Whitby Watchman, 4 Apr 1861, p. 2

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ARRIVAL 0F-TFUE 4AFFICA11 kno*n. fle diea caihei for 500 frotti Fiarida GENZRAL NOTICES. p1e ofireât section are Ili tioway-ar but very CuevPI<E.TI nr>è aha New York, March Il. sud 2,00 from Georgi.i. Several,.campan- ANDTRrc tiycaene. We have eilier a con-1liepf1iaioha heClroitIPeace'sIi@î Tho bteamsiip Africa -from Liverpool, tit les are lo.lpected from Norhhern Alabama. - MTN K T- I L . A e situticfl or we have neot. If,*Urcçtsntiîio--dconvictions, ýta whkch we allideti1-41it the 16111. ria Qteetistort onthe I7îh, .rrîve1 . Washîngtani, baret 28. Whîtby Time ltas nat iteen rendereti a mer. tssickery by ylest, ii camparison .with, ibai of',any ocher ibis tnorpn-u;.brlngýiig £t1,00in tspediO The Confederationnewispafcr lias receivei Express lioiu l ut......'13.pm emnconfident ai the tsupport to ama of the iCouuiy'in tire rovince, is îruîy: diegaef Tu uhesao Kenit, motiier oflthe Queen, a dispatch thnt Fort Sumpter %as e-.acuatdEti Itihed oWs,.........21.p. members of one section of tise country, add etk.uappeasrdo-Say tePri T................................................ 853:. arn.etae p o .i, taingerotiîîiy i1. to-day. à1ixed de.. .............. 7.38. p.m. by a lcw t1pper Canadian Arnold& 'vio are Courier-of Marc h 29,vrîth the liai for Lenarkt l'le London Tinies asite wlere thie Con- New York, March 27. 'veil paid for their treason by what the Amer- anti Renfrew,. Here wc havefifly six siamoisi federate' Sties are la iegroîiîtte lite proposed The Post states ihat N. J. Rce, tîhipping P OST O F F ICE. - icans cait the i'spoihe of office," why did advertieied wliich cais those urited"couiie,% t tDl ig amGsen-4AILS CLOSEi.AtonyGnrlMcoads ofdnlaietbiteraé,$72.Te utry lIrr, steingirtg thimltoftheir popuulation trmercîatau, haR gone tuEurope, onthe se .Rast per GadTuk......zo.asAtre eea e hnl 0cnleîl ietbîhe aeS792 he nre la o piîcid liaoptlîiihoit, andl uys tiai Pues- er Arabie, ieavin-his creditors out ai pocket ELi t do..........5.0. p.m anti su défianiy stalle in answerto a question, returu ai H. J. Macdomîeih publisbhed iiathe1 laiet Dvis in man 'vito laugli,'d i th.$40,009. Diiupaîhes hroWashinigton re- W, o.........63.eu.thât their Ilirice rejèdtgd Solicitor General Wlîitby CVîronicle, March 21, gives us only - West "do .......0.00. F r.lIeIwsciiaeiitro h rwi7 hrysvnhiebttecs aieCut ddupesinIlut tue . Mis pi l-niî.porptheubond-u coniruairtof IhearuBraiiimuurnceAlbettPrtmaîia Wes wai gHîraaroiiBrooofkheliai 7Princey sAlbert,,butPortosttueterCotij A reductioi iinflite Banik of Friitce iasq pro- Barney as -ColIector of Newr York, and NMr. and Offices North ............. 9.00. n.s. Whaî point -f responsible governisuent odit. i Oîîario is no les ilman. $73-36 luInu chiicoî a good effu-ol .in tutu roonvy mark-uts (if llîoliuwias, Cumrn i-siolier of Patents, by a 'Aslibtirn, Ulica, Epsomn, Uxbridge, ofia miiiser isoldinfoffce for marîthe 'vi- other county in the province wouid a Clerk uf1 -andvteof2LoandThon.p raiaus a tsi dbebt............500 Rfiout a cntc y ntiof ai s11comîiuuing ta UIllePence allow a pub!isber to charge for 3rasc1(.. i L iporRettesatlaisdd Isl ew oilth ~ renwood, Brougf MALSata. .... 90, . iod il after ie lbas beemirefused thse cunfi- suci on unwurranlable quaiitity aif unneces- Tl-j cCcrpeg IsîsI@tif contitueto ltuebate IMloritreat bouuîd rum Boston la Si Juhns, iN. F., jFast per Grand Trunk ............ 9.20, arn I lence ai one.? Sut-el-vhezcfacte aloîme ai- sary tzpace as i ailowcd here. AtIlite same I Eneqt do.. ............ 9M0,pinu oui ue dires.Iiiuepenleît nembers abaîidoiieu, and supposed la have sunk Iwoa Wesî do.............. 1930, r.1 odraossfiinl rvi ojlcta rprina h a-aesa ieui etrutulgiy.ltlvoealu ie Ile riamenirnet'tus-ai- hour' llraires br- AWahnato is Wg d-----------onarndi., heve> jatprtciietatmumieer0cua.esaov mnioue py artahfreh Irca.iaiyptublialued, bast te iret tncv jeilaa tpi aui a ieErrs a taiGov. Houstont and Officeg Northi.............. 