Whitby Watchman, 29 Dec 1859, p. 2

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'U JQEAND ) lI Rui HFRIrNDS. increase ut 113K A grafifyinï roth of pub- 1si ite felngin faveur of fr50soeosiscobser- Ilhe Prieusuandt teir duPeH utf the sstrvable. The total inumber of thes, whools le'l,-mre b"cx mî ' t1oe. wild than ever atout we.s l,936-an, -tfïWreane of 229 ; oflly l 17 the JJuly Pather. ?Phere were saie fine laehools, ail told, ixew deriving succour from o'pecimens Qof eloquence andi bigotry givea ai rate-biIs, levieti upon ii. Of puils a meeting late ly he lit et Cork, utîder thli w- iùatÎnidance. tron. t r Canada, ideîîcy o ýýtIhe Right Rev. Dr. Deli ney.1 It thie av'ragêe perioti of k ing n schools was Ila leilnstr meeting held ithe Ct L was leee tnonths and 12 c1ays. 158 chool- fl~e tb' ive eXpredsion to thp Jfeelings »boeuses were built i tuing the year; a large effi Roman'Cahoc of Corkk on the -pre- Iinmber considering the ines," oremars Dr. gent $)ÎtuAtion of the- Roman Poiltitfl V After Ryerson, "but a decrease of 43 as comn- the chairman hati spoken, 1 pared witîh the nuniber buiît the preceeding "Mr. Job,, N. Murphy in ai speech of great vear." laI 1,708 achools the daily exercises lusgt~ ppoiîdthe Iliet-resolutio, w¾ih are cpeiied- and eloaed with prayer ; iii 2,510 atahdnti the Supîeme Postiff, thesues.th rtrsonyaers. 01r.Of1iftrbig iie appoinied for In reference to Romnan Catholic Separate thsÈ'5irktal goirenment oi. the Catholie Schoolis, again, rublic opinion in quietly andi C4iurch thrôpp1iout the world,,requires for the slowly, but sure y, makingitself felt. Whui full and free discharge of its exaltesi dulies despite ail difficu lties, non sectariati commun' coýnplete ýpereonal lnd political indepen- âchools increased in the year, 135. there %vas dence. a &c'rease of 6 in theie umber 'of separate ttU.r. F. Lyons.seemod the reWoltion. 5çhwole. The total number of these bchOola dgMr. J. IF. Mpgpiire proposed tho next ie- waë'94, -of whichi 6 are i Torniîîî&8 A n -Olta- solutionr-'that the ^iâi(tpeudence of thle wa, andi 2, respectii-ely, ini Hamniltttti, Guelphi Pope -a. best 'preserved by the. Sipreme -London, and Ki in-siGl The Nyhole number Pontit1'exemsiidnig sovereigu -powver as a term- ojtplwa9?.,anire>ef27 B- pend Prince, and that such ssuvereignty, de- 131 (3 1 fl'rîit G1 6in inunber, thse sehools votesi as it lad been te the nublest. purposes evid'kntlI decreased in èfficiency. Tlîus, the etf religion Ilnd lîurnanity for more than 1,000 average lime duriug which they were openi vears. hotild ha helsi eacreil in the ot§tinia- 4 Wns 10 monl-a decrease ofni pur cent. tien of eswery Cathlii people, and proserved as comipared %vith 1857. The amount rassedl lutos~frup i al igruieioi.' At the close au1 paid to teaclierbs slowed a decreasu of 0 ê0cuh QI coiLqîdérable length, lie sad- eeven per cent. ; the expenditure upon sites, Wyôdwou'td den), that the îenipoiuli overeigul- buildings, and repairs, -a decrease of twent~ ty of ýthe Pope wias fur the ad vantage of reli- per cent.; the 4ggregate revenue from il t on, morallv,-arts andi civilizationi ? îRone sources a clecrease of hiftecn per cent. The had been, the,*cradle of arts. (Applauée>; comparative costlineslu the Pr-ovince. of %Vere they te allowv the temiporal power cit ilese separate schools is ver>- apparent. l'hie theo['ope ta bce ttippesi frum hini. (Loud apportionlment of the Legisîntive Grant ta pub- applatu&e.) lic, uiiaectarian btchoole %vas on flic average tiMr.' B. Sheehan.-We will fight for him. lesb than fortv-four cents for eacli pupîl <Lnnid cheers.) whilst ta the separate, seclarian itchools il ivas . 4 A Voice 1w the Gallerv.-Ancl we'îîl tell nmore than eighly-8ix cents per pupil.- 1#û1me*lno so. [Ilear, hear, andi rene-wed ::Thu.-," roma;rk-s the Chief Superinîted ent, aoieeriî l , "int twiceasainluch has been paid fo the se- 1. parteschouk acuoraing, tluthie rprwntedI" M Mr.iuxue.