4 ~ ~ ~ ~ h 1UJ -»WW Ma 94 Wldtby ats Sean McQuay is flot used to painting windows. But, when Lafontaine Trlading Post appmoached hlm with a project idea, the Whitby artist couldn't resist. "I lhought il would be a fun thing 10 do," he recalis. "I seldom do commissions and I like to concentrate on my own work. But Ibis posed a spe- cial challenge and, since Whitby is my hometown, 1 lhought il would be interesting to put something back into the community." The project was pretty straighîforward. The entrance at Lafontaine Trading Post bas two large solid section on either side of the door. The idea was to have a painting depicîing a window iooking at life- inside the store. McQuay says management at Lafontaine Trading Post left il completely up 10 him as to the subject matter. That is where the crealive process started. "I know they were interested in a scene depict- ing life inside the store, as if you were ioolcing through a real window. A sort of fantasy scene looking back in time," he explains. "I finally decid- ed on a stili life fantasy scene, but 100k a more car- toonish approach to it." The panel. now nearing compietion features many of the elements shoppers find aI the down- lown Whitby store. There are toys and clothes, accessories and other knick-knacks. There is also a playful cat. "The concept is somewhat different from what we orlginally discussed, but many of the elements they wanted are stili Ihere," McQuay says. leaves. bsmrludowintwu The project bas tumned int a lot of fun, reports the arlists. "It is always fun t0 do something different from lime to lime. Your system needs a jolI ai limes," he says. -When you work at something or in one for- mat for too long, you can begin to lose the edge. Doing something that is a 11111e different, works to refresh your work." The cartoon feel 10 the Lafontaine Trading Post painting is not somelhing that is new 10 McQuay. The artist bas a background in cartoon drawing and Il is a form that he stili enjoys, althougb he admits he doesn 't employ t.hat arl style much these days. 'The basic approach is the'sane, no, malter what type of art you are doing," he saYs. "'You slili have a blend of coîcirs and textures and you stili have îo create a well-baianced piece." McQuay says the challenge was to place enough elements in the painting 10 make it interesting to look ai without makling it look crowded. "The beginning of the process is always a litie daunting, but once you gel slarted, things begin to take shape," he says. The actual unveiiing has yet 10 be set. McQuay would sîmply say il was "*soon." You can't rush art. ime t. stort, Iookng etk I'tess "I'd be in better shape if!1 had fime to exercise. " "Once 1 begin an exercise pro- gram, 1 neyer can seem to stay wuth ia'for long." If one of the above excuses applies or sounds familiar bo you, you are not alone. According 10 a recent study conducîed by the American agen- cy National Sporting Goods Associalion, over 45 million peo- pie across North America helieve they have neither the lime nor the self-discipline 10 get and stay fit. "The hardest thing is getting started," says Thomas Doyle, the associalion's direclor of informa- lion and researchi. "For some, even taking a brisk walk each night witb a friend or spouse would be a beneficial and fun starting point." That is the secret - make il fun. Doyle suggests selecting activities you enjoy and find a parlner you enjoys the same activ- ities. Doing something you like is motivating, whîle having a parI- ner wii molivate you even more. Il is veiy important that you sel reaiislic, reachable goals for your exercise program and that you pave YOurself. If running a hall mile is ail you can manage at first, stay with that distance until you are ready for more. Set new goals after accompiishing old ones. It is also important to con- suit a famnily doctor and a fitness professional for exercise activity advice. Doyle adds one final sugges- tion: -Don't get discouraged. Remember, a littie effort each day, increased gradually over lime, will resuit in long-range success." VNIIiI Future Is sues Street Date June 5 Deadline May 2e Street Date JuIy 4 Deadline June 25 For Advertising Rate and further information Please Cail Heather or Sharon at 579m4400 I . 4îý