Whitby Reporter, 2 Aug 1851, p. 3

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am tfl W.vk 1. doue-tbe raid lm "t t ,MSZ-dftor, with evey 4reet ,Wa it hmot90 wihh thé new cauna 14ID MO "kthouci wrhavc obtainAed I tO thà lit atter, had not the Ée7m1. Sctt UP i Iarqa e~s 1Sowill il %d rth gp t&ke the malter Oedyaccmpmeut imeert&in. If vte May remalu Blut up hire, denied Il 01 a market, which wotild aller- f0 tO s et ARl mmonm ai the year,. for >me. I,for one, will continuet10urne deavour to arouse the people ta take ntetr. Anuj, Mr. Edibor, 1 arn con- Ut nov tit t1Iperveive you iniend 1,6 tacter of your -excellent littIe joy-r- IZenlarcel, and make what waa whîtby si'piper, ée1xtend ovér thc Dew eoun.-1 sîay, 1 arn confident .alwaym b. ready to advo.,ate, with ned zeal and abi liy, the interens of 86-anxious'to oblain an oullet for ;.hiai 1 eounty, end. tercby gain accesu, et setbone, ta the beat market. 1 must 3 letter te a close, for I find 1 have hWec the limits I haci precrîbed Io it pliue you, 1.rMay, ettmre future ' u ait,. iJUlyp 1851., A. F roM ,,X New'York Tribune. Mr. T. Robjolin lias tiow nearlycomn- pletetiat Hoboken, an immense flyingi mihjPwhichhieealîsthe -United States.' Tecar ài 64 feet in Icngth,_ery sharp at either end, width 6 feet, heighit 6' feet 4 inehes, the, wholo composed of a SLIOiig, fi2lit wooden frame coveagd With caavas, wîh doors and glass wmn- -doWs, The -l4oile rs e'ar f copper onth tbarplan,>~nd aceipy a space equal to four cîfi feet; the engmles are 'very perfect, being, eorposed fut' gun ietat andt cast-steel ;. they are of 12 horse power', and are te work 140 mcli strolie 66 timies per-mintute, ,whiclî Nivijl1give 1 400 revolttions ot'f qj floats which are pllaced in a snistantial, franiework on the toP of ,the car. Thêëre is çufficient To0m for 25 passengers, %vth tlifel for 4 hours. The fioa-t is 1260 feet in letgtlî,' of' a cîr like sîmpe. -4. feet diarneter ih denter, and lias a gas capicity equal to 9,000 cthie fect, wilich g'c a lifting ;'uwer eéqal to 6,500 pouid-s. The entire wVeiglî: of the car, fluat and fixtUres is butabout 4,000-poinds, leav' ing QSOO surlus. 1: isdebigned tortin ibot 200 feetabave the surface cf the * earth at a rate of speed varying froni 25 tu 50 miles per haur. * Thce egines are î £ Criosity,ý their weigyht beinig 181 plotinde, and so perfect are they -that l'y -'the fore- of biis ug iri. Rohiohn .caused bath*pistonis ta work a full revo- 2utioncaxrzyiag a driving whiecl of five ifeet d'ameter. rThe redderisaworthy of 'minute' exu.mination, and by it is de- .sig'ed to rîîn up or down, or in any re- ,qîired direcition, The car la, sius1ended 2by cords tu tIse fiant,. and when bhe whole is iaflated and stispended ianrnid- air moving uinde.r the estimated voloci- -ty, it waiI be a.' rare sight. The ship ',thts far lias coSt bue inventer abouti .$5,000, end hie now rQquires only a Iewv liundred mare ta )erfect andi set afloat Ilis air 811ip.- icw PÀPErM[LL.-A newv paper niffi 'hu been ttarted in Dundas, by Mr., JosepSh "Spea:er, te proprietoir of te Gopre EIo.îringuî iii. NWeliaveexat ni- «l a aseet-of printing papor mrade at tnit uxilil,'.and we tLink it eý,uaJl tae ny we fiive seen -manufic*tîîred iii Upp,çr Ca- n1e4a..a-Christ ian .,dvocale. F*I¶,%fL Accîii)tï.-ýWe knwrn %with deep 1egret that Mr. Josrph 4Spencer of »uridas, came IoTubis deathl14.ail froru the roof of hi. pape: mil ini that place -on Friday evenngîQst. Uce expi'red en Saturday -aftertio)(n.