Whitby Reporter, 24 May 1851, p. 1

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18PUBLiSHED'nim~m L'è SatUrday lWorniug LWET 41e Office, 1ýn WAitby Village. if paid' in 3mfoàeA,î Pel,,e skyilUlngs dà<ae,~e « £1e dae f the year. Ait. Lèttée addressed to this office Bill te Aliberal Discount allowed ta per. bas bocOrning, Agents for'the Reporter J. S. SPROWLE, Y propriet or. "Za= a Man, and think woui,. lun I i2brn .o"-ree *te kdsfP*mii VOL 2( WHIITB Y, CANADA WES T, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1851. BEAI ÇAT RlIS OWN GAME. 'Thank yeou. Spose you. ride a bit, 1d soon silence tbesm, with. a park of batik agaifi, and gliding ini through one others were scorched and discolured. to hiis'eifý she declin'ed ai): -Mister, l'mi pesky tired settiii,' so if artillery.e of the ventilators, was soon telIing the a greater or Iese-extent. but persisted lu' coi Boing oersq rNot yean y a go there warand yeou'l just get, in and drive along Il'IIl No, your Maiesty,' mnused ,the First whole sto'ry to a council of véteran thIl Il Onemdical. a.id wuts called i, j~r~sthere is yet, a iaw in the State walk a speli.' And got the cute cbap Lord of the Treasury, biting bus nails'; twitterers assembled on one of the high- MNIYADJFRYWT ~T~ ld polimincing the nare of 1~b of~~~ Cnetcthch set forft dubat any into the road.. and after a pause, ho added, 1 We mig4,t est branches. This co!Ïncil was presid- iN TU OTE Sri:--O th ltofTese fact8 wete published, a-rid ihk fW person found. driving upon the hig1hway The consbl go n ldbqittentte. d over, by a grey-hieaded old sparrow, Augustlist, the mereba.st qsoonpr Sé-' diys as'gent]ea perd n!~c~ -on Stinday should be f1ned toit dollars, tnud and rain for so eornfortable a place ~The Queen clappedbler bands ins glee. thée Nestur of thse man y flocks that. flit- cret, Captai n J;amiesoÎi, wps, at apchor ,siÉed in thse effetstaof the:dëôebè4IÉi the conýIlinent to receive half the and on they went. CAlbert,'Albert', she exolaimed, dont. ted abouit th~e Palace. in Rueliettina -J3ay, 'New 'Geprgiaaý Iiit daetiter. Sfebd'iet -eity.&A you get siear M---mtheY hn yansg e is fret-Lord John bas fcund a rémey Ile th en psrow liad told al Group, wben, four of the crew mutiisied coontiary to, her deeiles,' toe ,gë Î_No*k, there neyer vaes a law lIevi4ed plenty of bouses alon g the road, an! see'll njet tkera.' that Lord John had said4; 1Pshaw!' cried an'd joined the nativeès wlso werp on, of Louvain, at ber 'p1,ýntà' ediIm 1~ planned or laid down, but 'vbet sanie îeany rau eut to sec whio on enstis it 'Nonsense;' retOrted the Prince Con.. the President of te Couni. Nt s board,- took 'possession of' the - chçpaer, though bier affections wveregivéstiïh icufte-individuel will find a Isle orflaw, wes profaning the Sabisats and break- sert, ratber gruffly and iiiigitefuilly; a nd we, forsootis, are, foots enougli to 'go" wiht kpfo padof p bOur. Robert, D., p, writer and ais atàn. ý I tO'cr«-Wlý fhrough it, wbatever mayb ingý tise ]av by drivinlg a yellow cover- leyo.i can't-tse plnce is tolarge." into tÊe nvts, white we bave plersty of Thiecaptein asdimate 'vere ,ini tlýcZbdyc a~ig svn en its ùUgki fits,' or intricate details. flut ced pedlnr's wagon in the very face of ler Majesty's face felI ait once, as'she romt'li he-odJh as in,' and b' keepig up a';egili fe Wthe trué lovers meditetèd toy somebody must