Whitby Reporter, 19 Jul 1851, p. 2

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i ý féreuse to thal. liare of tle revenne, viîceut aIll wlîmouugbittlo be remitt-ed, (om 3.ing- purtan tu nii landf rm the 1'nvinnaal Governmeit; Mnr. H. $À ind nezi with-,reference tu the carriatge stîbjici whic cf le maiswiîch ptomîe îtauîces,aus the Svat cf 4 foe tçaaiple i n t f -Mr. Glauîit ' self <tulie in bad been given te party favorites, -4liat. ment; Lut t1 xentle6ieno. e id, hicd beeui nequirrt4 ficd ii ciuný Ito rsdnehiq old -tens; bttat lengihlatUur&ath *wtnd theu& tlîecontnaet lad )uecu givetî, lho end f A. Io anothez p.nty, it iiie anmoternis ie -MNl.,,X~err W", # tn oed to4et. motiion with W D 'plie ; an îd stated that catéd nul <hý ô t theontmot, the IptotMaoster Ge n -ai decreuse oral bd ie*ndqpd a Bili, iu which Itit h tradu,, ai wus dWsllmoly provide4 t>iat liese con. tu draw ils ri Uuis f« foraingîtheumats ,sbonld be coCanadi ptpai 6mpetitiou. Fcndiag that -wi.t M-bu ir-iU,$hî ipa Maser Generai lad carri- a coiustittitioi -id oni »e aid pla of Ieitiug out the con- 14n ti. caxtin tfflý; but in the cS. montioned the alLer which ootlotor b.dthlw.wn up hi*ceîsinsct, tuompete wbieb wau given ta anothen pinson at olat.e of- Ibo wme temus . odid not objoci le $4,000,000 thoguvaturpurt ot he motion. <unes wereI Autatsa"obsevaitous (roto Mr. cetit. 'Vhlea -greatly iiicreaS4 141ýUATIIZ.-A SEMeLf - i,érensed reven Mopbil',.l4t Jul, 181. tain items of exi A abe f Oi fn,îelrsn e d ebt ht, iW&Vcr of tbe seeîîlmrliation cf thc Cler- nithe tl Mr. lar*a move4 lthe veference ofot ier - ï, ilb. 'eûolin of JoseephiBruneau asud Qh- in h r eia «M ,to a Select Conlimittee. The peti- in1g the emovai lïo nsyed for the. ainig ofan Act f0 rient 9j;,pd ýg9i ktend lb.. limne for lii. yling cf Militia determwnaf jeu - chine.lle pressure fro Iir. Price oppiosod the. motion neuisrk4. ;y îringirnc up1 109tî that more pmrjury auci nasality lad et As tuuil tison perpotratçdunlnthle exi figAtmr, iui en th is sab)ject,* uthan tinder any othet n~eqn'ollya - singis .Act. It had ilîready cst the 10 al Juhave lxi country enu enormoui.S'surn wbuch JIUJcun'- ycar.- flic gc »lafo the. hands of seetilnturs. thotîgh there'% Mr. Laina upoko ta favor cof the me- revenue ut £11 tion. -have re malte >1r. I.rmderýng nid, the. daimrs id public Service. .b~open tins mntIs in UpPef Gana- pcillai ion agai da while cloua neii Lwer Canada. r-tut lho im.pîtit )k. Himb . emavked tht it Wu snet fronm flie mîrph' exacll afut epreseîîtat ion te say liio then, was a s.4 daims bad been opon in UPper Calnada, r.âtier titan aC whuIs xbîewere closed inuLuwver Ciitia' as Utose. Wl14 d u. Whuî th Act was possed it was tIc .benefit orf Muli itended teopeà t<hem at ai nLof 1j lpeset-rden er Càda for, the vreùoun that: tley bad ies. except tbc alre4ýbeen open tIere. I1< 'vus clear jirtsiîce(of' the tut lta'tey could oct now be op-tein ' M r. M n cks. i on. section ôjf<l ProvinceW'ithout-b.