Whitby Reporter, 28 Jun 1851, p. 1

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WITB IREipORTÈa ~ -- rY-, atryBurdofyM, niw...... TSItM$ -Test S~kullngaper,as. Lpaid in 3 ms AejT<orve shizing *Yoda as C'c e stt/eC ose ofthc ea i'tt hPost-prtid.Ai etr drse otssOfc JR scntallo*ed ta per- oa ngagenîs for thse Reor Y 3S.SPROWLE, m j-ora Mai a, ýt 11' 4>~2. -~ ~4 4 ~>Y>5 >11 ~î é~>~j vi> ~ ~ ~ ~4s> ~>1 - -J î42 >siiiïi~~~- -> v,~J~d4 -I -4jy 4 In hia.unan ixdmiýt t ýo,'i' >~- >1I > I >5»~ ' I ilffin i fi - v~'.J~j. ~* WHITÉJy, CN>l - -;~~;~JJAlX &DlA W-ES T-,SIATUI:DA.Y',J'UNE 28,1.~141 - 4"-~ w> - A L 4Y 0F SADNESS.. ln h odeieune htvé oi, THE, - Athily ouh n hiby~it bc disg&uised,'nor the explérimen f Thse Overie tN outjhyei Wity ivd fatal and in-practicable utopes I i Of dnu Bis ot'e«etlogtbe blssbecause I amn the most natural ndversa- from BOMI;ay Net a14 , eéter wvo; ry of both the one and thse other, that 25, Madras,.A - A eobbteirWaathis youth by traie, France has placd herconfidene ime htCmm* r -&i thQùh a owparauit, baecInM.teCmii Î@ wu la ty circumstsace, If such were flot the case, iso{v cotild ho glu Indian Art àlnd was in love to bout. explainied this affecting sympitthy of the ivars for thet >T~oyey uewil ee o ble, people towards me, %vhich resi4tà,the acquitted. TI - f)y eeîloe,ih y o lumost destructive polemics, aund vhich gentleman 41et eluggh e , absolves mue front a share in ils suiffetr- deavoureui toc la I~ve but waxect the more. inga -If,'in fact, MY Government bas euin him Of1 _hebehe'dbrae sekeenestshiata nft heen ahie tu realize ail tise ïaneliori- lhe triu-mphant e'« er byl ate- waa hnrled; tion itinteadel, theiàuîî as tloasig-- ne Tee hough hig.wark %vsS lrampie teddo tecetis. maoevrs aciosci ail fliJvng worid. e uteMùýve ffcin that dieiurbances 0 ~~ desent live, paralysathie good will of asserublenTie f hed n dset uvt fgovernments thteniositdevoted lu thte pù Bik, phian Iis mide'a lve, public interests. It is liecatise yun have rm was marol qbi-ilttever biea l ve thus understood it, that I have fotund idisbanded trocl td7kù iE litite awl," 1a lhe rugged fllde of love patriotie Btrg,undy a reception which Nizam's terrilt ver-,smothly ral 1 for me is approhition.and encourage- apecies of isurr ySuehi> ait espied, meît. I avait niysielf of this banquet as ln China fi -11,W>.hici piaed him to thse soie. of a tribîile, in order le open my heartlsa avga 04 timos s e soaght the lovel>' Sue, te my fellaïw citizens. A nev phase Of and hiadtakan P.1. . >Wîisurî at glàt moe > bt, otr poit icail ite conmmences. Fromtont of Kwangsai. aiyharte, xtreînity ut France tote t er, Pets- froua mndia ar> Y*t.Wlhqtmgged wth bs**tions are in course ot signature, densand- thse lnst mail. lm, a eiliery-bpe was post;- us2 flîe revisîcusoet lise Constittion. I nt Bomnbay, at o ýetsad blteU osa fajubflsh eart awaitl sih