Whitby Reporter, 31 May 1851, p. 1

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1- 4 ieoffice,ir Ae VLg. TfRs....TestYSAilligs puranis tf pnýid :a moagAu ,TsoeLve shiluin# bflle~cpao uttA clseof tAc ee. 411 Le*e î ddxa- d-tee ea bo gA uiuowud toers Oitsb6cemiageAoss'f tise Reporter J.'.SRWJ Pu'itor c.g Smaa i, à tIi notlsaint i"asi l esfat.jPs616-bvace - oI mfermOinXe~U~ CANADA WEST, SATURD AY3, 81 BYE-LAw, No. xLI qMproprtagtng the toton of £300 for thé improsement bi Rond,, and Bridges throttg/Iout AtohestA of W/litby3 let.- ]e it anactad ly tise Mênlcipality of the Township pf Whitby, Thât tisera ha gmanted front) end osit of tis B.avannas of tisa Towuship )f Wlsitby for ganeuti pusrpoe /..st othurwseappopmted set uapet, tham f £ZOO to ea:expéndeti dsring tisa prasaist yaar 1851, for iÎaki'ng rapafring aud mnaintaiuig Rtsad4 asnd Bridges throigisot the Townsisip. 2nd. Aud ha it furtisaî enacted,-That (ha said aus sisal ha aîfpreprmated andi laid ont ns r0îiov5; tisat la to Say, (hat Samel Hall-, A. Farwel, ad Josephs Draw, ha Commis- tionars te lay onts £12 los. %uL of Lot No. -5, on thea Base .Alexanider Burns, A. Farewell, and Bien. Picisie ha Coin nsissionars to iay ont £18 15s. un thse Two rod Rond ln the Tisird Concession. James Corbet, and Jqiln MVeGilI, ha Commissjouers to ex- pensd £12 los. es thUe Tîsird Concession ins front of Lots Nos. 6, 7,8, 9, & 10. Daniel Conas., and GeotSç ilisseisson, ha Coammi:ssioners te, exiseud £5 on tisa front of Lot 14o. 10, on tia Base Line. George Lee, Josepht Gouid, and Johi Shand bu Commrtis- moest eaxpend £7 1 Os. la the frotnt of tha fiftis Concession, Fat of Simcoa Street. Thtomsas Coale Richard Hlatper, andi Thomas Batrus, be umîissionars toecxpend £10. os Od. ou tlt;s Sixtis Conce-e- Wion Lina, Fast of Simcoe Street. Jess Stars', and Chsarles Reynolds ha Corurissioitcratç expend £5 Od. Od. on Beal's Ili. W1m. Scott, Jouis Mvichael, aist George fletkett, ba Com- misaloners tu luy out. £5 Os. Oi. ofn tise F'otrth. Concessions fronat of Lots 15 & 16. .John Magnsa, Chsarles Raenide, aond Richasrd Lulte, ha Commtasioisers te, iny ont in tkesa F «iftîCostessîo £ 1 5s. Od.- IRobsert fleutti, Arciald Cam) piel, aud James Hlam, bu eonsuissioners to expenti ou tisa 7th Concession bine, East orf Siracue Strîet, £17 ls Qd. lenry Ceulet tond Walter 1h111b te expenti £4 Os. Od. on ths Bridge front of Gibh's Mill, on tise 71h Concession Line. Johnu lltaeiey, William Busrns, a.nd 111191 1-Hutchinson he Commissioneus to expenst £1. los. Qd. on tise 8thl Conces- * Sien Lina, Fast of simicoe Street. Ricid Iloivlen, Neurul Watt, and Timsothy Fisiar he Coisusissioiseîs Io expenti £3 Os. Od. front Of tise 8tIs Coný cesons, West or Silmcoe Streut. bea Ix Briu anti J. B% ?ringle ha Comn. %jsasouer$ te expessd £7 lqs. tYd. iu the itantte of tise Stis Concession,) West or Si mcoe Street. Luthser Ilsirndot, .lïsîs. Daniel jlneyweil, & l-leury Wid- elifield, ise Commissioneis te uxjenhd £4 os Qd. on tisa 9tis Concession Line, jt'est of Sîimcoe Street. Johns Dev'iu Loren Foster, anti Thsomas Taylor ha Com- hiissioliers tea expend £à Os. Olti On tise DL"s Concession Lina, East of Sissicoe Stteet. Janses Stabback) W. IL Gibbs, Timiosiy Fishser, Jh Sniti.s ùud James Btsrn.5, ha Commissionars t0 axpeud* é3 Os.td. est