be caught of cqure, an 4 open day. Sceing it wvasý their conista- mnourrsfully repeatedhler Consorts words, seen bis besi das Usssbecan tisrouigh tise àkylights, f bey killed the iiide, but obert D.'s~c<' fiometirnes it does happea. that tise hIe, thé folks were at a dead loss te ceai- 1 'tis too large, Lord Johin, tbin k again.' get awie niunsellor than tha, e1natv c&f n ucee ncer's lest -resource ta 'iaslt thé Wg4 mnost wary and wakeful get caùgbt in Prehend tise iatter, and ]et birn drive Lord John bit bis nails, and tboughit bothrPi let n isbohr thé déck of the mnstineers i#nd their 'ai-' or Lotuvaii. -under soine prëéi tla vety steel tmap &et by theniseives onwitbest interruption. Tiserends le- agein. 'J 1 ave it,'said bie, afler a long Comisoes *nbradu ier'le,~h jumped'oiver board andl swari. ing 'te a duel to rid' hieel te allure or trip'tbe unwary-lence rny ing heavy and tic oId marè in flic lest er méeditation sisan befro. boasted Exhibition,' and alltise spar-1 ashore.: Tise captàiin',anïdý Mnate now, ri#a£ Hernehis ôpouiwi:l tory, stages f doue o t, tie waggon p llcd Tise Quee nss eyes parkled. 'àv row Ja g e nI t-itrd nd po < e on deck , and ilfound tijat toý of] whsère he xe ited 'bis dê WËàî! It it; now no longer, 1 believe, an un- rather tediously al.osg, wvhile be-fie yen ' cried sbe, ini ccstacy, 1 Wlilt, voked tise tamiissioners, wvbo isappen- tise crew were kiltled, and cee swvrely' teck phsce, ini 'whih llobb4rt -ankees are cute if occasion reqisire il. of foot, reaelicd M--snie tw'enty once.' witb more vehemence than eves, 1'l>Hang ped bis cable nd stood eut tôs-éà, fol- ttirl disappearedi eariAsgtgèpe There:is no question of it Whea tise minutes iefore tise eflicer and prosGribed. 'aia 'cidts ue.'le~ these sparrows!' Anothe mesee woe b0 le f aes h at- Dn ecargohl'Ip h eonntectîcut Sunday travelling law, the wagon came npi. Pushingiuîotlie firt Albert,' sîse slsnuted once more, ' we sparrow flew in amongst the feathercd. tensptcd. te-board, but. were prevetsted broken oent retumedtoIn~ a hi c jwas iontsào of ito1baove tse la r land wth edla t e for fi a',slîyrtstdSx GohaavteetUrMjsyadi engt lebs ofth native finewei nothe known,1 o hi! 1~ ~ae Sunday.~~concl-- T3ché â.shd esuc îs 'ot e ts aIl tise gouda ass the mirtlsfu outhua ofô thetein folIî,nev- Aûin senv..... n be Étrong inclination te lic back in sourie by Boeniface of' t he fact, lic reqîsestedl spoil theus.' <cd tfise annouincement.ALÂ O Wi give ant intereetiiig acco st of t]ede dry place, and chew tise sweet, or bitter sins te stel) ont and sce a mais in tise Th is lulop of London now calel by «Tise Bishop of London lias enoigb s i mil~<> oJý< mad fenc bÏ~nIy~ud bth fisell fond: cf ?ancy, as it may 'be, a live asnd vcry net.' chance, nd Uler Majesty lit once f3on- te de to mind lîis own busiine' said tie withu 3 . MUîCAïl, fi- n il.a» t*p pqî% strong manof Brniels' aestsam 'véritable çpecinien cf geints yen gese 'Wlsy, bless my seul, that's M . sulted lii. 3Boomfield wias alw,,ýays a veteran êparrôw; ' lot bun fir4t get somte siina!tlesn gelo i, r lait wveek o f rbbbeîu.' Héî wans Ots-. Wi f (the latter- phrase is atioriginal, I bc- our constablc!' curtier, lie looked wvîse, vowed lii ser- stiage birds eut cf bis own'diocese and saIgoi &taaf ol~ia tsecl between tWp uêaggons'cohtainlih ie su M hiv)wst esecui witisosst charge,« <Tis ' seid tise pedlar, 