confidence tise manifestation exchanges had ~a. Wuubroea e lie latuIof tise country, and tht decisionset the ---Assembi>', whsisl wiil nottlho inspired 0EXTRAC1 AMM-i'lfhe Steamot~' 1 umï,oldt.'1 excepl by tise sole thotglsl oftisf public %efn ntel sinceW1f]lave 'bc -- god.Et-e sice lsuve een n pw- owing accoonî,ol -- EN~LAD.er, I have provcd, wisere tise great ini- escapes probabiy0 4>Th Grtat Eriibitinn was o'inen erests of tise country were in question, raculous: * . d Monda', tht<2ndhaw littie I regnrded ail that conéerned The cblidren ofb 9~,~,>W5si5ied bynitri> ~< 00 mself. Tise Most undèserved aîsd the o cî oay' - ' attacks have neyer made ae er he mouton nsimacdlie y-ot tht labouring and ag- ea)rt ie hnt their gsrnhals, an ietlttslta hé TseQuen was pre- tfre ycina.W&evrb e ex iae ~ tise tes tcsecountry imposes on me, four yeara eld, hbts> ur,-p 1 - it shall11usd me decided on fulowiag iljto thelIe deep- ds#k Niiansentary - Commsittee had aller tise clid wua will; au, helieve me,geatlemne, France furatiactdb pedeby 11 to5 in favor of tise Cape wil Ili î merstiion badac>whîh d be itinmails. rs nm ad.' wahdbcmo 9 ~R~l~Uoa.~1jh~rdLalr Shsi isejuîruals of tise capital express of severepeitm -h det FlorenAcuthe 251alr h uit ret dsstiaaction at thle speéch ofthtie lear and extorted r in t-tacklofut goat'in th om ' ,Presideat nt Diîion,-%wiiiswas regerded adcelmeiaie y i y~ar. - ieibs log he ligisI of a deciaration.of war 1111e îettuw, and a i oiof beiag one ofthtie Most agaiisst tise Legislative Assembly. 11suvsdhsoer Qu. 1sudrsodtîa is jj~j5 twsmade 10 fathom ttese riuanliT_ b-posta ndrstolsginhth o-assixty feel of rope iv wix h a' 'resipost ii h t isactuaiiy delivereti. Tht President re- tan coutil be reacis, i ~~~~~ttned te Paris on tise 3rd Jane. Tiseru e aa u l i bowra î>.i in i1793, graduatedalt wDs a considerabie stir u01iseB iul peet attSi ýuàtyii>fee ils 1814, was soon lfter yards, but nu ,distrbaace. Cries Of gtc4eoana udiittd t, te LsliBarbutnen tsuVire la Reptsblique vere seost freqîsent. the lime- aiseedoned -5 ~ ntcsceess, became a SPAIN. no botter success.1 ýiii,Îtlr, ansd in the Roman Aceouints freni Spains Of somte gravity ln1weiroutt gie> ùahleAssociation reached a position isad iseets rcceived. Tise Peieto ellrerltl aecoad çIy totîsat of Mr. O'Coaîseil. tise Spanisis Densocrals hsad issued a prevet a like ocçus Thp Bani of Shsaftesbuîry, onse fthtie long and cuniprebensive progratmme of aseùiiéstedi, and w -0V0ibè of> tmmbr f thet tiscr proposed course ut action and in- vidual down b>' tope 1«4' digd utis country resu- îended peiicy. Tisegoveraiment wvas the abyss and airert 1~gtihire,orn Julne 2nd,naged in leur ef a PeOîlariuisturrec loi, at ogemetfo>urte ~ sfset~erS>-lie was lineally des- Madrid, ansd great ciiiitary precautions brthere the ot r Ifoite antsLord Sisaftes- %wore conssîantiy',observed. aCdoda