Whitby Watchman, 4 Apr 1861, p. 1

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Publistiod every Thursday morning. OvR QUvEE lN À VOL. ILWHITBY, C. W,q THUI JRCOUNTRY -ME 1 s;-lO 00in advsnC LY,- APRIL 4, 1861. (.EA)NO33. "THE WHITBY WATCHMANoye 15 PUEBLIsIIED £VERf TIIU1RSDAY MORNI NG. EBYTUTE wrn'rTUv PR1NTING COMPANY At their -Office on COLBORNE-ST., WHITBY Tihe terme cof Subecriptlon arc $1.0) a<iar payable strietly-In advancc; ai the cudoftbree Mouthe $i.251 Kt sx monthe 1.5), an'l at t.he end of the. year $1.15. RATES OF ADVERTISING: 'rem liu sor -under, firet Insertion .....$0.75 té cach sabsequent insertion... .0.20 Above tesu nes, first insertion (perline). ... 0.08 " etch sîsq p in 0.02 A MTbral .discoutwlll bafiiadc tb parties 'Wlo advlertlie by ite Jar. go advertiscnkent, will be discoutiuued witii- Ont a wrîttcn order to that tect. No palier vili Ubc disco'ntintied util aIl arrear- ages are paid upp unloe at tlic option of the JOB PIIINTJNGT 0P every description donc at tlhc WÂTcHMAN OFrier. Havingt obtaincd a large and varied, supply of Job Tyepc and other materiai, t: prolrictors are satisfied that thcy carn give better satisfactiou, hotu as t7o prices and 9tiaity or the work doue, than can bc obtained lu any ailier local office. POSTERS, BILL IIESÂns CARDa, CIRCULARS BLÂ,Xil s, BoKs, PAMPHLETS, &C., &c., lrinted to order. 1 Prisnting ueatly exectîted on uew Type ln Goid aîîd-Silver Colouril at tue WÂTcî!MAN Oc'rîcs, Coiborne-street, Wlitlby, C. W- Angust 25, 1859. Important to Siiib8cribers. LAW RESI>ECTING NEWSPAI>RRS. I1If Subscribers negiect or refuse to take the ~lapers frointheli office to wliicli thîey are di- rected, tleey are lWId responsihie tillt the% ha ve àetteithe*irbills, aud orikered their papers to Uc Suibscritîers wto lo0 not give Cxij lie contrary, arc considiered as wi tinuc thîir subscrÎptions If sîtbscriberes ordcr the discontii ptpcrs, the publilier nîay continue antil aIl arrearages arceîîaid. If Subscribers move to othei pl lnforuîiug the publishcr, and his pa the former direction, they arc held r 0:r The above rulea will be stri 07 19ICI AL 8. Z'ACIIRUS BURNIL131 F-UDUE of the Connty aud Surr( t>Ofice at the Court Ilouse. JOUN HALL TIIOMPS( W ARDEN. UFEStDENCE- NELSON G. 1tEYNOLE S 'IIERIFF. t3- OFFICE-At SIlouse. JOKN HAM PERRY I'EGISTUAIt. OFFICE-on Bi Whitby. IH. J. MACDONELI )'LEItK 0F TRE PEACE. Court iBouse JOHIN V. IIAMI C LERK of the Coîinty Court, an< -the Suirrogitte Co~urt. Office-a hice, BrockcStreet. ____ W. PAXTON, J1., T REAS RER. OFFICE-At Ilouse. Hl. J. MACDONý\ELL, OLICITOR, aud, Clerk of the Ca, i.Offire-at the Court flotise. W. H. TREUAYNE, COÏNTY CIIOWN ATTORNE' Arallts Brieck Illck, secon, JOHN SHIER, *IOUNTY ENGINEER. OFFI tjCourt loluse, L'. FAIRBANKS, C LEIIX First Division Court.1 Court liuse. LEVI FAIRBANKS, JE JItTFF First Divisiou Court PWhitby P. O. - WILLIA31 E. YARNCV ROVIXCIAL Land Survey i rand ftoad Surveyor for thet eu rio, 0eby appointmnt." Prince Albert, 17th. Fcbruarn 1 - AL4EX. CAMEROiN, (.1 IEF CONSTABLE, Towu c cCosanty Constable, C.- 0. JOHN 0. HANCOCK, 1 'OWN AND COUNTY CONST) Idence- -Brock-Street, Whitby. I'. R. . . fGUNN, BYRON STR' *JBy, . W. W. EASTWOOD, JA.e à, p ORONER, PHTYSLO[AN, 8U1 JWhitby. S.. H. COCHRANF, LI U-3 Office-Iu Bigeiow's New Bu das Street, Wlitb- Nov. 1860. J. HIAMER GREENWCI À TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salicitori fi. Conveyancer, &.,,Whitby, C. ROBERT J. WILSON, B ARRISTER & ATTORNEY A' lieiter in Chauccny, &c. Wl.] Office-over thse stores<et Messrs Roberts, GEO. CORMACKe l UMBERXMERCHANT, Campantel à Oreea-street, Whxtby. A large Lumber of &Il kluls conetauthy on1 2-bfGEO. c J. C. STERLING,. AtCTIONHER. Al ordens la '.