-iîs îhcre an>- reasçîî vsîh pate g i~n tct~ri1poiver, %wlîiciî las eonferred îCrgate mInendance opplas lthepublic 'ilu c irn m b l e b l e s î i n g s o n nm a n k i î d . h o u d sc h u o l r, a n di j î s t ti t i 3 ' c e n t s m ou i p u p p l cerise ? [No, lio, îîever.] WVho are il$ ", 1accordijn to te reporte([ average aîîuidfaîce. greThis ? 'lit nal su tii bu. The ao: of this gresorsi litfiree j," lie adds, -that the rýetîî,îîsq groans anid hisses.] 1trn ihe trustees oft;ep;irate achei, l.tow a i, ÀVoice.-Palnierstoîî and his heil crcw. largor averaige attendance of pupils ihan (Io f yelliuîg.] the rettirms fhum local superintendents ini re- ý4Mr. ýNlguire.-Pruteisanits[Deep groansj gandtot the public bcîsools ;anidthie be:îeftîo -Proltesianîs îlîink thai IPapacy ouîh',to u haeverv doubt andI uf everv slnubtuli turgi hait upst.berus ift as îpeG-rue sitntis been givien lu the' separiîîe iachoolm." Anuîihcr would beconie unîverqal thirunghuoi(it dim earth cîustiîerentIers the' inju.Ntite to the (Louti abouts offtno, no!~") Tlho- Cathlie ge.neral public 'e oecei.Teaoîî prnco f the w-orld %vill standl 4 Pmu, IN.- paid intuseparate sclîools froin the Legislatii-u teer) the esnipr;îthie8 oi tlilts wurId %vif, grant w-as $8.531 ,ilie amiousit paid 'bv Iheil, stirrouni Piusti-lurIa ppîaîse)- il.sîîîîîjurters w-as $19.590. or les-% ihan t1w-o ani voice tlirough the two coîiinnî will w-fi -hitli e aricniouni paid tnm the publie luW41g the Pope w-ho eiî an enroacli- chest. On lfile other isandIllte amnousît pdiît ment -tipoît the puwer w-h ich Pi-evy osanfini the' grant lu iiuîsectai-îan sciîî>lm wawh ('atholie i hie world haid& tolubu sacie.- les2Z3,993~. ani1 bi anouni cuntribuied ti tsr (Louti, cheeis.) upporters. S t1 vi.~-na lle inlimes tut " Rey. Canon FuI-ev secondetitereoî-amoUut fie -ra.îl. umuborwte lion. woi-ds oft he Ripuîrt, - while ci,(-lîuiidreîl per 11e. DanMurhypripsa,- lte Ilirjcesît murs-' as be-en paitioui uftIhu -Legisitive rei;oliitioii.wliiot staiedt1 hat the stîmtw-hich School Giait Io soparat' sols than ta t'ie nu-w aqoiiil the tumpural aîlhurîîv iofflic î,*pîll -cîo- nprsur sul îi 1ht Sc ave been rotes' vti oreiz-îi aitln ivîls- îmbrutpa siik ii1o..hefo- tic eMears. w-boss, reiii objevtîs ire tnt fie' isedut i ie-ioiî t uc t i latter i for the ssippoit ut their !4choolc., iipo- docm Itisovial anlîeîaisttbut tcii b eih'ir èovrn sliit îîlct~S.pullienl tîg--lndze- t o il io laîututListîoidi-- îae<foitle suvî'siuî of 1 lit. atiiolieîr h tdlu hu.Il in ttis (xpected dow-îlfal t' hie Faîher ut lit. Tu rninc lu Gram mar Schouls, w-e tuain that F'aillijînl. Iii a speech of niilei-able I-'Igth thev rtnîberedîl 5, inchntding", 31 Senisî liecihiaiedîlseatvaîîns a gveri nt, Cî1(oîiîtv Tcul.'he total receipîs *ii the Ihut -enlrst~îrwr-re $75617-a decreaise utf$10,631t.1 .,,V.,Pin I. dclîîeily under litatis liaileseîiiîg hIle irn- V. ad Gee . Iwiîh the* muuoarehs uof rneîlate %workinz oft irîsiilutions. $61,073 Englaîl-Içe , f iryte Chiirlebes, the 1 w-eePaîliS alariet m asters-an octe-as eags(Oh-, oh !)-munistern of bigot ry ândtuI ut-3,520. Ali increasse of nt! -ten per imbt'eîIjti'5 ntil the lis? irat closed 1li, lier cent. îs niticeable tiilte îuinibi- uf pupIIlt. prosent gractousi Mnjotîv - <geaîil1s)-- ho wIilîîc «slu Ioave lwbei 4.4A ' of whli 1,724 bascumienetia n'w lvn~îyant hat z Iw-ee iearingý- Lain, 3-18 Gru<tk, anîd 851 en anilexanipie ut vistue. [11-ere ooIudlci 108 Frenceh. 'l'lie lepuiteft he list-W. Omnit.- no, i1a1aniîllier estpreîsmuns o-f îisappi- tf on.thie Insps'ctur tf-kýram r Sehoolsi, d~~ 'val, rendoredth ii'eve. speaker imaudablo iJut s-uni-ci-a i-'îsfl;l iidea uf tîeir nman2ge- ,o4ret to'tho ini his vicifihîl-.] 1 menit, the' qu;i!llicaîioiiï of tueuir masters, or AV~oire.