ois-er astne ~ sw'ieruttie oCbal," un- Tise prosettioisstig»,,itist tlh press are taîbaose above biso 0hanleeaIl, and mure directly tise now czirried on witb greater vigouir than Ie dr n aving. i thtan y uliser man outhlie Ha- lever. TIhe CIemorP ascoli fere, ,e loi aeg g acf- lf grduteatChrist fined È200, hbesides tise degal, charges, thethtick. takas Culgéï tpade tise grand touruf for isaviig ceàisured à ti ey great us-lecî pad md s bs rtua eterd tseperity tise mais uer in ivilich aDine mois, ,tndi,,g onaaslidtlij an- nbi eur neidtecicasped htu s I lyt Communs, ansd on tht acces- sïid te ha Carlists, %vero recently put ho fettaw rer»rely to his t ~ he Tories, tîs power, after Lise deatis e1s tise siglisrcad by tise truops tais> the rape flal 0, VoÀ, received tise apponîment escertan ins, tlsttat> ors the roeadna 1p - àkoftiseordnanre. Ontisedeatis trial !tantIsew rfpthe aadi - hiseider hritiser hisefisered thse flouse M. Gonzaîcs Bravo,)jîust narndM-~Vttttha r»Ids, a->sd there for forty er 1-aitrt ie"Iiîe States, la said te tht Scrst glimpse afil limiuseitfor tise sroag (cos- decline tise appoinhnlt, stts1iechtsg ito their tager gaze, acre Mf,,leggl iJiscrluination, and un- mvl ahsuvc vtsave of loi bs tt tatited i nisilg -4tslartaaity with îvwhicb renfiovat frons tht scene etftaction, and der. Aller the ftri> Ar 4~-uîsfcîmnu ijs preveus>.ttise possibilitY Oflsis heing9 subsided, tise ciltd wv iprtattstssdinq committees. ell.rusted aviListise formation of a new sutajte ecton ofu lèem ial t Is l ittit'nttary pOSt Cabinet. This gentleman is'patroaised iitht exceptio air ose- -te.fHe UWiia by lthe Qucen-Mother an& ber isusband. The tel>' complaino prestance, of indis- PRUA.T nure aen t dhurrieti spech, hfast>'andoorsaeuiries asede igi assaine, bot was reatly os- 3y tisearrival uïts sems . ot-. a f tligl 'i t a e excqlemh bsines, ose ahSuttbist'on, wivth dates from totetieptiap 0 uMed s ne IcUéa Mu of01t - ro&, -falieus a perpeatiicuts I wuss.Luslsen to tise'29th, and, 1 Oporto houtise lope or mid , ,MItise 4I'i~ ,awi (qna raase ~ 3tMay, we leara Ibat Lishoaremnain- he ais ld o e 11 11[là ew» fýîîl rance Prilalli>' trîaitsqaîlAt Oporto, thwo regimteats ha iland ooed, lamas ào feae L is jit out hsPre4ident of ilu gti watt, spd gysiag lic ta tise oittisradeahad sttoîsipted $ oatoa> tuth <stFctiote lai> jbqübjc10 he Suthrade art ovetut ahistance ut tise Tho- ,qM*4WIýthà 'éPtpee of opeîingth mat îàrty, but iL was ah unce sttppressed. - A LD ms*Jum ilroad. LouissNa- b isAîhiuaie.