Whitby Reporter, 21 Jun 1851, p. 1

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IS PUELISHED Me.office, à AibVillage,. MS-7e&À&'illigvper . aaum ~îa mcatA~.Twîveslilling8 pensce e A.ls f ieya- ral Diàcoant allowod to par. R I T B ie~t&rs addrc~ee e ti Ofc J. S. SPROWLE,- Proprieto,-. maui, andt WH1V, -~ ~jo IEAL ,bnk notbiig lan teJbi~5iu mé.0Teresce. plteh, C AlADA. WEST, S ATtIRD A JUNTE 21, 1851. SOUNDS OF INDUSTRY, the bagig hamer. ehirring of thse plane, ý ~ binefIhe bus>' aaw, greeng f thea cane, ng of tise avil, mting t tisedrilli, enng of thse turPng-iethe, et thes pie, ý'j0 iozi etthse ltom, g 1d h eaiiie, fascotiaus boom- -et th. etar' sheura, ow~f tise ss- J Tbeý!Mobusylabour, R v eethem ait nbati twistie cheerful îong. -eeaed shout 'rh»* ,*m 6 mâariket ma, Auebebmto tise iwn Thibàl, ôtron, hetree-top As Mthe$peeed fru't cornes Saura 'lTfs, iasy oMiid cf ikiestiers 1 A is sycteen lise rhpened grain, And thiehuakers, joke, end mi-lh, and gise, i.Neauku thensaecigiton the plainei Th idWx 1o h uayian Th~e +s$seà'a gentle cati- 'elbèwbéaiof active iadaslry, q' tisra sal F'er' ley tel!i my iocginr ipuit Oftbcerne teac i e, *o R~,Iiucb <tai ils happineas o' ulo toiu andatrite: Nôt t bd[l Sd attie thalt ainleth iApi î1,rmuîeleh ail lie way- Sot thee laUad st-ie tisai groaaeth Betmthîtbetymnt'swy; Btuj tbe u nd ti at-l iapringelis poma free sud willing heurt, # tufe wishd ever briagetis IrTietuimer allbis want. oh's tbieq h a ;oWiila lor, li i4%,r u right 1tt<esvigor ta tise day-ime, Aga a swreter sepI aisht Sventc lIhe toitieg hofrs Éor dqtWiséera tise spirit AtbedeW revives the flevers. rri-oasLondona Times. ý1FW HINTS TO BROTHER OA'TH¶A N. i: la & çisriois aned instructive cii-- etsmtattces connecteS siîh Iusa Wori's .Exhibitioni, thet lise 'United States have ftiuaS tisenseivea unabie to eccupy tise apae, 6whieis was allotted te îhem b>' the Corlsmiaasiouars, ansi aI hier osvn ,.sequest. A considerabia portion cf tise ,.IÈ%bo-e rn mfor tvhicis oui- Transat-- ilai ceigihors appliait having beau ~banàned b>' tisrn, isas beau ajîproprt- ,t~we-,suin stand, to France, b>' ýartutero rductiotns wa have no 40 it*wlilI Se weili acupied., ItluasattOi-5 hait Ieen ts îeiwise, wa r.êon wa shoiuid bave litard scîsie ut- ryýýonsidei-nble eemplaints, louiS auss ,ongt about lise osanuar iii wiicli tho jetitous world had pont up I"tue anat- e*ntioe lan ail cxeatioi," anS ver>' el- t IdouiS ave been tise daserip- tuvis wat tuhe land cf st-ipes andi Ï4wottkl bava doeO iad il been ai- . ê1%ed propertiy bu dispuay its giecies be-i Mo p 'satniseosiwoi-l. Alicausa of . coelspint against us isavin gi>lOu renie-- Vowe mn>' ho aluwed, perisaps,. le . jmark on tise atrange facî lu wiichi .qfir attenticon bas beau Siracleti, ansi wick it-bs a deeap meanidg and i sgîtf-- # n e lu w h ic ls W C w o u d stris. t ie l~ie Ã"f tho Ueîlied Statas te give ai .We have goi feelings tuwnrdu lisei Unitedi Staes, aanw i e-. tou- tue peceperit>', but wa tiik tisit thora was est;rcag necessit>' to mast tise ciîizend1 . 