'Y NUW tar!t, oA;i."t/ tA' ;Tar (41ts -fur ~ Unfalte W bci . s lan I w ltl fFa - l»ia't-ht-mr-n r nt ]il w., - CARRIAGE FACTORYO -~~~~~~~~~~i 1"'tjE îbazitra-llat ti arm'fr riî[lie bI)I'-- Iit.'îî;,s F1 "ro< 'ria'r g,.tî' fa l Oliai r* t îtr ai'tuat lua 1 Q ai luuta'ilait'Uk L;1r 11 ber, A n). Ju pa sérai,1a(,) .tal<f Iai-' luh'1- îa te tbaa.'. t laj- t' i utat-71a.-tua tgl ta'- ' liaa i atatu Noa'a .e it r ca'a a s.a'> .1a:,1;t1at--,é 1aýaaaaia i - k'r ', aauuua an l i1a at ii "tu'lt lai.'- A ir. ua&oaT km ~îî t'.taaja'ailîti'. ut iatuu 7 lort N a l 4.i.iîr ih-~ ~ aa; ] S>3i 1 itti' t>aibt nlA pritI'a. - 1 "NI~'T~?O US' KA40CKI7v GNo IN XIIIB' nîîaîiracuru<gjLot Ne 3à i, 2z1.t Coli. %Al>tby, VI*x" .,ta' e.l 4kîrrjattilt- oli N. W. 1B10OWN. ftj -ptl1Mt. 2.btt' TOi> N TO- >NOTICE t ible ensrri se-s;lpIaof the Provin ciilufÀ it for a cliautfer ibu biEorporame <ba - 4J t~nJiîriîmu uilaURoad Z .'Z 4fi' tec. Pro. cone. >CN#~ U fiN Gaptain K10M M71TL. omtlrhez notice, commweDwawg on W$AW'LDAY, the,15îb îitt. ive Torotato 4li~ Rr~6g!ter on ea1n sd S'at~tlays, rnt EîJ-~'E, .~M.,callim: t ilornWhliby auJd Co- hiiîîyg'atta l îtarmediate flot ltg, va'atlaer pr'rmuîl iaa W Ilil leave oeatro ana'iriard liy anid rys, dyMornînairg at S 1 X n'elock fu uwt f"lt'eAL MAIL OrrICsx I l4~ Sî,Ii'asrln' Iaar'v ion haffal. VI lié ËIUl fi EIHf . 1-.;K S. %Whlthvy, fait. 2i iÇj4-f FINE Nil'l IIONIE1Y, 4 1raaz' .orr, Il h 100 W)U.V(YIIE.VT'! e J S liaa ' i liIalev 11- u aris; illîti wltpa.'lli ia.a'1. t rui' e i lVali . o oh Tii tu'i%aIli l a ilou !ti i ia i '~r ttit hr'uanî -rs b 1 'rt a ie Iilt i t a .uua a a Ii ieî'l 'afi' > ht ialnai etai l ail~ltia-frr hmhfi. iipyirifi O'rgîR TUORAgf S~DJL'.1IBNEt',('LI~,AND TIIFNX 'l'Ili raiuraan it rr'tlaîîly on band 'the 'as.ti tor credtj. l!4'>IIRTI'GART5ZIIORE. Crner rf iîtîatis i tnd tdfiun Strctuli. (,VXctIn I. ( Drr -a I-uz S>ture.) Lt-pp; an ihaîrt r titta'a' j' ',urttra'nt t o u'n' a mi ana l< ituctînnua. rt-t 'ut 'iouuruto 1<a aa-au.Ai'at 1a'oxla'î îi ae i'ifiii Teîîll 1iuîur-l irr iin .1fI" i'tIJi ba t a ay flacie i îtt'alt > ay ~~'fl . ii"î'îîa uCOL 'S, GOUGHS. /aJaffIJIRONUCIIITI. . PULMJIOX.v 111 1' ('o~YIP 1:10, tnia i afi eaationîso01 the- l1 litl l'ti~ut s Saaîirta by E. Taylor. tahtsc.N. Y.. the- onl t-j anal' uilenuiî,e pr- prît-ton aaa nd ajat miaa 0t he Contnent c.4o Arreri-a. I iîsititîteraî of ri-fit from J.AMES This celebrata-d rpmealy-li for sale b'.' W. SUT- rot I)aiziist. Osltautq; THÛai. STOa ni envnîaa.'