Whitby Watchman, 17 May 1860, p. 1

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- .,-~ .~4'H -- ~ W.EABTWOOD, A. B., M. D., C OOEP11SICIANe SURGEON, &c. CWhitby. 17-lI ALEX. PRINGLE, ~IERCITANT TAYLOR, and Dealer in Ma- sonte Ciothing, nexi door to W aliace Block - Broek Street, Whitby, C. W. 1 HUGH FELITZ, M USIGAL INSTRUCTOR, on the Organ, Me- lodion, Piano, and ail kinds of stinged li- struments. 1 GEORGE YULE, Jus., ~fONTREAL TELEGRA PH Company's 0f- LtlI fice, and Whithy &Georgian Bay Telegrsph A)fftce, Dundas Strpet. 1 MESS1*S. MOWAT & NACLELAN C HANCF RY AND LAW OFFICE, No. 3, Firs .jFloor, Niesonic Buildings, Toronto. Whithy, Aug. 23, 1859.. 1- JOHN AÂGNEW, I iSJA'E <lx T oppnsite the. Bank of Mon tre-al , Byrou Street, Whitbyv. 4-1y WILLIAM TJIOMPSON, SA DDLE, Harnes, Collar, and Trunk Maker, sSigu of tbe large Colar, Brock Street.. JAMES BOULTON, Barrister, Attoriney-at-law, and Solicitor in Chancery, Church Street, uext duor tetihe oli Court flouse, Toronto. 1 4-3m THE "WHITBY WATCHMANtI" -18 PIJELIBHED EVERT THîURsDAY MOIRNiNG. SirTalc WHIT3Y -PLIJNTING COMIPÀNY, At their' Office nie COLIORNE-ST., WIIITBY THOMAS IALLACE, Secretary & Treasurer. Tb* teoms of 11ubstription are $1.50 a ia piyabI. trlctiy lu advance, or $.00 at the end "RTS Or AIWVERTraiI4O Ton linos or under lfret insertion .....$0.75 " 9 each stx1sequent insertion.....0.20 Â&bOvo tee unes, fist insertionperlne).... (0.08 " s ach s ubséquent isrin 0.02 A -liberai l iasut ,,il1 b. mde toparti" who advertise by the year. No advertiaensent will be discontinued with- goui a wvritten order to tixat effect. No pâper.wMlBbedMeontnneduntiilUârrear- ages are paid up, unless at thse option of the JOB PRINTJNG QIPserrydç&cription done a tise WATCRMiAS Ovrç. Ra-ring obtainqd a large and varied suppiy of Job Type and other material, thc proprietors are satified that they can give botter satisfactiou, botix as to prices and quality fteth work done, than can b. obteined in awn- ether locai office. POS'xui, BML LD IOI has, CImCrî.as &&BLÂKS ]OOK, PAMPHrLETS, &c.1 &c., printed to order. 1rinting netasy execuited on mew Type lu Gold Sud SilTer Colours et the. WATI-CHAN Orrics, Coiborne-street, Whithy, C. W. Auguat 25, 1859.1 Important to Sulscribers. LAW RESPECTING lNEWSPAPRRS. u:u- rSubscribera neglect or refuise to takte th papers (roth ie office to whiciî they are di- rectedl, they are heid responsîie tili thev have settled their bi1s, and ordered their pa pers to be discontinued. Subecribers -who do not give express notice to t he, contrary, are considcred as wishing to con- tinue their.subgcriptions. If subseribers order thxe discontinuance of the papers, thse publishet may continue to send them untîl ail arrearages are piaid. If Subscribers move to otiter places without infoiinmng thse pubisher, and hîs paper is sent to the formuer direction, they are heid responsible. 9m Thée ahove ridles wuill be strictly obser'red ZACIIEIS BUUNHAM, tDGE of the County and Surrogate Court.s. -JOffieo at thée Court Blouse. JOHN HALL TIIOMPSON, W lAtDEN. RESIDENCE - CAN~NING TON, BROOK. NELSON G. REYNOLD, SHERIF?. eU OFFICE-At thse Court JOHN HAR PERRY, REGISTRAR. OFFICE-on Brode Street IL J. NIACDONELL, fLERK'0F TUE PEACE. Office at ftie JCourh Honse JOHN V. HlAM, [ILRKof 'he outyCourt, and Regqtrarof W.-PAXTONY Je., TREASURER. OFFICE-At the Court 11-J. MACDOELL, QOLICITOR, aud Clerk ot the County Couneil- k) Office-at the Court Bouse. W. IH. TREMIAYNE, cONYCROWN ATTORNEY. Office,- JOHN SuHER, 10"1 TY ENGIXEER. OFFICE-At tise %J-Court Bouse. 1i Address, when 1;y post, Whitby.