Whitby Watchman, 4 Apr 1861, p. 4

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J'sls an. 24, 1qijsi. 23-tJ %it% t& ic ~£J AàuntaiL5 %u vup .5 OF KINGSTONV Aulhoýzcd Capital $5(0M i~ 12000 Sàares o' $,40 e3uh To MIachinists, Saw Mil Owners, &c. r'; [ - bîsurers Participate inftise Profitestdi/hou !' 1 & S1CK'LE MANUF.\CTO11Y any Llcsbility beyoidtise amounri of tireir rîj tI iE Suiîscrilper 1soz.u uncall i te .. .'htticein ci il,' sssst'ss 1 ho lus 'atiilistiiiiiti s >eîsss lt-vtt iisg lile-4. l;sks. t&v.Wssrrrs îu s-I uus sx*tis.. OIATIO Y.I sES,,EsQ., M.D 1 t-Aii 's sioK iti l'u-it-siing Msstcisses, Vs->sYsîsil. .MACDONELL, Recordes-. t is, ii i sstl si sil il' ssrk mîsssstsitsr- ...s' ..v;us . IlîX . .WItLSON, Esq. 4'1ittsf' iiitsist s'iistasi1isl satdi sluitiviustucs Ta:.suue . .A NLI, ity C'hamberlain S su%. i 'sutmnss-sl lisI Files lieuglit. IJAMES IIURt5EIGH, Isspector. lx. i;. LIStf itices sent te tbose Wh-o Meay ils'us ' t it'ii --DIREOTORS WN'E)a sîs-ati>'uand exîsrensceil File 'î. ATRQ, EsqA.D. OAS. SruANC.Ë, NMav 'or Cuter: ui oliîe chier îses'dsii'1a'- A. thocýi't,W)-ien. A.J.. MÀ'uuON-EL W.L INI N 1 ). îIItsLi,, Ml) P. W. FEitcox, Ce. Tsr Dunties, C. W. 1 1 FLA.NNiGÂ,N, E.x-Niay-,-r. W. Aa GLIK. n.ss., uuss -3ni I*Isrnit %V. PWs"s-sgs' ILhi-ANDREWtS. Pj'lEUndtsiaeigd ha-s es- sale tise LAR- G-T& BEST SELEFCTr)iON of Stoves ci l stît',msalliesient isn tiseCouaty. lis stock comses - Tise Khisg cf Sto.te, St. Lannoence, thc Pso- is'tinit, Davssy Crrîkos, hnuiDuke, Usnatisan s-rius-s, lisesîer, Superiutr. tise Prince Albort, s'stss W'vitcii, tlden îiFle-ece, CGreitiTs-snk, Tisu-hi sV ioîla, FusIluis. boxt( Fîrtt lizs.Provin.- t-i-t Sliis se, liete'iNs situiox -'I aek(Gisuss,box; Mi [1s11, hsx ;l>Plar, box ; cetebratet Chlange liu'utt'r, &v., &-.t. Iivistislig iiircîsilsers w iii cave moley lu>'in- spsictiisg Cuilarge stock lîreviios tsi jîrclsisg s i-s' uii's'-t'ierostl' weUe ssnob hsrg.ins of- s-e ssin itStovcs hufore. Otisisi't iq "o. GEORGE ROBSON, Brock Street, flhitey. ce LUwis 8& &on, 011cr the Largeet anti nost vas-led Resait STOVK 0F-IIARDWA.tB IN CANADA, AT O10fi nsiBas-nor Drsvsng Shied Building, ~We'have Peints ansi Oua, Glass, Puît>', fétcluz, linges, Boîta1 Nails,, kt., te., cf ail sorts 411àstSizes. FOR FARX USES,--We have Tanks, Shovets, S9pa:les1 Drainitng Tools, -Ra y Ksives, 8tra% Kniveé, Con Relis andi ilkigh JlIs01 ,O*nt Frans andi Files, Ciseppin% Axes, BuggyOp rings .$eat SpringS, Fumpt lu great varety,,end'tise LiTT-LE GATMLL Hy>'whicî you eau gind Inldies Cos-a, O te os- Pees, fine enouigb for Fios., Cattle, os- PigFPeeti, attise rate cf frotn 10 te 20, ktsslel îpes- hour. fhe %Iiil cenuot le lssoks.ss iyJ lair means. If ïouhave tou heati cf attie, by- grnuting îts-i :14~ you can seve tIse-price oa, a Na. 2 Milla sit monthgl. FOR DOMESTiC PlIOES-eoRes- Knilycs anti Ferke, 'Ccka~' Kàives, Butçbers' KiveSpoons, Tea-irnys and Weihrs, Seales anti Weights, Wiré aiad Oss Iron Pendes-sf, is-e. ;r Ranti-irots, Sansage Cutera andi Chopp>es-s, hesIdes an ahi lut'endiessaessos-imeni 4ufnircessas-> articles, suiable for Cottage or »(,lent .S-rw Guî,mers. Odell'e Paiera If asld'ng ictaclines- Irm - Bedateada. Trayiws #Pire Prooftafe-- Toqronte, 1o.,24, 1 fl-14 CesL. S. CLARK. IJ .Wssx HONORARY DIRECTORS: A. Dit-MMsom, ESsQ., JAS. MORTNe, Esq. Man'gr Bank Montroal1 Thsis Csompany bas bs-en estauiiisîiei for a long period of yens-s ant isleil a flouristing condition. AMOS W. CRON WIitby, Atigestiferthseouty of Ontario CýIIEF 'OFFICE: Can non treet est, Loua h C4PITAL £500,000 STERLING. TRUYSTEES: TIuE RIGIIT lioN. LORD VISCOU'NT SID. MOUTH, AIiCFUBALD CAMPBELL BARCLAY ESQ. DI.RECTOHS. ARCHIBALD CAMPBIELL BARCLAY, Esq., COL. BAZALtTiE. tMLES C. SErOM, Esq. CHARlLES BENNETT, Esq.j E. S. SymBa, Esq. fi. 11ENBY PLACE, Esq. Josix Moss, Esq. TuoMÂS WEsT Esq. F.V. Wooou)ousz Esq. ocal.Directo5 &t, lontral O.ffice Merchasita' echange. WILLIAM LUNN, Esq.. Cnaissw. J. TonntAis, Esq. B. IJOLMES, Esq. J, FROHNovsm<uÂ., sq. A. LAROoquE, Esq. J. (.Mcrxî