-f6. Great eonistE-riation was priiduccd Tt Imîra, Allen County, Ohio, lai tvcek '-by the sudden death of s.veral citizens from disense %tluch the Pîxysicians pro- nounced to be chale-ra. $omo furty t'amies, it-is said, lJî tîxoe'place as fast, desired. Lot No. 20-3r4 Con. Pickrhs. Pickering 23rd 3uIy, 1851. 15 tr rWo poi andi teady Sawyers ta wbn on- Iant ernploymcnt andi GQOD WAGES wJl begiven for the year round. SINECA HAIGHT, 3rd Con. Pickering. Pickering, 24th July 1851. 15-tf. L O T*. PN the mrning of the l3th i., between whiîhy village., and O$HA WA, a Gentlemai. lTORINE. Any person returning themre, ,wilt.be-suiably rewarde&. PETER FERRY. Whithy, 26tb-July 1851. 1 f NF. HUNDR E»-acres of Iand,being the South Ohaif nof Lot No. 14, in the 3rd Con. ni Brock. The Loti s weil watered and about 66 arreclear- eti, anîd utîder a gond mtate of impiovement. For term-s appFv to the subcriber on the premises, Wm. McALLISTER, or to ROBT. GARTSHORE, Whithy village. Brock, 23rd July 1851. 15 1. A BOOK FOR MILERS. tllEAmerican Miller, and ,Mill-wrightla Au- jaistant, with Engravingio and several uselful Table--by WILLIAM CARTIER HUGHES- Il'ice 7m; 6d. This work is desigrîed for the practical Miller, Io whom il will prove an invaliiable assistant. Fur Sale at tbe Boston Bock Store. Toronto, Jîmly, 26, 1851. B. COSGROVWE 15 .10w. (frrTRECEIVED, a Large Qîantity of AMEn- 91JlChAN CoTTON YÂJU4, bet quality, lower than eic lowest. R. E. FERRY. Whitby, .luly 25th, 1851. - 1-t MONEY!IoMONEY1 \VM TEl by the Sub.,criber, any amoint of Mont y, for w~hicb he w. ill give in exghange, AMY lAMOUNT 0F 0008,9 AT THE VEY LOWEST PRICES! fle havinc matked bis goods down to the very lowsest tiguÏe in order tou IS STOCK 15 LARGE AND COMPLETE, A ND Il living confiident ofauccesa mn sutng as regards lrce itnd Qualîty. IMME13EIL-TIIE SPOT:, tCHIN..l qTJA STORE." - 1-1. 'E. PE1IRY. Whitby, Jîly 25, 1851. F A M I L 15. tf BIBLES. IN PLAIN anti ILEGANT Binding, for sale a t the lowest prices by J ASIES.H. GElIRIE, -Whtby village. Jml y 24, 1851. JUS 7T RE CEIVED ST 3.l. GERRIE'S Drue and Book Store, ASCHOOLCRIAF' .AMERICAN Indiars. Their Fistoty, condition andi prospects, confain- iîg Threlling Narratives, 1)aing exploits, &c. &c. lllus*rated with Engravingi. -Whitbr, 24 July, 1851. 15-tf. DR. LOCOCK'S- A Ct RTAINf CURE FOR \Iensiumm Su ppreoiçio or Suppresmedl menstruation; .ýtýMuorrhagiaor Painful MNensruation; Amen- orrhoea or Partial obstruction of Menses;1 Chiorosis ôr GXreeti-Sicknî'ss; Lencorrhoea, Fluor Album or Whites, and ail Femate Weakuessea. 0010 Agent, JAMES I-1. GERRIE, DaRUGGIaT. Wbhitby Village, Juiy, 1851. 15-if. 'TwÃŽ;eed, Flannels, Elnket, -4 si tocking Ymnill for Cash or Woot~wholeaieÃ"I f4iil. - t Manuatorinimg andi Spiaing'by the poutdf, doue to suit cutmpero, and WOO'L C.IRDJXG, and CLOTH DIESSING donc on the shorteut notice. They inténd to, start an Accommoationl Car tu run between Port Perry and te Whitby wooien Facîory. Tbey wIl run their Epress once a week. calling at S.: Tanner'm Tmnncry et Prince Albert, andat Lund'mstore, Fort Ferry,ý for thé acc~ommodation of the Farmers of MatiPfflt Scugog lland and surrounding county. 1A 'They will receivc waluet Hoover'. Point by the Steamer WOODN'.*, tand bave it returaed Weelcly by the smre canyeyancei Fric id. and' neigbbtnuru, one and ail, Don't Forget the Golden Call ; G*lci we give for woôl thai'. Clea.