ý 4-lyr. JOHN McGILL, A UCTIONEER. AIL orders in bis Une of Lbusiness eutrusted tu Mr. George McGill4 or left at the WIatdtman Office, Whithy, will be t tended. to; also information regarding the terra of -tise Auctioneer, kc. Oshewa, Sept. 26, 1859. 6 W. KAUFFIUAN, AROHTITEOT, wiIl he bappy to render hie services ýto thse inliabitants of Ontario County. Orders w-ll Se recei-ved st tise office ýof tise Whlby Watchmnn. Ovîcs-No. 144,1Bey Street, Toronto. W.W. LEAVENS' - NE*,V MILLINER Y STORE, BROOK STRERT, WHITBY. MO N EY 0MOMIES to inveet upon fa Ïm security. For GEKO. . DUT, JAS. A. CLARKY8 Pirdt las lPicture Q.allIery, WILKINSONS BUILD&ffG.% BROçKeT. WNITa Di IPcTRuns taken froi tise size of a Pin tU Lufe Size. PRICES from 2M Ots. ho $40. 18.41' J. 83M,- Coiborne gtreet J..T C.O SIIGEM Ail orders promptiy ied.ct > oRapAmiNG odonS on the oItoe4tý n otice., - QUE ~UEN ÂN QU VOUTEYTERNS1-si150 in advano VOL. le MII. DARNLEY F. STEVENS, ATTi)PNEY-AT-I4AW, Solicitor in i Caucery, a1ndi Notary Public, York Chambers, Torontu. Toronto, Ajîril l16, 1860. 35 AmOS W. CRO.N, A ii'IlITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, AND Estate Agent, Whiithy. 1 G. H. DARTNELL, 1) arrister, Solicitor, andi Conveyancer. Depiity - )Registriir, anud Master hi Chancery fur the Comiuty of t lulario, Brock Street, Wliitby, l5-ly JOHN DALE, a ~diler and Ilarness Maker, Fron~ tret, ts J rookln. November, 21, lU59. J.R.P L, Qaddle, Ilarness, aud Trunk Maker, Dundas ,S J.treet, Wlitby. WILLIÀM IPRESS, W-NIP-MAKER, Pickeriug, 4th Con. Loi No. 116. 8-ly W. U. SKENE, ILLWRIGHT and Mechanicai Draftsman. tYlitonn, C. W. 8-1y.- P 11y4riian, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, Medicali .Advî-irr of the Seottimh Provincial Assur-% anre ('înipan. IResidence, Prince Albert. 4-ly1 JOHN LEYS, [Jarrister, Solicitor in Chaucery, &c. Cliurch IS treet, Toronto. 4-Iy W. I. TREMAYNE, SATtRISTER and County Crowu Attorney. 1)Ofice-lu Arnalî's Brick Bock-Second Fluor. 4. W. H. BILLI'NGS, [AW, .Chancery, and Conveynncing Office. fi Offie-Brock Street, one door Norths of thse fZegistr>- Office. A làgust 13 1859. 2-tf I. W. WOODWARD, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, IN P -,urztnc eand General Broker, Dundes-street Whiîby, C'. Wl. e3-('a.sh Adrances made on Produce of every description. 2-tf. - THOMAS MYERS, IC~,E'\SED AUCTIONEER, & Veterinary j i-r .Auction Sales in every Townshipi iu the f'-etnty will receive prompt attention.- i 15of Ilorses, Ringbones, Spavins, &c., m-111 be treated withpètetsce. C LE RR First D)ivisiou Court. Office-at tise Court [buse. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jn., B AILIFF First Division Court. Address- WhtyP. 0. WILLiAàM E. YARNOLD. PROVINCIAL Land Suîrveyo-r, Draftsman sud Road Surveyor for the county of Onta- rio, "lby appolutrnent." Prince Aibert, l7th. February, 1860. 27. *ALEX. CMEROg, C IEP CONSTABLE, Town of Whitby, als JONC. HANCOCK, ONADCOUJ!TY CONSTABLE. Resi- To deND-Brock-S3treet, Whitby -R-.F R. 3. GUNN, BYRON STREET WH-IT- Jj BT, C. W. 2-tf ROBERT J. WILSON, RRB R& ATTORNEY AT LAW,So- Offle-over the stores of Messrs Ilaniiton & Roberts. 1-tf - STEPHEN SEARILE, VRLIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE .-Agent for tise Couuty of Ontario. ùOffce- At Woodward'ls commission Stores, Dundas; 1treet, Z4~ .1t GEO, CORMACK, T"BR MEUROANT, (larpnter and Join>er, IJGreen-street, Whlthy. * A large quantity o! LuMber or ail kiids constantly on hand. 2-tfGO.OMA. - -CRESTEIt DRAPER, eCpu2RL Deale~r in ail kiiids of Parnt Pro- au4e, Pinetuiniier, sa?lsstr wàýire., - 1-hfe Ahty,0 WHT BýY .W. , TU R SDAKA I 7, 16 0. TRE WAND KRICS RTbKLUIN. - Dty mÀkaRi J. EWEN. You have couic ba ck to us, niy brotiier, With your pale and thoughtfi brow; Is tise joy of nid about your path- is your 