Whitby Free Press, 6 Apr 1972, p. 12

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Page 12 of interest to women ". .m. reluctantly The Peter Perry o i i paintings, al- ready the subject of two lengthy council debates, will be housed in the Centenn- i a i B uilding for the ascetic enjoyment o f t h e p u blic at large, in'stead of the c o u n c il chamber of the new muni cipal complex, if a letter of request prompted by C ou ncillor Vernon MacCarl effects an aff i rmative answer from the paint- ing's donors. "My original motion was to have the paintingsplaced intheCentennial Build- ing and i still think that's the place for them", said Counci i lor MacCarl, object- ing to a committee recommendation that "We'll fight them right up to Su After three lengthy meetings wi th CP Express and CP Rail representatives, Council's Administrative Committee is still firmly opposed to having Whitby's CP Express Office closed on the sug- gestion of the rail company. "Eith e r CP think the town is good en ou g h to service us or they don't, " s a id Mayor Desmond Newman summar- izing his concern on the town losing the desired service. T o w n f athers are pursuing battles w i th t w o major bodies in an effort to Approach. .·by Sid Morris Viewpoint -by Ed McCugtrie 8 weeks to a garden - Kids stuff Itisquite possible to have a summer vegetable garden with little effort. In fact, it is simple enough for the children to do, and they'll still enjoy a summer full of swimming and lazing with all the ease of vacation. Start with some good, rich soil. if you don't have that, you will have to c r e a t e s ome. You could buy it if you have lots of money. But it's simpler to follow this easy regime. If you can get ho1 d of m anure use that and dig it in your garden. If not, buy some bagged m anur e. It comes in various names - one of them is not chemical fertilizer. Then about the end of April, cover the g a r den area with a foot or so of oose hay, and let it sit. What does one grow in his eight-week g a rd en? Bush beans, green and wax, ca rro ts, bee ts, chard (eariy type), cucumbers, radish, lettuce, onion sets, summer squash, pumpkin, turnip, Tokyo c r oss, early tomato plants, and if you are lucky, cantaloupe or melon plants. the pictures be placedin the new munici- pal complex with suitable nameplates. "I'd sooner not move them without the donors knowing where they are g o i n g, I p r o tested Council lor Robert A t t e rsley. "in ail due respect, a let- ter shoul d go back to the donors at i e a s t e x p 1aining what we are doing," he added. "P e r haps we could outline the nat- ure of theCentennial 8'uilding as weil," suggested Reeve Tom Edwards. Mayor Desmond Newman said he w o u Id be prepared to have a motion to t a b l e v oted upon, and subsequently a motion to write the letter of request. "An y t hing to get il off the books," offered Councillor MacCarl, anticipat- ing another council debate. ipreme Court"- Newman preserve two of the municipality's fun- damental public services: the proposed CP express closing and postal author- ities who propose to have Whitby mail sorting moved to Oshawa. The proposed cios ing out of the CP express office is justified by CPR of ficiais as "a move based 50% on ec- onomics and 50% on improvement", but W h i tby Mayor Des Newman says, "We are prepared to fight them (rail offici- ais) right up to the Supreme Court if we have to." GATRDENINO The Radical The Technical ation services from the pr esent munici- pal building. With respect to the present Municipal offices a-nd administration building w h i ch i s in effect a memorial to the 1 ate A. H. Allinwho provided a sub- stantial amount of the funds to build it we question whether a case of special l i m i t a t i ons can be made particularly Continued on Page 10 Council will ask to have Perry paintings placed in Centennial Building Sid Morris returms next week In the middle of June, pullback the hay and make rows, plant the seeds, radish on top of the carrots, beets and t h e r e s t of the vegetables you like. Cover the seeds very lightly with the h a y a n d wait for them to spout. The hardest part comes hext, which is the thinning. If you don't thin the seedlings out , you will not have good resuits. Some things i ike beets, radish and lett- uce, are delicious at this stage, but they mustbethinnedout. As the plant grows move the mul ch around them to preserve water. If weeds begin to show through throw a little more hay on the spot to cover it up. That is the bulk of the work until ha rvest time. An occasional bug might have to be removed, but there is no need of weeding, hoeing or heavy watering - and incidentaily, it doesn't matter how old the kids are. Study Group Summarize Yiews relating to proposed Rossland Road Municipal Complex I in order to keep their intention clear, the Wh itby Ci tizens Study Group has summarized its views and suggestions relating ta the proposed Rossland Road Municipal Complex. Following are their remarks on the subject. A well established need exists for better Police facili ties than those pres- ently afforded. We, however, question the projected Rossland Road site. For this unserviced site of Il acres to be chosen as the location of a police fac- ility requiring no more than one acre is questionable. This is especially questionable at a time when the future o f o t h e r m u n 1cipal needs cannot be clearly establ ished. The move of police facilities to Rossland Road appears to be an extravagance in terms of servic- ing costs and in the manner in which it compromises the further utilization of the remainder of the site. We once again request that a thiorough study be made of such alternative sites as: 1. Expansion on the present location. 2. The West side of Henry across from the art Centre. 3. The old county jail location. We point out that considerable savingsto the taxpayers would be made on any of these sites since services are more rap- idly available. We aiso find no argument that greater space is required by our local Library though this could be considered secon- dary to the requirements of more police facilities. We suggest to tie in expan- sion of the library facilities with a que- stionable move of administration serv- vices does not do justice to the library requirements. We understand that an allocation of land was made in 1969 of the South West corn- er of the block on which the present mun- icipal offices stand. We understand this consists of 15,000 square feet and feel t h i s c o uld provide ample space for a library as is af course land owned by t he t ow n. We beiieve such abuilding c o u I d b e designed ta compliment the p r es ent buil ding and perhaps join it. R e cog n i zing the need for park ing we suggest the building could be elevated. We ai so have an arhtet sopinion that the present I ibrary buil ding coul d be ex- panded ta the north and again possibly elevated over the present parking lot on that site. We suggest there are a number of si tes which would suit the Ilibrary which would not necessitate moving the Administr- m

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