MYERS-& SPRINGO eh ame d AuctioiLeers, FOR THE COUNTY O0F ONTARJO. ere thanksee b ýtho stinhalttantaesfthe CoQunty et Ontarl, for- lb. laberlauup!rt the/ bave ieevd tram îhem, andi avold Lsndly se- -icit a futher cantinuanqce of the same. Ilaving a Lîcenso for th avislo County, tbey are pro" pared ta attend to ail enter. vus promptnoma sud on, liberaI teri. Address1 ALBIÉRT SPR[NQ, THOS. MRS, Oreeibank, P. O. WVitby, P. O. April 3, 1861 bJ-tf. * 710 (J(JJVSUMPT1IVE5S. T IlE Aidvertimerï baving been reetored heaih i a few weekt; by a very eimple rçmedy, after hftving uufféred seyerai years witbi a a geriilung affl'tion, and that dread diseaseý (jonsimption-is aoxious ta make knosvn ta bis '~fellôw-sufferers the manis of cure. To ail wbo desire il, lie wiil send a copy of the prescription ued (free of charge,) wtb the direc- tions for preparing and using the sanie, whicb tbey wilI flnd a s iuitzCunz for CoNS"PTIrON, ASTHMA, BRObcui'TIs,. &c. The only object of te * advertiser In sendlng the Prescription is ta ben- euit the afflicted, and apread information whicb lie concelveà ta be ÃŽuraluable, and lie hopes every EntYrer wil try htv-remnedy, as it w iii cost theot nothlag, and may prove a biessing. Parties wisbiug the prescription will please * Riv.-EDWARD A. WILSON, W'il liamsiburgfi Rings Couà tyi New York March 2' 86.32. FOSTEII & JACKSON, surgeoni Dentitots B EG rnast res petfuliy ta annourtce Ia the B inhabitants o Whitby, and' the uomd *iný couutry, that, haeing titis dAy bouglht out Dr. C. C. Jerenes entire stock, and interest in thie '1)entist profession, for the County of Ontario, and aiso havlng neatly arranged bis uid office, o.ei Messrs. Lowes & Powelt's store, BROCK STREET, WIIITBY, Wliîere they are now prepared ta uindertake al opetations relating ta Detistry, and will be most happy ta attend ta ail professional cmils, by 'wiich they mnay lie favored by te publie. Tecth inserted on GnId, Sucver, and Vulcan- ized RubLer, at very Moderate Charges, And in a manner flot ta lbe nurpassed. Teeth filled with Gold, Sileer, Stamel fo], and bone preparatians. Teeth extraceted with the grca testt case and comfort ta the patient Particuilar at- tention. given ta the care and regulatian of child- reua teeth. .11 work warraaied to gîre aati/fiioa or no charge. Reference-a. fair triai. Remenber the place, over, LowESs à POWmLL'S STORoE, iirock Street, Whitby. 31&ccii, 13, 1861. 32-3m. 1 300 HogsWanted. r U he subscriber is prepared ta pay Car-h for t heabove quantity of Sore Hogs de- livered at his prémiises as Oshawa. GEORGEIWALLACE, O0shawa Steam Mille, 1Sîh March, 1861. 31-6in. ToA~to Wb",om it May Couceru. TR. C. C. JEROME, having ihis day s0a jJail bisStpck ini tradte, riglit, titie, interest, aud ebeot of and in the Dedtistry busine.4s or profession, ta MESSRS. FOSTER & AmKON, two of bis aId students, whom lie takes great picasure in recomnnending ta the public, as reli- able, skilful, and aeli practised in al branches of the profession of Dentistry, and fully campe- tant ta givecîttire satisfaction ta ail parties who xuay tftvor theot witl their patronage. -Di. C. alan avait lbmkllf or tIis opportunity ta retursi Iis sincere thatalca ta bis aid and nu- - terons friands, and earnealy solicits tîteir con- tlnued patronage for lbis successars. CHARLES C. JEROME. Wbitby, Marcb 13, 1861. 