WVHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) BOX 206, WH1TBY, ONT. FREE HOME DEL-IVEIV Grant, Menzios Motous. Whîtby Spotlights the weoth.r forecosto Th ur sà day mostl y cloudy and milder. High35. Friday, moi- erating temperatures vith chance of some snowv changing to rain. Lowv temperatures 25 to 30. Hîgh's in the low 401s. S at u rday, some cltoudy per- lods with some sun. Chance of showers. Lowls near 30, hi9h near40. Suriday partly cloudy and mild. Lovv 25 to 30. Thursday, December 23rd, 1971. Volume 1, Number 18. ...FROM THE PEOPLE WHO PUT IT TOGETHER