""y, 'TI ,f~bi~ t srORrEST UtAtAilrîi, sncf ZPW roule to)-New ïturk. 'J'rIi* fr f* TG- jgou),u1 ew Yo L frtybIr tort>t~ 1*!,I I>d Ç 49-y. rr 11E Sul.wrm>er lias DOW (11 iîand, a * QiaètitY Of mW6 Celt»bruiîc4 EXPRdCT cM GlILJ3EW11 . WJCEKS. Wbhitby Jân.27), 1851. 41.4<. FINE' NEW IIONEY, Pc' Sedkby m. l. (;- 1"'JRR o,. Book4,'J Drisà ' Store. Wh jt*~ - TARtTLIN-- ~AMXO UXCEMEJIVT! ý firép*rM 'd 10 e tle Stretets ni Whitlly wilh el(rîi4 Gotd, iii ycî deîetrrnnne4l tc sippiy îi cuità nîer*l watt> <omIs i-l Lu4,1ow tatc1 fihnt thyinay be enalIetI indoFil t h.'y wibh, tliaui,,Ilî the <,-ret-3ating C&Citl y hi,& rneaîîs; and fht najn'lîu aImu11de, hat eolitUary, i the msal modo .pnactiçed by new cournni,5 ute .,ualitypchis Goi" wiII radier îMIpro.îfin)otihei- *iseahlsinut;uolly Low Prirem; sud asi he is la ieh %v~iIn ilakif fi-lioteiJiiCU ýt Mthbutter qual1hi's f riutTn.rae -Hi. celebiratetiMçuj utr* lioj.n îr TEiAS, till be foia! br,î Io n~drIi~' i. rity ,,r ch.'apne.. .rirhtneý, :11enrîîA fine flia- ror.H't " .%vae, inrl L i.*'ra&1% m&.. vvi '.f fc ide.% ;he Most 'ang1aine epcaim tprh~ TPaverrikeeperimand the Trade , ,uppliei w, Lo% esibley ean purclsaAteir nc1. WVhiilpýv 1iIagë, Jan. 211, I. 4-If. 'l IF P I A1 Y 'i r Il "it 'C' 4- un, il'x'1 uXlfactusers, lor th,îduîpesÃŽn of<4several ncw liatt ernstoves, 'w1i' ure patenteti three nîonilui ago, sud look the prize at the laie Dé 134 as on hIanti a izrecrfil amrtxnenf cTiglit Air, l'ai rtr.n andi Cooking Stoves, hbtasb Keltfez i;rîrt 1rons, Do- Irons, Door &raprs, l'aient Oh- fI*hp bewV patiti ,ttoirê'jis made on 1'flic OU -tntcti Ilat Ililre ciriii tii heni. This xtove ix thse orge wtich, Jil i îwelve nntl, sor aà S"01n as it becom.'s «encraIty kniown, 1'flre5iiihave liq olhcr -Store, 'l'ho a<tvantatre il ossssc taki'i in a long stick or woo d irtitaving a large and capacioufii oven, liolduir Iwotiers cf bred ati s iand 1hei rig not.ed fur an.,exrcelent baking oven, are far supe- rien w 'any steve lie bas sl4hrtf~e Frientis t Don't hîy ehêwhere_ wilhbo, calling andl e-arronaing.a» the "riti s-es ar n o in lu CL1i#nd,% RiIrai$ oOv Io m ira tisaflounisbiilLy viIIareoiut vu"iîby-, wlsene joods-of ail sorts areë pntiic.- ficaît.,Ini-jC'ash/,poid.for J-fides rind Skinç, , elt, Of .9e <' York,-lel dis rovered a rce be,*nîwod &,&c teiî iinexclarge. pCes osnd edi/e. I jlace thau nan, nCnsf<na Thie ib.r'e lî;ï,jl"ut»micme lllie Sitice Yt.l1v t u Mrlu liJlrd'x r I r, Whene lire ais» kfeepson band a teneral astgoimont of lot . for Miliela ua5 ti <11à #td Iî.r b#lta for t/zey malc you /)"/y proff'in /'s %Viîblv andi Prince A ltieri, 1,' l8Rk YAN.1 1l 11,i AIIlsERr I 1I'ITI VIULLAiGE. Spriwt nti ~u mFRhlons for &l WhH, - i rlot1%. 