- aub<tle ncs iâý ed inioth. l~eco ice, tbtiflt V X&A..o. uh. said, tînt the omt plui revenuei Gecenal lad piacodoun the lîst,elaîrnonts rruvcrnmient,i nuo longer mgo <han iMaly lasf. The-re l1iîd granteritoi ;1v o torIIOSlubsrMr S')CIl calise tliey 1, lywho lad receivect £20,000; auJ ho the new itcerns cculd'prove, if a Commilice were grant- mtark îlot, wil çd, tbatnoct £2000 of thes. clainis wtrre worckq. le nd legal the remýainder being frouidttlent. nîiiii.îtrnoli l it Mnwi. Lfgonains., oIpposed tle itiotiunfolu% unt s; ail and soma ftather discussion fullowed. ~igon->%tcri Mn. Frice zrcltieued instaîqCes iniieicr e(,oninig* wiihlia lad becu deceived ijuti the nmillislrinîiuî oÃ" admiessi of efrstidulent cdaims enfuîrced il wu as by forge yand perjtiçy, wIWki bl been gentlemen op sibsequenlily discove-red. lHe theiîeved_ iiewhole clin thet one.fourth uf the whcole scrip itstied tuind. li e adil bad, been isssicd ii) persons tiut entitled iticrense (if eu%, là il.out cf £135000 isued' for U. 1,y ie establ.i. Empire Ljoyalists, lbe beiieved thot nul I4ive*r Canud:1. ;960,000 lad -beeui given ho 1-ersonssPli-. of théold Cou tîtete if1 hile iie-teîttu o'f tle 'nus tir lac Whole siFp isstied-lad been nmade Illelilfièci 1w île il Mn. Hindc, in reference to the state- iîeau Offili Ment of, bi. Symotur,.said ihlat tho er-lC. d sous wbo bldrcueeived £20,000 scrliîi. htca xe lacte4 as agents fur uilcr îlris-.- wilhin il-te la T4e Object of !Pviviau omoclis w'va i ~tiffycuie %i-met fjiutice te otie Ilar1ics MIIU of Gt»veriulnie #ad lad swfrujedditiuiropei-ly 1mîlisi have. bc -written uiader <hein nÉames; and %vitlî îfor the erectil reeraC~t-tIc f -d îlMut' TCIINontreul, ret bar mid ho iVuuld prevethut lie (~Mr.H.) evenîs ilittré,t did not thiuk tht àauy. confidence C(11114 removuul. Wi M put in, stmh.mnents with reférene, touf luxes. there tbîç mmtr.after the. nevelatiuns of Mr. -wheilier iî Puie., the taxcs,and- 2 - t. Saymour *idthe four pensons a d sibe, it %wc, ua senearIy £20,000 worthofsCrip, frenli items u la= it'b!ppened that they wvene ail mini,-Ilar tu redu, isteni»allsts.-Wbat-he ùbiicttd te was, mutishlit renie t1t tboIi.nsp"ctr-Genenil lad îreatcd mna o iio Q. E. Loynlists tîreo.qiers c f a cet'- sin gli-e, Go' eh1- related te Itie change ut G-overtnment, declared I itn- làvutîr o utiatenIearlia- ltait, Guver.ment 'vas justi- giu.g tie Seat utile Legis- àeîüd. iif hwu yars înstead of roîr yeaýrs.. p'tt sunilwrted the preseut ail bis, heurt, for le advo. e irnediate but-tue gratin. ofcnmus%,sjiio as;toe agigment tittu lenable tle Provtnce 'evenue friam tui., la f liai la wuu dl&be -able le com pete âneu New Yoau Vrk. iwbkh-bv thediference wa tbeexl ed faihu y ariiug !nom £1 nue. Tik ilîutnate Iis.1jrn cpeditueviz: the.pub. 1131 th ts hen ra4b ,it iu n exTioiIsê Another 110 ene i. s ad il Ilî,ace lu lesof eth 'Selof Goverii.