Whitby Reporter, 2 Aug 1851, p. 4

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* ~ ~ ~ A~ -, ~""car«jj T(~ ~i E R1. & HXJTCHINS6N 0s u afuwj-Ptle IVb1t W1WOLBSALE & RETAIL Os »ngPý,itdCoiw . 1 M w»di 'týI rlowë t Jf a4 L 7 k ~~ b o k i r , O Wtfi tte r 8 fn d G e n e r a l ' D îly G o o d s X r k n s ma e çes a~Oit! l lhs4ti k gj-lles iS tè L A A T 5, u«Y'. &O to Nom, York, rne 5 y hôlb To WHITDY -V#eL4GE, -46f -1C±%Ni $1'z*É'EAST, TE0JlTOD 26, XiltoSTRrE AÈ , o~wo P e ~ t M ~ nth a e ; t w s d * R y t M l t am p.0t O fé. M A 9 ,B G t i f 3 i h eaders of the W hitey R eporter, and publie g n r l y th t Tforoitoi - My 1, 8b , 49-y, Wili give pro pt attention Io ail business ou hist e cav ompleted their frait imporfations ciStipa ndFnyJr odhc aigb ~t I R~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m a o n e t u t e l .s e le r -t e d f r o m î b b e s t S i o c k s i n F o r e i j n -M a r k e t s , a n d pIl t c h a $ e d r C A S H1 , w i i b f . n j, t o n e ; S TEE TH TEETH!! TEETIE!!! POle opst b< eiece'1Ptraminatiýn, unsurpaed inthis City, for qiiality, style a iccpes à ivitg-beri'àuiuud 0Ko Le Pe,.i., e.the Yns'pttion i-ofnPeter tO weigli the *efes, ad but, REM_0_V_______________________nes AU 'SIE C -A L E TO0N LèY N DE#IRA-D THE FOLLO WINU; PL~~~~z ILN lli q1lactc orleans Cloth tram 0 8 p. d. Vht Cltnfrm ) 3 p.yd h#t î g s r t i a r n f r hW I 1 L E S A tV, A $ D Il A I L C0 r r " " . O 9 " i J G e C o tty d$ lt o4 e me rtre (-7J EBlaclvcobourg " 0" 0 10 il Gey "Id Amer.il s pD E A L E R e r ,T OH e Cf'fve s Rl iE, ALI IC oao i l" 1 1 -2 y d id e 1 i l "" S h e i g 2 ) d . e ntre t a n utnn T AI &e ,M ' tlin-DeLaines "0O10O "i Striped Shirting " O 412 11 8* w,ý"t e cii elliI tuweb v Sa E IV D Pr uits lyd. wide " O 5 " lied Tick " 0 7 12 11$h lb o l ALebltii , A U AC U ER'FSOLE P E ,A DH ye's" "4 " O 7 64 I Brown loland E 12 crid iht hj!1 _ fr UV 11 ~ N X8 , 1N J 1R 0FS L, P E , N yd Giagas (Heavy) " O8 "déaa lid fi7 2 ue,. utsu~ hu~4l<c~ [~~ r~ ".f$l' ýo thé I(-tfrvmOf eHAIN SS LEA IJ R,&c ark Sable BDas Id 3 6 I ark Sable Muf, "di ondiii lte >Al (~tIA~ CWf1~ ot~ or er t rnK kCa fid for Hidrq and Skin , Wea, G eSql el'"2 6 Gry qi et"" i 3 ~V fi j! 1b j hi~ S >iE C s Pots andi Peayi.lst1. ABe Matn 15 OStone Aartia "d" 40 U rth i h e rL urs, n f lv , i tcs, : j 1j jIn t' y l . ~W it b l l a z e , 7 th T , r i e 18 2. T >g e h e r w it a n e x c e lle n t S to c k o f F a s h io n a b le D R E S S G O O D S , S ilk s , G lo % r s o i r , & . a ~ a hr t e r gIl. eih e.AV l:Â'I0tiE Iîw dnjie nib o reod igces. T T beg ytir' hedi"e kue iiu ui iet fLi l iOt Y ue'clm ut, -k« mi,10 0 0WoolSca,f eSals, l, j n tc .t t n 'jheyorPardOusay sthe ly, I reul 