3 1-tf. GOOD OPENING FOR BUSINESS! FOR SALE.- 11EF Stock, anld gond wil eof a long estali- 1?lislied builbesa iite t6atksnery, Book aud Fancy Gonds U1iu à te.thiring tawn lu Upper Canada, *11i te sold at a low rate for cash as the owuer wishes ta retire ta anoth&ï part of thte * province. This is pe rbapa ono o( tihe bout opesu- ingLu*in tbis Une for a persan witbý smal4 capital that Itas préeonted itself for iume time. An eariy tipplicant can ouiy lie successfut. Appiy at the Watclsman office. Mfardi 13, 1861. 30-21n. JUST RECEIVED! GALS. Pensylvania Whiskey, four rs ayeai d.. J. WETHIERALD. Whitby, Mardi U2, 1861. 30. MONEY 1"0 LENDI 0N eut ~uate AV JOHN 'AGINEW. .laurance .A'gent. Whltby, 151h -Feb.1 1861. 28-tf Cauton THEREBY forbid any .arty2 or.-arties tram purcbasing or pay'Mg atay Martgagem or Notes made on Town lots on Eaut bulfof Lot Nu. 27, in the Second -Con. af the ,tlownship cf Wbitby, I being about to, reommence the suit in Cbancery for thse recovery cf sala Lot; snd that the former billI filed w&s sot dîsmiased at, the instigation of the Perris, as they pretebd ta assert, but asa dismissed by my Couasel with mny orders,, on acceount ot not baving tise means ta proceed with il, and as the Perryg had tried vrerybagrd te bave thse Chancellor niake ail in- tacentporrhasers detendants wîilli hemn, afeil haîd walied aIl cdaimis against themn. * JAMES McDON.ALD. Jauuary1 22, 1861. 23-tf For *~ 'i14..T A ~ T~.'rV'fPIc?~ AUOT ONEER w heLQOoauffnff Ontacio. f7W. Blowo'saaieL OWES- & PO ELL, JAND-BRITI8H REVIEWS.- L.SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to pubS- No. f& 2XPesnBok u ah tli~ folloavinaR leadino Buritis Panindi- c aa, vis: TRHE LONDONQUARTERLI THE EDINBURGH REYIEW (Whig). TUE NORTH:rBITISII REVIRW <Froc Churcli). 4 ýTHE WESTMINSTER REVIECW -(Liberal). BLÀkCKWOOD'S EDINBURGII MAGAZINE (Tory). T RE present critical state of Enropean affaira -will render itese publications unusualiy intereasting during the forthcoming year. Tbey wiil oecupy a iddie grouind betaveen the hastily written nevvs-itemu, erude speculations, and fiy- ing rumars of the daily Journal, and the paon- derons Tome of the future historian, aritten after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the lime shall hare passed away. it is ta tiiese Periadical.q that readers must laok for the only really intelligible and re- liable history of current events, and as sucb, in addition ta their well-establislied literary, scien- tifle, and theolngical character, we uirge them upon the consideraion of the reading public. EARLY COPIES& The receipt of Âdvapce Shrets fiom te Britisht publishers gives additionai value ta these Reprints inasinuchà as they can 00W be placed in te hands of subicribers about as eoon as the original editions. TE IEtS. Per ana. For any asie of the fauleviews ... $33 o0 For any Lava of tihe four Reviews,........ 5 00 For any titree af the four Reviews,... 7 a0 For ail four of the Reviews, ........... 8 O0 For Biackwoodsa Magazine............... 3 00 For Blac-kwood and une Review,......... 50 For-Macic-vood and tava Reviews,........ 7 00 For Bis ckwood and threc kReviews,... 