20,zoortlil, proie xrs astaïBoIiPiceAbrPr ery locnrl ielgsain fIoscin o 7nre nth atqatrs is fClvc Dutails uf tin ilaurrPtrierdent lri al,îtgeIianataeai Gun, ge, aprovince, reqviring dstntlégislation, lions shoulîl have beets$11-S4 îuîstead ai »eal o h sredr i li uiit.i t tiaaleuiisr Texais, ant[akgif- the fdel ad Scotti................ ..... 1.00 siouiti command thc confidence ai bath Ihose $73-36 ! We ask Mr. Mactanehi if the irri- 14l-sia. aiuw Iltuait %Vas nulu-audiui1utallrscinn lit uu-r gove triment raior uw i fford relief.Ifi GrewoBogas.. ....1ut h pe rnc ftepeso ton owik orc httehl i tecsireîiîuin uflt coîuîytusin e l-of bi foi i iing vr .0 aut scetikatirepoîîe.lilitlRggthe NWaeliuîgton banker, , Iegeanreluccming oibld0l dfne ihis plunder, ahiawed by liro, gueti; mb pr.cîuuec~, astI 300 f cot.tî-nsateb oitt-. n u ar hteCi- At St. John's (Episcopalian) Ctuîrch, King st., etied ivitît a total annihilation. 'lite Upper wn putekel ? a-n id if su, ts hl e lteis- o ivtiaDel 1Tuotatut i-in-at ab"f' ta îso fd-al~S.t~ltt.atil1o'clock, a.rn , and 3 'clock, p.m., alternale t 1eloi i1 lxbteemt.i ymeun ma'tuir.-NIEW ORLEAN>S, Narch 25. 'Stndays.-Res-. J. lPENTLA:ND, Muinisîcc. Ilouse may ntaibe rtableti by its vole ta iis- fiîîancierinz anti-itiat adope yDvdoi Tultailiain Cîtaussiar rf Dpi ua- Tlie Texa- Lrgislature passeti utresolitiion IAt the Congregationat Cîturcli, corner aof('-e-a-' miss mitliiters, but lis action on lte ittcon- îhe late elPs-iis -alieiltbdiavrin doi t-i~~~~~~~~~~ t- -popI ~ îeuitre ansdNiary- stra-ets, att aoctaik, a.m., snd 6, 1eliiPoa-nat.,ii taigmîe - Illeais-anm o<f uIlle tille of ip)ritl itg tui conventiotn aci dp ,sng lous - 1 1.-- v.. .tvtsx aine.stitutionai coturse wsvh sthuevpermist in puat. otder, lîrouigliaiaccoruplice, oaithtesToronito aui.îtaiy. ~~~~tona. A bli ipassed tli rale a raglnentloai AIt te Wu-evaa \tetttodist (husrctt, corner ai suing svtlh go farluitn rpcach tIsemnand ifps-fie?~ilur oîî atnprr i t. i uit-ea tit. tla> dia.iiij nitad i itîuenit for fuontier poeto.Cetr and tuury streettz, t10.30O o'clock, 0arn., ourcooiri:îl llanse oh Peers tdueicauiborit nuecOt tis - Snetrdprue fÉufd l p, Ile A t thie M(,ctantes' lnstoiîittoelli, B3r1, ha e ou ey'the caîdu-t of their-cterkt? bauývtd.- 'Ii î -l Dopauii ~i t; e vluttAaiu utIlîrLime t nibers have beeti devas- anal \r-ýtar ree Itts. i îirsîîleInthi, ttTnh. le men piaal~a~. lai-Euu îu-îrs t-a a j~c at i-iccf.a - n tise fa utiet, k iliug atnd dri vhng hock u-mnd einCisucchi ai Canada, mI,'l i .m. Iiusea-ndauct si-hi pase lu rei-heu on lhe Tmus Editor o f litePre.ss le biddirrg higli - -two aua~eaî-iea. te settie! z. Unitedl Ireshi-terian ('trelis. aI2 30, p.r.- fora1h-I g!uveCucl LItghM.fo1atydr h1de :5ooi i a - _________11a.11.aI Tiiouo.Tou, D. D., Minister. Maorriustu*s retanlttaun, have iiuaugusi*rated a be sucuessfîmily carried out, but ive 'viii nu l.a.nsrVas i:rxsTori.Tiat Duiu,-. Rplu Cltrchmit ~ isen:~saîcin lsWestern Canada on lenîling b. a party t)hbis su7erina samyhoar. On lte r c it id 0) att Stiluraa. ANOTIIER SOUTIlERN MURDFR. sisc ntii0e At Su . nurews' Cliurcli cornu-r oai Pyron and qiie.atîii-. aî getseral as iîl ittense, anîd tiis coîîîrary, sie stautd ready ta dispe.nse aur ladt lia' 1 eain-. trop of rence the rrotispta e o rt.!boîle r arin fs ritai1 thne vzrevd Jrît.Ie TeWeaigo crepnete i ~ St. John' street. at 1t ans. anad 6 p.î.