Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1972, p. 4

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Page 4, Thursday, Fridav [VI NING 6.00 î21 41() (P ) O (aW 9) NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (CI OREACH FOR THE TOP (CI QDAVID FROST REVUE (0 QDICK VAN DYKE SPIERRE BSERTON-InI.rview (C) (111 ANDY GRIFFITH (C) (17) HODGEPODGE LOOGE (~CI 29< OZZIE AND HARRIET 63 iOC NEWS CC) QMAICE MINE COUNTRY (,CI QWEEKDAY (C <7j 'l ABC NEWS-Howard K. S-nith, Harty Reasoner (C) a WORLD BEAT-Jo. Id arîash (C), (0 NEWS, WEATHER, SPORTS (CI do0) ces NEWS-Walter Cronkile CC) fD PARTY GAME (C) (1)DATEUINE âUNSMOKE (CI WFAMILY AFFAIR (Cç) (1)MAGGIE-Ex.rclse(C WJONGLERIES MATHEMATIGUES 6:45 j PATTY D<JKE 7.00 1~ DREAM OF JEANNIE (CI QUNDER ATTACK eC ()Ces NEWS-Walter CroM~II*(C (Cr> CC TO TELL THE TRUTH --Game r<" 0OUW STORY THEATRE (C) ID' RACY SONCH (C) (W~ DICK VAN DYKE SPIERRE BERTON-lnl.rvîew ('C) AIL IN THE FAMILY (r,) SGILLIGANS ISLAND MN. WHATNOT f~COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION (UMNTR 7: 30 (]D PETTICOATJUNCTION C) ('3TR6JTH OR CONSEQUENCES C Q(W. q» DICK VAN DYKE C oeLETS MAXE A DEAL C (ID3 DRAGNET (r) *ARNIE (C) SWMAT'S MV LIME? (Z) WADAN-12 (C) (fT NOLLYWOOD SQUARES tffi ELECTRIC COMPANY -ChNdr.n ('CD *FRENCHl CUEF-Coolklog SALFRED HITCNCOCK 8: 00 ~1 (If) SANFORD AND SON a*(0 E) ig W OWAN AND MARTINS LAUGH.IN rE) W 1)O NARA, U.S. TREASIJRY -cieDame C C7) (W B RADY BUNC#l (C7) Ã" (0 MOVIE-Orama (C "The Si. Vaenines Dav KMaqarrn" (1967) W (DON MÃŽESSER'S JUBILEE (e) "13WASHINGTON: WEEK IN 12- R EVIEW (p) *LOST PEACE SAVENGERS MIi1:00 0:30 OUY(J)MOVE-Adv.ntsre ) "Deadlier Than the AMaTe-*l j» DR. SIMION LOCKE (r) (e7 FILM ODYSSEY (V) CD SOCIOLOGY 20 9:00 g o a(0 (Wt)EW TOMMAY 20 HU~NTrER cC April 20, 1972, WHITE3Y FREEF PRESS (4j) .)MOVIE-Drema (CI 7M (Ua ROOM 222 (C) EW UNDER ATTACI( (C CMGLORY THAT REMAINS WMOVIE-Adventur. (Ln 9.:30 <7) j31ODD COUPLE (CI WCHRONICLE 10:-00 QAIL IN THE FAMILY ) QMAIN CHANCE -Crime Drame. <c) ()(11) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE <C) *HAWAII FIVE.O(C WDAVID FROST(C IDHAWAII FIVE-O(C ~jMOVIE-Comedy ) "WatCh lte Birdiet 10:30 (21 ROLLIN' ON THE RIVER ) j» ON TIHE BUSES--Comedy(C C(10 I) MEET THE MASTERS C) (f) LAUREL AND HARDY (M7 WALLý STREET WEEK(C 11:00 e[Y 4) 0 M M 80 <(0 () D (0 P W( (MNEWS, WEATNER, SPORTS (C il1:20 VIEWPOINT--N.ws AnaI>rus(C QNEWS, WEATNER, SPORTS (C (I)<)NEWS, WEAT1IER, SPORTS 11:30 ()()JOHNNY CARSON(C r4 DICK CAVETT() Q TORONTO TONIGHT ) CrePMÃ"VIE-Myst.r "Homicidal," (1961> (N0) MOVIE--Crime Drame 'Code Two" (1953> 3"DICI( CAVETT (CC) QTOWONTO TONIGHT FrPIERRE BERTON-Inerwiew ' (1)MOVIE-N-efodrama *'Zombies-,ai More Tau." (1957) 11:40 CM> MOVIE--&Iyut.r "The Werewolf." (94 (a MOVIE-OI>am (r) "Legend of 'ý'e blot" (1957> s -43 SKI, SNOWMOBILR REPORT (C UVMOVIE--Coawdy(V "On the Riviera." (1951> 11:53 Mo#OVIE-Trriple FeakweC 1. "*Desiree,' (Drama; 1954) 2. "A Man Called Peter." (Biog- rapit>; 1955) 3. "'Jamboree." (Musical; 1957> i.u 0 MOVIE-ODouW* ei.ture 1. "flragon Seed," (Drame; 1944) 2. 'Nîck Carter, Master Deleclîve a MO VIE--Doubl a Feuris 1. "This Could Be the Nlahl.' (Comeciy. 1957) 2. "*Ralie of a Simple Man." (En- glish. dramna; 1964) 0 MOVlE--Drwmt "The Miracle of lte Beils."' (1948> 0 MOVIE-Dràma "The lnlerns. (1962> .30 RO MOVIE-Myster> "'The Red Hand"- <1960) 0 M'2 MOVIE--Com.dy "A Sligt Case of Larceny." (1953) M" MOVIE-Drame "Bride oi Vengeance." (1- q) ~CONCERN-Regon(c) Heard's Taxi 668-3732 Radio Equipp.d & Direct LUne et Amolgd's Market 115 Brock St. N. LOOk'N LISTEN " The Coret'- special Look 'N Listen value. " Crîsp 20" B&W Performance in an attractive portable. " Feaures wood-graîn finish. pre-set fine uning. big 4" speakerand dipole antennae. $1 99095 See this and other Electrohome TV and stereo specials now during Look N Lsten Days. 2 yeor werroity 08, 