- Ur tn, tuere, seemed te b. a du lu puy every debt whîch g'e nim withut %sontant- if -s a clait ojnikil-te Goven- în Jliesjj le would -cnly ne- n licles. delbta 'ere'due. tu trie lot they otiglit not t< ~ei livonght forword in Ni ie end of il D aIlai hal et' tniw Bn 'apparent surplus ID M0,000, tle Hoase would fil fresh provisions for the se 1-le ùmdne ne charge et fa d 1h tu the facil ity arisîup le revenuIe. The lsurplus. i nrce of cmbgrrasarneni Jd Ivanitîge, nndlis desine i cîlien it*wonld nul lie for M the puiblicle reducethe 'w us by dîniamlhilng ail dii- In ose levied on articles, the 1V after expregsing bis regietr vY of replying 'vit-butito-- were*tiletgen IltInthîe sur- w8% emhuîrrnssuntug thîe it 'vos nul, teCUli;sC liev o1ë rnny a'uuliU;but t lid refiîse.d tlîcm. As ho et'lareuelie wouuid ne- tIi regarni tu l-e'Puici not ihink île 1,resiput d-. in spent murethan ylire- d ynnitt<of t<lue vrks nowvt re unmdertaken previcymus 1îo Io p.ower. As lu the ud- f u tie I increas-e cfi Jdb1 th niie cesure-of lion.V ýpoi .te, wlu lied thrown 01 rge tîpon ilie coninidahed 8 iiti-ed, iiufwever, that ilte ms lad licen partly en sed ~lînet <f wCunis uný ia. and the re-organizationi îrts ln X3pper Canaida.- cyeuse, lbnwc-ver, wvns jus.- iciea5ed of poptiulion, uaud T niIXeVV, 11i1 Oler îluiigs. tu iriii a-d iislrativitof jus-c lithed ausc,loat, iue Miscel- .Ises lied lurgeiy inécaseci st two yemu ra,. TIat wos hy I-te rernotvài of tIie Stat nt-; bîut agrL'it tuart of <bat 'e- fiîîeîrred in atiy.case, o,' cof public buildings ai ludcred neccessary by the éven if îtere laed beon no ithl respect lu lte ienhuctiotî ewere îwocouisideraiiuns, ~acepsible to nedtice 1wlich ber, If Ilat <vere pus- Id i-ttble better tq0 charge un the consolidated ftind,ý ice ifs amott. Now il, embered ti-tt bon. gentle- Itul l>een constant ly jures. urrnnent lu assaîmue_ hel roads. It molnld imir iii. j'<blie cri- dit, and ivotild i ue ut '.It *oustd !for beier Ite yu4 * uLtt ntheoL redmîction Dfilhe publice . -ReliaVent on ýtç rejîly geunaliy tle l <t*te. <Mn. iCkrite agreed with 1h. lîzaef. ter, Genrralitit ilweuld le a mout da -gru hing te accede ho the. motion cîf M.Cyey, il) th. proeA tu.$ taeo the coupry.. lie wecrmnt os$p.ow loy the presentmnrç4îuis might b. empioy.8 fur tle beft oftthe.' unhtry. - Mn. G. &Àenwoodreî.Iiedto Mr.litis.. tie, and tlen.comp~lauedhh"t the Go- venanient lai flt :satcd ,how ihey ineauite oappIy fthe, surplus revenue. ge lie ught tbterewpias euy prospert of~ an itterease eot ie rei'4ntu0neat yP>ar. H. 'vent on lu. arguae,,on the . ate ut ii revenue and ha faveur ofthîe reduetion cf4dtties by tle;$St, Lawrence. The motion was put a n4 lest; yeas, 21 ;nay-s,4b,- - The Huusadjure4., LLG{SLÂTIVE OeUrwLO Weduieiday, .Jnly 16. f4eveml,,petitions were pnesented-- &agresi.