1Smoraii k 2y. .p .p 19, N81). n'a îîTl1ROCK STRE ET. W III [Pi - rum - ilt- ? Q v ci ver ti-eD>un t» .-- Mil i ai a s ni- îtaicewhireil bh I il ;y - velm lu.ti e e', ri îay, hâvae buron, or of h7 owtuags:ni îîcibrlas corîltanty ou 1n hf > T abo.. a ti ls icl ýi ' ~ll sdi cheup fol wh Dy er. 7, IOERrGARTS1IORE. ____________ ti - 43-tf Wmitlîy, June 7th, 1,K).' TO -LE' TE. 'TEJI>8.! 7El !! TUIE WHIfTBY IEN My.UN, GIoCera. C AUR tA O F C O i yCorner ofD14ndity iiuflyron Stredçhan HfuE Subsciber imihng lu retire firnilise bubc- achuiur o îI jesit cf ;Irzog m Slîi t atciin la îr ,_Ues1ees tlu SELor 1.1- t t 'ra terri niestoonoof*.AsWudn&Tuw 'Tenutise hup )uuw1ias the iVHTYf tv ips .RLdE FICT>R , cosisiîa niOffiee, t1W lare Wrc-î,u',,Wnul ~îop Panî~Vunish Wbîtby Ymilare.Jant. il, 181, 39i.3rn hiil i'~ ~ ~,,îlhvî-iou~tîîcr'i' 14 w reli by lite Gre'rt ore!;'» Reiné-dy, 5II îenîun lie h1jps iiiiMtmror rui4ýhit b Il-e s ' 'hvellus;, jit asaMoul'I suit besi.Ap- Th $éiucriler vafirs l to i-tu uînyiyîercor, lent- e. Sf~ccosisiugoa îjia I'ofWcootituk- erg rptif undMIr lisrni;l'h'tafor tloir lires.r - .* $4pK)k,çani a large qunanlty uof*fii;andti oter eji »nes, would d eibcd it xnieuu rru- - '">~~ -onu tibe Plaiak Bo itl4diimg froiîs Pit Wlîitby tu u goLkel andi ofty oune ani a haif mtrain-îu PliJ bm -1N 1 G W -A. FYE il s 1 "1U whity. Wilh ituaiandtitise prosî,ect- ul 'O icuet'OLSOUGS Whitby beçolping a Cuunty Torhiuîus L Tfirfti, BRON(,rÃŽÃŽÃŽ7'iS, JLlAION- 'desable. For pas-tiila ri, railluni the Siobsci ber, N. RAY. .1-'1 Y CONS'UM'rJoY., and ail tfewInmutlse Whiiy, ui!Apri, ~ilraîharmr Linig. 3lnîiactredby'PE. Tay lor, %pritoni sue, N.Y'.,tie ,oîîîy une andt enIaMinse pro- , arltranIMmaturer on haetContîinent éof MYS èVP'LR!OUS' K.ïV'O(KLYG(1 Xnnra.h sigrîo of right flrua JAMES - 'rbîsi cuiobratecl remetly la for sale b4iW 1>-Sut~- REj id Ubsmriher bas on 'baud, ani oi c>>ie %VTO lrtag aî,Ohirts; '111108. $j1.rban4d T m.rà tueaî on Lot Ne. 35, 2uîl Con. WhibhY, DVDO&C. J<ciunW;R.DsJ- iI1g1it & lay %a«uDS0 plonib.q&kJIatroW% .Toix, BrooltianLuusraJ)>ai,»',Crek; and Patterps. JA MESHFI E ~Iscsm'rbs vsbju ho îîrhs;e>îuigîi n'il, WoIpw-'r.ak idetait.4geiit, 'wiiawas ri Supp ,,iein i UarnMAIN STREEiT WIITIiT. wil arw , u f i .ratl tv-s uiealîy W ittby, 8îisNov., 1-50. < f'~r er s,,î'. naîplie teeÃîeonïl.