CHARLES F. TILSTONE, MÂNÂGMt. D. D. MACKENZIE, AccbUzswes' & CÂSISIER. Tt.is Office insures againat Loos or Damage by Fire, ail descriptions of bu ildings, inclnding rents of tb. same, Mills, andi Manufactories, andi the Goods, Wares, andi Merchandise contained therein ; Ships in harbor or in dock; Craft on Navigable Rivers and Canais, andi their freight;i andi farîring stock of ail description. Thse engagements of the .Equitable are-gnaran- teed by a responsibte proprietory, anti an ample subecribeti Capital. The insureti are free front the liabilitles of a .ltutud PIissrnrce Society, and entiticd, according-to tise'plan of tbe Comnpany, toa returo of half the profits. Losses are made gooti withont dedirtion or discouist, and are adjusteti and- psJdilu Montreal, wlthout reference to London. The Local Directoru rneet weekly. %P" Agenta have besu uilppointed tirroughout Canada.> T11OS. MOODY, Whitby. Aesîtfor tii. cbuii, of Gnlario.- Whitby 8ib10 Jûpostoty 0*00108' BE' LECTION o tg. istl eaàfully buhin; Mor- rocco afld otberwise5 land ly i* b ave r.- cently beezs adde4d te lt e ti f 4ie W1ity. Braneh, and may be seen by aisy of, 1$, friendg Jtien, 10 »rain TUes. NEw 8To'#E A»D Tm f1toRE. Red ân VWhite Brcme P I-IE Stibseriberbas fdr Sale at thc Tule Yard T rHÉ Subscribers have for sale at theirYard 4tls Cou. IWhitby (imeodiattsty Eastof Mr. 3rsl Concession of Wiitby, a large qîsan- 0. Ogison'e Fstrm) quantity of DitaiN TILES, tity cf RED andi WHITE BliscE, which they wili sii siÃŽes, andi at moderato prices. Tise Tules soit cheap. 53' Tise White Brick is superior to have; hects îrotsouneed by competetit jtidgtls to '.- Toronto manke, bu ot tise very best quality. L- 1,000 Tileswil - l BLENK-*11N" & 11ALL. lay 70 110id's. l'Cicu itfsrtishetd andi orders taken by Messe hti,9osr 8t0 ll-ýMILrON & ROBERTS, Wbitby. JAMES SMILLIE - OUR MUSICAL FRIEND.' OCtoýber 17, 186 FO tL I O L T 1lE Suibscriber,- in returning thanks for the 1461i9 FOISALE & TO LET. patronage hee bas received from thce1publie, wossid istimate bh isehas now removedt 1 the "OUR MUSIC AL FRIEND." a Rare Conspan iou e a d L t fr sle. promises on Brook Street, opposite to Bfyan's ion for the Winter Mont.hs. ____ losoa few doors norl of Dssndas Street,* Evsry Pianist Shouiti procure this week- where hoe ha. on bandi a large assortment of ver Singer, ly Publication of Vocal ri H IAT Valuable Ilosise anmd Loi on Stoves and Tin-wr faldsrlîos til inTahr and Piano Forte Mse '91 tiecoserc KsisajCete1owli-o isa.lic wou!ld calattention EF rPpicosting but 10 CENTS a For l'îrttscr issrticsslsrs sppîy to andi were neyer before offreti in the Wtitby ' By tise entire Press of the Country, t-a ho market. THE BEST XlNDf CHEAPEST WORK 0F G. Il. DAITNEýLL, ÈsQ., EAVE-TROUGHIS put up with the latesti in- TUE KIND IX TUE WORLD." latfSoicto.provensent.s and on the shortest nlotice. Tweive f uil-sized patgre o'f Vocal sud Piano- Ortiers from the Cousntry, hy Post or othen- Forte M usic F0 R 10 CENTS. FOR A L-The Stîhscribter s alec Agent for the sale of Vealyr;Musaifcaa l 250 ren ySol.25 - j Piper & Ketîtials LI(iHTIYING RODSi andi Subseribe ta <ur2tuIalPied' rore 111,7 North pat f Lot M,3.Bioken Front Msrtîn's FA/N.ING M11ILLS. These 11111e are il from the nearest >1ewsdealer, and(1yOU will Corcessionî, 1Pàkererisg ;- Lot 23, IcI îroved on trial to be superisr to, andi cheaperbaeMscnogfrTurnte miyndt 0once simos of li-rsssg, andthsiîe East isîsf of tisas those of any otisen masnfsactusrer. insigliificanlt costi anti if you want Msii for Lot ::,:.trd 0-osscsssioîs of Pickerinsg. Oin ibis lie ik alto pselsredt î cxec ste ati onders for the Flute, Violîn, Cornet, Clarionet, Aceordion, t1rr s n i stirst-class Saw inisn cotn-I FLi IOOFI'ÇG, sutise boit"masiner &. csbsnb ots lett- ruîsîiîsg rier: ABRA.M LOGAN ) For iartictstars atiily to the owuer at iii, w issîl ,oc.859. 10-if. Coting1paecsngny Pickerinsg Poist Olice.