4"life rose "iM oming no-w? Yon left u, dear, for a fitirer elime, And à brigister sun than Ours; For tise deep repose o! forest shades, And tic goid o! orange bowers. We haif rejoiced that. you were not here, When Our winters skies grew- dlii; For w-e rightly deemed-"A glorious sun There aines afar for him!1" And, oh i w-len puxr first, dear letter came, How tise giadues flashed through tearq, For eacis word of cheer and biessing fell Like a silence on onr fears. nd aithongi you r"id tlîat cliine w-as brlgbt, jAnd aithougis that land was fair, There was çio piace iike your own dearihomec orub. met with anywhere.*" roui have couic back ti u.q, my- lrother, o ur ehudhoodshome once more o0 theinaic o! the loviuig Voie, Io the wnrun, truc hearts of vore. You have corne back ta us, my brother, With your pale and thouglitfui brow i And tise star of Hope about your peth, la it beamuu'g brigister now-? Dae iît point from eàrth ta thât fair clime Where tlue sunehine siîeth best ? WVhere thue wauierers wçary soul nîay fiud iBis a refuge ani a rust- We iid you welcanie back, mny brother, To vour bomcduoIX uuiîu<huCmore-u-u, To the muusic of the 1 vni oce, To the warni, truc e- i.rt-s oJ ore! DEBT-ECONOMIY-LIVING WITHIS THE MF'ANS. fWe capy fram a nev luook called Il"Self- Hieip.' by Sautmel Smilcc. author o!f-Thse Life o! Gjeorine Stephenson," lte iellowiueýL excellent extrades on ecouomv and tise igli use o! mauîey, w-hich w-e eariestiy recoru- mentuulbtise attention ai aur *reaulers. yuuna anid old. Tise uook is fmom tise preqs ai Tien & Fieldls, andi is w-atlii, u W#-eizisîin gaold to amy ouîe ,vlo rcuufly desire ta o in- dependenu.l "Eu-r.- man oa, glit ws o licon! rive as ta 1bu-e w-iuisin h Is means. Thie îîraciice is ihce verv essence ai honestVW For if a muan udo nmot maniage boniesuty 10 live w-ithi isow- meaiè'shenise muieccessarilv lue liviung diq.- hanestly upon tise menus of ;ome;oly elge. 'Phase w-ho are cai-eleBes about persona] expert-- ditrares, anti considen merely tiseir aivu gra i- fication, wiîhout regrard lu tuc conufort of ot h.- ers, geernily fimd out lise ruai uses o! money w-heu il us tan lute. Thotn2-b li nature gen- cos, these tliriftlesa persans arteoften <li- ven in the end to do very 4ilabby things. They dawdle w-it bitseir rooney as teï rnae; ,dmrW. bille upon tise future, antiéipnting fheir eni- niag ; and are tisus under lie necessity o! dragiug after tisera n oad o! debiîs and f<511- galions Nvhich eserious-ly affect their action ns frec and indepetident men. Tise base cash- w-hieS xnany pensons tisraw away useilessly, and worse, w-ould ofteu fou-m a buisis o! fortune andi independeuice for i ife. l'bie wastors are their ovin w-orst entemies, tisaugis generally amongsbthie r:nks a!fisasze w-bu rail al tise in- justice oai4"tise wa-!"Butll! a mn i l-l not ho hie 0w-n frieud, how eau ho expect others wil? Ordenly men o! maulurattu means huve alvinys somethinz luit in iheir .ockets to heip athes ; Nlicreas ,vour prodigai and'i- eehs whuo &pend al, never fiud an opportunitt for lislping anybody. ilu is poar ec-onouuy, hot%- ever, ta Se a semis. Nat-rovi mindedness in living nand in dealiiîg is ;eilerally shout-eiiris- Led, and lende tola filuure.'Plihe penuv-soui, t is said, nover came ta Ivia-penre. (lenemmui- by and liberabity, like houiesty, prove thse best poiicy after al. Tho' Jenkinsan, in the diVicar a! Wakefield," ciseated bis kind- bearted neigisbor Fiarnbaomutzi in anc w-ny or anotisenevony yenr, '-Flimborougby," be eau-s, "lias been negularly guri-ng in riclier., W"h I bave came ta poverty and a ju<iL" And practicai life ahaunis in cases a-irîbliant t-e- suIte fuim the course oi geierous, honesf' Poliiy. "lDr. Johnson