Whitby Free Press, 10 Feb 1972, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, -Thursday, February IOth, 1972 ...............LA SFEDA VERTISING.. ... ........... . .N .................... TENDER CALL 2 only -1/ ton pick-up trucks Colnir reçJ. Wtb henvy ruty %usgension, 62 amp alternator, two spred wipers, wîth wesher, nversizeci lires with lug tires on' rear wheels - -§pare wheel and tire. Engine shail be V-8, 4 speed transmission. Customn rear bumper with "Pinto" troder hitch. Booster brakes. Stepside box. Alternate price to he suhrnitted for automaotic transmission. Scoled tenders oddressed ta, The Whitby Public Utiities Commission 128 Brock St. South., Whitby, Ont. (cieorly morked "Tenders for 3/4 ton truck) TENDERS- received until 12 noon February l6th, 1972. The Public Utilîties Commission of the Town of Whitby Dr. J. Mclsnnr:v, Choirman H. C. Simpson, Secretoy i Legol Donald Travel Service 102 BROCK STREET S. Whithy, Onhario Fér inforn. cSi 668-8867 NOT 1C STOPPINO UP 0F ROAD ALLOWANCES Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a bylaw for the stopping up and cîosing and also to authorize the sale of apart of Craydon Road lying south of Dun- lop Street as shown on Registered Plan 497. And further take notice that on the 21Ist day of Feb- ruary, 1972, at 7:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber of the Town of Whitby, a Commi ttee of Council wiI11 hear in per son or byhis counsel, solicitor or agent, any person wha dlaims that his land wiII1 be prejudicially affected by the said byîaw. W.. H. Walace A.M.C.T., Clerh, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Daidas Street West, Whitby, Ontauio Lagal L.,.g Legel TH1E EXPROPRIATION ACTI,168-0s NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LANO IN THE MATTER OF an appliîcation by the Cor- poration of the Town of Whi tby for approval to ex- propriate certain easements in the Town of Whitby beingPartsof Lots 20 and 21, Broken Front Con- cession 1, and Parts of Lots I and 2, Registered Pl1an 709, in the Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby in the County of Ontario in the Province of Ontario, for the purpose of the con- struction and maintenance of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances from the Corbett Creek Pollution Control Centre. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate: (1) The easements described in Schedule SIIS h e reto for the purpose of the construction a n d m a i ntenance of a sani tary sewer and a ppurtenances being Parts of Lots 20 and 2 1, Br o ken Front Concession, Parts of Lots 19, 20 and 21, Concession I and Parts of Lots I and 2, Registered Plan 709, In the' Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario in the Pro- vince of Ontario. Plans 4OR-598 and 40R-599 referred toin Schedule "A" may be seen in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Whitby. Aay owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the takingof such easements is fair, sound and reas- onablynecessary in the achievement of the objec- tives of the expropriating authority shall 5 not- ify the approving authority in writing, (a) in the c a se of a r eg9i stered owner, served personallyorby registered mail within thlrty d a ys after he i s served wl1th the noti1ce, o$, when he is served by publication, within thirty d a ys after the f irst publication of the notice; (b) i n t he case of an owner teredowner, within thirty publication of the notice. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDIlNG 405 DUNOAS STREET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO. who is not a regis- days after the f irst The Expropriating Authority is THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WM. H. WALLACE, A. M. C.T. ESQ., CLERK MUNICIPAL BUILDING 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO NOTES: The Expropriations Act, 1968-69 provides (A) Where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be c on d ucted by an inquiry off icer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, (B) The lnquiry Officer, (1) Sh a Ilgive every Party to the inquiry an op- por tunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine wltnesses eitherpersonally or by his counsel or agent, and (Il) May recommend to the approving authority that a party ta the inqulry be paid a f .xed a- mount for his costs of the inquiry not to exc- eed $ 200. 0and the approv in g author ity may, in i ts d iscre tion, order the expropriating authority ta pay such costs forthwith. 