Whitby Reporter, 9 Aug 1851, p. 1

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VILLIL 3 se,"; g Uilnnu EW 1-2 1 o . e t h e l o s e o f y e a r .* * l E' - -P a p I t , Bill - mE ' BIIRe4 st Â66hn gents for theore idws re 00 AREýAI, «'yan bad better be off,Isd*< f, lw aCa f o , 0. WiN neyer give bheek to people-wlu are % Ike offW toa-ïboigvlaet a.Ipr eyJtl o bs sln rstad .d od.neeesa seec a E U3AuV IL v doft egbri vilg teofedo ofr Foo3as IWh Jor lan etUf ar clar alie a wrk. a wak,'relie t e v vent Io bis f'eelings and ompose as. I mryself arn permittad- te taire the slîomîldalso lie éown veryhic &o. Avlrd 1 THER PARszcuI G o a h a d . - i u f e d d g i fi e d . T h e l a t p a t r o t m e t w i t h s a i n e a g ai n e i n s c s e a e i d b e 6 i r ~ ~ oei day ntera 'Oh! vau da-then,' I answered, the fuqueer liad gone, 1 incaîtiimnîsîyteajîato u 3d ndsxmnswn Ii oy nc t0 ras b .a e inee G eâ Sa sayîng, I turnied ta the Ilible, and suit af some experimeets,aver a isbo alus, ioveie, on the, sida.fh Kafalt rp fi e lJiua, an em fkidUtaigtou~,,,, egan arranging the apparatus for mak- faming acid, and cansequeuîîv became is esîimated'At 150 kldao' ng thun reaky well.iedthlim îng saine experiments. Happening ta sa il! as ta be obliged ta reftire ta nîy saine inflouential mien lireathed their at* It would iele dtoeendenryofheisrs % GeiîoMnleîI o lok up aliot: five minutes afler, 1 oh- lied-raom and lieadown. Ia about an lly sieaccident, a snati1 party éonsstz on the firsi sown.Ieh*pat i tî nomn Ymndfcompetel in;sorn ng, if he lnts e Oied the ae >a« 7=1z:IyU,îaping ait yeur laws served that the fuiqueer was standing heurt Iale ta m y bearer to fetoti nie ing of abolit 5 officers and 12 me, .h. up peor and very irreguladîy, so n il irnation isi Go thin, upa aeeadstugigtasuealass ofwaer ut,'although I beard liad gone rashly ta 'vork pursuing cat- wanld bc impossible toroima ig eeve ji az hed s mncb majesty as nas consistent with bila and saine af the athler serv' lits tie, fcund thenselves surrauinded by like a full crop, the oasy way w0 o b I eters are f>t -t Dé.tak wboll go withyo, ls equiliriumi. Thje taiigs and disb whiapcring tagether liebind the purda Kaffira four-miles from. the division.- ta have evervtbing ready -for a fr-ssb %fil are en Go abeadvere sf111 extcnded, whlile lus left baud or door cursiam, na attention n'as luaid ta The adjutai af the 73rd was wîh themà Ào tin g, wbich ahould lie aceoni sbO<d and this news roeu relthoie or ies! sustained bis riglit foot across bis nbda- my sunsmaus. Afier repeating the cal] -hie dropped almast immediately; the directly after--the graund had beeti eteds uoeaîI men. I triied ta the fable, and tried twa or three times wvith thse sable re-; others gave theniselves up for lostand, plunghied. The drili systeinabt-ytrcimi Gtog anSd nith my work, but 1 bbundered suit, I gat up fa sec wlhat n'as the mat- afler sbaking banda deteruined..la stand bandry wauild b. indiqpensable,a '110i ment nua4e in', .?u~gieore ouiaeentainsas, awftimly,broke