* Yoeawurw. hoem1u r - Dring ln this Advortisement for I /I fo Disoun Iay *eVaIid tili Nov. 1/93_* *Cordon Sue Sweets I Light Lunches, Speciy DesseMs * Wedding Caks, Cakes for adl occasions S1411Brock St. S. 668-2722 L MON.-FR!. 8:30-5:30 SAT. 9-5:0Ml Heritage Day is informative and fun Thle residoet Of Wbitby have always taken great pride ,in the town's past. That could account for the popularity of Heritage Day, an annual celebration of years gone by. Thbis year's Heritage Day activities focuses flot only on the historical significance of Whitby, but also on the future of the town. The theme of Heritage Day is: Preserving our heritage...for our children. "We wanted 10 offer children an opportunity to look back at Whitby's past," explains Bail> Power, chairperson of Whitby Downtown Business Improvement Area's Heritage Day committee. "But it is reaily for ail of us. Heritage Day is very much a family day." The day of celebrating Whitby's heritage is put on by the Whitby Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC) and the BIA. The seventh annual Heritage Day, fallng on Sept. Il this year, will feature displays, contests and entertainment for the enhire family. "We try to have ail the activities relate to history in some way," Power says. "Some events wiil be informative while others we have included for fun." In total, approximately 50 activities are planned for the day. starting at 9 a.m. and continuing through 5 p.m. Displays include Earl Pascoe's antique dlocks and buttons, a quilt show, wood carving display and many other interesting activities. If you feel in a competitive snood enter Heritage Day's apple pie contest, preserve competition or sidewalk art contest. There wiil also bu plenty of entertainment, including the Whitby Brass Baud, a busker and face painting for Whitby's younger citizens. One of the highlights of the day is a walking tour of the downtown area by Whitby arvhivist Brian Winter. "Brian's walking tour realiy focuses on Whitby's henitage," says Whitby BIA manager Linda Lawson. "It is really something to experience." Heritage Day is important for Whitby and the downtown core. Over the past seven years. Whitby famies have made this day one of the most popular activities in the downtown area. "It is fun and It is also a leamning experience - people like lu find out about the town and its past," says Lawson. Power continues, "Heritage Day allows people 10 reflect on Whitby 's past. AfteoilI, this is wheoe il ail bugan, at the four corners." Sept. Il is Heritage Day. Activities bugin at 9 a.m. and are held throughout the day. Whitby's LACAC and BIA invite eveiyone to join the celebration. Tlhere is plenty to see and do and there is plenty of free parking. Heritage Day is a great way for the family 10 spend an enjoyable day together and leam a 11111e about the town and ils past. For more information on 1leritage Day, contact the BIA office at 666- 4189. Downtown Whitby's Heritage Day Is a chance for people to take a look back at the town'S PaSt. There wiII be a variety 0f demonstrations and dlsplays, lncludlng perlod damtes - lilce the ones modeled iast year by Stephanle Martln and Usa Lerch. Back to Sohool Eu EIsa's Children's Things 360 Brock St. S. (I.G.A. Plaza) Whitby - 668-4133 0OFF !/0FALI WINTER CLOTHUNG LARGE SELECTION - ONE STOP SHOPPING SALE ENDS SAT., SEPT. 11/93 Durlng this sale the store is open from: Tues.-FrI. 9 a.m. - 9-p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. l