1'w'cll, îsow, vice over and over, and said he'd go t1e rornti te disturs us.' But lseh ad Aberystvvîh and Llaarlhsd; h proeoedé'd aloaç ' how çsanvassý te Mens' wlibi he1td%ï s tise very act cf vielating tise Kinsg's I'<. rail hini ptsrty felcr, tcw ; tise con- IsouTt and leook at tise canons of tise botter siot thsrw stoe atusl,Ours is siot clif,, abput 120 feet abevq tllvel grilhe eee,4d to gît-e ant -ehbtod or tîsat cf tise Comsmonwealths cf stable brenkiug your laws all to sasi Cisurcis. die ontîS Palace muade of glasq. I think wbich provideaiiatly bappene4,tô* bu rit fulilow. niglit lieovis steppeil on thé 11g91~ tColittrctst, driving a weggon and an on at Suiidny. But lie is at it, nit hie 'Dent mind it,' iutrpoed ler Me- we need net make oisrselves uneasy, Ia pasaing aîound t s preceisg angle. W~jl o ibtewell lçeown'order 0 yoïitfub ageglrowiledýu upeail.i o, tisepro esassrv urfl ~ A h ' sui ay mare upan tise highiway! if Piuidlord l' .lesty, 1'yeir canons imIways mlTa but go on building Our isests.' 4'We ainue officar hg rouaded, tIsa oint, th si e or yi 'ha -âîs net knew tise Iaw hae %Vs nct 'It is a feet; herc lie couses, sure en- dreadful nomse, but take ne effeet.' neednit' cricd ail tise sparrows <rom, ait man was.iii <heactof donejto partCwitly eitber at tihe cowtlm i long learniog it, for aCeunnecticut mean, ougîs.' Stili Prince Albert"'kept"aigu le"'rirhsw'îam wer we deuly breakiui;fronts u'dar his feetIawashiJ et tise baf'dezert imuen before 1sih ie ' whet iîvn ie<crc c I secken tlsere's senietlsing and down, and groasing onit ejacXsîe- ar'ed arouad 'wilh hie face tg, tise sea, 'anid ad l spln ionofê'wggo niMd' pic erhaps ohvn héea fae descended lie seized iih one hand thse lodge iW tc i fgorelik Gedblefore bis cyes.so cleerly as lic lsad te lie imide liere,' siiid tise liedier, su tiens frein time tu turne, about tisese con- 'Ts uei etfr'ecamd netali elfewil eetuelts te QnpîefPuîtobaandti. Tho*t*d in bis lheart tise idea of making five dol- l'il ist sîsear tIse fine wiilsi ycoi, land. foiided §parraws; aund evcrýf groan sent another messenget aparraw, making thehi« aitsfreylpeierver VC"ad'fofr eormotiss IEI~ln lar~ et cf bçbactreveler raucnt of Ierd,if ycyî'll show tie %vlîcre the squire a j'ang ta Her Majesty's hseart. 1Il bae is appearance, and with somte sigu leuolahbkhipsaelfraS~r tts eii~fts~~'- hi r duiil ythe road aide, ansd lis-es.' dctermnsisd, shie c.vLainied, 'l'Il sea4 trepidafion. ytataië%Wp'to;teî1 ehsoulted e rifoth ue Te DueP repented they-but incheul to stand< ~~~U onî <hurahes bat si atppeared,; ssd, nt tie 6isd'isi là~ 'alle aI there, Miste-rV' thl ndlord. Ausotiier letter and anotscr courieir te there wuss niu hanter iu their twittes, At leesgth a reathl usaenas whmila r s«evrely WoWnded ti, tise fl 1tAk Certaïe, aqulire,' snid the Yankee 'Desv tell 1 We'Il, tlien, wvc'll seaui bear it to Apsley lieuse. Tise royal ~>'Mtrg~con a ruged projectioaoet rock about the side ùf 1« the-stieng 'aî 'od - Jeh, ",woo, SSok, ptieold on1, yeeîî feel lix tisat coiitabSt)e.' misive rai ' - ' ft tjie rereaet-tr- the -ýparws- tui yu you, %eeS 1Mesi, Squire, what's Up dreve tise constable, and jumiping IYdirDk-ocretco oni tl u edfc n<i met ttheunciea<w icý 4'ai e lUcPwaidl")a.tiluI eeeywus tise seum I Hinm't eot tise collery ont, grinnihg lic liausded tise lisses to my kind and truc frierd in ctvery amer- ter, ansd