- CAUTION. - ,î îi fut ataf N io W. PRO W N)O h re1by caution Ile p ublsicagainst, whtb, prt 2,1 5 .52-If, sn iuiu article called Dr Locock's iLu- Pumonie an anufactnred b6j. £, ,9reen, ch" waaw.aaî siSe Mtary, - iisnaiWînCanada Weât, as alhtejiformation lie 0PPO61TI 'ýTMHÈ (Ri&fMAft SCRUQL ever receive $fo anu i t t- ewafers was "i(eiter of Locock'o IWaters, ie4~at Zra' ; I 11W Petrnmnic woe-ptut am, pr l eac4 to &veMot atg M TIEE, bylt ié4 peca4kle Vbysians, qnj4cçtg, tp. CO U OR E $T Leri,'Ê-- liinte 1 fr. te.ijie f tao ye cîttyiise16eof NOTICE TePeier 1tWthd p'f sMy pamphlt ~for <i4f«Qfflt4 a Catr t Corpornate theInfantry, (Port »oyer' LV IW> onegensuin, l ?, » #ih~e ii; es" S i-'eiiiibfZuTa uiritiwith . "eOCON S.QY, f H.- .1NN R r - ~ WsoeJ ,Âp-euiori W, t1 p r . .Jgen t forWlll'kBY 14 WIIITJJY VIL LiiGE,' CANADA WiiST, Wilî give pro r pt attention n toat business of bis P'rofessionenraitoh: -13Office oppj-osite luc reiiu.eflcc ofPetert perry, Elfq. 'ALTON LYNXD,, WIllE1,-SALF. AND RETAIL DEALEIt IN TUA.% TOIlACCOS, RIWE PIPER ),A L 9 O MANUF ACTITRER 0F SOLEý. UPPER, ANe Wbiîby Villtage, 7tMJune, 1&Q. DyJohn Baker, ïVest Sidi' of .11arkt Nqurzrr, NORtTH IAMEh À TEL PORT BJorn, C. W G;ENE Il A L -S TAGE OF FICE. ri Triuty I>oiterialwiyK in attendanre ai ibe Ioaa. iaii>ra~r~al iwir 114e ecunII'C)ed t0 andi froinithe bâats Ilieu or charge, Port H1ope, JUIV, 1$ lll. 1-y %V 1 L , 1 A ',NI JE PL E Y. AGENT FoRU THJE UWti;iiîgtoîî -rt nÃŽl Rflhtual ~'îiour - ct 0p anl 'SCA1101' flxcettî'îrtacerrmmixlions. for iraveltits. Graod .Stalt)égfori torseï. il OFCopposilte the Cotirt-hotise, VILLAGE OF MANC EST?E1t ~&mt n ur> W'OIKMKNBIIOTHEËRS& Co Xol3 j iig SUo#ti Toronto, Il. W. CIJFF, Dealer in GROCERIES, LIqUORS, AND MU~VSIONS. PRODUCE IOUGHT AND SOL». Jietweerr Sirud's and Plait'à Tatern, f*uit'Sià e cf the iarkcet, '1 1. ý ME,. B. F1tLY BALLI uAs~ajuMUvxt> TO Broek Stveet,' 1ue~1$4Ioorio Jlryaws Tin WHITJrY, c. W. siiepi j JA$ thse honuor' cf annonigbis arrivai ira ilToronfo, iî ist irtea ino4îutaî hi mself i ltsccity as a 8S;uuso.rIErasC DýFO. tOets' cen'tid4#nt tbà r flonn mariy y.ara' stuintier sonne oflime mciiicelebr#ited surgecit D)entisie ira En;landt andi Scotiati, pnd (roui a bub- sequeni, rfesu Wi #1praêtk-e cf tvselviu years iv' Brit in, ewjmi i be l te ive ample, bzisfacîtior îoçi o I rb m*y inor hlrôsi lau;cnfiderce. Dr F. bas, for time presei, reriteti the premrise, No 40', Kipq Steet We,atjuîiriig tise cgl)tet Warehouse ofMen. Jacques & lay, -wlsejelise will L'e fou t a l hou,, of tise- day, Jevotii lirtuseif exciusively te tîne stnverai brtluaio Dental Sarger~- - - Trooâh),,IK$0.