SiniceStraetein tise 6, 7, & 8 ýConcession. f Zuphanîah Bfla.ir, Noah Iluekins, anti Clristopisex MoDer- niftottj lie (iommsioners te aexpend £17 Os. Oti. on Mc,- taeali4à Hll, ou tisa 9is Concession. ti Jalmes Piae anti William Bradley be Cemmissioers te a eiptind ,95. on the front ef the Stis Con. Hast of tise Brook , Rond. -, .Aam V, daseai,-asatiOrea Groat. le Cnuiaqsr: 9 layent £Ï5. outhse front eoftisa 7tisConession, East eoftisa it Brock Rond. ý iiiatnNidtiho le d D. S., Way,. bu Cemmis'sioers te l! nxpand £5 09rIs d. on tih Roud leading frosa Brooklin by tý Way's Msll. g- 1. Pile, R. Ratelillis anti Andraw Butrns ha Commission- s ets te expenti £25 on tise Brock Rond, Nortis ef the Fiftis Concussion. Wnt. Biowxn, assd Dasial Lamoîs ha Comusissioners te e trxpend C5. ou tise Fourtis anti Fiflis Concession hetween Lots 18 & lis. - Daniel hauins', afid Williams Kerr ha Commissioniers (o. -expend tisaessun of £7 10s. iu tisa 4tli and 5tis Concession hetwessn Lots Nu. 20 tand 21. cs Williamto Xhte, A.. Wilson tand Mr. RBandaI ha Commis- steners toeaxpend £7 10s. utisa sevantis Concession, West of tise Brook Rond. 1, Henry Daniais, tand Dr. Foute ha Commissioners te itipent. i210 s. Oti. on tise Sixtis Concession WVest etfttha e Cettre. * Jamîes Drydest1 and Jacob Bowerm an Commissionera-to expefsd £7 10s. ou Bowurîun's Bridge and HllI. __ James Mitchell, John Joues, andi Alax. Ogston ha Com- nsissiotsers tu expenti £7-10Os. utise 4tis Concession, W~est - of t'ise Pleini Roudl. 1Ezra Anuis1 XWiliams. Carpenter, aud Duavid Reed lie Consmissioners tu expend £22 15s. on tise Main Rond, WVet of Humais' Corners James Ruwe, Jssmes8tortr, and Willi,n Gordon lia Cous- rumissioners toeaxpand £22 15s. on the Base Lisse West efE tishe Plank Rond. -t . rd. Be lit fitîthat esacted-That thse sevarai suins haie-t h y granted te particular sections or te be axpeuded for anyt iparticular objeet, sha ha prid hy tise Treasurar of tisa Town-t sisip, ispon tlie orties'cf tise Comuisisoners, or a rujoriy off tisent dtly uppointedtoI taly eut and exîued tise sanie, cotte- tersigueti by tisa Town Reeva, or any two mumbera ef tise Cuncil ; providati aiways tit *tue Town Reave or Couta- cillors sîsali haya-Mtstisfled hjmèif or tisemselvas, before car- tifyieg tisa sa e, tlinrttht uny îulail hava beau faithfully laidi out anti expeuidat according to tise true jutent and meaning ef this Bye-iTAw. 4t11. Anti lia i rtrühstrllS liaT t if iltsai so hep.. peu that tony sous grantei te any linîrticular section s sal front euy catisse nos. haexpentiet iet tor haloeathaes. Day of i November, in tisa present year, tisa sanie sail tisan forin port anti parcai of tise una.ppropriated fonds of tise Town- ship, as tisonghis i By-Law isud not beau issseti. Passîti Aptil, 15t1s, 1851. (Sgnti R. T. HARRISON, Clerlc. J. BLACK, D.R. f DEATLIPLACIt OP PONTIUS PILATE- poiis On0 me have something lt I h ' aurt asinothýer somthing sosind. One A l e is ptfpu amongi e eul isa."dtes, fu and frolie; and next conce.rmýng tho deatb of Pondus Pilate. '<ho aie- ry ta ofq a sfonge charscet, and thrnws awrid and door neiizhbour wonders that a matn of pleasing interoat over tbe Ioclty whicb cmmmcm- aeuse will put sudsc stufi'in a paper. ointes the event. Not fer ftram Vieonna, fa atuat.ed M'e ont v WJis that every mani, woman, a amaîll ower ; ira watts am but squre, and is an .hworas esajwr te au unstul leigtt.