Àcoamihteo bil ~r.Pofe, ,jJ~ >aAstlL»Joii on tise eveaiag of beet tumed in Liison he, examine întpu îately rettarnod, #*j4L NMya, ~tise acclamiation of tise financial state of tise couuntry. Thse aîoae and uaaide ýle,WI'~ iato hs a tredd-ded thie home and] fueiga debt nd Aer' 4~w(5OO bJ iins» grand bsanquiet are tq se reguiariy paid. - WM«<iYSMby tLi Myeot uDj)jon, wbo TV. Doke ot8aldanba hadl isused tEgp,~ada dqy1p;ý A e seâahoù theoecssîu lick- deriée revokiag Don edg9's dereOflauîdels Badi r.asw is haaatte by tbo 4W îti ei waayea Iloeasawisctsigused tht@eifc tý Oteitet> !e; »iM4oeuidoj»bl< polwyqasitoafô o pua Mg'eMuratÎona p<' iela tîl lM îmaWBta ows; î and o dree, diasuivlsg tise Çsssbr tMjunhuý, a wns ya rýceiýw â JsIt enusos 4 haasw wie>ê RovMlLAND >L&SL. RUNIN'G EXltBlTIpe. F - land-, Indiani- IVail reaclsé-d'- - 0.S? ise - 2nd June, îvith dates About 5 o'clorkyesterdi' afteraon, tht proom- y ho May 3, Calchutta, April enadoceîfWsnin etrt-4ausdihehsvely'q,àt- April 25. Jottet Persand, ity utorse tmosjlere,alariPsp9ume* Mriat Contractor,toi tie Anl- ,,uanausiimsro4eir*-vipa nsies dnring ail thse great and Cgaind ad l~anit nea-weère astaauîed eue ut paste onyears,'hart- hken their puqiet)2 y>tIeap edis4îii Ise Government o'es tisis lnrse,"nunandsansbu 500,000 iterling, ad t5gaap uplà" ;ht hdy o se- . ,ig ntlean tacel tise obligation-b>' ac- and elegusel dreasetmate. The gentleman drovà fraudz in bis ,n&oun'ts,,,b4 iibatoeg ivitis le Mc 1 >ut'nbn> f f i idigt~ 1tly ýestàsliishtd bis indu- e rai ý1 Z g, lýéstifirn Is tmilegaW 2Tht lai>'tébtse ' tîn 4tesôieàligLst. urk toisler pell*eums 1 bad ,îaeesat*sriblàpeitiai oni tise Peshawvar -trontler. %wi1htht cucge aad deo# ftie t tmnn 1)ost b1ahomed ivere siii SPartan,>à-w hve1ns*dô-h su k 3e e (iv pd tise iAdteering genlo-me a1,t,'gpte4lto usng airainst thens. -ius vel ex.iiinaee~oe>y~tigok. ups were.overrutsning ti e tdriver isrcasonplly tôtâchtd uip"tIse senits>pl. unoies, anîd onactin gever>' ia wbi jeootlster~h~stsWel.b- ror., roesindn srrseo besaation iig leggejsî>"bm- nul" *asceitnr. -?e ieach ing DôaCi, lsre, lie reeswére nanking the lady,4exbausted iathp iefforrt çsfclinguug nst tise lîsperial tr;oop, htIseandhiter drle s îc.ra tni uientd Saab beri ipossession of tise province meiael thse t oise.aénhi*aa Os- Tise commsercial adVices by seai t entîcaste vs îi te u lilir,' se ust se salistactor> as bW aad,- ube cro'.dbeucoming exceedinnliyilArge ,ana Moesse'mas ver>'searce noisy, ,va'os ceyei u Is e Macsatalls oflice. Iç1- and tise ilUctntions l is thtecoifusiona>the gentlemnn drov" l,&-aibéi, Il lad a hssd e11rct. q netqd nk jsnd th4cM o1~ -stable Lsnd'pàull uss is teamù. Thlaldy irastke %vite utof çtLetlan-la tls tbg -oe eemu te PRDINA1IY ESCAPE. have beZàL dM jelltý*enpidd ha lastAbindôn tijiibnteai- "-s going*te aien abria-tb thanather *Oan,. aslAbegdou r'iriaion He u biasut ilae.IsîIdidpjnwIa ni ati ettht maoat remaikahie any'dlà wls 14,i,îd bis car-it,,and merwespeci- an record. 