Page 4 Friday EVENING NEWS, WRATHER, PORlTS ( IREACH FOR THE TOP 1 DAVID M~OSTIREVUE f1 SOCK VAN DYKE IDPIERRE hERYON-4nWnIOIW(V (9)ANDY 0RIFFITH ' (')HODGEPODGE I £ (V 2UOZZIE AND HARRIET 4-30 (?)CU Nec NewsV SMAKE MINE COUNTRY <') (tE1 A' W-Howarfd K. Rmei H"Y noier Mr) SWORLD SEA-404 MavIl' ( NEWS. WEATHER, SPORTS (CI¶ COS NEWS-WaII*i CrOemlte(C") *PARTY DAMIE (C) SDATELINE GUNSMOKE (' QFAMILY AFFAIR (CD (1)MAGIE-EX«CIB* (M) QJONGLERIES MATIIEMATIQUES 8:45 PATTY OJKE "00 (T)1I REAU 0F JEANNIE C(C) SUND1ER ATTACK (p COS NEW5--W&II0 CrOMIkîe(' (][ () TO TELL THE TRIJTH --Garas (C) R» (B LIONS ARE FREE (' OM BRADY lUNCH C SDOCK VAN DYKE WPIERRE BERTON lftfVIW ALLI WN E FAMILY (C) GILLIGUWS ISLAND M R. W1AYNOT *COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION SMUNSTERS 7:30 oePETTICOAT .UNCTION f~ f43TRUTH OR CONSEOMENCES rC- @M 9OCK VAN DYKE ' CnD LETS MAKE A DEAL (CD M D) RAGNET ) QARIE Z ( WHAT MY LIME? ~ CD ADAN-12 (e' (M) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (17) ELECTRIC COMPANY j@ FRENCH CKHEF--Coo&bng Rr ALFRED HITCHCOCK 8: 00 CE )(SOn SANFORD AND SON R3 063 ff'in QROWAN AND MARTNS LAUGH-IN (E 3') M )ONARA, U.S. TREASURY a ) MOVIE-Ceed-Oram (C < "Marrage Ialien Style"-(tlien:. 00DO4 MESSERS JUSILEE ) (1)WASMO1NGTON4: WEEK IN REVIEW (p) QLOST EE SAVENCERS CC) 0: 30 qe Mj)MOVE-SceWdc FIcUon M) -Colossus: 1h. Forbin Projectl- QDA. SIMON LOCKCE ( C~?FiLM ODYSSEY ' m- SOCIOLOGY 9:00 a 0Q0) (ffj q Tommy mu~vR = (ý mM0vIE-I»amà r QUNDER ATTACK " !GLOI1V TIIAT lReiONU TO 8E ANNOUNCED 4:0 (9 ? 000COUPLE (' *CONOCLE 10:00 3AI lmON HE AMILY (' Il MAIN CUANCE! .Crftm Dru" (C') M MLOVE, AMERIICAN H IAWAII FIVE-O 0 DAVID FROST (' HAWAII FIVE!.O ( OSCAR-TISE STolly HIND THSE STATUE eC' 10:30 (]D ROLLIN'ON THE RIVER (' UON TISE UUSES-Comedy (' (¶5) EET TI MASTERS (C') LAUREL AND HARMY WALL MTUET WEEK (" SOXONO (CD) 11:00(2 oe i'@C iC0@ (¶5) 0(1) D(U) NEWS, WEAT1IER, SPORTS C) 11:20 QVEWPOINT-N.wg Analys(C Q NEWS WIEATER, SPORTS ' 11:30 (2)JOHNNY CA PORTSC DOCK CAVMer?(" QTORONTO TONIONT (' ()MOVIE-.Comdy "Tha Loved One.." (1965> (¶5) MOVIE-SceneoaFIction (C "The Power" (1968), f>PIERRE BERTON-fOnwoivIw (j) OVIE-MaOodrema "Taranlula" (1955) RPMOVIE-Orama (' "In the Col of the Day." (1963) 11:40 ID MOVE-Mytery "Versailles Affair" l(French; 1960) (0 MOVE-WesIern c -Sitting Bull,' (1954)' il1:45 SKI, SNOWMOBILE REPORT (" "Desk Set." ( 1957) 11: 55 R) MOVIE-TripO. Foulure CC') 1, "North Io Alaska" (Comedy; 1960). 2. "Diabolique." (Fronch: myslery; 1955) 3, 'Relurn of a Sîranger." )Engliah. drama, 1961> 12:00 Q MOVIE-Double Fonlure 1."Thie Big House" lODrama; 1930) 2. 'Fiesta " (Musical. 1947) 0 NOVIE-Vouble Foulure 'C 1 "Belween Heaven and Hell (Dama '¶956) 2. 'Agent for H A RM- Englsh, scence ficion. 1966)* QMOVIE-DOubie Foulure - Davd and Lisa*" îrama, 1962) 2 *A Taste of Honey" Engysn. dra. aý1961» ü) MOVIE - Ofami C "Sarn Francsco inernational Arorlt (1970> 1:00 'le MOVE-Wstofn Thie Baianders- (1958> C MOVIE-Science Ficton .'Teen-Agers lrom Outer Srace' (1959) 5' NEWS 1:10 2_9MOVIE-Mdyst"r -Thie Ciooked Sky ' Engisri.1957) 1:35 (E) CONCERN-R.lglon Active Clothes For The,* *Lively Ones o Adarn &Eve UNISEX FASMIONS WHITBY MALL WATCHMAKER Aitîqu & Modern Clok Watcl (ail work guaranteed) 25 yeaîs experience Te -.wl"o The Whitby Malil Dundas E. & ThicksonRd CALL THE k 668-1021 efl "Abd Let Yowr 5~$'j Taste Be The iudge" 