1231891 1wa, b ~ceJ.SCAUBO3RO'. .Ilho,.181.woî' rvfaetic.e 0 neée tilt Orbof oawrlf tlt ------ Y>13-IY' ALEXINIiEiiTIIDIMPýIîN, Proprielor. Damask Morecns, Carpels, J)r1ggîtt, LC. 4-c. of ele gan Patrs a»glL Q îta J IM; Ocilnnacomod.insfor travellerir. Good DPrmn r lie strèets ment has 1eail, ab1 . l'or orses, I .r É* ir a. Ianaraid I havé Q>%lever beeti Irnown te Jrond Cloths fromn lj 'î tlitne Ct d n f' N e fî w ngej. Y s Tri'4e, ot at l Al i as h tne Where i a asinrs(Pln &JFancy) à 1I 3 "~ s p i d6 r , b o W i n ' I t-t s ta n ceîe , ' t L d.wD V oD o a k n s"" 3 t; M o a i "" & t i s t a il 4 1 , I L r 1 v , î a . ~ b e n th o ro u h y D. N'O V E Y . J v ' GE R 4T w ee d Is """ 3 A n r r n S t n u ~1*oIveliting a lli Qv ; U - rehese- RaGySJI.lIylé4O iohs:6 ~Caiiian .4 rntvveor you illa3 duodainage..ha obn >or F FICE. dippiite the Cotirt-hnge, Moteskins 6"déi 3hs AIlow ime lu assisî yuV'01-1Aîd theit liecePrie.N(, Vcenb,( PAOMA CH ST RYsfl i tole,31cr(. _ so elg n tiî h flragt1ui*plaid, SwansdowIns, Ureote iegun ip, id, à là- %î - ~pe Bx.____ T~ y ould cl atcd, ctcto at4erasrmgo ~ ins U - 4 itn j*4 Whitby, Dec. -7, &he as <ibralîar. 6 Nutw,I stays Eî 4-t. ý'9]sder,, IE S C eîîy 1n othiraset 11018 n li l olJ tf t 43- l1 L A T R E' W* 0J K A I R T E SC OTI f l 1 N Gr fo ~a d yoionh ae phirt ve a kîl r ut w > NE W C RE A I-S O E 5 R n Sre t T r nt Th.- whoi of Which ein made %1P 'indor thi w npcin > eto vrm lé Clowheo W . egoiag týd Itr ày)leoaituit* ,GinspeOtioc,, y.th. CeUtFof M 49albcd lu Cenada, bir styUeFof cut1i9gquality of orkT;ifiship and mîna n eea urbe atisad yu haveuirtyseirîb ac, lsii' i lr,! 2'd nr *.iloinê ness to the wanis of tIhu V le. Partii haoli 0p rcase ood ati5 in a "paod a Me , Y4 ly 1excuse m-t; 1'afl, Il P f>(tily afnotinres into éYbyiCoelok'goe to y ur ,I r t , 4) p P h i ii lh & .Dc)E îeAle N D PeROVs le i. t ey bu b fo e ecXi g ir r . $ I S tock,am ong w hich w ill )e o n :.. 1 aI l i t i t e x 1 b ,lh . b s p i ', i ho v i , p ie s mt h P Ç O D T JC E B O UV G I i .D O L .G r e y O v e r C O R I -& 'î n n . 1 3 . 6 I f n h o u n o t . ) t u do, uI;l deu n'rielqu1ie m O ,aelentaortdn î cfHA S, and i at ~sn'I NN OL . Figanl d i 17 6It 3ine" 1aoocyo a nts " 1 o g dIBiltweeu Strouds nl PkIl'îu'T ae;rn, 1 8 ie pilot 11" 'I3 Fa 4 I ' e g e la rtsad y fu r t iih eui u n.c M j 25 " Satîrê tncy e P a" i dtt.re Io duthut at ys.f Yl 'II P l 1w _______________________ 2.ytf h ) 0 llak at Yst,"I.6 )~ i ~ a n; yoî co nd; and l'in a a dfi's4 f tvey drs cription alwa ys ýG oF n ;k RWhtn 1 "frn3f 0 Po ey c "" à i ,nâtliat what l 3Iy dutv isadu.'Uli ii.GIl F1 A8F- Viti aga* 22 G " Tatin e'd" 6ti 4YOU; liaci better -et up tirst, siy .Fileud 'I 4 FL W.lf iuud