Whitby Reporter, 24 May 1851, p. 4

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4. Nih~gÏL I~INF5JD £:Tis la the OIgXLAmT rJEP8 Oute to-New York. Time (romn rot4 NrIc4k orty bouref Torgnto,_MYI, 1851, Ç 49. ~iîLscrbcr ins~owon haLnil &fR&IMRL 14 inQuart Battle.. WhLBERy, 4wEE FINE NEW HIl NEY, Ar Sale by IS4L C>;RR(E. Book 4. Drug 34Store, 1V/rit STARTLINCI .LYJVO U.MCEMEVT. ivery at à To- -y. i. a sb., aitf 71IEStbseribcr, altlhotighpbot exartlyv 'preparedtt pave the Streets cfl Whîtb>s witïi Catitornia "dt,- la yet determined ho suîpply liii customfers with -Gnds at sucli Low Rates-, thait tliey mýay lie enabled b do so if thcy wish, tlîrouieh thegrét avigeffeetedhdy hîrîmetnu; and he to tho usual modi prarficed ly iew coners, the qtîlify ofhie Ceods will tuàthen improve t hon other- wise,, ah his uîntisit4lly Low 1rices ; and as lie is weil aware that sclf.ÃŽiîîteresî la the nost po%%*rfl*l wea'ponî l'e can wvield, lie xili nnake it the irlercsX vi ail Ih o ~rchaîsu. Rom hifnn. y sippîyin-z ilienn wvith better qualities cf Goodâ, aiiriat [,î,wor rate& tholn any <'Iher EtbercîWst of Montro-ai. ili,, coel-riited McIQu,4, YVOONO 1-I VSON arl hl *r 'IEA, ill h.. foundl ho mîiinutai tkîir ki4ii celeb. lori, uh'i1ues.irzi-'strecngtîl ndfine la- v'ui. llis Iluge uul d!ge.'ra1 -;ic soitruent of COffixs, Suçais, Tl'mccoeFuiSie, G lassware, liard- ware, Viîuem, Liuous, &c. &. &c, iil reilime the most sanigilite expecîaiomi ni ;urelî.'ers. ravertikeepersand the 'i'ade', suppiieti au Low as they can purchasýe in Canada. M. B.' CONNOR. Whihy YilIa, Jan, 24, 185f. 4-f NEWV CLEAP HAT STORE XkNarly opposile the " Globe"ý Office, King Street, lToronto. T11E Suhscribcr, having bati long exlurence T in tfl uincam, respeetfi7 yann<;iir.u'ttes pufblic thuie-tuas h opened the a seve prerrises wili an excellent assorfînt of BANTS, andt alec ! r -:, f Lv0, uffilfo uobc5, Ladie' Purs of encrY desceription alWRYS r' The hfizrhest price p-iid ini cas-h for lattig and Shipping Furs. JACOB BASTEDO. Il-attir and1 l'arrir. Troroto, Oct. 1850-. 26 -mçiit ha. ne- 0, . ver bi'en known to fail in a vingle ini- stance whereit ha TOL L9E1 Tr, oevÃŽ- TRE Wl i l 11Y CARIIIAGE FACTORY. MESbsrber wishing to retire frcîni f le husi- oj t ELL or LET, for a termp of Yertbe.Shop known as tlhe Wl!! TBF <i.kii- RUd F.AC7TORY,, conm;isting cf Office, t-o larçe, Ware-rooins, Wood $hop, I'uint, Varnieli, and Trintng $hop, ail iri oie block, Also,- Blackamithshop wi:h Four Forces, separate romn, tue the bul4ig.Alsoa gond Dm-elliîîg.lBouse and Stabl,with-1lalfan Açrlo f Lanîd. Any per- son rmftiag the Shopa right ortig«hî foct have the flweliing,justas would suit beçt. The oi&bscriber offers Io oeil to any permon rent- ing the aliove, at rwclvc Months ciedît, hi@ Toôls z ad Sock,,eonîistlngcof a quantity cf Woodwm k- ecrs Tools 2anti Bîsekumilli Toola for tour tires.- Aa, -atit 150 Seit Seasoeti Bobs, about 7,00 * SpoIçss,' an4 a large quantity of Oak and tI ler Lumbe.