As may- hsvebeon learnod from the. papers, it wus re.lved, st a meeting beld ila-Mark- humn Townshup on the day cf the laie gat PlowangMatch, that aprlimainary heetigrhol tkelad eaMiliigans Cor- no Mrlhaon en the ti mt., fr pu0puuse of making .arrangements for holding a-Convention cof delegates frein al potions of i'hé Division, te select a candidate, ini te rofon', inlerest, for the honorable dis- tifition of representative . f King's Divisio n in the Legisiative Council of Canada. Aimoat everi' reformer in every section of the Dl-vision, we doubt noe whp rendis the Viniçalor, the. Watcisman, the' Eomomt or tbe Glob, was perfectiy siwane Iliat isuch a meeting wa te be beld, yet se littie fear wus felt by nnybody ini this section tWn the refor- mers livinig in't&Y - vicinity-of the pion. o! meeting would do arîything which couid sa- von of injustice te ay Potiotcf the Division, thnt but very few cf the electors considered it canyimportance te b. present. Thc ne- suit o! lb.meeting,a sketch o!theproceed- ings to! which w. give beluw, shows that this confidence waïe net weli grounded, and tint had il net been for the presence cf lhebfilev who did attend froin South Ontario, this un- i rtant seçition o! the Division wcuid have ben very tnjustly treated. As ib is, Meurs. Philliipof Pîekerîi, Farewell and Flint cf EastWhitby, mid RoÃ"gers, and On., 'of Osha- wva, have eucceeded in, having ail action on the bais carried rut Mlligan's Corners, sus- pended fer a few days, until the reformnera cf South Ottainan bé-made ncquaipted with the imnportance cf the matRerai: stake, with thi. view o!, drawing oui a better epresenta- lion of ibis hlai!of the Division. Another cause for the feW prissent (rom ayotiier tattuicipaliti' than- Mankiîum -and Sarbono, is foutnu in theý fart thaï it raînd .'î1eavi]inth, bic nîing, an.d dieat.ned a con- tinuance throughout the day. Thle resuit was thnt out of, the oighty pensona present, ivo or three only vere roui Toronto, five frein S. Ontaria, une fromVaîîghan, and jal ihe rest froim Markhum and Scarboro.-lie mon- ning'is min havihg delayed euvemil persons fromtia distanèe, the meeting *asu1101 called le orden untiLnean thre. o'ri k, wlien George P. Dickinson, Esq., o! Richmond Hill, vas appointed -chairman, and the wniter, Scre- i as then moyel by Mn. Henry Miller, jro! Scarboro, and aeconded -by Mn. George Fl1ini, cf East Whitby. That arrangemnents b. mlide for the sciection oi delegatea b mcc ïai convention Wu agrce upon a itc!orm candi- date for King's Division. Carriod unni- mougiy.1 Moved by H. P. Crosby, Esq., and secon- <ed by Wmn. Aikin, Esq., boh o! Markhamn Thnt the buis for the tielectioli o! delegrates, b. the certified Voten' Lista cf 1859, that one delegate hoeiected for each one hundred vo- tors, and whcre thc odd numbers over fifby, then on. addiional delegate beà chosen. - Soeapnivate converanion teck place ir différent portion, cf tiie hall as le boy lange a number cf delegaies tint would give te tite whole divÃŽision, b ut ne onerose tu spenk, nd afier, n good deni of deiay, the chaimman was about caiiing for tib. vote, viien Mn. Farewell rose te signîfy his approval