Whitby Reporter, 22 Mar 1851, p. 4

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hereb)y given,îitAîlteruîgî; will fnot pay the.foloi Otes givei by ibeni ta janesP1rýof si<loir-1£ ne usitdi, AcreofLrid, toiva; 11,bairof Lot Ne>. 20, in the s«vepnqCiçoTon1ip Ma- îip has'bo fil'if < e sid jamles 1'îoftbits1 FIO letÇai liie t10 Ii *aiLsid. The firât Note ci Twélv, PouiTo n eliiipait dite. ,The se- -1851, amoa.6ii )' Twortiy-tlvé l>osiîdo. 'The iîdNote,pr'yalj îbepist du nEf buay4 52,' -amoiist ieve liur(18tî illiiings. l'hot À - uÃœth Note,,#* 1benîte Firiday 61.Febtuaty Iii3, 4m*iru~ e Twenty.fî vo Pourrits. 'h iifth Nots.. p*able on thte Firisti ay ni'Febi'iimiy, sitl, Nolt4.j>ayêaîîe orilitie Éli st cay of Fehruary. 18,», anmoouuiig 10 'rie ty-hive Pounîd». lt Iitveth Note, pasyable on the Fuîgt day of Febrîma- Ill . 8,'. rait ieting ta 'Iweiity-fîvc Potîrimis. 'Thle teiàhtWai i liNe, payable on the Flr.i day ut L'rial ploey. A DOLP IlUS S. P1LL EN, GEORGE PILLEN. M tpa.3t7F1.,".18 M1. l 43-jt.fe Cw uer if' Padus and Jlyrwî Streef s. (Noxi totaH. Cîric',çJ)rug 'Slbrc,) keerps ,ilhaîîdi a chloice aeasuri meut ofaGr4o.eýrdeâand I Coefecioia. ries ai 'l7oîonto prices. Ati ieu n &ii &%Vare,, slave pipes,:&e.- Whitby Village Jlan. 11, J 95. 39-3m» CER1STIZ SAN" NEW YÉAR 111 Swiçh tin inrtuthe <itizenis oiPort %Vhiby amil îiî~< ai Yw Y;îr I vill Colistarlily.lïaî'c011t t, I rg' as~o tlt<nt ÇC!~esas illows: E' t * t t f £ttt. '-t À t~t t', Eltî'ntczer Bscuit, B. 3R-Y AN HAS been lateiyappoiîîted Agent, by the Maon- Itfacturers. for the diiposi of several uew la fera slaves. whiph *were patented tbree months igoe, sld .ok the prize at the late NIAGARA FAMR. lie lbas un harad a genieral assortmnent of Tigbt Air, Put-lotir, and Cooking Stoves, Pataili kettles, Grid Irons. Dog Irons, Doom Scrapers, Paient Cis- tefr Ptemps, 4c ,&c. Tlhi, îîet patpittcd siovr e rnmde on the OLD 1PI1INC!l"LE OF JIKING 'THEi :PLdTl.* VEiR Y '1 11CR, ami the fic plates are sa von- striitertuiai the ilsre catinot injure thetni. This] ïtove is the one which, iti îweive nionths, or a& ioon as ih becornes tgcnerally known, Vnrmers, wili have no other Stovc. The ativanînil oit )sessî's of takine -tick a ofmom rd. ntitviir .a large andc ,yen, haîdijuz: îwAo linîs of 4iiîepans, a ,ioted for an exrellr'nt bak-ing oven, are1 îioî toa any tovc e be as sotd !'îmeto(ore, in a long far, supe- Ftiend.! Don'î biîy elw-where witholit caling irît examinlng, as the Imitt Sboves are ouly Inl tolind ut Brynt's Sîoî'e Ronm, ln hiha lUihe villaire orfVWlîbyi wilte goqds ni ail tsorts are ptit dawn la, honersi prires, andt t suit the tirîmesE. T£Rm.-.,%l %sorof prtxrEtUe, fat ratte, luni- ,rcof itwood, &é. &c, tak n 'ma exi'hattàce. -The c us'sei-îicr linas aIs"> sorte lime sincer *siat Lop in PrieIlberi, (or tu Mr Hurt's Store, f k .Irloleelts o aiaeeaasrmn !ai. in; %V ltît atw anad otici pratlUee ill ho i , '~ç -iia t,ï t 'q . 