beld tisat early debt is muin. Hie w-onde on tise subject are wcîgltty, and w-orthy o! Seing helul in remembrmnce. "Do not," Lmid e, Ilaccushom jourseli la con>id- er debt oaly an laconvenience ; you w-îll fiud il a calamity. YPoverty akes aw-ay so many menn of do'ing gond, anti produces so -mmeSr iaiimta reas evii, botis natural and morati tia ii y ail virtuaus means ta b.e avoido4 déLet t beho ur iret camo, tion, not to ho in any maa's debt. ResaIre nil t tob. poor ; whatevoryou have, gpend ls. - Pover-ty is a ffreat enemy ta Suman hiappinees -, ut eau- taunl1y destroys liberty andd t maireis som., virtuos impracticahie and' otisr h rue~ difflcult.-PrugniuY is nat oniy thse bas Qf quiet, but benefleence. No man catih ,l1 othorta t Iw-anIs heip hiumsof ; ,w- muet bave- enoulihbefore w-o have thospwç. -- "It is tise boundon duty of oveiy mitnto look hie affaire in tho face, and" ta keepan account of li-icmng n g iwi xnoney matteraThe exOrciseofalte simple anlhmuetielwtia sw?,y wilWbejppu ofRrýeat value. Pru ence rqie ia - ohleteh e'utrèaitiëof living -aI d ble aur eaai~ & iriuan up te4ise-,bultAtiis- plan o! living by whidi b'th nde m -yb made to meet. John Locistronglya:vlied' ,tSi. courso: IlNohhing," said ho"ilus likolier to koep a man within compass tisai having eonisstudt4 ' bfoe - hiteyes î sa . M affairsinýaregulaeersa of aesupuintlTho acéuntôf-alfhe i maltÃŽe itý aei* 'y ,d ýkhn I~te sý i n MIi&5 0 ste oh MISCELLANEOU'S NtW.S. Twd Élte1h,- Plenipmtentiarioe are uo'ýr, if. is neportcd, in Paris, discussing thse New-- fotendland fishenies question. It appears by thse papors thtat Irelaud nover was in so prospenous a position as at present -crime and pauperiera i iianny of tise 0w-us havre diminishedl con'eideÏua1ly.' muchIe-ls pratnaing talents, have oueeeed- cd simply by ,doinï.wçl4it.0going cinward. Thu gooti practicabie b«'rtning is, tO a cer- tain citenht, a îplédge àp niead an assu r- anbe, ofthenuimiineprdp&àù sisfl.There id' sany -a poor csuaturei,inow crawlilgi through life, miserable hinisef and the cause of suýorrow ta others, w-ho rnieht have lifted up his iiettd aüdd frospered, if, insiead -0f rneirely satisfYing bimecif w-us resolution of d<ing wel, h had actually goue ho w-ork ami m rade qobeginuing. a T odmany are, lst' ver, mptient of te- eu lte. Tbxey ae -b -'ded tobegin w-he,-e their faihert; beguus,,. here t4ey left-off. They thi 'nk- ta enut fruits of indtuetry wilhouit workh' for tisem, they cannot wait for the retiult f labor and- application, but: forlustalil 15cmby îoo eariy indulgences. A' wonrty Scotch couple, when being askesi how thdir son isadl broken dow n%o eariy in life, gave tise folwing explanation - i"When we began life too'ether w-e. worked liard, and lii-od upop porrigge and sucis ike, -graduai] addingiux*.nmfortsae;ournean s nnprove7 until -w-e*et able at1Iougth ta dine Wff a bit of nuast mvat, aud ,sometimes a boilt chuekie (orfowl) ; £as for Jack, our son> lie began wene w-e ieft-ail-h e begun 'th&e chuckie first. e Tise sagse illustration rwiut npply ta higiser coniditions of lifetitan to t"shumble pair. "Mi. Hume hit thse mark, w-len he once stated in tise House of Coràmons--tsogis hi,. w-orth were follow-ed by 49Iaugrhter"-thnt tise toue of living in %ngland is altogether ton uîà4. iud le cla8d peo(pîe are ion npt toi ve uluteir incomnes, if not beyond tlîem ; af- î cing ,".-t egree of e'style" w-hich is most unhe.-iihyi sefets upon Society I large. 1 !1ern' us -Wa bi o ebrin'? up boys Fis (en- tlemen, or rathxer ligenteel'»i heu ;-t-hougi, tlue resuit frejuiently is, that it oui.