o1the prineiple cf the esolutien. He thoughi it adeptedaubasis te ,which il wns impossible ta, mise- any objection. Mr. Henry Miller, jr., of Scarboro, hore teck the loor te moeeanu ameudment, and amnid ex reýsiôusof asîonishment, proceded te attacÃŽ Mr. Farewe -Il for haranging hi@ frieuds, ns lhe cailed t, with a view al swamping the conter nnd western potions o Division. He eonciuded a taunting and iii. iumered speech by meving an nmendment, aecanded by Mn. Adamn Armstrong, te the e!- feci iliai the basis for eleciion of delegnies lx the coneuê&of 1851-2 sud 11mb cach îhousand inhabitants aitiat lime aend one delegate. ,Mr. Farevell, ln repiy, said tint lest tient shouid b. thers present, who, like Mr. Mil- ler, mîislook the spirit cf bis remarks, lie wouid sai' tint it turned eut tint tien. vu nobody hec. excepi himaif and eue other, from East Whîby, and only twa fromn Osha. wa. lu thia meeting aniîd threugholit the con. testî, wu sheuld knivow ewit, no veat, (Ap. plaude.) lu vas cniv by a sort ef chanct would liqsan a good a chance as le ei tram ithe eai4, and besides thene vas ne tn copy et ic n umber o! votons in eaci mur cîpaùity present. Bi' taking the populatii ai the lat cengus as n basis, we could tell once bow iny-eeae ahmncp shot4d sed. -eegls ni uicpl Alter considérable warm discussion-at tI ouset of which it *as statcd tint South 0 Inria contnhned 300or 400 more volera th.i the ceat of tie Division, while tic censue nine yean-s ago,-hhe- prepoudenSnca as ilu West, the amendment vas carried by 25 20, th. emainder o! thc gentlemen pro.e abstaining fronâ voting. SevenaL otier motions vene vnitten w tic- intention cf bing put tp thec meeting, 1 thein conslderat!inwas"iospôncd by ani formai- dascusà tiom, vhich arose là - coni Fuencef he only five gentlemen pros reom South Otai-ia intirnating thtint he'mi enter a writtan proteat against thie njuat which the nmeWdment juai carieki'vas c pulated in de te' South Ontrian*o,âd to Lgreat pnuncpie of representation accordino ,lenumbericf-votons oit tho ceetified i AMien an aninted discussion, which las until six o'ciock, lu the couise o! q;iichi 4est o! pensonai feeling prevailednmon g1 - ÃŽ,8put4nts, il wîis unanimously ageedl: )ounu until n future day, in ardentre Soi Onta#o an opprtuiti of being mare fuli epresented. It ,as moved bi' John PiuiiipsEoqj, giêkeiinge secendedby Wm. Eckhorbt, En e! Mankinmu, and .Resoi*cd- Thut tuis meeting do nov JOurn., te mnt again at tus lace on Sat day, th. l9uh instant,-t accu. Pxînzz Fsouvxo.-Three murders, one ut 'wcý in New Orleans, bave already bAeý%y: Z1 wydiscussions grcwing out ofýtii meent cbauupton *gh in Eng'laz,4. Tut CA TTLE DI sisitn.<Mà sîà cuuhuvS. -The sl1aughterng of infeoîéd hea4of cat.. :1. goes Ott aINorth BroéikfldkL OnTus-. day ind Wednesday about'one'Iraudr. ai- maliswere qrderedkillod. %êoutizl&edof fottýt*o tii. C. Âyetà were sacrfioeýdp as two of thexi were-fund'to have tii. disose.. WblenewlaS, ceSntay dev.lopwng in the unfecteil oroxe" or e4, lthedise..., asema tobeaumunminw a midAvn *T li SP.EC4L !NOTICE. GroScele.