t.z-rhîe bhesîp,, rice p Iaid in cash for aattum2 fn 3< lakPu ti;s fsr'îe le, ern it a lgi 1daa iîgJCO yAuu FO'WHi T' y-I I IL L.A G E. BoYS'Clothin« grea r ta mParsue adu'rate oieta - ee - y, iih p p ir r.ha d... w Vhitby, A pnil 1 9 , 1850. t- ar es a ers residing ite-coun yaI etaq in d wth rek palsdon ta- gens, bpour anydea'ers, would do wett tn catilai bis e stalh m n, sthy aebt t sal bîo fit ntng ore uî. Let megu1 myA L E . r n Y NG L e - ward M ode of <ng b siness. Amo gt héir rIlles arc. ite foMtowing: av bü H tislC(.r h m nowoEt L S m aNO Ec oNDPICE idseru hil il lC fXctuIgijt p rvclî; >JVS= R .fV ÎL IIIiQ ar ott'BTcftW!!7 -8Y VILLAGE. Ail Garn nt nt uin, xcagd tbat. uodi " lf » y "t s tîk.,Alod rsi hsun r mpl.e e td Alpic Goacl i ite usual lenghexan. e an -fi ïBE iik h 'luA l B. WISEesinIlslie rKS.yee te.Ait Garmenti warranted net te shnink Or &Pot with Tain. is ailiicos.m.-bledtu» <jeud."lThe latesi Faultiansml' ysonhotm. Toronto. Noveniber 1,180 hBlotvî oh hlOwV, ye hév « yheee A GILEÂ'tlILA.CE. Ai l'fie le r I .î-. dulit:,ses~. fi< tlié,yî e v.Yl îne, aritrtd à.dcrxtey at a* ,$ C the n d g II li r fIl Il, 171£ * f 1 19 '-II G E lS S . E SHrA N orner ofEing 4 0kw-c/lit, 4ee, Joilifg the ourt o s , T r- t i blectI>t&iirloumk1ýd wiîii î;uaa L îÂi 1 hupt i b lie its crn meîled W h tbV Lad ioF;7 eH.A«V E - Oô N i ea uverîch s Il a i gIsi f tt>, E ft elé',f thé- W IlRol'OP OSITE n r-y, The an hihj "I s't~ fusîrî~ClRl<JHE' o<-tna w~eH u-GRAINENA SCOOL TeLalrgèýz te haet n h etAsrmn - 1m~ » i o day, they recrt)I;îy ad Vok'1 bec*î.îî,uîauîs.fjcî < P b ic - 1',R a d , Y a e leaPe j» g a nand theO O4é t two St'reeILfighitsa5hnii a tti», u bnot at a»Un "pa tcrh.lladlit tbaî's mene-îbunof cit Shostmaaips cao sde-Patch. tbr e i~n uI fo t~ u z 'i;, ùcupJ-. W. TLLOTSO AND~iIN C N A A W E T a qu a e, m a tttkey sliu"tliî-gt gati, Wbby A pril 12 , . 1.'() O IIICasmee, et NgAa d G -E SrT o' , m otc ir c r m 4 ders~ n$itat g thaci Isd 42tf. Can b. sppld wih a firs at e ta ~ - 3iat-uy O rev s p~ $u$ b eh~ $srd rwî.,utîr.. H L F U W A Y H O U E on----------j IerLO1III1IIAND N WYte FA 11îOle 'di'EIWD ~ONH--- ro nd ai4 s f vsàafotJuv - Ta O IJ O CCLLU's BITWE Y.P î , G'a r me5 es metinr e f vr esry:n tlrê jhtdl êo by a c r t il, afier T 1i tSoùÉ Vert>er r<-lIfr1titha)tkqfj>yf1, ahidhy Vi lageDay.,7, 8 5 0.Importe >Z nd, s iftelitini. W E$LEY'S)aî bitRO U E. R U E n -B. IR' JAS been fateiy appolin ufcturrs, for 1the di Paltern stoves, whirli were lago, andi look lte prize nt t NIA GA E.A lHe baon nhand a genera Air, Partour, aund Cookung Girid Irons, Dog Irýonu,-1tooi -tom Pamps, &C., ke. , The new-pateuîted setoe oi PJ1JNC1PLJÉ -OFIMUKJ VER Y TJLWJ4 and the fi stmucted that the tire caunne steve is the onte wtîich, in 1 soon as il becornes genenat> Farmcr% wili hart i The a'lvantagc it poesesi stick of wooil, and haviog a oven, holdiug two tiers of hi notedl for an excellent bakinm nrirtany stove he bas saIsi Triends!l Dont bu>' csea and examining, as the Raidi si Iotid aI llryanî's $tove Ros> village of Whiîly, wlrere g pt cwn to htie.st price", an Trims.