1 ol * p ip.r uîîrî, ,t"t4,~ .1 St fvî rîuini lhto rîî; 't' filie :-411 scriluer, Lot No 27. Rîl Crin. Wýiiiby, abni ilie fi rsat i f ne lat V 7IVO COZT.S. one a ypar. Jing 1 orse colt aifumatl sze, atd ofa i Iighi Bar raor.C The alliev a Mare, two years nid -la;1 spring, of a dark browo colo', wiîli a whiiespoted. ' riip, and tin m mne and tail. The aboute reward lilIl lie paidti any c'ne giv- rig iîîiornatim othe s'abscrilier, ihat' ivill lead o Ihe recoveny of the raidi colts. R. M,. BUTLER ' Rtiers Coners, Dec. 21M. 182,1 36-tf D .B.fon't paironise Pcdhtrs, WVIJlB Y 'VJLLutE. sprlng and uimmr Faelîions for 1850. %Vb itly, A prî i %, 18.50. À- LEX.k P IIN G LE. WHITBY VILLAGE. _________- - ---.-A.11Io(es 141lu s ne. uronutly exectiteti. 4ver been knowt) tg, "4' fait iii a, 1 1e ii stancewhere ilhap C L à Ieen ,îhoroughly F e 1. L &IL , ried, b.otever se- v ereIe e Mseay have liceni, or a lrre 50 centd. IIAIIPER'S MAGAZINE SUI' LIED tû uscisiintil:l t S by -. - JAS.I.GIRE A tew copies for NoveîabLr ýi1l on bald. Whitby Village, Nov. 10tta, 1850 3 DR. A. L# TLA a& N-0 rT 1, C E_. a1,-eflii i il l'e fondîe ta the.Lezstsatiîr' at ils no*t t sssiaîi. for thé-mî;tiî ni a ieew am.~ ireltrwdet nei oty ouiofnieht XCI'> iatcroii ows shp a le Coanîv aior or, andi for al.iachint' 14.1t 'tart ni Cartwrijrhh layinir norof iLiake Su g t làté owrshîp aor %1ripa,_.andi the -forma- tie io a, new townlship oui' ni thomie portions ni Carîwriitht enti Reach. whirh composeSemgm lsIapti, Pnd that the rnaid neiy township b. aitacliect ta the rptoasdInrv couiniy. t3 wbîtby, NOV. 15,118M0. 'In t/he .4echanicy Bloc/c oppoeite ,Ji Schofields Store, Brock.-st. W/s/tby;' W//ere' ail caYs.bc fitted, frorn r <lie smi4lest ftA, to t/se lret.Mlud HoO'k. Xi a iii * îuisd 'Boy'» boots, Luies Cali' viai, JIt4tbVilage 1* airer behindit/e 'Iïnmes tCoaî.t h'oues trosus1111341 spwars; ail orbeilui jp)Iolo- ion. -Au the O>ulûcil'r is a competent j:sdge. ci Leather, klwôirkmuiship tlierec17 n*painfb wiîl 1* spareMeg-& foodarticle. --Uovkmeùaafr * ways on haa4-e,,, 'Atrders wi». rec~Sviie smedi- ete atlentiai*'; - jirAs the,;-ready mado:Wortc iii tb.q boot de-. * -parluwnli aisniedto Caýh .oay, partiesinuhe way ai îr.ating with the6iiliâc'ib<r .cativot-have: areed upoan, Tin Wart ( and 4w -a Tînker.à 7'he ldtcst' Fakions ai walys omkand. BRÃ"CK ~RT, Wli-Ilt. Ialwoce articles, whicm he v i se.il c'heap foi 'ýati or credit. OE GATL R. Whitby. Jupec 7th. 1850. '8 I E M0 A L. lTHE1Suberiber%,hnveremôoved ainte Corci 1 of- thé NE, WI BUILDING IN FRONT OF !'Titi CMARKETI kiîowri as the St. Lazcren-cc 'uilda;s. T~YM N E KESHAW & Co. Toronto, April 29, 1850. 7 Ieured by te Great& >'reig'n Rmedy, ?ULMONIC WAFERSI! 0 PL <' i u.ofCOLîS, COUGRS. 4'HAM.ti.BRONCHITIS, PULAfoe.~ ,11Y CONSUMIPTION, and oIl affections ilh Bcath atid Luagie. Mlanufactuîed îy E. Taylor, #4ochesier, N. Y., tIse only houe ad ge nusie p'ro- trietar and Mauifacturer on theiContin1ent aoi 1meria. Iîy a#signment af right frani JAME: This ceiebrated remedy is ror sale by W. Su-- roN ' Dru4gist, Ouhowa; Tfiss. SUTTOm, and, C>Vva' o, Bowrna'nvltle; R. DAR~LING- roit, Brooklin; LuN5DEN, .lhi91n's £reek; and' JAMES IL GERRIE, MAIN S'TREET, W rn'raY., Whiiby, àth Nov., 1850. 