Page 4j Thursday, Septemýber 9th, 1.971, WHI TE3Y FRES PRESS lJnmarked Rail Crossing Claims Two Lives -by là n Quail Whiîtb y-Two Oshawa girls dled ln- stantly last Friday night when their car was sI iced in two by an eastbound train. The girls, Maria Paziuk, 16, of Il 75 Nelson Street, and Shelley Mack- ness, 15, of 322 Windsor Street were driving north on Hickory Street at 8: 15 p. m. during a heavy rainstorm. VI si1bi1 i ty was made worse by heavy fog and th-e colli sion happened as the car proceeded over the double tracks at the Hickory Street crossing. AI though most of the rai lroad cross- ings in Whitby are marked by flashing red lights, the Hickory Street cross- ing IS NOT MARKEID, except for the usual railroad crossing signi. So great w as the force of the im- pact, the rear half of the car was car- ried about I00 feet up the tracks, and the front haîf of the vehicle was car- ried alIl the way ta the Dundas Street rail road overpass. Heavy rains in the prea prevented the removal of the wreckage until1 Sat- urday night. It 15 obvious from the force of the coll1ision that the train engineer had no warning of the impending accident. Out it is even more obvious that the girls in the car coul dnot have had any warn- ing. RENOVATION C_EAROU T 2PCE. BLACK VINYL CH-ESTER- FIELD SUITE wîth foam cushions Reg. $369 RENOVATION CLEARANCE$28 LARGE TRIPLE DRESSER BEDROOM SUITE, Spanish design, dmgdset $ 2280 TAL 30KCASES. 6f t. high- $48. 2PCE CHESTERFIELD SUITE. ULTRA VELVET COVER, foarn over springs, ÜaiI casIers. Reg. $469. $388. RENOVAT ION CL EAJIANCE _ NYLON SPACE SAVERS,sleeps 2, storage corrpartment. Reg. 99. 50 CL EAROU T $88. 2PCE. DAVENPQRT SUITE, fabric and vi ny jedd 1n, s torage, sa1eeps .2. BETTERJOUAIf Y MATTRESSES and BIOX SPPt4NGS, qui lted, rayon cover. $ 8 3PCE. MODERN BEDROOM SUITE WE NEED THE ROOM$17 TABLE LAMPS WI1TH SHADES. bet ter quailtîes, store sampîes, ALJ_.$ ,98 SLASHED FROM $7.8 SERTA MODERN 2PCE. CHESTER- FIELD SUITE. New "ýWet Look" trîm, here's a suite for young moderms FLOOR SAMiPLE S'EC UAL$ 48 POLE LAMPS CLEARING FR, OM108 SPANISH STYLE BEDROOM SUITE, complete with double $ dresser, chest and cutout panel bed. HERE"IS A BUY u e FLOOR COVEiirINJG CLEA;RANCE DISCONTINUED PATTERNS WHILE THEY LAST Per fI. SWIVEL ROCKER, Floral Cover. Reg $49. 95 TAX~E IT AWAY P PHILIPS PORTABLE T.V. ONE LEFT. Discontinued Model. Reg. $229. 95 SACRIFICE mmumw $o SPRNGFILEDMATTRESSES MLCASH AND CARRY -$99 WC Irkm %1 Ail that automobile remains of the late model is a mnass of twisted metal A grim reminder of what Could happen again at the UNMARKEID crossing on Hickory St. Why mus t we have cross i ngs in pop- ulated areas that are nat marked with f lashing re d warn ing signs? The chances were almost 1 001, in faVOuIrOf preventing this accident had there been 9 bv 12. CARPETS CLEAR OUT STOCK. many quaiieî.s. Alt reduced $37. 2-P ILCE SKLAR MODEIRN C- IESTE- FIELD SUITE - FOAM ON SPRINGS m Durable Herculor) cover - CLEA;-%OUT ALL VINYL i-E CL INER CHAIR Crushed foam back - %VHILE THLY LAST $59095 SPANlSI-i OESIGN OEDROOM SUITE. Incl udes triple dresser wiith upright framed mîrror, door- chest, queen size headend, and tvwo night tables. RENOVATION CLEA;'- ANCE $4990 FIRST TIME OFZFERED! Vinyl basketw-eave, ouldoor-indoor saucer chairs. Assorted colours$68 QUIL TED CONTINENTAL BEOS. HERE'S QUALITY! ! Guaranteed Springfilled construction, complete OO w.ith headboard, brackets and legs. ý$69e95 COOKCASES, CURIO CABINETS, OESKS, BUFFETS, ALL REDUCED FOR OUR RENOVATION SALE. 2-PIECE CHESTERFIEL D SUITE. New Modemn high back.t Sloped arms. Verculon cover.$2 7 MODERN 5-PIECE DîNETTE SUITE Table and four chairs. GENL41NE WVALNUT IN AejA ý fSU t STUDENTS DESKS. Arber te to wlith map. IDEAL GIFT FOR GOING SACK TO SCHOOL. $ 8 MATTRESSES FOR BUNK BEOS. Spring fiIIed. 3611 and 39 Inch sizes. ALL REDUCED, FROM$248 3EAUTIFUIL NEW MODE&IN TUXEDO CHESTERFIELD SET IN BROWN "SUEDE-LIKE" VINYL. Eoam over springs. Bail casters. CL EAROUT$2 8 QUIL TED COVERS FOR BASKET C HAIRS. Reg. to $8.95 CLEARANCE $2e99....~LY w 1 L. 0 NI a f lash ing red light at the Hickory Street crossing. Mr. 0'Erien of the signal Engin- eering Department at C. P. R. said the a ve ra ge cost for the install1ation of such a red flashing signal device is about $ 16, 000. Surel1y th is was a smal1I pr ice ta pay to save at least two 1ives. When amunicipal ity wants an elec- tric warning device installed, it must ask the Rai lroad Transport Commiss- ion in Ottawa. VVhy s houlId the Town of Whitby even have ta ask for a safe- ty device that is so obviously needed? When a flashing signal is installed the costs are shared three wvays, ac- cording to Mr. O1Drien. The Railroad Transport Commiss- ion woul dpay 00%, the railIroad 71-% and, in this case, the Town of Whiitby would'pay 12%o. If the Town of Wh itby has ta ask the R ail1 r o ad Transport Commission ta have ail our crossings prottected wvith red flas'hing signais, then let's do so t hr o ugh oau r municipal represen- tatives. 9--$16, 000Ois pretty cheap 1life in- surance for the people of this town. PROCLAMATION MALTA INDEPENDENCE DAY TAKE NOTICE that in accordance wvi th a Resolution of the Council, Saturday, S e pt e mber lBth, 1971 has been pro- claimedMalta Independence Day in and for the Town of WNhi tby. VVm. H. Wallace, Clerk TOWN 0F VVHITSY s .k ~- p il 1