Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1972, p. 8

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Page 8B, Thursdayo March 9, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRF-4C -7-1.11 n %lt "Mickey Mouse House" - If you are one of the 'poolr Joes', who w i nd u p workirig an evening shift on a F r id ay night, or a business man who d0s' e oto eeigutl11:30 P. m. , what do you do? Vhat to do after shift Itis too I ate to go ta Toronto. The m ov les are just finishing and the good dining spots are elther closed or serv- lng Ieftovers. Even the Bingo games are over. Abot litPome But the Iittîewoman' has beensitting in the house al1 week, and you have been prom 1sing her ALL WEEK that you woul1d take her out THIS Friday night... af ter ail, shehas a right to see a little of the wor.1I esidesyouand 'little Johnny' and the TV. S.çWh% Feels lAc Dancing Feet I ike going to a dance after work- ingfourteen hours? 0f course not! And neither did I last Friday. So wi thmy f iancee and another coup- le, 1ldidwhatmost people would probably do - we headed directly for the closest pl1a ce, the "lM ickey Mouse House"l on Hi igh w a y 2 near the four corners. My apologies to the real MIckey Mouse, but 1 borrowed the name ta re-name the hotel we p a t r onized (ta protect the innocent waiters and customers). Entertainment? ? I wouldaîso like to exonerate anybody elsewhodoesn't corne under the classi- fications 'management' or 'entertain- m e n t'1,1'm sorry, but hard as I try to find an excuse for the 'management' act- u aî11y h ir ing, and payiîng good money ta so c al led tetraimni can't find any. "Mickey will bore "m«î "Mickey w iIl bore lem" I renamed the group (actually that's quite close to the ir real name)... agroup in exis- tence for two months, and from what one member told me, 'breaking Up' aI- ready. 1 can certainly understand why! Bynowyou'reprobabîy asking "What w as the -matter wlth them?" Weil l'm going to tell you. GrMosslgos 1 i ke a seductive girl'? And trying to be s m art and witty, but having everything corne out g ro ssly crude, and trying to pat the MALE bartender? The other guitar player (male) was on t he o th er side of the stage, so the on ly time 1 could see hlm was when the 1le ad e r moved his carcass out of the way. . . when he did, 1 could see the guitarist had his 'picking hand' jammed betweenhisguitarandoneof the lovi iefs behind. On a stage even! As far as the two lovelies. ..weîl 1 don't like to make rash judgements and say they looked like anything but ladies. . suff ice to say they looked 1like they have been around. Ifands Oyer Ears Taki1ng the group as a whole, (ai- though 1I'd prefer not to), their sound was b a d! They obviousîy have neyer heard of overmodulating. The amplifiers were tu rned Up so Ioud Ithat any quai ity they m i ght have had was certaînly lost, and several of the few remaining customers were putt ing their hands over their e ars. Possibly realizing their lack of sin g ing abi1i ty may be the reas*on why they tried to drawn the voices out. 1h e 'm an agement' is certainly in- s u 1 t i ng i ts patrons by affer ing such a poor excuse for anythr'g, much less having the audacity ta caîl it entertain- ment, and charge mare because of it. That House 1 humbly apal igize ta my fiancee and t h a t u n fao rtunate other couple for the e m barrassment you were caused by my tajing you ta THAT HOUSE. NOTICB FE 0LAPLCAIO LIERIDISRITNOM TAKE NOICE thtoh Housiesarant0of Baseline Rd., 942-1881 à___:F Ajax 942-1881 TRADE IH SPECIALS Ail Certified 67 Parisienne H DT, V8, P. B. Radio $995 67 Polara VS Auto. P. q. Radio $1,025 66 Fury HDT, Auto. P. B. Radio $895 65 Bellair VS Auto. Radio $595 AS 15 SPECIALS NO PLATES 64 Vauxhail Epic $195 65 Strato Chief $195 65 Mustang $675 For That personal Touch Corne To PICKERING CAR CENTRE Unempoyment Insurance CIaims À AMessage Fmo.Ed. Br.adbent MK P. Bec cause of bureaucratiec del ays orig9- i n at ing i nOttawa, many people ful ly entitled to U. I.C. benefits have not r e ceived them. Many others have rec- e iv ed the irs several weeks or months late. 1if y ou are having aproblem wîth a U. 1. C. dlaim, and havenothad the p r o b 1 e m resol ved by the Qshawa Un- employment Insurance Commission 0f- f i ce, please cal 1 my office any af ter- noon between 12 a.m. and 4p.m. My n um ber- is 723-2381. i will1 do my best to see that your problem is'l ooked af ter imrnediately. SINCERELY ]ELECTROHOME 2 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS & SERVICE ALL COLOR SETS AND STEREO 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON B&W DIoebartou Radio & Television LtdN 942-5880 1327 Harwood Ave. N.,, Ajax. WHITBY -HARRISON FUELS LIMITED 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-3610 Ontaria, with a seatîng capacity of 80. Any per- son who is resident ln the licensing district may object ta the application, and the grounds of ob- ject ion ln writing shail be filed with: Mr. H.J. B r o w n e (acting) the deputy registrar of the 1 Ic- ensing district, whose address is, 55 Lakeshore Bou levard East, Toronto 2, Ontario at Ieast ten d a ys before the meeting at which the application 19 ta be heard. DATEID at Whitby this 8th day of March, 1972. Mrs. Maureen LaBarre, 900 Gifford Street, Whitby. Mrs. Carol Dimoe, 922 Dubi ln Streetp,Whitby. appi icants. Heard's Tax 668-3732- Radio Equipped, & Direct LUne Arnoldse Market 115 Brook St. N. Fer YW COsvMilui 1 0 PERRY ST. w H iTB. SVo)lkswagon s '72's FROM $2245.00 A GOOD SELZCTION 0F COMNPWrELY RECONDITIONED AUD GUARANTEED V.W's IN STOCK. Pickering Car C entre Ltd.

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