- - ,an ep r P o Unn.Mr. Leulit and Mvr. BO#beLl replied ralier Ésr Pl y to the. rensiki, Of :the he 4eprsutiemfl, th-r~ IloU uswsinflueZîO4 by 5Usf0e .zg l uportiuff tuis ffleairo I-g TinSUImmit tee then rose &sd r0port. e4 progrees, and p.bked 1eàVc i Thîee Bills were, brought f(o Ii Lewer Houae and lead a fat tinte, viz: -thei. Tnity Culege Acft the montre- aMrneAssimince _Corpae4. Ad, and-a Bill 10 indemniyr i uidIB CounillorsD of the. County of puterbor- The. Liuse tiien adjournued. 81.LAKE Sc'GGG. 8M1 penses- ba scwiily crw-vu ib0,OOO to £30,000., He went on to lint out that the e.xpenditurc of the. ùisdian Government wus lurger Pur dJividual than that of the. Indepeisdeiît ýüviupontof tii. ,Unitudeattan d ,et ofthe -UiaWMof)ew Yo 'il' t ogetbur. e, tb'rfure, , çouldetpport 15v. Cey- y or any othe.knember inIi bs des.oe j ut clown uselese taxes,:,e Mr. Roiu#on nmade, a" e ,na ipou the. importance of the propcosed ie- lction of dchues'o-n imports; snd sug- sated tint thé" natter shoald bé put off, f the Govcrnment were îlot then pre-I îred. Mr. C'artier spoke generýjlly iu veply othe nemarks of Mlr. -Mertitt, referring 0 the financial systenis of the States of Few York and PennsylWanin; and cou- iiring the decr ying of ourselvs, and ay ng.that w. mad an expeneive ,Govern- Denît., Our. credit abroad was at pre- ent god ;and that wes a proof of the ivourable mauner la whioh w.- wene rprded b! foreigners. Mr- W. YI. Boulton referred te morne tewmg lu the estimates whiciih W con- eriaed,' and said, they woat4 l ot b. bei.e but thast the,,Governluent badl more mone-y than it knew wh wat fo do witn. H. was rending froma îîews- Imper in stiul'urt of his views, when lie wus called 10 orcler. 1Mn. H. J. Boulton contended. that reading a îîewsIuper Wat. Dot out of or- der. A menîber of that House had the .erfeet right tu read lrom ziy authority le flieil i i suppo)rt of bis vicws. Mr. W; 'H. Boulton went on to con- end thot the wurst thing that could lie- full a Government was to have too mudli Money. Mr. Cqyley neplied ; but lie was very nidistinctly hieurd in the Reporters'Gai. cery. De -wasunderstuod b oargue, that the expendi-ttre fur a numbher oi years linst, hmd excccded, £50,000 ei £600,000O; and that in the face of this it wüs nu good argument Io, say the r. venue shouild be kept us £7OO,0OOrîc o large a sum oas £200,000 lu bcLe ep as surpl us revenue, tu nieet contingornt es tbat m ighit arise. Mr. Ri hardi, said the subject of re ducing the rêvenue was inmportant; bu hie considered the-present an imprope time tu discuss the questi 'on, and con Lended it shuisld bc 1left uintilt te esti -aies camne till Mr. H. J. Boulton insisted en the ne cesity of rctrenchmc nt,es a priuziple c Govcrnmetit, aud as ua iieuns of, neduc i:ig thie 1rires 'of tens und l.sutgars, ani rît fier articles of large constim ption - 11 '3ukat srne len gth, and was frequent ly inlttrrtilptedwif h noise. .Mr. Hol met said lie iniglit agree witl soîne ideasuf the, hon me teblir f4 Huron buthe worml y-ceuistired the bribgîig u of snch niattès utý th igs ifriod of îlie sei 4iu'î. The îîroper lime U-as wheà th estinmatee came befvre the