-Makues theffi _Pets. ruiey acquire n taille tor dresj, style, luxurieg, ,und amusemrents. wisich eau neyer form auy oid fottadation for matiy or tienilemauly thanacter ; ani the resuit is, îliaiwe have a vast nuruber, of gingerbreiul gtrî>- hrovn upon tise w-old, w-ho reîniud us uf lte abaudoneul bulls souictimes ielrèd upleâ sea, with oniy a monkey on boarXf leThere L i. adreadfuxî ambition abroasi or being degentsel.ye We-keep uipappenran- Cus-lo taàlen at the expeuse of hone-st> ; and, thougis we mny not, be ricie h m suera tobe su. W. uut bei",espectabei,l thougi only in the meanest sense-in niere vul 'gar outward showv. We have nuL tise courage taogo patient ]y on waril in tise roud itun oflufe in whiclî t i aft leased Gad ta eau' asim; but must neesie liveîn snme fashionablegto, wh ich w-o ridiculously pleaeta eau. otursel- vos, andi ailho gratify tise anity of.tha-t'sub- s1tautial genteèi world of whi hw-e forai'n part. There is a constant struggle and Pres- sure for front Seuls in the social atnphithéatre; ini the mîdst o! %,rltieh ail noble seif-denving, retiolve is troilden dow-n,aud many fine natures inevitahly crushed b denth. Wisnilt'ste,what misery, wliîat bankruptcy co'esfirr ail this> au4tmon ta dazzle ench othor witl1 tis- gIare -Of apparý'ent woli v swrneehd. scib. l 'h ischj 8ù résuits show 15cm- iseivee In a thousnnd ways ini the rank fraudrs- comnnitted by mon iwhe-tilrQta bu diishonest, but do nut dare ta see puari antd in the des- pet atedashes at fortuuc,iu wiîh the pity is not su mach for tisose w-ho l'ail, as for hun dreds of innocent familles w-ha are suo ften iuvolved ini tho.-ir rmm. " Huglu Milleeu bas told how> bv an net of youthful decision, Se sàved isef from aone o! the strong tu-aflpintions so ,eculiar Io a life of t il. heu empiqyed as a mrasan, iL w-as ua1vui fan hie ftlow wprkmen ta have au oc-, casionai trent o! drink. and anc dity 1wo giases uo! whiskey feil ta luis share, whîch lie s'tvallowed. Wiîen ise renehed htome, -he foundl, on openinz hie fat-orite book,.4'Bncou's Efflays ' that the- trr danced beforus hie eyee, and tisat heo-coufid nu long-er tt1aaubr the serise. ' The condition'1lie mns, 'ita which I fiad broughi-t myaeif was, I iI onim of deg- radabion. ihad sunk, by rpy ow n »act, for tise tinie ta a lawer lentl a! intelligence than, that -9p w-hich it wue my p ivileget plaCed; and though the elate could have. bee n very favorable a nc for forming a resoixitiori, 1, ini that hotir, deterrl"ed that -1 ehouîld ne- ver ogaun sa£1nflce mycapacity for intellect- uaic¶joytuent ta a dnspking venge; and. w-us 'God's hclp, Iw-aï eniibietl'i ho h bY thQ.i d.- lerminatian.' L, rt, ig rueS décisions ne-4i that;often form ith@, unrning piîtsin !i m*ante DBEACH) ( Editar. <Pweive mtearuboate, w-arth $2,000,000, are Iying idlo nI Chicago, Bolanuand othen lake FoVL'M11Ïiitt.-.4he badis ýé a w-uman anti younggirt wcne fouud yesterday afler- nooti, honibly mnuidened, ini the viciuùty o! St. John. Fura appearauces, they wcre firet navishcd, and tlîcîî rurdcred. The authoni- tics are on tise tnack uf tise guilty parties.- Pilat, 41hs. Thse crew of tise slip Constant, from Sid- neY fo, Mauula, neceutly wrecked, u'uffered- horribly froin exposune sud stuirvation befure they were rescued. Fronatishe middle o! July ho the firet o! September tbey subsisted upon the scanty food ta bo obtained fromn islande in tise viciuity. of the w-rock, but finaliy were corn- Dello< Ito sacrifice a negro-upon whombte lot h-feilI- te tiseir suuge.