&C., Jhawrnancille; R IL <IN; rTs, Brooklu; ; LrmspiN, Thrtia's Crt.ekl; anad JA'IESIL ;(R 'il Iil-F, 1 W/a ÇS'AaC "zd Retail./et Wliiby, Sth Noa'. 1850.3) CAUTION. DO hereby caution the puîbliecngninst t!iiigJ a spi;iouartirule called Dr Loccklà h PnilmSiîic Waferà s, rrzà nuactirrd by L. D. Green,. Hà rnilfrna., Cainada %Veg, as all the inf'ormation hé ev<pr rec'eiv.éd for ranî'cuin h6 arswaff by be-ýx .rnsBya'iDrug Si re, Roche*ter fort wo moniîhis. Jantes Bryara alo is a coutiter- fdcter of Leocks Walera., which lie cal[# Dryau'. PuI oic 1afa'r. 1 Em preparedl to ;ive mst satisfactory ea'idence bymost reà pectable- Pbyirici.aras and A: 'renîs, ap- plniedfor tle sase pi ihe >bove couteiteito, cili be pernicîquss'fic,4 they have hael upon thoue Pfrsea réf'er tu thiïd pace, of my pmhe o certi<icateg scitren Ihy, lieu7 Palmnef laie Surgenta or: the 3hR ineto Her M.%ajaaîy's J.-it Infa~ntt y, Pà rt)over, C. W.),? 1n, çosuiae JAMES JlNTQYRchse, NY. SWjn>.., Liqac'ra, ' iardware, and Croekery. lilac "s M teljoii T CrK ER~ L IFE .1 )4f, $~<ET?,-Û ~< oOf Mlita ) f IL 0 s a Y 9BLACKrespetully acq1alts theTravelling JM PO tt Cr L1 ~ at~ I r p G >*com m tu flity, that bis ouse i s itill k pt in il q m i.S 0, suia. msal confolO I)le., Ul Be b.ho fpwid Welf suppied --itb te bÃeutLiqÃorsýafd is Table Ha té, -Ni, T ots < <( . 1 < D o* " i4e M.edica LErm i r,- R- ..W. L AR , Ni . thl. e yeî in, the a.zket ffords. 4,!o e4>and Ioy Ca~ 01*' ~ anow 6oe zi - -litsai Sae is*tilt ruinine'liasl'y _l'im bis louse Jwelry; Cri ei'1; I'ac!(Cael; Prum r e lec .î.dn i 1 Pamphlets, Banki, and il rquiste informa- bt'O oronto. laving nt Sevet> o'clock in Ille 3lorî- 'Cologne, Essnce Hair 01o t oaps; market toge ton May bc Wadn'application <oig a retunninîg the same -Evening. fL< akes u-oeiS#gcer CaseNo5*cms fh JO IiN A 3L ER RY? Fve y arcom nodation can 'é liffrder! to'T ra an d I. i ll' 31!Buolrr; Poik-p t ýand ]m orân~du* utce e er velers, ith good lSïblin g anal atentive lostiers. D o, Co U ad Stel Pto, M eere C d i It d oai k for which- ai JeentjJr WJJJTBY. 14 it A raî îà 14>1 48-tf. pipes, T'es, Fane>,! Cods, 4c., 19#0 lf., Lamnber, and, L&W AUTON.5~,Wellngton Building8, wiff at ahl <la c mi CATIION.KING STREFT, TORONTO. 