- Rememlîer, lrierîds, we'rc not a gree-n. BOWERMAN, FLANAGAN & CO. Whitby,.NLay, 12,1851. ý1-yi .BC IB R are now re: CERIES, comprisingr the usual amrbment, and which they are enabled tu offier on ver y advanta- geouts terms tW ibeir correspondents, anid thc trade generally. FRESH TEkS: 270 packages Young Ilyson,. comptlslng smre extra fine,' 60 packages Twankay, 30 packages assorted, Ilunck Teasi 25 Moes G uipowder. COFFEE: 45 baga very superior Laguira Cofféee 60 bagsRio, 18 bage St. Domingo, 10 mats Java. rO0BACCO: 200 packagem nssorted Tohacco, in 51s, 8sa, 16's; 321s, &c. &c. SUGXRS- 35 hbdfs. Bight Porto Rico, London Loaf Sugar, Liverpool andi Dutch Crushtel Sugar. CHEESE: 3-tonu prime American Cheese, jut landed. HAYES BROTHtERS. 6 & 7, St. James' Bttildingg, Ring St., ? June 7tb, 1851 t 8f. DOINESTIC MANUFACTURE. Cast Steel floes and Bay Forks. fnsand Hay Forks, made from Naylor's best Cast Seel, expressly f'or the Subscriber. Tiios. HAWORTH, Troronto, June 7th 1851. 8tf. lIA RD W AR E. 1449, KING STREET, TORIONTO. T IEStuhqrihc-r-l>emi, ta inforni bis ,Customers tbat he.iu receîving his BPRING STOCK OP' EARDWARE By various Vessela rom sea, viz --Lard George Bentlck, Anne Cropper, St. Andrew. Niaçara, Cath erine, Zepbyr, and several otbers f rom Liver- pool and London; and in a fem, dayx he will bave a complete assortment of Heavy andi Shelf Hard- ware reaîly for Sale, and at prices as Iow as any in the Trýade. Toronto, May' 22nd 185 1 81f WHISKEY! WHISKEY! i e50BARRELS PORwr DUYER Whis- key for Sale, very low, by JOHNX MARTIN &C<O. Port WNhitby, May 31,1851. 7-t(' WANTED TO BORROW riOpt.a Terniof ON.s, Two or Timme LYearm, tbesum of £100 or £200,for whieh the moni irdisrutable security wîil be given, real or- Pemanat. Apications post paid mnay be addiesmed ilE. M."I Whitby Post Office. Wbitby, April,26th 1851. 2-tf. MORE M4OXEY TO LEXD. v a,% they could procure tte tacans ofeon- av 0 U Ti 1<)Lie i veyarice. A gent lemnan 'of aone outhle learned professions put - off in i scli "1To keCtize of the Xew Goun- ar lburry, that ho leItl-iiipocketbook onlbis 'Ton Wity bed, thiedoors oulis dwelli ng w ide open,iA anid hlmuself wi thotbhe meanb of.carry- J OH N WH I TE GAR.GImiH t R ta ing bu away. (Jîhers left,ila tlie niglit,j ~t ac erint theInhabitants uof H in stich haste au tu negleci the ordinary' WIt'a ItLLAGE and vicintït La b osire ùf propetty left beltind thelu.- wîll supply hem %qitbLitsort of VEGE11ABLES.t1 4mcriu n. aper.THREE ume a week vjz.,TUE5P&Y5, Tmivmee- th Il s, & SA!Deys-, i - 9V TIIEGRAPHtand opposite.ML. WILLIAM LAING'S New York Markets, July 3.-FleuirW byJlylth11 3 lmu .-more irmn-ese in mnarket for lotv grades of State anti Western, with fait 'WHITBY BUILDING SOCIETY. local export dernae.d. Thet firrnness of holderu restricts tli, business for export. TITE EIGIITH1 Loan Meeting of tbis Cacuidiau steady and acit pîerÃŽty- SalesS ý*oriety for the Disposai hy Tender, of, ONE * of 700~azres *418 a4-25in bnd. of £500 Wit t e heli avtT. N. SGIrTuSE'5 of 1001rres $, 1 a,4,2 inbon., ggon MONDAY Evenînig, 4ih Auguaýt, t -Sales domestic reath 9000 hartrels $3 a SEVEN o'cîock.»a 3 50 fur uninspected; 4$4 6 a 4 12 fur -B Order, I State ; and $4 18 a4 _31 for pure Gene- 4O' }IM earer, C aoe, Grain-Less inquiry for Wheat. Wliiiy, June 20thî 8Lea,ý 1T4a cer The s îpply is good and gene rally held -.