'a coluing jute mtuai cemtpanisoti wish the sai cf otise 'orîS, ansi formling ai j8 etiesate of tisei-rosig merit. Tise1 dlelupiionwhich .»Ine &înericains hava prac tised upon theseslveas bas Sean gsarti>'wiflg ltiste vast extant of tise çutunt>' Wlaîe lie ur ucl>, ansi wiicis bus Mouts tgarmesi b>'tisons thtie mon- na thoit is-ndivîdasal groatssa. Thea> bave lilien ln mas>' caâss acte on- tiont s0 veIli dicule5 ientisa SttînilsOr-- gtoi, who :seerne te have thcutght tisaI, hecam ho hy have l ai-gai-creeks, lbig- gjlatticinfs hettei- miii priviioges, Uakrmuatains, dap et celaCictilodet th uter, andaS Je, ah.'Iigitrâig." dm1t, therofor, lise>' had oeoUiZi<eue on a lai-gar suae and~ cf a usner kiasi (net fergetting ',beter smns, s»d bauseiie womeii» "a more »lsyj t 1ssaEnglausi 4ar Wemist say>, VS11are t gting te btk ou3r bhé.ts at fditsg tiat tba "tise land et .ta setting sua,, will isencefortis calcuiato tisaItisera iîs.stili consideraila biightness la.tise East, ansi tisaI ahtisa wise mon hâive net fursaken tiseir aid quartera., "- W. are really ti f4f being ebliVeci toliiten lutae il ig ~tari-s in wiai ,%aa re eiml iÀ i1oa.'Ameia citisona spenkof thei-'crater, thei- aloi-- gy, Ihaîr professera of ail, thin as, lhier scie ntific sen andi institutions, lhier rnilways and railway cars, thiai-river sbeacs bonIs, thiai-trocs, Il wbich laàke Isvc mën and a boy to seo lise top cf tisens ;"1 thiai 000wlo are ail gentle- nsen:;liseur fenile "Isulps," wlsu are aIl ladies; lhier goase, wisicls are nl ssvas;thi r everytbing whicl s la lube for n wonder lu as-ci-y body iii every other place; ansi if lise hiatus juunî de- fleiadus in Hlyde Park sisould somawlint moderato this teaing matisosi cf assail- ing us, wo reckon tisaItisae Exhibition sili bave accomuplisisesian n jleekedt-feil Roosi, on which avais oui- cute visitera fi-unstise western wer Id, witis nl liseir etrationlisasi failesi te caiculate. Il was lise wisîî cf tisa Commission-- ai-s tisaI we sîsosld fi-cm ail countries nul only recaiva produceandsinnafactaîred gouda, but tise instruments ansi machir- ery empioed ii thiai preparntion. It wouid ho n disappîoitftiient nu dotîht te man>' if tise soatbern mnanuîfnctîîrera basi failesi b conipiy wilis Ibis lportionsef tlIe requirament, SsiI>'made kiictos tham ns velu as t l aUoliser nations. As we have net yaî Lad tise opportun it> cf ex. aminatien ite Ibis malter, we canniot tell ouni-iendors svbnt tiey mna'v axîect lu sec le tise deparîmeitoluwbicli sve refer. We musaI, Iherafore, recomînensi1 tisemltu mak o se enquît-y for tîsena-1 selves. Tise coilus in tisis malter wouîd do wellI lu ascertain wisethcr tiseebas been an>' late impruvemenîs in tise whîps employesi on tise planta- lions t10 stimuaite tise bu lUggish cit--j tors, male ansi female, yonntsad olsi, for vsom a ucis stimntlus ha foninhuo- luteiy nacossary, ini conseqttence cf thiai- wnnt cf ciseerfuleesa in ta pursuit cfi gain for lhier loving toasters. It wcuId be parliculari>' interastingluo get a ape- cimen cf tisaI peculer species of 'whip' menlionad in thie writings cf Carlyle. caiied "tisethe b eficiant wîir," andsi wlsiciswo jprticularise, as il is nuuural to supposea tisIspacimens wilI nul ha svanling cf su greal a curiusity, whiiclt, indeed, caîgisu l eh iera, if il wei-a on- i>' cut cf compliment te ansi for tise ben- efit cf oui- cisinguislied conutrymnan wiso lias su eioquently discoutisesi cf ils vi-tîles. Il