10 ooeumwi Ocwu Thaaiy traditi-on conitinues In 'ýWhitby,, It iasbee neriy47 ear sloe ob ad adeine "Weare please4 we located in Whty"Dynes saya. move4 to Ibis bigger location,",,emas"Blvhle Dynes opened their jewellery store ln Leaside, on a "-We love the town and the facilities for iising afamily it is jewefleryýb otgiftam, we stmli have 111e salue ligh locatiQa a newspaper report called the suburbs of and rereational activities'are wonderful. TTw. tnad o i h ecads ecn. Ibronto. ~~accepts ust' wbich h nice toôé." So, whethcr ,o r lookingfojeelrorie consldered the suburbs today. But the move by-another Dynes generation c6Wd be .consldered locallng ln the outsklrts of Toronto, when ln 198q~ Paul and Susan Dynes opened the doors to their new store ln Whltby. . We were Iooklng for an aieatbat showed ýeowth and presenteci us wilh agooc, atixtosph=reto serti and ralse oui familly,"# says Paul Dynes. It was down to Whutby and Stratford and Whltby won out. 'We feit growth ln business was cozning east -rather tha going west," he cont1nues.;'Oncewe saw Whltby, we knew this was wbere we were going to open our business and It was declded in a matter of two weeks." Dynes & LloydYe.wellers first opened ln Pearson Lanes, but the store Outrew the location and moved to- its ixesent Brock St. N. store. Dynes & Uoydi JeweIIern were a tit. with Wltby minor baseball recently wMen the clOWntown retalier presented th e association wit a cheque for $323 raisedl durlng a spécil promotion. .Plcturedi from left to right' gré: Alan Gunn, school trustee with the Durham'Board of EdUcatlon; John Doistra, Whltby counciiior ,Beth Whyte, representing Whftby minor basebali; Paut, Dynes andl Stephen Uoyd Dawe. WIth a flrm grasp on the chetiue are Ryanf Gunn and Adam Gunn. ~Ip IlOYa i>awe -the Lloyd in the business ame -, says Dyiies & Llo.,dl Jýweïlei~ is moe- than a, jewdllery store. "The type of merchandise has chainged since we J" fl Op WUI!Y9, Satuday 94, Sunday 10- 666-371 84 311 Brock St N., Whltby 1