-Its foujsm workL overlooki ndIig h edsan~saewr the. waters or the river; and the lofty shadows of Cont1peiled but a tingle nionth, to edit aue oteior eavelope Uhe ahining mcod wlndinq et one, They wrould then find that it la iftasewith a pfrpettlat <bou that mnet t par not quite so easy a. matter am they sup- Fow an addtional nature of melencholy fi h çharster Of the daed which is én e Io haePOse.-Li>etPOoL MercuTry. 1Loe scWtedsers. 1hbsn place à a clied the Tour' de Nuacossseu Aner the caitifixîo[k of jeas 'TnEt Sàit -LÏr..-Lientenlant Guh- Christ, Pilate, brolein fapa'rt, retired ta tbe tower. iison, of the Topographical Igngineers, te inrfa!ge In bis grief, ani lu oemal bia Isment- wlso ha.s een empioyed fuir IL long time ftoe Irom tIhe cyea of bis uobelieving peope.-e uv oth G Hors, violently susceptible of tbe greant a'rong and Ialt a uvyo thenet Basin, wiekedînes@ bho féit binsolft ohave pirtlpsedMin," in ila tise Sait Ukeh igs itna.ted, in 1a proxyimr of despir he tbrew Iimf f so peaks of thse Laske as u objcct of the rAtbiy windows of thse tower and perishied in thse greatest cttriosity. The water la about ýwaters ai the Rbine. Thse Swiss hve l1kews thotradtionryaccoutllhiedeatis niPilate,. At one-third sait, yielding that; a.mouht on »Ie fotiof one of thée Alpineo môtinsta, telled by boiiiag. ifs tlensity is cotsiderably gieb namne of Pilate, stansrî a amai lake; ls water grenter than tisat of thse Dead Set. One àu.conastantly, in a diàturbed ste, ad le ote cn'hrj Be bi hoie bd meuoi violnt ari. Gloon ast soltuide are te ygthsw u eo tielqediit chasactouistica of thia unfrneseaed theurface. 'In a. Sitting poitton, the1 place, wviacis prosents bt a wuld sud itl-boding head tand shoulders will reinaiu abovea 1atr ta Soaye of the trnvoiler. Jurbo uwtr ssha h tegth of the brine, ?ioybtsi preY ta cessel55 ronwee, Pos ontengt is hteteboy je nIdo bave nooim thse margin Of this!ak,adanonc igtethsortebdys1 hoa tp lavo ssatudbiasei, sud diuk of its va- covarisd ovçr with an inerestatiots uff tos.sait, tu fine crystaiv. The most serri-i Au alien frotia bi c.atsp'.ad bis rae9, withoat eing thiaga.bott it is thse fact that dnriug k trisador saires, ho oig"iihimiel f0 thse bitter- the sum mer Section the Lake thtows on iosa the wats oie iso ti netl tMpuw ii ashr bndassoe of sait, whtle in the1 atoçmm i as aMte bae foot. .Lar winter seson it throws up glauber sait tInti*mn. The. Waters ara Olh.bm tdWWiW ' y u large qaantitiet Thea reaeon of this sUd a usSueatam inonan u'sc s ft tothe sbjeutille to judge> aond alan Wa rc ims getwithipgof thtrtb Àt ciPil&te. Vie.aWjaemt miatIsî ara àWsow- what becosuses of the enormtous amount nid all iâteotes -*wi*.ad tisa murasfidu Ws ýof tros water poure4,laie il by three or "lsbitatoftbediWtiolOas thal PSi IIO four large rivas-Jordanu, Beer anud We- ,reqositl ta liy mesna i h owbb"rhAdW bar-as thare is no v4ablo oaiiet.