24-y' Bttj-ers C~orne Attornov and aielr-tZ" criber, irn favor ùfai' îlta trpliv or hearer, for "7-t" ~ ~ IF1 SQL Cl0i-1 -(IA CE Y, ~payale on wl . la, 8l 0a ivalue 1117FOR Sri SB. 1IfR Y AN4" fASbeen lately appoitited Agent, by the 1slan- ago, urad took thw e rîadft the late NIAGAllA FAIR,. ie lias on band a iinéral asaorttnen1 f nITigb Air, Pat lotir. anar (oikifit- Slawe4, Potash Ktîh's,ç C'rid Iroris. lsr roui, Dooer rapers, Patent Cis terraPmpa c &' '1'*î iew t-aîilrtovp ii marie on the 0OLD PR lWYJE(w iel LKING UEPLulTJitt' VI'RY VTIcK, arul lia.-fire plaata'raare so t-41n- ,.trtîrt a-all tît the ifli c aanîngoiijilte Ilaem. This' 'tove .- Iis eorî- le gg'lî i taî"moths, or a.ý Fltirr% wiIi huîive no chier Siove. T-hre aavanîtauu' il î'$e'5'of takiriz ila along -11<1', of atnodî. uad i a 'na. argiraaîi (apCit 11a0141w-, a.i < tmtav-o'g nf uerl itpars, and bhetgîL' tîata'al faor agi .-Xve'a'ill îbah-illoa'eng, are far luît'- at'loi llay stan aelia' lz,iassold >n'îclofrre, l'a ie'îdç ilIhnît l -îaiy lawa'c mhataalliric aili a'xariffitjga-. ils tlia' isaf ita'are only Io l»a' i'aîîju4l t li 'ag'u Sa oc,)îrt . igu i Ilal flitiiariathaggt of, %î%rtf a lia' lag e da al ail Iilit lsai at li> loija îlutin 'tplivg'as, aid lu sat lai e t îneu. '1'n:r >'a-l-, Il'n tof t'îraallicu. fagt raill', lîangî- lwr, c"aaoi >i >a.ad . tattke'il ri't 'anae 'Fit- gîlra<g fia ., lî a 140lua .a<ngr lima- r<îgcaý pu'îîet a Sloiteltop in Irinr l be IIrt, Yïil idor tIa Mr Jluiia'd'r Stur(i, %'îr-lcliui Ltc1 aralsauilg(114-1 I asut mcl'Ii et ttraa ii aynlitt fojr tlu'y make y/r) af "y profit nw'I bs s. 'a4iïl-a iad Prince-A ît-. , il 17 ltv I'r l I 1 il0. VIII BY VI L L.J GE. Tht'-/0-.q I"qia',n.ç ulu'ays (nl /nd. \Vhialby, AIjid 19, 1S.50. reyctncer and(1 Jraug/ît.man, -Survevor of Iuîu f»br the 'Fowîis1îiris ()f \Uî,itlïv alld 11Ibach. (>Fv(;1:Urr21.7w iCON., 1%%'IITBI. WORKMNANBIIOTILEJS & Co N'r. 36. King Street. T g nto, 1 W . (c i F JFe Dealer in PRODLTCE BOFGIIT ANI) SOLD, Bctireen $trrjuds and FiuzWts 7Tncrn, ISast Side qf 1/te !>Jrkd, MIR.13. Ili1E itaSaE7Ot'E.I)TO BokSirel, nt door Io Bryan's Tin Siop, il I!TB Y, C. Wl. SURGEON DENTIS7', 1.1 ASthe lionotar onaraoaaar-mnq bisaarrivai in il oronttu, aaith <te nitcntian 01 i'lablisnairtg hlînsalf In the- city as a Srt;uroaç DEPJTIST. Dr F. feais tilidt-rgt <hatit rnmmany vya-s' 4tuuly aanînlr s5'am itf he muait aelelrafed Suraeota 1)ltillin 11J'llu li au! $atîart, tara! Iro a abIb- aiu-qtaitt*fft'a'.tiîpracrtae <,f <aselvm -y-ars ana fil lltlu, [iae ailil be aleito 