-Our&fnend John Wethenald bas OP.ued eut a large stock of Oneceieslu Cald- welVa Ilock.. As Mn. Wtherld buysfor cash o~d yu l e)or the sanie, we uasasure farmere aud aliers thât tliey -WinlSave moaey bi' geing thene, as everythig mthe Unla .cheapenthan ally bouge lu town.- <Jli ud me. for ycwrs< P44. 39-tf DIED, At Whitby, on Sunday bbc l3th lait., Mn. S SEARtL, aged 34 yeans. The deheased vas in- tenned la tbe hurilignound of St. JIohuis Churcb, on Monday last, witb Masonic honora, a lange nuniber o! the Anclent Fraternnty forming lb. procession. At Syracuse, N. Y.Wu. BzNTLE, Esq., late of Brougliam, Township cf Pickenlng. MARKETS. "WATcawÂs" On tIci, WNmsv May 16, 1860 î. C. S. c. WHEAT (Fali>......... .......I1 45 t 50 44 (Spring)..............I1 121 1 151 PLOUa... -- *-'............5 25 6 00 B&aLicy..............O0 60 O 65 Ryle..............000 0 00 PIs ...... ........0 55 0 60 OÂvsI.......................O0 30 O 32 OATMUCAL ...................... 2 50 0 00 PoTÂvoIS...................O0 20 0 00 BUTTR (Fnesh).. .............0 1.3 O 00 tg (Tub)............... O0 121 O 00 Eons...........0 10 0 00 Cuxirs, ich ................O0 10 O 00 BACON per. cwt ................. 900 10 O .......................... il 000000 0 tli'ot ....................... 0 00 0 O0? Wool' W00111 0&1iII W ANTED) at tbe ONTARIO* WOOLEN MILLS, 50,000 Ibs. of Wool, for w hich the higlhest price *'ill b. paid in cash. MATIEWSON RATCIIFF & Co. Columbus,- May 16th, 1860. 39-3w. CNENTIR OTEL. UYO TREOpposite b&uk Ioftreal Good Accommodations. Thtby %al' 6th, 1860. 39-tf -PA STURE. H ORSES AND CATTLE tak"-n t asue Also Sand Stone for sale, Apply to WILFRED C. SCIMRIBER, On the Farquarson Property. whitby, Mlay lSth, 1860. 89-tf Dissolution of Partnership. I1N returning thanka for the pmst favors- confer- red on me ibile in the firm of Lowry & Ross, 1 beg that having leased the. premisas lutcly oc- cupied by Coies & Phippen and obtained the services of a first rate plougli maken, 1 hope by strict attention toiail work in mni'Une o! busi- nese, stil W retain the fuvours ot Ci«-public. Herse Shoeing, Plougba, WaggonsBug- gies Cultivators aud Se.d-DriâI. and ait kinda of miii work done with econoniy and dispatch. Also on band a' finut-rate 1933811f:D s3 £ï-38- ,»ILL for bowing Turnip, MNangei-Wurtzel à nd Carrot seed In connection, with the -above is a waggon slop, where with a quantity of first rate lumber and gond %workmen, 1 hope to b. able te do ail kinds of work in that Une on the thorteit possi- ble notice. don. sasusaal. Prodice and &Hi kinds of luinher talrin la ex cng. ALEXANDER RORS,e La téLoirykRosa. Brookiin, May 10, 1860. 39. AUCTION\ SALE 0f Household Futuiture. Twithnt r.seri'e, the wbdile of the Eousebold F urniture beionging te, the late AT HIS RESIDENCEe B IRON 87'REE T, Saturday, the lD1th instant, VIZ .