---She etarved 2;000,000 of Irish i t' pi egrt.e f htiruuil. v( eki n- <heai-, hear. a!.dl groatîs.) dêeas, o-,ilthe steatiy *unward progyreissofthexa T'l'i speaker conchuuled b hohping thntt ischuols in cîaracter and effic ency ;',btill 1<;od woîîld giveIlIer Mjss grace tel direct detailsot is slaloaeiî scarreli'- sustain the i-e- -hç *ocdis andmseé-jumtice dujIo laail, and os- niaik in anly other thasi a lini ibesiandt relative pe~'o%1Ït1oIy Pape, the Father ut the sense. Coni' ai vts> xi~yehibit im- GhUîcl.~ ~ *provemènt. Absalutity,they are faàr trai "Mi-. J. P. lenticssv. M. P.. %vha sças ie- sattista.ctory. Dr. Rversun îinainitainsw %ith gi-catL <rvielt wih îremcaiîs cli.,heci ing, tiien adi- reasonableîîess tuai biture mîîv con'.iths-raiî e It ap.d siiow. (Cheerm.) muttedti t tht' Normal Sehool numbereci 16:!.; s - - Men several other sp'ýechîes, the thankit iii the tiecotît session, 196 The wliole num- h of i'he meeting %were accordes-I to lhe B-,o.bu ulutt ic 14 ecei2,43oa and the Assemnblv ditipersut." Jwhem more tItan one-haîf hasi pneviously r- ______ibeen îeacher-s. à Tic suni expenîlet for fi-ee public libraries .EDJLCATION IN UPPEII CANADA. vas $3,982. ut whicli onu-haIt ivas raised!tî irmite 12îo Ltç,,Golxe,,locail>-, chieti>- tram rates. Fi-rn the coin-f mtthcehnnt ofthitsysîum lu lie enti etf Pr.Ryrot' Repart toi- 1858 e'thibits, on 1858, not tuas thaîî 178,367 volumces wvere i-i theflt' oci,lhe îealitlîvprugi-essith Ie Co- orwarded ta ihese libraries. Ini addition. lh nso\S~îoi ~iteiî. ithougIî tie pruse. of' suntlry Mechanica' Institutes have receivesid hahd bni akes ilself niani test in the libiarie-s troin tlie Depositury ; Guelph taking- faldngoif of-the asrgregate -uni raiseti tonthueii the luad inj the number ut volum-S', toloi.ed tl 8qr) , ils- cthe extetout$-49,727, tise as-era<ge b' Cobourg, Chatham, Thorolti, Oakvitle,e tua-ahri f &ouiieabin shws shihuii~41it, ands s on. 0f Ilie 42 coutities whicli dytase. , The .imioutiuih ut trustet' scimool have beuen supplisitiwith free public libraries rates, thei, - %i f rom iris-olvingý lesneneti ef- b>- the dupaitient, Yor-k stantj.s Iigiest, hav--1l ficîenîcy, was ltl in tie deruase'- 0f tleie g receivei books te the value of $7,510 ; at aniaunt e.Npeitled upon subI siMtes, and thie Oxford cames next, witti 84,890: Petl, $I,- f ~t~tj:î,roiîisluol-houses. T[le nom- 520; Northumb-land, $4140 ; Humen, $3,- berof.Ccumon Sehools open was 3,866-an 519 ; Ontario, $3,940 ; Laxiark, $3,354,t inerease of,~ 135 ; of ciiildrien attendiug, e93,-. Middliesex, $3,2e2,- 0i the cibies, Toronto Ii >A8-,i*; jrre1ffe-ofQl1,046. The municipal receivesi in valute $1,823; Ilamilton 81,58. fssrs-ervs ti- shoel purposes show an adi- 0f tue townîs, Cobouigstands fii-s, $531 beiuig Nvatice etf82M,687; and theagrcgate amount asinatto it ; Cligodscn,$9 p4id te leacliers au avneof $60,4M. Amotigst incorpouhal vili1fes, Elora lias the af Theltolal receipt fortoinmon Sclioolý pur- iurgest ahane - 2 ; nrgerel, $405; s ~e. * întîeiun.wfni2-AR- Smith'& allisc $413 ; Oshawa, $4Q0. loe'e i-sâswlaesais-, s(st ncarl>' $W0;00. Thetutal amtin: pais-I t e-ciens, $920,683. Tluss otai expndil une fui-lie pur-chasecot chool isiteis ainsithe ares-ien oftscioî-luses, $173,-1 6*4j fai lijiokàanti other ineislaîtls,$î0'2,838. cihe Lg'i1aive se-hool gi-nit tipporrianedtub he iusie paitieÊt nas $133,000; the' muni- ecitIîes haviîsg conffiibutedsi .2,503-not lhesi1 Iin 8137,b03 in ex,e.-.sutfltee urnt -e- ,iir bytetaw, and $2657 more thian lie, ý'schoôh population," leehiily se ,1eftùd-:--iat i, ,Clhi kIdn tfu'm 5 tu 16y.r "-tgea sut dow-n ah 360,578 ; liongli ris- :1ei- îhk*àmenddlsIiw lie igit tu attend lite ,jpýôls eiide lu ait under 21. The boys (atndn ommoiî Schcats numbered 160;.. h 63; tlue gi-L, 133,050; un inerease of moreý tutti 10,00 $f uaih itten. OtfièÀitl-elas Cen-ý mîon Sierla thiero wýere 656; et- Ï0ecniu4cia., U,64; oet li-i dcta*s, 883 tiie-, îleetbasé btg en thoi bs tliwestchaos.. 