nia>' be aIso' tiat tisera are dico distinctions nmade iii lise mwbijs em- ployait for tise stimsulation of manla andi femnie labour, ansi wiich, as tise>' nie usaS ini a landf cfjustice andsi bait>', va sisould exîleet te ho ns varieS at least as tise hi-ocus solS b>' lita Duîcis wcmen in jar t-ecei l a amaili eue for tisebais>' andi a vice )tice for tise lady>,"1 andi sonsetiing mrea suîblautW lfur th.isefeit cf men andi mules. Ciaivns of ait kinsis, andth îei- spfwo- priate biacelets,.ssoid be inquiresi fet, due cara beinglaken ho.ditingisis e-- tween tliseeemployaS i.hilc wcrking. or ini prison, andi cubert, for tise bettet seeurit>' cf gangs en lhier way lu thse Souilh. Tin maka, for keeping tisa as-as frôca gnnwiug tise gricta, 'uouls ho wurtii iecking aI, if an>' ofuisens have been isiougit ovar, ansi wuuld be par- ticularl>' intei-eting ne llustrating tise kindi cnresof tise masters lu pi-vent lhier proert>' frocs induiging -in n habit whicis coulidtnot tailtolu hoinjtriesse. We bava (r iqently sean acseag tise Roman rei-aildug up ile lisacountry>, tisose litho gias ureîelia knewn as la- ebrymatories, fr i-cbteir having beau tiseS to coliect tishetef thse csurn-. c rs aI fucerais. Wre abouid be ginS, if tisera are Sacis tiingîi, lesealiselis-- matories employed.incetise Sestheroi States, wvlere repor t ays tisaie wosîld be-tbarseccaIg tefil .tisem shed aiist tisose scannas fuiinisbad b>' tisa"l paulilr institution,- wlaen bcmbands andi wives, paents andi ebildi-on, brothèi-s andi se- teo, are obliged le b. eivitie-ci, leto tisa neceselîlos cf theisé ', andi when tisel ai-esai te wéeopjsssîa» if £iey lins tisa nme feelings»ea rselvs. - 'Mat s a mîoral au wellasa matr isas. *v=u whle *Ri lk'in tu himi5elf by Canada Is~$ tho Exhibition h itempers of body or.mimd. Rich or poor 1we must provide for the welI-being of 1olli oI-sprmlg. We have no right te 1 ting beings into thse world to endurc tthe pangs of hungèr,or torments of dis- eàse. , overty may ho overcome; but iow $hall çur luckiess progeny seoure der ant and1 sheier irealth tý -howv shake of the tholisand is, hodily and mental, of herditàry serofuila or consumn- tien ? On this hiead, rend the weighty words cf1' e great and good physician, now speaking from the ternis Androw Combe, %hôttly befure bis death, wrote thns :-There is one part of my con- duct that I ilejoice in' hoving adhered to, andi whieh coet sacrifice of feeling, viz% not hnving married. If there is one circumstance which demonstrates more clearly tben another a practicable unhielief, if net real iguorance aniong rny bretbren, of thse importance of pby- siology as a guide to the imprevemerit andi bappiness of the race, itl. ithe cul- pable recklessness wilbh whichi medical men oflun marry in flagrant opposlition to the clearest evîdence of constitutionni infirmîty oractual disease in themselves or their partueils, and thus bring misery on themnselves and their offSpring. How very few see any harm or immorality in this !