---- otiig1paecsn nl P. F. WHIITNEY, Tf 'Q C (% J10Cnts a Number ; Vearly, $2.50 ; Haif- Proprîetor. -ST ÏE , TO ES 1 c' early, $1.25 Ail the Back Nnsnbers at 10 ts., and Bounti l'il.rintcioer 18).10-t -YVoltimes, contaissing 17 Numbers, ai $2.50 eacb, + constantiy on hanti. Store to Let. C. B. SEYMOUR, e> ~ __ 107 Naqsàa St., New York ii;R [ stUl One Store in tise I1 Ag555 wantedfoth 1entes h%-~ 511d-i ltii leiii. Ifreîsîcd ;oi'n cssn l- uorks. li ti tlsiii ils ruîsssît. TIis is sone iftise 21. BJ:ST STANDS [N TIIE TOWN, tor a (isocerv, Drv Goods, or Fancy Gossti L .SE Vr1 iE A Il . JAMES WALL.ACE, M it Ujlutii H E seven yeare of unrivailed success attend i ~ Proîtnietor. ___J --i ng tise FARM 1F0 S '.'kLE.-ra S ciic s Cosmopolitan art Association,", i__re t Sa rfie_ have matie it a hoîsseholti word throughout every ~sffendit fanin for sale, being le.\oril fifty <11iE SI'BSC RIBE Rlisas commencoti ant ill iiqusarter of the Country. 1 t 1 kie Soust hsnesitiiti sretisf'tLot N o. 22, ists. ctt0 osi îIlw t ofhieexens1e Undter the iauspices cf ibis popuienlInstitution, coiiITBu, Io Seltheo of hsetnieover tAree hundred tAousosîd Aomes Isave Iessrned îi OF WIIITI; Stock of o apprcciate--hy 1boentiftil wcrks cf arts on [,:t vingson tlse 1Esst suie of tise irssvsl Rîsarsi COOKING, PARTOR & BOX STOVES, sîeir aîîs, anticlseice literatune on thecm sables. iliiij,, .( Inll he ss c f Whisby 1to rst Psrr ,AT COS-T PtICIE tise groat benefits derived frons heconing asu- 01 t1ý sssî lda Noi o' 50uc î l ntNi16a I'l>s rscrwiii tic welt :ceau t e EssaI- seriber. > 'ti: ossîî i. lrssi lisessilis - i- Purch. tss's lrsssiott ln ts-î Suhscriptiol5; are now heisg recis-eti in a rosis 07l Woý1el o tis at i 1 BA7IOGX naralleled with tisai of uîsy jrcvississ *çcsr. S t) 1, t, ssii,,,w s it iittll iig Ocrd(slt . .-AX. - tmsOF SUaSCtRIPTe.-Any jberson car j114 i q is-s bl- a so i a wlss-..fiiisg Wlitisv, Jss n1ssrv .30,1I860. 2 4-tf Wosii. (nsrs.'siiîs~cAiever-fitin Spriig becoine a member by subscribing 3 50, for wbicti ilio k rs~ lsr>isgs tie la,'.sîîm tlsey ill receive -'wsr 5îitis s'ro~t ncîîh r t tthels rnssspia ..,~ist.-The large anti superl steel en.grssving, 1,u trir aril îrtl1-ivnth emss I S U R dT x3Ox2tt incdes, entitied, I"Falstauff musteienitsI ~ ~~ ~2l- , ~i 1-t PENIX F11E ISURNCEco~PAy 2ti.-(ne cepy, one year, of that eegaut il- Marci 21t.,1,410. HRRI FliE ISURACE Oh PN isstraieti magazine, I"Tise Cosmopotitan ant - sLOMBARDO STR5EET AND cHîasxo CRtOSS, LONDON. Jossrual,'1 3ti.-Fssur atimissions, during the season, îs HO SE F R AL .ESTA.BYLISHE[ED IN 1702 "The Galliery of P'aintitigit, 548 Blroadway, 11t Sr AT .('iMMOI i>iS Ilt'it'K ('t(T- Gb sîY.I 11lition t 1 uIcaboie henefsis, tisere fll T lIlA%(.E cossiiiisssg4 . GILLttiteEsI>IE, MOFFAT. & (CO, 4 iltîissîsAgents for C'ansada. b e given to thc sui>scihers, aq grabsitous pro- ssi ~otsr1, sus-, tisijrsseniiy ocNîisi - SîR.NCES agaiîsst LLSSES l'FIllE arc niums, over Fis'e Ilisdroti Beautitol Wonýoks sf ('liisrles l'ierson, wiiiis sbonttlisfînAr-o etlicteti on the sisîust fsavorsable terîns, anti Art! comprising valuabie paintinge, marbles, 1,it ssi ssîbr citition tss A good i veil, ii.ph ,tSSES 1sitiwitsosst nefsronce Io tise 1ilotrîl in pîrians, outtines, &c., forning a truy -national onu-itt oth. ls rüt1SVisi5s-. Lnonenefit. abii siiite l5sîe 'iy lisee sîti cisespIL slWs . W OD ADnE GREAT ExGnÂviN, whicb cveny snbscrib- olss-s'y ternsis of jsyissls. For 1articutssrs a. I W OO)AiD or will reoeive, entitieti, "FALS.v4s'vMuvîsTEIus pliy tg) (ominissioner Mcrcs'snt, Tt'iby, HuseREcRIsdTs, le anc Of lWsemost beautiful and CHAi.S. PEARSIJN, ('oitCunty of <>ari<i. popusiar cngnavîn-gs ever issued i i thie cauntry. Ursîînieor; Wlitlty, Aîsg. 17, It' is dosnc on steel, in flse Une andi etipple, ant ii or tci - pinieti on heavy plate paper, 30 by 38 incises, TiiOMAl.S IVALLACE THI E makîing a most cisoice ornunsent, sîiebie for ihe l idcAusîîîs tOffice wails cf cihen the librany, panion or office- 1:s A.b4 In<nnAo VirATvsaîivonàeA Conanv tpv .. s..