30 CAUTION. D ! 0 he-reby cattion fbieýptblicagninlst IRA 1 lRNale LvaîN ruffmw LIJ" uta5U.NCR SOCIE TY, OAPU*L0 0t' 0OsiO Bt.tUag edclEzamnur-R. W. CLARK, M.' D. Pamphlets, Blanks, and ail requisite inforuiaa" taon maylb ad a;n application t10, JOHlN HAK P£RRY, geut for. WHI IIBY. 14 LAIW 0 ]I.ZC10 He Je MACDONEL9 lb Attorney and- Go=Uor-atmL5W. SOL tCITUi1-IN-ýCHA,ýNC £RY, &c. &c. &c. WHITBY VILLA2GE, CANADA WEST# Wfl give pro pI attention toaiat business of-W» i'notission eltasled Io liii». i.'Offive oppositer the re-idence of Peter Perry, hisq. CAUL E TO0N L Y NDE, WÃŽIOLIESALE AND RETMIL DEALER IN TEAS TOBA;CC.oS RICE9 PAPER MNANUF ACTU.TRER 0F SOL-E, UPPER, AND H-ARINESS LEATIIER, &c. ýWhitby Villagre, 7th .luiie, 1850- 13y John Baker, * Wfest Side of .41arket Square, T OR O NTO. NORTH IAMÏERiICAN IHOTEL POtT HOPE; O.CW L' Si'f tA GLO0FI1C E. r-:' Trusty Porterâ always i attendance at the boais..Iaenrî and theii ltîe-ge convéyed ta and from the boats fiee vt' chuarge. Port 1411-Po, J-0Y, 1850. Y., WeSTK3ÂIN HO1TEL, Wvellington Stre~et i Torontuo, ln the inimeilîate vieiait ynf thp, Banks, Post- Office, anmd ail the $týeaniWbat landitags. Toronto, April, 1850. WILLIAM JE1leYFEY, AGENT F0OR TÛE ' Uasbh'igicn r-cnîîtu ut-naI 3- nour an cc tolnl3anD, ScAltBOLtO'. iLEX1NI)ER 'l'IIfl 11 N, tProprirtor l Excellent acconimodatiorîs for traveliers. Good Stabting flor Ilorse'. -i1 rTIUE follinýv'ng IMagazines arid Perisylic'als iili Ilit. delivcered ai Piî blisher's Price ln Stibscri- bers in Oshawâ and its viciaityt. by,'G. Bunis, lita., Pýosin)aser.' G;odey'.e L£dy's Book, £0 15f per annuni -Sariain'Untion 4gzie 0 15 -1" Gritharn*s Nztazite, 0 O15 Liîtelil'sLiving ,ýAge, - 1i10 H4irper's Muzaztan, 0 15 f lîterniatitfm fi OJ5 GB.ieral 13 ,n Geiera Ë,nkaund Periotticat Age ri Wh'lnli-sale and Iletail, Welliragton ei'Iu g, ':Street, -Toronto. Toioii, October. 1851.). 27 1-l1 ÏN 111\' w 1EB B ER FAt-Ilt&>NAIILE *,TAILOff, Oppoàrite.1fr. Bette8',ý,.Kit Street, OSU-A.WA. C. W.9 W'here he la îrepared to exectte orders ini bie lne on the -_stiortest notice,. ahf at moderate charges. Thse latest Faulion, regu larly recel ved. Os"lawa, A pril 19, 1850. Il. Mr. CU F F,1 Dealer in GROCERIUS9 L!QUORUS, AND) POVISION30 PRODUCE BOUG14T ÀND SOL).. Bet zcentroud'g andi Fait ' arn, £ad! wm81ide of thse Market, MR.. B.- FIEY B A L L'. Street, uit dur le llryan's 'Tin 8h4 WH TB3Y91 C. W. SUR GJON DENTIS ,, AStehonotîr ni announcing big. arrivali n HAToront., witb the intention of establislsing LqFJ« ouft7 o01 Aniimjfirelanu, WDOefl çrat,44t Iis êèýnt; 04; 1 iie i ie*%hbo hoo j ' ornaboùt six ydru'ao, an ior te Cutter by trade. Atiy InI?foation respmtng, hin>îiir.scted t.ib is village ýwill be gratelly reeeived by hiz lster. MARGARET DARRAGH. Our Eoechagss wM lpkcue captj< Wbitby