Ï.Auction gles -May, be-laft At tb opo wvherioe.alose i la h i eabu made f'or day of sle, terms, ALEY. PRINGLE,/ MERCHIANT TAYLOWýz-and ecaler in Ma- soukc Clothiug, next door tolWallace Block Brook Street, Whitby, C. W. HUGH FELTTZ, M USICAL INSTRUCTOR, ou the Organ, Me- lodion, Piano, aud ail kinds of stringed in- 8truments.i GEORGE YULE, JuN., hFONTREAL TELEGRAPH Company's0f IYfice, and Whitby A Georgian Bay Telegrapti Office, Dundas Street, MESSRS, MOWAT & MACLELAN C HANCERY AND LAW OFFICE. No. 3, Firs CFloor, ?lasonic Buiildings, Toronto. Wlotby, Aug. 23, 1859. 1-. JOHN AGNEW, INtst:SA.CE AO;ENT, opposite thei Batik of Mon treal, Ifyon Street, WVhithy. _______ WILLIAM TIIONIPSO.N, SADDLE, lianies, Coller, and Truuk Maker, SSigun of flic large Collar, Brock Street. JAMES BOULTON, B &.Lkftu, Attorncy-at-Law, and Solicitor in jCtiancery, Chutrch Street, next door to the oid Court fo use, Toronto. 14-3m MR. DARNLEY F. STEV ENS, ATTORNýiEY-AT-LAýW, Salictor in C hanre Aand Notary 'ublir, York Chambers, Toron Toronto, Apbri 16, 1860. AMNOS W. CIION, RCIIITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, ANýD t.Estîtte Agent, Wliitby. 14 G Il. DARTNELL, Barrister, Solicitor, and Conveyanccr, Del)it BRegLitrar, and 'Master in CIîiirccry fi i ici Caunty of()Onùr, lrock Street, Wîî~ IL 13 Jolis l» E Qaddler andl i.rnms Mzîker, Front reet ks )iro.oklin. \ovember, '29, 1<11,' THE OTHER WORVD. BT KitS. ltIIltlUT BESOHER 5TOWE. It lies aronnd us like a Cloud- A world wc do not sec; Yet the swect closing of an eye May bring ns there to be. Its genile breezes fan aur checks Amid our worldly cares, Its geutle voices whisper love, And mingle with our prayers. Sweet hearts around us throb sud beatý 'Sk-wet behpiug bande tire stirtd, And palfitattea the vail between With breathing &Imost heard. The silence, awful, swcet and calm, They bave no Power te bî-cak - For mortal words arc not for thîem Tliaiutter or partake.-. go tibm, 80 soft, se sweet, ther gide Se near to press tbey seemo- They aeem te li us 'te our rest, And mfehinlabour dream. And in tUe bush of reet ihîcy briug Tis casy now to see IIow loyehy andI bow swect tb pass TUe hour of death mev lic, To chose the eyé andI chose the car, Wrappesl ii a trance of blis, And gcnthv drawn ini loi ing arms. To swvoon to that-from luhs: Sce rce knowiîig if we waIse or sheep. Scarce asking wberc we are, To fuel ail cii sink awev, Ail sorrow andi ahi care. Swveet seuls --round uis! watch lis itilhe Press ue:îrer t1 unr s<île, Int Our thionghits, into oir praverg, -ress notice to j ,V,- Wth gi-nte behjing glde. ïshing 10 con- J. l. LI atîdle, Iîttruunanti 'lrunk Maker, nuîance of tlîe kstreet, W'lithuy. Ptnlt ~ Lt deaîli Utîveen uis bc as naughut ta seud Iliumn cihîr9159 5 r A drieti and] vanishe.] sti-eant; __________ _____________1959.___________ Yo r joy lîc the rea 1. i laces witbout Ouir suth'ring hlife tUe dri-soi. a per us sent tiioîLAM PES respansibie. iW PMKR Pickeriug, 41U Cou. Lot Not.J-_____ --- - cîlyoisrvel j. 18 ~ -Y rPOLAND. W. U. SKEEN '4ItLWRfI,HI' an.] Mecbanical Dramsman. [Froui t aiurday Retvew.] Alloua, C. W'. 8-1'. 