î-.lp.,.sd %.s t ofSirTnhn Pal- staff receiving, in Justice Sbaliaw's office, lhe rocruits which tiare bon gathered for lis "s-ng- tred nrrment." It couiti-not be fssnnishcti by tIse mrate for lese ulsan five dollars. TIse Art Journal is tact1 weIi known te tise wIhe Country tsio ed commontion. It 18 a magniftcontiy ihitîstraieti magaîzine cf Art, con- taiîsing Essaye, Stonies, Peeme, Gessi.. c., by tle vcry lest wniiere in Amerteca. Thec Engraving is sent ta any part of tise country by mail, with sssfety, loejýg puseketi in a cyliîster, postage prepii Subsoniptiens wIi le rocoiveti until the Even- ing ef île 3lst of Jantsary, 1861,ant vhicl tisse tîse books iii close and the 1remittms le given ta subsonilsers. For (siniser 1iantieulars stnsl for r. copy cf tise eh-gantiy iltueirateti- Irt Jourssa!, lirusiositscyt r tic' hindsncf ogs:s ai.'mri,ra. it coulains Catohogîle of l'remiuunis, and, numes-ous superb rcngravings. Regîslar unice, 50 colitse: numu- bes-. S1seciieîs copies, liowever, ul là-, sent -to lîsese wislsissg tb-sibgcribe, on receipt of 18 cents, in etamison cous. C. L. DERBIY, Actua-y C. A. A., j4G hBroadway, New-York. N. B.-Subsclisons neceiveti anti Çorwarded by TV H. DOEL AXgett or Weuîvav artid vicissity, wberespecimen Engras-inga an-hl Art Jounal cals be seen. Scieutifi and Practical Ag.lr-Ithure. By HEMNaY STERaruNS, F.R.S. of Edinbtorgli, andi the late J. P. NORtTON, Prof'essor of Scienificl Agriculture in Yale Cullege. New Havetn. 2 vo?", P.oyal Octavo. 1600) pages, and numer- us rngraviogs. - Thi3 i., eonfessedly, the most complete work on Agriculture ever published, and ini order to give it a wider circulation thec publishers have re- solved to reduce tLhe price teo Pive Dollatrs Jor thre two Volumies! When ýsert by mail (post-p4id) to California and Oregon the price will be $7. To every other part of the Union, andte t Canada (post.-epaid.), $0. "- 'This wûrk je MOT the old IlBook of the Remittances for any of the above puiblications shoeulti £lwaya b. addresaed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & C0. No. 54 Qold,etree4, New York. December lot. 185F).' 5-tf. M EDI J L. ADYERTISEMENT. *flUIIFor th. INSTANT RE- N~THME LIEF and PERMANENT LID AUIRI CURLE of this distressig complaint nuse Bro>ae, i dgarett8% Madie by C. B. SEYMO URy, & 0o., 107 NASSAU STREET, N. Y. Price, 1prbx etfe FOR. SALE AT Â.LL DRUG!ISTS. Drug & é Ohemicalsj. Dr. PAINTS, DYÉF-STU1FFS, QILS an b G. A.« BAqNZ6TERP i , DENT18TR . - EDCAL 'HALLI , ~NÃ" 1 , KING STREET E.AST,ý1 Dre. OÂLIliEDe & CARD, TORONTO. Room ozer thre Store ofrC. 14ft5dB, lýsq., Whlltby., RUGIE[KILLER L& Co., W7 HEREthey inay be fotînd prepared to per. CH EM ISTS1 AN D bR1JGGisTrs, IVform aII l eratlonispon thceruost in4sroved anti ecientioprinciples practleed by thc pro- îxPRonvSs AND DEÂLERINS - fession. Engliuh (hemials Patent Kediotues, TEETt XINER'rsED PEEPUtMEHY, TEETI IN ER'fED VLS, PAINTS, BRUSHIES, VARNISIIES, ODYE- in thle varions approveti sbyles, eseciaily in thse STTFS. &rc. leteat yet weil ieti aone, N. B3. Pisysicia ns: Prescriptions anti Femily llpon the Vulcanized Rubln or, whicb et pvegentbide fair te eut rivai al cthen5 for case and consforit tch wearer, from ils pez foot adaptation; iL is mue1 eleaner anti cleaper andi withai mora durable, llaving lad set-oral yeane' experience wtl lise most diffiotult cases of Dental- subetitutes as a test of îhe vuloanlo proceSa and mnateriai, tbey would partlcniarly invIte those Who issste scen unsuccosefut in teIrs efforts witt l ît, Silven, or other mcetallii substansce, te (aven tisem 'with a cati. Inu&al cases SATISFACTJON GIVEN OR NO CHARGE -MADE. - eiP- Prices as iow as those of any experienceti oîîera ton. F CE tise atoun the vnty borg. Wliisby, June 20, 1860. 