-Fromi the natural affections whicb 1 possess, I bave ai ways feit that man's higbest bappiness here mtnst be based upon the gratification of bis af. fection for the domestie circle ; and in niy indîvidual case, 1 bel ieve few things could bave been added so mnuch te en- joynient as hiaving a good wvife andI cbildren. But one of the evdls cf my1 impaired healtb svas ils having render- ed these Ilforbidden fruits" te me; and althoîîgh I feIt the dejîrivation, it la 00W a comfort tu me to refleet that nlo onç_is involved iu my fate excepýt yself.'o Noble -man ! Himsellf anlinvalid, in need of care and affection, denies him- self the solace of a wedded life lest hap- ly lie should perpetuate in others the juls bis owu flash is heir te. Let us re- joice to know that hie had bis reward. and that his lat hours were sweetened by the refiection of bis herocaself-de- nlia.- Glasgow Citizen. Coirregonadence of theMAontreai Gazette. CRYSTAL PALACE, MAY 23, 18-51. DEAR Sîa,-The Canada Division keeps its place well in tbe estimation of the powerftîl place from which I ad- dre8s you. The intercat d,-es nut seemn ýto slacken, aier the satisfaction lu de- crense. 'We had a visit the other day from a gentleman couîîected witb the newd-iscovery o1 Flax Cotton, as il is called. 1i1,bèliève it was M. Caussel himnself, bot am net sure. H1e examîn- ed witb the greatest attention the samn- pie of Flax in our Division, belonging to M. Bastien, of St. Rose, Terrebon ne, andi waa permittesi by tbe Commission- o rs te take soeabomne with Iîim, to try ils filuess for the new procesa. I smn 1happy te say, thatUthe experiment bas been most comnpletely suceces-iful. The gentleman relîîrned a day or two ago, with specimens of the manufacture in the varions stages from wool tocloth. , LfanL yyen herewith a smaîl quantily of the wSl. of the rolli,nnd of the thread tu skow hou whist cao ba done wilh flax, and hlow tihe flax of Canada is ad- apted te the process. Thea gentlemen stated that fromn. 100 Ibs of M. Basti- en's flax, 75 Ibs of cotton conld. bc ob- tained. .It %vould bo a grent thing for T"eu-er Canada if tbe French Conadiann cotild bo tnught thse art, favorable as the cotîn- 1try is for tise produietion ef the article, and suilable as secis work wouîld be for tise popnlation. 'It would enalsle avecy 1family te prosîade tiseir ow'a clotbing, .and tu make clôtb for ethers, at a time 1whieanu other labour could be carrie&I On. I send you from a speeimen of tise wool, of thse roll previeus Lu spinning, [and of the thrteMe, as manufaclured by thse inventer. *1t le the first specimn 1of fIai cotton mgtie froms Canadian flax, 1andi wîUL nodotbt be leokesi upon with 'intereat. Tise inventorie wiîling teo el heihtoCnaa, Thse great asivei- taee iadieaovery , 4 that thse fiai 1Cotton ea be worked AU i is stages by'.t.e. ,ne - ---n.ey- _isse-Afr founacitil hst dapted cr an>' h experirnentas i h for 'the pi-adi ai-e atl-actiog, » tis attentio, ané wii 11 ee, tisI ut »ri bave eaubjcedto priliaIlOal eipeini mon cf kanowhdgc wiîisa view 10 application. I muastmntion tise plan now bi on for clearing tise hîîîIdinq overy îng, Tise orclers ai-e for visitors te ut savon o'clock, but se grant it desire te continu#.