1; is now exaclly tirîy years sitice Europe ý0gae Corts.N. (' ; E , M.D.,watt convaliseti with tic news tUait te Pales agat Couts.N. urg (e, M.nd.cuh, Mdc hati not oaly challenge.] tUe Czar le a faim figPt, yut cdancSuangeou suto Accoucwoeur, ON, ~ Adviser of the Scottistu Provincial Assur-fiUbth.acalyvthbonlwisr CAN nG ue Companiy. lideuce, Prince AIbemi. 4-hý fougil fiel.]s, a Russian armny greatly upanier DSBarristee loicitor in Chancery, &c. Churel, 0 thic CourtB Streeti Toronto. 4-ul' sprnug cf 1831 he 000 of tic mast excitiug - -- passages in tise ainais of the medernu .verld; W. l. <R~.AYrEanti il ha not surprisi ng thaltUe Polos,.altheugh ~eckStret 'ARRISY<R { ià (Cot$' (- rown Attorne% troddci u nderfoot by their conqueror, aseould - 1Sreet Office-lu Arualî's Brick lc-eou cni Floor. 4. ceihlicememcry af a lime iviien tlîey senit L;- saci noble treope te fight under the White Office nItUe W. H. fILLINýd9, Engle aguinat everwhelmng odds, aud when IV, Cbsnceny, -ai Convtyancing Offlut'. the -gallant spirit cf lia nation wueu ivaileti by L Offce-13rock Strëeefone door Nortfuof fhut d Registra'r of Registrv Offlree. the sag-acity, the prudence, sud the courage t the iîegistry Augusl 13 1859. 2-tf of uts leaders. Nieliolas detormino.] to rolt Ir.W.WODWRD out Polun.] Irom the face of the cartît. There ______ - I. W.WOODWRD,%v"s te Uc no more Polucu. and] no more Pohus. flRODUCE COMMISSION MERCEANT. 111 tlue court P surace and Geneml Broker, Dîundas-srett lia s Russisu prov'ice tUe descendants of tUe whtiiy, C. W. rebellions Pohea were le fonget tic faine, lhe I1r Cashi Advanccs made ou Produice t"rIsuiguago, the loves, and] hales aI fieir fatiers. unly Coîuncih.eeydsrîiim. 2t. Wiuaîever cruel, st1cm, unflirucbing delermimu- 1__ THOMAS MYERS, ation, coul.]de(Ita afleet this was doue. Al * F ICENSED AUCTION;EER, & Veterinarv 'fluaI cxislcd before 1830 teremindthle Poles :Y. Office - L Surgeon. Auttion Sales in everv To-nclip IJ floor.. mu tUe Couuty wiîî receive' prompt attention.-. efîhein ar lac nErp- ptoasry Address, wheu hy post, Whitby. 4-IY r. a mational constitution, is local rulen, a ver- CE-At the- necalar education- -wcre wviolly sappressed. JOHN McGILL, *TUe Pales Were lore.] 10 become Raissians. UCTIONEER. Ai orders in lis ine Of But s conqucror esunot always change tic Abusiness entrusted ta Mr. George Meifi or c epe i a byla]wgdh. Ofic-st thue heft at-tbe Watc/lm n Office, Mwiiîy, wilîî e'h- feelings anmd blot out lthe memories of millions 1 teuded t0; aelso information regaràiug thetenofppl.Tewrhy a wgdhd - of the Auclionen, &c. been toc glanious, the sycnpatiy îiey ha.] ex- t., Oshawa, Septî. 26, 1859. 6 cite.] toc emnifesi, tUe frailitiona of thein race t.Addes-________ ___________ W. ICAUFFMAN, toce illustrions, te maka obivion possiblî.- D.A RCIUTECT, ivilh be appytotenreder his Palan.] alilI longs as ardently as when sUe Datu An services to tUe inhabitants cf Ontuario wae firet divideti te have a sepanate andi inde- r, DaftmanComîntv. Orders ivilhbcreceived at the office of înty of Onta- tUe 1Witby HWalchiuoe. OFFICE-NOýý. 144e, îy pendent exisîcuce. The spirit of nationality Street, Toronto. Uasanover dieti eut since tîte days cf Koscius- 860. 