-Rcv.conduci lune iets persibteil inii la adegree thai ipa n Itefonipeea myal I K. MCLEYA, Minster.may iveil a acintahIe ma-sured ryinds ohftthe not eutitied 10 ivear criiiohne-wrho says thai Tari' rul,,stif aneiethe ton.lu' buV- e relaiiesa ltisoheunîy rpreentu tartmi ina hw mliti- er ur a Utîpeia-aiuiaif idOptii~ t«snoblondgrriutan of >lîes andg h nej ioat N genîtuemen ai tbe Leaislative Couricil. rt lt r.skafiue rtithuî a u raI feelingsa. aa&sbioh umlotean feihensNOIC.section o onr rpeetda rapidrunei e oihs uitrsn yçF* iun- tittatta-nila'taî-kfo -1a , Migl F",titz and Jamais il'allace tire anîttor- in Ile lioive lai wliieh Mr. ,Marrni'ts reff- guine friend. le says in bis iaeof Weii- cahotacf liti svoe ~ pit<i - ila tlu-lt a (.rocgki, i1 rglimaIzeat ta calleç Manies and tgrant disçitarges for lution j.8 ta came up, are ta a main .riful tiesdahi Itait lie bag Il excîitealthie eu-y of r iili anai t r-s: i i dnali ltI"t-oiil i, oi1-taid tll, t t,- a tiitnnewsiamper, aivprrtiain g and Job s m ah il i prt olhst«lcne prre ln b y %- priiacr i-ai reountaer a-it nclialaliC :~ta-l-; u~la.aliuwai ias i a:iv atnad 10ceccive rubicriptions tor the iibissîi.ht u ost oaeprre 'ltilty n for lila -'aocncau-%Ž. - .t î--e'îîtîITFt- aY iaa-ti.hope lhe doesitit Icide is-) I vent lteir y ~ ~ ~ ~ iiaiimeta.îen ai btao- TIIB PN TING (CO. spTRiALI E S lleen " upomi lini I iii ribaidcy andtiabuse," I. i rurio-.M.riia Od, -ns -Dii--i-t ife. liaveIl- ilae m ni; . v tlait evaOs tiauciamatisi%-lWI'iith îils Mari-lu )Shi. - '11- - I.t aebe conittu oiir.yav i.r-o,% Tii.- uriay f' e , iall sieihauve ho euy is 1tat t'.telr i- ccugeuir.ii- a-a utipi'ta i i i ai uitg.- aa' uîa-t1rinu jatuIb t iste xraarîinary case, frro an Etui-lbhpa- faurratesr. civ2q- t- :M1«z. Iî 1;-ilot i -1 - (It'e-dîplay ai spleen teshlhits their envy aIal ur te flIo a.1aiai oaararor. 1 ata la' tO ct lat 1Iper, ivill lie givem inimiur nex. Tîte ri-part iQ bs. Non- Ibis ivuulî look ike a chi.5- i s- t--a înautle-ata. eî!-îaî it i tl 1I atptakfbi ilt', ri -t-eof oî ', i y Ovie Dollari2isi(ilrlnyla arayscL lar a Year ita l ,I 'tuan reu.ai Redli, a H% tM.fc eidr o t£r-OU tsa l li.îî'usie adunsla trai>- ,nathout ouIltue part ut thît isait)rifil aI orculiev - lie ,hle 31itl or risItai'.sailel fuir Amoncat-a hie l-test si-uc, Mrs. i1I i--. L'4i. Curi ja-fir r,-qaaa-t t.id. iii bu ne. in tlaetii FchocYlvrîo - duîiuat iothosu-so moch ai a spirit Of îvoridiy At-ie .u,'.ai i it'r-- ma~t1i.f<traage- i .i itav is ru-aav spîkoîte iltrioph. rea1rsoraestomachsu mucl - ouir n-1 :it z a n. Altiiat ie ac ara-a tscatk - (Il. ;yîilîaw. 3ýs. ina 3'ýs 6da iii toe 3s-. f nailie liasio tarrespMia---W'e noiced a hew sveeks ao lu an Ameri- Ioast lire ili not flid fauil sth their appe- Ntu u. Te%- ii - n brar ans paper finut the Hon. Sounmnon Foate si ua- trie. balut wekuow ai a paper publishied utn Il (,a!Il auhniyqot-aU-e a oaer - latitis i*,iiiueo ias 1a ll %j \10 r, 1)t Ua t rin si n. or froro Vermamil tJlien elected pro leni. same street lan Vhitby iti ll hroehf iliat used i-.t lüw rate.s. ll,,Laquiet,_no_______enfor____ï-n- rPme itipntyai lIteaiUniteulrSiate'eS of the Uurenl Stato buast at Ioaller afterkethiatiaaillthtirpapapcr Asta laaic a i .tIo- ratill.9 1 -- t-1 b l t. in-a ofhi-ciaof-aniet-na i t i au-' etuenvaonetailis- ais At- a - lani evpacý li ws ioice 1y tie1 iIITBY1, THUIISDAY, APRIL 4, 1lSf 1.- nasifen oec h eodI jrf 'lrttr.t..Iaý a brotîser ai Dr. Foote of Braakhili, C. W. toait possession ai tise office ais b ail the a e-'ititdaataii faiu îaîreatr;tus Iaai uIle rcqua'-tatag î o te d1reeted It ornae tumse. TIIE ASSIZES. la ii onute uaI-lai iii 'diiati i -car iil ;a rci arî- i-as oluttrceur!ld i SPRTs- u T.is. e'hv oridiy goadssof ils uîîfortumîate l'Ilie propri- tino- lalsit-shaie-cliasi utile. Rat-es rauîa" hew- ~ aTt eata u uis"W ae eîr-andl keepe tisero ye. Thiis, or cutra- 7on51s.tk its îsA-aIaaw 39-a. forac ofl ies net-k, a nd laiasses-oral tfunies dtraucu The Assizes siere openied ycsterdayhy Mr. recelV-eul the second numberaof titis nevi- paper. lis nut inlenaiet as a cuimparson or eveiia j;,aro ll otI59 s. d t 2 n.lomi i' grouîaat. atdsau lgleat bcîweeciicartit Justitet Meean;'a report ohfwiuich ii ilbe It is pîsbliihed ai Montreai un eat quarto wint h rsbttefc svr i,) p uil ita hl.qit.l . 