44- tf CONDITION MEDICINE. Tise only reaily roliabte remedyfsrIIEAVS COL'GIiS, COLDS, THIiCK antid OIE WIN;D. os- any other complaint uffeccing tise wind of Ilorses: elso for. Worms, Yellow Water, I osa of Appetite, ansi ail deragonsents cf tise Digestive Os-gens. Ass(onditioi'Mesdicine it bas NO EQITAhL, as ait whc lave usti itltestify- itlinas restoroi te PERFECT SOUNDINESS, thousantis of 1-lorses sisîpissecl 10 le breken ttownuantialmost wsrth- les, all traces cf disease huviug leen complote- iy rensovesi, snti have afte--was-ss been- soltifos- fs-cm $51) to $100, more tIen tlscy usoutti have previoiî.sly hrouiglt. Man>' 'ao ticai in isotsess usse it, lit «hielîlee(Condition anti aîîeasauce of îscis- Ilores are 50 muets inuprovedti la t tue>' ccli miore neadul>'and ti a igises- rce It is eas > te gis-e, SURE TO CtURiE, and safe nt ahi tuons anti in ail cases, anti deesi not Itrevent tIc Ilotsse (roslit bing wos-ked whsile îsing it. Tt may like- w-se e giron tu IIOIINED (ATTLE. Do net feu teu purchase a Package, tînt you may lave it on hant int case cf ensesgene>'. D. W. IURD, Sole Pronus-ltos-. 93 Maiden Lan'e, N.'Y. BROORLIN DRUG I-LORE. IIIE Stîbsoriehoiaving fita1 up thse oIt 'lStore se long necîsîieti b>'- DÂNiEis & Ce. us Dry Goosi îsuws linLtin aie so thc pub- lic tisai lie tues filet it andtiind3 keeping on bsandî, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS & OILS. PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAP, BRUSHES, COMBS, RLJIRJJS. PATENT MEDICINES, anti ahi articles usiualy fount inha D i!'Nse E;!i2003IL IMOIKS à&STLTIOVEIY anti appcsssages ilucroto icogng wi oulti fus-les- state to thc puiblie tIsai le'a-lit kecp on band a general assortmont of y ED& 9AIR'VEUSE ZDS T'IMOTI[Y anal CLOVER. Also COAL OJL AND LAMPS, 11-j-TIse Stîbscniber tias been te considoruble exl«ien obtsiisiing a practical Clemist anti Drtiggiist, anti hopos by îîunetnalit>' anti strict insegnit>', toeonsuro tise patronage of thc publie. All prsescriptions nilil e carefuli>' preparet ni n oye le estblishisig a permanent business. Termes, in all cases, CaseI. Broeklin, Marcl 8,1860. 29- PHYSIGIAN, T AVINOG taken up bis residence in tie viin- fl lu>' of Oshana anti Whitby, (Ij mi1ewest-of tIse fermes-, on the main s-cati) rospoclfully in- ferme île fientis of Meticlat Roes-, tînt le is piepare'l 10 noceive a fen patients isito lis famil>', anti attend t0onîudoor practice bath in ton and coussnry. iBas. BaxNTý gives assistance-tofemale patien.ts. Martyrs tb phyeic nlo havebltriedaur s>'sbem ticelare il 10 o e hegrean4est bon b sifeing bumanit>' ever promulZatetl.".0 We weuiti ativlse lb. afflictedto taoelanti see us; eus- opinion sblelloiens péa thhng. If no ca nnot do tIseni Aesy gootil, neguarantee ta do tIsons ne las-m-as ne reputitate' e -eryttsing in- compatible";itis isatis-belhowhng'tisaI, tsal nhlel makes the nel sick. câanot make tise sick We suimit tbe -c&nid itisceraing pubhliecte enquis-e of eus- patients ýwe ibave afew,,3u tIe vicinit>') as to thse mesits and4adaptablÃœty of oui ruin tment ta, eveu the-most délicate of fsae I3OTANIC DISPENISARY9 £No 31 Est Broadway NenYôsk. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Celebrated Female Pile. Preparcdfrom e prescription of Sir J. Clarkce, M.DJ., PAysiciaa Extreordinary to t/se Qsseea. This invainabie medicine is nnfssliing in the cure of ail those paiifîui anti tangerous disease to wbicls the femate constitution is sîîljeci. lu moderatos aIt excuse anti nemoves ail obstruc- lions, anti a speedy cure may le roilet on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is penfectiy suitet Eacli boutle, price One Dollar, bears tise Gev- ernment Stemp of Great Bitein to prevent coun- Iu ail cases cf Nenvotis asnd Spinal Affections Pain in tihe ilack andi Limbe, Fatigue on aliglis exentiots, Palpsitatiion cf île Henni, Hysterie, anti Whites, Ilese Pis wiii effect a cuire svhcn ait other means have failed, sint aithougis a powerfist remedy, de not contain mron, calomel antimony, or any thing huriful ta île constitu- tion. Full directions in the pamphlet aroîînd ecli package, wihel aousîti e carefuily îsnesenved. JOB MOSES, Soie Agent for île Unitedi States anti Canada, Rochester, N. Y. Nontîîrop & Lyman, Newcastle, OeuvraI AgIe. for Canada. N. B.