-Buf- ilainDettations am0 mmedmeàW0s4pon theise 'vubig tisa echoess aithe mDoualsas sneses- fublC2otmercial Adveri*et. lise nbject ba boen ber rafezmsiiby XatgIih iEC ~ N:vwp*saB. - EVeq tumaerir of otheses:aors trUly grestuuW«dern&as thinka tise aper ua priated tor hs V .1TeCu»atdgns h a clatiedaat; and4jther is notlifgit 411p pampley qssobO O S oM o. = uo tisat ~~~ ~ lel .s~o- 1 5OnRu U ZUO&W irons tht epi oi Iwo1 netli, wgh W.epompîut appazaus lus good for nothng" ,Soute poeoe lookover Iâg apunsis n e à %Msý the pomia rud as the death aond. urriago, 2740ettsl 5JUhtU< IWC it lass bD«i ÎA0 galkl f oo itdj tif the editof if but fewo pl * àéo 4usa Padtt ept auntt ie tises in lus vucaity hase beotsjxhtanste dmntlutmNt k e l & Te ConOnideU Wu b;Qts to ge ari ek .5 ph evuotu eek ort*,r mines bo&hbkq Iio-- enp«Y î mao Wàu into.'dê ai.dIeu Ud -ao nsaa u',as A- là- . slaba WÏrt 5J.Lma&-D* uw6 *000 tonse of water are raîrd annually fruas fIs mines.- ne Landire Lie ta. FAMosuM IN THE HtHGH LAND.- At a pub- lit meeting of the Home Mission for the llighlands tind Islands, heid in Brisdo Chapel Edinbnl'gh, on Thursday,,-Wi- lissa Alexauder, Esq., merchaut, Leith, in the Chair,-some very p.twerfoi fadas were mantioned as to tise famine iu Skye and other Ixnrts of the Highlands, by MIr. Alexander Grant of Tobermory, in tise island of Muli 1,streugiy conftrmu- ing the actounns alrendy received, and sisawing tho famine to bts '<ery savera and wide spread. Thera la a report of two persens having <ied of va.nt lu Muli, and stepsare in progreas teo scertain tiha ta.ts. Mr Shefidan Knowies ruade a powerfnl appeau tte sameeting iu boa haif of the destituta population intsfha ,Highlands.- Globe. We learu rom 4h. &af ibmperoace that Ibtie bave been lately ioriaed sud are now in progasas çf formatiutSomo thîrty fivojUie"sof the Daugh. sers oemosporance in0 tho County nf York and te counties contignous. t As iadeed gratifying fo knuw that thse ladiés la Canada are bepuning te evistre a disposition ao t f0 outdone by Jhes aln- Uor Sz in thoenoliS cause ofaaving tisir country Irmm the blîgitng effort cf ftemperauce. Union are lia;fermsed lu almost every drection, sud su faheace a&Wtfoitesthus givea to the gond cause wbich coald not wvolt ho duépoasd with. Suçces say wo,te the Wles q Tbey villihavesoaccms; tôt) Wh4 t Iey tili, 1tboy wyl! Ton sllty ihpw doat; Et.t bS th' *vnutsho teoîst eu themrs'&nan sd où~. lty thse vq, h I.Rire teinm by vhiel the or- can uff ùfthebatagiters orsdessgased.=. two-ecstusth&*, 4fa (Uaiona tere i4a treutit. Bot we doa't ILre qyiisas-Nup usao adelpisia. a.n Pittshisrg Telegrapi Co,' have just made b. dividejit of their sr- pluis prfte,aaseuttng tosity per cent. A coupe of tonvèhsene santenceti at tise.Emxsot v rat theKentA- 1z# 1 pasied titrugisIbis eity yoterdayl us routefor tise PeiitenhLarY. one oft tfemi is mid teisoid rataiptto thesieanat 'e $50.000, big the pamede ut hie_ po- fessiocnmn atzompieW île<.-.*k.. tii LA i.auTG ESTÂILSî.sEMurrAT iÉbiitttM O u m idXfây -'ile ofts Tuas CRYSAS PÂn~c.-.~jsaleilo the eisosl John À. Muock wu j itd e,~ ae 3 rastig:-~Te Imprlal a va~l.