MOs, 1994 VOIJW DSWNIWN 5 Mo THE R S'DA y 1My 8,19949 JWI Take Conid ofYour Hair - Tis fox usy Mm T Munu@e ' Y . Loe HM a i W UII a Culhuoed PeaU CMf Today's Mom is a jack-of-al-nrades. Iugghung thse responsîbilsuies of a bouse- bou(L a family and even a career mean makg plenty of sacrifices. Ofien, she Too often we take for granted ai thse gives up much-needed "ligne out" to focus on hier appearauce and well-being. love snd devotion amother gives'to Wbcn a hsir-raising day Icavea mom feeling complclely out of control, it doesn't ber family. So it's only fiuting tisai one -'Z have t0 show! Nf limne ix scarce in the morning, ihere's o need to go throuigb the day bas been set aside for mom tu relax < ,day looking lire she juas rolled out of bed. It only taket a few minutes tu achieve and be sbowered witb ail the love and ,,an easy, controlledl hairstyle thial can withstand the mmt stressful days. attention she deserves. Thle style experts at Aqua Net can'î promise an extra hour of free urne eveiy And while mom is sure to love ast> day, but they do have a few tips for busy molisers who want and need 10 look gift. finding tise right one cari some- thcir butsina flsh: limnes seem baffling. d One suggestion is one of tise most trea- sured and admired gems, tise peand. Feoin the beginning of lime, these sea -___________________________ natural beauîy and value. H-isiorically ireverd as s symbol of fcmininiîy. purit>' and love, pearîs possess tise qualilies giat mothers have always held dear. tn tact. next tu Christmas, Moiher's Day is thse Most popular holiday for a cul- lurird pearl gifi. And whilr culiueed pearîs arr considered fine jewels, ibere are gifts tu nuit ever>' shoppcr's budget. From stad eserings foc about $50 t0 a higis-qualit>' neckWaS thisa siais ai $1.000, s wide vagi- et>' of culnarcd Pearl jeweley cmi bue found al most local jewclera. For most shoppers. selecîing a fine- qualiîy cultureti Pearl 10 fit a pacticulae budget need not lie puzzling. Before pur- chasing cultured pearîs, shoppera shoulti look for several characieristica ibat cmi influence bots thse qualit>' anid peice. Firai snd foremost, beware of imita- isons! Only nalural sud cultured pearla are created by living oysîers sud consid- ered rieal jcwels. Imitations, wisicb are ofîcu bighly priced to give tise illusion of value, are man-made and have little inicinsic value. Slay clear of deceptive words or phrases designed t0 imply a nalural origin. such as "faux," "mallor- ca," moeher-of-peal'" or "organic." Most imitation pearla have a shiny sur- face but lack thc deep-seated luater of thc ral tbing. But if in doubi, an easy way to tell Uic difference beiwecn sopblisiicatedl imitations and the real ibing is by thce *"bols" test. Slowly nub tie pear acros f youe front tceish. If die Pearl feels a lidea gritty, Uien il it a cultured or natural y Pearl. However, if Uic Pearl feels smootb, v then you cmi bel il is an imnitation. p Once y ou have distingssished Uic orl" McCoy from an imitation, Uic nexi slep is choosing a good-qualiiy peari Ibat d wiil is a lifetinse. il Qualit>' la best judged by a pearl's luttier and cleanlinesa. If you cmi sec n TELL MOuE YOUÏLOEFME wlth a csuad p.aal gift ahe'iI cher"h for a lifetime. Jewelry courteny of The Cuit urod Pendi Association of Ameriea. 'our own retiection dlear>' on Uic sur- toîaliy flawless Pearl. Howî ace of a Pesarl, tben Uic lusier la good iow-qualiîy pearis, such nd il is a fine-qualiiy Pearl. Tihe foggier abussdant. Spots, bumpt sudc our reflection appears îo, bu, Uic lest are obvious 10 thse naked ey aluable ibai peari is. Poor-qualiîy oniy unattractive, but lowcr caris tend t0 look very white and value. The fewee Uic imperf ioat cbalky. Uic surface of a Pearl, Uice Cleanlineas refera tu Uic absence of able Uic Pearl. isfiguring spots, bumps or cracks on Make Uiis MoUier's Day se surface of a Pearl. Since culturcd rable as the woman il lion nd natural pearis are cratcd ibroug momn a cultured peard jew ature, il is extremcly rare tu find s sise'll cherisb forevee. ever, wits flaws se .racks UsaI ec are not a pearlis 'LUOnt on lore valu- ns memo- onrs. Give 'ce>' gifî *_Sta wth an eaay, lo-nialnteuauee halmil. A wsh 'n' wcae, brss- ndg