-$1,00 anti 6 pestage-stamps enclose tL any authonizeti Agent, wfll insunee abottle co taining over 50 pille, b>' returu mail. o rale Ly GA. Panuittcr, anti W. 'H. Dccl ekStretfWbhitb y. 1-m NEW TREATMENT! BUFFALO MEDICAL DISPESSARY Retallisîcti for thc cuire of s] r, DÉ. GOODpIG friryo gaL ANEW, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUCCESS- AFUmoutof reatNq »~ seli Weakness, Disease pf si e'KiduI.yî anti Bletder,, Rheumatisi mSera-, fuIs, Salt flium, errC5la DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE, SCROFIJLA, OU) ULCERS, ERYSIPi5EiLAS, GRIEAT tMPUTRITY 0F ilL<OD, SALT RBHFUM, PlIf- 1'LES, FISTULA, PILES, LIVER TO COJ4SUMTIVES -N IjifHVOÃ"tUS 58UrFE MIB -:O:=-- t The subscniber, for se'verel years'.e resident~ of Asia, discovcred wIilo tisere, a simple vegetablO, remedy-e sure Cure for Çosssumption s,.ftha, Bronchiieg, couglus, CoUs, and Nersuoiu Debilily. For île boneit of Consusaptives andi Ners-ous Sufferers, he is willing té make thé seme publie. To those who ticairo il, ise will-send tle Pres-i cription, witl full directions (frec of charge); elso a -sample of the medicine, 'whicl they will finti a beaulifcl combinatien, et-Nature's simple herîs. Those tesining tise Rometi>'cen obtain il by reburu mail, ly addrcssing J. E. CUTHBERT, BOTANIO PHiSIOsAN. No 429 Broadway, Mew York. 34-tf .MISCELL.LIJ'EOUS. c teds, Seed.s F RESUT Imporeti Fieldi anti-Gardn Seds Warranlcd Gootiat Wlitby 11th ÀApnil, 1860. DrS. gStore'. 34-tStor NOTICE. TIF SUBSOItIBER hereby notifies ail indebi - -ed to him by Book Account, Note, or Mort- gage, that some par', at least, of their respective debts must be paid forthwith, t enabie him to meet pressig demands. .JAMES t«ALLACE. PASTURE. HORSES AND C-ATTLE teken in t0 pasture. Atso Sandi Sione for sahe, Appiy 10 WILFRED C7SCHREIBER, On the Ferquanson Prop erty, Wliitiy, May 15ih7-1860. 89tf Noney1 r IlE Sîsîscniber wili pey Cash for ST1E SK INSy RAGS, anti FURS cf a Il dsfîl ABRAM LOGAN. Whiîby Oct 24, .1859. 10-tf Horseshoeir g and Farriery. l ILb hppy ttii tëbaU sBk< <ath ~lie Idy o perience ho es to-give ezitire uatisfation. SaleB attende brni adftsubCSil Whitby, Augat22, It~. f. JOSEPH-AIOR S AlqUFÀCTUIREP. of Pisiol and Ifusital M Tsstwuisents, is, now prepareti. t e eet ail orde s"intusted ta hlm on the sisorteÏt notice, alnd in: the bst style of workmansiip. -As regards the superionity of the Pianos he ha. furxaed out since ho .commencet iniiWhitby, h. lias ail>' to state that bc bas taken tise fi-rat prizes attsa Provincial Exhibitions at Toroîstto-asiti King- ston, anti but fom.being a day toa late in g.etilng bis Piano ealeredjat thée Hamilton Exhibitifon, lie flattons- iiself that tise.also ho wossld have beeneuccessfui1. Tise Jutigesh >ighLy recomnsenidecl it, anthe folaowing gentlemen pranonuceti it f* be tise boit et île Exhibition, WFm. Branof, Professer cf Mussic, New York, F.. 0. Palier Prof. of Music New York ; F. Riler, Prof. of Music, Buffalo ; L. Urirseis, Prcit of Muic, Chicago. -. Whitby Sept. 25, 1860.54 THE PATRIOT, & NEWS OF 14E WEEL 1 '1E favor with whicl Thse Leader lias heen roceiveti ly îhe Public ma e.y jutigetihy tbue fnet thnt suce lis commencement, in Juiy 1852, il isas steadily increaseti in'cîrculatioli until, ini lis variouns Editicir, it has several tbonsanti more suu ecnibers tIssu any otiser paper lin Cana- da. Every exonieon is being usedti t make it more andi morelundispensibie for e-ves-y famiiy in the Province. le publiiee every morssing, in time for thse early- trains, et Six DoLi.Aus ~r snnum, *inativance. il is a large sheet, and conîains tise earleat and most relieble intelligence t tisa eb.obtained frons oves-y part of, thc wanid., TILE SEMI-WEEKLV LEADER le publishedi an Tuestisys anti Fritisys, at TnimE DoLLits a year, lin adiance. It containsal the rending malter of tise Daily Leader; anti for parties who de net reside Vear enougis toaa Pomil Office to cali evory day, tis paper will sîsppiy 11cm nis aIn thc iistéli'ence tliey e4osid recelve fron tise Dail>. g THE WEEKLVY LEADER Uu,.ssrs,.s.Ni1,I)EIIlITYbs le'.111i, <0<J0S b IN. .