- in il tisaI tise on liseré cluty bad gi-ont siffletsi getling tliso uit. TIse ladies pai Iai-iy, teauljftl ci-aattîi-o, SaS se 10 sea, ansi se mucla lu say, tisaI woid nul Muve, axcept itishe ai( mice. Thi*epolicemnen- could,,-Ai course. ha radeaci- lu opressing, tise sweat pots bai-Iit pi-etty' nîtieh own wny at closing lime. Fort incenvoniejica, lhowever, lise En find outî n sèmedy, and tise oneava hare, shows 1tise pricticai bias of tl lion. lt isa ringing cf ail tisa sent l tisahe -xh ibition - At savono'( ahe lIe hals are put on tise svii cneof et teg inisfi-cnt Moatreal,- tuari-lasopili aitiofei-nal nuise ri tisaI neonais eni-can stand il. wotuid !augis alnosal l u cdiesi,t thse ruas made by Il e Ietticoîa, lise exils. s4ýhen tise insufferable cl bogins. TIs'ey finsi tisaItley mays 1111 tis eak tsi-cals, wilhitaîl£ a stie lèWô7ctI eard aiS tise', iser stop1 teftr as and ru.- Wlat aj ty relief to'ise policemesn! Mi-. Dc'lv, Mr-. Pennet, Mi-.1 Hon. W. Morris, ùiad bthe# genîle frein Ctsnid tIaie bote. Hon. Jeigtîswoi goos out b>' Ibis mail. Mont-ealý Jutn I Itis, Tu% Qftit's iLAiçÈt.--Sir, ieq oaed 'by M'. Mooisana.-cf tis cflïungistun & May>, bMonreai, tI ha received la fe dtays glace a1 frocs bis brcoiser lis Englandin mw ho mtels tsaItIhe Ducisess of Sulhis bas purcbîsspd your hast blanketà tise tise of I»er MuoItG-acicua Mai Tisa Motreal Iieiald cf lIis ' in ceppy in g fricm tise London HP isas mado amistake in sayiog lhoy, Gamhle's blankets,wisicis, un bis rE tu Mont real, ho wiIl bave rectifi wîîms a feeling cf aincere lleasa' tisa ver>' fiattloing recoption yourj have received uttheboGi-eat Exii I reinais ycusrsttiul> JOHN McKEN John Paterson, Esq., Dundss S E IoU S IIOT. A serions ri-ic occuri-esinlutise utý of the Cityùf New York,uon thse tit.,1 b>' wiich a nimber cf persous' kiliesi, and forly cx fifty persOns wv aS. Tise day vas celebrates ii Gai-ine pepuilation as tise isoli t'eîîlecest. About 12,000 had n bled in a hnik,'nnd evorytising passing off peaceibIy, liii towardst iîsg lise>' vre issailecl b>'a.gi rowdîes, %vlso wite arînat witb, piatlis, swcrds,, &; tise> commei withouî provocation, lu insuit tisef les. overlisiow tise treshtt I ansi destroy lise property of tise voî Buildingts wei-e btirned, aissi-fui, flfty i-chberie.a wera cunsmitted, pi jallyce thse femames, Who werbé wi ansi made te etelceer up tianit n rings. kit. Tise aKmry we ot qi unlil late ini tisaevening. THE MICHIGAN RAIL-ROÂD SPIBRACY CASE. Tihe case cf lIse peuple c f bMicl va. Abel F. Fitcis ansi otbers, wasc upt h ane Counnly Circuit, 9 trot, udg IWngpreLviding, on]F tant. For thse purpcîme cf cavei tho Court adjouroeei tes Cilty The qusistion of tit in tise -doses or oral of t"Ils.cnpirstets -We tise eu"se, whea tsa estidgeuaid tise tia would be auiialle Ï,« abwst eacti. W. AX.Ilfoiwd mid lie waaW 2-ent (ci- tê ausssLif ý' al< 0il WI-ITI3YO te, had the bar wero members of ti cnpi-n ts poet s Pall dep a badl acy-thatthey burnesi thé )ptcu-Christitlt5 a hi Povné îctio&ing tise bass of $100.000 ;-tbat- tbey maintenance uf -religdôii*5 re and had frequentily piaced obstructions on &ien (if Clyîstiat Rctivedgpt iducta the tîitck, throwing thse cars therefrom' te thirs vè tëigiu id yon killiikgseaandi maiming others,that 2ndMOVo b i beon they had stonesi the 1*0 . rqp@atedWp niêiyeî çwi e*t ta, -by endarin g ie.paeultha t. elal1~~~P naftil had formed a cobnpaSt un oatho that per,- powver anay Ïtteýt ,c t4 jury sbld -ho resorted ,to wbenewar cip,1e cf.tisit ett p nt,ý,qÉ t il np- one. of tise gang sisonis fail iptu tise ation cf the ftiadd irioing x ven anda of, the.lw, nd fase swearing Reslveto any othet tabsn ré] leave became necessary te screee- im. poseSl. . s tise This svas tise'substance cf-tbis charge -3d4ýMoyisdi>y M î. 