2. Il0wnerI andcI Registered Owner"l are def- ined in the Act as foillows: flOwner"l includes a mortgagee, tenant, exe- cutioncreditor, a person entitled to a limited estate of a mental ly incompetent person or of a person Incapable of managlng hi s affairs, and aguardian, executor, administrator or trus- tees In whom land is vested; "Rlegistered Owrer"l means an owner of land whose interest In the land 1 s defined and whose nane is specified in an instrument in the proper reglstry, land titles or sheriff's office, and i n c 1 udes a person shown as a tenant of land on the fast revised assessment roll; 3. Theexpropriatlng authority, each owner who notifies the approving authorlty*that he desires a hearing in respect of the Ilands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inq uiry officer are parties to thé in- quiry. T HI1S NO0TI1CE FIRST PUBLISHED THE 27TH DAY 0F JANUARY, 1972. SCHEDLJLE "A" EASEMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUC- TI ON AND M AINT ENANCE OF A SANITARY SEW ER AND APPUR TENANCES FROM THE CORBETT CREEK POLLUT ION CONTROL CEN- TRE IN LOT 19j, BROKEN FRONT CONECSSION IN T HE TO0W N OF WHI TBY, FORMERLY THE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBYp TO THE SOUTHERLY L 1M 1T OF D UNDAS STRgET EAST, AS wID- E N E D IN LOTI19, CONCESSIONI1, TOWN OF WHI TBY9 FORMERLY TIHE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY AND MORE PARTICUL ARLY DESCRI- BED AS FOLLOWS: Permanent Easements Pa r ts of lots 20 and 2 1, Broken Front Conces- s i on in the Town of Whi tby, deslgnated as Parts 1, 5 and 9 on a plan deposlted in the Registry 0f- f i ce f or the Registry Division 'of the County of Ontario as Plan 40R-598; Part of lot 21,,Concession1, In the Town of W hitblày, designated as Parts 17, 19, 21,t 36 and 37 on a p I a n deposi1ted In, the Reg is try Offi1ce for f or the Regi1stry Division of the County of Ont- aria as Plan 40R-598; Parts of lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan 709 in the Towynof Wh[Itby, deslgnated as Parts 2 and 4 on a pîandeposited In the Reglstry Office for the Reg-, 1s t ry Division'of the County of Ontario as Plan P ar t sof lots 19, 20Oand 21, Concess Ion 1, Town of Whitby, designated as Parts 6, 8BandlO0ona. plandeposited In the Registry Office for the Reg-' i s try D ivi si on of t he County of OntarlIo as'Pl an 40R-599. The 1 i mi1 te d estate, right or interest to be acq- uired in this property is a rlght, liberty and ease- ment I n perpetulty on and under the land to aîlow the Town to enter upon, cut into, break up, f111 In, use and occupy the property for the construc- tion of a sanltary sewver and appurtances. For the purpose of and dur lng the construction of the san- ltary sewer and appurtenances, the property is to r e ma 1n undl1s turbed by any work wh ich mi1gh t1in- ter fere wlth such construction. Upon ýcompl etion of the construction of the sanitary sawer and ap- purtenances the surface of the property wil be r e stored as nearîy as reasonably possible to, its pr ev Ious condition and the landownror pro en t 1 t 1 ed theretki may use the surfac4e o* thé' land p r o vlded s uc huse do es not lnterfere wlth$he s e wer a nd provlded notice i s given ,tohe Town of a ny work a nd t h àt s uch work 1 s excerci sed careful ty. Temporary Easements P ar ts of lots 20 and 21, Broken Front Concess- i on, and parts of lots 21, Concession 1, Town of Whiît by, designated as Parts 2, 3, 4, 6. 10, 18, 20; 22 and 38 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office, for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario as Plan 40R-598. Part of lot 2, Registered Plan 709 and parts of lots 19, 20 and 21, Concession 1, Town of Whitby, designated as Parts 3, 7, 9 and Il on a plan dep- osîited 1in the Reg istry Offi1ce for the Reg is try Di1v- ision of the County of Ontario as Plan 40R-599. Thel1imited estate, right or interest tp be acquired in this property is a temporary easement or a right or 1 i b e r t y in the nature of an easement, b enter u pon, cut into, break up, fuI1 in, use and'occupy the p r operty for and dur ing the com4truetion of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances. For the pur- pose of and during the construction of the sani-, tary sewer and appurtenances, the. property is to r e ma in und is turbed by any work which mi 1gh t in- te r fere w ith such construction, and cl ear of and un en c u m bered by buil1dings or structures other than those erected at the date of acquisition of the easement. Uipon completion of the construction of the sanitary sewer andi appurtenances the surface of the property wil1l be restored as nearly as réas- on abl9r possible to its previous condition and the temporary easement right çr 1llberty wil11 be extin- g uis h ed o r expire and the property wil11 revert back to the owner. J i I. that,

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