-Six Raîr Cloti Chairs, ouc tetea--tete,one Centre Table, eue Wainut Leuf Table, eue Book Stand,twe Bedstcuda,oeepet Drawensouc Wainut Washstand, one Dresaing Table, eue lange Look- ing Glass, three Cleeka, 8 Rnsh-bottomed Chairs, one 8Side Table, bye oCk Stoves;, nearli' uew; one Box Steve, eue Cutter, oue Gigt, anc Stcav Cuiter, eue Saddie and Brile, &. TERMS :-AIl sumo under $10, Cash; ubove tint soin, six mcti's enedit by furnishing ap- proîed endeseti notes, vithout-iuterest if paid wten dt e. Sale to commence ut One dock, preciscli. T. M YERPS,4muc*ierr. Wbîtby, Mai' 16, 186O*, 39 ÂNNIVERARY SEMXONS. S ERMONS viilbe preachith e METHOPIST CHURCI4,WHITB3Y ON SABBATH. MAY, 20 In the mecing ut 10j, by th ev éýE.'WOOD); apd inl tic evening ut 9-6 oick, he tic v. E. RYERSON, 1). D. Collections turing service fortic Trustee Fnud. LMES'B AAR. ThI "LADIES' .EID SOC lTI'à otf thc Wes- leyan Mtiodis 0 rc viiopaaBAZAA, fan tb. sale cf Useful atiFacyar in utic Hall of the. oham Vb»ett. On TRURSDAY, MAir 241h, ýt 4,cek . M., the proceeda o! vilci viii ho deoebe tteaid the. Trutees lanliquldatag thc dcii on tic Chunclu. A Rswa»ismuuvTâmu.ivii be o vded for tic accommodation e! vtsitc's. W'ill b given in tic cvenîng hýy tbeChoir of bbc Adelaide Street Churc, Toroà to, l ii. aboe. Hall, fer timainie purpose, te co mmence at 8 dclock preclseli'. For prognuni4Mé sfto mail bili -ý 9:3-Tickets ofadmiosson 25 cents 8Scb. Clii- dreu afpie Whitby, Ray 12, 1860. 3 Wbibhy, Mai' 15, 1 THE TIMýESIMP ROVINQ AT TEE' NEW.FLJIRNITUR TR Talce SU-BSCRIER basao-w on ianad mda ily Mroiuig largequatiet HJRNITURE0E EVERY DE8UGIPTION WEICH HF, WILL SELL CHEPE~THANEVIR, VOR O auK -ALSO- A 1a"g assrtmelit of WIILQýW W AR He. lai alcpreparcd W 11 il llondars in cither cf tbc above lunes.: Audesou' Imroved. Gate Straw Cutter*' (kuown te b. tic best even nsed) a ways on bond. Wç cWN Ware Rooms, (Fuller'% eld stand) tI'oék St., Whitby, May 10, 180. New, Rich, Rare aud Substai4iO1 Godâ8 Suci Gode can oniy b. found at the Imipotiglouse cf OUR SPRING IbilORTATIONS ARE NOW COMPLETE IN FANGY* A t~ TMLE DRY,GPt! W. wouid eaU, particulan attention teour stock cf Silk and Poplin DRq(pdPis iRd- ben, ad!'su Mise' onmjs and 1 Balas, whicb cunnet b. surpassi n Rcnss uleiandi (ueapncss. The langeat stock cf in the County. GROCERIES, CROCKEIIY, CHINA anS A&,WJI d, LIQUORS. A large stock cfFRESH TEAS, CO FESCÃ"O'an jd(ECLAE Wiby, Mai' 2, 18W0.. LiUWÉS. Sa POWE OTIGE is bereby given, tint the Foui'tb Au- pHE SUBSCRIBER ila. jusi neceived a large N non1 Genenul Meeting o! the Stockholder!58Tstock of Trunks sud- Valiseswhich he Is oibsIsiuin lîb ldtti kou prepured tomcii cbeap. Aise on,hand, a -lange Mondai' tie Fouti day of J"onc udt, fon the assontment 'of! purpese of electing irectors for the ensuing EIî CRIA R& USD yeam ln conformity i' vitheuActof Incorpora- DTEM4 ARIGRRES SD tic hin. b uenh on LS 4.W EMSN Te art etainà on.W HYSN Bi' erder of the Board, Wbtby, April 18, 1860- 5t Ontaia Bnk, D. FISIIER Cashier. -- ALITVRçWR vvi- I a lEw- - BowmanvilîC, it Mai', 1860. . Dissolutioli of Partnershp N OTICE ii heneby gien tint the Panhnership, laeyexisting lbctween9 HUGH LOWILV & ALEXANDER ROSS, boti o! the Townshîip. of hitby, under the 6crm of Lowry and itç'ss, Blacksmiths, vas disselved by mutual consent. Ait dciis owing tte the said &6m are bho e- oeived bi' tic said lilgh Lowry, and ail demandi on thme said firm are la be preà euted ta hlm fan payment. Dated ait Whitby, this founlh day of May, A.D. 1880.HGH LOWRY, - ALEXANDEII ROSS. Glasgow Soap & Candi. Works. T II~E Suiscniber begs te infonni the iuhahlttiit5 of e!icCounty o! Ontarioe blibe bas Icas- cd the above W%,orks, a nd-.I nov prcpared te fur- niai Storekeeponi and cthons viii a vcry super- tom articlc of Soap aI Toronto pnices. M. HARPER. Whithy Apniil*ll1th, 1880. 