4rr-ouehcf thi 1*0 bttulasase, Ithetias art 1ucorease. An, inhtliisthFeutenl le- thtlMo! mrales hiuvieg been ircduwed $7 on te y aîIaîtof feuina"s$1-2. Th.ai-orage atijt] ,sît irm '%44 to$theformer;0$2 te th@ ltter. -- - tj An4ddipti of 25Q wax made te num- bqît n~u~4~cion-'thé total beiun4,267- Iss-*f'r ptUý ut-latP86-i r. ~ Gi M1ia.A L N OTICE S. dtures increastd tu ils preseet exte-nt. Tito TowN M"vYîcnzî,6 ELCrhs».1s.-Dulneass ià -Cuuîceiving that inîstr-umenîtal aist vocal mu- OUR COMbION SCHOOLS- ~ K R-À I L ~ &'Ulbe and other opposi.n joui-nais bavebuen stili the preu-ailitig elemneetiai regîvd lite -ois ai-e otten beiieficiaully cosubiniei in publi'ç Totý, .,dir fheWrtna" f (iR À D Tdenoncet w ih ai bli vu-ousindignsation lection et Caunceillors -fer #wTô*i. L tîi ý shp>w repl«.i uhui, ht hol4 t ,--You rJoui-niaihaviîg o soute extent M~i~et -Whib Tii..bhatmiiseralprnt cul ~t pto' ht iknoao -iiadby wa the liberali>- ansi zeai of sevei-aj tfiiîd.q, a ivbd î pc utecuse etEducatien ............-olg anpage they- have emeiployed uni de- ]t t vek.Mr artnelI"il n s ebaadiiielodeoii liait beîîpurchjed fer btse>use of! 'eit me thi-ougli youricolumrs, te cati the Expessgoig Wt,...........2408 . lias al mstde talint itiste res 'atin a hoew g e ffle rth utWare uisia- ad~~ WLd'ale pnl efri iteE Rpado.................6.56. ti e f Scool and tees. As i mrldye ipo Miked' do................2.03. a.m. I fiî ht"h eeuoolee c-topea-t osay wliethei-le intenda 'P enter 1ken of favorabl>-, asito uiypthleie ig&d coljrqe -, 1 'b Mail de................. .2.aurn. public service hv be e oydin tbe jnt hetcontent or n:t. Asevty odye- aindi enderiîig Up it& d tciurçhta U( amOrntce»t eoe East per'Grand Ti-nmk ............7.00. a.m and as aytenttc as was eei- isd Southli dandtihie poaiiyi ,thai lite?-ThuePliiliarmoiiie Socisieto--Whuîby,-pe-.jtISn be.si&eLa-rý4~» iractusd probaililyTown witail Ite rateriai requirements cf East do.............5.00. pnî. Walpole or Nuwcnstlu"-t,%vo ut the' most earsacd eîsreatiesetuîisasmiirers wiIl pi-eval C - givng anoihrot thei Jyeteaîh thetresuJts wWù w Wet de................0.30. ar. i yt g- btc- - West d----------60.p corrupt et minis cies in - Enigiand's histor>-. over Mn. Rowe's repugnanae ho publie honore,' day vnn, tfu ecuiia Hl.Dos Ilaia ie xetI iecircunruance cf' lIrookihe, Prince Albert, Port I>si-u, Front such 'corrupuion" as is pi-mticeti un- anti that lie will ho a candid-ate an MotnayOpeni ai Hall-puta seveui-tite enherlannet i many Parents iaving withduiawn titei- chul- antiinlicaanadta,-----------900. .m. ees"theinEeg-,tcomnea9,P i drefront the commun echools andi sent Ihein andbiîOffic port,.............8.00, . &. m du h t eirsblaIe -next. Mr. lVatsouî's came i is lcmentî'oeed!ocuunne i8,s sraelnetunes, sowat ail evetîts, ttb y aîsd Scet ...........80,i.ln ftepraseîîbday .vouId recuilt wiludis-! in cennectian 'vith-the saine Ward. In lie' re sabistiesi-it ttc éresukW huu (hot Groeenwod1 JBroughiam,..........11.0, ar. gu8. Ainisters-a hrdwîtli rusant- CotraWseia or caiuseousui froftuithnutpenon vsitan îut ;hm Jont sie ia-gtiThe et' onoft . - ai-atm, ornto, as rcue ttts4aç iCecatreitu iseadertatumeettinRgse! fbuI a eu pepaetibu afutr MAIL& AnRlIVE. iîg ta "thse ,nost s4urt-sig,-hied, corruet ansi Wednesday aigit, but the resuîis were nti - t - bat.h 0f Ibis I ioethavsisL'l c,1 a q lait -perGrand Ti-un. ...........9.30, a. ruinaus czpedients ;11 luocal jobs uoflte kîuw-n iilimne foj odys su.Nxt! tIide, 10 bc ounsi elsewierc. » Mi-. Mont-!saisi b>- o eus .Th St<ilsstitis,1 ea tëi Enet do.............9C. pan.greasest characler ba-ve.,-been stim ulatesi ansj- gonr laIn"bcactrrfoliep - .t.thvr- Est do ........7.30, Pn. - Inlon tias ansi Tues aacatw'ulîfbe tue poIuîntosjudge ; ut it bappears tu, me bliat e theî- Waït do .-..-..... 