Whitby Free Press, 13 Apr 1972, p. 4

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Page 4 WHI-riBW FREE PRESS WHITEYFlV f Pzý=cc Frîday EVENING 6.00 (21 -4') (7') (0 IQ') Î' D E(0S NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (?" QREACH FOR THE TOP ('C) QDAVID FROST REVUE " ODICK VAN DYKE <1>PIERRE BERTON-Interview (' (ltANDY GRIFFITH (C") (¶)HODGEPODGE LOOGE MC) aiOZZIE AND HARRIET C) MAKE MINE COUNTRY (CI) QWEEKDAY (t) (7>(~ASC NEWS>-Howard K. Smith,, Herty Remuons, C' CD WORLD IBEAT-Jo. Marlai?,(C f NEWS, WEATIIER, SPORTS (C) CeS NEWS-Walter Cronkîle(C ~»PARTY GAME (C) à DATELINE ;GUNSMOKE (' (q FAMILY AFFAIR(C) CM )MAGGIE-Ex ercla.(C' CD JONGLERIES MATHEMATIQUES 6:45 )(M')PATTYDUKE 7-00 Cn 1I DREAM 0F JEANNIE (' >UNDER ATTACK C) (4)COS NEWS-Water Cronkite (" Cn M(J TO TELL THE TRUTH -aems (c") IDo LIONS ARE FREE (C) B~ RADY DUNCH(') (O)DICK VAN DYKE PIERRE BERTON-lnterview() ALL IN THE FAMILY eC SGILLIGANS ISLAND (p~' MR. WHATNOT COMMUNICATION AND EGUCATION SMUNSTERS 7:0C)PETTICOAT JUNCTION (g (,'TRIJTH OR CONSEOIJENCES (r) Q ff) (q ICK VAN DYKE (' oeLETS MAKE A DEAL (' ()DRAGNET (' <OARNIE (W' (J)WMAT' MY UNE?() IDADAM-12 C) (')HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (7)ELECTRIC COMPANY --Chudrsfl (e I FRENCH CHEF--Coolng SALFRED HITCHCOCK 8: 00 W' C' SANFORD AND SON * Q I~ IDROWANAN MARTINS LAUGH-IN (L%) (T') (M )OINARA. U.S. TREASURY -'ro.Dréa C)" r 1)BRADY BUNCH C" Q <) OVIE-Drwu(C -'Secret Cefernon1yý (Engiîsh; 1968) j» DON iÂESSERS JUSILEE ) (ID~ WASHINGTON: WIEEK IN REVIEW (P' IDLOST PEACE ^ VENGER$ (M) 8:30 2 C? ID OVIE-Woeuu C' -Hour ot the GmW=O IDOnD. SIMON LOCKE CC) (M )FILM ODYSSEY(C CE) SOCIOLOGY Whitby Legion Notes *Ane w chief steward has been hired Comrad e Dale Shortwvill take up his duties shortly. . The dance recently held for the Dis- aster Fund reali zed $ 70, thanks onl1y to ou r members support and no thanks ta the people who are putting in dlaims ta the fund. C Co mr ade Bob Johnson repor ts that the take for the $1,000 was a little low 1 a st month. The winner was Gord Mit- chel1 1 of Wthitby, ticket seller 'ias C. Ve 1 la. The April draw wl be held on the 29th, and the legion hopes ta have ail books sald this month. 0 Co mrade Ed Erush wants, everyone ta a tte ndc the Past Presi dents Di nner and Dance tabe hel dat 6:30 an Saturday April1 15. Tickets are $5 per couple, still available. . Once again the time has corne ta elect a n ew e xe cutiJe'. Your executive can onl1y be as good as the member s viho are el ected by yau to do the job. These jobs are becoming more complex every year d ue ta the r eg ulations and rules laid down by the Liquor ControI Board of Ont aria and the tax departments. It is i mper a tive that yauselect the right people ta da this. Think it over! You are electing people tohandle over l!'120, 000 in canteen sales, another $25, 000 in wages and $15,000 inaother branch a cti vi t ie s, if yauwant these things taken care of properly, then it is your tuyo qet out and vote on May 7. THE LURE 0F ANTIQUES by Noie Inram 9:00 QR) a 0(il) W TOMMY HUNTER (C') 4)(BO')MOVIE-Drama (cC) m(w ')ROON 222 (' CD UNDER ATTACK (' MGLORY THAT REMAINS ffTO SE ANNOUNCED -: 30 ( (¶OODOCOUPLE (C) SCHRONICLE 10:00 ALL IN THE FAMILY (' QMAIN CHANCE -crime Drame (C' M(M(~ LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE (CD. 0*(%) en F1C QHAWAII FIVE-O C' SDAVID FROST (' HAWAII FIVE.O C" (j)OSCAR-THE $TORY BEHIND THE STATUE C.) 10:30 (M' ROLLINON THE RIVER (" QON THE BUSES--Comedy (M' (g' (j MEET THE MASTERS (' CI)LAUREL AND HARDY (¶)WALL STREET WEEI< (r') (2)BOXINO C' 11:00 Es M Q co)~j (M ') D (B (0 ( IM W)NEWS. WEATHER. SPORTS (C' 11: 20 QVIEWPOINT-News Analyuia C' QNEWS. WEATHER, SPORTS C (J)EJNEWS, WEAT14ER, SPORTS 11:30 (' 1 JOHNNY CARSON (C') (43ICK CAVETT (' QTORONTO TONIGHT (' ?~MOVIE-Melodrama Casile of the Living Dead"- (French; 1963) '~ DICK CAVETT (r) « TORfONTO TONIGHT() i 7ERRE BERTON-Inlerviow C ,¶y. MOVIE-MYulorY >T ,ne Shadow o! tre Cal " (Eng;istl, 1961 114 OMOVIE-Ad venture ComedyC KairdoSôpO ' Enqlsh'1966, <OMOVIE-Or»a Odds Aganrsi Tomnorrow ['1959> 11:45 R) SKI. sNOWMOBILE REPORT C -j] MOVIE-ComedY A-Àrsenc ind OICLace - 1155 QMOVIE-Tripi. Fonear I Udri'e Yurn Vum Tree îCor'edy 1963) Jack Lemmon as a 2 -S.nc'uary -iDramna 1961) Wl- 3 Ngo: Withouî Sieep P(rima. 1952' 12:00 C3 MOVIE-Drama -payrnen: Doered -1932) An Eng-. a MOVIE-Doubl. Feature _C" 1 So Sig" (Dramna. 