fan. 4th, 1851.. IUa&VýYD FUP ML IN RERACH, T HIE Subseriber offers for Sale, at reasonable prices, and upon rnoderate ternis, thé"fô61ôowing Lands, in the T&èwnshlp of Rz~,&n Loi 16 in, 8th Concession, 200 Acres. II .." Dh 2w,0 i Et5"I3th " 20Q 22"12:h " 260 21 "lOrh " 200 3 loth - " 200 On the iaat mentionrid Lot (lyîng witbin about two mniles of UvxhridgeVillage) 60 Acres are clear- ed, of which 25 are éown î th Fali Wheat, 5j,-cres to M1eadow, anîd 30 Acres ptoughed for Spring crope There aie aiîo7, Log Buildings erected on the Lot, and a fine streani acrois the same. J. T. ffllî. Whitby, Noy. 30th, 1850.> 33-tf. Wh.tby Ladfies' S"emiî,ary, OPPO)SITIE THE . .11XIMAR, SCHOOL DIS CGVEBY 0F A GGLD MINE!1 THE MESSRS. IIAIPER BIOQTHERS, T irsct Edfition af the FiftIs Number ai their Tneéw Monthly Magazine -having reacei the-. extraordinary circulattou it,.Pu'(,rty-fîve thiousanti Copie$, andi stilI the demanti continues, ivhich can only bc accoutated for by the fact of iii prescnaitn;, îi hantisame style, andl ai a cheap*»r rata than any aiher periodlical published ina the world, the choiceàt portion ai that vas( inielîeciuai wealth which olains- currency îhrough tseý periodical press aIt te present day. The preseînîrnuberr contains upwardu aiofthirty articles frh)m the first cortribtors of'TMeace, No- tices of New Works, a Mônthîy Record of Cur- rent Evenls. Poctry, Fashians for Autunin, vith. Engraviags, &c. orsale ut the BOSTON BOOK? STORE, Price h 3d. Backnrumiters uppiied inany quan- lily. BCOSGROVE9 General JBook and Periodical q~gent, WMLSLt& RËTAIL. Troronto, Octobe r, 1850. 2 M~aMmotIî Rock of!BIl ois anid hots. MROWIN & CIIILD)S H AV E receiveti thîir Spring Stock of Boots andi Shoes ironi their manufactory at Mon- treal, and Will selI ni Iheir îssual Iow rate. B. & C. emplav six brndred operatives. and produîce frni 500 ta -1000 pairs daily. Their present stock bas hbeen madle with special reference in the waar-of Canada West, andi wil ompensate- indu vidiuials or famnilies for aendingea great<Iistance. 13y s.'nding the requireti lengili, a fit wiil be guar- runteeti. Mierchants who have nai patronised the above eslalîslhmeiit shatilti lose no lime, as they can lie furnisheti for ari- half the eost of country produc- lion. .4ny unreasonable fallure repaired . vithout charge. N. B. BaowN & CIIras, 88, KCing. Street,' nearîy opposite the English Church. Ll- C.S11 P.AID FOR LL2THER. . Troronto, May 1, 1850. 1 5-1y M R . WOO D, Nort/z Sideof King Street 1Wea 'Of Bay Street, 24-y J., FOSTERt, LADIES' -AND -GÉNTýL£eEN'S No. 4, City Buildingt, Kinig Street, -TORONTO. 24-y C I-ARLES BA KE R, .N'o. 37' Kîng StreetWet Toront>o. Zî'- AII'kinds of Ship Flaga on batid, or made ta order. 24-Y WRE4T, PLAtTFOJIM, If OTIJER, For Sale l'y WOJIKMAN BR~OTHERS & Co, utgetits, No 36, King StrietEast, Toront o. Toronto, 27tb Sept, 1850, 5. Anà OItÃ"CEZRYI, inthe Shop' enSrJOCcOlà by Mr. George Wallace, White ha wilibe abTeté supply lis friends andi the publie géneralty, wnWh Fresh oystero, Codfish, lerringa, Grocetieso0f ail k id inware, Stove pipes, Confectioialry, ;àaé, Ttenal<* rink., l&C, &IIac, irea- sohab5 teme.. . LFORSYÉW Whutby Village, Nov. 4ib, l1Qp1 . 