-U--e ebovtthê,views of-buyers. Corn lîde.'UP _FARMERSUP cidIyl,,ower and market tnasettiet, EMEIMBER, a DOLLAR s9aved, la ,otrat for July being settled. There ~DLA and ~s nc, dernard exceptiig for theEst ~ndareHWOrt(enCft5OWr.THOKP SON Ï& PEÂRBON ah nd inua s t111oranmeeceniitleris propietors of the MÀMMOTH HOUSF,, King The busaless numrhu l s treel, Toi'oflto, being about ta open on lte Fit1à laxe. les67,000 barreis 45c. a 53c' ÂUGIJST, the store latel>' accupîed by 'EAflrt~T'PETER PEURy Esq., th~e Frie»ds' in f wlitbV.1 well aow#t as the RED STORE No. 1. waitty, Dow le ONTABIO SrO]RB1would emil pusr attention co the advartages wfuch you will lave il>'buying your Dry oode CothngBonnets, CloaJt Hatiq Cap#, tk F~ urs, S BOOTS 4. SIIORS Ifc ui~ Va.,u will nai, have only topav'tfle GOOD oppartutîity 1 ia"offciered -ta any pet-son wbo bas a littîcipare cash, and sishes To, make an invesiment in Wbat la more aluable than cash itacîf, via :-Two, valciahie andi amprovediBuilding Lots ai PORT WHITBY, be- ing com poseti ai the corner Buildiiig Lot No. 9, in Block 3, adjoining Bates's Bakery, containing haîf n Acre, havin%! a gooti Barne thereon. an excellent wetI; also a çood assortment aI Grafieci Fruit rreei. A goad hoard f'ence encloses ibis Loi. Lîso, Building)Lt No. 1:1, an Bond Sireet con- lining nearly haf an'-Acte, l1nvnq a <oi Frme House thereon, whicb rente for $30 a year. Tia Lot lorms one of the, mail beauitiful Building Lats inthe Village. The ahove WiIl be solt in pari, or the whole, very che-ap. andI on very easy teras aI pay ment, so as to suit Puircbaserm.- Por further particulars Apply bu, J AMES BATES, Baker andi Canfectioner. Port Whitby, A pril 22nd 1851. h-tf. IMP OR rJ1XT TOJL4IRiEflSi5 T RE Sthcriber begi ta infrm the '.public he has been appointefi Agent, b>' thc Mtanufacturer&, for tslte ai the justly cplcbracd] iuiaKUAM nPLOW9 cnt1 that they may be, ba f i i i-on as fatmorable terme s a uthe acoy Landi Sideu anci Points canstantly on hanti. Parties wishing a first rate, chcap anti uubutaritiel ilow, wauild mai'e mendy by giving bin a aCaliI hefotepurchauing îdscwhere. Referenes:-Mes. Noah Huc kins, Wmé Fax- 4o0, James Hall. JOHN WILCOX, ýNo. QI, lit Concesseort JV'9TICE4 ' pALlersons indeb ted to the Estate of Âthe Iate AË.& Post', of Pickcering, are hereby notifiecl tacnte forward immediy*ejjad mltek payaient ta 11LSAM FauT, whn iilutbn - t e .- ceive the emmmc, and grant açquittances_î 0, tt tlios having claimiagainut t;7 î_4 ~ o requesteci to present tbem,9 dut>' attatý ,hI pmyeti. - HIRAM Ëw, Exzuo,~SAML.O0 *AXI, Contsatin'g of every kind e.nd s4iie of Coats, Vutsr. iged Cansimerea, Vc.tintg,, 4c. 40-, 4<. Fromn the extra facility for making up stock at their Establii and purcbasincg la the cheapeat Wholesalc Mi FOR ýCASH ONI They oaa, and do seli O0:CHEAPERIÇD than arty otber ýWholesaIc buvers supplied on Reasonable 7j EDWÂARD EVANS9, 1.«,i'1W.B. HAMI Mc Gi'! Street, Mvntreal, Ring Toron tg, Ju ne 7tlm 185 1. COME AND ý§E .THIE F'REE --T'RAD1)E H0US Toronto, 8 6ta r-d - I- .aV'o.2, >St4 Lawrë-nce Rtdf sTorOfftOq 0NE of the firot principtls of 14 Donrestic £conomyt" le to huy in the Cheapegt Mark.#t, andi is universally praeiised by al "#Ecottonei anumeeprs"sd fthe Free Trude Of the prement day, by promotini wholcsomne competition, cives Ia the Public the 4reatest amount oi "1Protertimill the mosl rigîd Econoriat can dà~ire - but in bhe selertion of a IlHOUSEHOLD MýbAIT," i should be borne in mind that ilQUALITY in the trime test of CHEAPNk.SS." ltavmng purchased principal yfr CASII, f rom the Mannâtactur'rm ii BIITAIN and ihe UNITED > STATES, aindcintent an SELLING at, the, LOWEST REMUN ERATING PROFIT, for CASH OINLY, ROBEIRT SAR GvANT IVO. OiTer ta the Publie of Toronto, and the surrouadifng country mn EXTENSIVE AND WELL-ÀSSORTED STOCK OF AIl