a glass jar, out my fin- ter. On drawimsgasidtthep)urdaIlie- bv each oter tethe list, and seli iheirusaibeisan Jlivtrigyn-be'nn g &set tibea1 ee;ainty y had cana ciausness of the fuqueer's ftou conclave an Zheir baunches ron ait young moin -1e eyofcrflesaigî~tifD.Npgy s-msn scnI Ukt thur proudy dare h ibe*_ staring a! nue with lus cxtcnded dish, tlic door. On s eeing me, they ail gai fourth belonging fa tIhe ,Cape -Motuuted rolugbly acqtiainted %rit h the siess ly, ini atieniloton Whutar tueiauiai to a MAN! nd coîîld not get the fellon' aut ai my up and took ta ilueir lieds, like a cpvey Rifles. Althatîgl anty fifkeen in mmmn- of flua making angor, tlhe tnde ûkilig jasa, (a sial Go aiied. ead. I lookcd ip ntbim again. There f frigb:cned parIridges. TIe aid Kid. lier, tlîey hiud ail oible-liarrelled gus, wîuuîtd b. profitable. If a good ticle ufîle Iland,), V Thagh fierce waters round yoSi dash, e n'as as grand as ever, on bis anc leg, ni idgar %vas too fat teavan far, su 1 seiz- and ibese tbey inade the moa aiaei-eulepmcte, lr slaqetaic , e'RIO$ aI Leo hadâsi bafl y d with bis eyes riveed au mine. lc cd bics jta u 'smku usci n twy ep up a cool andi aIea- btitt*ill Sud aq immùediatece ar- Cuthans. Cenlip,1Mah. Lenhtsi~ aleo:uiud this performance far nearly by a ga n "h arden feuce .Iews dy r. Th tirsrse in w h t Bsc ary nw ul ert- nrtg irwt ev a '0 - ned finl Wlftlzand tre ]leur, yct there diti nat sein ta lic ait first, quite incapable of giviug ny ihseir essagias, and the faremaist always ]y wetconed amang us. and thi ir con-' a large numnber of solieWi, h1% Go aliead. c fintteat indicatian of luis uuiotding accoui f imnscîf; ,:o 1 madie liii sit n feul. One 'of the four afficers, a very dution n'auld douiitsl ~ mucl i p o bt nnd 50 drown.d, t esIe4 self;-raticr a picturcaqîse orna- minute among the long grass ta rem~ver gallaut vauung fellow, telainging ta the eti. W.r tseariîly wish flux geo leman Tbe Najassa, though Ç*o rf", JIodntMamo~alde bll ni ta the bawn, if bie abiotid takre it bis n'ind,n'bcn bebrakeont wsth, 11O1! lev-es alhooigfnamasihbsme suce-s in bis under ing smaîlteanisnwwol ÈI ZaeGo ahead; ta le hcig w o ihhsluc eati o MaeOe eotnpromise vii, Sin; ia bisbead-as tbiese fellon', saine- re4bab re-bab5!"> nhd begant bîuuer, own gup 'ea.eiveu L'o wunus. Ie Brantf-ord ore.ean ai or.t-oý i Telltheserpent he olSe Weil, t os do-ta remain fl th ame piosi- as onlyna fat Kidmutigar cab, issploriug tIen liegged lise athers ta loave hum, boT~ lrand rownpidoheuîW i i Bui Joli esanot let tim on, Il for a twclvemonîi. 'If,' I a-d, m e to scnd iusautly for ile ftqucer, aud try ta Save thenisebves; ibihs ai WHA . CONSTITU TbES A . GE - n kw j vist - Goaea.' istand tbcre mueb langer, l'il give aud make hum a preent;ý if I dîd nat, I curse tbcy svould coi do, but liclping laEA ? o re qaulst ai a Betteh daysaredrawipg-nig.i, y aîch a faste ai boiîsjee (Iightniug) wauld ccrtaaul"y lic a dead msan before hum on as webl as tbey cîuid, tluey re- ",Halloo! youlM, ma ,taili a pail anid &c,%et ettterwt Go abead; as lit make'you glad te go.' to-tnorrs'sSun; "For," said bic, "na treated slowly. .After recciving bia fr-ock," said' nBfritish afficer; as be laee. qaît 3fakiag Duîy ail puar pride, se ay anssver ta fuis threat n'as a ftqucers's curse is gaod as ld.mmut kebat" wounds this yo4ing liera killod tbree brosghbis fiutry sfeed ta a titapd in Tafaks&àtEOiblu You musiproaper,tve or di, sin af derision that sent buis mustache (a master ai fae.1 Some f buis fcliowa, mare K flrs 'ith bis wn gun. Agaau front ai Governar Cbitteudcn's dwel. a Pu s Id' ?rS o I~ ~tb the Patd P« ait avaB oa y urid.era ng up a ai sibs as .'n n'ne iu bst is ur er n's ou le li" bebfaoaetierg, y h'ts m e ge r1. GO "ed in paanthsns. o Se"ýta h ere a n, li gced teclev in, when fin 11can aoi infarin lule %vise bis î - cifimd, tffthelih th b tin.' lue snccered 'yeuxr ligît- vecîtureti ta camne liack, and joiued in lucktily, Roabinson, ai tbe Cabas Corps Excelleaucy the Governor ai Vermiont, nation of a Prouvifl - (3éereait take care aiuc bia flicrth g requestiug mue fa suave my lîfe wbsile got Isoli aira harse,jîîmped an his back, reaudes ber.?l" iutpae ffu ètît A UUER URE ak reo Ibjtere n'as ycî tume.,. anti placed lus %voutsteti cortrade liefore "Ille cloei,' n-as tbe responseWa the. &hall receiyo acoaiUs by tioaeg me't 1110 Among fhe many strange abjects, W tiant mare a'do, I ctîarged flue bat- A laugh %ras tIse on!y ansn'er I could bibs. Thieytiien caninuetitlscirretroat, niail, atill wending buis way ta' tse pig vul wtuieh an Englishman neets n'iîî in tory d cannecîtid it wvith a coil mn- cuake. Tiuaîsousesbat reassurei then, and alter f wo Isaurs' ir ii'u me I.* ti esiîo s r>~w~ Inu, Ie. r ewwib edsad vbscî nsioehoav rcr dii 'ses ac tsiIna ead ecit nraligts diii l'his,"l s Ecteuc ibre "otn- 0 55 uhe formati 9i- qq.>Kt G suadîi theare buis oaui a aen vst in r war, las capabe aih ravin friscd b al i as eas toomect an. 1 f nas tead lude pin revould lh iision.e fais- cdfi a fprs ,craceis qEeti»g Tahet aupet hif ean mt f t isese t ilat r, cde, wise s r capabl rcigte ai qu it aets a oeanti cncva t as teiu in int bu li ac, nti tie four li- etIe manck o m. -âti nghiai aetbomenisrearde. n'ib valtut iy cndrîng eyoîî a fiv se laveif fIt I nes-ina dycgxsite, ati ku w n'Iiclî a admre mat, lse ga00saii lis onhterl"ieadeistrict olfSîimnisîuhoup Th gipearnce ufnannotee gtr in e rodem4 n affurer-okc ilmctaponble fa muiesslaenge siih kiiati a liag aiteouutng Robarîsan, and save t ur lue.- thefbtoè eonki.is, i.is ats aseb' çrtl~uiqh *aùwing-roomseuIfmnte cis cuained ih n fale, oîbcrngeyind a bock s e-ecautse f iaquer. Tse wduc , Tise ielaviu ain ithewe p liamt yb - dlta rue ste ant te oto sîlîf ovd en insu.db h à , 1ghe afhe sad certkof el nisng s ai l c csn o m titi tic seccu lu (ior abo in main orne, and îl wh e evr lw 'admr cools sudiîep cad atihue uis ia e' îliet oor ce ii.ili iumsafion gusi>Jbë gp1 borna l tiSeisceofibe e rrifict hisa The q- lueti ben I rappaher m viilagc m ncr ibs fquerbati ua-c sedin aty n'l o tey laude c gian e or gha ve 'trise pant severmat eariy rPs it lla(iea .lat, thé itàv * ~sceci-ales en inumaîngn'tsu Sosen> servnts im ntîo lad lethyuer eur flao 'sII i f- luatiz Rbetsn o ted in l0itée.