said in a beastfi <ric, "Ts Ieagth iuid, witha@JIcamneéss iuaisiable,a'~pn lote'hdildot the'abtoa u feenu it M'tav ee or ým we'wjI auton,' ials e is e o hs"s eoa hsiet-,IhpDieu' thse ilieuter, and teld il int topsittise inarc gency. Albuert. se ins &ad fîsking about Dusse weuld find be bnd net a Nape. tss erlsutoetsr' W imdii llsaeo o wem voil ha i infanr bas . hee gntrea's j like eizty de Yerk witb it.' uji.. tîese liorrid nparxowa. Yeni cari do ev- leer te deal with thus.tinie;' netre- coinanded dia you, akooa i~odfh s Dow tell i' eaid' he in tise little tsgrht 'WIy, yeu.bent me bsore, fruetîd,' crytbiusg; yoeu lelp ius te get thein Iess tise sparrows were uioticed not te roe lc a ahaiafyoee ihagsm wast-"wé s sbuda't wooder if &aid lie. ont.-~vryus . go on as busily with, their riest-butilding j~a al,"Yuuce'AîsaAWlit moment. ' . ~ EAEl yo sd anw-. 'Gsess 1 lheu,' said tise pedlar. TIse Dllke %vas standing eit tise win- as' befere, when a feurthi mesas e r. je; tia oang mat wlrzotl Sun sud auir'a em buh taJeacso 'Ad ssaS sree ys., fuiedfr '\Vcîî, as ut is Sunday,' baid *lie ofi desv, wîien tishe a sesne îgî kwi n adh idji erser eocwt 5ihaajaebth jakri-hos titelsl fucamdo1. bre!lmisstbeIaw' cr, aum siur igltwe'll let tise marec et atise doca. Ile ktisew tise usais by tisa Dtuke enîggest'a sparow isawk' surd hem tothow sevYaorkiaraus «ve asciil ' 1 wa-nt 1à linaw, tuew 1- Weil, lay ever iiustil usseruuig! l'Il take care lus livery.' 'Hiuniphl cried lie, «'I hope 'Tser I'us off,' exclainicd tise voterait othar as thcy decendeij' liked togatiser, goas a ok lit-w-lg fact, f té mreandwagn.'Rusel isilo agin n ue f hs rsif With tha rapudsuy- qf a flash cf l'eni h ha packages wisiibthe auctioneer midle oire, I can't iseîp itl you sce in 'iec Ienneablwgn'Iusl sae guam uee usrsg Presideist cf tise Couincil, pappiusg cuit I am ditnthe elfredcs tirry go gelisum; Tie pediar lied nso îsjcctions-so it nation tifs. Ic tlaok tliç lettereoff tis <liretigi e ventilator.'Tia erri od cleard i rs enega o ic [os eue m9reg iprice t hicstie mys t-itte baebenta N% or bu eddl ve 1r urtil Lneorniug, whsin liriglit silver diauIi aud opened it. Ilo seeuned Duike orri e d od cseared e ag lIse fou rnie W .a havie 'sppsed-w thean lytigk-ou. I~~~ ~ bav eee tie iii Ncwai York 'liotdidd bit upôr tisse ix faetfrea tiseparpeeirular'q shW peint ked" diwusprtpef twe weeks amntn 'the dead cend dIy- and early tisa constable found hisneif annoyed, and immcdiately sat doau li anepdùt'vBrso iss ier which the- youtltW véiesdd uoni de. s Wl.5no00 d* s$ .ffed tert dollars andl costs for vîeîetiusg a pet te iwrite. _______ _light of their comssaeioeu whe weré kqnseetarfly iag t44 sev=1a paroels, it iiu;leés t* - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Sudy rvel rgl. The offi- 'F. M., thse Dsuke of Weinton pre- A F FA IRS' IN L ON DO N.lnfunuiiavse.-~< covered that,,uhey coatain iise diaue :Whist 1 witb tîhe-------* t cr tise ie Su and sraveîiiui bue as th .t i oa uytobsSvrin ur tbay asis te ilwqan-e parts of a ih*ofam gwhd «Coblery, cohiery, squire.' 1s-a-car gruadadsquuudbuastssetbiIyndtyeliiSvri.- turnie; wairep; ut lesigil they utrnck out toi'jO aflWiih< r.a 'ei f ybllwgnlea (iecs a made ontaecarus day, timere F. 11., tise Duke of Wellington is coul- A grant mary people arc crcaking in roelthat lay abouit twety *yards ite hmo large cà-pr whseecoverd withm esquires eyes dilated.) 