930, ar. tosteresi" b>- hem ; Canada lbas beui toi-ced 1J ïs. rompressent appearances the cohîteb't uaîlbs ieble-e dta aaiiUe tîtictsietk iiIi utbrwt Iruakiin, Prince Albert, lPart Peu-v5 b>- a scanda/eus 53581cm ot pultfical) ui-rrup- iiti1 . et adsdesoiprmseî e i l ver>- gameral satiî;atii. dsi>an>- achoôI 5>-aent Whalever. How andOffce Noîh--------&0, pn.lion into ait eCorions xpeîîîiture ;"andI-i-ey bot. If partits eau maniage lu get mure NlCS FPBLCTOrS aucial, is nul attemîded b>- more thsan 8eor Io -- - sîauîds ltis Epomaut ?lThegeelecTiESnOFfPUBLstTIONS. t and Scott------------------. i.00,p. gOVert'i-hid i. repi-usectes i;a, "tre-aking9 than ,onu sut'utcandidates iin tit fiels-tlhev- tpyratth'vheafir sst' Asbbîrn Utia, psoc, Ubnide, vithout mii>-enquir>- bing matie mb he Grteewood, hiighaim------------.12.00 noua clowniuns-lui-the wlire t ut ils uwiinirinsi c e -re palli > i eod'An-nn i metuohs.JciA.-TIse rlt h-u eol, asnd - l ilu,<hcnAL cr~îr. îirees." lYat a piclure ansi ieh how' true,- a.bts- oehetxieetwI siJuîsitary nniutici-oft tisumanîhl sl> kvcesiingy en as ifttie>-cost us as hile ian eret MUIIA a.btw op h ectmn ilb.iuitt-esliig. lbt uaiis.a Pol-trait ut Miss Irr.ne mobng niEuc'a- -hOla ve-psiîs T'Caad-siiificientl>- reshi-aines tint <lue attenhstinma>-(C. 1Whiîe7 lc At6pn.-tan, boss-es-en muciler-vainelu uT Cnamebd ai ahe l-n tlit osdrstin oilwholias occaie-dtlut'postionuofutteaciser iun ina>-reasonabl>- expeelt unter suclicircuin- anhoevr nuc le aies ll -0dnum 1secrluf the- literai-y lintititious, s'eminairies statisce., Iitts Boart auJ tîtese appoielt SOCIETY M E ETINXG S. ~tue fihîleits ut the' canidates t r lut' uffice. ad UulIt'ges in tise LnitlsuStes, ansi who cîtîlb>- them cw-ouid partakeof a ike indihfférence Fs-ee la"se-attheiiHllI, Victoria Buildings ofbisCo ntr,îust curîetea thle -rte ut Tise men w-ho arc'lte best ualifietib>- do »ir cltOii 111011u9glis-r piujils, stait prof-ssurs, bu ite gi-cnt inîcrerius cuminedb"Ihi Btiick strctevery mnothi, on firat urmisdav bc- auraffar, lai eeThromi are îtiensosi ioth' iisiiii-îLh, '- abilit>-, ant ioahesty, ton the drisciiarge tti - , is isoltsîsoftîsur ai-tcsini lei. sig.lLr iceXetos oeet fore full aoon.iLoudun jourutlrurahiuif'lie have a Maark of ce Of tire ti ,s.c arce.rge e I ni-erundede-obobliatiiùnà a Lrangelsai joui ua3l,;secondiluîe tisea 1s k ulîuies o ottns-itlors, ouglit lu bc ehecteti i-i- a sit.iigiiiicd piituisl, andt uf ýVatshin9tu1 nuant>- iiidividuaî mneirubars ot tlie jjr tii-age LdgesNo. 11), econ Tiics-ta un patriuhieni lth, lie nnist înest liartilv tlete.-,IDari eevnionthi n CahdweIV's Bloc-k, I5iock street. 'lic traiant w-ho hve rî'tîuarc us lu ts ho- j utotier canhderalmons.great aacriticsofetlime in foi- No. 860e, seconitdFriay e in cv month, a i rioswohv oue stut b-gr e§5o te sdrat tiare ,ti as fEuain -IIlsiits-i îisig biographic-utsketches ans-J isii-euo- iwr-igtî as tEuain Vut Sprowte's IMotel, Part tVhiti-v. f ilîaliînîg positioniii,, Ille uye3 ut the wurld. -imrccutfUCpr>uî.'îe.ormdiesweu-e more ut sucli îsning tiios w-ho. Sonq of Tompe-ne-ýIV .hibv Div-isionî, No- Ewei-e il l befondae[tiiniîua flan Canas-laalare aretyofshueritngrouis-Ientthmssounfu uriiîg tge !at-n. 31, at tie Son's IIall,tsvvery Wdressr-veeilîg. w -yoff the t' u teceyansicori-l on tie -talo out hie chools in Wlîitby. llise .'. -uîer&XVit, t 'ibithdi gt'lme %«o sîsaulsi awake ta ouri- hae in-- 1. O. Good Te-mtiar.-AIlishe ton's Hall, I sas o rain> >ei 1it~~1iiii ehi'iojs, Yr >ierâsanshwb e-êîy Tuesdai- e'-siing. i1p~hat ic--tbrvîaîyin'tic inattentionu ut wiich oui-correspon ent s i ya r~~s i. lrsni ho > ur ,pi-esecua-a4 t h Ili reard o theelectin of rustes, is er)- i*,ATit-CuR JouiAeleTiî.s-îîil iy tut- w-etiai-eatpepami-epti tao do ù&ridùîyt B. A.À o. -sf God TeiiIa--.