11ia1 -a. 901 1 qi- - tuiiba-i.Alrtomnigl o af-g-ni u sx.forosuitable for binatin* Itle sdevoîea to suggmsive- ta h resbu-. ldIdvr I 'tcal ng .punilameut tit'5 s, iae atsiseilai he wsia AT t . Tbe mumber before u i eryitrsi 'Laratoa sîar.a'irigPaIsr & atiolitusnis,ahue viitiatîs gave iioanuther W N FCONFIDENCE MOTION. cttiin s GRAND )STAmPED6. -- The Gaui Reporter ~-1csut iiaz'ilt iloatlaiîl c-c i-rgotd aur aanon« other thingge a spinicd -ey - e'eesanht osorpare c llî, iaî -tii iontaa'îdtifui1 rat-s; uite - ,aî ecu lw.Ttslmhw The Hon. Mr. Morris bas brotîgit forvi-ard paper on the capture ai Fort Nitigara in 1813, tencî,lti iu beludthrea fi the Ira gl'e ut iZDe cIDa nte t is.T' nr.-'---- nt 63A ifnoî Gî il pa; .Redarelle63vi. e n teiarlo teaopion amih fo se'4 i sTlîsfn h ctcai eitim o ad gnti ertr fPblc Iastr, ther îiu ii i l urie i ivcloote(,-b1ut- r1cu ll t. TIse cu m m and e c on fide nc ais bt h s T ections of iîh is lreoi litrai :ile rature 2anti ac-enc e ru li c, a nti te C m a m s aedl:ue u 1.san litie. ldA . A-rt tos-li ai gaiefe Ii cimntia repec-nIsePr,-Cce:Tui te eepnsbeeadrses hcotaiîslusidAgeentunlalthei Nm-Beni Tu iaiipN-i ulafîr uai: m s raifl Ioaî ai.iiOiîr-ulla eCisnhvfieidoigibrciti nanSnliPtsea egah itte W ea ae- ta oaya a ARRIVAE OF lI-olilaEW lii- 1- u0rthta--atlteIIofiten is esnimuaîme in offte AdinitHie xcloisuley's toyaode; itson' emanm C ampan nigith aisrhappthy tivey ienrtNtnl - ari"10.as tf ibs ot - in i ili ii h nt m l a i , l .ii<tT i-l t e P ovicb:. - -t e -- . - - . .ers Il na-. ins, b a-a, - - thsc u ati n of s -a -.. i., ua s-î a.- f.t it .'i-1 s1 ut n of -a. :athe >ua, uonand tîtaig uîcîî uy oatt> upo-î th.... - Ltv:aot-t-, accs ,i.-iredet ile .111(ia iaiy a----l - "jad i-taaere tram Lpper (Janadia, nrlwihlslanai- 1812tial lte Uir qi uItui-sial.- &C.-,n.stivlteeliobtnaeiImhi irug ihe repealetieulanatiaîis iiPartiament oai andl iith aîîy orie R-ira-atspiance & ". repaît flotir itnemem> 1 noni-conifidence imn îhenn by a majoriîy aitlIte Newi York, Leonâ qaa a-tluuu -.eaiy aia2Sa. Ci. a 3e. Wi~~~ Ireprieeniatives Iror ibait paît aiftise Province, Street, or ta be hia q i-tua>' it atuîiiy; ia, 1i l. 6d;,Ito 13s. ;s%0 1ittc IlicmwAy Raaemtr---e iearn thaI on the bas ceateat stconîlg feelings of (lissati îshatiimn FA l.ciu 13.ta 14s. G1t. Caor .iu t - a nia ;mSuxF t. ' .vpsiilrizofIlite îf-t h-tautzit. hisîsi-eis 7 and8 anti thitruFt ii inue minusftehiie peapl the dliech2 31.Ic 3îs. Gd., a ala-ss 3is. tai 3se a bît uX. c-,%viîlst ai peitiler (a imssiau.) si-as côunt r3, and if îpensevereat lu, si-llbe aflenateatday ac 3s'. 6d38. Gi. 3:-. tititaraîvgaioras i ig svtiî a horse anad cutter l inte iiti c-val c.useq ucces ta the pennîniieni in- yon0 ar ga qatPu-i .taiiy an-i iIabh-t-em em eraid ceair n'the îo,,-îualaap ai Nounltaii, lie cmet lta teretsaf tise Fravi-cec" ptî.y ai Peler Del iia. n.îi- 49s-. me49s. Cul. 1latr l uli ail i meus ih gtco i snelii iulrti Alneady-bas hhis impactant movement c ishaesiMr 13,. lt as1mgninfaia lulis-qitIîcluu fepnia 1e ttîe upaqseeach the part ni the Lards creatodat afeelingoaiunu- sonne accident he :a ci le Susgar qiu?eln CoGrte quisi tuber, siietu aise ai ihe meut sudtleniy gnasp- casinîes uin iiisenial ccesinA.aon fteas ie ice nusar tl Otht-c uitieiit-s !ianoàtungu'd. ed tiro lv tite litnaa, antd a pplyinig îslon-ro- mssterial press. The riglt ofthie Upper laken îsp insa-rîsil: LasotaMONrY iNARKET-tul c fut-in fora elas m- it,)utan iluastant, amoiHomise ta brnfix uard questians af- what near the youig n te-a (ZI ài ti e a 1 - 92 for iuoniey andat,)»)' 1lie s-as- eei'ses. Tbey thon naobled luraaiftiglil be crtîleci a party cîtaraicer sil ihiaoccurrenuce rensde t,) 9 2 ý .f-ucaccouiit. Y abtout iutate hiaineai dllars, ati leit hutu 1y- dauhit e stnongly coîitl sîtd lu>lse latter, art power, lipraaisri a ua>tu'ueral ii-sis hy Itle Nesi-York isuraio gIn hiseuita'n; lilsose carricd li la tetheth ie grounsithai lite flour oai tisicisambec &c., bol ail effort liact ttaîti las-1ilariuis'sa. -uto iauegbar ion iiiîeiooieshouilualet e malle the anena oh political o i olwn LA TFST tc-cin t he l robbecy, ssi, o ppusing tire sînife; for, as tuie Pilot says, Il ance îîîey as- iraeiured by Cue1 PAtus, Tuesayi- Coaai-Te(nfer- malit i-ibau ieadt, hiau l irlm aken Iiiî: ihe surne te