9 0 For Blackwoad and the four Revicava ..10 00 Maep current in the Siate uthere issued will be rercired ai par. CLI'BBING. A discount of twýenity-flvè per cent, from the above prices ailil bcsallowed 10 CLUaS OrdCrng four or more copties of uuty anc or more of the above works. Tius, Four copies of Biackwood or of one Review, aili be sent ta one address for $9; four copies of the four Rer bave aud llack- .iooýd for $30 ; and so on. POSTAGE Canadian mail s'thscribcrs aill bu supplIed free of U. S. Postage. LEONARD SCOTT & ('O. No , J Col street, New York. March IsI, 18k;1. 30- tf. BY-LAW No. 86, BROCK SitiEET, WH1TBY, RCin receipt of a quanutify ef Ameican Gooda, unite'à for thé seasn, ViZ.: DENIMS, DRILLS, SATINETS, -DOESSKINS, CASIMER.ES, DEVONS, MONTICEL-. LOS, CLIFTON, SHEPHARD & WASH1r«&*TON CHECKS, JEANES, SEAMLESS BAGS, &t.; &c. * -- * .. A CiSCS? ICERAX. GENTS' BATS in Varsoua Styles, and itaI ,W 1-uvro FIELD AND GARtDEN 'SEEDS, The Largest Stock ever held in the Ccuuly. L. P, wouid cemnind their numerous fiieudsansd oustonlors, that having eugaged a firat- ciass Cutter sud Tuilor, îbey are prepared ta execute ail enlace euîcusted la, thenti lu that fine, rwith neatnessud deeipaicis. ms A tvr rf Lut 1La a qi bY -ifL Whitby, Marcis 14, 1861. FRESH ALR1IVATLS AT'THE 1 NEW i'CASII RCCE R1 & TEA $TORE, In Ca!dwell's Block, Brock-street, WHERE YOU WILL FIND A LARGE AND FRESH ASSORTED STOCK 0F SOAP AND OANDLES9 UORS, ~T0NIWLRE, Mg Wluich will lie salî ai Torontto Pnices, atnd save peoplees exrpen.ces in goig dielr Farinersa nd aliers xvilI de vell to caîl andu examine the Stock beare purcltasi @lue o. C:ý Produce bough* and Whtby, November 14, IS60. -oi Pnrpa GfT Pm io. The Prince bias Ieft die Province! B-UT GAiMSBY & Co.'s BRI rIS11 & FOR.EIGN To restrain Dors froin ruunitç ai large and ta autitorize t killing therrf ,rhe-u fotend inî Be il enactrd bythe Corporation of tue Toavu %t iltlhy, sud, it is ltcrciy enscled y- the au- thonity of lIte taine, that vvery auner olitarbor&r of a Ilog or Dogs witltin te Corporation shasl imniuediately nt lte ite appoinled for tItis By- Law tb conte mb force, ecause thetante ta ise cltnined up or oxheravise effectualiy seeuned front runniuug at large, sud sny Dog found si> ruuîtiug at large in any of the puliic streets, lanes, allies, ttc outise cottons, or birity vother publicpiae aitltin tlteCorlioration after the tinte soapîpoiîtteî for titis By-Law ta corne iotao force, shal liec lia- bic ta bu shaI. Anud le itturtber enacted thiat.the lent '"Dogs," used ini thiisDy-Law, shall also lie deented ta in- elddo Mches. And ise il furtiser enscted titat it ýhtaiilbc ltse special duty ai the chief sud alter lî>wn Consts- hies ta tee ltaIIbe lprovisions ai thiiBiy-Law are rigidly enfurced. Aud lie il furtîtren eavtcd that Ibis lty-Laav sîtail cotee mbt force anîd takçe effet front sud after Mauday nexl, te 11ith inst., sud bu lu force until June. (Sigurd,) THas. IhusToN, JMSPOE Town ('1er/c. .3fuyor. Wiîitby, Mardi 6, 1861. 29. 'Tis tht ReadyMfoney Does it! Il 'E Uadersigned would euh dthe attention 'of Itise Pubîic in general ta bis extensive Stock af Ready Made 1300O1S A'ND)SHOES', E-ery article in lus linae au lie lad CtîsAe FoR CASH, by caling at the Torouto iloot sud SIýoe Store, WÇilkinson's Buildings, Brack Street, %Vbttli. THOS. WILKINSON. P. S-Boots sud Shoas made sud repaired an thue shfortest notice. 28-tt.r Store. & Dwelling to Let. A Sto re sud Lleling inthebctbriving Village et Du niartan, lately accupied by Mir. flapie, taolet. Apjîly ta O H DU AR Dunbartop, Picktrng, Jau. 2, 186!. 