27. -~-ko. ;ind Posen au.] Gallis long as, ardently te CENTRE HOTEL. qi si ndAi-\ sWaswlnst flYRON STREET, Opposite Baik- Montreaqutjasaan]AsiaaWrawegae f Whitby, BI-IWlitby. D. B. DE'NISON, Proprietor. quit Russia. It is not thic heavy punishiment Good Accommodation», te which Rassian nevonge bas expasa thtic Wlutby May Itth,186(t. 39-t that has stirnedth ie iîeart cf tLle Pâles - it lis e AL.Rs-M ON E neven-dying indignation ah tthe extinctien cf '1/ ONES e ivee tuon arn seuniy. ora nation once thie bulwark of Europe àgainst 2-tf termes, &c., apply f0braim TePle fPw aebe GRO. H. DARTNELL, governeti as- mildly liy Prussia ms tise Prue 15-2m- seiciteri &c., Whitby. sian theury cf georoment adminttdr Èrrd cor- R(IEON, &C JORN wEB.ALD'S taialy Galis ahie ha.] litte oomplain of in 17-1 - tPCSHGOEY N A hie latter days cf Austria. Nothing, will eai- "'Stire. Tes, Ccffée, Sugan, Rce, Molas-isytePlsespthtieI.wnkcth ses, Syrue, Vinegar, Soap & Camdes, &c., sud Partition Treaties ehaul.] be net aoide, sud '.LAW, 80>- a goed assortent 'X Cicice Liquors,,fan sale fiat tise dead -kiagdun cf ?eland, eould live ublie, &c. &c. eheap fer Cash. àikig, Dan- Calilwel'i Block, Brock S ii c î. 13-ly agais. Fer maauy years titis louging itas been -- stifieti benenthitha prossura cf tic triomphant J. SMITH, asltsutsila ege]a t eesug l2-ly asANDsmtat SHOEMAKER t.Pptrsur. P OOT sNBHOMKRk But limes are naw change.].' Italy bas won )OD, ..~. enxe WialBui1 n 1>t1.d er fneodom by urging han case la uha çQnmt in Chauccry, W. 4. 9Z of Etrapean opinion, liy crawing thie sword ,~ c AN OC ,at tiepropar :moment, sud Ihy uguging, t1o T LAW, se- B 0 O T ANÏD s8 Wo E MANUFACTURER assistance- cf Franco. ,Tise FoIes seeni te, tby, . W. OMMECIAL UILDIÙS~ ROOK-T- *thiuk that tisa ima ituscerna wisantbo ma Hlamilton & Aitll s1poptyflld 6AuGdn do as -te Italians have doeta; 44d h iret _____os thae horleet notice. sympteun cf ,tuis ravlving hp ab~,an n su JonerÂt1~Xzn W rkaYrot.-t.TronoQ o enbreakat iWaneawi te witicht is Mpossible br ad Jine, At" Ioii'W rkR-FroiiL-st oroitoC.* net te attacit-ceusidarable importance,,; tquautlty oet 'lisý AJEkCeMnufters e1 F e Tis a ts of the ee a ppeartur b.e ae.... rhýs 4outetu67m eIr ....... Ta1 dripafon 1859 i- c l brtdbte reonerea. th bu mencmentof te re. 4ton. tended tu hold a fua e there in hon-i ôfrt Sf the dead Who their side ; and1 the Pales accordingly oued the project, and returncd tl. the ait a torchl ight pro- cession was substittu ed Avast crowd col- jected, andj was wto the highest pitch of enthusiasm by the ay of the national' ensig-ihe White, A r,'i-ion vwiîh thc sohdiery resuited, some lives were loat. Two days aile f4 a C'rowd again collected te do honor f.ineral servi"e of those wlîo died inti t collision. All might have paseid off Il, as the funeral serviee had been pe , and the crowd ivas beginning to dis wh.n, unluckiiy, a funeraI pr0cess51j, 1; onnetedwiin the events of the day, haÎ>pened'to pass along the main street.. A ttéPof Cossacks misiook this for a political demonstration, and imme- diately adopted whàt ajsjee the sirange and surumary remcdy of horsewhipping ihe pricats. The ind4gntion of the mob was raised, apd 'the offi4r in command of thie troop8, ilu order te quIJl ahi insubordination, ordered the men to e They obeyed, and several Pohes felu ct4 ai, the first discharge. No further violence wus used on cubher side. Prince Cotschakol e Vic'ernv, acied with a forbearance that could hardîy have heeni expecied. The trucs wr mediateir confine.] 