~àr t'fIeVsohbktlIAbdes5Onuf Iûg, iratIappesi ment PintiniKetblishmitat Viana. stbavingbs em rantedthoestnby the GOvel- È 1tni andi ccupies in tise Ci ýslai Palace eotue bytise Lad oýe1s witlstise 1,000 fea4 efçpountes.. l itssp ca orin n a tol t'rfItc te... Rh& reprsentti tsa sassy~rapisa ~ ucnsbecy0o the", dedptâîtben0i tph- dtr ete th mrinl. utown at ireolkisr acaut Isy the diul Ë111# tes he~ soys olietse gtristdoa ie -t. in tisaeu â$l ,s ajnstly celebs'ated. ~ <<' ~" ~ ~ 1> 1i Aitisougsk ut tan yeas'sbavaeèlaps ~ Og~p4 j.1ifIg the 1a sinca ils liIformationi, thanate tise W. L. MACKENZIE. sI3ûth 1CàL giifled enemies c f Cotsmselor Anar, En- -. roeais sndetadto'it forer asy many dis- o» ONe TItESDAT188f, WIaLsAMoLtouel#AC- po coveies u siieqc, od imortsn lu- sraziE vas lnduèted mb o ts aÎ%Torosttb, as'a coveresin iJieèë, adimprtantim n enssr of the Cassadian »Pasîlameat. :Tiseeo provamabte 1n5 tise art ef Printinlg. A- iens oi'ý. Machnristaset fotkissplaceilthseI mong (luiapçimens ara: axamples in Legisiature fris wbich for folireen yoarshs ba p1soogrphvsU &ni*astcaneaiau-been absent, ndbiy wltlcis isbad for ten yenr ogruphy, èchrô-el ttiiogrphy, -and 'cisem, - 5muetObave e va sao unmirM , in SIan'O> typy. Ti-seo Jattes' ta nqivtiîscovery, Few mentha ave bocu o f n eoimutnkà s. iley hy whicls tisalong.-seasglst-fur nieaus f h, sd ofibose visse tortunesbasisesasitulsidw printing pi>fpes'plates like w.o>d c va onutosculue plei uutdistfs..:fos IeC have~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h bes'osee.Ot tts otvobas ipeeà ahi, witIsoat air a * ssunt of effisglsd, hae ee> 6hevde Oè -fth îos-poincfile, or auy tlishonorableosau lb 16 p jrÉiss toi raruarkable oethie massý booka s gtiat or, te tes Iimaint lut ristoridfr=otsersie or in whicishsèr's collection of anme 400 (ho proacribcd fngitive tn bis <orser pcotion ofle. .anguagesa apear, andtitfiis is accompa- puiblic tatard.influence. Bfnir lcos p zielacase ibis wasatmuatiusvlfals; for iflertise fiaitfrontAi nied by tise actual steel punoises of'tisa relorma Ar wbich ho contsaded tisogisthie voba- %a Rai) oê individua! type, as na proof of tise unor- mont atruggles proroding tho reisellion of 187M o mous resoqsrees of tise establishsment in voeegranýtieut oat(omiuatlYe, tisatcold beau Vianssa.<ouA ressn wby thse nan, whusé o rotpdltitie ipa4ilte14 _______________ ffeures grew ou tt(hoectt Iss Isad bien t(IoaWfhpet Fuax'SI'<lE Wons.Tis pin foeatpertinaRcious champion, abouldtbelongerexeltdu FiR inTHEWoos.-iaepin foce<mon hie country, and once silowed ( esu 0tet rieur tisa second (ohl-gaie on tise Water- quality cf a Canadian citizen. It wos onl' lu the aimeQ dd h ioo rond, was on ira on Friday hast, anti nature 0f thingashat the people of suileditct of- (f t eavi tu hurîsati itis suds fury as toeand.mnu'er tise province aboulil aghin renow to i atisas con- psblsd ai 0 ilence 'wiicb sIsey hld beoore puntoully v nced, nncis prsty sunlise vicitiits'. We are onl, vscsbea oe rvil 1-'ssbu six monÊtha5 sorry (csay tisat te harnor fMs'. Rois- %itIs 1r. Mackenzie vo havo enjoyed musme- mstaad ef en* son, witks two os'ltrec log bosuses n'aie fiin;nmore than ant urdutary acquitintanre. For ..Repoôrt s'a sevoral years of bsexils la tise United Staseslie Standing0< autiraiy destroyed, anti se fisrieus vera vas rnnoted with ti jouurnal a au ossisttu- tise tiamos, auJ daense tis meke,-that ifor eor ncrrespondons; and twse nabearz a weli traveliarat on thea rond. ware forati teo unded stimouy tebis tajénts, bis upriltnoasenCe. oetMiM, tîru bacýkuin me instances. By S bis over :ready popuilos'sympotiian sd bisalust tien te a boundînsa knowlodge ot public aiean dalthrob ...Canied ttsrday sigist, tise l1rùes bsai nearly ax- the aid of wbiclc hoe wagad a terrible sUd nnftni-. pendet ibihaselvas, altheuigistise fite vays bhusae varfare egnânet(hisse. vissa hobdl 01 liad apreati far andti wde, presenting. a loarnoil Io regard as coript aud u sraulondeusn- COPY Ofthe1 novai appaaranoe in tise darkness of tis a gogue.. But retenduos as ws b= "ves Suafou tisaihe uight, fronatise vasiety anti position of timtvowahdae nrma agi enatt u t- g d, tise suruning ojets..