-No sauner vie s e devoured, tisai another negro, ini the attempîta eseape. by drawuing from. a siînilar fate, w-as eliot and catenai. Chsarles Piorson Esq., o! Niagara has commeuced the Manufacture o! Ericcsou's Caïunju Engines'. Thuis is a new and very ceeitable etîterpnise fo)r Canaula. Tise motive powier is heated air insteaul of steain, pradu- ced by a very triffiig amanit o! fuel. Tise furnace of a four hsre Pow-er Engine ie said ta Se nu larmer btian an ordinary eîzedt cookiuîg stove. The #reat cammendatoryi fentures af tise Eriecan Engine are cheap- nesi, safety, and simplicity ai causttructio'ne An Enolish paper han footed up tise Tonne madebYur6,npaw-ers last year. Thcy arnountX ,35 ô,00 ail but $12,000,000, of w-hidi w-as topýay fbr w-are. Tise indian boan is uncluded in tise amount. ELECTO1ALtO'LtLGE F<OR I860-Ts0 total- number of votes cnet liy tise next Electoral Collego w-ilI Se 306. 0f ibis number tise Nortserri States have 186 ; "the Southeru States 120. Numnier o! votes neccssary t<s eleet a President 154. A coiany o! fifty-seveu pensons ivill sail fram Nev Yark for Africa, in- a few wveoks, with the requisite machinery for raisin-- amui prcparing cotton in the uplaucis o! Western Airtea. A sabscniption o! $10.000 bas beén made in Loudon, ta ho paid bu the asnemoan as îise colany le cestablizhed. -Tise Part Hope Guide enys tise' farinons - o Hlope are now buuuy plq% ing. up faîl w-heat, preparatory ho sowîng ring grain. Proba-* ]ly iiree-fourths o! tise l'ail crop in th at '- e- ion ai dbuntry je teinter kilhlè-tse ficesnab furrow-ed by tise plovi looking brow- ansd dreary. Twenotty tisousnnd Sw-edes and Norw-egians are nepoau-ted ta bu gettiug in readinesje ta cm- bark for tiseUnied States, carly in thec cout- inzý sutmner. tisey wiýl Sring much wcaltis Ns-us thein. and what jf eleter, they w-ill bring .couflrrned habits of mroalty, indushry nnd ecuuomy. An ouîbrpnieiug Yankee, of hanr. MNe., hue ubtaincd a bill granting to lira. and his as-socîntes tise exclusive rîi ternu nstonm enrriac for tise couveynuce oaseer and freigist orer tise cormnon roasd of Mainte for bwelvè yenrs--prviding tisat he puts anc o! lus macdameisinta actual operatiotu wîthiu 1w-a yeanc. It Ï.stuuderstood tisaI lie inteuds lu make hie first trial trip July 4th, 1860. Tise Richsmond (Ind.) Il road Axe," saBy8 that lasi w-eck 1w-o [rish girls tank passage on tise Neueastlc raiirand. havi'nz yith tisernan ehili w'rampped in a isundle. tisey gai off uit Newcastle, but without tise sudio". whieis %vas foand at Logansport, under the sent they had occupied î%itis thc child in ià dead. - h wns about four weeks oid, and sati evideutl been semotbced. Thé giri'q were arrestet, and will ho tried at N1'ewcastie. A GENRL ELrCTIO14-In wcll iformed quartons, enys tise 11amiiîûn Turns. the opixu-i ion prevaîla that m inister8seonteunplate a gen-q 'ai lconýi iat ur ýtýtbi. 110t l-ar- tise vst a!the -Prhce o! W4ie aret Party ncount. -A?îi'dkthtis-;tfurore' oflavý'v, politîl iconiieratiojtiewillIcarry Iittle wtighit- and hence Mr.- J. A. Macdonald'ê inteiÏded coup d'etat. Mit. PIiEDEtRTcK DouGI.ÂSS Rtgrusztn Ax AîuFuiuc.N PASSPORT.- Mr. Pouglasewviilo iun wect,- reeently umude- application tisrou!,h tise American Minister ini Louldon for a passport. ta enable him ta- visit ýPari& as sRn Americ.an citizen. The repIy -nade - by tise Miuirter uvas ieffect fhat use Coristituritin o! the United States did flot recaàtuize perrn o! calaur as citizenx; tise pnsuport whis tis&e--- fore rsufeeed. Tisronehtheii kindes, -ho- ever, o! tise.Freucis Consul atI Nwcnstle, tise required permission Sas been obtained. The -commerce of Grènt Bnit ain for tise en- suie g ear e estimatod torepzesent thse va ie- af £400,O0 sterling,' i n. putting forth, tuis statrument, tise Li ,verpoo Courier aserts that withal- tis- Ruesians and Germanuf lient l3ritish manufactuies ia statut,ý course w-oolons, and tise Aericana have tII4> upper . hand iii- Citineae mne o ~tn.