E VOIUDOU~g~~W NbulUor IMU 116 k's B.mCk8t.S, h 4 -oM 6 à jUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTI Photo by CEUIA BRONKHORS 1 Laura BadIour's EmporgUM manager Lynn Doaîey-Marek talces a break from her dleanlng dIutis to talk with Durham Reglonai Police'conlstables Tunide Reti <Ieft> and Dan Denyer (flght). Oldtmre pol icework cornes Continued fromn Page 3 the west, Walnut St. in the north and Ontario St in the south. hIe community "It is excitiiig to be able to set things bae poicn prgam is also targeting up and be in on the establishing of a an area bounded by Dundas, Annes, something that will benefit a lot of Bums and White Oaks. people," says Denyer. "This type of policing has been "It is also a refreshing look at popular out west for about 10 years," policowork," he continues, " and dealing says Denyer, "and it looks like it is with people who want to talk to you. going to be very popular here as well." The downtown area targeteci by the For more information on the program, at this time, is boundecl by commumty based policing programn cal] Hickory St. in the east, Cochrane St. in 579-1520. * 3900i -un MAM. 1 3 vi,. co',OEc TAiBLE $1 -39 BOX a MATrRESS - 9o 5 PC. SOLID WOOD -2 PC. SOFA a CHAIRS $49900 DINING SETS $90 : RECLINERS FROM $19 6 6x 9 CARPETS$80 I j * PLUS LARGE SELECTiON 0F USED FURNITURE à APPLIANCES j i