1h iras olmoat m- ilY 11>hi*s imte.'Tihis stataîsiChi t véittrîlteel. di tbink.la true.,,TIse Ssi>'extsibjlqd eo eseratcmlieeri Mv-GoreBaon, a citizen des>reeatocf scc r tn1ýuj skq~se wera JIayiog togetber in a field piouteer:is5'sntrodticiS'ètht BWtd rlseeniae i tol a tathansteass ink Isole, la Ibis citye -- AtIler 'a.fu ! tb e mbttN t uothema sboy about eigbt or afflua,,a catae rsprooartd;aud :Isg was ga- pushed hies ittUe brother, about veyed 1ha:9- aleùs o KAu.. dloog over tht ediéand doîva- -.--_i pit lselew. lbItas sometase THE - QUEEN'S Hl,:SBANL>..-1 s nissai, before ansy cartain in-. oso ofsoidn tt~Bs te diaive frets the othersesa>otA Lodaèr-sednýfto o of bssa; aci wau oalytif thrtas eton PostîesayS, ,4'I wtsse- nptepared 'toi tnt, *.bat final ly vercamtttileit find PrieeçaAlbçrt s ighi>'eaete frm tise boy whbt dit] tthe demi b>' the bqt men uf1fnglAnd,, ç iAu>y, a ibait happenés. - gffort; s- isisp1uvae1 rt teotacartaiti the tulnoeof Isi ili ý e îîcisaraçtfe, h ,4' 1e ttisord him nt et eif lbe iasntul pnrssisI , ri ISî Rapts wtejl.*tv',tr-n'eS an 0 teptb betiethb utasaoua thatiesid te n udiinl,5Iifid' xere employai in vain ; Su bot- o ôlte b i*lvdilll'ôIvr t ed. A lsg-bted renditwas the. ah>' ngi t u-asnprds'tf-hi id hct gave cci bopttolicsdtcation, cîsîtutre, tOsteij hroad ýviews, utintii1t sais trtee rom cluokedoesp! or poi iy, ansd diseri ecul>' np- s al furhher efforts bcd Ici be Mr on ai subjects, tiserea ia ge ftlesm d. On the test day fluiter lu Englaad liie--atilpe.ior.. -f.>Wyea tht deth of tht pit, but ivilIs wlsosoi reptitathqopueet ,4lIejeqet laedespaic tht fccsutlc parenatsîIsiuskýra uofthe f i lt slu~wt i op ait hupta ut recover>' or ce- Amtç, 4si Yvl Oe ois qr1nuties ftin nrirent, anci prepeatlionie et , -,n-- --. -Mfrm ose up thse mautb attIse tit, -ta lis ts $e ,{ntûr' heji;esu nofhiio itracin tht future, 5v'-eusil; l 'iesfilt i- nme lsroà- ugreesi upan,. ibsI anotbec and C b ke macle b>' teitiîî tomne Jli-eed, assures mîe thet «!-e istse eleeP tae, le exscnine t4sqnatureol e&t'mati -se ver kneîir?--Terée'ss 556 a haun ut tht>. iras'an>' ecuour- memiser o6f Puanlinmnelit, who dan à Ëike effortsho tO ifusd hlotir.A itrompid d witlititit toretiotu*ht>a u- sid u.idertaok tise feai-fol bask.Isaniuoai-shjtau ci ateutsd bis w>uist atnd limba, lipFàer4ýSjreCh1 n ,uM -1,,shSs bh yhch iitulewgbhtindicate lusium$ruq 11. s hposgaUed ~Atisa- W ibtas titIsteIci dçàeend or te Sive.," > -- - cas awueg offand slowly lowr' > - h suiûe Ithetdpthqf *but lbyEND4.OFýALibNMVAY, MATOIl f bina, sndhere ahane uhreaeh ACîncîniti a pe?' tetti that Muit ut n tya slistesinc tyts istenti>' nQ& p aedW11 i Ine g»othçr .soçpt it e w, Meata m-~i>1-ga~3eni td' i or anugleiu, t.he tls;tt.,withtht whse ne usam sd-:nu6t boýmentiî)jsoi i *lsnU li 4ttaai tbelittle asarried a-aygetngî 4g"tmlown ssse l am'.n edqdhddusliox arrington, hivinairn la ieqsd@, tisa tguss ial *uVcl $n 1-mn tt Thtbl s1ileIuncivuiovely sid sedeeîdtsdYty gilstfh vfi fijî ai m'ntt t>y a rose i fitis-parents,ivio rqfù sdl tt t w<)IAZh irdanI OussapectelOrs, irbo lako plateieiator bouse'. -Tis.e pai ri tr ï1ness the result; andi whcen isoiever,, lefvr iuansedtately- - for Vicks- 'tu( tht littit fsttow valuve caugbt -oas andi abouti et Jo>'freom_ tirg. wlstro tise>'spent h 'bllé Lief drtiei de tilli tise air, asud big tearasvlsile vetyla*ëe-eeahiys TI eld> rbt- (ceusa tht eye6 Of evvcyhbkl- ing ali enifideneeiâ bei ise ,abin, ée'B spacexyvisu»,o t dlight ,baic! ahldlr 1 butli'îîît.