'ýrIïf!, police in tisa openiagon tha part of tisapeople.,e by Mr. J. <4abraiik, Tfieitti ilty lu when itnesses were calied top 1vetise ow; ran e ho dçît rtieu-- chai-acter and dimensionscftise ,depot 4tli. Movesi by TFfac1eiOM inucb destroyesi, theérnachisiery uîsesi for oie- That.we shal henee9rit> tlbey vating freigist, and, tise hkalihocd thore. imato ineafli te rett,1fol owest. wouid he, cftfie lrawisch dast-a>yed iopi-eseiLtiVOeeW' wii wlùr ;pt aftiede,pcthusviflg beon prudîîcetJ byfri--tie appropriattion of isoe t Pand tiorn lise use cf lise machînery.i-Tl5a of relii , niu escClbi à4î*eï h îhseir assoîmption that the fire-cotblsi have sb WCt arç tindet thee teééàit every originaied, was sisown te boeisntirely eat ipouiOnthai peebbeà utîtIl ugliss 'varience with tise probabilities ot the ushec Ive 'qhâil give thern in ýpplied case.-.-Iaviîng proceedesi'au fer, tbe the timthé, te oté Wtl, tMkéi le rin- Court statesi tisatas the question cf bail- ccd.rçaeintiosii4à iùi hs b i j balla was lu, be settlesi, andi as it would lk.- lhanta of-t4e villiise' jitdi clSk, 1iy take sorna tir, the jury fRtishe pies- andwisen ' he charmà8idile ng- out. wore discisargedý..Railo<Sd Ga- contrai-,'?-tb0 asmber of IpIl F-ansi zette. sowed a-pa>ority Offtt.t 1 raised, P.Cîbitt qbjectad W ô ie ýVi Yen FPJ.AN T T E.E ES. rmeeingb>ad béeau cai'4ot ,te see Whso were, favou table tp~ te al Hore is a litIle bit of sensible asivice mentofth;I e enîes*Fe Ittter tisat people wso live -in the p nd- dy (U3nited Presbytei-tO) Cecia aboulsi profit by. Hadi we a i:î k9 hetjser ths aling farrn," il svoul.beounr hobby te pi'nttuimpetet for th in théeÀtr «frefu I-eas, end i-ar gi-oves to fûjnisîer btiste reaenting tise Towgliblp of B Smigis beauty of tise scene, andi alec tecfurnish ci- oplyamee.ting cftlie Chiui fruits in theirseasca- Rev., Mr.,Kenneèdy (Epi.bop Gibis, A lîttle attention wonld soi-round ev- piiesi, tisat he w4ished th>fise e amnen ai-y bouse ia thse country witi shsady public; yet as il w ô cl léa fI Mr-. groves, andi frnilful yards. Plant avine pri-os, ho sud aut Xt1t il bore, ans a trea thra-sen or go te qamo witistheIte ie 1, p U yonr neighbor's orcisard andi clip a buS istîsib.alleWfdt~o t 1851. or a ahouet, and însert co in ever GQarnett wiýhéd i tfQwî i I, arn stocktiatdoeu.notalreafly protioce fruit. mi a WîiJ an rt 'in ýaJ1fn la fi-a> Plant trees l'y tise fonce sides tise i-ota to, Ihe., tpoî4rary IRy à o say will penetrate benealh thons and draw, (Eii t<pilian) soi ~eW ab. latter sustonance fi-cm greuinsiyen cannaI ciii- ing uvits thiit allowed t 0 pr wiihi tîvalo. Sel a atout, thrifty fraper -'te aîg~oçtsoigh rlansi dii-ectly wisere tise'soaý euds.fi- e n i aindet ofthse busin sathe p s, for kitchen will be daily tbi-own, andsinl etly separatCsi. ,jsî,y. threoi years' lime yen wilî have a fruit- week, bearing acreant i sde tise view pf sorna EIPESE.OFMoVI-NGitnI rrald, unsigistly place.-.4 iaS si.gripUd- ISEZiT.