'uiveaatriltaf aals'etli to aIt aahaa rgau.'haaaor liigalitlhtht-ar confidence-a. Dr .Fa. frthae ;ire.vaunt etici!the I)renxites;, No -40, Kanrg,.Sli-l e '-ad ajoîiri"thet abarit WVarciatuauof .'4rara. Jaaajnac& Hay, m herna-han t"iil h.c ftuniat atJlitboutt i' of ht-day, de-a'aing hirniqaif exctubisa.4ï 10 tire iteverai branches ol Dlental Surgtery. L A IV Zt l 0 0 B arri3tr OFFICE. LM L E and Attorney, P RACTISES bos proft'ssinn in att the Courts as iuîaiexc»ept Ille Qujeen's ctîcia He avilI paînctuall>' attendi fa> auy busines-, en- linisted ta> his care lu the Comnronî aIleas, Chagn- cary, Counîly, tuiola'eut, or Divii'lun Ctsarts, fals 10 Agency anad Cunaaeyancing. "Opsite t/he Nç w Murkt3Buidingrs. Toronto»Spt. 12, 18150. HA1LPEII's MAGAZI i ýUPPLIED tu Sîubsèeds&maathlv, by JAS. IL. GE RRIE,' A few copies*'for 'Novem bar tili1 on liaudt-' Wbiîby Village,,, Nov, loth, i1850 31 DI, A.f.SRQLN BEAVERT6N, THORMI. -NOTIUÊ7 NVOTICE IS f1E !tÈY ÇVN-ia appuicattqa, wiJ e Mal, th Lgsiatnre. at 11,6 ne)ct Ses6911, frWbtomthé ~1'new ui itidependeru: Coill!>'out ni ' )le <n e'> en on that part cÈf .týýrU,igjt aingnorlh atf LInkSu f bon 'çf a ne'.ý'tows' "MpO,,~t pi i Osepr'tion a ilta'd, ind <the 'i aid-nwp4mwnshîýýip e 4lcea. o the P!OPyosetl qf;% Whî~bÇ,7NrV. ;3~f>,:'l ltUt;l 4'UIGLY. A rL t indebl.,to tb he Estate of' the laIe As.& POST, Of PiCkerillg, ae herelay rilir'ed b .'nmfrna fnarrldgraaa andlyain 0k? palynflt1IJIa PlogT, wlioïs ati ulorized'le- n'a-la the Samule, landai raîujgttaager.Aho, ail Ihg hanihvintrclaitrgîua"at4ailst tht- sai tîlarc rrgt'oi" presenat tht-tri, dtaly atttal!ed, to Firn <or &C. &C. &C. CANADA 'WEST, IVili give prn pt attprtnt o 1, i rinersu of bis lPro64.miou eiitrguuted >Iohim. t-1-Otrle olj1'obie the reeitcell of0 Peter CA Itl,1 0N 1,Y N DIXA W11(>LI-SALI:,'AND) RETAIL DILUIN TlTIIlfSRWE, ?APILB \IANUTACTI3BER IF SOLE. UPPER, ANI) (V,ýh piîid for !Iidrq ,,ndI A'Iinç. JVeat. By John Baker', JVest Niee of .llarket .qoe N011111.1AMEIIICAN IIOTEL PORT HOPE; C. W. r "T'~vPrnteriialawav.î ti aatqar ~the Ilu. t r l c c (ErIaI -S C:IA 1 I.1E1l 0'. 1E.qc(3l1ent acomrrarrinni for travt'Ilers. God stablîng l oi lo~e. I Lad. et cou alt 71- Nctrth SUc of King Slred-,liI'C'si Of JFOSTEI',ý 24-Y LADIES' AND GENT1.EMcEN Yo. 4, Cily Dri jldinzaý, Kitî;-Çtir'ct TQ.RON'fO. 2-y CIlA 11L1,E'S lBA KEI-R, Vo 37. King Street [l'est, Tor.onto. ri"- Ail ýindâa of Shap Flags on huail, or ruae to or der. 24-y FAIRBATS'S îrflFXIT, 'LIT'lFOR»t OJJf For !salai l'y Trnnto, 27îh Sa-pt,150.