-AMI sorts cf pro*i ber, cord lwood, & c, &C, ta ken The Submeriber hai als( Nezi dloor fa Mr ILs Wheré e .ale keeps on haud of Boobei, for wliich oatcati ds taken in payment. Whitby sand Prince AItherl,? October 9ih, 18.50. THORAE K.1.S TIIEULAI KING 87REET, TO CALIFOJRNIA Gi ILNJtY SIMITII, Of ith psy bis wsy mwith lth emat i lig botter, simd offeis b tis fria caiiarge Cs# D oo . K, takem ibis oppoltmnity cri alWho have fatvoared him with ýpast year, and ilo wilt be ai*i ,sfaiiîion 10 ail vwho oeay misùUfa HL S. bas two temîri, cosmst*ntl 911£S, for which Le w:Ill payil )ods, a( a fair rate. oap alwoys on band at T bY Mie Boi- IHR Stil ACRE~ Towtîslk 1, .Bruk ciitd OP, quality, of heom chop,ci ilike insz Il letton. ing any ose ____ ____ ___ ___m__a_ ___ Do Ru j ot1 do di Io0 oDP tush do tH a i V o e g 1 u j ý h , - , i S a < is sli l îun itir D a i y , 'o -, thi@ Iou se A ngl t 2 , 1 5 5 0 .1 8 W hite S h irts, L i ien F ro n ts, té 4 1 1 -2 D O alcel es d tham lle i r f a d bOr 1e i IÎùiîîl t ot . le oe îvian Sn (,V 4jth rJ 1 . 1TENNEiwd o -2 6 Do Baratea do ti. lnjy uto JeiI1) 9r a rî g on t, tei vlu utesa eeii n oijr h. 343»-e lis »a-u" oDc T ene do 01td Onea her thr bi g a wc iti m eusis tws,> ieii .~~MlstnTruers, i fotn 6 3 D Oi is etmeree do ow.r o h~ r~grj ~ a ddrssd £yPrY acommM&iliti ~ca» b. (80 4inLJen Drillil g-l- doDo (do0 vetiers, wihtrgod sühJfig and ni* e n oiaOea, s'Q o o Ciekd D4rill o lb% sFac »bg-MIc 5 81 o Twemde do do o. u> < pa;br<yûna wdow, M48<L -o d$lk dn fi 41. 91 C'.he utdia4knovw COMME~~RIAL HJOTEL, DIy GOOD& i> Ëuè,DoIffkl dé> .Do TSalino 4 BQNNAElls, JsI4~cw' D stnî d Do PltCasai Iki ianedu-bu (uVILLAGE 0F I3ORELLÏ1A-FURS<, BOOTS H41ND $UOZ , Do Jatoffe t do DCfOLhOap,, do <'oi atw.rys.tulId'sne youuwerc a N'w Yurk- > isSUBCRI3ERtelnri tank WHLESLE offl doco -àjj ft r, I e ib r ~ ~ îr mb at a r e c iC, ~a r p e ln r ù a , sîo ,, ilk a n d $ a tin N e c k 1a i , 8 î ~Ota~ W~ÂK V)>0MA.....Mia lsSer oeiatsvs 51lhire . 1cor) ,e h.e'lsi S;ai5Nî(o. CI .RLE 3A 'ee asIeèjf, NF#PIyr k0lives aam ii i tlî 40U l l elJy kopt by 3Mr. HUNTEýD1(t CANLE*S . IL r* s 13DAA'R1ý Po'V ùHandke i1pce tTtmld, tos__sri ___nili1 ___ aaqutý"f[.-- ' n"a iE._s r, o àk by traeîME m a- -Pe hdg, ,»b U'AIl kin ]PAê W'HBL.1T, WOltRM4

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