34tf. House Wanted. COMMODIOUS Dveiiing Rouie wauted tereuat fer a terin e!years or te purchase, imitable for a respectable famlly. Appui' u thle nWatrhinnioffice. NOTICE!- A AL pensons indebted ta Dr. Curson by note Lon bock account, are nequestedti t settle tic muinie itb tic uudersigued fomibviti. THOMAS W. LEGG, At t cPberson's Furuituno. Establiohment, Bok Street, Whitby. 3-m J Si'TR E(2'E 1VE D A Large Quantity of SALT, FAMILY FLOL'R, PLASTER, WHITE BEANS, WATER LIME, BACON HANS DIiED APPLES, POTATOES, COILN 1E.AL, BRAN, .TMEAL. JI E WOCI-D CALL thc panticulur atten- tion e! Farmers te Craine's Ongan Chenu of which bc la appointeti Sole Agenb-Chumah"t areCburns,all ef whicihe viiill cbeap for Cash, ut is old stand fint door Noti of tbc Yankee Notion Store, Brook Street. P>arties vishIg te Punchasa vil do vcii W caR belote purcliugý eiscvbene. JOSEPE MAXSP'ILD. CommissonMéeant.ý N. B.CvGcOds deiivered te anypatof the town- Whutby May 2nd, 1860. REMOV 4L. G. A. BANNSTF, Eus nemoyed bis stock cf Drue s, Pamba, kce, toe NO-- il ommnroal $ i Brock-Street, opste bc ey ç iIko uames Wailaee, Esq. M1-in F eeds; SBeM4s RESEImapntetFieldi Ãfi tÃ"artdu Whitby 11h Apnil, 18 Rends Dnug Store. NOTICE. qffl IMTBYRINTJLiG CO.,'bgto s47t nat'athorized b. receave 1»lesadigrant keciption acoeUnt cf hheir, New»Spper Pub$. ilag niand Bock PrinUbngEsbisen Wbu tbyt 224Dd. c. 1859. Wt JOB 7&wre. CLAlK & WOODWARD. r' HE Sulscribens arc nov preparedth funniali 1 tic patrons of the Whithy Breeni' ith au excellent article il u ci qntiiesas mai' h. e- quiruti, and on lacis tosuit putchasens Bottled Aie equal to the inîporteti article. CLARK t'WOODWARD. Whiit, Nov. 15, 1859 14-t! HI 'RSCompany viii forwià d hi'eaeb Pasa- *gem Train, in change of aý speclul messenger, Moszr, PÂAcîa.m, asnd Preigbt, of every' desénlfr tien, viii tic gmctestpoesble despeteli, tû -aIl parts o! the Canadas, Vusiteti Stutes-uud Europe. Ondens rnccived for the puedise cf Gooti.- Drafts and Bils Coilected.7 CMESTER DRAPAR.L Whitby, Dec. 13, 1856. 17 f! SIMPSON & 1l*MTSQ-49 R ESPECTFULLY annoumb the Inhabi-. Atants of Wlthy and, asnuadlag counutry', tiai tici' have opeod a TAILOR'S SilO?, -ON BROOK STREETr, opposite thec41Ontanlo Motet,' viere alil ors cutrustedt tetheni v iiihédoua viti neatnesa andi despulci. Whiîby, Oct. 19, 1859. 9-tf PARK ORsALE. iAsplendd anm for sale, b"Xmthe North flfty o!teStl one handred of.lot No22lat. 7TH CONCESSION 0F WHITBY, Laying on the Bast sfdd of 'the Gravel Rocard leading from the. Towncf Whiby7to Port Penny, one mile and a hlsf North of BIk00kýin, ou whicb there is a good and commodibus :DWELLING HOUSE, Woodshed, Dniving -Bouse and Bam 30 x' 54, ail new; a spleuâiJ young Crchard just commencing te ber ; sfso a n ev* .Caing' Weli. Cistern,Pumps,&e. A ilever-fahlla Sping Brook runs tbnough the plusa. For furtiier particulan, apËpou ,bbcremises, Whltby Marchi 218k, 1980.' -1 CORE A PLIGEKT, BEST CÃ"AL OIL-Si 25 peg Gallon BEST KEROSKNJý-$ 25 --'d. ut ~UE Froni 75 cents to $1.