>Za< Ini fho Villa"e >f imewcastIo, CLA RKE. j-ý _ Tgx*E:It, Pthoï'îEtiiogn. oppo'sil te I ark 1 igstrett, 'hrtonto THOMAS rH PiSQ B ONNE TS, CL0A". RA TS ý,<'1S, FUlItS, ,OOTS .IVD 8HOÊs, oa,4a WIIOLESALE Ë ETI, Toronat, Septemrnl 1850. l' 24-Y Can, be saapp iu -bîili. a tnice-o on Mkxlarate Ternis, for (IASII, at CLAIiK'S BREWERLy- Whitby Vîllage,'Jn, ,7, 15. u L-.«.............7....» .... ....... <'n Toronto f a ' -'ý 1~PRTJ$OF 'UlmS AW TOT~~ Ugfl V~8~IF ju: t u~~u -T7.To n t w o a c ffl O f suAiLâZÉJlv Bf aIT, c 'me o- 10NO. Oa8-H.1J WA, C. W aeýxpîn shedi Durinnc the yar. 1851, - M. IRW.N intends* the stanad, and twe ijinîr at he WAVERULY HOU SE, Bwrnanailel water ris enor the PA uni the iriittONi)ÇAY oi each morîh, and ra-' For fimnbe<ypadf mîaine (Profa'ssioially) anî ertire week on thetbCpfltniwes Whiteby, fIac . 27, 1850. 7-f Whitby, S&P, 15 3A IJLL, wifih 14 Acres of ~Landion the' rear of Lot No. lý, iln the 8ih re ('oireaaaijunaof I>ckeî nz .The $aw-Mill i s îbuill CDhaVE y on Duiffjra's Creek, the.' utOsî riginable sîtream iii the CULV. ea'immodious Ps'-g ( isary 1aaau,a'"à it", , îuIl,., zail , aitclreasonahie rate.I, .dl 'éate MaYiff ruighî ah'I tlay. Il iaasunürouyaded AIso-50 A crà -s ni LAX W. '. ilh a large Prdmae flouîse and Barra. 'on:Lotl No. 9, the front of the 9th cfaai 'A helt" .aaniaTow-nislup. 'l'ie aliov propa'nty avili la -i Oiptlt! r or s.ufura1cly <o stîit purchali- f!'n. F"ar f'iritaar panlicnalan4 apply lo the proprieo- ort <ira .i aî la ie . Ptekt-r~nu~. ~fler. *1 îS.so. AMO10S. WAY. 34-tf. j A.\ î:-il GERME~ i ltuuî.s ,5rer<ai- tatia<.itpl' ol aaioîha-î BOO9XS HRJSTIA.S & NEWYEARS GIFTS. lillnr-%oti AliroI orl% cfASILîe tu APV.%NC'l>ýEN ASH on 1>0-r ANI) î'E:.v r. A4IS cîi;s Ot-rniltai Monitreai. ll'E:U'Il. LAWDER. Port "h".h Attu . i0.1 Ill IT B Y CARRAGE AND LIGET BUGGY T11. îsi.- lir ais coîîstaîî1Jý oïl- liiutil, and r"rarltiiiues to lutîaiîetre ta,"ndFa'îmiI!, (arrîtjzeus, OF' IFEETDES1CRIPTIONS, %X'iiel helue ('tI>sSiIlce-irar forn,r ' fhiîa an<a'ater Et'Nablishmnît lu Wlitit- liv or su rroinîdiaur cotntry. For sulic.