1953) The Ife 2, Three Young Texans - (Western, (Ul MOVIE-CoubIe Feahare '0' i Oaty of a kMadman - (Melo crama: 1962) 2, ,Tower of Londom- >Thriiê,f. 1963ý 1.00 jDMOVIE-Orama -Key Winess" (1960) PÀOVE-Molodrema 'TeBlack Scorpion" (1957) ')NEWS (C" oMr f the Phoenix** Engiist' 1957) of what the article was purchased for when it was new. On the other hand if there is little interest in an article, it may be sold only for pennies, or not ataîl1. The auctioneer acts as agent for THE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET=- "W. buy and seil anythini' 23 PRINCE ST 725-9183 OSHAWA Out in the wood lots the farmers are hanging their sap buckets on the sugarmaples. Shivering robins can be seen perched on the dried stalks of Iast year's flowers. Here and there around the county , the ant ique col 1lector'1s sign of spring, the auct ion handbill1, is app- e a r ing. Spring auctions are getting under way. Wrapped warmly against the loy wind, booted, hatted, chins tuc- kedintocoatcollars, peoplemove slow ly along tables laden with used house- hold goods, and walk around on soggy lawns looking at the furniture put out for their inspection Some people look ca-sually and go on their way. Others stay, having nothing more urgent to do for the time. StilI others arrive look- for a chair or an extra bed, or furni- ture for acottage and since most of the furnishings offered for sale are in good condition though used, sometimes ex- cellent buys are made. The Auctio»n An auction is about the most inter- est ing and enter taining means of dispo- singof used goods, that has ever been devised. Everybody loves a bargain, and most people are competi tive, so the exchanges are lively and frequently hilarious. lt is flot a means of arriving at a true evaluation of goods, because the value of any object is determined solely by the demand at the moment. If anumberof people wish to own an art- icle, the bidding for it will be brisk, and the final price may be far in excess " "The Carousel". Special Look 'N Listen value! " Big 20" color- picture performance, " Patented Electrolok auto matic fine tuning and Electrotint aUîornatc tint control locks in the best possible picture. " Firished in tough, attractive walnut vînyl. " Includes dîpole antenniae. $5 29a95 See this and other Elecrohome TV and stereo speciais now during Look 'N Listen Days 2 year worronty on off ports and SetylCeO Oshawa Spring and AuctionFever FOOD CALL THE ~~--668- 7021 ,ee "And [et Your Taste Be The Judge" 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivery Pîck Up orde rs. Fast Take Out Service 16SUNLIGHT. RESTAURANT 11ODNDAS ST. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR 918 Simcoe St. N. 723-3043 am IMOUSE of SPECTACLES et iLï .1 1 v v 1 v à 1 t-.i 1 1 1-,N L-_ r_- r- rl"% r- ZD ---> theowner and it is his respansibility ta get the bestpassiblepri ce for the goods offered, although the price that is off- ered may sometimes tax his sense of credibil ity. One auctioneer was !"e1li!ng boxes of books one day, one box had been disposed of for pennies and a sec- ond one was hel d up, he bidding picked up , the price rose even higher, the e xp re s sion on the auctioneers' face changed to absolute disbelief, he sim- plycould not believe the bids, picking up one of the books he held it upside down and shook it, then leaned over the bidder and asked, Il Now tell me, wvhywouldyou want to spend that much money on an old book'?'Il0f course, he wasn't enlightened but was simply told brusquely ta get on with the auction. B3y and large auctioneers are canny, imperturable people, eachaf whom have their own fol lowving among auction buffs. Onlo oke ru There are people who faithfully att- end every local auction and neyer app- ear to buy athing. They enjoy the sense of excitement and watching goodF, change hands and they meet old frienrIs with whom they embark upon long rambling conversations standing haîf way along a tabl e f illed with dishes and other things, from which vantage point they see everything and can effectively block aut the voice of the auctioneer, for t ho se people standing farther away. They f ind the fr ag ile fans and snap them open several times to dernonstrate the strength of thei r own f ingers and ta ex- d 1aim over the lack of durability of ELE OTEOHOME Look'N LiSTEN

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