îs psîisishotivery nillay7and "'MF, PATRIOT C.NI'ER, SURE MOUTH, TUTE Subscibc- in rene n nte"ESERWE"aeulse I'LCERATEI) TURO AT. îsun nitc KW OTEWE"aepbiît ASTIINIA, INCIPtENT CONSUMPTION, tisanks for former suîpport, wouîid oves-y Wednesday, et thserate of ONE DOLLAR INFIIIMATIES O3F YoI'TiI AND 01I)D AGE, -- eg to announce tisai le las s-c- inativance. Tiisepapereareprtedoua large &C., No MRUYUE.. movedti luBnooklin, neanly orso- sheet, anti contain tise most important part of site tise Wosieyan iethotiiet le rcadingmatterof tise Daily Leader. M1arliet DIR. Amos Lý SON, C'htsrchi, vhsene le is Itroparotite Repuorts are particuIanly attemided to à th11m. (CORINER OF MAIN AND QUAY STREETS ç;continueo bis bsines as Ilorsescen a ndiFaurrier Tlese are tise OHEAPr!ST PAPSES i tise Proimees. BUtFFALO, NEW YORK, % JOIIN GRAINGER, Osse dollas- a yeor le added Ioe acI Edutioli l1E TITE ONLY PiIYSICIANS IN TITE Bo l 1 ..15.ii. ne e at uaiasa rXState wiso-nre Mensîsers cf the Rl styi Usîtsge ' IfE A RC L URS' oAde'ies cf Sursgeoins I.ondtsn. T H 7_I LT RST oA vrie Mssv lie conisiteti frssm 8 s'ciock in the mor-- 'Tisc large cireulation of T/se Leader-malies il îsissg until 91 o'clock at niglis, in oves-y stage anti AITIFICIAI, M1 1U 1 E, Ise very les- medium cf publishing not.005 of synuîtonîs cf Diseese. I )ecîsliarls- atapteti for Fal .Wlseat. TIselest an>' kinti. TIse reatuient ts-y atoisth îe rcssilt cf up niCosctFniie iip-ieMnsc.Cn Raites-For Dally-Fous- pence a lins, for fisst nantis(cf tlsirty yearï extensive anti suscccs0flsl tsîiuing in a coneesstr:ted anti yet soluuble (osrn, insertion, ansI one î.enny caci s ssiiequentinsert- israciice in Lontiots halever is vaissahie ini FersYasrsd Manuié~ ion-For Wecklies-six pence a lise for eaeh A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION 1 Guiano, Boises, Nitrate of Sodat, Nitre-PIes- insertioni. A4n ingtrîsment for tIse cure cf genital Dohilit>', tlissies, &c., &c. Is Cheaier than Farsm Yard For îl eaenst, neatest anti beat or Noctunasl Emmissions, more praperiy kuown Manuro, anti of casser application. as Sominai Weaknese &c.-Cen le penmanthy 13Pnico $55 per ton. Frons tlree ta fi-ce cnt. J OB PR I.NXT I-.G, cuusod in from fificen days, ta two monuis, li sufhlient for an acre. Put up 'in basroils of tîree go btIcth Leader OfficeToronto. - the use of lis Instrumàent, nhen usati oonjointI3cnt ecI. To be batl of nulh m4icince. l.- W. WOODWARD, - W ap m a ca YOUNG MEN TAICE PARTICULAR-NOTICE MgnasSret Dr. ANIOS & SON take îîicîsîs- in anncuncingan sotmtof0]- tînt tIc>' lave inveriet a inost impotan instru- N w,& Str IUST REGETVED ai sotnn fVM ment for the cure of tise above discasca. ithas been - . & ý. s.>tre MON, GREY, BROWN, andi MANILLA sulje ctedt b a -test by'tle eminset îlysicians îB (C KL NWRZAPPI xG PAPERS, aIl ixas nl hbe-sold sa' London, Pladelpîsia anti Now York; SBSRIES i baaosfytse - heap as-tis. Montreal or Toronto Pricés, - been tieciaredthte ont>' usefisl instrnment ever T habitants of Brooklin antisnrrountiing coun- . - At tise, inventeti for thxe cure of Seminai Weakness or try 'tisai îîey have openet sasien Root anti Siso.YANJ4KEE NOTION Sfk----.-- an>' dîsese of the genital osgens, causseul by tle Store ha tIis villaRe, neari>' opposite the. Globe- secret habitsa.1 youth. - - Iid, niere iseai>' every article lixtlxbethline of ÈS- ~irtW l. 1 j ç' (L Dr. A MOS & SON, in ordtieseatisfy tise most business wiln ho found of thse Rost Style andi- "~' " ~ ~f seeptical as ta thc morits cf tîsis instrument, Qaii-At WtIOLEALE PuitCES. pletige tsensselves biset in n>' instancaes-hee1h laviisg secune th te servics cf thesest Mecis- may prove unsetiafacton>' eften a (air trial, the anies uic>' are proparodti 10 xecuteal as-tiers BLANK B0O mono>' nilIl le refssndeti by neiunning ih# instru. prom e ty, ant i te eest possible mannes-.BLANK