- î'Wr -Style anid I)nîrahlillty, lie feeîs <-ifla'îuelt of' gi'.izxg fil szttl.,factijoli Io atrcasers. N. B. PAINTING &TPiII3IMING donc te ordrr. Rpairiîî'g ln aIl il's variotnslraco ncatî y exectte(l 0on short notice. NATUIANVEL JIAY. %INE MILLIONS IIRUIfANCE. The, IIt,11,fVanratusuler, (Ig<Jercuuagh, IV, ', au P.VnkoîhneCornall. C. IV. A. Fanewell, »~. lrm min. 1'. Pattny, I4'hiifay. Bryce'. MMe MurhiC4 & Co., *'rar, Dr. Atîiiîan, IL. fai. alielJrOilr .lin Suigder, john Hlighlandi, La-wis Houck, %Vitit'a'n nCwloc k, ehartes Lweta-, laiq,, I>ros;pPr A. liturtl, N..Tt erobers uf'tîi*Compaanîy reoa- appi-ations, in ail ,er, tri the local age>utâ of thé Compny, hen uch cxistanud ont f0 tuavelling Lapqta~is of Spring Ge*4 for ISO. Pieîaeria~. Columinu. Oskawau. Afaxrkham. Gwraaararihle. l4uclî. .41No.'uf <lIyBtaldn~s kt ff h e CGolden IblÂ.eKing 84.Eut, lornear t1k arket' iarnîers, and-the public genera 1 yai b b4ha nosr' receivçsfd areaff nal wial-"eeeed 1tocuý 'f, Fauntçyai ap le Dry.Ustodu in Bonnets, Parasols, Riioîs, M uâlirus, Dres Good. Hos'iery &., &CI tlirijets, &Cons Lnn ., & C.,e.,xd'will opel oatt*ivO new departme:nts abouit thse Ut of Julie.-", ývt u aprely new Sra'-*, The. t1entiona é le p dricuLarly calit6 tbe.41âapw I>.es*' R - L On-TÙÃ"tý. F. H},kLSTE1D, rraýve<aig Aïe fren i¶,â"èt . be takenfr)pay . riat oyArs 1*0u 4, and on thte it s1 Zltb Con , %Wh y Th . e t er If a rg eI rar t% c ,e g fcrs8 apply'lo th~ ber~ irer 01,1 Wia lreeb in' p1y ror ptRE: el, < Iwl sl t -* '$ I fRRIEa BIITMIAN IfDREIGN DU WL4.UWi four, HIRAMePOST - xCTOS IIIAM P. OSTZ, SJO>HN TOOL, TIIHE1 uSI HA UllPo ~BROTHIERlS, Of Xew fÃŽen"/ucIaroitere(l aq rl/t TH Ffir'14t thaug af Ilue FilîtuNt oalar Itheir I oew Muifil'i'Mîairî i '. Iairreaaa'teil Ilat' a' airftoiiiinuti'y <i oîu I» f ktaety'faa'e fIai : ,(îfr'<u Iit t i >lii ho.'ilal'nntînl aai «î'u I il'i Cf uiuay hla iumoîiied for b luit î'fha-t raf il.,ça 'uantIi iu lamptti!nncila. afil at Ii atl'ui,'r taitfu:tau' oft rIatt jrauiuIii'-t I ili31islîa'ili n> l tni ugl o i. t lui ciiaoaan r a t tul n01iltlatt aat I i ur'îaltala <'u i.- 1fiitît5 a-tl'nl- îroath the- peruaa!tt'u pi nt "I llet t<"itut ' Tht- pa'scal taunriblta'Crntfuaans llîiýrtdsof I hurt artia-la'. rrutrgtht- ('ria -i- tit o f lhc azt. Nu rilr'eai<if N'a' aurrk'<. a"tfa ' Ri'ral nt ('au' rrs Ea'u'rt! lana, a u'aoufor Atîlaînn.%%lit:. Fol 1u'd1p ait !th- B sO 1 Pt',K' .STOIlF Prnce lsal. Btack numlu"-rs suîppta<-d ina tnt',' yuara I;ola,'lt (IMAS&l.EI51. 'rurofo.(>toiuer, 1 8 imit. of2t- IaruutSocu~fro Tthtir rrtaaaruf;rt)ry' at 9Iota- Pr'é, anad mAval] a! tlthî'îî usîgailovri' ate. B. &-C. epltJtt)t' <t ltX itin-fl ortatil'Cs tait! rarniliaca' fron m 0inlia100,) t pai rsilv it. 