- leexporta'a! otton maànufactures ana yaris llt ~year a- monniedto the gigantie -taliof A46,ff05,83t Acounb-fyear endin,« Ma14W9-,Fb thé- statent ,w- erewîat the oèitireo- 10e -d"d; Publie Worke, £410 Os15.& ux_- dlries, inchuduntr rent at Cour Tufëà;iÉtlsGa Ferries, £11 8« preina'pfid-.p-fLorVWol res- heak ý£35\1 sO, aràPeQfc~141 11 4d., , Agra4d bal of-, i996 1q,4id Tis 41evenu -éis p~onaî a totalpf 42,347P U,- - - Globe.L &t iïtoa nia.te Niagara le fttig up and wil ' re m -êmney'the Japanese Embassy ta -Japani, or~ap eisewbère if - requîred:- Mr; Delânoi, ts e nàyàl. constrnetor, -Sas just re"tûrned fromhAîq -98 uigt, w-lure h. lias been ~i ôfficinl jt<' duty contït.ected witi tise fitting out of.,tise Nia~aia. Ha ~ys tisé Secretany*ô!t f:ig- .Navy1uaveejders- thbler 'u--oth"uis uoi ndFss~! xpes& She le jn tory ,gom I haniý tre iprèseint, oseque 1 nlytbere w'll be, w. h -cabiaixï tbe îpav.d.kfo-teaoulod- ýi4'heumss zur~o teur retin, pud Jaan, aid con e> isees lrad in -11ua des qapitl of theÏÉ5ountr. 'Ph. Ebassy wili rr'f - ne-bWde aàhwYokashe fo r hordIi pte, but - willho. enveyM tcHampi, -iiit -w *e-take themndirect o Wasiu on.frt ~ - ~ -fithe N029 VARIETIES. a tJutra e is oflen the fear of being thouglit Bluuthing in a suffusionilenet teen in thvse w-ho have the muios occasion for il. Bad temiper is a jar o! househoîd viîxcuiar, whenein ail the Ifearis of isappineess are âis- roived. People would rather pardon tie defets yon 1 have thanth ie affectation of i-irtues yoa bave Flatterv oniy lifle a nian up, as it is saiti tise engle doeu the tontoue-to gel somethiug by tise fnl!. Trutis-the open, bold, honest truth -i s al- ways tise w-sest, alw-ays the safeet for evcry onc in any sud al cbdatanceeg. A plensant and cheenfdl mind sometimesý gro w upan an aId niid word uodt body, like miîsieîoe upan a dead tree. Il is in vain.-ta hope ta phiteah alaiki.> Lot a man stand wjtis hie face in wliat diree- tion ho w-ill, " emuet uecessariiy lumm ic back upon bal! tise wonid. 19 Pnile;el says Huq0, 44wne bora in ien- von, but forgeuting by w-huit wny se fuil therefrora, she cuuld neyer fund her w-nythi- tiser again."1 Teuiperance like a diamond of thse first wvater, chines moru brilliautly tise botter il is cul- With a manti he revers-e holis ouod; - ho ceaserta eluine 1 lie mumenf he is,"ct." If, in in stnuctiug a ciîild, you tire vexeti w-ith il -for a w-ara of ndroiîitl-ss3ï, try, if you have noever tried befone, ta w-rite with your left isaui; and nemember that a child' je all luft hand. Those 1w-o celebrated divines and schou-s., Drs. South and Sheriock, w-ero- dispuliug on. suwne religions subjeet, Wshen the latter av- cteefi the uther o! using wit in tise cont o- vercy. -"Weil," said South, 4isuppose it liad pleasued God ta give you wit, what would Tise Duke o! W. w-ns sîaying in a country Ihiau.e. tisat w-as situiated amôung tise muet beautiful sceuery. 'Ris hast asked hlm oîu18 mnomný1ing.if Se ehould like, ta see tiseruine 9f ! ---., corne teua. miles îlstast 1 Hoe- p)[iel,."By ail mean.-. P-nyttent me -e'Sile 1 ama yourgnest-, as you w-n u.d au .Ortnunn- teu uvhîle bavelling-.Stume a f il.-s cati, anudk me everyw-here with you." ILr Cunninga, cf Connectitit, exîtWates thnt aine tenthus o!