%.t Geririe's ,poNVe O ci- t liîsters q uIîegu e mners ut uttlig Ise ligtitmrinté-gl pae hiall, uy-on Stu-ect, cvcu' NNWîdîîcsdav eveeing. eea tI tuttecunr. W tii- i el l rî is-ua i tit s-tlit Titci-oas- as-id1 parliamettlu coaîmi, have- became giot r gnr irnirueccs-tî>. V iirku ii- 0f l is itert-in diýiuult iJof t iîs thuadtisai tu statut b>- iuaand streugtsen hiâ hante R E L I I O C S E R Vi C E S- - ~i c-ci-y efort lu fect1aw-ouls-e mn iniprevemehi iftihose wliureaîlv Lug, litr-, ndtl ii iftulows-d hy uîay utltcrs bs-ar- I~hegoicue ti re ia n'ra cur lis h5 fn ben iutaîe. Bl luthfelt anrinterest in es-ucation, w-ouîd sc o A i ii ai 1 . iîi-ith ti 'he hunmait sysueni. 'T'le sofu-tepeeiunaîaîoyttet At St. John's (Elulîcupatian) Chai-ch, King ai.,cr iastu a endfae.Bttuhgi-is-rai diffusi-n utofsetheiioýiede-iisbd hitllý1 dt eloe'oi h ato at 1t ucelock, a.m., and 3 oecluck, p.n., alleu'nate ahndiprinîciple mu.5I evemituali>- prevaul. hI- e- ilsat proper persaonw werc elucicîl lu tic e- i--th1~ is > icat COlisi vIl fait io pi-u-c isdi-anta;- Ipi-uper dlasbticutioc utihu pupils, and the Stnîtaî.Re.J. PasXTIsND, NMinisher. qui-us huit a sheadtast diseharge ut dut>- on po n sîbeofc tTsee.Teeiiu-get us. bike tise J/rtssi-Juurnal, lu cous- lact lîn unie eaciier muâtamitn tueail grade& At the Gongrcgaiiual Chii-cii, corner ut Cuhi- leja- ttoefiyriiis tre and MaiT tr-cis. att11 u'ckutk, ami., and 6.. whost'anitiia-ove, On'e-mîgqa I>itu tler i p1 asrlandinte nst -ij rtuu ori lii-i rua th Alaybet npwrise bu dta> ei p.un-Iwc. j. T. Byr:., >iuiïtui-. lti ecure lhe fitVal îtriumpi ut rigit antid-c-ans i liat le, if tue clectian ahracts but îitftîsi pattrier anîd pu r is-iei sti.- twuksItn- 8 nîeau uîa hoeiit ustnîe d tb if Atieessyan metbodist Chut-hri, ris-ien f utli'feî es.i stee'from thie interterence ot that II.is- u.iSI tÂTP.ii a h su -yJouiiallof gc. f we tiiez lu rtceiri'etheebenefils fron oui- Ct-cuti- and Mary-s- sreets, aI lu30 uoclock, itan., 1- - - - ca u---uî -- i-iialt--'-u u citIhtrtaui ~ies rh h- uiu-tiie ~k slol - aewirute eepc. ldut and 6 pan.-lessJ. ltsî-, & A. Aisaîss-. Minm fo esn %loami i liy(o oiea ieair im- rantr an fie ie elos eaewrate oepe.I o-A i. ..GRAMM..XR SCHOOL EXAMINAIsTON. tutfîct soune selrush endi, andsI chlai-e bul h ih~,i ak' il uukiitt htsu tpa n retoi- sanie hah e bc, An tis e Mcharrict Instittte. curner uof Byron p~~0ti-~oI tuîajn iubivtls isuutti)lawlhvh ioelngu. h'rucet> ie2iar been mi the' wrioflV direction, or tint W a- uni3lav tre'ts -- Acotiuigto annouiceient,thbe classsii egr i-h '-nînutu il liteî-'publicatiuu iil ethl.tiberî tint reardforeçh olsor ductio. Inte-ii. %vll e snt eeoiiestatiunuaiy. Hoping, tise ratepayors gar tuth maae ý nt f he tc adrcý 'ý1 S1.0 a ea. wllgi-e biLS question te atttnuut im ani'1.LwyMnse. :tXaiîjiied conu lluurduu>- nat. Thet' cis'ss-a- ulpeaeil ive an oWpittii-ts isiisi-1'eJuur iuuhi itpr.icuuhaîs -ia,&. Unitd Prsl)té-rfti ('hrchnt 2 30 p..- ISesthi~ s e-tI-1iituwil ag--cilttrzaiJurnal iirecciveut. & Rut. R.11. TtuRusTn, 1). D., !sinister. cuhu inemîco ta 9, A. Mi., ans-I tortiîîuui, witilîko la esn h ontudrcidteI .ii lnbr leu At uIle Bsuptist (5urcîs ai : p m-hIes Il. an isOur s înltcrnuii.sioli, titi nemi-h' halt-pasî itiffleihîhies uîscwi'cles ae ucoluîiari-t-e -isvrin arcuiirhsîsihhave ftu-slseE-ltr tîl V'lhmr.1 Us-syn sînîsii- - tur uniri-cuilt tii--a i sibjccn.a , u s hurt ari-s tur n tttheai-rnuon. Iilise Cifi-ýt pariuf*tIhe ietVhi. are api hluicensurt eie sl.Wc do -cr !t-isu it tssIu- hcshfs u- -Sii,-l w-ts pi-usent ah the lasi nmeeting af Ai St. Antdreriva Chus-ch corne-r (tt ityrui Mui ,- -- ---- i s- ----i lutaeIiit lyl)1ettri n teT w oniadw sral in-a Stý John i-sret, ai mi a-n. and u1; î jdAy toeattenula-nîice n-as nul large, but iu the' i nul say tausýissthecase in Ile lureseut nsanetg- itf- te uîu n a ttrn al ark- e siteel n ucîîofanîl w-as -cati>- ostoh::~ --------- ----'attenuon hue all ras we-lttillel. o miet -lw-e mir-keoui- a.;,orîson as a genlurat prin- '11utise Ciel.ît-n iilmsi, aîuCanada? tiecsiasoc- fsuemî~- t aftrnon tre lal wa wil l led.Of he ev i rrý- tit andihrelialî. 