10 :hei-r bas'tacks, and the municipal authorities worg told to keep the peace. Thc oficer who lhad ordeecd lus men 10 fire is bo Uc brouglit to a cou4'-martiah, and te Viceroy Iga.q not only cousented 10 foriaard tU e Em- uc-ror a petition framed by the leading Ples, but i understooil tC*ýhave expiessei an opin- ion that ils prayerop*gi 10 be granledl. Their petilion asks for nthOing less ilian the revival of the Corustilution .Of 1815, and in fart for the reRioration of Rueditn Poland to the position il occupied before thse revohution.of 183,O. Po- land once more aàkiq te show tUa i sue is alive, and e Russian Viceroy inforrat§ his enaster that it wili bc dangerouez 10 deny the request IVo may wehl ask how bis caau ho Po- land, crasiied fçr thirîy years beneath the heel of its. maste 'r>j cannot hope te dcfy Russia ini amis. It ha> got no national arny, no national assembly,.no recognized national ex istence, as it W when it braved] the anger of Nicholass, >t fie utmosi efforts were ineffectualt heu muet be atill more inef- fectual now.le me 10 a quemtion of mii- itary etreagt - d wouid be absolutcly 4eare influences at work which preven :' being a question of milhtary strentgh, and the might osf Rùssians abeolûîism bas beeu iuvâdedl by sbfer dissoli'ents tian tic sword and the ballet. Rassia has beeomne in the lasI thirty years a part of E1aropeý Sic has learned to feet the fare of European opinion, and bo shritik before the biast cf Europeau censure. Political liberty is aI heast the dreamt of many Ru -sians, and a most sîncere desire widely prevails flot te be lxi- hindhaud in the arts of good governer ont. To crush Poland stilh more, to drowun petilions in the roar of cannon, and to dé-luge the streuts of Warsav with blood, is a task which %wouid seem te the modern Russian at once toc ehock-' ing, to Eaîofi:an feeling, and too incousistent with the aspirations of tic Russian peope.- The great social change wiich the Emperor has matured with such înfluite difficulty must alsi~ have ils share in teachigg fosbearance. The introduction of entirely new relations be- tweery the owners and the cultivators cf the moil Je tub nice sud dangeroas an innovahion mistake ise made ii noM reslq$M theKigdom of Pohaud. Tisat the, Empero f -the French would "r eahy od tréops tothe Vistula le ex- ceedingly improbable-,but il la by ne means intprobýabWl'that ha-may do eometbing te se- zure ai favc'rable hearing for tise olsh ýpetu- fier,and t, ething wlé: uhWouh botter, suif Imhthie imgin!tive and thse practiosi * idé ôf lus iharaoter than'le wkn tise- repotation, of befrieniding - Polandj, sud te w*iu LE oepfireas that of «eerei-sing Éahittledplo4 axfathe pressu1ls Litti e ýdoubt<a4u eet .tisat Fraoce' andRussia are Wtorkhng toetitrin Turkyasd tht Ruais ii og~z e~h 'Tise ptôbiem cf G"Jrflmèot lu ýCanf'ada hmasbeen hewtà,o bta n, 1the, sùpport of -ho! Lower or FtPer*eh Ptotinee1'and cf I eh a& mreuity cf tise Britîis'iniabtant s f -Upper' Canada 'as woald give to th e allies a' work-ý ing -ïiajenity -inthie souse oef' AWejnbly. Hitherto, fihat probloe has béen esucceéful ly sofraed, but' succes, if it can 'be' so- called, bas-been purchased by thé ishort6.igh- d BULWER ON MATRIMONY.. Froaiau intcresting lecture rconthy deliv- ered ber Sir E. L. Buhwer, tic novelist, we cx- tract flhc following passage : 7ic haw that binds oe.e man tb anc womau is so indchibly writton by nature tisat, whenever il le vioiated in genoral systemr the haman race is foand ta deteniorate in mind sud oren. Tie influence of womau ceases ; tise wife ie a companion-s