power ai ceîîeuruIl- minisiens, the ALFO' fuira aassenubiedto-tl.y ho sign a conaventiont iouse, sieu aften cornbt lne he reviveat, anda powrer oh îurning out cabineêts 'vili next b. canne off, in Wbi, -aa 0gu Ct rrc ctpait iSramnjdsoeeiIbt~~mre va ue lpaustirpet." We must loit upon luis as mere hast wiîb astanisl Jae50l. araie bclitu takeu to fiid oui anal puîsisb the special pîeauing ounlte pant ai miistemial îairîy ouilli ail i, Pirig, Wecltitelay lTiait Cuuave:tiou va Ivilliamis, wo ubo -hav - - taI the peat- papers, andi seak ant iliiogicai ai that. A exceptiun of one maitred atyîfi tue Pus-%,ens. jer liai1 moîseyItl bts possession, ati i-ho Fcieteîea eîîeu na cat i ah ~ addiî' RoiMatrels19.-1i1tise cususisltry Sciai prohably met humn ai a certainl pitoin Iebace b iitureof athrsei c n ompandit i ya yTe-crday,, tlio Pauni. deciaicdt hit lue ivasulat roind purpaseiy ta rob him. -Prescot Tete- stîtullunal iglit or customus le omeihittg la be - liai tireateneci liai-e raneillii- a-utac-iSiOi5 uivietlby î egrah. opeti for insteati of fearcd-except, iîdeed, mometer "no'vht CatlitutacSaîsi-P ' !s', bauffle coul t!oi rtictiie UN14-AT17RAL CRIME.-A lad about ten by tisase wha stand in the same position ta Sa strong in faci'1 Ihe etasui or tijateit demattal of Ile u-aunçt- yeans id, namned- Samue! Hoy, son af ithi brauci as the criminal does Iaolthe apin upte ihetnli hag.us-rautui.William Huy uf Mounleain, sias fient te Corn- ions ofitiejutige whient chargingjury. lm- omud ouricesjtîi Nsit.rs. 3.Civla-iatic, Çnnto capilu- 'vail gaoi a les- lays siricas, for altempiing puttity in holding their eat ir. defianc' ifeetisaImomifia luta5 ea-aiaveveriirg, befucua tbe orders ttise hie ai hie hfaher. Hie& ather lieiîsg Upper Canada majorilie have led mnntiniere osing-tis-spa inoin Frauuis 11, naa .hedtiheni hoio sunneder. deati, tise lad isatic',oncelveti thal the cleathi ta usurp tIse powrer ai filling executive aifflceos Tîs-autI.i h ti isîtc~orisaluletithe proclaation of bis only suri-iiing lpareunt ivonîtigi-e hlm 'ii men'visa lai-e nct been able 1la secure Tte County tru thse ingion oaitlaly. TitIs city andtht ie posseessian -ai tise arm. Accorq1ingiy, he a single Upper Canadian cartstiluency. Their specal seetini4 provinces arelaîuh puîru ofo strychnine and ti nlio next usurpation unîght lie, 'vish eqnàl injsie lck ieW À distpatois ta tise Times, daîlet Naples 19th, differeut occasions poisoaned lis father,e foui1t b allen suct a man tuhorae clown tatise- salary li8 $20Q ma payf; tisaIahi the couttciiloce ivere d!imised. wiih iowei-er ouiy practuceti violn ic-IHanse anti defenti a miniserial mensure. In te pay iiniarlàt The couticil ai ieuteuancy ie dissahved. Di- itess. lRe tien- ssal ai lhis faîher w-hile a- the face of sucis danger to clur free institutions' service 'visen -nu rectors wialte appoinutedlin a t more direct sleep, anti aitiough thîe meut stili lires doubis fttee sentiments af tis e Legiet1 ative Council wnIhl yetisseýard :framu, cormmunicelimi ti i Turin. Tiser. wil e a are entectaiieti ai iie recoYvery.- Tise boy b. locked far wmusà earnesi soicitude by.tis l e W.boieve P Pl wll e tiedillet an4épenentof t se fact tisaitishe Th Issaar y lta Vi aNTA, Wedunestiay -- Tise 'wisieIlier- ETUTT aaA oî.eael- mimistry as-e anti aiwlîy have beeîi reps-e- -service, -Who Ï& renoitî is in revolution supp atted -b thettc Iruset by ami intelligent fainer, Mr. Alezan- se l i that body, as mvll as in tise Lowver Couèncil, anid as 41ontenegrils-. Tise fightin le getîe-l-rt.j irMKnio is onii fWh inm louse, we fiqititisatishe Legishative Couincil for mrssyuof OU Sci-erai Turkishi viuages oamiheLe f et t I he appeerance oie ne'vspecies oignît luliai-e a duty te perfor0 as 'veil as tise popu -ar as Cerk, iseqt have teen rcduced to astes. îbnoaiysueua remln Is io sîis hof the l egisiaturin lagii-ing tise' ftiîl jursdeveted e gi-n, fotd d dîruciive 10 eariy cabtages. 