& Ay-person wishing te gointo the husi- s nes, ýrould do weil 10 cal andi examine the premi- -aue. ;The situation is as ggoa as: can be fou îd in Canada. If bas gseat aCvantages, beig siluatetl o'n the Plank Roud- leading (r6m Port Wh itby to -Seuolak, andi onîy éne andi a half miles lrom Port Whitlmy. Wýith that,- and the- prospect of Whitby becpmiig ajCounty Town, the ituation is desirAkie. For particulars, cail on flie Subscriber,- N. RAY. Whiiby,2nui April, 1851. 51. MYSTERJOUS KJVOCKLY-GS M INWIITBY. ecnjler bas on baud, sund continues to ctuspîOn LoNo. 3Ã" ,2iii Con. Whitby, îVY Waggoas, PlOugO'hs &kIarrowï bd Visbloi te purcbase Plougb Woods, fiad a fipply on seaonabis forma. IW, iiehes, neahly h. teela confi- BROWN. - 52-tf. ~î~OOL I Ne hason hand. a, ge'ural usitmenf cf Ti Air, Parlour, aind Cookini Stuves,'Potash Itei G rd Irons, Dog Irons, Dor Scrapers, IPaient term Pumps, &C., &C. The ne'w -pateliltNrtove liMode on the 0 PJUNyCIPLE OF 'M.4KING 7THE 1P47 VERY THI1CK,ýand the fire platçSý are neof. structetitth fliclie carînoit injure fhem. 1J 'stove ilsflie one wiîich, in twelve montha,. oi ;son ns it becomes icetneealiy kaOýwn, -Forîîîeri wili bave, no otiier Stoye. Theadvantaie it pouîesses of :akinc ln a i gfick of wo<xl, and having a large and c'apact wven, hoîdiug hwo tiers cf breati pans, and bc nilel for an excellent baking oven, are far ou rior te any stove he lias bold hezetotàre, 'Fniendn! Dioîî't lhuy eliicwhere wilhout eall and examining, as the said stoyes are onîy ho foînd at Brvai-ï's- Stove Room, in that ficuriali village cf Wlitly. wlîere gonds of ail sorti Puit dôowlî to lioneat priceï, anto suit the timeî T f. wis.-AII sorts of prodiie, fat cattlc, lu lier, corlunioo,,&1c, &C' taken ili exchaîîge. lirtulî iove SîîOP in Prince Alberti NetdoorfoluMr iid's Store, Wliere he altio keetus on hatud àA tenilral assortmni cOf Booms, for which cata and ti ie pioduce wiii takenin pawyrnent. X. B. J)o,,'t patu'oizise Pedlar for t/rey make you 'a prvofît and baS8. B. BRYAN. Whithyemrit] Prince ÀAIIet. ? i e l o, 85. . ~ 1 U G 11 F 1,A S EJ - WHVITIIY VILLAGCE. Sprli«. îand Scmmrr VIIhinîîs for -IS~i. Ai Kan- PLI) rhis ' rI as eing pe-jD ing r be are i.- nce 1b. am i L Wi ALEX. PB.IN.GL1E. WvI'ITI)Y VILLAdGE., Il orders iii bis line prtuniptly exccîite<i Thie bat estt.ahjuaiways on liand. WhitIy, A pril1,180 Darristo r nad Attrzîey at law. IE $ Suberiler lias conriantly on baud thf iT awve articles, 1shich he m III seil cheapfo cash or OBeUT G.A1' .'R'.11 W'ihthy, .lunp 7riî. 185Ã". 8 IIENR Y LNE, ULE C'orner of Dunlm nd4alByrm Sz9reets. (NVext Ioi!. 'Gerrie's ÃŽrug Store.) keepzronhand at choice nssortmcnt of G(3reniesuuuîtl l'nfectjona ries ahTe'ronito.prices. Alec Wooticn & in ware, stove pipes, &C. Whitby Village Jani. 11, 1851. 93 Relief filh Ta. Mnuc inîrclua kw Days li ir redYIl ly /e Great Forcigti Rcmcdy, - PULM'ONIÇ AER' ýFOR the cure of 00OLD54 OOUGERB< A'STHMA, BIIONCHITIS, PUU1LOY- A.RY CONSUMPTION, andi ail affection» of the llreathaut Lumgs., Menuf'aetircd b>ý '.pý'lrf Rocheater, N. Y., the only truc and genuirie pro- preton andi Manufacturer on theu Continent o f Auxira, làa f ueit ! iglit (rom JAMES ThWî celebrated remnedy le for sale by W. Bur- TONi Drgggist, Osom; Tises. SIYTToN, and J.