hundred wives arc bat a hundred slaves. Nor is this ahi, unherss man Vokis te weman as -a ireasure te lie woeed sud iwon-lier ernile the charen of hie ciltec-ier single iseant tUe -range cf hie desire-that which deserves ,lime name of love cannot evist, lise truch out of the healti- fuI stslmcf sociely. Nov if tiare ca paz- sien ha the human breast which mo;;b bonds le lift us out of egelisiu and self-whisch muaI heaches us te lire lu anolher-whichî puriîtes sud warme tUe whohe moral bein-àt s love as we7of tise norti field it, and cheria i l For aven Wiscn tUe fair spriug hrz.s passed, and wien the active life is emphoyed in such grave pureuils tUat the love cf his early ycars seems 10 Uim hîke a drcam of romnani-cetil tliat love haviug once lifted lim Iut of ego!- ism hoito sympaiiîy, does ii pas' into netv formus sud devehopemeut. It bas hocked h!a heart te ciîarihy arnd beievolece-it gives a smihe ta lus home-ht riscs up in the eyes cf bis chidren- from ies heartiti cireulates in- sensible an the haws that protect the lhmenrtil ho thUenative hand thiat spîcads aroui.] hl. Thus in tUe' uniform lîi.-tory of lte worhd %we di8cover duit whierever love i creaicd, as à wcre, and satriction(cti, by equahity beîwcnu tfice sexes îviclîtheu permuanenit amd io]ly un- ionmo e lie et wii anotiier proclanis, there, toc, pal riotisinand] ibeiv-tlie rnasy -andI genthe virlues-also final place sud whencvcr, ou lUe coîîîrary, polyga7my is practi8ed, sud love dissapears in the grose 8stieîy of the sern- ses, there we find neimber respect for human- iîy, non reveru-oce for hotnie, non affection for the natal sci Atid.oee eason why Creece s0 citra.aîed iu ahi Ihat digiîifies our nabaoe tUe cifemijnte snd diseolate chiaracter of the East 'vhich il overtirew, is that Greece iS, tise carhiest civilized countritnh whîcb, on lhe' bordera of tiese greal monarchiies, marriage was the aacred lie bettved-u eue mari amid one womiu, sud man was tie thoughtfal father of a home, si6t tie wantou lord cf a seraglie. RECENT .EXPOSURE 0F CANADIAN POLI-1 10S. <From the New Yôrk Timmes.) TUe American public #as beemi unwilliug te behieve in thc corruption cfthie Caitaduan Goveruament. Partisan 'charges are easiiy fabricated, ar.] il is difficult -for st1rangers te tell wieîben they are true or false. Apari fioni bie ropresentatiîrs of the Canadiau Press ou cither sida, il *as kuowu te Ameni- * eau toiriate that charges of the most gnose political disbonesty wene made in tic Pro- vincial Parlirn mnt ; thal in serue cases ihey wcre mcrely avadcd, sud in oatiers dcnicd, but tic denial was couple.] 'aitis assertions dirccthy coutradicted by sucit au irrofauh.ble mass of Parliamenlary eviden«ce, ts leif ncf neom for doubi in tic minde Of impartiaL, bearens. Sach irtdividah cases as Ihesa are' as nothing in cemrparison with tUe gresa amount or diisonesiy which has recenthy been officially exposed-by a carefal investi- giàtion mitU e affaira of the Grand Trunk 0Ru1uuNuo a ntWisoxa:IK.Ts é cf liste .Countm <Geftle.san'hae visitedth ie diary'faim cf Pmwiutveý' ieêg c uuity, N. ., and sys: 'IlHie average of baitter ie 'from 150 te isoîbs a year, on jram?