20 Provinciîal Tnsruance Company IIAVE ARRlIVE D SAFE AND)IN GOOD CONDITION! TH1E GOODS havingy been purchnsed wiih sdvantages teuperior Iolansy other Ilounei ITata-n. catables tIhe Subucibers la seil nI Prices suited la tihe motil econonical buyer. t!-Rentember te stand, G AMSBY & Co.'s CASH STORE, 1 CalIdw'ell's Block, Brock Street, Whitby wîtere Credit sudl Long Prices are abcistied, sud ihe One Pciced CASH SYSTEM adapteti A rall L- obiciled. N. B.- Bufler and Eggs taken in L'xchangt. for (iaods. 164i GAMSBY & Co. WTNANTED _ A YU1JNG COW - W iîh tbe seconyd Cal f by her aide. Enquire of G. C. GRnOSS, Hardware Neeohant, IJROCE STREET, IHTB Y. WHERE IRON, & STEEL, PAIN'S, QIL, GLASS, IAND EVÉRY DESCRIPTION SHIELF ANDU HEAVY HARDWARE!1 MAY BE HAD AT GREATLY REDUOED PRICES! Whitby, JuIy, 3list, 1860 £b,000! \W ASTED-Mortgage for the abavo atnount o- ru t-chasFart pnaperty. XAplty te ON ES Church-stneet, Toronto, January 1861. Rari-nster. 20-tf Trunks! Trunks! 11HE SUBSCRIBER bas juat received a large Istock cf Trunksansd Valises, wviich ble is lirepared ta aell cheap.- Alec on baud, a large assortment of. TRAM 4 CARRIAGEIIARNESI, SAD- DLES, .4-c. ë.~RMPCN Wbitby, April le, 1860. 35-tf r WHITBY BREWERY. TI E Subacribers are nov'prepared to furuiel - the patrons of 'he Whîtby Brewecy aith an e;oeilest,*rtice in snob qeentities as ay b. se- quired, ansd on terme tosuit parehasers. Bottied Ale equal to the ImporteîI article. * CLARK,& WOODWARD. Whitby, NOV. 15, 1859 14-tf New TAý Etu1shmet! EZSPECTFULLY anthiuÃ-! ta lthe Inhabi- ,L tante of Witby Wa U'i ioroubdiUissg eonntry.1 that they Ihave- ppèneda TAILOR'8S ëILM <1' Eii BËoÇi'l smETý opposite tise UOntaria 1O," *beré epee4g entrusted ttaà -esevii fb., done avth ;a4e si' andýdespsth. 1,15.9 J IOHN MONTGOMERY aio the Robinson Bcanse.) 1 ,OF CANADA, -1V..N 3yN IIERY, (labo ofthte Robiisçss FOR FiE ANâ1MARINE 1NURANCE. Houes . re fully announees Iliat hlslias ESTBLIflE 189.CH -ýtCH 1DCOLBORNE STEETS4 ESABISIID 84. nean t St. ar ne Market, fora trt ofyears; INCORPORATEO BY ACT 0F PARLIAmENTr. Aiea Stabliug r Thiri y-lte Horts. - He wilhsupply excellent Board sud Ladging et 8S.bscribed Capital-3t986,O8O, $1 pen Day,oa ram $4 ta$6perwaeek. , The location efthrie Hotel la exceedingiy cou- 1-I IA1) 2)FFC EO 1<ONTO votient for business mes anti tanisera attesding Market, as aveil as for traveliers generally. P-R ESIDF2N7' Suites of rooms providedfurf5milies anboarders~ HON.- JOHN HILLYARD CAMERON. Cburcb-st,Toronto, Oct. 14, '59. 19-m VJCE-PRESIDEN7'. R. CARSO80.N J. S. HOWARID, EzQ..i [RUUteslctta fbsmmrn D)REC TORà . T tnienda, Hox. 1*o19 H. CsxsaOe, JGIORGI PDusoaVý EacQ HAS RETURNED TO WHITBY, HoN. GeoRné Cakavvon J. 0 eAmaos x. P. r, for lte purpose cf resuming hie former p)ractiteo; HoN.MALCowtÉicuulWesAxGV8itlI8RmoNEeq. ast'i eng a gratinate of bath Selicala ef Medicine, R. P COLTON, ESQ. J. S. HoveAr>, Ewý. lie 15 preparedt t treat sil disoases in tihe mont Lsavar ilo&Tu; ESQ. IEu. C. JONES, ES. scientifle mannes, ant inlu sany cases warranta W. L. Psstut, Enta. à cure or no pay. *Ie perfarins a1l operations onastise Evu and B"s witli great succeas, andi- in MANAGER * SECRETAR Y treatiung, afenton thsogalesider JAMES SYDNEY CROCRER, Esq. fastaeeo ïI Orsus-Opporslte Sciptnre's Hotel. Officeý ASSIS T. SECRETAËRy heurs Tram 6 ,till 4j, r.x. ; after vhicli b. . a.WOODHOUSE,4sq. may be fouati at thse WasIti tel. Jnas'y n 1861. INSPECTOR DP AGENCIES. G. B. SPENCER, Esq. TWELVE VEARS sOICTOS.A RonmflCatholic Pr iest, MESSRS. DUGOAN & BURNSK I ok oln dlyd se atpt - TUE BN. RS -I T lisliod, andt auSe bldof the subleoriler TF BANK O'F'4tOROXTO. 