BOO. S mont in gooti os-ten.; SPRAGUE PALIIER. O TS T5E'1N Pensons wisiing bise elove instrument null oh- Brooklin, Dec. le 115h. 15 4ms SADR N ICLNO ol ser-ve biset thc price, nis tise nempîng di -____________________ s-ctions, seccurel>' peoktd, aint > xress s 8 X» ermemint 3Building & - OS LL111>5 ico dollars. OFociety.S NE W RE MEDIES AND) QUICK CURES. B lIaJk Books ]Ruled fud Round A CURE WARRANTED. (T undensigneti las been appointed Surveya.i Dr. AltOS & SON have for a long-sesions of or thc above'Society, anti takes beave tc To .axir FArTTai. yeas- been engageti in an extensive practice in a nnoiince thnt leis prepaitta oreceive applca- tise trealment of tisese deliesîte complainte, andti ions for Icans, wnié il l le matie on improvcc BO OK B I JVJ>I .N'G arc the oniy tcgaliy qualifieti Physiciens wnIe ferme, anti othes- propos-t>'of approvoi TalnO5 or-l i t raceats ron advertiee te, cure certain. cemlaints, or tise lilenal termesiniposeti b>'tise Company'. l l t rn1eý h (cens nIon genuise Ruropean remetiies oaa ho JOHN AGNEW, YANKL7E NOTION S7tDRE. obtainoti. Insurance Agent Aie. PERSONS IN ANY PART 0F THE WbRLD 9-m.Whisly. WlitisyJ une 12,-1860. - 1 Ma>' ho successftly tneated b>' fonnantiing a ors-oct doteii of theis- cases, witis remittaneo Agents W anted. medicine, &c., nhiel wilI be retunnedti nulrit uîmost disptel, anti secure from observation. tyDollarsa otanalexuei Adtiress, Dr. Amas & Q-on, corner Main an -Fft a-oitiaid ale'pn Q u e > ' S tr e t s B u f flW o , N . 'Y . 4 6 - t f à 1 i a À e n . nP. i e e v C o i t IDBI. MO0T T'fýS CHALÉYBEATE 813TG1RATIVEPILLS 0F:IRON. An~ ~ ~ ~ i spret idisc'epeeatn of IRO ipurI_ Jad VfO '0 n-11L Ca b ucl xsnnox yrgu iseiedb, t -ehibc dkaat îorîie, botin uopanitheUnited Stases, and ptrecribed inl their PTh»'!e experseuce othousnd d.aly prove. Usa:no pre- parasiors ofiron cma becmnp&ed vilh ii. Imptsritice c the biood, de pression of vitalenergy, pale sund otherwsse .siekly eomplexions mdficate iha uèeesaty iatmost eéry ccsen'bleC8D. lnxinua ir aail maladiÇs lu whicj ilt ha eatried. it aab Was vsolt urtv uec ofh'oi«mlcomnpinte, ainz ey urliçine lu ebiitýýýC owAfuselonasu4Eacianon,: Dya"p. &asC<ontipion, Dssrrhoei. Dyse.ntery, Incipent t.os- sumptiosi, tcrofulous TuberculYosia, SalitRheuin, Mia- menstruation,, tYlsite,îCblorÃ"t,4 Liver Complaluis. ChÏo4im e Uedaées -ilieÎàma*lms Intermittent Ycvers, Pimples un seFcdc ln casae ogeineral Deb1tlty, wlether tise-result of seulee dlaie«M bcuiudçmsuluourosandsi- cuiar energy-frorucýhroùic cipsiletilofîire torative haaprovedauceousful aun exteuawbicb no des-: crnIttiàn ov wriucu iittesWaibnu wjo.Wà1,rçnder cmtdibe.. laîalidaso lotngbed-rldden as Io bave becant orgoten luthei. own neighborhnwo, have auddenty, ré-ppares In thse busy worki asif ai . Iirnv rgm. proised uravl ti wtl 4d" ý M g 0 , îane or ý oL éressammaed -vie- ttu* oasssstsl s as jg~ae~s xbasin, sj Z aalsu5e, £pd tuaI eomlictn nervaus a id d4' peptie averslons' osir aud exercise for whtch th phy@i..ý giasshU nos-naffls- him atie aniits waniuCanartas, tselic os-tieniterduSte aNnatnateliibî Treei $2 SdaIp MachiurNe.w atioeatsdque Targ $us' Sigspiei gMachine.> Ps-ateieqfareer feni' ncis mee it tise. cpetati osier populas- mach inae i exitecae lteti ndm- beur ! respniexiAgensae À natetatve anieori ofrs-tnibesb' splee tsles-y cf- $50 pesli m oat adeesebs. Bsie, .ass prmane!nt. peiresoandstap, for conditinsseane ntc tins - J. W. IIARIS&Co - Shoe and Leatlrer Exrchrange, 49 Boston, -ma Dissluton f P erbhip. IN retnng bisaaks-for ilsepeet fa'vors confer-, jsedoa mne nhile-n the lise of Lo.wry,&Rose, I bej that having leasedth îe premises la tel>' oc- ctiid b>' Cales ý 'Phippen and obtainedth ie services of a first rate plouglU-maker, I hope b>' slnictattention tô ail1 wor1k li flue of huai- ness, sl 4oretith fa'ous ofibe public.,, Hrso 5ghq, Waffgt Bug. gies, Ctors" SlI-a d Ei rai. ,Fqb. 21 1880, I - n il e -s 1- 34-tf ý ýp ý 18-3m. 1

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