- kcnin ouecn iday nt -h lan date Mouilu aid orflq. i!Jnixb 5"'u b a ug.oo lu ie co e iimse ifn le tableg ai t n'lt is e o k aitIaupp ed aok cu ste l o thn eanti uiur . eatc ung o ttmsa io r he %l ep r ,h w cr lad ia i Iiiest e . d the o c ir lamet OVF-rd Tise m en. efi 7lP s 4 ~ te amon ck and vin, lue ashngy hisrine fanofs Ieftuerso-ccyid lu. flu vilae as le Isatii Ad Nawmad bisTPAT. lai Pari ah do ism DoennedMu , Tsdis lie ow41s toepeir n'eara lio foot one îlen ionati wcilre h hareid uto e bln n th e ver- asss i' t scnie Iol 'ituer Trna fermatiti laa inum ' lkdee cling in-erfamma na work; desisa Ase tIse- ,, madchie 'ar ul e lu f ets tlimtalta eonah ruma et uaia ohe di uiekuesa Tîsîl rr is iumbruauadf l m tedsl melal afis nt ues île fIe a nefa l ie iiulub'wt srebp e u o i iut u asaei a ore party su- ii tse huoflie làat mati a c hi*it rmai er l" mI~lîn S nceted swa ger tha , i vi tue of i lexer i ns d che buic B ut w cme c u s- v ge a nt s eu f a s ti lue f s s e a rol - bodiei fs. an>'ty kintir an aiis une- i-n A Ile is sIte'T e c ie u bi . a y ho1k other ern aislfcartute i d Ieg ag t ia lek ol anti gavpes dt > esedntr cront n'-ad ai isenn atio- se exwmucî reiha' rvt euredi ut lifoetilin mIsa île gnd daiti Ee DMneljaça, buau*i tom e ase andmai>, ir nlo lerrci he wteon tie tons-o reeiias or vey ohtin thevillage, tîse lion la new it ifrc bren bor Ill elsQli of or ati bos answ M n l ie a emr enie str wuu&s eore a prlusa faoit.le ils bil .u n'as on faseteebis iClie uised n'ilernd mne. Tp msai ni maîcse pni-uleat tfu nîero Th aurdcmu hai seet olier, --u net Thé ativetaefr tisfmiav fr arofexniiig ns ifd thf wer turu th e as tat bie, ovs faibe alie chlien su-my is sel. te__________Theoui roaetdt bety huideously uiy mesf mec a seldma tIcfleal ra bianbouc.s oe Vrel'ai Sheida Iîsdie Rîsi-edsa aad libere SAGA ITY. Ti. siemer (tuusseTiathe& Govo wlla. HeAs n aatnrbd or atie noieu on i osei, éîi ansi e tishoafuer. Ticp crowd %vit ove au SINLfa R h BJ hkET. Ahi o ri pupe toIl aho ther~ os UIsaelrilof~t&sttM4Iabe ~~itieoîusneu~' m> nscigli sa reu a hn on atset Nyer i hic libtfeaiy nhpars nefan ipsia l Va-the~ isastfn-o ioga b t a ualsnieltui isicsl onlstre b.up sekta s mie rfmuais neo w ; a 's-hile n's rAl'h in o ts suc a ie u ilsu kt v c i e d îu mnct an i Danin ,i is sepre ets fI m e t a i n - a ti r be'srnalliai ae atyu w ih Ming The51 cisvs s,î, H oi tioî Sa k éruina ang fevmting oi aicbenaen-n , u be d < finertn beosi dosn re ihotbr itutna io I-arn rs> m ac fies othgme arfion ofntai clt ocmcaenn!ea"Iiai brisRimsdu aothor t prnta faii-oI rond is icte at mile -ntio the ige id bn sen ui of 't a horew i, e vi flute Aplopatoionslaiastlegr f liefrem itsla yHvsl 3îtau-tua.