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pick Up orders Fast Take Out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 116 SUNOAS SI. W. AMPLE.PARKING THE LURE 0F ANTIQUES by Hoen, Iaram WINDSOR CHAIRS This chair has a long history, as its na me i nd'i-cates it is English and dates from the early fifteen hundreds. it was carni edtothe United States sometime dur ing the ei ghteenth century JALMA SERIES: Meg Marries Maurice M eg Whiteoak (Amel ia Hall1) and Maur- ice Vaughan (David Hughes) cal1 a truce after long estrangement, in Episode 10 of CBC-TVts The Whiteoaks of Jaîna, for telecast Sunday, Apnil 9 at 9 p. m. Hav ing rejected Maurice for infidelity years before, Meg final ly says lyes' and t h e y are m a r r ied. The WVhiteoaks of Jal na is based on the popul ar Jaî na nov- el sof Mazo de la Roche. (NOTE: In the event of an NHL hockey play-off tele- c as t, th is ep isode vvoul1d be pos tponed to the earliest possible Sunday at 9 p. m. time slot). Heard's Taxi 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Litu et Arnokl's Market 115 Brook St. N. 15 RapatilxrYO -wlii OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COMPUTERIZED TAX SERVICE WE DO VOUR INCOME TAX FOR COMPLETE SERVICE ADVICE a nd i t 1 s on record that Fr ankl1inl or- d er ed t hem in quanti ty for his home, whlch presumably was MontîcellIo, that b ea u tiful buil1ding Wh ich î s a national m o nument to the good taste and inven- tiveness of its first owner. The Wind- s o r a r r i ved in Canada first wlth the British garrison and later with the U. E. L s, when- they chose to live under British rule. Windsor Chair The early Windsor has very sharp- ly raked, tapered, vase and ring turned le gs braced with buibous stretchers, which form the "H"'-shape typical of this chair . The piank seats aresaddle seats, made from one board, Wh ich may b e b as s wo od, p ine, elm, maple or b ir c h. They were painted. The back arches into a graceful bow, the spind- l es of which separate near the top to c r e ate an open, airy effect. In some model s the arm is one long curved piece and the back spindl es pass through the arm, extending upward almost fourteen in ch es above it. In other model s, the arm i s merely an extension of the bow that forms the back. Craftsmanship Iost As is true of many antiques the lat- er version is apt to have lost something in i n te r pretation. The legs are less sharply raked, the line is blurred and thickened. It is as though the inspira- t i o n a n d craftsmanship that led to the creation of the original is lost to those who only copy. Without the skill to in- terpret what they see, consequentl y the effect is one of stolid utility. The captain's chair is said to be a 1late adaptation of the WVindsor designed fo r barroom and office use. They find a popul ar market today, and can be foundquiteeasily by anyone who really wants one. "*-The Carlton- color TV. Special Look *N Listen value " Giant 26" matrix pîcture tube. " Patented Electro)ok automatic fine tuning and Electrotint automnatic tint control locks n the best possible pîcture. " Dpl'I.raft cabinet finished in Natural Walnui $6-79m95 See this and other Electrohomne TV and sterso specials now during Look SN Listen Daylî. 2 year worronty on alilports Ond setHce [caJparwytlnim 918 SmcoeSt. . 72-ion 725- 7980 l CALL GERRY ROY Oshawal 723-3043 918 Simcoe St. N.