Cos inr want conivenkuce and mevie - including post-ciate] Ucques. it his fée ecîs the I cosl of providing the service, the identification and the risk of the item presented. Money Mai is in the business of providing conve- nient consumer oriented cheque cashing and finan- cial services ta people who, desire an alternative to maînstream financial institutions. This article u'as submnitted for publication b1 IJO0NEY JMA1T Today's consumers demand service and conve- nience. Over the past decade, we have seen the growth of 'neighborhood convenience stores, fast food restau- rants, video rentai stores and many other service and convenience industries. During the past 10 years, convenience cheque 'cashing has had overwhelming growth as well. At present, there are over 4,100 outiets in North Amnerica offering this service, approximately 200 of those are located in Canada. People who desire personal service and easy access to cash, periodically turn to the conivenience of neighborhood cheque cashing outiets - like Money Mail. Many people prefer the simplicity of using cash. At places where personal cheques are not accepted, cash is, of course, always accepted. It is also much easier to control spending with cash than with credit cards or cheques. How many of us haven't spent endless hours trying to balance a cheque book? When cash is needed for weekend entertainanent or personal day-to-day needs, people appreciate the long hours, handy locations and fast friendly service pmovided by the cheque cashing industry. Money Mart cheque cashing centres are bright, dlean and modern, offering a relaxeri casual a.nd friendly atmosphere - which provides a comnfort level enjoyed by its customers. Money Mart outlets are not just cheque cashing centres. In addition, Money Mart provides Western A BOY RIND HIS LEPRECHRUN Comeron Watson caught up with this leprechaun and his pot of g01d. Comeron was the winner of the St. Patrick's Day promotion, In downtown Whltby. In the tradition of the leprechaun lare, the contest osked entrants to find the sprite. Cameron correctly placed the mlschievous elf ot the Whltby Montesorri School and won a stuffed leprechaun - mode by Vivion Aliken - and his pot of gold (welI, 1 5 loonles onywoy). Cameron filied out his ballot at the Olde Silver Thimble Quilt Shoppe. Now accepting A promotional & discount cards (GRENCARD, DINIER'S CLUB, ENTERTAINMENT, ETC.) k .i1 Union's Worldwide Money Transfer Service, curren- cy exchange, utility bill payments, photo identifica- tion, American Express mnoney orders, income tax preparation and electronic filing and Card Caller Canada telephone cards. Today's consumrers want choices. People can always take a personal cheque to their bank, credit union or trust company for cashing. Some retailers also provide cheque cashing as a service ta shoppers, usually when a purchase is made. People want options and the success of the chequie cashing industry reflects those needs and desires of consumers. This success is based on providing convenient service for a reasonable fee in a superior fashion to what is available elsewhere. Money Mart outiets are open six days a week, from 9 a. m. ta, 9 p.m. Somne are open seven days a week and others even offer 24- h our services. There is a 2.9 per cent fee charged for ail cheque cashing