-Dunda*Wedr. ter' porsaoaiunesfy, ota more jaoacemsfo i$s ovn iudepondence,'noi, nuiis mga, Ouwb ote tainotl DEFEC IN HE P5T OFICE proserveil the youthful eloatirty of ihadipsltie vey ofWest DE E GI UE PT O FFIC ns'r isuse undrstasding wta su 110(1. conlipaut tuote'.- REULTON tenets of psejudie sud su lreety Io tethe tes.adlosl A..a.a. tse ites alu doeu~..tis ~ot.con fenoiovir opeial -practicaes. Acorg ote Y l J rti ythos e p ee(a t-vsduel ii ost aa Master General, that aibpripaper bo,witisuut le- vieti l acf aitbis <ouaer oin "atan i. r . [ng caileil for, laid a certain engl nofUie lu tise legisiao oCsd. ia ei . i sorstivain o tite o iscl islaadîeel Ie Postusastert&hait orse in relatiop'tetise vaniosapsyquestionscit eti e roforu if te thse publiaher. Nov h su appons un- tsPauryw d o kobty o s olifofutroadha 1aiti rortunately (bat a <s'est many country subicrilsers te soutaf e ii ou nne w-atuni ets ek ns hae ts a isf«tb us su asthcertheaAn periodistn thel yetrbatIsae thoyhe 'entod ar obusy atcranprosinteyata yaid. niA.efotiity< lu Slavery iiafmte liat haofioe re4.ently cannotf Sud tino focail for thuiîr papors, wouîut oppou.fo tIse la«I any attoispt t tobiStbsiloaa i for.» À ybv o stof ahu"nsclatCanada 50 Use Oimprousisos of tise Anenian Ce- u'"as a prooi of shîs vo have vishin thse isat stitution, to say soing of the proseat mv for for these asit evr istarcoie t everal papers bsu naîked, aio slave-catLbing. We vias bineahappy & anaslie-preaipitiotis, tinsto ance piinby vr Po stselnîg sfui career iu the aflitirs ni tisat yoisng andtundavel- muleh se (bait viso bve pod in aesae ePust ausmot oped Commowealth, sud conguttatt bis cornets- bu alloveil lu use their ovu discretion, su sume suts un tise eveat wviid bas made bisa thoir rap- Wu' exiaset sieasurs, asic returninc papiers, ubs visere tisey romntativo. uA6t-awldei are absoiuîoly rufuseil by sue parties in, wsons tbey liltet are addreassdl1Pil ea The above vo clip troustise Brasiford Jtrad. We have hourd it infimiatedrlfbt tise l>reat a. se We cotide vitis the reusarkeso surlas'tshie def,4 Goveament havse il 'undas'.stonsidara- neit. is oncredi, but we ostnt thirihit would behogond (son, to pull dowu tise prêsent Gstvern- Tise flouas policy to l.rave it toU te iitietica cf ftho Postusa. ment Bfouse, la 'its eCity, imMediately or, visetier tise popes' sboid be rotrieior not. als iermvlo iePbi lica LG5 Thse tine, taons' opinion, ougbt tubho exteuiled l l rteieoa fte,.Pbi )fc six os' siglit veeks, iusfead of foui, sud surely ifs, te Queberd, andto b xpent inue twanty, suboriber desiros (n take bis apo'ututoithe onitre or tirty tisoisanti pount in la aeçting - t sli, bie wnuld cet il befote she expiration cf that buildingasîpon ils aie, cemmnmurâte tu ine.