1tt tavrsispeis-dl- tCouîîeil, for instance Jeel Bigelew-siaitedtilt NEW AI)XvEIITISE)IENTS. Ïi su&tees ou' lie ssos-l, WC uîticed urus- 11ev. -cp1 1 a rnb îuqetotueiiistiîtast lli is s-'fîas'.l ssne t-psst u jat~~ caii oècî e Nuw X'ar' Gus-Ynke N NI'r. Los--ry, anMît r. . .V.iliai prescrt uitec.-aui-aintn-c ---aosln esist-c r/se îpe-s! îaîd vau- lb-.t t giicuhlumuitand hmi- > .kfi lsn u-antvbsness op be- centsus s asi-t Noi is us- tr cerotainht-uriti', u lit. Couneil.d'l'usiis tîse mnmicu Jujl Biguhow Rusits- rsil ll tor l-Ji-v oi M unStou c y sasriee-ethae n.ti ru hie for-n I o, s l e ss nil ce ia ofctup -initie t heuc - hu isof the.Coporaaion, aiuthîenstcnce N . i isters rsjdnig in the -w-hoerc intcdtsup vnatheNolate TreasIuc-t ruteeru- Jo rlt>- a aus iail ucic. "Iriiii hi]seaIc'rîaui ii uti Gau- rai>-utuil-liig, ht piiwcisecuauibîC NAIANE-IIOLo£ and shotiseaMunicipalbA ,upand yehrwould puas-a- ahts t S n v d - 1 . J. Y u u u .- g t ih a n alva i «s o muî e prîi-, mmd Ilt e c o r el . T isi t e riai J u l Bi e o iaîuigy. ho x - li r-- -Wc' a>- -b - hi - IVu sarie rsucuieîl Ie toiliîgtcrcuJosieprhh chrîge. rivaochesitedrhs.S.viY. L'l3.t,- % erese w-einthei-Sp u-seul moe -r' oetciluhi oem-ia e nghi froîn Prof. ut tue -thel'H tiT i itSi-51i" -f Canaîela Poe mnBiillig iul n gtso 6 wt ýsiîîu - r mier i -iare o a Mrd sulu tttîr ocrualil.' Uuiri-tees>- t se ioîac . ie nss, -upn tie hAitd it--Johoagîi ibscu' - Shiiand, mut l-sicon i the p rain- it o trepi-auto5 udbcCAý1nitw-iet pac n0ouicenita,,taxesMuncle Aeluti ntdeffet, ut asnîle B hiai tshiu'iee tof iittenu Canadut Enf adCtstîîciisttemet disposteduba bnck up Jool m îrusb edin,'- iltm-i leaw)-eallouw oi-eti apassFeNom i- P u ek je -l o i L s. - i as ex amoie .7 i n a iu , stu t r i'e ie n u lu p h aset i s B i-i a e r l ti t a î o i ssu e, l t i e i- n ce tp ofu e i h ý or t red rivt- te suiinc gusi-Il, i-tiui' i-- -s~ imuuhae loesI mu aae-havebeu fabec uive f. Thwt' ciatto pedilucrgebis oui Biuowis bi te a - $t i-40- 1u e tu o1o3- rasIc-s is iîvteh xtc llc cc iliso e o o t a n-- abuin a s thiet roli t and-v utite t'placuii ourisasii besŽu&dii-ecmedcd-t osed u-racaIl Jut t, ~ ceetiimtgi a.n'Pie raptenriutcthe atnio ilirs p.iiiano.iî"tns- t teciciar eosabereevn1$ 25-o-iinc u i i8 l i-dtii lsiof ne.liie ensioioguge, rkea utofehiaithfte'p:htinin tl j b u on em-i uigialu pBit'ct it to itaîats - ciin Ur- WH[ ktBok BrownISDY E. ZBMbimeifoEslal iamlrCtaaai uun ramtheti- eofasnt ier sruilotfohe cit- bv ietci-tauisiit-itidistsnc t ur, his Jilamag > ew , buî tcma i-O __________________________________ luet fs-ui IbeeSnnatehutlbsesedvas vtynof 'o-ea*aj ena>haho ilarge aosinhetattenanion _____________ erthe-îpivauintriia P ttire poî 1,59fulure. avi-ci-cis aa nng u-cai leai i fohtOur ireiug amisi Eni ogith esi-ýttiet-suitorhaboutiasIn- or-acc aiest teCef> Thtetî's cu-l l-etu huii' httntiuuaonuhît tain bu ga iiig eunienor yont lt u Leme Ms0s cdbgluveineîr- one mîivule iimaet$125lierysutraing pai ÇhYAiAofFFR thenvie tc ta-orof ouraid ed o-ouuaîotiin 'mt aniereaIailvngocane0, THJ.v ,t tTIMi) n a n cee h i ul eucto. Tc kiwhde u aIgic--<a'O recsu ltefruiithleetIa i rc e uda îln tfa utuciu ui ris upuet h to n aans tecàè twn h-ia >ctn au i tn, a kea -ope -evi Yo'oheura adhaeM i' Eduteu)'y ndisÙuc 1 'r c vt Theexellntainjue u h tnm u l e pntlnucel e-tpei-ucrng îln o maffIs-ptI up-aîalese iiiofbisructsonqurnheai-i s rov-emuitbehoiselmvuuleata tmpurtaust arn ronotte iate thu ire ieru si'î ty f T - w a VnyI j rer>- n-t a a c LotiinTiss, II-n Da il- -nConîZt;r155iamî ihlu sseesi s, te slsyis, hliugh u eaig isahic hnb-psi h nseie x br-ot . ian," a thgitbach if armhWcoluiby, iDc.'8189.