'veigii tisteir poeiition ta their views on any 7-jte due<lties -VR~ TE SUmHLt e vsatst - agi*.aly lthe green crops ui pointusf conksitutionttl lew or elutom tiat 118$ Saz1Uk tisI on.Lpubs4prieiali spiug 'isetbe cuirageti or oveu endangered b 'tirs i eni et~- .Krw QLue Mae 2. oe# lmnt t:e., an jsdestructive poewela 1 1 >l 1ie toen im is osylia 1l Cmiotde1beloroeçlfjourning, aboîIs-a- niiiycon&ipetç teseupiands. Ths ed115 ~ nile 11tPMfim>llore tie ib frec batîking systens anti edjatrneti atmes ea toeutt down ~~etJli5~ 1~Ol0It81J11d~il4~- ,fei ue T'u otpanies ai- Zouaves leitt> ftieganit tm fIts visitehb>' Thesecnsouranoie ofthe, p~eple ezpeued4 - fr *h580i5 t dy a atie ervce -MOe- tise grtîbfor fotde or atheiu catt1o.raProto_ 09 -_ 1, ý eU tt b5tipfhh otgl ~' biieitdviccssa isr.tatrooandestimsunitions are tp. -thair ereta.v inhIàN ,Hou re etp -,3nsnàltly moiing towarde Petisacehus. Tte lu l undertooti issu u. Ceufdevaleiov-' '4 r --the FiriusCuvmiio- îti tsecafee ebe >uaetihave deiermined Iotebttild f cbaànaýî'- I - meiniitin.Tie ieieîpi oscnlo-plate.1 chipe for t.arbour clefence. It ils hota Out*051? 1b#LOd wvmîi ratify unamiia, unIi>siat-,idd t b a& tileekedti eth~mtmati chî» - .a~..i22f ---a'province - -a - ai the faur Revieurs $5. tsi-ciie offices isere represenieti by one usa ird, Scatt, & Ca., 78 Fulton _M~r. ni. Davitison-, oi Berlin. This,1 ad ai Rvseih's, Toronto. course, gave antîer direction to our though; r~~ ~ ~~ ABaOim-OtSuIil app iare lisat this Davitîsan, si-li is an et îirusiastic admusirer ai Macdonald, Galt, as -, as Thomas Biggis jun. a Sidlney Snmitb, idrev'Iargeiy on mime confluent about 16 yeaau, iti te m- aiflise latter, in the shape of Moîsey orders c long ~ ~ I jut i a i i g o u h lie T oron to po.it offi ce, h rou gh its ow n a rDeongsoe l siater, trtgiBriýt h t> t 'ý î amomito $10,000. Thîis w. e fell froro the horse's baclk Pffect-d ibrougu accomplices in Taronto, ri se Dtrn ueasi'a preuueutiug the payees ai that posat office, ai aie.Mr Disu, rbm ia a Mr. Mocîleir anti Wolfe Dessaur, tobaccot mami ai the iime ai the sa' ists, Toranto, bave been arraigneti befrîre Il cred every assistance in i%-. Courts ounltes.e harges. Bes*des, tiss roi ing immethiatê -me-dcal aid, bine the posi office, lthe Ieiaultixsg posimnast ti filed-the voor lad tiied exer îte argeîy in moîîey maltera 'vi MondayxperVnealit wd Mondy. Hs eulh vasother parties, irou tbe tich muney letitiur fail. thme pour widsv. On. pour 'voman 'vas i IAT -The first day if Apnil ducel to monigage ber laxta b Jau hlm Il iîby andt riciauity, ou Moitday hall cf tie proceeds, and shte aitid her heippie lîing eciat. 1The .%Veather eh itirin are of course vitimmzed.. He -w its previons efforts, svith !lie Put in 50 many posi.iois- ai confience by t oîhcr da-y, Ibis iviaber.. Thse gov-jimfinitî is people cossit not reiti aire bliniitin in tîmeir fut-y, a.hi teis;thte onseqiacace l is aitt alrong north cash slorm of 'vinti amntt aIhie de ications lo aIl -concerni et amie tinsete put lIse thise- ibroogs agencies, btik eniotements a oer."la in ficrce intcnsiy.- olherwiee, le sai t u feu 11111e short et $12 iras~ ~ ~ ~ ~~00 iiisrn anaislIOX.[Its net ,knownwhother,,Dùvieisoni .a ur 'vekhtsuof 152 fl. soe rvhc otio et uaa I iet endéjweilo-g--tP reachs urt- i' In !itule èequai'te hie rottery% faris h i«eut- teaderdlt1nme vryneai uot even inserted. nà~'I~9e o pd xmmgreph~~~~~ A card o iiistitsegvxma e i,, appainteti leraei Bs-wmari i. Davidioii, rami away., , Theý TicSLATEi-ý. S.. îîoÀ. - On Sait-c i yeafr _Why0~ow'e,ççtinue_î lte bdyeof a mnwas foundat thcm0o jeo Colinl~y 4 a year fort tiis 'of ut-eDotn, -hielî, onbeitsg- ;bteugt to io otler Cfity ltative hav~ epi f, t -arbrèitu i it ad eùnhii i eceetis.haf titi;%,amtbiQni hisa-ved¶:to be thatLýo$ 1.eIbo the»bdy bas been submnerged. If poisaîîwas when '-5icott0 daèid thet matter would have tb the agent used steps have been taken tG dis- be enquîred it by a comnmiltee. cofèr, it by submiiling the contente ofithe The gvrmn nedt nrdce a siomach ta a careful analye by-ProfesiorramiTnuik bill-net to grant the Road aid Croit. There is anc remnarkable feature, and -bute lxit reference ta Ciher rhaters, which that is, that aIl hie pockets are gone. Hie; will have ta be watched when itaçfPears.