Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1972, p. 26

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QUESTIONS l????*M ,Io there any chance of the Authorities changing their minda about the Pickering site? 1 Yen. Prime Minister Trudeau bas promised that the Federal Government would not go ahead with the planned airport if the majority of the people in the Toronto area do not want it. As far as the Prime Miniater's persoas] feelings are concerned, he has indicated that he feels wtberets too much noise, too much speed, too much pollution and not enough green fields and people living In the country and decentrai- iming our way of life." Mr. Trudeau also said that every member of parliament in Southern Ontario basý been pushing for a second airport, but that as far as he was concerned, the airport now under construction at Ste. Scholastique north of Montreal was enough. Wby ail the secrecy even after the decision was made about releasing details justifying the need for a second Toronto airport in Pickering Township? For the firat few weeks after the decision was annaunced authorities refused ta consider the release of details. More recently Mr. Trudeau has agreed that this information will b. made availabie. However, he bas not said when it will be available. As far as the Provincial Goverrnment la concerned Mr. McKeough has said that the province will release informa- tion when the federal inquiry ta hear objections to the expropriation of the 18,000 acres for the airport begin. Obviously, if the government bolds up publication of this information until the expropriation hearings begin, it ia preventing concerned citizens from having sufficient tirne to study the information and form their own opinions. Mr. Trudeau has said that Toronto area citizens7 should decide. They can not make an informed decision unlesa they get the facts soon. If the gavernunent dosflot release the facts soon the anly conclusion the public can draw is that the governinent does not feel-ita decision can stand up under close scrutiny. Why doms the government produce a map on which it designates vast armas as "noise lands" and then say that sanie tawns within this arma and very close ta the airport such as Clarernont and Stouffville won8t be noisy? Sorry. We don't bave the ansver ta that one. I amn aituated close ta tbe airport in the naise land If I soul years froni now at a reduced value bec- ause it ia knawn that my property will b. in tbe noise lands, wiil I be compensated? No. Does tbis mean that I arn forced into bearing a part lof the cost of the airport -- a coat whicb sbauld be borne equally by ahl taxpayers and flot just be indlvi- duals wbo are unlucky enaugh ta live near the site? Tes. la this an exampie of the "Juat" Society? Youtll have ta write your eiected representatives ta get the answer ta that one. Wby is the airport at Ste. Scholastique, Quebec more than 90,000 acres when tbe new airport at Pickering is 18,000 acres? The major reason for the difference is tbe fact that at Ste. Schoiastique the Federal gavernznent expropriated the noise lands surraunding tbe airpart. At Pickering the noise lands are not being exproprlated but ta use the governnment's words are "merely being placed under contrai ta guarante. develop- ment compatible with tbe airport." The value of many residential praperties within the noise area wili prabably fail because of the noise level and be cause of the strict zoning which does not permit tbe land ta b. used for industrial, commercial and other development pur- poses. The Federal gaverninent bas been very vague about whetber or fiat anyane in the noise area wiii be'campensated. The ansver seema ta be that they will "consider" individuai cases after the airport is operatianal in 6 - 8 years. If anyone in the noise area sella bis property before that timo at a bs because of buyers' knowiedgo tbat tbe area will be noisy, tbey wiii receive no compensation. Thus the reason the airport at Pickering is amaller than Ste. Scbolastique ls because at Pickering the nearby resident bas ta stay and pay the shot whereas at Ste. Scholastique the gavernment ls paying for the land it is partially deatroying. Why bave land prices in the North part of Pickering township substantially doclined in the last twa years? Land values are obvioaly arfected by a number of factors. However, one of the biggest reasona' for this declino was the announcement by the Ontario Government of its Toronto Region plan, which designatmd the arma as agriculturai and recrea- tionai. After this the Century City scheme vas halted giving people the feeling that the government intendod ta stick ta this plan. The plan for thia arma was thon reversed by the airport decision. Because of this reversai of plan the land can nov be exprapriated mre cbmaply than vould have berri the case if the provincial government had not previously announced its intention ta, keep it for recreation and agricuitural use only. A N SW ER S POINT X conit, d In the Intereat of establiiing a democratic dialogue, vhy doman't the' Government grant People Or Planes an equal amount (vbatever that may b.