- - 24-Y B arris tr and Attorney, PR4ÇTh$S"iai 'sprofessiorýn luait tll'Courtoas 1199~iatl, exeeCpt tise Qucýti's ikcis. - Ile wi lputawlîy attend to auy businieissan- frusteaiohli cure >initise comrnonî Pieas, Chsari-. cer y, eiily, Iusotven, or 1)ît!jsiu Courtu;'alo lu A génry and CofvyancilIg. OFtFICE - Ove,' O'4eill', ClctAinsStore, r'pposite ithe New Mfark-Ot Suzaid*pgs.' Weil 0, 1 14 with ise bcst Li tsoraand bis Table #&ket afforcla. nke~fIffl b ro is Boue to Toronto, Jeaving at 8ev-en o'cleek il, the 31er»- ibg, and zetuniq1g the *aeEveming. ;> Velhrswb ootabinui t atetiveHestlers. t1îe$arch 1 ,f1,?1S atte 48it£ ,ALL Persons amLOhereby eautioncd f"FýLA ainat purchasitis a Note madie by the sub- favor cf John Mnrpby 'or bearer, for bl on the le IMay,I1851, as ne value ,hù eé cd forfthe sanie. MHUGi! QUIGLiY. Pickering, fflwcl». , 185L ~ 4-il A < prmons indebtd ta the rEstate~a à ik ejltl4 ue-ieA '4T, or Pickering, arc herehY notifii lu(,- ome forward irmeîhately, andi make payment te 111B4m 1o5r, whn imuautboriud I Te- reive ihé marne, andi grantaîit ta. A lso, -e those llaving clatin as p~inst the saiti Esijiate, arc requjested itopreseunt ihem,duly attuted,tohitflOr payfli11111-IA31 POST, JOHN T06LI DISC OVERY 0F A GOLIJ MINE a' rp lIE #'fir'z ildtion f the FifiliNiumc'iel ext raorîharary ci rcrulat ion cl» *,rti'f,,r.- I'OuitirJl ('vqù î. andt slili îhr! derfîandrîîiîru',.j inc'nCal onatybLe accoutîteti for by the 1 , irt ut ilS mC1Iig Si hanur-otri,- style, antil ut a cWrap'-'r lian aj.11;y othe er 11(-icia1 lstin u he 'rd.i Whirh oalajascinq r iec y thnough the perirJical presaithii»e 'lay. - 1 Thr ~~nî!'nrorilain. upwaydrti$c hsrty artiidî's<nom the fir-si c'riuiliiiois of thé nt-e. So- là " opf NewWuîoks, a Moîithlv Record utý,r rerit jL'tIoay Fedmions frMiurwith lCîignavirsno; Mc. FOrL SaIÇ ut the IHiosToN 700K STORE, Pric I 3. -Jtack huït:usapiinanyquaîn- iity. * Mà mmwoli Sokof»o and MShos, IAVE, nç.c-ived !th,('ir SrS;t ock of JinUt triu-latid iwill f,41tut ih,-ir lt,îîat toW .i.. 1'. & C. enipiov >ix liîîîitircd uOp<ratives. anti protiar.' hum .5(j n I om t') paj ifailv. Ttîcir prient stocklisais lu-ci marte with # rdafefern'e tu the walît of Canada Weit, aniWitt cîumrentute inidivirttiahs or farniites for îenîtincra gieat diçtate. iy senduin'; the required tgîa it Witt e gliar- 'Mercba-nt$ Who have nul patronied the ahuive establishament efiontd lose no time, as they--eu ble ftrn.isbgLd for one- liait'-the vî.'