--aing one season 185 lUe. [This aieage it-houM be âdied, .le the amoun't éu1d for oacihew, forestalie.] by * debl for which there was ittho indecd ta show, and uisat either an increame.of income or a diminution cf expenchilure ha.] becamo absolu teiy necessary.l These opinions have iatehy received faull conîfirmation by a repontof Maers. Workman sud Allen, of Moutreal, fie Auditors cf thse Company, sud stockUOI.d» ý '1C »' It -,*r-l resuhtcf an appeal froeati1ýetraoJài'sry charges madie by Mn. Chapmàn, a Liverpool. stockiohdcr. Tic areouit iuvested by Cana- da in this raad is fifteen or sixbeèn millions of dollars. It appears i;taihUis sure ha a total hass, sud that net merely-from tish eesr exuDenditure of thé rond, but tint 1'tUe cm- barrassMentse f tis, hava arisou chiefiy from ils con fi=- , Goveruments cf the Province andtihti neces- s'iîy thierefrom of conciliating politicai sup- port. A(;RJcULT(fRAL. R~OUuMINOTES ON MtxI.îiu-CO'W.-A writer in the Amei-icasi Stock Journal says, tUe first proceas iii the operation of mihking la to fonle l ith tUe cow-rnakiug Uer ac- quahutrince-- and] thus giving Uer ta uînder-t stsnd ihat the )nias, or "Intaid wiîh tUe milk- ing pol, ppronches lier wvhth fi icndly iten- thons, in order 10 relheve lier cf the usual1 amnount cf lac>eal secretion. Il wihl nover do lui approach the animal wivhU combative feel- Ings and] intent-ions ; shoulder tUe mihkcr, swascold, or kick, sud ot>'erîvise abuse tUe coîv, slIe rnay prubably prove refractory as a mult-,aîid may 'rive the uncouth an.] unféeing mhil-ler tUe benefit of Uer Uees-'a very pur- tinient rexvurt, ho which bue, ihe uncouth ii.cr, isjustly enthtled. Bèflhre cortmenciug bt milk a cow, she tluotul.] bu fu., or have somu kind cf fodther olfumnîl ber, ini vhew of diverting Uer attention from the otierwise puinful opetation' of mihk- ingtz; by tiiis neans tie mhhk ha not-"bel.] u, as thue ssying is, but is yiehded fneely. The millier shtoul.] ho in ciosecocntact witli thue cov's body, for in this pos5ition, if sUe altempîs io kick him, Uec gels notiig more tia&'a Ilpush," whereas, if he sits off at a distance, tUe cow lias an opportunity Ie infliet a severe blow wieneve.r sUe fae dispose.] fo (10 ;o. Befone commcncinghto milk a cote, the tuat siould lie washed with w . ter, warm or col.], accending to tise tempenalure of tUaaIes phere, tise ebject cf which us ta remeve fiiîh' which migist ptlerwise fahl into te milk-pail, toe te degustof persons wisc love pure milk, an.] haie uneheaniinese. Milliers of cows eheoul.] antlestand tisat tie nddcr sud tesarehighly erganize.], sud conscquently very sussative, sud these fuels should ble takemi intaeô~nsiéeraîion by sams- teur milkera, especiai-ly whcu their*flrst e"sa ha rende on s youag -.n:mal after Uer flnst im- preguaion; at titis period tic liard f agging sud sqneezing màici many poor "11dumb brtsI have bo subrrit ta, in cousaqauce cf tUe application of hard fies suad calhoused fingers, ha a barbarity of the very woe<t kiud, ,fon it often couverts a docile creature -pube a sîste of vicienasnes, (romn wh ich condition sUe may not easily Uc weaned. STRE:TOuies 15 Siirp.-Youn correspondent from West Kendaîl, ou diConslipatiou in Sheap," caunot determine tic nature cf tUe disease in his siseep. Hie flock is i1rouble.] wiîh wisaî is caile.] here tise stretchas. - Now, as au ",,ounce of prevention is wortb s peu.] C cu re, fti tlemanha.]fe.]1hie sis-e butith wmn feuùd on bni4gng tise coffin, te lïhght 'list a woe<en ene was put inside of- a Iosaesone, andhé l attelr was tiserefore bureh- ëêd labo a pioc cf memv.hildlé, an prababW reaflzed -one or twc dolars.-liam qsveta.' ~R.