1at lise reaitieucé lu WbitbY, Or of bis reguiar Vi'Si- - .1 Ei~.t.nft Iaift hisinema fr&nnut. utherjizetiagents. Prk._$1-00.-Agent$ for -- '-UY j 99.9 t rir n arie muiua.M - uou...tbezç aot roapectfully ta roturM his suner. Ietiby thia Cern 'f Iti s vrlous Agenoese, ta s*o th li habitant. or thse Ceuà tycf wlasaai 1e le, 0Ofiiii Tarantô, st fairs aud, r tlieorai Pa ueuagoliobaa recoied £véuiWaerates. - suad ratild'ielîclt a fnrlher continu- JIILW À E gent, a C ounty' Lleenae, hvIIj, pusntually -1 lrs for sales in eny part ôfIbe oqotty. Als bookanda ibleuS sn4tM fuszal5s4 -46, 8, 10 to 12 ps« dg- - Towi Brandih Bible S.êIotr. mursias Nw YarSEW F TRIBli7îi , 'JasFOR 186,I. Go J ust operued ai Uliealper thaà Iic. Chjealpest! Lae'er, M. R., Valentia, &* Sultana Raisins. Currants, Figs, and Almonds, Candied Lemon, Orange, and Citron PeeL; ? ý -ALSO-, Chuice Brands of PORT, SHERRY, & BRANDY, i'.,in bottie and woood. 0:IFl'EFYING CONMPETITION-12 lbS. Bright Sugar for One Dollar!i Jirock Si., Decemiber, 1860. C ARR JAGE T. I.L CILA' MAKER, BO«OK STREET, WHITBY. 'ITHE SUBSCIIIBER ini refurning bis sincere tîtanks ta' bis thiends and-the Public gencrally irbo bave hitherto so liberally patronized bmu, would Say that he intends ta make Whitby bis perinanent residente, they will find at al l imes A SUPEI>IoR CLASS 0F LICHT AN¶D .HnEAVY CARRIACES CONTANTLY ON JIAND, Whichi will suit aIl classes of custainers. Tbe. v ilI do well ta cail and examine befare gai.1 else- sing elseishere. 0- Don't forget D. FOIID'S Carrnge Fr iry on Brocki St reet, where you avili find a b erior clasa of Work, manufacturcd of rte besi ..terials and bylte choicest workru Whitby, February f . . FORD, ,Propriao - FINNAN IlAIIES A WEEKLV SUPPLY OF THE CLLEflRAT.ED FINNAN il~ EMPlS AT THE TEA A&NDICOMU RE~ IU H NAI LTION & ROBERTýS. WHITBY. January 2nd, 1861. THE TIMES IIPROVINC AT THE NEW £UJýýRNITUj-RE: STORE rJH SUBSCRIBER has now on haud, and is daily receiving large quantities of FURNITURE 0F eVERI DFIS3RW HOGNl WHIGH lRE WILL-SL OHEPERTRAN EVERU O AE A large amsrtment, ai 1V4LW WAURE' H. ta alecpreparedto fll ail orde e i lîer of tis save linos. Au4er~o's IniravecI Gate Straw (knowit te le eat eYer neseci *y a ud ' , l.ent , ) BcluS., Warus Booms, (Full éti.f)BckS -t in*~~w.i~ Cuttere VIX MoPITEUSON. > oeI. eq ~~aefr a ~ ~ 44 <n r ~ Q r c ~ 0t e,- *0 'u~ ~ > t COD Fa j ~bitby ~ s J T~ RIMfl tises Rail I ALAÀRCE SIDOK OF 6638 1f~~RUbSELL.,lOTEL. D'y -, '95 -«,_-ýl-,'l - 1 - P lU - OTUS 1ilEXt Tu -VOLU. of the IVErsLY -TRTZpNE camimenes with lise issue o-f Sept. lut. "îring thé past Year the 1TribtIng lias been obliigedta devotè quite a large proportion of u space ta Polities, butwe abil bon lie able ta forégo Political discussions asiùtrist entirely, foc months if sot for years, end deate ,xAnlry ii otsr columnsl te subjeets otitess intense, bût +ie abiding intx-eeet Among tlhese, ave meanta ý* especial attention ta I. EDU.caTzOa.