- coat pocket, in wvhich he carried his vwatlet, Men of-respecability îalk of ate"mpting to ilapersfamte vdec o hemkeimpeach Messrs. Galt, %ws, and John A. Mr. Armstronîg, fureman ta Mr. Stovell, King McDonald. 0f course ltière would be diffi- street, could nal be cut out without first eut- culty Io gel the Huse ta sanction it, but uri- ling lthe lining, wvhich appearsilo be yet whole, doubtcdly il will-yet be dione if lhey do ùot and tlierefore ist have beéin turiued inside leave the couniiy ai; English traillols nsd o out before cuttitili off. TLere is a hypoth- do shortly afler the Revolution, ta egrapew esis that he mighit have been assailed by the impeachiment. «focs flot Galt' s large pur- Brook's Bùsht Gang while on bis way w Mr. chase in Portland indicate tbat he intends ta iBeachalils bouse, across the Don ' and aler leive Canada in the.evenl ofihingsbecom ing b5eing robbed his body ëunk in the sauci and too hot for him bhee? mrud. If Iis be so it is thougl by the GlobeI 1i hat a reward or the hapes of a pardon ta some NTCS0 OIN-Fo Ow of this Gang nuwV in tne Penilenliary will NTCSO ýOIN-FrmMm$ brin Ui maler 0 hiht.Mr. Gould,-B-ill ta reforr the Unîiversity, of Toronto and raise the standard ai educatiaif Q1JEBEC CORRESPONDENCE. iherein. Mr. Craik,--Enquiry of' the Ministry, Shameful waste of public tim-c-The -Minis- whether it is by iheir authority that paçk5 of try adjouru ithe Iluse ta prepare me-as.ures profane playiug cards are disiribuied ta mrn- - T h e C au cil sîl l lu S es io n T h e G ov b ers of the Hlo u se 7 an d1 w h eth er it le th eir er'rile eated l itai body-The Orange intention la jiroduce a bill taproitibit whist, que.,tiun-Ciiiîwkling af the Freuch vePuchre aru! ailier improper ganes in ihe lob- the Orange Sinnbbing,-Ilistoricitl Faci-1 bies of the House. John A. «Iid Cadier oppose Represeulatiôn Mr. J. B. Robinson-BfllIta proteci th£, bY Population -Tl'le V. C. vote 37-ta 18 inl tish'eries on- the PRvexlon,b4y preventing the favor uf il-A Grand Trunk BiHlu tbe taking7of cat-fish during certain seasons of 1'ramed - Thireaftei'ed Impeauliment aof the year. Messrsý. Gait, Ross, aud John A. Mcfotiaid Mr. Piche, - Bill ta confer the tiuheof Rear- -G;alt's purchases tri the United States. admirai ao' Ashbridge's-Bay on Bob. Mçodie, Qtl.saFc, March 25, 1861. MIr. Benjamin,-Appi4ient çf a r-eleci cammillee ta enquire juthe11wfutecf the bel Parliament lias been but ne %eek lu Ses- len tribes of lsraei, wih powe:r ta send .far tsion and lias been already seut about ils busi- persons and papers. îiess iiniil the iricumpetent men ai thq lheir r .F PwtEqi fteMns j falar rp- 1heiriifincaitl reasures. try vhhether they intended ta fill up the vailey ; Le 0Opposîltuni of cuurse oppgeed tliis %vaste a ie aa (epeum h on yet n f ie and of public ruoney, but ini vaiu.- fme n ttawa- peopie flt wiheathe o.Gnt fjCartier saldtatithe groveriîmnen. wud suit __________peope________________ D. ' the pleasure of the Ilouse as tu adjourtinent ru ver 1Kaïier. The vote was Ilhen taken, 46 DE nç AN OIL WELL.-Wc regret ta ' canst auljoiurrimetil lu 43 il, i1.j lavur. Wat earn thai a . -melancholy and fatal accident , do you îliiîk the 'i 1 1 dir tten?1neoccured on Tuesdayai the ait springs ai En- Sailler atiotiier they ruse ini favuro a 1 djouril-tiekillen. Itappearsthatagentemannamed ment ; and tu Colîonig aEre il wa çrarr-ied b?]their e.,fes! Cok elouIDglaEie ennryvanîia, had and tÉlis "vas gYoilg a h aoiy! T u pureased a dlaim on loi 17, cnnce&ion 2, il !alOu-tv"tY PPerhalthe majurity aTheEnniskillen. iHe had already. dug 50 feci y here hkiekLng up itieir lieds with noihiug tu (1ov, and iadetda pialiorîn on wlîch, Ilido. L, il otî>l scandlalous. M'ir. Gauid is itere. to stand whitec he dîilled thrasigh the rock. r.Moval jeti Saturday afiernoon. The About 4 o'clock, on