¶t7Mr~T-,,dlr mtûena -maylilce te IoLis- ~I. -MISCELLANROUS. P&ACR Os WA&R .? -Hcnace G.41"11, in ad. dressing an hudience in Neïo, ork a few tisys sine usedm.tUahefollolwimug nage: "TUcy say the issue bfore us We-peace or war, and th iPeoent'is caiied ppon fa eaý whetmer li ieril pmaýue a.peacepohicy orai i war poikey. Dca axsy dduibt thnt AI raluhar Lincon desires pne anxiously paeft pence ?1I gay- no_ msn wlo rend hie inadu gara] ésu doubt *tint ise aff.douaI7deaires pouce if it eau ho ha.] couéisienfiy. wifti n. or an.] fideliby, te public trust.A peace based on perjury and eowandly surieudar, il It peewhichi le a peace ef-gaisule ' bey tUe haws, au.] there wih Us. peaca. Yon made the lavfrs as ranch as wc di. They wero yomîr hawé as mucis as ur iaw'f an.] ex ist for your benefit as mhucfi as ourseý Psy tUe dulies, reýpecf tUe Geoverumeni, andfthora will lic pence, order, pnesperityi anti securiby, for the rigits of ahI. But if eue-e hal', -or one-Ihird defy thé rosI, retk tis'i, hsws-, chaseoeut the public anîhorîtiel, sud thon. suy because there unc ne col lectons tiare ihat the revenue is not ho Uc pai.]; if this fa lti be the basha of 1eace, I suy that there eau Uc uic suci pence as that. The country i&_ demoralizeti in tUe eyes af tUe worlul, an.] iih Uc as coulemplible us thuai of Tu,-ny if weo submut te peace on thuat basisi1 do net kuow Uow soon peuce wvill ee:mio, perhapm if will flot Uc witliout trouble or evon Uoodiheif.- But if must come."1 CIIEÂP PAINT FOR BUILDINSs & FriqcEs.-- Two quarts akimme.] milk ; '2oz. fresi slsako.] limne; 5 lUs. wluiting. Put tic lime intoa stonuivare vesse], poir upon il a suifficient qtîam'tity ofmilîk lu make a mixture neomrblincê crearm, the balance of tUe milk is thon te Uc addetL; an.] lastly thc whitiug is tien ho Uc crmbiet sud spread oVthe surface of lhe flaid un wiich il graduallysinks. At this parioti il must lie wcihl-siirred i n, on gren., as yen wonld ether paint, samd it a fit for use. Thene may bc addcd any coloring mattèr tiat suta.tise fancy. It is 1talie applieti in tUe anme munner as other paints, and in na few hours if wvilI baceme perlectly dry. An- other coal may tien beýadded, anti se on, until tUe work is complete.]. This paint is cf gieab îeuaciîy andi passasses a ligit elasticiîy, whicis enabl'es it te bear rubising aveui with a course woelea choti, wiîisouî bcing in the le'abt injîîne. It Ubs hihîle ornosb eel, evetu whei- dry is perfecîiy inodoreus. i anet sulijeet te lie bînekene.] by sulpisuroas or aninmal vapor.-, andi hanob injurions ta eati. The quantity above meutianeti, is sufficicul for coering 57 yards with one coul ELEGANT ËEXT>rAcT.-Nevan complain eof yonr. birth, year employrnent, your iardship; neyer fancy that you coulti be somethiug, if you only ha.]asdiffcreut lot snd spiiene asshgu- ed ta yeni. (Go.] underslandit-hig owmî plan1 sud he kuowa wiaî yen want a gondi deal better titan yau do. The veny tiîigs yen meast deprecate- as fatal ini-ahitmse orobstriat- tiens, are pretalily. wiat yen ntost want. WUaî yen call hî'ndranees, obstacleny sfcsconr- ageentsi airc prabably God'e' opportun ities; sud it ha notliing dewItt theî. patieut shenldialike hie mnèdicinas, or aîîy certa poeof that tisey are poisons. No! a truce ta allsuch impatience. Cisekethat'envy wiich gaawad7 ah your beaitj>cuse you arnunt flic same lot wilt others ibnndewnyour soul, or ratier - bninga it up te reoeive aCki

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