-' - irnmyer aîl' ntn c-iw s l li-esIlason- b- seuu u isnt, i-dacs t oca outVi of aever ulltl ntîtinrvaii nsith ew stilàt, aon e or religioans ies, Ba id<~ua i&,-.T heyue teiraou- TîIunt astecidus-1 uxposures in aadFa ue-rS uîl i i eoi stto olâit ormes-I uniat!untu-t Iebxiatic'. einnpîches ar te invte Aspic vaine ouratandes bu-.Oeai c smuti aiti-et d sS--m gacicamom, Vitoria tien semus îogiveilim îe sighlst ion Suhi korilenge -as isugît fleus leue caiocctaitnles iuî aia-ntuinIllers auîlutichioalt-tieods.ofa -oeolgy, u' ht'dhst ie2d nle2dteeçmmra- înisste~:bu t u emouîes tstutnî ur-ownps-icandrýide s forthe îsuinot'ic- <hbi spro- s nrtciseuutrtqitea c eril, oadanc uvsiu Vcoui ret'tw-eieuutis The-xcelen j lessioon. Ind n t e w-ci-e iiuciplei i alori-it Io tiperoia e shah, burivever, b o ibs cprtta'.bob Gri>-et tmywtiaot$O,00i otac57-xsa lecuis t ia hinurr m; i pcoî r utanciuer tr e uîgEuIul iaii.'leicaeoi -nual nuoearleten iveinpoi-tantsce ises-e ilrihes iintratil and liuticanbea catimtyil bbc t bc morerfull fi r .* p a - ý of I o --l ay ' Î s s e , t k e n r oin th e o od r w u a nh o - a n T h e ob w t ýi- u lr rite tr Il1 g guc aaIl Ln Lno ïiînn , F .asîthZow consternaton tetow-the ______g elt oreiie ha.b asigteevnso-hee-tr'.saeas te-b et'banc -atu t in -~-~ a ~ ni-a- îuîî is vle. Iui"u b'lvs, nd ehi geun t h ausi sîr ct fe uI helui - m-junut tir îa'stiia cmp.,eusome t fe,. 1p.in-ver al.y ndr eiw s t gids îAs r, Etheotfobs rton rugioonscil tulti of ate y ar-qbut illle-iltTiseo wai-i-- quen anddecied xmsues i Carada Son ho replace-Ib>- ain-an bettenr î rAassvriuw b*-ev. W orse ; C . Whitiaw-. Tht' lbIioi-lgtare zalinong snob articles bas s >Mlà Wj reenamid a p,,cticabieaporige Q«40 îîts- b- -a-tussubjects pasesd undur revienv, apoke ST -4, aRrsWs-Pittrick Mari-en; IVi. us TeIsta-ble o osn'ai- engýitSw tta eacît Fort Alt'xamdeu The tsw-CII 'tut'liir ints-st->-aindi ps>severanca, atîti (Ie;Jme .Cri.Eaplsopiiieat, ha ln éi is aitîtiies, tis preccptiins et rigitI, and bis te talbhfui ad-s eu cces- ot'Mi-. Mcaibe McGi-ere;JmesD. Cni'nie . Pruy . -e, oampes o primiti arttîtet- rteii, awdrifierked ipth iVutraa i BIîNTOID-. . laen; . V.i-yn.boeorcupe wapnsac iupements, arrow -priehast ftjp he i. déri nm*-"&ig -egard ton the inleresth th le Peuple, la b. as a beactier. MAt he èuose oet ii xocss Gsroca.actlaC-Csee; einor tisce-hea-s, banies-s or axc-lieadn, iand pi,*ditricbs wII bi e hnr zc'ilc i ho ruler of a gi-cal Provimnce likuCaeada. 2rs-ldrttstssua w-cru inâde b - hie Re;v.ello Tint lie leasing jonrùhaI stoulti caiu athen- 11ev. -Mi-. Lowi-, and auttoer f Crahbp ,tmiti-ce grieutltural tools. - heretefore. -NttWegus buuli - ý ocd HassIe,-we ~ ~ ' BELLaxvru-wF. MeA unanv; Dr. Hope. 2. Toa hmawks%, bows an ld Hatde, w tliee)ai o wio W.padl, , k._aidatrowva; lubs7, 'mui- brick were bein-"erected t ià eosýa ion t lle aletuof Oui- allai-s, is ul guet mdi- (i.eeo)a OWti STRAFFOA-Di-. Hyde ; P - Jarvia'W.pauîu,-lMxxite. - The iaupor,1, - ~expressesi lhemaielïesliigli>' gratiflid %ith JF. MoCetuttochi . let sniommnt c sbad i-e-reomis ufreinNew-Orteai-«Mr-hf. :gard ta anythiug thatrnay b t Id ftem ress ofthe 'pi,<. >'asi ~ jis Pftusi5-'Di-. Jemsp; J. 0'SuttiivatiI etgui-getsoft3bellsnope, ~~~-e..* 1Lace lune retucnied fromexic, earing wiuI G- MeMiIae; T. F-aser. ' 4. Spectiena oflndinai and other natirmdue.~ ere, bec'auaa rutbtie suntim;-nt bas bcome - i1 - ----------------- 5st. n n ad .ss.... uu n.... . -AaTrav'iltEtLb*tmrsn o much debauched to cause thein trouble, riey cannot. feel the same stofid indiffer- ence ini regard! to the opinion of tho public of EngIlancd, where, ne al1ovanee is made for iolitical any more than other iniquities. The tention wvhichi it bias drawn to the corrup- ion and misrule blini prevails in Canada- Fiat lias beconie the main instrument4lities rvougli whlich the government is kept to- rether, and the businus of the country car- ed on,-and the exposition of Canadian Haire wYhich have been madie bY other Lon,. Ion joumalists, cannet failtot prouJuce bene- Iiai remiits. ThAv il h iL,, j-- 1 JiW-vI4-Ç. Cuuit tiant J. B. pait'-i bai-ni. 1 t- t - a - -è -t- - mou"-,

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