&VIvrngo4 & Co., BownanvW.e; R. DtaLiN@- TrON, LBrooldn; Lusmmnar, .Du bas £Yeek; andi i WA4k d a A e nd4 t, MAIN $51* ua' \Vhitby, SIh Nov., 1,850. 2 CAUTION. DO herebyocaution the publiecagainst voin5 a spurinus article calie r Lotock's Pulmonie Wafers, manutactutéëdby. E. D. Green, HiamitqpG anada West, as ail the information h., ever-receiveti for nanufactijiù4,tboe eà4iïPiýW3 by being ln James Bryn!# D4&Store, Rochester, ûïhlwotmonths. Jamies BT7Ma4lo-l a s ouflter. feir >of Watr, hijhé cijs BjqWi Pulsz,,lfi, Wofcr# 1I amn preo êdtOgltvé pouf fltisfactoiy ev,4oece by, most resgdt"bulmy a "W and Ainenta. AD.. LIPE.~9f.tNDs 0d-'w Mtedicat -Z&am(nr,-R. W.CLARK, M'f Pamphlets, Blanks, and all re4isite intai lion may be hadýon application toF lJieN R AM PERRY, .4fen tfoýr-WITBYIr HJe- MACODONE"LL Attorn.ysud i4mnEIRz4mZ?~ &C~. . &C. WHI TB Y VILI4G£, CA?;A DA W E 8T, WilI give pror pt attention te ail, business of Profession etitrusted ta huma. tPýOtite opposite the rcsidenve of Pe Perry, Esq. CAItLETON LYNDE, WIIOLE$ALE AND RÉTAIL DEALER IN TEAXt TOBACCTJ, RIVE, PAP IUIIGN OS, &C., &t. M1ANUJFACTUJRER OF SOLE. UPPER, AI JIARNIiSS LEATIIER1, &C. Cashî paid for If ides and Skitv, W/je Oqts, Pojts and Pearl.ls1tes. WVbiîb)y Vil lace, 7th.Jiine, 1815f. By John Baker, W1est-Side of !jraket 'Square, TO RON TO. N'OITll AMNEUIC'AN ROTE PORT 1HOPD, C.W. "ýE N E I .tA L ST A (.E O F F IC I eji Trmîsty Porteri always in attendatire anttI >aîs. Pass.enie'îs îîîîd their floîggage conveyed rid from the boats fie o<f charge. Port Hope, July, 1810. 2l WILLIAM J E F F IlEl, AGENT FOR THE 3ulsuralnrc (Compni,- SCAItBOIIO'. ALEXANDER T1111311>SUN, Proprietor. xcellcnt accommodations for travellers. Goc Stabling flor Horses. il LAYD CO0N VEt8NdER 4 DRdqUGHTSJN,ý OFFICE, oppogite the Court-hive VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER, REAOH, 0. W. il Il ci F t 'I OIIKMAN BROTHERS & Co No;36,KSg Street Toronto, Dealer in ROCERlER, LIQVORS; AND PROVISIONS, PRODUCE> BOUGHT AND SOLD. twei Stroud's and Pla!tt'i Tavera, EIast Side cf li 0.Ma26-y vIl. B3FRýEY BA Le Brock Street, next door'ý rrn. i hp WIITBYC.W SURGEON DEAT it 7, LAS the henolir; et auue;ncîng bit arivai in J.Toronto, with*,the Intention cf ciuabisiing bimseif lu thecty iiiaSnJAQNoàr )zS4TIT. -Dr P. teed, confident tbat fromn many yeara'l atdyunde1egm e ot , tbe o lmebrated'Susgeeîî. Dentstn3ign hiu*I= Ïd Séotianti adYrom asb seunt profesuionai practicao!felses.i Brai, he wiiî lie able to give' ampleë satisfaction lealWho may honorbj wUh'M cnldne Dr F. has, r liprsent rqnfed thi premaa '9'tesr ji~gt he Cahiïle't IWirehue dfméusns ques&lay %w'here"he wii lefound t ILhqhuri cf heN advîn biniseîf exicIu.ively ý t& the' SeWeriî branches of lgeowaiSungèry. Toronto, 1850. - 24-y B wXitr andA t torn.y, DRACTISES li-s profàssîou in sf1 the Courts as J.ustai, execept the. Queen'i giench. He. wlll pun1i#allfsuted te -,ay bî'zineés en,, tm"stet tb is cape la 'tii. forMn pPie", chu. cery, Comunty, niuint, or Divèîon courts, ;al» to Açeney ant Coaveyançing. ~~m & 0ver 4i' 'clef/l4 lo