of wbîch yul be fouad fully equal in quslity t0 the firmI Londoni andi New Yor'e Etsbblimbmenbmt andi at a considerably lowcr price than any Itouac in thiu Lorality. trho present systemn of Il Pofflng alias Lying" is liere repudiated; and R. S. & C-o. (in iceeping tid the gold adage, 44 Honesty is the bemt Policy'.) have ever-y cosifidence in giv inq urtiversal aiiifi*ctiofl to those wbo mmy favour them witlu their Patronage. tbereby giviar greater puhlicity ta their capa- bilitits for pramotinq the bemi interestu <the Pockets) of the- Peôple. Their Stock comprimes an, EXTENSIVE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED -ASSORTMErNT 0 STAPLE AND) FANCY DRY GOO0D St - 0f the Newemt Styles and, Manufactures, Ladies' Cloaks, Bonnets, Mujîs, Boas, 8f c., 4'c. RE A DY-M AD E 0 LT HIN G In every variety of Conts, Troîxeers, and Veste, uof superior tut audý make. BATS, CAPS, &c., Together with a large lot Of Ladins' andi Gentlemen's Bo0ots and Shoos of ovory description. THEIR -ST-OCK 0F GROCERIES, Tbey can with confidencti recotumeni, tes hein g entir-ly-free from ay,. O*msed or interior Artkcloâ, andi are of.te purcat Qualities and beat Brands. Almo a larke Assortmelil of Tncluding a large lot Of John Wil$On'm " BUTCIIEIL Krivas," of a 4uperior quality. and very lbw ati R. S. & Ca., being determinedt 1 cul excetdinçly fine, rety upon ipakiangreat taughter ammeg hfgh prices in these diggina. R. S Cols ' Splendid Estahblient" is now open, aend ready for inspeCion ; and thcy wou partîcularly invite tbcir Country Friendu not Io purchase elscwhere, belore iving theai a fair cha of proving the truth of their pretensions. No Second Price! PR E E 18 8 WOODJ mRB.à PRJNING-JNJ ALLC OF PHI] TYPE & STERI of wbms manufacturi gencrai assort ment.1 gré 80 well kilown, thv any r,!mar ks aoi be t tures. The, eone'enienee tI now buve ina bc bî uor &Hl they cin req FrbVince tihien in for drosa 20 Pei caveirDi Varmenti made to *msré- yin elegant style, un t1'h. shoreat eattce- OrRemember 1. the FREE TRADE HOUSE is No. 2, Sir. LtaW1ZNcz BUILINioI, two doors Wemst nf Nelson Street, ir te i New Stone Block on the Olci Market Site, ,cljoining the Arcade. -'Ca"t you isil after this f ROBERT SARGANT & Coi. Toronto, 2lth Septimbler, 1850. WRITTitVILL6aGti. 1WILSON legs ta --informý the In- 'habitants of Whitby andi its viciait>', that he hau opened a Store .*Xacily Op'posite tà Scuipture's Hiotel, for the Sale ai DRY GO0DDS. rocerles, Ceey&IABAE Ilis Goodu hâte ben earemly setectéà ed n-larc ofrered for Sale ai; e emall acivance tipon prinie cou!. The attention et Hoûsebaldeim id particularly calieci bu bis wthlch, il is eonfldently helieved, wyul afloic atis- faction. ÀA trial id mrespectfàlly solicitecl. Gond Country PrMitîetakea ine exeleange. Wbi tby, June 14, 1861. 9-tf. IIATSI IATS H. IArS! 1 T H SWJ3SCRI BER having jtist Te- 1eived te $prln1e style of' rngliàh, Fretch,fnd American Satin Mats, invites the attention of the P ublic -tu cait and examine fort hemselves, as be ran assureé tentheré bas, besulnoblejetttr imUar- ducec inmb the Mark*t. Almoa few cames dl Londlon Bîaek and Drait JOSEPII ROG3ERS. Torcto,iine, 2rid 1851., i. M R ýMACKENZfE rempeciftifly ilu- fIIIornmthe n,îblit that sbe 'vili continue to N OTIE h ereby given, that Il Peter Po ry- eith%-r by Note or look Acennt,aU. seule. the samne without ciels>', farqbs aot necessary here to ex*ilaiti. Whitby, April 5, 1851. JOHN T'UQ.KE 1peris Hair, Nai 't, Ho . i

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