ý rates. -- Cou l iat malscoibm' srÂTioNAY SIJARSAND TEXSEl JUST1EVIVEMn oet tck of TeusuatiSugarsdtircct fýo k-bi. CROCKERY&LSW1E FIPT BABELSOF,---- -1Yat Xauufotur- er asnices. BRANIESGINS, SHERRIEs, PORT;l, At Montreai Prices. &c-, S4W., È+~, lie beiot Ameicmad Mankets. Ail ki"daof Field and Gardas 35sd.. CZ- A.di.Sbsi erinednludot-o bhound.nsoid hi'any ocher estabhsi min ti Coouty GREA BARGINS may be .xpected.- Brook StreetWbithy,,May g,.1859. 37-tf CAR~IGE" MKE R9 TRB cRisoý 1triglà ssinoore Mthno 0bf foedsad uePu lik baehîtherto. Ue~pton~dilwoald say hathe tenou2iae WhItby hie Perma&n 'sdne hywI i at ail timon A StIPERIOR CLASS 0 LICHT AND -,HEAVY «CARRZIAQES, CONSTANTLY ON EAND, Wjii ci; will suit ail classes of customers. They wil do weil to cail and emaaUd inefore- purcha g5111% SlseWbut. Itr Do'tforget D..FORD'8 Carrnage Factory onuMaxy-Street, ilion. yen ii find a Supenior clama of Work, m&nufaçture<ltpf lb. beut materiali sn4 by lb.theieat worksmeu. WhitIyI FehrÙary .8, 190.25f WOOJ1,WOOL,WOOL, Uighest Cuh) Price paidjor any quantity at Hamitou& Rberti. A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F BOYS' AND GENT.'S STRAW -AND FELT HATSO A SUPERIOR5STOCK Ope": S.U.M-ME-R CLOTIING - - armntÈs.Made- teO -ord, A Perfec Fit, or'no Sale. HAMILTON & ROBERTS@ wHITBI Nos. 1 & 2TlIsBlockt, May 16i, 1860. Çi- DON OYANA~E ci '24- <~& ,e"- V A Wftv.à * A ~ C A ME ao th.e chanetcf the beieutsYrs oid.4 Tb* hi. b -hot. bi provins PscPWLYadpyn~nq ýWltby. Jan. 416. -- 1- TU Subsolir a. *nsug Sbegto anuacett .lban'~. 2»o"d bolseoblia, ues1 e u- sibbc w esleyap hike Cbm 1 mucve sb. * poupati seatiue bis business a là oewaa&itarsl BrooklnDec. 1, 1CO9. «n CoSMoem#bua.4andi premuli'occuplidhi Chalrles phssoaot, isbout ïHaIf-an-Aew. e! Landi underrnkh**lio. A. -o00d ve%-, Sble. -andi oheison-bhpweâ. Ur Th. .10v. ipiopeuqy sili b. solt chusp ouoytuu fpama. Forgil pli' toè PU .?EA .~ lui7, Jas. 4L -i - i i THOMAS WALLLCI 24,1860. paumai, for puat uupprt, bas nuch phasure laý anouzcg tb*t 1e, haï now on bind si lu oId stand a large Stock and a -vaiied AssoriuemI cf ail kinds cffQkbcéuies and *'iYiUiII5 M. bracisg ' lICE, SOAP, CANDLES,&.,e- Butter, Clà eeaei Pork, Poltous of varions hk"l, by litait or by lb. Bane A ÀL &05 i ý ' 1 A lagSam uumetuient oà c koe" 611 of whlch ho viâ l Uon u oaoub1 terMetu Cash or Country ptoduce. gr CAME PAl» rom. OI~~ JOHN EOWELL, No. 4tïCommxmcimlBugImp Whltby, Nov. 13, 1859.131w Cama.. Sft1eet WestL . CAPITAL£50OOTEL . TEE RIQET BON. LORD -VISOUNT BD MOUTTE, RCHIBALD CMPBELL ÂRCBIBÂLD CMPBELL BÂRCIM.Y, h COL. BAZà Lom U. jmmu C . saoems q. CELMuisBauwv, Esq. >B.E. 8 Sm 4.i X, Hfmv Pkêca, Esq. jJoui;4N Tbcwia Wus Es. i .7. woSoousEs Loca Dfr.otm sut KIRtrusi WILLIAM LU NN, E9Q. Ounà u7. J. Tomà xcuEsq. , E. Hevub CUARLES F. T111T011, Krn.AQU. - D. 1.XAOKENZIE, AcoomxTm à C-smml Navigable Rivers and Caualsoaud tb.IiWhU and farmljmg stoCkOfaDdesetiptioi. 1 Tii. engagements of the et.bâMo gaS- ted bya Mnesuble pcprietoeyandSample sumïscrbeCapitat The. Insred M tfr&u  cÂr miee - -p um, iý 1.