0«0len 3 OifS DowaYown a Wben Debra Sweetrnan lsn't looking up legal precedance In a law book, she 15 likely looklng through books and clipplngs compiling Information on lier famlly. «'I can't belleve (bat 1 have been at, (bis hait my itfe," Sweetrnan says. That 18 exactly wbat bas happened. Wben she was la hlgh school, Sweetman became lnterested In ber famlly',s past. Part of the interest sternmed from the fact tht she lived so far away from mostofhber faily. uI'm trom 'North Bay and ail my relativeslBye la soufliera Ontario," she says. "eWben you made a trip (bis way, you'd visit ail thie relatives and naturally become interested." 50, she started talking (o people and looklng through books - some searches belng more pleasant (han otbers. "You do bizarre thlngs like go looklng (brougli cerneterles and you can Vpend a lot oft Ure doing desk work," she says, "but for (lhe most part you find out some really lnteresting Information." The most trustratlng part of researching your farnlly's past cornes wbea you meet a dead end, Sweetman says. "But, it Is also, very gratltylng when thlngs fali Into your lap," she adds. '"Lke thie Urne when 1 teel Into researchi tbat took me back o 1515." Then, there Is thie question of skeletons ln the closet. Sweetrnan says she bas been spared (bat pretty mucli. She admlts (bat she lias found out a few interestlng (blngs, but none wbich could, lie consldered "skeletons." "There are tacts wbich make you stop, and tblnk," she adds. "For example, my mther's maiden narne means lawglver and look at what 1 amn dolng for a living."' ý1 Sweetman belongs Io (the Ontario Genealogical Society and several branches. These groups are helpful ln' locatlng Informnation. Wbat does she lntend bo do wl(b all the Information? "'l probably publisb some or ail of it someday," she says. "But I'm flot quite ready yetL" Sweetma141n taàkes a 100rk back The WHIB BIA maintains a list of avallable retail and office space i the downtown area. List contains information regarding: square foota ge, location, rates and contact. The list is updated. on a monthly basis. For ifraion, please eaUl the Whitby DIA office at 668-4189 or visit 128 Brock St. S. (use the entrance on Coiborne St. W.) WHUTBY MONTESSORI SCHOOL NOW AVAILABLE JUNIOR AND SENIOIRKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM CHILOREN 3-5 YEARS ý 1-3:30 P.M. e ELEMENTARY PROGRAM TODDLER PROGRAM CHILDREN 6-12 VEARS CHILDREN 2 1A-4 YEARS WHERE CHILDR.EN LOVE TO LEARN 430Ù-8201 II25~ FF1 FAIL FASHION CO-ORDINATES