--Ii5 reviewing theP were tsirist.!-Acou n taof tise Frovincis, the 4o aloi-n FAINE OUTDONE !-Acorrespondent <cois states i"thalt tis tSui t6 cd.-- of lIse Boston Pos-t suggesta tisaI, instead 39, Id., la cisarged. 1 hetise ire et Of lightnig Mincot's Ledo b e ti eas hevin g béeà u aid- gouda pipernniag fi-oi tise shore, it woid ei-suis foi"r eltaire itiun. hamr e~ ha Lritç,&c-incltiidpngFI pém r racticable t g Wch aï Iloi- tlseî ex ppn e s i c da tb i wisaie, stuf bics wilis coîlon wicl- boit ,e niett'h qZIE. bics lu tise rock, set lire Io hics andsilot. fi-un Montreal &é. t't hicsbure. Tise writer ibink lise woîîld -amoant chisseps z las. n a iflaabe aal, tn ear i&c,,was ýset duwu at, last inin iflaablestae, tn 1ya s -hich added lu tise aboeyra is RemâAîAaL.-Tie Aadoi5afljew- 023 7s, 3d., for r irging 1tfeg is paper,,of New York.city, stalea tisat lu Teronto fur îwo yeuew4 hen skir l "tisera are at pi-osant in tise Stala Pris rieS le Qtaebec, a tasuC til * a26tis on at Sing Sing, savon hundresi ansi and of copieata rnuîch gItte iwore ninely nid piisoere,- cf avery creesi 1Q 0ne ee. uppcise îi 8, ýond- ansi culertmaya ansi except tise Jewiis; -ail tise expengs whioh t i f y tIe andsi nule persen cf Jewisis failli oi rernoval, bas coul th is 'oyili lay cf siescent in amonig tise nurnherP' lise Iwo removais togethe wî ssom- WVstaT MANIHATTAN micANs.-Mais- doîsbt lhey wvill coat thee îsoisî ý s attan, tise naeocf tise isiansi on wvhicis 000 a laeIAdal t1ie en even- lise cily cf Ne* York stands, is taken pendi.ui-iÏ wiil have beén'iti ang cf fi-uns thé.nanmie givea by tise Indinua lu ini thespçucftiree yeaea iitt gî,tise original settlernent, ntnd nseans tMe est."_Ct n8tian. Ad4vccate. n ced , p l e i nA re ekey <ait g o i . ru n P e vers uins .-s K i g te, .- fabess i woasier this cisilsi don't go toe iaT5l ondanto f tise Blookvill.S adera: saisi an aaxintis- mother tu a female insinssatas isat membets cf It rty or- friand. IlWell, I1cjn't," ie. he isaor ngiard lain ibis c$y are g inci- lady,"I it'a face is su dirty tisaI il canuot bo>duly , 0 te Romafn Catis.1 aylaisi shit ils eyes.' ans i tentiùns a ntanter ofltaki oney, , A fi-st rate ancisor weige about tlst wh ieisaie t1 hmeoetMejor Bôw ieldtons, employa tweaty mec forty dayeu in hlàusasmily. 1V aV informeo essking, and. colla £400. wofthy ià4 tisà site tIlsal CON- Whsy is. a piinter'. Aevil like a pestiy ieeionom ie fî mlyltfut cock? Becanseomakee-niore Pi tisauis entiomies by tise &tnàW4 luecale. prîeare borei btt hei Shigana pr lO NOIR otisers, wp -te appy t6 iaiI'<k called wSRr fbuUo. àoW ut Do- Fi-on the Bosmenmlle sar fboIe-.-CAf Friday t-M AÂcOUIsT.-WO..g&t nieite On Thursday lut cir Town IHal abat tise tev. . Kennedy, els , all, W" the scene of considérable anima- ted Pfelbyteiia u4hjý of sov- tion\ Notire Snd previouuty laea gW- seqvereacUçkl On <tuai 4M .n.dis- eahy bitndilf"a umeetinu th~tie itig theçpif is is*Wb e sure- put-pose cf adolptiag snob mearfes ekicfak hm t-C k* * $0»50 may tond Iob"cure tise Ç egv Rtserves inabuggy t og e iur relirionss tigsea prWtdi'd fo~r isy thse acants.tie Z4v. üU viIIicg .eltameat c 1840." Anoi-dingt thlestin 3 àd à man. and tb

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