the rnorning of Tue xlay,. lIn. M,\r. Reesor remains here. But the besi w'hile he- and a labourer werc drillingr, a noiee d uf aliliite perHseasrfsed 10 iras heard in"Ithe well. Cook incauiiousiy S atijouru, aithanigh eaniesly bcseecied ta (1o luwered a lantérn, il) see if il wae .Water or ail su by the uvernimeîii. t-orweuul-thai was causing the noise.. No sooner -had d Theue 1 etst-oro suua. hanttern descended, than it encountered a te Il as snubbed îît uvrmeî oui tsreaun of gais whichb was rushing up thiough - ai occasions-. On rîdi(ay the Hoi. Mr. Paîten the hole-ihal bati been drilled, and a tond brou-!ll i i ucal amjrl fex moien look place. 'Poor Cook and hi& Ires in civil cases Ia render a verdict. The ta tho wr lonmbii air, together 'y gûvernmeni epposed il. The opposition raid w"t b llom m, ndeedn.Co tgyaî have hiad such a law in Lower Canada fell down the 'vehi, a dépde 'a'd 50 feet and for î70 years;, we bel oaiy>ou ta lot U pper Ca- dislocated hie neck. When taken ouI hé pr nta sea wae quiîte dcad, andaIaloumachtbumred. Il is- 'have lte sa Iaw, which arnajority cf belîieed, that lid bci ua been- kied by thi. Yber Pc<i,.e %ish* IlThîis offundcd old Tache. 'fWhou the vole was taken the governuseniflu, lie woutd baie ben euffocated by thé' Lewere deieated 24 ta 121 The Upper fiouse 0"-. Hi&CRDMMu , whose name . ws didý - l becotninj; a rcaiW nlpedn n 1>0<arri, em ,ery spriopafr njurei1> and Iïec -te'ýoilb1f hiwieh yon elr.in a tate or ýe mayrel ssared. insensibiliiy. Tiie event, ca;used, greai x n, The Orange question ba% been before the ciiement in tihe oit regions,'where,. it ii eaid, 7 Il au se , a n d t ht e o p p o sitio n v o e d ta c o n d e mr n C o k w e m c r e e c d T i . a i e t the miuisîry fir ni making an Pfott r took place ir-Sanbo*nWe' welly Biack Creek. veut lte ditllculiies at Kingston, Belivaie, 'The reinains of the unhal">'mn ha"e been -~~~~~~ an-ooîo ariradJh . McD-uahd .tetnporrly buriedawaitin0theaunvalef hie' îhper Canadiatîs voîed for it, and 18 againsl it of wbom were awàure of wbt asoccurrin bo 0f course- Cartier denounices ît. He saith e in their midst, till tao ite to'êcoîn'eteltse res- SPruvinîces must be equai ituder the Union, cue. 4'An inquest 'vas subsequqntly helti on thc andi be vud ne ver yiehd'. John A. MëcDon- the bodY, andhe abe . acte4a~iied. It est aid htxrrahed 'or lthe Union at bisà W estern,'vYa s eatd before t hejry iuhat thbo womart 'a di nners .hast fa] ,. so yon sec what'Vre have tl ' as subject 4o fits. . th expeci irom he Frencht. WhaIt hey wat FR.WeIu "se is ta go lu the polls and gavera usfour ycarseho abr.ng i boho fCIaepn>t, ibelonginu M b iko- the mor; if they cati ozsly gethait aidozen-,West-- PcengwseuceIb& auW4 cmtrilrstabep ie.ye -tcmg Ia,-esday. Lt appears ibet Mr. -1>tkehadIs~r n a d w e ivih pay the scoundrels ba c-k in their r -pt ea tie b n 4 be g. g aec a ow n coin. We wil rani -the tr'aitera aitIse rmynîticreethiers çiija u hupols. Somerville, a.Lc>wer Canadien, vîoted . ,f I IiW with . us, .r a ion. b Poplato-- eI c ssAFrenchs journal in aihzAng vostO1 ayese roo Iai~ uo tor "il stlpo, es h e inteis tcretire frein publi aV 'ise liue 111 hintiisg at is pirobable fate. - ~ si~ vr >y W e have algo had-iliec son on actior1s edjj,à ý__ of 'vaWto cftlc coby M eer< ._ . - D o iald an d i j> o n ) 115 em e d n étis -e -hé v àuablJb pe' 11ay 'addreeeiand a debate in whichtlheoemintetty ýhé4 ren hé= ,1opposition, For SaiïdfieJId MiçPo) 'r 7 ~~'jtion'the -vote~ ~ &h ~ 82~ [ l i n - , m f ovr n t h i e , Y r m m e n 1L-g - & p M -z .R RD- iffairiti [IFort.j andlNew Orleans. Uomm m macle a ýr.-1 anti Hat-Itein are tielectea, or p7t1r5OO l h.w tbendtri1dèu e- - I a i - i Lic à Lice pared THbS. Apn rmedý a.ses-C Consul fellow- Ta a prescri tions f< i-bey w Asrmni adi-ecr efit iht be cou Par ed4rel end aber i --e r - i -opn > y 1 - 1 1 - - 1 ý - -1-1 -- 1 1 - ---- 1- -1- - - - danmoom Te -And, faRed k prepi 'tentit T-ens

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