Toronte,Sept. , 8 Q- 2 1î SQUPPLIIEI lo Subseribers oth K7by JAS.I EJR Afew meif,0XvmÈ sjiiW'oalaùàjd. Whitby Vfiage, Nov. 1oth, 185M, 31 j fLACK respectfully acquaint the Traveliîg U*corn nity, that hia flouse is stll eptn its utal comibi1sLldétte ~. ,is IBor w1 be4? we l'u ppidwth 1hWbeot Liquéro, âihi& Table .With the choicest viands the market affords. H is, Stace 1s silrunning Dail1, foin his Honse luan trino, t u saieeven coii h Mri ~very accommodation can le aflrdi to Ta-d vlergo with gôod Stabling antluttentive Rostién. fliîge, Match 15, 1831~ 8-f CAUTION *A LL Personi are herc'by eautiouiedo aant purchaing a Note mrade by the Sul- sriber, ,in (aiven of Jo hn Mtrphy or bearer, ior £e;~ payable on the lstiMay,>1851,, as novaiug ba bareeived for the sanie. HUGH QUIGLY. MO Tf CE. .A.LL persons indebtcd to the Eitate of flic late As.4 Pos'r, cf 1>îckering, are heret'y notified tô corne forwardimnnediàteJy, andI make puiymen:toMuRAm Posi-, who is authorizetore e- Iceive the sanie,l and grant acqîttanced. AIma, ail thoste haviàglg dais against the s2cid Estate, are requested to present them, duly attetti, to bina lor I i 'D L ri 10 1 ti r4 I 0f New York, have discovered a richer place than aniy in California, 'T BE firrt Edition of tIhe Fifth Ieurner o(dieis J.new Monthly Mnazine having ireached the extraordinary circulation e ofIrtIj-fîve f1s0âA4d Copies, and stfl the deWiand continues, which can Qnly lie acco'unted for l'y the fart of ils presentifîg, in handsorne style, and at a cheap+»r rata tian anY other periodicat jublished in the w 'orld, the choice2;t portion ci' that vaat intellectui Wealth whieh oblains currency throu-h the periodical, press nt the present day. SThe presentniurnber contains upvrards Pf thirty articles from the fîr$t cor'trjuîors of îb. age, No- ti-Ces o1 Newv Works, a Monnhly Record ci CNr- rent £vents, Poe*tzy, Fashions for Autuman, with For sale aut hie B)S TON BOO'-jT0RE-,, Price la 3d. Back nurnbers sîpplidin ny quan. ti ty.'*I. - B. COSGIROVE, Generêrd Book a'xdPerivodical 49"get, Troronto, October., 1850. 2 1fROIVN &CIILDS - H AVF, receivd hleir Spriag "-Iok cf Boots anti Shoefroîn iheir nîanîîfactory at Moii- treal, andi will -ell at, their lmeusl low rate., B. & C. enijlonv *six hidred openafives. anti produice frmI,500 1in1-001) pairs daiîv. Their present stock lias been mnade witli speciaf reference ho the want cf Canada West, and wiIi compensate indivldijals or famil ies for senîling'a great diâtancc. By sendlng flic requireti lengîli, a fit wi lie unr- atee.9 i'terchants whc havenot patroniscîLihe, above eshahllshment shoulti lose vo rime, as. they cap, lie furnisheti for one haîf the ëost or counîtry preduc- f ion. .,ny unreaçonable fatturerepaired ithout c/harge.. N. B. Ilnowr; & CJIILDSt 88, King Street, nearly opposita 1th. Engiili ChUreli. L7- C.rSH P.dII)FOR L2T111ZR. .- Toronto, May 1, 1850. 