> ta produce 65,000 copies pre- senting an alternative point of viev? Hal Tonnant says hç vould neyer lie for the Govornment and I believo hlm. Before he entered Goverrnent Service ho wasaa higbly reapected Toronto Jour- naliat. Next Question: Can vo do any- thing about this propased airport? The Ontario Governnient supple- mont dated March 23 ansvers, ffRealistically, fia". The Toronto St ar headline date March 24th anavers, "'Airport can b. stapped: Trudeau." In language that is, occasion- aily used an Parliament Hill, somebody la inadvertently mis- leading the House. Sa you se. there are many statements but f ew facts froni Gavernment an wbicb ta, decide, the question. It vorks bath vays, you know. I could tell you that if ve have an airport bore a jet viii crash inta the Nuclear Paver Station. That would simply be a scare tactic, un- aupported by facta - though perbapa no vorse than the scare they have thravn at me by telling me, unsupported by facta, that I need an airport in my back yard. I cauld tell you that a DC-8 viii aomeday bounce dovn on a runvay, regain some altitude, start ta swing around for a nmw approacb, las. an engin. and crash fîve miles avay, say an the Pickering Township Building. Something like that did happen at Malton, but I don't have any facta ta tel you 1 that it la anything- more than a remote possibility bore. Came ta tbink of it, perbaps I sbouldn't bave mentioned Tennaftts name because the fact is that hels flot respan- sibie If vo get an airport W. vili be responsibie if v. danIt stop it. Lot me reminisce a bit, in- stead. We've lived in Bay Rldgea aniy a f ev years, but wereold-tmmers bere, ecalo- gicaily spealing. We can remember the trilluma and pinea that bianketed the aide of that bill nartb of 401 on the vest aide of The Rouge, godawful ugly hydro tavers snaked out acros the country froni the nuclear station. (Tes yms, I use mlectricity. Nov shov me the facta 'that aay it vould not be cheaper in the long, long run, ta bave burimd' them out of sight.) We can romember bofore anybodyl thaught of an airport for Pic- kering Township. We havn't reached the point vbmre the videning of 401 viii join it vith Higbvay 7 and Highvay 407 vhich in turn vil]. adjoin Runvay Number i1. But 1 have long had the feeling that there is a certain point In tuf., at which certain develap ments become inevitable. -Ita bard ta idmntify at the time, but aftmrvards, whmn it'. too late, w. looec back and say, if we had stopped it h= the final resuit would not bave mngulfed us., Since that particular point is bard to pinpoint, letts cal It Point X. For instance, the experts f ear that Lake Brio la close ta Point X -- the point at which it bas contractmd incurable pollution. Who knaws, maybe it vas one man, In one small cruiser erptying it's sewage, that wmnt past Point X in Lake Erie. The trick la ta hold off, safeiy before Point X, Beforo the die la cast and there ls fia way ta change the Inevitable resuit. Sure,it's hard ta, define Paint X. Lake Erie stili looks clear and blue sometimes - whota knov if itts dying? Suppose you see a deer in the voods. Yau might assume that v. haventtabat them al].; and that the species vili repro duc. and survive. But if it's the onlv deer left, you dontt have ta knov much'about canservation <or sex) ta know that the species is past the point of na return. It bas already passed Paint X. I don't knaw much about noise. If it is a precise science, the experts may be able ta tell us that 87 decibles will make yau irritable and that 123 decibles is Point X<Yautll be aut of your skull>. If it la not a precise science, Itd like ta stay an the safe aide of Point X. Pickering Tawnship is nat yet a paved parking lot. We stili bave sorne fields and trees and vo bave hopes of finding a trilliurn this year. It sarry. &part from the above observations I do nat have the facts from Government ta prove ta you that the pro- posed airport wili turn out ta be Paint X far Pickering Town- ship. I just bave a feeling deep down in my gut that this la 50 and I donft vant it here. ONTARIO0.. A PLACE TO w m w A R

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