1 get a good joli %vas no.idgiii« it, ansd tisat comrstini- mander-inicsifc leoejsys ad aîndaot iadagr fpage1ycdhYWrrt55iifoghcteygu dvceidofouîdsg cqi 0airebartycheera. Thaur conspaieupttemed piae a~seuy t.a ~ .at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oj hate'ts ea ams agu Ley (especially tise constabile) Icarned forces, and as snobs thuik tise service anid pestilence, during thse great Exisi- w rcsaLsarrse b baiig ub ~te gnues . "sud imoit.pppsu A Pottcr*s Fe - tîat Yankee pedîars, like edged <cols upon whicis ha la ssunmmoned out cfihis hitiein. Oth,'rs demonstrate her suer- owiug Ct, te breac i he i ledge jouai4 ht iempffiu se4tétne n rmdaoa ,,Ifflld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~1 bue ausd had tepropovice.F.M.cheeedoofewlsrd f loptsimore frhue hintisbleandhat fp oeLoiwnt<inSe hont.reTiseL atlni be o*usae t fl 6 Wiat 1tisis wagon? hour tJiftild liey lsirdedcactulyarble. . .tietaJi f ellug fely'psiae tlafr uehnucuhuaheoetia er 4 Zaclsuri sedwll ~<i ton is not a bird..cater - F. M. tlue thoûiard Frenchsoucdiars <c ba sent so lt xret hsnaoftiepekghist1rad b c dklhuth :squireJurgin itpadwelte a eqiea hasgru btI ,ae, nd SPARR1O-W S IN T UE, CRySTÀtL Dulie of W ellington suuderstnds théeaerss tie cbanneI in plain clthas, witis lo hir dMhtegea ïotiit lenfond bt $1 0ine is baousjee beh W b I iei o tntl ay ofre ycsterday'; I PALACE. archer fe hiwn ii bn fb tiheir uniforme ie <beir ca.rpet bagapathonr brave msmild6falcm. rempaniosuolied1onc fat t oum un anie, and I started anieu.ilbuiod fts ee iî,sd jr a few bours. uit a concerted sig- morositteditheasssalestouthédalauu fatenitpats ~b ue'. Prinîce Albert puislued, lus cttletind te wuriin,, if it; be Hqr 1Majesty's 1uîcasere ual, Louîdus wculd ý,e nder tise do- Laniu ytia paert ofî te c u eptaree o0wicswre soid-oehrato 'Fiad' adlie squsire, «'it's aeven toinate sauce frein befoeIs0 , n as e DIIts-S ec on Ryaprqose#nonc <ati-aer c.hi ts orom' ecthe Freaiidtae ffc ~ fomh set~t~ m rie te -tsvn, 1 r' ntita tise breakfast table aeppaxeu1ly F.AM. 'tise DIttke cof Woldington lias ýad firat eiartig front <ha ledite),and a fewulightcenta ite But 1aay, aquire, l'M despirit ibI- tea troubled in' spirit toeat. ccusidernbbe expérienice ini captuiig THiE LIflERTIE 0F TIIE PRESS, and brui",,theyuppeas'd.at a salait glsmworue for oaa da'ernetlest. 7%1s I<t%#Q ~.iquea o; ant enle m usp 1e Majesty lioticed tise net, and ini- French eagies, bst noué in takiuig Eng. their perlos adveaisre.-ýWWàr«. ed to anaval offces'.«. » iqk jasa dg c'ti- quure llee casa liai ------W. The. Middleaescr Prototugpe reetLived byAhDNvTIPucs eOYL. on~ tisarunct.çe hi.mn wkTÉv in-Ï t *botecuaa, io s-Jeo, u, crias, ut ew<em't gyâa.ili s4pn he .,el.Gnrl I,~~~~~~bOUlht~~~~~~~~~~ upr Duis un- seire osd e rvrj'la' lamteyu aatl yi iaCytlPlawr e n uia f thse erowded congpgation, tea, t ofW thHls, ~ ~e à 11ar*ti bsaseYake tstxgbhl, is thela Palace >Ur Msh oh. hetweeti tiie'two Palae éern f- uitr IluYiZ M4igao j~ gw syMi ls t ydk baigi dritverlg hm nto ofie.T-y% a olsrju praIy I ppar ba aMssiu' -~ .oddd he is atç 1?zlnc e , ý*tW1fc f tise cntien i ring oie- t&ciyfu pewslu ide it w the am UMS*own crie thmewi~ise Preier lm1fla vus- plw i n~ae Ml~e you~r .p5<gj5Qaiehlea goesy a-l 4qver, aiap.ere, yoaingmr mac toi-a elsats n

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