry,W15. B rce, 31cMurrich &Ce., roI- - W Ilr. Allison ilM.'faa Il. R. uanaphel, rkrî"rpi<O, iAlses Bartlet±, .s< -Two *Dr. Foute, -John SadfiAril, Lun~fAshes will be ta w W ittnesIepait fer 0, NOAH1 liler, Corners,, 9th Con. WVh 1 iby, Jànuary let, 1851,4 FOR SALE 0O8-i For a term ofut tree or ive' tflinc$, ~i cas,, Q rOrcriS1 ê SI 7 RFET, TORONTO. 24-y (ALFOMÂGOLDM~ puAy bis wavY Iith the reai Cali forma or some, thirs~hetter ituntofl'es 1t fields and thse pub,. ha~oW for annyr us1n. tI L yof GnnEÀsLo >r l ll tyOfW e u n ngt a ball who hjave favori ni with theircnistomn for 11p1- PYea and hc wîîîhe awayaîedr~ Iosl etantessiwho i'ay SI l fvotur him. . ,lei stwvo teamm Constaiitîy oust oealizg AsîîisS, fur iviich- le w1il iry in Soap or oter Good!s, a a cair rate. NYoap I «way; s onkand at To'ronto Prices, .by, t/te Box. Wlsiîhy 'Ullage, Ashiery No. 1, ? k1h necènaber, 1850. S 4t W-11d Land tn LÏ C. n a ,1 lie ni' il 'i I 4 lis 3. I:~ weil knowm as the 'iALP-WAY llO[ST,,ÃŽtua81 ori t%%Io ec of Liand oui the South 'wel co)rner(cfLo . 22, 7th Cori., Wbitby. Therm areexllt hd arnd a large barnatart.~~ §the Mftand, awnt two nov-ler faiing op-rings of g0ù4 For fw0îher parl'Iciars apply tû the Subgcrib.4 whit'v.sepf; GEO, CLIEP, Wh~îb, Ss'. Il21 I bwej srien a Iresh supply or FUýkZ tCOD LIVEIR O1 hc iIsiS JAES11 fERR4E, Aî~.21, &M i)rugglsf, W'tîlby lag,, G L0. PB. WYL LI Ey JiRTI$I AI) OREGNDRY GOS Wholeeale ad R.t5jj. ISKin, S. Est,-Ielttide Building, ý liuilîtuleý lerms. ý 1 cd fo i th 1 Ail l' FAIR. CANADA WFST. WJIOLE'SAIA-'ý AND RETAIL A L S c) AMO.S IVAi, ý 34-t. 1 1 1 1 L 1- , - ..-* %M& B'IRY-AN 1 1 ïo 1 1 1 141' ý,l 1,*, naYD su, acwi 'Jia pplication Io;. JOfHN IIAM PERRY, e 1 1 1 1 1

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