WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, March 9, 1972, Page 9 Newman sees Jetport as boost for Iroquois Park and New University -Says Whitby.ViliHaye Feder ai Transport Minister Don th ousands of new jobs in the area, and J a m 1 e s o n announced las t week a new cou id also mean the possibi1ity of bet- air port to be built in Pickering Town- ter educational faciîes such as a new ship. A new city called Cedarwood wiillunîversity. e v e n tually grow south of the proposed Ioquols Park ai rport. Newman ai so stated that recreational A rapid transit ine and two four lane facilitieswould get a boost and he cited highwayswill serve the new airport and theproposed 1roquols Park as an exam- the city of Cedarwood. p 1 e. He feit the government might take Airport To Wipe Out Brougham a new look at the proposai and saidy I Airiiorit h i n k we have a much better argument A 1 t h ough the new two billion dollar with respect tothe Iroquoisproposai airportwill serve millions of travellers since the service structure, which will it w i Il ai s o wipe out the 100-year-old be necessary for the airport, will now village of Brougham and its 2000 resi- causedevelopment to float to the east. dents, and commercial development will al so affect neighbouring villages such as ClaremontandMarkham and the Town of Town of Whitby planning and devel- Stouffvi1 le. op ment for the next twenty-five years Hew*nan's Interpretation "fit inremarkablywell with the airport The W H ITBY FREE PRESS asked planningandlocation according to New- M a y o r N e w man what he thought about man. the decision to buiId the new airport in Some Local Concem About Flight Paths P i c k e r i ng Tòwnship and he approved Some residents in town expressed w h o 1 e hear tedly. Mayor Newman said, concern about Whitby possibly being "I th i nk this is the one major decision under the flight path of the new air- t h a t we needed to crystallize develop- part, but Newman stated, "I1donIt think ment in the area. We have needed to get we wili have any difficulty with respect away from total dependence on a single ta the fI i ght path situation. I think the i o c ai industry, and ai though there has a i r port wiIl be carefully designed ta b e en some minor diversification it has eradicate any problems.I As for the not in any way been sufficient to stabi- dangers of pollution, Newman replied, lize the economy of this area. ""I1don't really think that is a very ser- M a y or Newman went on to say that, iousproblem. By the time the airport is fthenew airportcouldgenerate literally built, technology will have advanced sa Much Better Argument With Government t h a t you will see major changes in the development of a modern airport to min- mize the problem of pollution." Decision Fundamental About the site of the airport, Newman w a s v e r y much in agreement with the government's choice and stated why. "i see that decision as being the most fun- damental decision that has been madé in urban planning anywhere in the world! " The Whitby Mayor explained that the air- port planning is the first time that plan- ning has been structured to include the outer city as well as the inner city, and he fee Is this will lead to a sharing of government responsibil ity. Continued on Page 10 E v e r y o ne deserves a portrait. How many times h a v e y o u c onsidered having a portrait taken of your self? What are you waiting for? We ail age quickly. Don't you look better today than you will 5 or 10 y e a r s fr om now? So many people delay until it's too late, and their family Is left with only memories. Have you noticed how quickly children change? 1969mG M C Model CAE 63 $6,595.06 $1 ,000.00 Down Balance G.M.A.C. Payments GUS BROWN PONTIAC BUICK OFFE GOO DURNG MRCH 972 NLYi Pool and Patio Show March 10,11 &12 Coliseum,Exhibition ar a Hourly Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. • Free Parking at most GO Stations. • Children under 12 half the adult fare. For further bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 248-3112 Pickering-Ajax Clarkson-Oakville 845-6694 Pkin-Aj axa 942-2000 Burlington-Harnilton 527-8187 WhitbyOshawa une LaÀ¯ANS/T O Operated by CN and Gray Coach Lines For the Province of Ontario 300 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. 668-5846 OFFER GOOP DURING MARCH 1972 ONLY . m