Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1971, p. 9

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WHITBY FREFE PRESS, Thursday, October 7th, 1971, Page 9 * * PASTROLOGY ASI1SEE IT by Astrologor, Ed Chostliam Surely one of the most common questions asked wlth reference to as- trology 1 s , "Which sign of the zodiac s h o uI d 1 mar ry ? 1, or, "Whi1ch s ign s ho ul1d the man 1 marry be born un- der ? Il The four elements The z od i a c signs are made up of four elements. Arles, Leo, and Sag- gitarius are fiery. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are "earth"l signs. Gemini Libra and Aquarius are known as '"air"' signs, whiletheremainingsigns: Can- ce r, Scorpie and Pisces are signs te water. Aries "lburns h i s wvay through the world", and usually little daunts him. Lea is the f ire keeping the family warm, andSagttarius, thefirecaused byfriction, argument, electricity and 50 ofl. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are r ela te dto ear th, and usual ly keeP their feet down there, being practi- c alI . Taurus is usual ly înterested in farming, money, and building roads te lead him back te, bed and food. Virgo, a signof labour, is inter- ested in many things that keep our soc- ial machines functioning. Capricoîn, poteotial politician Capr'icorn represents government and can be symbol ized by "'Jariusi1, the two-faced Roman god, look ing both ways before he jumps, as politicians have been known to do. Cancer, the f irst of the water si gns, i s r e 1 a ted to "1mother and home", is of ten moody, and usuall1y devoted te the family, history, and is often fond of antiques. ",That's Okay - No Hard Feelings." Sorry we can't seil you that furnîture suite you lîke so welI on a Sunday but we do open s0 that you may browse through oui huge Bayý Ridges warehouse at your leisure. Next time you say ilthere's nothing to do "ren-ernber brockway furniture is open each night uxtil ten. 936 Dillinghanu Rd. SAY RIDUS Pion.83el332 Believe it or net, a Brock Street mer- chant has asked the tewn hall1 te put the infameus pa rk in g meters back on the main street. The merchant, w ho compl ained te the Town Works Department, had an excellent reason - sornebody is using the pa r king space in front cf his store - and has been doing se every day since the absence of the meters. Unforgiving Scorpio Scorpio, the second water sign, is I ike water in a well, net easily dis- t u rbedc. B ut one usual ly di scovers th at when Scorpio 1is aroused, he i s mu ch deeper at the bottom, and sel - d o m, if ever, is he 1lIkely to forgive an injury. P1 sc e s Is 1like a misty morning. Wh en the sun cornes out, he Is quite pleasant to live wth, but if the sun is not there, he can be sulky. Pisces often becomes quite restless, and as the French novelist puts it, is ready "for anything out of this world". Compatible Mates The seventh house of a horoscope shows the partner in general, s0 that Ar ies 1looks across at Libra, whi le Taurus looks across to Scorpie, and so on. Soit woulId appear that if a wvo- man marries aman born in the oppos- ite sign of her birth, they woul d 1ive as the sayîng goes, happi ly ever after. However, experience shows that a la rge majorty of girls b or n under Taurus, make an e a r 1 y and unhappy marriage. Even though Taurus people a r e set in thei r ways, they are gen- e r all1y g ood, anidwhi le they may be l e dyt he y\il lnot bedrivefl, and in fact, can be very stubborn. Taurus 1 ikes te take his time, and Scorpiowantsthingsdone - "1pronto"f. Any vvoman born in that time cf the day when Scorpia is rising over the hor- i zon, usually vvan tsthings done at once, but Scorpie rising )places Tau- rus on the place governing partners. So then, he 1likes te take hi s time, and se the impatient woman wi th Scor- pic rising, starts te nag, or does the job herself. Thispartner theory only gives yeu an idea, there are many more factors astroligicallydependent on entering a satisfactory relation with the opposite sex. Believe it or flot Position oet-the Sun On September 23rd,, the Sun ent- e re d the sign of Libra, so whi te the su n traverses Libra, people born in this sign should feel more confident of themselves, while those In Virgo find this influence in their house of income. On October 5thp the day before yesterday, Plutomoved Into Libra for a stay of twenty years in that !n .Now Li br apeopl1e who normall1y f ind i t difficuit to make decisions will prob- ably be more decisive. This includes our Prime Minister, who seems to h aveé that i bra weakness of prèten- d in g not to see anything unpl easant, hoping !twill go away. In the Prime Ministerts case, he goes skiing, tra- vellIing or honeymoorling, whi le Pres- identEisenhower went off to play golf. or into hospital for heart check-ups. Pluto transmitt'ing L ibra, which is Ca nad a 1s fourth house of home and foundation, vvill likely have that foun- dation loosened, vvith acomplete over- haul of the S. N. A. Perhaps the recent action of Pres- ident Nixon is one cf the coming events, that cast their shadows once before. FJHNAMact ean FUELS e e e Fuel Oil Gosolin. Ois & Greois SUNOCO *Diesel *Fisrnoce Sales & Serviel 668-4462 579-0151 I TAUNTON ROAD Just EM~t of Ritsôn Rd. Heard's Taxi 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market 115,Brock St. N. Fer Ywur C@uwwd.oce 150PE R RY ST WIIBY] Don King would like to announce that he, is now Propuietor of the Spur Station 501 Brock St. N., Whitby. Don has a wide range of knowledge in the service station business. He takes this opportunity to invite ail the rnotoring public fo visit him. FREE CHINA WA RFE ONE PIECE FREE WITH EACH 7 GALLON PURCHASE -2 Patterns to Choose From - -Colleet the whole set - 668-364 DO0N'S SERVICE 14501 BROCK ST. N. WIB r

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