îr)f cîiîrtry ptoduc- tiuai. .'lîy uirea-iryluJlefailui-e ro,îujired wilhou chqi-ge. - nearîy opposite the Egii Churet>. - ':>C~1I .1 FOR LE.ATHER. Toronto, May h171854). 5-1 y B. UUl44jtY1, Genc-ai IBoole andPeriodicftl.'%flt, WOL4M5& *ETAI.. : m B. wOQ'o Norlt Sil of KÃn; ,Ytrtet, WIVet of BiayjStreet, ~ 24-y J. FOSTEIlt, LADIES' AND -CEXTIEéftNy'S Mau 9QË ~'.4,1fty Buitdinr,, klg Sf reet, TORIO>T0 2-1y Ç .L E -s 13 A EB. .N'o.37, KNqStre4 et,7orno ~1 t mtsOf SbÃŽp Flag ut oan , r xawl W0 Ilrde4r. L24-y A for WCte hy Toroto21h Stpt, e15<i. .Y Yc. 'lET<ELY, Puor=,£M*i i 'AlguÂt1I2,18O, -18 T..TII! TE ET Il! E n SUGON ATIT SURGEON »ENTIC.TW Duns the yéar181M. IRWIN intends beini t thie WAVIARLY fosBowuanvifr " on the tinst M )Y .ni eaeh monthland te- maiin <ruesiioaly>an e c ek. VALLABLE PIOPERTY IN PICKERING FOR SALE, M the Front lJWlve f Lotsn anOd 6, in the 3rd -4 qsq..Apply ý AINTEJi) blythe $ubscriber (fi ll%fic elstIigliesu MNarket pr>e i e c ti)ten. in luCasb,. or trade, at C1211ics fX R. 9. PlumP. v.:I a sipply ofA,'%NteALS, aîoe$O~ C[RISTMIAS 8i 1EWYFEARS GJFTS, Ad vantes on consianînents ot Asihrs 16 JADVANMES IN CASH mnPoT' AND> J>EA RL AMIlES colffiigned te Mfontrca 1 ROBERfi. LAWDElR. PortWhibytsiAisust 180. ti GÂRRÂGIAND LIGET BUGGY luh 'art two eorner ut ar#texc tise Stand, water nii( For fri .on the pre WWîtby 'j Ihave itryeewed a lrmttsb o '(R resnberate. JA MFSk.(R Aug.ra2le 1 wh*Uby iIl-g Aug.2~~Q'19 111111151 AND FOREIGN JDRY Coq", WhloenaJo id 3.tau. i S, Ki-n,-'St. at 1ed Toroistd, Mýl-yi, K37 R. M. RUT. C2~ 111E s bse-rilucrî jasconstrill litai(ly an d continies to Maltit* actulre than anyouthefýr Eîtaiblihmca i-A l t- b)y o-r surroimdinriîntry. F~ruc nef« Style .nnrd J1 hltslefec'e confident Qf'gt igfull satisfaction to pu rchas-rs. X. . JINTJNG4 TRIIIING dont Lo ordtr. Repairîin hiall itsva-ri ons branchee ncatly cxceuted on 8lIort noticer. N ATI AN J 1 1 qtA Y 'tby, Ari 9,Protctio. OQDEI BURit 1, . I[NE MUDILAONf4 INSURANCE, 14,000 » MrBERs. Jfeenc. Telon. H1 Vn- nr, 0d u-k 1'P., I ankoîsghnct, Ciirmclt, C. IV. Sidney srvitis, FE4q, ~ bi Ormn ai qi,E A. Farewell, Eq, *-larn 1'. Pcrry, ftWj llryce, 'VteNurrieis & c, Trn Moses Jiarletir,' Dr. Fue Johri Saddler, ikn. ].Iblia Dosittie, CIebgr -John flughisnid, Ouencq' - - 1 ews Hock, N<. B. Thie meinhers cf ibis Corupanly reeëO' eniprin aisijt ïe t h lcalà nis" Io znà k Cctmpany,'Wien fsuc eeist, arnv4t t lieh1il) aqenlts. hà S bs tw tri <o.sai a fssn rît suap dircayà r ei I-j 'I ,inq T ~~'tttIi itea~ ~ luesto, lthe Ca on Toronto, Oc