011 p.ns nd sefrvuce 918 Simcoe St. N. 721-3043 OshaWa FROM mani' D ABIRD'S EVE WIEW RATHER GO DIRTY As W. C. Fields put it 1 Ah yes, i remember itwvell'1. Actual ly some niàhts 1 have these horrid nightmares about it. 1 stil11 have a strong aversion ta even the weakest and most beat up iooking w as h ing machines. But then waul dn't you ? The whole thing started many years ago when 1 had just left the clutches of My motherfs skirt. A babe, barely out of the woods. And 1 had this hamper af dirty laundry, you see. To this day 1 swear 1 should have just gane around dirty but at the time i was stili young a nd i n nocent. WVeli1, young, anyway. Sa 1 said, "Self, you have ta take this laundry, along with a pocketful af change, and skip dawn ta the coin wash"l. Aithough we hada smailfamily of four we stili had aur own washing machine at home so I had neyer been ta a coin wash except ta peek in the door. Sa here 1 was, with my basket of dirty laundry heading out for new frontiers. 1 knew of a coin wash close by 50 1 figured it would be just as good as any and offl1went. 1 walked in the door with aMot.. IIS &Ms. - a &m. oli. nom.ula 10 P.0% 378'KhîgW. Odwa.& 72"- d01l Catch up iath the- leader D air AR SUN 1600 C 't 'Id I r q, r-,! r r- r, r t M.-H of il,, 1 r6, Da 1 1 6 C 1 NOW ON DIS PLAY ZOLTAN Mnd NICK5' 160 Simco. St. S CALL 728-0051 0,10"î 4/1 te, * I -1 m m u J/MQOUA Il my clothes and my change and al1 the ladies stopped chattering. 1 looked be- hind me thinking 1 had left the door open andthe ladies looked behind me waiting for my female 'escart' but the door was clased and the female lescort' was flot there. The ladies seemed nervous at this invasion of their domain but i thought, 'what the heck, they'll1 get used to me!'1 Now being of a sound mechanical background and handy wi th anything that is mechanical by nature, it didn't take me long to figure out hovv ta run the machine. There was this big lettered sign on the wall that must h ave cost a pretty penny - but who reads instruc- t ions ? ln went the clothes foillowed by, 1iet's see, 1 guess about three cups of soap should do it. Right ?, 1 said to myself.. wrongo! That dumb sign said one cup. B-utmyclothes were pretty dirty. 1 was wondering what a 'low suds machine' mean t. Sa in went the quarter and dlown. went the lid. Nothing.. . Perhaps' a wel1 Pl a- ced kick might doit. Just as i was pick- ing a suitable place to administer the biowv the machine started. 1 could hear water running inside the machine so 1 opened its mauth and looked in just out-of curiosity ta se what wNas happening. The machine ob- viousily didn't 1like the intrusion because it stopped watering. Saoi closed it up and stood back and gave ai the ladies my most disarming smile. After the watering stopped the mac- hinemotor started and everything seem- ed tobe gaing well1. Then the hum af the maotar changed ta a ciunk-a-clank, but th i s stage didn't iast very long. Har- rars!, the fool thing was naw growiing and ac tu al 1y jumping up and down! My f i r s t thought was that the machine did not 1 ike the taste of my greasy ai d wark p a nts, and then 1 remembered the s ign about the soap. i turned ta the gather'i ng group of l ad- iesandsaid, "Heh, Heh, machine seems aiittierestless doesn't it?"I The ladies didnot smiie back. And then it happen- ed! The ma ch i ne w as frothing at the for an hour. 1Iwatched the buiding, exp e cting the Fire Department or the Police or something, but not even a r e p a i r truck showed up, s0 1 f ïgured i twas saf e ta venture back ta the scene of the crime. '.,,,Continued on page .6 BESTAURAN~I STEAK HOUSE MON- FRI lOcam- Spm SAT & SUN lcm -8pm 668m2751 939 DUNDAS W. Whitby M.IDGET êMARKET Groct.ta V- Iidu OPEN 9 A.M. - 10 F.M. .7 DAYS BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBT 1 w 1

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