30 TE.TH!TEETH!!, TEE TEl !! t om& BURE1ON DENToISI, gSH~d , C . W. -During- the year 1851, Ma. IRWIN intends being ai the WVRLY JIOUSZ-, .Bowmranvile, on the firàtMO1NDAY of ,gach nionth, and're- rriainting (rofessionally) an entîre week. WhilyDec. 2e, 1850. ' 7-tf For -Sale. A sAw mILL, with 14,' Acres et "-Land, on.th. rear otLot Nip.. , in the 8tb Concession of Plicl<eî 'a;.'The $a&w MilliÀ buiti on DulfirJs Creek-, the mÏost durable sitreani iii the country, alWoys having a isufficieacy of water te drive the fMiil night and -day. It is surrounded with aboundance of .PineTimber. Alsap,-0 Acres of LJAND; wi a large Frime BoWs and Barn,'or.'Lot No. 9 the front of the 9ith Con. of the samrne'ownship. The above property wiil be.sold togethcr or sepaîately to suit purchas- ers.. For furthier partic ulars 'apply w ithe proprie- tor on the--premises. Pickering, Dec. 4, 1850. AMOS WAY., S . 34-tf. inElgat inins suia ndJbu1e tor oeodx CHRISTMIAS & IEWYrEARS GIFTS. WVliby Village, Deç. 12b. 1850. 35-ti Adrances oit Uonsignmentisof Ashei 10 T~DVSubcr~hiriajrared ta inake T HE SubsriOTrA-D PEARL .*SI-Wgconsigne(l ta Montreal. Pot hiby J1ROBERT Bl. LAWDER. PotWhtyitAugusi, 1850o. 17 W B 1 T B Y OARRIAGE AN» )LiGET BUGGY THE subsceriber blasconstantly _orsa Weaggans, Buggies, Rockwqys, Clriot- A tees, and Foaily Carnages,. G OF 1>LFERENT DESCRIPTI-ONS, Which lie cati s ou Cheaper for Cash w than uny éther 'E îabiisliment iii Wlsit- by or surrotinding country. ' For stipe-- rior Style. and Durability, lie feels confident of giving fuli :satisfaction tor pî:rchiasers. well knowns on two art corner of Loi are excellent lhe stand, ani watli' riSq! ara For furthe Whitby, Sep. 6, 1850. - Cod Lzver bavej',ssîreçeived a fehtr u sP] COD IVFR GIL, whicb 1 v easona ble rate. JA-MEs 1. GK Au*. 24, 1850. 4reisWi GEO. B. WYL] BRITISIT AMD FOI -Wholosale 18, King St. Eagt, Next door ti S Troronto, May, 1860. K. M. SIJTHE HENRY pay hiswc thnbetter; ai lic aI large 0O tity af GJLEASI Il. S. takes tl la ail who have fI. S. ha. LiEfoi emods, ai a Noap a1w N.B. PAIV'ING- & TRIMIIING dontc b RLepairing in' il its various branchet4 neatly exceuted on short notice. NATIIANIEL'RAY. Whitby, April 19, 1850. F-armers' Protection! O&DENSBURÇH, Y. Y. CAPITAL $NOOOO. 14,000 MVBDRS. Refereaces. TbemHoto.>H. Vanransiler, OJgdenbur$h, N. Y. 01" P. 'Vankoughnet, Cornwall, Cl. W. Sidney Smith, Esq., Cobuurg, Orinon Joneâ, Esq., Brocku'ille. A. FarewelEsq., lamsontj. j5~ err, -wMtiby. Brce, McMurrichi & Col,, 2roatQ. - ' .u'l >V4itily- Dec. Cash paidfrIdes and Sicîns, Whcat, Of .jYew York, have discorcred a riclier Coljs, Ports and P'earl .,qshes.j place than aniy in <ialifoýrnia, 1 1 . .. - . *- . .1 . - -1 ' - 1 1 1 1 .

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