5-ly mB.. WOOD, Y orik Bide of, KingStret West qof Bay Sireeti, J. FO2TE.y J.DISF1OND EtEE ADIES4 ' ANulD CngsýtLEStreet, TORONfTO, 2-Y CARLES BA KER, N.3ifrin tt orono SIlkda O! Ship Pliig-8on haiid, or-mgde WOQRICMr2,z ROTHIgRS &G,.gs o36, Kin; Street E3ast, T&oo Toronto, 27th Sept, M8o. 25-6 Zn the Nowcaofrqet , ei JOH-N TUCKER, <Lofe Of Motféid) v.., Vuota aa 15 ert ns Pipies, Tops, FancyGo 5j, Wêllington KING $TtREETe TE.E THI! TEE THi Tif1' v gi SITIGION DETIST, QSHJIWle, U. W. Puring te '1r 8M S ntla.IRWIN itends being ýat the WAYVEaLY fOLUSE, Bowmaville, 0,thé irst MONJ>AX cf cadi moni, sd e- m aining(P:o i onily) a ee tie wi Wyhitby, Dec. 27, 1#50.3-t VALLABLF P OER Y I FO0R SALE, lEING ithe Front haies f -Ots~ Aý"Nos. 5 Mid 6, i n tbe 3rd Coneslsion. -A4pply to ~E., RtUiELL,, 2.-tf, SHXLES! SI! YGLE S!!F XVAýNT]tD hy thé suliscriber (for %Vihthp highfe»t 3Marlcet price wiIl b. <iv- su) either îin Cash or tride, at C ah pîc s2< Wbnl Yrri 3hh 18,51. 48-tf. JAINES Il. GEIItLIE has just rerei- V vtiÏ a supply of Al»TALS, anti other BOOXS îx Elegant Buidingu, avitable Ior CHRI8TMAS & NWYEARS GIFTS, Whitby Vla e'De . 121h. 18,40' 5- AIdvince-s On Consigumcniof -Aahea 10 "f l E Subscriber le repare t b rke NCSIN CÂSB o-POT AN» PEAUL ASHE$ conigid tbMontrent. itOIIRT M'. l'à w R. -Port WhiLby, 1 st Augue, 1850. 17 W H I'T B Y OARIAI~AND IIT BUGGY ~fWsîscriber has eonstantly or, iand, and continues tQ iMnnufactture Wagg'oit,, Buggies, RoçJcway&,Chrit tees, and! Fcm.ily caýrnage, 0,F .DIFFERENT -DESCRIPTIOýN,$ Wièh he can sel] Cheaper for Casit than uny-other Establishment ïn MWit- by or.surrounding country. For sipe-- rior Stylo andi Durability, ho fiýe1s confidet of giving fuli satisfaiction to N. Bl.- PAINTING à TRI3I3ING donc bIo rcior. Repairjng in all itg various branches -neatly,.executed'on short notice. NA.TIINIEL PRAY. t0. £aivrect ceoint n NINE MILLION~êSlfAN. The Hou. H. Yannasier, -Oidensburgh, N. Y b'P. Vankoughnot, L'ornwall, C. W Sidney Smith, Esq.' < C'obuurg. A. Fa ewe ilESq., i na r . P . Ferry li b j Dr. Alîjeon, 4 IL. R. Canujhel, l ool ]IL Panîpl, 4 Mo>ses 1artiet, < i)r. Fooe, ' John Saddier, John llf b1and, Ohaa,, 4 L e wisP ia" k , M ark ham . - WiIl.am jLiisock, 4 Chattes Lister, pEsq., >mszv. !T 'rop 4 . l uru, B a Samiuel Davitison, laaoa N. W Thi. ,weli nowm a- the MALF-WAy liOUSE,,u, on two acre& of lanid on th corner ni Lot No. 22, 7th Con., Whi&tfrW '% are excelent shedg and a large barn atUtaçdt t hre sta n d , ma n tw c n e ve r lfaiin g s r p ii f o watesrid n he . re Srmn .(, Fur further partlcum apply te te bsciW PRn the presm, Wbithby, Sep. 9,6 5ý, GPO. eLLWF ÏlCod -l iE er Oir: Jhave jiut trecelvedtiafresh ssipplyTof Pjq C DLIV'ER fIL, which 1 I si t a reaonable rate. 1sUSa JAMES H. -GERRIE, GE.B. WYL LIEY fMPORTEX or BRITSIIUJJFDKEICN DRYGo»~ Wh.ienaj* ad i.tàmL is,' King St. Eat, '/felaide 2uiUdï*gè. Kext domr to -Scobie,& Balfk.r Toront, My, E@60.,'2 K. M.SI KI 1NG C ALlE li tlarge Cou tity o! UNrAos 1 - S. takes thb ho aIl who haver, the past yesr, an, Asiles,fu Soap «lta Whithy Viii Ath De WHoi 10rf .3? 1 cil parllawant 1 . W.'CUFFP CHIRAM POST,< FxnuTosSAML. COCHRANt JOHN TOOL, C. LYND. ~PickeringNIarch 20,1851. 4D-6ms i Il DISOOVERY 0FA GOLD MINE! 1 1 - 1 iý VI Pl ti 1 1 1 1 -24-v'

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