-The avbole subjeêe fEdc tion, bath I'opular sud Generatl, aililiec diicubscd lu Our colîtous tbrougliaut the yesr 1861, î:î,ct we elîcit in that discussion sanie of,. îip profoundeat thinkers aud*tîte ablerut ilistrudtorw2 in our cotîntry. . It is at once aur Italie sud-auir resolve that the caùae of Education slîsil receive an'ilupetua from tîteVer tions oflte .2 ribvie in its beiîaîf during the year 18 61. Il. AoaîiCLTtM We ltaVc.eefn cmpîîd restrict aur elticidations of th;s great interest througrhout 1860 sud sisîl atoane therefor lu 1861. Wbatever discoyerL -tdec- tion, demonsttra lion, ie calcuaIsed ta renudîf.fje reavard aifIlabour d2voted ta cultivatioiu moa ample or pmore certain, shahl receive pruîuapt and tull attention. III. 3IsýrFACTIMss, &C.- Ife bail eVera in'- vention or enterprise wberebY Anierican Capital aud Laboiîr lire.attracted toansd advcusaeonsly. employed in nny departilifnt (if Miauufà trr.g or Mechianical Iudustry as a coudl contributiomn t- the Public aveal, insurîng ainpler,steadier, more convuniejut, mare reusunerating mtarkets ta the Farter, avillitoiler enaployment aud hcetter ava ges ta lte The 'progress Of Miuing, Iros, naakiug, Steel malkiug, Clatit aeaing, &c., &c., in aur country sud t4 1 *onliibhulilibe aatched sund reparted by us witli - a r eiet à nd acetive syntpatiuy. IV. FoitaEiGx tssW emptv the bes;t correspondents in London, Paris, 'Purin, Berlint, sud othen Eu:opean Capitaîs, ta transmtit us early sud accucate aivices of the great changes tîtere silently but certainiy pt;eîsýriog. Iu sptite of the pressure of domestie p'tliticî, outr neave front te Old WVorld le reoi*.Yatd ttnd ample, but ave shall have ta tiender R mOre erfect dut7utg the eventful year jitt before tas. V. IOmit Nwa.-We enpîlc- ~egttian- pai. correspondents in California, ai *thet Ythntus (,t Darien, in the Rocky Mountain Goid ttegionsand wherever else they seent requLuite. From tlh- more accessible portions at our own cautryv, ae derive aur informatioz n uinly f.-or lte tuntita- iens carrespondents of the Associated Press, freit aur excbanges, sud the occasioatl letters of in- telligent fnieuds. Me aim lu "rust the cliiip est general * newape-r iriti t rie fullest su,d mast authentic stmin o f tusefti inteliîgetice, that is anywhere affordeL ]..lop)iucg t . Ifinake escli day a critie an the la ét," sud'print -à better sud butter paper tram year to year, as our means are steadily-enianged titraugh thte genterane co- operation of aurinaany aveil-aisherî, ave salict, sud shahl labour la deservo, a continuance of public l'avour. TERMS: Daiiy Tribune (311 issues per suntm) Si; Semi-Ileely(1q.3 " 9L - )S$3 Weekcly (52 " ~ TO CLUBS. Semi-Kéeky.-Twvo opiés, foc $S fyfafr $11 25, ten copies ta eue addregston S2,anid- any langer nunîber at the latter rate. For a-clubi of tweuty an extra -copy avili Ilie sent. FaaT a club of forty ave send the Daiiy Tribune gratis ane year. lf1eekly.-Thr'ee copies fan $251,-eight copies for $10, sud any langer number at the rate af $1 20~ ecd per annunt, tise paper laolie addnessed ta each subsonihen. To clubs of ten ave send ail extra cupy. ITwenty copies ta oee adecs for $20, aih ose extra tulsim-wba sonda us the clube For escis Club af ane hundred the Daily -Tribune aviI liesent gratis-for une yea'r. Wben drafts casri e secnred it is mucli qntes offce and Stateifshould tin all eèaues li pitttxîr- avitten. Âdcs.-TUBS TRT3!J'E, ov 154 Nassan-street, Nowvforci. NwTorS, Mari 12, 185i. 43. 1 1