- lA>.1 [bIt %a exanuineel ot mifjitliadt , -- aluteJ£bo y, and e.xtcaornsiary Io-tell, ItIt -itiiiiSoîtfe. oeyrrîe l )f hlte bruiesWon tht tachaioftiseir husilti 'ýVQpVisitCe4 eaily. uius*t, i -rfefft t>' d ea nd, ssi tunbUit.-ig y it> t.it antde, is tIsaI it rc >wasi i~rfuir t4qj ýý-bri .y 27 hefureuiuer the ground. Pose u aes s h.1.1itlb4na j -tejor- lue 1 afit i, lb repliai Ibat it ase gev>'.Th case wi"s s add îplai a ,ilis 1Wl it;tsudetwî Fuacusthse na- 4tù,and ls'\Nas s'ç>nt lu tise i' iiti- nit tacet that; thalitte fellow lbait a" h 'ulà bi b 4lO~i >~at s, disst a(40leed, upon jai ieh ssb4t-uta thisarilace, tet 9 Il nàle yon *ýifdt V IsI 1s'lui>4e yt.ard.ilpwhftucapld -an-l dig at6 In TRAVELLER. dl]sutami lteuatt sLise fahtirasu a native çfVài nns, bas ,src h u~r~~i. 7I~4~tp atter baviag i'isited iËTk Tr-LÂIiIÉ - 5Pè 4Ic1 e ii eti, Énany parts ôut'tise - faaMWbsaisstts cootift lias 'd,!ý1de, th risiing Palestine aa dtisaI-fesntilieiîç'I* die IthU11»sls 'ifiit- ljsetiflted lise riti eirlsni oateswagsua J i mong - tse> b zynes. Lhea-tt M4 8ag eny.-Refilroad Gaue« -q , ,dm id E]4idrt4 J3ia Ë&l X;.jy fs 4111 Pie Tigus w i ,te f$4 i !w satam ;sutisb tea n--u IWe finit the. fulluwing singgular nà- ing -cirred; i calIedýBeaver-) -1SWtd ,l forsoal t gtdr*d ii vt lIbel- iUcllbtld byr "el~I thait wh'-riblig1WMcidriùîg thwlaît *IW1- > Island, ainomîg hch'~w~o&~ Bar>i ime ti f 1BenjnettuýCIipàbE0rè'sd~ ,$la~ nd werb meo rgStd:ýhaftü1 rece 1*od 4epurtiient. Stmigi alsbn in Detruit jail$an>lî'undder vaibli>tt bt r4çap tnen, as WelIL sIs o4ih)t ; 1 Ççàtileà" as lie styles lheâi,I uilýà41 f past winter by bis Ïsince 'vhiJýe'tt1' >flirudimpeityto>1îee'jl#nlvd~sente Mit 14 hé l lÇ« viGI ti~l îhmwlvs-nIo~b n&»b~her-q ly with this revotingal~i~e s,ê Gentles' hàls lidî - ni>sr property -without coiotsr of 19 '**, ài*1 hpmat ed.;tk-e g i Ri -lèý i %l 1em tu seize Ibispèer, d helefrectcf whucb *%Y'tO r W>el! it , ý nd>js phenýýtie gain' dîýfotý,i'df1I4ei4 jew )iercedlbyefl erift 'li CÎ ~I hot! 1>~> fu~rjTt éïdn' ili~ Wme4an - 4ùWs t2ftv ~ l4J à hd- th6 wuùTtnd, ràj'wËbà& kir of-llehé ad u1ebî t i'V >3 Yiti tthe3r'Zhen; dirolei"thedibl néted iLis a tIrma wl4fttto, te,' 4 1 a, ds4* aùuthin ainx!~.>bodyfif t 'I îçith, A l, me, »vho Were. Genilt,i ; 1s i x WM'ti s pôp~$~~$~ti~ )n1 t9h~urua his daIéNJiw tth tîL if i ea. iin ban val t ad; Who hate endl fear i ore and4 1Pfl M lu àait-th xoui rm- f "ýKiT 4

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