-C. Ç .Idrocictisa wa.nts of tise vatrins delurtnnt fotous iiaildrm Firom tke lA u hrcA. Tis e videnttiy itfafdetias tub e'hr d te a 1 ruE WE TITERA1NI TUE tise whaîa, at sasiian ingai: saeêam C .OP s. eus metisodofaluoying oppositin-a h is a 'l'otouto Townshîip, May 14, 1851. I.J oit In this quarter et' Canaoda, tisa n'heat, AimeTaxa FATAL Accsnr'xNT-Weare sented. te "R * bU sorry teosy, loeSs very nse. serty te nuusounae tedeatis of Roberi t Otil thPtis pîoui fthaeumiddle tu tise latter andI ef Aidurdice of Sheltard Streai,joiner# wiso &é., la JIOsa Wurcis, *heu tise snow was goisg aolf, wasaempioed la tisa aretftio f et ianaw dtzritsg or s t. presenteti suvis a pbomising appelor- Watebtlpsoneo"tieWharf, at tise footof ettoin datai tuce, tie.t atmiers caiculate ti tpoa oh- Yonge Street. Ra fell froua tisheof on aM'. rIimac ainiug ltatisai more tItaan atvatage Moutlay- laat1andi expireo ,ttSutady sjatlig lte rop. rieehps swvsvs n ugfroM.slis e aflmetftIsainjuries JiSoISo looinad tue "sdy diaappoibted. Tisa rciVd.-Petriot. JsUt. Nadi x>id dry weatlser, coupleti witis tise Se- ebOdiDfl of l ra fr1=ts,_ prevailei frasit tisebegiù- A COwàsbLY AStI> ALMOITP#&TA,. Ait.- Vâhumaofthe ing ef April tiI! about tisa lotiso-et iacmsur,-Betweem aine and ite'n é'ck Lu»Scompas oirient mentis, matariaily injureti tiahast niCgh4 msoiecoewardlly raui i ired of Itou'hâ at l reps, andi la. nany fields tise w4sa.t a l9adesld gun aIt the Corner ofCYork aund l5mPRDY5Diu la alieet entiraly disappsatred. 1 neeti Qnaen Streéis, anti westadd several neY S t ite sady atit, isaf otu,â t% inluceusa- passons, asng tise zeSt Willàms, thecoul. ne M 9tneaa g eidtldw-lsartod. soi et Mm i! 'sMy, Ina-htapar in (but ~ ieC [oeoer, tvcîsityi. Thei abat enteroatheise lg ofinm noi è 81" s îrowming prevseacs _tise bol', wvis aoaly aix yeaof tag.t e i ait Pol Hehidos a"lins' tas»3yDise P =mpt asitanSceof Dr. liuddea:0( hei5ntfft Tisa rm *e hat en lait Satsuday ta heoM as extractei-mal the lad in fl<.57 in theI light,followesl as it wvasby tise0e' t Dow" Wei vli. The, but.1 MaM of nom aiUtand Sat ofe SstssdyMonday ati Taesdth ie voa- eocaped. Howu' mwy 4do4hiaifly4. astioegisly started 'egetatio. lîtie uais .cidust,, faalaccdns thq' e, ca wsute#b= Leighborhoode tisut w. Mnr uy titiope(Oir an ùeroe at fout pOUle-Pari. . the Sf us' ise'beot. W. Isaseî hltody,,Ootu- Jony--------a----- om t-' bIj 6la te leted tisa ptttln g in of ouit aprsssgcrop Lid inat din u Ciy. e efl 9 -and wisera qtia-%uaeo&t are',posda en wk <se vi;gnmon ç*ttu suis "jm -dAtm" &,A - . 1tsatapotac,- ' __ - - hetmeCmmrs,«h r. ae il ai bi ci ci ci hi hi ni hg hi ni If tise> aitlvk *tf111 1During- tise luastm 0waeks,1 lbaveé bemu o atout trong ht1etwship lark of Ulis, fklrv Chia uconsy Caedot ,Nono, asuel Alfdoa ia-s m n hpyto be able to auyt"t in tise. hua w tis e ffheàt, wtUofeu' ezep. Bai, laiterttStly,_have bfe at&ssldd riý kt ucita givua mDy osaxxus«us bmmsedia in dt I ta'ubqs l"e aitlo C itaflai - James, Fitogibbluea lt. Univerity- unconmtieUiies.' (Iwi imbty ithé "aniyoraity Cs~o t.tp1 , turd pJlisisop OÊtOEIIQ the p'tip" en eaBiIltiraëtt94 he4$ ,m YGiUwondy, oiettiefioi4oa,â Ci«te ehmtlt tf on ha an ei 15 s' ixtelly em I lak r r.danéeIrOoUihfl a cionofste'i Utho emit , à# lallenie t l. t, ftgin te edpq4t thre Provi nocel la Bxal h eno e uaé M twi A"'q"ýM i "N v WIII TB Y, -1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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