-tise Amrneican Wouuea sz&f fer from tight laeingt, 'whicli depi-ies tint lung of their capjtcity lalihale ait-, ,Mid-thlig praduce disease. The prevalefe- tof con- guotion iîî females is maily attribuhed ta l'isecause. Ini New Enabnd more than isaîf Lb.deathse of feunales 'between fifteni and thirty are, fromIthig disse._ iiE-fi god aodSaWf$f f is, after all, ts denrest-and tmost sacred word in the 'Wisolo vooabuIary o! bave. Axound it- clun-ters alfthis a nst beautfual, chse, and- pennauieîîh in tho tenidr pass ion., ,iste ivisat curer to rbiddcn patha due iseait of mainxnay w-atider, smli i us et tunytu, I-liat, 'tatise hloNed name o!furuft for consoationi and rs.Any oIson relatien bttween tise-sexes,- hsw-ever alla-urgta tise imnagination, invana-- bly cnd i;o wretoe'Imdness, insisamne, -and, aum X -woit, orvery, sensible caution.ta yaung ladies, lar- reference Ã"a_écr-ùonp practîce-occurs a iiw-anis -kenti- tbud ,"Advlct.toanyonurWomen." ile mc- -ýiuaprtace quifte pa-îsValent amang - yang ladiàls of liepres;ent day, w-hicS w-e are 011- iashioued enouzita consider very impnop er. Wc idiùdle loýg1Ving daguerrolypes of 11m- selveel o vaunu- men w-ho are moere acqualn- - tancesz. We cansider it indelicnie in tise bigIt7ý est degree. -Wo -are aslonîshed - thtï any yo ýUnWgirl Shoul4;selherefso ciseap as lisis. -Wîih nuS- .inteA ovit ja Id' ncoiîurse àni 1-lt PITEGURAtnù tond 1 Titî TY.NîpEucÂvct oMOEtiST xx Resu Tise .ews of tise City ai Wili rahave juined bise tect.otai movemeuit which luns uateuy spnung -up insanie of tise mare westenly provinces. To iu-est thein resolutions with a higisen de- grec ofiffalemnity, it was anuaunced in tise sfynagogue, a special service isaviug been 'celebiratedl for Ibis put-pose. Atitis close tise uîew couvert!, iscauli h y their chie! rabbi, bisrongyel ta tise street, sisoutinti out tisefol- ing word-q in Hebrew- ;-11 Let tise w-iole w-urld kuavi tisut tise cisilfiren o! I-iraclithave renounced tlite useo!fstroag liu(uon." f lue Freucli scientificjournuais are fll o! accounts of tise application o! theu ne\ <is- cuver3-, hiypnotism. Iu Cosius 'v find a detaileul accouni o! an amputation periorrtueîi w-hile tise paten1twas unîler ils jIl uenace in tise Motel Dieu o! Puiticrs, ana mari nged 35, wvisse 1eftlçnee was iucreased by a wiiute swelling bt nearly double tise size o! tise riglît knee. anuI wns sa painful that bthe least mavemeunt produicefi the moat intense siuffdr- uuug. Tise hypuuotism w-as prod(u, cd, by pacn- iugi a spatule about eigltt incliet in front o! the root o! tise na se. Laoking, atthis, he soon became insensible, in spite o! tise sevene pain wvhicis Se wag in from Sbeing taken ta lte operninomam.-nSnaibility-was -predeced in tcm minutes, andth ie. amputation occupied à n mi n u te 1àd &,ahIsÉlf. Thàpatio t îmade no signe of pain, and whlen questioued by -tise doctar, said hhoqhhQgs iç was, iný .W $is fçtures wreperfee: y tmanqui ; MIemees -on 1fly ee ed ta ho wonderîng un search!thti bru I ant objeet wisîob isad hocta before ' hem. Tuix WAu.LACE L"i, CÃŽArMis.-Hqn. Mr-.- -f()yhat introe'c0d-a bil ta -quiet'tise tilles ho ti3 lande in ihe township of WooWch iately tise subject of itigntion.- Thuapreamible declares -tînt IAI,ù00 acres of land Ljr, tise townuship o! Wateeloo tvicre grnued la ancù William Wallace, ,%vho durin- tise w-ar wçith- dnrew binuseIf volunran]ý.y to the United States; titat Rn'inqoisýitiaq mivcr ldaund bis p'asseà- sAions declared forfeited ta tise Crow-n. 'Piat durfn !aty yeâtrs the -titles t ftiaepa.rtiýes -w-ho subsequetly, acuired te nusba neyer hberucalled 'lu question, zand as'tsc said landse b tise elabour, iuistryand im-, 'ýrovîemots oftise pu.rchimsens-and thieir,@eue- cet"ispushave Scen readered very valuahie., iL would-be unjustauid oppressive that thurougli any tealiaical dofeot tiey eiouldSe deprived o! tise roperty they have isonesîly ucquired. Wiserefore, tise inquisibion is decrarcd valid, and the titles acquuired 'by -virtue o! the6 pro- ceouings o! tise inquisition are deelaredia o good and sufficiont, bath in law and, equity.-- NO 39

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