ste navetI tune in thse moming and reqlures lîllIe or no iouch-ups due- » Gel regu lartima 10 keep lte atyle in shape. Even junt a hslf-inch of extam eghcan mnake an otiserwise simple style more difficuit 10, conirol. dm Stagtr. at treatienta and 'girl ta' wlth your daughter for qnalliy limhae lgner fMeanwhile, you also enjo>' the ftlle luxuries you doi't normal- .yhv lm o.. facials, manicures, brushing and siylin hair. Make it a mego- la part of lthe daily achedule. . flair doeaat need to lie walhedi every day. To guve a quick lifiso h0fit, lump baie, junt squeeze a dab of Aqua Net Styliug Gel loto hands, fiip baur supside-dowu afnd wokugel theumghisair with a scruniching moton. Ueahs dtyr Il ve fo acouleof mninuies for maximum fulness. To mainiaini the fulluest, fiip haie back up sud finish wîlls Aqua Net Freeze Speitz for super long-latling hold. . Have fLn wlth inexpenave bale accessorlea. lu a snap, hanreutes, scarves and iseadbanda add flair tu otiseewise dull orunnanageable hai. - Let haïr air-dry wbenever Possible Excessive hlow-drying and heat- styling eau steip haie of natural, proieclive oils. Work Aqua Net Sculpbing Mousse tisrough damp hase sud finger-style, or comb lhrough sud let haie dry naturally. B elp for gîte '?rlzzies." Summee's approachsng, sud tise heat sud hwmudsiy oftcu casse hase tu mnsbehave. For tofit but effective coutrol, work Aqua Net Spray Gel throgh damp hase befote styhing. Finish with Aqua Net AI]-Puepote Pump Hairspray. Il waan't so long ago ihai people atayeli in Uic same town where iiscy wecc ralsed. enjoying Uic comfort sud accueil>' of having Uscir whole families nearby. Toda>', however, as tise demanda of îwo career houteisoldsand thc frequency of job rlocationa bring uit era o an end, fasnily member find themacives separaled cither b>' distance or b>' s lsck of trne 10 spend lu each oier's Company'. TMme separalions cai bu particular- 1>' difficuli for childrea tu beuars tsey aulidenl>' realixe 1581 their mothers areu'i close ai baud to give Usem trust- cd advice on familles, bornes and careera. Liz Claiborne, lue. iooked SaYom.g Clos. t. M.. inbo Ibis conlcmpoeary dilemma sud came up with somne ideas on how 10 stay close tu mom. regardîcas of how far away you live or how busy you May bue. Modemn iechnology makes kcepiug in contact with lovcd unes easy no malter bow great tise distance between you. Noi ouly can you lalk tu1 your motiser, even if tse lives in s différent pars of te world, but new advancca lu commuunication will soon milie il pos- sible for you 10 sec ber ai Uic ame limne. You cmi also put ehai video cani- crs you neyer touch 10 good use b>' filmnuig a day lu your life sud sending tise tape tu youc mom. If you'rc not a "«high-tech" perion sud csu't figure out bow 10 send youe moîber an ciecîronie message on a computer bulletin boaed. Uieu tIse U"d- lional asi of lemte writing may bue iighl for you. The only Uhig more plesur- able than sittiug down wilh peu aud paper tu share your tboughts is buing on Uic receiving cnd of a long, loving leiler. Even when you dont( have lthe lime tu write, you can stili communi- cale with moro. How about sendiug ier tisai delicious recipe you clippcd from lise paper or Usai article on gar- deuing or a new movie you know the'l enjoy? Sharing commun inter- enta by mai laites only a few minutes sud will create s bond you cmi enjoy for ycsrs. Stop sud do lhings tu remînd you of your snom tbis Motiser's Day. Look ihrough oid farnily photographa or rediscover libit sweater shc kniittd for you ibat basu't been worn in years. If you cari afford 10, Ici your mnother know you're ihinking about hier b>' buying a small, speciat gîft she won't bie able t0 resist. Take lime out from your liecîse scheduic, be il your job, busy social life or demmidiug cisildeen, 10 gel close t0 your mother - even if il's just b>' calling 10 a>'*"hi." And if youe bice- phone buis are beginning 10 add up, laire advsnîage of lise frequent flyce miles offered by tome companiet for every long distance cal] you make. You can kccp talking, lave tisose miles sud laite s teip t0 sec hiee sud give Uic most valuabte gifi of ail - a bug. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 1~~~~