Lieuse. Mr. Miacdonald of Kingston conter ded, 'bat' the. opposition followed thi Engish practice, and ,citccl latç niotior of Htime.eand Lord Nfflu n'Eugland He, ientu te ,speak generahlly iAnfi votif cf the motion, condemning stroni ly tle princillocf keetiga large tu, Plnq reyen île on- band. ~ 1.'lHn"kf- spuke l -»:-i..yà- Rf lîHAUPERS MAGAZINE for JUIY. The; International do. Godey's, Gîabam's and Saitaid'a do. BIatkwood'o do. The Art Journal do. Tbe Daoghtst of ight, by S. W. Futiom. Eastburry, a tale by*A. H. Dftîry.ý Nts o Bad aswelSeem by Sir E.-Bulwer Lytton. The Year Book of Facto, fo"151 Kewi o or 11Snow Bird,& aI&@loi I Lite, by C. L.Ifenli. Houseboli4Wordu. Io No. 62. The latet uumbers of the Reviews. Àdventures ofPaul Perwinkle. The ~ Conlese'o Sliubury. Cbrî.lopber Tadpp. Volume 3 C~osmos. Tienion Falits, by Wilisi. Travels in Amerc kica fc, y od Mre yon Sret, THOMAs MACLEAR. TDtuly 19, 1851. 14 ly. TYPE FOUNDR Y. I JaLr Io?351 aclose. Momnbers re getinçboase, and t.epub- fic are gethirg tir&M. Baudwum's Vary iiporIm *ni bl, ite repweal olaw oh prialegenituroce- pid the eomit. eveninç et Tuesday laut,#and as carried by a vory large majorlty. :It wili becmrt1- iying te kaew ihat 1< bas proposséd Ibn fut and if well meaged, it may become à law titis Session. ,The. Teriteuiat Division billwasread a firi lime in the Legislative Council, and on Wdnesday pas- oud-tbr second roading, nd vs disctused n Coin- mitle.o ethe wbole, which wiI b. fou d lt in le re- porta la tedy'. paper. ILIt lol 1kea breacI of priviiege, orfah lu a pice of colt iimpdencee ia the Hou, Mr. Ccoks, to cebutiae a Ineaiboiteti tber Roeute, who ha i'o*ponsible tte ipeople, while the lion. couhor is fot; neithc buasthe bon. gnleman anyibing te do witl any meunbei's etecin, net ithe means te adopta te seure t; ltq question, belongs le bis constîtuents-fbe common- ers-and fie, w. preaume, i. a peer, or sometbing like ene. On -Wedaesday, tle luspecoer-Genenal moved the Route inte Counmittee on he su Pplies, but n.one of h. te ms were pasaed. The debates ois Ibis aubjc: viii b. iateresting, and we sail Isy tnein before eut readers. To Ithe Patrons of lb. Reporter. Iwrieobo seresab lt s ue t b stthed banda, anour r eadestaishenetouib. Ch ilnhoî bads no vial daners llto boy wlIe aliuslyt derve en île nearange tent.wh i e ii. hi. dmerioe fofm1heen rremet, on awu thin- respOofibe duhes ef jporietis, to5 naîig e > ouhernsise dimpof île Reorte, tilo efurgnd h ov Couuty ipo Ontheario iii as eîidicalher nay Cqua hlo triotae icIî l uinassume waoeuguto itemotau nc be aoin utasue.e- lu; anal fioterhshing (alOe ttceeahea&.intet - inicia l amihi om ailwhc oi etern Pradiofinc- s iial. la <li intwhetiouretermroine aictiviela pes nerentiotc exarnsive von et sipryo eebu are,ad cîiithledpne ive lkoai expensive ef whichh a Ournten pross, which iaet The. Ncw,-' sitilhlg ISi c - HRUGII CHISHBOLM, ,mASTER, UJILL leave Lirdiyfor Port ?erry cain; ut inerm«diate Ludanps, fvery MONIDAY, WEDNESI>AY aucd FRtIDAY moit.