#-' h;ssriaaendaetb>nov ad s ne asbi n'as goaie fo li tile, di uail lihle cuuee irti- ece b.o iraotin ai eam i etrdin inscformer!csonî1 tint fue G, ieEsenDlrmt'a »b efeetthe termno huis b.assie Iis î le giud as inot the sur tIai gai bn ant dens isow of mnenanu tisd île- t:ei '-t u tisocene, an e -Tie ii oTrndullcu give ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 arl tuigbslyili veehel cross For sain minl ves" lul>'quivrnaihua anaite!.Iofar nthaice0faillaefI Cafuigaiannini';nd uaioflckeue a-f.luie,! ati fîeIlaid20lit. de ,,e Pale longs-'- ai trîuison vouiiy eln« hm o no bl os ntasa a pluet me time taumitaog15 ~ tr e de s o hm ' gani e ait th ie Iran e lih un i t crmossf e h ncnn i e p n i e a p r tfa a n e ;îc tn a th e a h a di-. ai onher fh r d c m n o he : fi e e t salau ats nropen. le ad g is n-ba qieekoe in ms a xpeing Homoeol Word., 1 ~ i smasl bote iaieus aho mes tit Vls ediumf u adJane u tgin tae foui la oe - ai eg ant e if i o r uring uf e a aH teARo AT tre cPe phlega hsbtr bv ien Suci Asus Glm Auuc as mIu t T 'Y Thpa steamefrin na" dol of my bqngalowandn ',e amusa- a tai-ont ip aeiles-oiig If gesucma oaifato lueia thia vicinit>' bas tise stlngidg.Pa. ieSe-ms OIM' yself vu a iq gau ne prt nse crbigo ati rt lin aout liatha a iter. fb'o wamn i-- mesai'e lne. leov Inge ari.a HSA roOLIU&ua,.1 -is-eî S dls g asuc As if snysat ashni baad îlenono latbsb a. mI.,e werubbIathoIr-otcrtneiKmgWIii'-Cn mle iucBau iita xesieuIh Isael ai mIy21.iall » ma »M SUSlo anni fgue, alîie u baii- len objaxi hil e *.itte Io," edowmist f<îer>' Iimuexpec1îsîti intehiieaceLis aie oiîis tgra necios~iu uao n'ficis ~ ~ iea fsaiv », m dsoem yeirin ase lvois. y ersls an t ukegla ,uailion. efet ifve n t aîihli'yesu f ctùsg ar invetio s miatiedo i Beee Ibot;litsmbas arv tpe s siml trala h> -s iand t w aooi olseredfaci-asfle ava orss a lia caai tl c) t down flot fasg, na e accmpsu aye eatrl y'cuillaeneani otiasel Fi-suie. thi~i Ptiipg us . Southv W49i id *0 wiîhia~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Fii tfee paces ai aiem manvis biud tatu tu rsoaty#ea inàii itov 'îc i vancqisaeiwî i.puesr eu mro bae mIs lIf ibar tu d erl ruimiien lits laiisad BR&&8 h.ek re Iuusu elo ap hite H.drcafessl.b olspW5i dre ca o n oti uhafatcot oftersmandt aie eo Wtuet âinctutre. Ifhtenidt empi.> ofe ud u uUfdtsi .~jp~issI~*g one ui ratkmeginili fiear le-oulu da sai drec ntio n t a n f rcis I y ha ve unieothih is , nfuthne pceosa- àocaie a ést rn > lie n i i lIln.ýhria a h. aothr bd oa crlevrond mei graselmois te luisd d-dafnlgie- nia tiosen lgitei id off do arVe, 50ue iifu eîhlsbci . iuiu tisemisfi h5*f - êob spairttosg wiîh lvesdangutera . - aisIs antilong i vo na fidan nemv. Situe net suelsan andsvn.aa w...5,i- -i -r. Ibo. figureidi aflst ahe uns eoty of iL q giSflU-auni5dts55 '55 i Sriieoe4e1etr.e '"" ind - - 5i-ta>hast bitter ta yeu, fthe s-tilemn b> cntucteti, ha weli regas'Jem Deam an I V I shisi ~ 7 ollecveh>' bv ut li I. e~ fok the Kaffir ku n Srne ime if Woold reqire coe a le -n.bu, mI!5 5d i thmaýýberthim.ue lhese eomm Best Root freva e.uved inà4.aa ii. Z7b~tl511

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