'itil piîa-et stot'kh%,.brenatlmia la'wih af r eftti'tntt' in the aurît a'f r'uîdanba Wpef tl a mI H'ortpeniau' 3 rîu l » W viiiat or faîîiglita f.i a a-t a eur': a ttrr':i al't ltca-. Dy sa'rni; the- ra'uiredi lertgth< a fit will le--' gma- Meri'hanfaTç tah ua' tant pattraa raaItt'e aitnv' aptma'maant shotili n in ime11>1, as tt-r<ailha' i'iarrulCheal far on", lalf thua' î i' f iritntrvproalua' tioîa. 'Any uý;areaaaaruabh' faillire rapaireil rilhoaat nlanrga'.1 N. B. 'Ilow!.' & Cl'irnpe. lSS. Jin-g traet, nearly opposite the Eng-h ýjChura'h. Toronto, 3Mav 1.-1850. 5-1 y N. S orofliving w, daîedte eu l ofte etlic s-veral Of whom now reside il ilaldaruà is sfiogclfaorBruisu tion, Cranaps, Ague in thé Bi Clark'aifBreacery, Wbihtby VIl 7tlî Jà nuary, 185, WIIITI 'w'f. a'- 7 f K. il. S ýTH E PL ANi D&CG0., IKING S7IlEI,TORfNTO. 2-y CALIFORNL4 GCLD!!! Il ENIRY1TfthnVlae rhinz henteat, anad ~o éi f il berais an4îbe #>pub-t tir a I, argea st8S3) «JW8 for anuy'qun. fity o tif' tn5Aiss, r »L.w to-al ilWhoshave fatvowa4ÇWm wifI fbtir c:sIuorf> Ille luast year, andhfiewili b. alwars rejive4h satisfatintbon ail Who May sF-1l livoui rmn il. S. bas Iwo teamR tOnsantiY oct An:,for* wb'iclab. WIN pay la 1Oapr »oflags (;"d, at a fair rate, So1P always on k anJ ut Toronto Priées. Whlthy llage, by -eo. 4tfi M-cemerly. ~ 34 WüL and t es T %Imobcriber bas A E 'T»OUCS>À11j inACES0 Touaiips, eae'<,Uxbldp, 2 i t m*k0i.J*-- bita-y. Brod/, 7norak, Mura. OrziUý, Tii,1a, Tay', luit. anîd G Thfe Most of' the3e Ldh art of'the hi'tquaiitY, and WINf 6e leasea f orii frm of freavu- fua'e bo saven yasee Uazuupon ' tsituation, in lts of't InornO t 100 acres each, bally one Who- Willchop, clear, andj fence, in a -W anad werle- nxulîke marner,- witlirithe sua #!iffh Je, a quantity" nlit Itan fý) arres on ead> lot.' Ail letters, pot-pabal, desiring ilrmstion r>ci- cernîînn,' any of the particular lots à <Pttbeof the ata>ae towsnships, wilI be answeredwiîhot e1ý, .T. BrffH. whitby, Juiy, !R50. 6 JrIOLESALEO&ZOCËR3< TO~RONTO. ~ SoreEeW. Tbos. wîn are algiaed with 9*rýjr2« ftnd aCHEAY anal FFEÇTA ôj ttain the Weliington Eye Wwrt Ntaitufaettdanrd ar!kep: t>n AMI, rumj 1 by t propriefor, a3 foilowa; One ounce trIal,. i ~ - Twoaloi. do. la. 3L LOVE A 'Aradtstr But vf E-ac t The n with Suit tina Ad Wei t knowni 29, VOL. n- Iri-Y 1; - A -- 1, -- L - e ---- i i