î iGa, ai TEN O'clOck, on the arrivai oh tls Stage (rom- ,tîerboirough., RZTUftNlsei -Will leaveFPORT PFER RY every TUESDAY, THIJRSDAy sund SATURDJAY MoRcNGiai etTEN o'cinck, ou uhe artivai oh the Stagtes troun Port %Wltuy. For Freigît or passage, apply tethIe Captain on bow-d. Lindiaay, ,ly 1, 1851. 14-tf. WHITZY SUILDING SOOISTI. T E II; Loan Meeting-of this9 S6cîé'ety for il, Dîsîtoflih y Tender, ofON E Shoe of £50, wiii [b lid atTI. N. Scaîu1rTuat's 1,vrv, on MONDÂT Eveuinz, 4t1 Auguisi, AI SEVEN o'clock. By Order, JOHN HAM PE'RitY, Seyritry4 2Teasurer. Whitby, Juin. 201h, 1851. 14 WAN TED. A Ninelignt, active Yung Main, b set as Av±nt for lb. e &portt.*hdom a il- berai enconrýaÃŽenniWOUMd hoaffotded on applica- tion,-if by tetter pos< paid. Whitby, ltI Juiy, 1851. Ne* BooIks,' &c. 'RECEIV'ED BY EXPRESS. tellhe [an Wesi. Th" apin sa portlantd rotd is rapidl, with the <arantee.of<the. £T$Ilo AQforthe IfalItm thuougli British herrilory, i City iunemmPDititWith round. Frein Monte.! te toutes are proposeil, mii no au extension toithe Montfet] lion o ethe *î MdPM,' ijusi waking ap te let upthie Raiirosd principle etprs.Titis ioad cime Ithe.province, and, doubtl vnit tgil*sutorkhoidem5 T!%ë body cf man, who waas board the sheani ly fuund in Rie say, buried 'viti doci the. Coliùr The Rev.Dr. fore the. police C Dixon, in the c Hall Clengv Pa deyslot, auhe o wacsin at-m nd iî wcI festriie mimd heeldissscû anmd <le rdisi pcintmentt and, THz WAT T Watts, (the. m calied in, ak Toi r f me. y he a - Vinet tu- wili kit,.no DRONTO RAIL W. lave-,necereutil Lofer, Esq., seleeted in I s(na Commlttte, rvan &~, 4~'c. MR. AND * i 1~ islnn et et Ho. & C., ofNew York, mnims capa- ble pi printinç a aheet as large as the la gesi paper in the Provin ce. It will proabiy arrive bore *during the enauing week ; andl as ooa atfter as we can gel togeher tlhe cîben iatrlal neeosary, en4 an addition bulit teo ot office, we iutend te publiait ut eulatged abet, -the sie et ttieToronto GIobe under-the amiee t hI "NTARIO REPORT- Titis wit in t'ea u thie sphere ofoeut useftalau by ailowinq a tuller' copo I. eut correspondens, 'ad tite dhscussori ot ali maltera arising ot of ont *it e t ,cf tran ition (rein the ieadlaç strig s ef T - route influence, te the full enymeat aud perfect Independece ef walkiag alene. To aitW-com- pondenîs toucha; alilirs cnnecteà vifh out now politiaI state, ad <evelopiug the ichI ouirces 1 car back country. as ell as on ait lthe Ioadl questions oft îe day, peaued ni <cd tempms and in gocltaste, we offct a4eahfywlcume, and mma eordialy invite tIsai teoaov coîonuma. Ttc independeni ccure parsueul lieretoton. on politiai questions by the Reportr,; viii e atnlef1y (ollo*olI np ly is presnt proprlehmrs iin aocond ,sce y ithe prgresive spiurtteofltie age vo lIve i, advocatiug ulreoîtly, ail mcli anaitmorgi uni ta ee L

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